GAS OFFICERS MB8T •JBMCAK. News of the City's SchooiTl••• MOTHER DEHO;«- C. s*lla*M DR. W. P. HAINES wewswtae City s Schools | ni)IER SERIOUSLY ILL COH. NINTH AMD WKSLCV AV£ At th* annual mmlnic of tb* •fork- OCCAM CITV. N. J. bi'ldrra of the City, flae LJ«ht Com- RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? If niU> DAY FUTIVAL. pany. L. C. Rltcblo was -rlrctrd presi- HOURUBH*: <••••<•—1 lol p. m•. 'W torr :•!'• Tba object of the Beld day feat!**!, Mayor Champion Hfcara Saddent. The other offlcrm rbourn ar»-; Ball l-boo*."*) not, why not? They give three times »*:i'l v|*»-prcaident ana ir*ai«un>r. H. C. CKyVTwat OM to ba bald by Ibe school children Wad- News Jtut Before Cot-amis- -..——. »iwdMUn Maaasaesod Matey afternoon. May 11. U 10 pro- ComriiveOymiiaatini HwsUlan llonamau as much light as the old style Carbon lamps mote sociability u wen u for recrea- DR. FLORENCE B. HAINES — , City High School tram tion* aa It bring* the teacher*. pupils. Hla many friend* fipirssrd their J J. Lyona. Jr.. of Drlmnr. and Li-win for the same current consumption. IM W Pleaaaamne Hlga la»t rtMu parents and Wanda once a year Into ?~l> """pathy to Mayor Champion i Thorn, of Lakrwood, mvr* i> lor ted dl- ' - Hof n by ApiKMntmeal OCEAN CITY : atata* to the cut debate under the Tn d r ri-cior«. The other dlh~rtora are I. C. social contact, so that they may ba- 'f " * *""> «•>*» >«••">«« that hi. I OvfcAN CITV, M. J. "' <«ftkaKataa»lpier-B< coma acquainted with practical metb- motbn- Mn- Harriet B_ . Champio..__.;R'"n -nle. H. C. Srhanxr. Jr.. A. D. Ma- _ Aaaociatlou. Ailboagh wlfe of Lorenzo D. Champlnn. had' loney. Tho». J. Thorn and Jamm Au— OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE ods of physical training. Uoar»~*-I0a. m , r-s pw m VOLXLL OMaa aty loet. erery on* Interested Tbe teachers and the phyalcal di- died that mornlnn si her home at M«r 'In. of Atlantlo City Electrlo Company OCEAN dTY, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1921. "'-Ai f«b that thla to no dlahoaor. hat lnrector are patting forth every effort to mora. a xhort dixtanri- from thl* re-1 Thi> company la upending about 17".- Allen CorsoD, I. D. • decide the last*. Their aad prove to tbe nchool amhorltira tbe Monday. | MISSIONARY SOCIETY MKITINO. City Now Jorsoy ' tmi dsdaloa In favor of the neitailvr _B«I1 * value and necessity of thla field day let- Her death l» tuild to ha\e h*«-n due The monthly me.tinif of the Foniiro ' JOUt-MI.U |J) A. CLUB HOUSE HERE TO Ordinance Authorizes City LEGION POST GIVEN *aa raadared oo tka grmmd that tlval In connection with physical train- to old ace and worry over the rnndl- Minaliinary Society of the Flnt M. E. WREN READY FOR Company Not Against Sale PssaanfiHI* had* a belter anajoement ing work. Each child I* made to feel of hi-r hunband. who-ie d<-aih has William Maloney a* a-Mlerlal aad upon their dellvtry •i-ipi-cti-d at any time dunnx th* |JKKSCHKI. 1'KTTIT, M. D OPEN MEMOML Mr that thla Held day la inititnti-d for hla ,<;n(T. on the Iloerdwalk. below Ninth City Garag( Paving Bond Issue of $78,000 BACONS GIFT OF$1530 HELDJtt FESTIVAL - WkUa Ihere are many who fall to seeor bar apedal benefit. The children U»t month. He rnl at hla home a I MM ei. The leader of the i-n-mm: will 1U BE HERE aor WESLEV AVE. of Auto Bridge and Road •a-SBaas*rsw.aaB thla In the same light, the team and month nro and waa bndly hurt. Hi- IKbe Mr< Ralph L flofl. Auto Electricians are orged to take part In nome way In OCEAN CITV. NEW JCRSCV C. L. Cadwallader la Prctldent UM rapporters received thi- defeat well. ••bout tin- name an* a> hi» »u*- Boys, Elated. Elect Donor Bora and Girls of the Public either tha games, dance*, drill* or the •lHlr.> • -.. lu .. iu. Speedometers Repaired, Batteries SEVKNTH AMD HAVMN AVK. Major Mortals City by far excelled iu rtp-athletic events. Mrn. Champion whs born at Penn- Pflblir Kalif*. of Traateca of Ocrmantowa Plan to Clean Up Temporary Officials Say There's Repaired. Presto-Lite Storage OOMAM OITV. ttmm jmmumv Honorary Member of Their 8choo!s Will Have Big Time PIIHIB ^wn-ft tfoaeats la argament. This U aim-edl The program will be prlnrnl nanvllle, N. J. and wan married when «hi* OrgaaUation. Improvement Notes on Next Wednesday. Impression—Bosweli Gives ^aa by all thoaa who beard tho d* I week, wai about 10 year. old. n»-*.Id«- the Tlw lollawiDv nm \c+ wu r»*l si |B» »| Batteries, Acetylene Gas Appliances BOARDWALK LUMBER County Rallies. TAXPAYERS' LEAGUE Athletic Csnlr*. J.«V*k' Ir nieHinao* in- i iiy loiuisl-alofxn Mon The Oermanlown rjojra' Club of N«-w Aaphalt Street Work. His Viewpoint. bats. It la true that Ihe speaker glv-l boabasd and Mayor Champmn. theri' (fay, April II: UIIIoFllnui- 1''iT; Tin- boyB of thi' Ameriran lA-alon The (hllilrin of tin* pulille HCIIO 10 a III. L. IV. MILLER Janwy Jwld IU annual miM-tlnn Wi-d- The *ratlre N. lac tka rebuttal (or the negative eer | OAVB OPBRBTTA Is anothiT >on living—la-lle Cb»a .. . Treoloo. Acrtl i. |«J. 3307 Atlantic A venae The Clly Cnmnilmiliineix. nt llu Ir uaihi-n-il at Tiic-kiihoo Tburxday eve* of Ocean Clly are not irmly anil nnx- Om* of tho offlcluls of the Ocean City 7 tu • |>. III. f*eTOr*e7farOe» nosday aXternoon at the office of Nor- Cadot Corps, of tafcly had a tna flow of woids. bat be plon. of Cape May foiirt Hou«-. , Mon. Joevpto u. «- Ibwnl it TKLMPHONM. BOS IngH Ordlnnnce Nn. l.'fi. aiiihorlilni; «.f i-;i|«. May County. Ktlrred that old I-V^tlva^' to be In ihe nil! tow daya ago that (hero appears to _ J ctilldraai Puhllc Lunij <_vimiolol.o.r. lo larorin >ou JOHN H. WIIITICAR. M. I). Phone 23SJ saya tbe Oermanlown IToy»' dob bold Us eneamtaktat «m tht . kT Ma oppaaeats. aa did the tpeaker wirali. y»ara ano. Ihsl^r .111. al a ma*lln(i.. i- Mi.I b> II at Expected to Arrive Here In a the IMHUO of bondn nf the rlty nf Orejin town a* It hail ni>v«*r been Hllrri'd. and bull park on Wednemliiy. May 11. un-Port and Hicks at Hearingb<< a wrong imprt-aalon rcsanUnf; the grounds, at 8Utb News ot April 39. Th<*> inn-ling waa Clly In the aKKregaie 1nlnrlp.1l am- •Mac tba rcfoutlon for Ocean City Th» children of the aeventh tirade of Mrs. Cbaaiploo's funeral will laki S». l»X. al lOSl •- ni . rVlj for Ittar.'iia lii» 717 WllltT AVCNUC • \ O'I hx-k. «hile Ihe The bridge company, la In no way op- V»ry Irqlr idara, il1. Marriott C. Morrla. Horatio C. City Engineer \V. II. C'olllaaon In ForniiT Judct* Tr»-ac>. of Ihi* Slnlo •boot S Wedaeeda* tatkia debate. Ba was Ine best speak building Thonday evening, under the Tb* Interment will be al deraide hoard for final panniiKe Munilu>. May!>niinK nun, I1.a1l.1l by a band frnm'samea. drill* and dame* will Mart In .njT tbo propoalUon to remove the A. II. BAI1I1KK. Ocean City House Cleaning Wood, t'hsrlps C. Wrlxxlns. Henry T. formed tho City ComRilimlonerx at t'utill* 1 tllliy <*uintulio*foD. In tin- clt> 29. Ii Is planned by »• the negative, taaomnch as htdlredloo of Mlsa Loolsa T. Corson, tbe Cemetery. |\VIMUOIM1 1l1.1t pl.oi-U mletilona lliai'ihe nlurnoon nt l.l.V The nienifxrM toll chantcn. HAIIIIYA MuKHlV DR. CHAS. H. VAIL Brown, fli-on* Wllklnnon. Henry their meeilnR that tbe lumb<• rai -1 in bo^IPIH-.II to e\i ry- i.-U hlimded AnKTk.111.!"' the. Il mixnury All fif Ihe nix pn-*i*i fiom the coi;niy|etH and pupilri are IIIIIIK- IIH-II uiiiiont •Thp offlci-rs and dlrwiom of lio All of tbe children did exceedingly FISHING CLUB MAN OIES. if*"0'it .'""*• «'l's<«alplil«ullle» wilt rl«an j^nr btAml. boanlma bnnaa. private TTiIiic^nth tatm*t has bwn nhipped iiMn o( ihf Ocean I'liy S*-WIT t'oni jfBclala rrvlew iba mtut^m, oftlre.ormiuliuiic youbAveu»«f««ii. • The election of Iruatera rt-aulled as improvrmi'Ot nun-. IXMHU l>> III>- illy I lay other member of the ne«a- well and deserved tbe applause of tbe UI-II- well repre**enti-il. The aenlee-'n make tInH day a ni|inn*4. They b<*- rrun City Automobile Drldxe Com- B-fnjamJn Straua. a n«.mfc^r t.f thi- a* rnac#37VW W«farnl»t>avtr7ttil&s'. Ju*l Bl«« tl« Hi* Joh. I followa: C. L. Cadwallader. Marriott C.1 from the South und ia due In Phllade! (KIII> and tln> t'ny \Vutrr Com- ts iniry into Ocean City, at < . Waloul am we do ib« not. AII work auaraotMd. w. durlliR the lanl two >t-ar^. Tin M- ICMI- lm n tame frniii Oiean City. WlldwooU.'lii ve HIIH Kill tx- the IIIKUI-NI Kchonl piny have orti-n-d, an slated publicly birre aiawnoU.0 of friends. An«ler»" firhlng flub of Or*»an City will[do It by UM rauusct or 3»j. Ul u phln not latiT than today. The con i>. uhli h coriMiraliuiiM uir unklni flail. • I City waa reprncnted by Msl- Ulvn u. • alorrls, Cbaa. W. Dalnbrldfti-, Horatio porury Impruvi'im-m nuh * »<•«> li^ut-ti !•»!>•• M.iy. Ciijn- .May Couit HOIIM*"'en-nia of Hie Mar anil ihai no one imd to Iho apecial commlllra of tho Tboaa taking principal parts were died at hla home in Philadelphia and , trartnra expect to hnvi* the lumber In IIH- Shin- io |K*rniti an luniuni> in ily> One of the featnrea of thaj I Anaita. captain: Mlaa llel.-n Ma»- C. Wood. Henry T. Brown. Erm*>i L. to pay lor tlic Hin-t't lni|>r. iho propirty of tbla cam- Mildred . Lannra, Mildred Cilchrl.t. wa« burled the Utter p»rt of U-i , Woottoo. Harcourt I Sttelman 7jO Wast Avcaoa Ocean Clly by May if. The work of liiitn (hailed by twilh rorffeuiur* an «nt will be"the draaa vr J. Prescott Cadman, Jr. limwn and T. Edward Ilanrruft. A»bury avenui' and on [K)iil»n» of tin- \i-ii-ran>i frnni Anmn-Wittkiiiiip-. ln-auillul HII:1II. uith nenily O.HI pupil.> lmny. known na ibe nummoblla brldaT, «•> aUfwd Heater aad Ewne Haller Mildred Eaakin. Koxle .*telvagii. Elixa- Occaa aty communing lhi> lUiafdwalk ahnuld bo i liH-niM ot li-miHiiary rtlltf. He had tx-^n In ill health for ta\ After the annual mi-ctlng ih.' trus- Kixhth. N'lnih nna T*'iiih »u..i-. 11>• - 1 i.lvM-ll I'IIKI, n( Tutkahix*. In making airanueil ii|--< ami Klilx ipnlng. The cadeta will aa. alternate. wMIe Pleaoantvllle Iliib bcla alacUurrsy. Margan-t Smlib. LAW orricca Sflf(«WM IS Hill Phnoe, TVW ni it rlcun* much bt*|ow Its present coniplrli*d within n nhoit tlmi* afliT coat of which «UH at I..i-i 17.'..'." 1.711. Ik*.tUi-i* ul ilif^f nunilwr uf In their new dresa -onUarma. waairepresented by Rudolph Krurher. Margaret 8lpple. Emily Plit-cl, Rob- JONES. ROUEKS A BA55EU. tees ontanlxrd tor that year. Thi< elrc- 1M- 04 < nii-iiiuratil**.' iu iilli-riial«> ID*-. Hit' ^n in «hiii- i;ihif. nnd bavo maintained Ibe suuno wuh hla hrother, a munufaf turi-r. lhal date. according to the nnllnunri-. «hfrli a|>- i .(HI-H iM-forr tU«* IMMitl, ill*- uillli> Imllar lo Ibe uniforms **wt*1»: Mtaa Jessie Drown. Irwln liriiimitnaiii law EaUta al Mark Lake A. U JUNU*. Mans,(er lloo of offlcrrs rcaultrd an followa: 11M- UIK W.IH held In the n<* !di«'.-^H. uhil.< tin* l«i>« will pualiliin fium Iho day tbls proposal ert Gordon, Harry Adams, Frank Cro- Mr. Collluuin wanted to know If II i lakliiR l*»- Major Morgan stavtca that ta Mae Marguerite Enillah coached FIRCMIN HAVE RUN rr. Marriott C. Morrla; anrriary, of Ihf 8ENTINKL I'o-t. Th«- in\CH.iti«»n Wa- hy ihu !•.«•*. j •>• nd li^'tu fit dark rulon-d iiuuM-r». fer. funeral Director portion of Ihe Boardwalk to be rebuilt ilinoiiy a hit unit; in .umintt-nl.-* In NotwnhMonillDK alatcments to Ibp Ion to ihi* encampment, tha oorpa a»>_ Tony Taccarlno ui neinnu .il.l.. HEADQUARTERS FOR Chaa. \V. Dalobrldite. Thr board alx> p»j-»<-.* Uf ih<- I..11 Tin- lii^li -* Imul uihlulr , V.JIIS ulll runtrarj.wri. Invltx Ihv uirious cunsid City aad certainly produced a ABBOTTS' a week or m before Ihi- arrival of the prcts to have a big tbae ta tka mat MIRK PROM CAPE MAY. 009 Central Avenue The raecutlvt* cummlttiM-. which la i*ocond rvadinc Ordlnantt- Nn. !-'•'•. I-H- AiniTii-jn Ia4-Kiuii nun In ihf Kiitla-i-1 i.ikt* pla'ct* on ihc* north and *<-a nltl*n iilnn of thi* Hiat.* HlRhway com v*aty bvarahJe showing. Mlaa Sady hi nf . lumber In Ori-un ('iiy. I lit* (xtllllJUH «)I Ihf 1*41 |(HU| CttUl- paTlllnn. Bonday, July t. Tha I Maria eoacbad the Pleasant-rille team. Judge Eldredxe. Clly Commissioner ANDREW C. fiOSWELL chanted with ihe duly of conducting labllnhlnR a ».inll;ir> !•«!.• in 1)11* >H>. um. «*> *« r*- Iruia MuiK-un-IIiinck J*o.-i. '»' ill*' fli-ld. and tin la.iinm.u uiadi> •"Ion 10 luku up I hla matter on uel r.-nnintion. in Th.- <.f Ocean City • New Jersey Buicks The board decided that It would bo ni> lour houra* notice, and wo aro nellrnbunr * Co. Cadet's But ot I T-waJadgee were very capable mco. W. R. 8beppard. Luibt-r C Ocden. Alderney Dairies the Vacation House at Ocean Clly, Thla ordlnanc** nlxo a|ijM-ar>« in lull of Oi« .11 Cn>. Kivt* ni II. better not In move alone thin line be- II olif U( lilt- ! ODIUM uf lllC U-MIMIUQI In pnnitlon lo pass Illlp to loo entire loci-n win give coocarta ta tha aa- twnftf then being from the Huiier. president of the Cape May Count uraed In un aUrm Jl h.n Law Offices AUTO EQCIPMCMT Philadelphia and Scubora lor wblcb the New Jersey corporation In lht> udv*-rt|plrm fnlunin- of iln- .in-* in ili«- .iKh.intjUiK'* Unkitl the datki'l" Ih Id. During tli<- .ifurnoon i-ttT- |no|» riy und nukv rctilcmcnt at onr<\ presidest of the Cape May County fire- fore uhlppinjr nollre wai« received of Iiy »««littioi» of Ailaiiiu ( Hy, in ihi> lion In the aftemooa : Chamber of Commerce. 8amuel B. El men KOI i ih<- hon-. «nhin • f.» Master In Chancery Dodge Brothers' Motor Cars 1* ontanUed. was elected aa follows: SKNTINKI- d.t>» ol 'til wild thoiM* nit it (ly e&jMr-'< !-><-*. It 10 ap4-rl.ilorM iirr ri(|Ui-M(4il lo II halt timli'rMjntlinK, and lhi< bonda to bo hai day. under the dlrcctloa *sC VnC dredge and Henry Rthfd ll nilnut.. il (lie »..-. C. L. CadwalladiT. Marriott C. Morris, liliiTiur Canii>lx-ll ri|>uriMl ihu ihi' ittixl in Hi-- Morld uld*' war. < t up) ilu- iiurlh. HI -1 .md -0111I. •.nil- professor of economics; lrv-|dndi.iuun) lu tiolh ri-ilrt-d ut IIH* aaiui* lixzn*. as acri-«d ohn A. r.irrnll. Tbera will alM t* • . tac BUI, proAMaor of hlaiory. aod|c- bnndholdrrs. coarrrt in tlw afternoon or afaajar. TkaadO)* Briacberboff.captain of the tended the funeral aervlces of Robert Henry Ward. Thomaa r. I'olia and IUj.iMl»alk. rrr.nlly tilnun rinwn l.> .f Hi. irhi M. K. thuith. ot Hii« iii>. <-d loi tit*- pariu ||>.IIMK i>u|>iln and IV. -. FROSTS INJURED FRUIT. Ocean City, N. J. tie^>. It wu-i fnund necrii*ary. it wan H.ii-. JudKt- Tn at > hililly Kuld that "All ihf nn inlM-rn of the Duaid ot y Ih.' Hni Mi-nburn Choral Society at I Chaa. W. BalnbridKr. hi-a\> »lml-*. IIII* lit • n \>m IKM k In ] statgara debating team. Judge c. c. •Oaher. lu- Ii »w.iki r, jinkt^l how m.(ii> ol it -nt In TH The '\«-r< (>••* (]• hi in 1h.1t ri-cinm ol tbln company ba%o a J. A Surkhou-.-. ,iii«-n 1 1(0 -rolci-s. led by Prof. Henry i — -•-™ " ' -^ ^^ -•^'•••^Va' •••*• * art ws*v Motor Parti Repair Work Battery Service Htated. to have the lumber m-nt by |iOHllli>n In yiMMl inntliimn. ht-.• wtiuid »»i iu 4 «iiiirr» nt«*. • nii-r Inii-rrnt in ibla cily and •»<• •taa. of Atlantic Clly. acled as chair- I'iip^ May <"ouni\. *-a>*4 lhal b. Arranjretoi-nta havi* bren made 10 It*- TH*-UI> i nuirki~d 0111 with wlm* "hanrt.r. one of PhlUdeipUa'a BUILDING IN BRIDOCTON. from Ihe South. lli"iV.m It, fort. Ji , ^r«>id* nt. nnu o »iir<- ih<- aiorkbolili-m aa wrllftban ••a Of tb* decata. Olfcajf JyUtm •*** HtMWl Abbott's "A" Milk open the Germaniown Uoy»* Club Va- Thi' report nf <*u> l:ii•<• rph nici-ln-. with a 1 hi 1 k ».*l ."."> **i-re In ihe om 11 undml and filMll-.) .il ti> i II. (III.Ill 1 *ll > (i i I.i - tuuih of the fruit in icia louui. .d MOTOR SHOP CENTRAL GARAGE FANCY DANCING j..i>*n' A»MMiaiu>ii t«I building Ova houars on ti.» old Meat Furniture renor-Hed. oil j WM R. HUGHES & SOI. PH1M. Cream Buttermilk' onlloa Uay. ArTanjtemrnla ran b« for fi-t'i* durlnc Die month nf Ai>nl. K.IIIIII tnth. in uhuli *AIie Un iiiajuri- ira ny. ui iiati-d tM*furi*. an aoon as tno Injury. A.m.. -.anei,^. ,,f »,,, O.ned .n.1 te-m-ml; t««it VH-DVOOD, N. j. Inr of uu. ,uui^.. lenia are being perfected to ' > ot Ihe town. -Jersey Uaillute tract in Drldgeir.n. il-.c... OCEAN QTY.N.J. made hy ibose who wlah lo laki- a wait 6nt**rt-d AU-d anil \h>- iiutjicy lurn- • > nl the men liujn l'a(M* May roiiuty. II tl <• Wl'.ll ler in ilur.ivui. I.I. -. llu ii;ii. I-. in {Hialiion lo act In ibo mat- p»-a. hi • .ind rhi men *ht>-* A ln'al i K 1 ddof ign aol ihi Mi. Ken, pioii-.-tlin^' .i^.Uii't tin- pn>-lor." o-rcanion a general ontlng tar th* . Tbe work Is being done fur the bridle- aprlsc vacation nr for n.hlnu. aelas a'-anaa**! Her* kt OUT to Cil> Tri-.-u-iiii-r Cl.inlK*- S Dr. llaiulley niadi' nne •if h •• uiiual event uhi hi- Sunday there win ba IfKailb nesasl •* ^.-Jm ^.t k — ~~ _ . ai ..A f"KH*La;—(in* Haod Power Mau SURF LAUNDRY A rhildren'a cUus In fancy danclnc i-.iiijt -. -.ud that h«- ».i« DUI onl> linn Tka CIS o'clock "car of Ibe Hhore*| * <"*«»t need of homea for new fr» •perulty. Shrrwin-Wr.Iiam* KH-i been arnuuted. The ratita for the Thi- noon of City Enslni-i-r (olll»- hy ihi- II* *•. H. S. Snyder lu>li r .1 Iht* The [*.III nl- .md in. nil- .iiiJ •- pu alliiuds of ihssuto brtdga company. 1 11 gle, J-l mcb on* Haud Power -a • ntri^i paint ni-r-l. I.esu >^J. i- a it.ila^ir. but ulx» a* Ihi* n-pn- •robably 1200 otUke gneUeabar* I 929 Ocean Avenue p**-.. ,^j Ocean City. N. J. at-atue poelnff. and pantomime. Jias »on, on the »trn-t lnipiuv*-ni« nt.-» on IU IH' |.|.- . nl emblvman A. C Boevall, of tbls '•Mat Una out oTlhls city Friday e.eo-l* " *- Decorsllon Day party will tx< ^*ir»t I*i .-«b>it run Churrh, ul—«-hU p.N ar * ur^.-J an.l all Or can rlty. •»*tal waablng macbiu*. Appl been opem-d in Ocean City by Mrs. • iiiaii\t ol ulbt r KUiiiUit-r ettujm*-t* cllj. astd: "It lsi|ulle oootaaaodaole GOOD WORK. QUICK SER' "- per day. A*hurv avenue and paru nf Ninth ami n> nnd ih.ul.i.n nr Uol.a leliallik an- -i - inil i,| .i i.l.-.i-.n - fc» w«•«•a aaclwaaelud to overflowing. 7„1 M., Hotel Biscayua- »d>. Ii R. O. HAMPER ii (>t * all I'll). Lurt-utx rjt u( ihi* irj^Ui*. f.,r I hla company to lake Itas a-UJlude A» la>l >ear. there will ba a HAD CNJOVABLC EVKNINa Cora 1! Viola, of the viola School of Truth «trt>> iiidcnd til<-«l I -Mac aboard when the or 421 Mart A*a. I1..I. »hiJ l!l/| 11 .-.-d 1 1 III-.he.11 era Th. ,n,-Ian r.iiinu - It did, riceptlog lo ooe particular. Iba ' athl-MIr evrnta by the Tb* members or Un. E. A. Corson'a UUNORV pJoW OPEN IKtnclns In Atlantic Clly. and former Tin- H*-»i-r -t-iniipan), ln H" tx-tttluu By tha lime Pte-asanivtlle Oca-aaCJtjr, IS. J. MOBB 1VOT8 SOU) Mr-illh OOnr T. IJT A

    Ocean City State Bummer I have built for a large number of people and could refer yon tu -mbl> h.ill of tin- i linn h t.mi«.[M'V. Moihi-rx' und ll.iu^hli-r»' I>.i> «I1I ho Water Compan- y was then beard-. Warren Smith, an at»l«t.tnt flr-rhl- f TkaiMaa-s St aaa aOan aw. • fUD Reupholstcrinf lo»«. Convenient CotUifcs L'l>-U>-lJ I bar afBtsl brldr. KUH dii*»iii4-d In -r«-llow KcorR- ..It-t-i v*-*l In tin- l'r«-)*b> ti-rlun Silnda) IKSI Still l^mK |)l-l»i . r I'lMilir -J.U. M ' Scaaol wm kasla Its sessions Uooday. The company petitioned that II "be |n Ocean Cuy. .aid rhi. »itn-~- any or all of them. vi-nlnK. Tlikol^. »hnh ,-iri- 7.'. *»ni.-. BCUI an, i J. U- lUtM At-fil 1. 1 ">,'!. ji».J rti*- rrc[k**. a pok*'* bonn**t uf naiurMl S. h.M.l ami In iho t'lulxitun Kndiavur TIU1. K i-KUVI' K Jaaa ST. • aulhorUed to add lo Ita bills ror water >., summoned to »ho« JU.I rir.» nm< )• NOTICC Send for the list of names and photographs ol tbe house*. [ Theo. F. Hildreih "^ straw and r.irrl*-d a. bankt-t of rfiM>«. n- rM-llinK rapidly. Ii sill IH* a r. .il naaillaill stores are being lmpror service beginning June I. lail. and ihe city l» p«>ini: lor fir- h>drant» in H f j •<-*>!»« tJ «).rwafti I&Aft \j J., ; M>-M Sillula> and .il»o in Iho * \*-liln^ J. B. THOMSON & SON •/U.L ) ivai Hwl* 'Htifsj bfltar '. . Inni-r. and no un** KIIOUM ini»» it. (io..mi*-.-uhig Ur. Sn>dor »lll pn .11 h Electrical Contradtor •si la anartor looks before being open uaiil the further order of this com- comparison with the rona£,r» Mr (^.•o.r..sVg • AlrKiAlIT b> tW day or fc Oeorge W. Harris FOR YOU jAwning* and mission, an emergency surcharge of rio.well said that h* f-el« ih- ry> OTIS M. TOWNSEND .1- b< at nun. ano>th«* u*h*-rs were Hrnxjk arly. a »imum lur thW iKt.i^lun. Si*-* Ml EXPRESS as for taa smjanar. "'I Jam*—. 0 YftunK. Jr. Sm- twenty per ceoL upoo the net bills aa should not be bordt-n«l with in,- rr" FLONIDA O -tONCS Contractor. Builder ROGER BRITT OCaUH CITT, uill b< -i:-.- at tn.lll uf 11.* -I- T:j WKIT AVK.MK (House Eumishings OtOcc: HXJ2 Ceaatral AvtMMM , now rendered, excepting those Urge pou-d Inrres^e •UtlMPtOD awl a. j. .••nir-». t-r.n I tly, N«w Jrr.«3r OCEAN CITV. N. J. Ocean CITT m.jui and Jobbing •ta St. OtaniM) P. 0. B U I LD E R T Waltnn and \\ m. lUwk. of N»-w \ork. ATTENDED CONVENTION. >ur |>rirs»an- Ixivs^t prMsibla rnn.M*ut wllb Uood Work aad Bast Material customers who contract ln advance for, \|r Fort sited for full ron..dera iw. «av VIOUN TEACHER | Aftrr a wt-ddlnK trip thitmen th*-* W. W. Hniltb. iin»niith. nf ihu ilt>. lian 1.000.DOO gallons annually: Uc,n |Or >he rortace.owners «l>ni*ssila d l*/«SMr*rtM«l%«- l.rMsrsie. John 0. Denote Strf. it 415 MOflC AfUUt ilond**d thi* r«-t n.niti aad a surcharge of forty per cent.I Judee Treary said that ihe romn.l. Z m AtMiut i«ri»i> of lite menitiers of the ATUKTKriCE COMPANY X W. Seitaer. at Pblladelphu. was upoo bills for nre serrlce. which, nn- ,if, will a-ive i-r,n»idersilnn to all in i oi r-n>*!ioojn>oraav»c»m«mt* at Monlrlalr, N. J. «*linK of Ihe rti.itnrM-r of ('uiniiii n »• Lawrence n. Lear JOBBING CARPENTER fjsajss Ike visitors hare Friday. n ATuumccm S • SWAN i. C.-TROUT l'r> Krr-«i|\r l^rsitiir wei.l tu ('a| e Ms> der Ihe present rate of charge, la rela- terests snd will try lo do ih.- f,iir thin.- JWrlUMB1W«rSAS SOLID i^>^»:.t .f I Mr Kfi-d 1» A»»Utant cociptrollrr of Iho 1'nlli-d Suii-> ul Alm-ri*.*. luUl Mnl.ilsy s-vritil.ic alii B-ol-lril ttir l*«-*- No Job too Lsxie, Ho Joe> loo Sassll TL. ..n^at |ho American Cipri'»« romp*.ny at Atlanlle City. M. Smith vu*> a I*"" "» Pnrriiin HOdDtaill ICC 6*4 Asbury Avenue 0c**n City, N. J. a fort. Jr, of Pniladelpbla. tlTely a very small part of petitioner's' lo all ronrernM I. r-»- Him <»f that ir*iit in orasioxii n Hoots dosed aad Oirasri . waa b> town Thursday, total Income" U-U*Kato from ih<* A.IHI.I- SWAN and TROUT Tht- brldV ha» »p*-nt thi- -umnn r Uin of Khc-t Mi-i.ii (II.ilia* toi - ul•I Ir.KU-* Illrte •lUlllsr III till* nil*- In aia Asbury Avenue (Jmstsa All Work a Fort. o< Philadelphia. In part tbe petition waa as follows: Orrsi* City. "Tour petitioner haa been In opera- NOTICETOUMITCREDITORS e>na.ciicai M*ai>onr. with her p^ifntn. In Ocean •hlladolphla. FumUho) . al The- *.f u-' ociaN ci-rv st j. EXHIBITOR for the • ,*• I u.1 ml riiy. fur M*vt*ral ><>at«. tion In Ihe clly of Ocean City since the (.n.i.rtxnt aHit,. a lb .*!.«(.. Uf >Jt4 , year UM. and daring all that time n BEATS 80MERS POINT. aBEAJDaLKW . of Csmdan. haa open' * ibi* Th.- 'taV. riC. -> — <1 • lIujIkuQ of DANCING **7 Berrnth street. tbere bas bain no Inervas* In the *>*f Harry *4. •UsssSMUsrs Mtlsli MrsMlsis. Sutur AVE you a culta^e, bK York Ready-made Ford Commercial rates charged by petitioner, but on The (Vean rn> <:r.,i..inar S< hool CKJ4«"« Os« * r»»<» U ~ T • m-vi- oa lie* BMttif'w .au.*r lir ir/'/isw-arn rn'I"* twny£\ TtM rrgalar monthly miHInt of tha ilni- ill f. ati-d ihr SIIIUI r. 1' Krtu-j " • ? **i i***" H or arurtmrnl to lurni^rif We Readinir Ooal tbe contrary tbe amount of water sup- A. U I-JI nr l«*l Body Aiss KiBdiiss Woo* br Mml m eassV >s»r. AdwiDta nd BUILDERS Its- It. 4.i Womeo's Hoau MMskuiary Hnclely of K. a, OoaT and wlfs. who were at CARPENTERS tl** tr<.t ID .!..» J- 1'i.^J in ..t-11 lar. Ihl. w.^ bv Ihe ....,.- of Hi in U v,n, A c/rjTi?}" "f have a line of vtliia I>IKI-*. WiiHluw iwiaaisanskst asU oe Catars*sst NOTICE! 1O4OAs>BURVAyCNUf OCCAN CITV N. J. «« t TtVe- art 4«bJ ..f ir«- ^1.1 «'.I, of tUran Tuesday aveolog al Iba bocna of Mrs. EAUSOC<> -)I2 UESIXY AVX. Ac inspection of our stock solicited before making 1W »sitsg «sf it-sy aivierr uf •(t>rtnvatl'4Jo llteMr ,lde.. ud ih. .i-i'Ui,,,. wire en-' ("tly lusitiul e-tl 1 1. Itl .• n».i 11.000 to 3!.000 gallon». Tbe rates I a»«J«IO*t llM> MUts) i»/ William AortersoQ, (tis Tblrd Mreel. -.hades a siwculty. of tbe Beiievoe Ho- now charced by petitioner ate as fol r -< bUM-d. I V/. M. Kl-SIMIM. \l> your purchase Din Bio* nvo, tits lro«n tt** , I'.JI. U'r.* ise. A full slteodsoca Is dsslrad. CHA8. E. AOAMS A. BRO. rs: nt Umrrb. A. I*. HT.I ••* tat. tata city, aaa returned from spead- •14 I* tar al - r- •quir.-d ty « g) • hill r^k, *0i«i tt itw If you have a cottage, Bungalow or on Apart- r Ln JJ( - tl-tu II- Baal IM—J J. W. KIRKBRIDE Camburn & Carwitben Mart**, at Maaiirlalr. have been taking er are allowed. Excess water up to OCKAN t II V T1T(K 1 TML'-T WILLI1U II. ('iUI'lll-UX. •.(.JUaaa «.laaui ataatlprasieaaldayssi taa tnscajme. 200.000 gallons la charged at the rale ment and if the price is right—we have parties A'i>s^ 11 /a> limt to gtl reaJy/jr Ike Scau>m p/ lyj* Old Turnpike near Shore Road PLEASANTVItXE. N. i Mawaaa T. MaUrr aad family, of of thirty cents per thousand gallons In excess of- 100.000 gallons twenty, ' A. un It III!*. Millinery and Gowns SUNDAY QEO. 0. AOAMS * CO. >. ICM-J ., hare raatad tae Lindsay who will purchase immediately. I*I Carpenters S>e cents per thousand gallons. The R the \« simple rca->on that ity CU IM Aaaory a»eaoe. lor Use M )Tirc minimum rate Is subject to a cash dis- we exjspec* t to keep on ao HOTEL FOR SALE - 4 The Whole Family Gin Enjoy * PUSHR1N6, RANGE SETTINB AUTHORIZED AGENTS la* 1 Ciingham Dresm in Attractive count of twenty die cents, and theLee «& Bourgeois F bu>inevs in your and our ^rtJ f j ii**)i'| |".j iiS _ i Latter aad wife, of PbUadal- Furnished, 27 Bedrooms. Bath, Good Location, rf-hsTt*J of (V•Oini I'-SO ti-f* *>f Ike in <*.lj \ UICK HTWG, tic. Etc rates for excess water are aab>ct to L. Leslie Headley Co. , m Dosgas. al an AltrartnY Price ara sasairaa a week la tbatr cash discount of die cents per thorn I town for *onjc lime lo conic J*i-fT. h-U <*u 1 he- All Work la Maaaa Uaa Praeapll.. All Metal and Diamond Metal . Keevaata street aad Wet- Carpenters and Builders ] we expect that when we install a Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located. *a4 -Ml br11,, rn IUII. far. J14 It tba rUtyeUBta su-set lU amount of bnlMIng In Ocean Clly. with Ocean Gty. N. J. run. U» ASBLTIY AVE. OCEAN CITV. N J 43 Asbury Avenue ' for »<>rue time to come. Ourpbone Ask " lljr rT " • *"" ~* llUlltV A UUllltH SUNDAY GAZETTE be result that tba total sales of water Joteeat Work a Specialty l, 2!s> K A U OCCAM OTY, N. J. your petitioner. Including metervd JOHN J. FOSTER . II. Cnt.i.iv aad wife, of German- service, onssetered service, and mu BCALTOR t^ A COPY A-^-. il. Am. •«« «•. •- To Wire Vour House aasra. hare rataraad to i resort tor nlcipal and miscellaneous aervicsassre JOA. D. LEE E. A. BOL'ROEWS HANS BURXHIRDT SIS BIOttTtt STBCtVr OCEAN CITV. N. J. r r. aad opened ibelr cot tax*. creased trom S3S.M4JO In MIS t/tli'. Ulllllili: dsUrca's dus in Fancy Daacaxg. Stahie Pos- Wm. H. Powell it»J3 la lttO. Owing to a present MMl Mswj aeaaas H Caaba! avetme. • l* »|I|I|S S4SU sts eauj tratrsl *.« ing aad Psaksaioe Civil Ea^ioccr aad Surveyor JL P. rarralL of Philadelphia, wall lack of new bonding and tbe general a».-w •ctM em. • i. COMPLKTK UaTIIMM OF aLL s DANCING 411 ASBURY AVENUE Ocneral Contractor taavm la Oaaaa City rtshlag Clob tendency toward greater economy EVERY FRIDAY AT 4 IJ 4 Pages of Comics in Color aVatss-, saaat a law days during tbe tbere Is no probability of say Increase VIOLA SCHOOL OF DANCING OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY •aak at fcja eottaca bare. in petitioner's revenue for Ibe current J. ^Villiam Morrison Grading and Street Bailtttsf year. s>iCiauii*Q tat mmortmt Nonn or BIMTH trncr ENTRANCE 912 WESLEY AVE. (Hold Lncob) Features for Everybody I aad Mra. Wm. MeCoach. BRECKLEY'S "Coder a contract wllb Ihe city of REALTOR W. H KJ.STNOM. sV Taatty Hani at, aaO Was* »»». ,-ila. rammed home early Ocean City entered Into ln the year Announcement The Big Amusement Guide MOU8M AND &ION fAIMTMRB • tkta wask altar apendlng a few 'days U*7 your petitioner supplies sen Ice Ocean Avenue Below Eighth Street s» tmair aMIua on AUaatic a' CUNTON l_ BRCCKLCV, PsiOP OCSAM an, N. j. through 117 fire hydrants al the rale Ocean City, New Jersey It Grows .Better with Age Kewly Mlird faint.. Lrad and Oil. . L. H. dark, of this city, baaof $30.00 per hydrant lor tbe first thir- F. LEROY HOWE B. F. GOETZ Manas traan St Petersborg. Fls.. ty hydrants, and KS00 per hydrant • The OsBcc of Halramanabl|». arsd Service tfji and U-JJ A-lur> itciiur. wSaww aa waa a wtatstr sojoonwr. He tor each additional hydrant, makuuc Aasorisled ••ta ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER TO SERVE IT amjag!, sssay alaaiaat kuntlng and the total receipts trom fire hydrant REAL ESTATE AGENCY 8PECIA.L, The Welsh Boat Works awMjaf Mva. service la IK0 ihe rano f tl.o7SO>> JOS. L PEACOCK Be Prepared Houie with three bnlrooms and attic, nectl-. some repairs, iarliiding has si prrsral for site IBs* lassssaaoa. of Ibe vast nUrs "In the yeau- Ult the petitioner's FOURTH ST. AND ATLANTIC AWE. Real Estate and pvmptag system expenses amounted to two lots 60'xioo' at Fourth and Wot avenue. (1,500 cash, fi.ouo TIME FOR SPRING HOUSE CLEANING IS HERE •Ssrafal tarca. kaa soaa to Pitman tar Ocean Gty Real Estate mortgage. Now ia. the Time to a a«at at a law weeks. Miss afarcae*- 1. aa abown by the reports on OCEAN CITV. N. J. 12 New Bank Skiffs Thi. a a 3-19 a Weitinghouie Company Ma> with ibis Commlaaloa. In the T>irty L«W Asbawy Av PUnt Privet Hedge ami there tie one lmndtc-J and one articles needed Car l*> a»aa>aa_la oa dxrty la her place, la Boats ma; be ma st DaUcbrg's slschtoe hhop. Third slrrel irul Bsr strnue, full aulom«Uc Electric Range year 1*2* tbe pumping system rxpens- PHonca: RgNTALS r this pur|>o<. which you never think of until they are ate4 c equipment Ctimpiucsooe jo (slloo fresb «»ln upk. coc tmlet. Mhan gas and cleaner. _.„ ---_ **** fkt laetr oot- l*lioder esutors. »»i»tj 112a Bay Avenue Wallace &. Son. - for pumping expenses and tax** tba Manufacturer ol We carry a full line of Wol. VIC Atet»oto of Titlcv . Met WasisT avaaaa. are at ihattr uxa of M.11&-U more than In 1111- In 31st St. Section of Ocean Glty chain sud all other boat accrssoeirs. iialc price uf Ihu oew cruiser, Vl.uuj, Ocean Clly New Jcrery tOe AND 858 «•»»••<* * - JSsaataia taa Sarivar Apsruaaats Sollcliar TatMB stated Hut this. loo. completely e^uipprU. inghoutc, Mazda and Nitrogen l _1IO>S> teaiwwalk. lor tae smnmer. Is an emergmry appllratJoa. He Fine Collage* for Sale or I ran Kent you tnoU any Tbne cruiscrasirdnigDcd suj l.ulll by Oacar Vaa Saal and onlcra will Iw TrunrtiTO aaoa Uadaey. who reretuly kaows of no peace, seashore or inland Five new homes, four toiiinc rooms, all have fine Kent Collage in our UrMrkt Ukea now for February ttM* Usirb iklivcry. A ssmplc of this crt ixt l> l*- Lamps. rasa dtyy trotram FloriFloridad , left , where this service costs" the AWNINGS • ocean view and no street lo crow to the beach. isg baished ami caa be seta si Opt. II. C. Smith's Bast ll PraanptSemca AH Work ilka week-end its le*s than ln Ocean City, Two Mjaares lo the train station. Trolley pa-ws LoU Sold on Terms To Ono und All alooey to Uuoo Oood Fbat Teats. Flat*. Porch Swine Coicrs. Yacht Awning*. Cushions. for further particular*, loquirr cf Vsiass ksr sVsla a W Edwards aa oaVdal of the the door. Electric ranges, open fire places, Do Not Pomst mu Ola u roaspany, uatlfled that the operating Waterproofed C ivers, laundry, garages. Apply on premises. W. A. WELSH Offlcaa la expenses la Ul> were IUJ147. and Bay Villa Laundry yir»t HaUonl Bask that Ihsse erpeasea ta 1*20 were 111 414-16 Callowhill St.. Phlla., Pa. at] SBCOND STREET JU. tha dlffereare being due principal . H. B. COOPER, Jr. which was nUblUtutl in Real Estate For Sale OCCAM CITY. N. J. Oapo asUyCoort Hooa* BUILDER Tr>' il once—complete your laundry «•• fs 2«TM AMD CCNTHAL AWK. BIO BAROAI1NS OCEAN CITY. N. Ji CotUgea, Apartments and BangaJovrs, fernished and unfurnished W I. RAYMONI while you \rait. Call, writ- er phone, 'ust to. Announce the Arrival BEAUTIFUL Some estates in my hands most be aold at sacrifice prices. This ta the EIECT.'.ICU COHTBiCTIHC- i VJ'Jl 100-W time of year to .bay Cottages and Lou at this Popalar Seaside Resort UI0 AitVttjSL OCfAM OTY.RJ. & very Cheap. Apply to 217 BAY AVErV HURLEY-JONES CO. Ocean City. S2S.M. la Fictiaa MslUss AN. Prop. OCEAN CITY C0TTAQE Alonzo Cotton FRANCES FHf MSWHIMlll •• l<^i>W Malta OlO Aastoury Avanua Ooaan City. N. J. .SO Ms*'* swiu Sunday r.iT.a REINER'S FAMOUS CHOCOLATES ffa$AN AVANUE, Between Hth aad 13th Sts. HARRIET AND THE PIPER MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE." Satalv Excurakm ALFRED 8CHERM HURLCV-JONES CO. Wo waJUoc tortw o wasaa lo know If you cmA |X It; we can tell Too a* dining room, 000s. Harcalna m Bsjt aiwt Uosaui fruut pcuDarUaa ' Cboesa -^'-s-— tor FJjinSCAPES opca porchca. •T KATHUCN WMUUS A-tW W m. CHATTIM A SON. M Ocean City Upholsterer and EXCLUSIVE AGENCY OF THESE CANTOS lit* ABBURV AVt. Ocean CHv. jt all types of buildings aad aodenr- J. M. CHESTER & CO., PHILADELPHIA FOR OCEAN CITY • fa, tZS.aM »_ Tasss Sasriss Decorator A1<6O REPAIRED AND PAINTED tai ft wardrobe cloaet O SUNDAY, MAY 15 THB NEW STOtY STARTS Mas* aaa vauc . aoav auitaia Window. Shid«i and Awnings Made AU bauiness UsnssrU.i tbrouxl> this oAce u In UVOIUKC with lha bik>wi»| tiogas: and Put Up We guarantee approval of J. E. WELCH I*ti ofUl 4LXI tmj mnimtiini tfr ully j bt*ttr*t* saiiatfn *+4 u ts ma u-*T Train LMVM Oc*wn Cty • - - • &47 A. M. IS. J. THURSDAY, MAY THE 12tk imUrtlUd tm rtrum+l ifttmUtiom." Kcsults: A sale fmpMeil oa Use sbavc local and State authorities Our Walr Paper THE BUILDER pnsopsl proau balk KalW sad »s,ci. Wnlc lo. liatisfs satd ausa vomr bead- Raturoang, Uarw. PUUddpU* 7 JO P. M. 1038 Asbory Avenue on all our work. it a Tcrittbl* fad. Wassi t»i C«M. SaTVIMTM STMggT »ND MfCSLKV AVgHUg SalsWt i May 13 Hughes' Central Pharmacy n Tm ATLANTIC cm OCEAN CITV. N. J. Ogasaai CaaTaacvaa Olayton Halnes Brick-REALTOR TUa Builders' Iron Work 411 CIQHTH ST. OCEAN CITY, N. J. OCEAN CITY. HA tax* yon a GAZETTE-REVIEW JO Ball MO Mtosasrriv CAMPBELLS thmanaoi Msseal Ks>taits> Pennsylvania C af. CAMPBKLJ-, Prop iftowmroirt, i co. WALTER TOMLIN dry Avcnae tan aaaaost araaaT PLUMBING and HEATING System Twelfth Street and / *•*. ^ 1st sa >3« ASaUJRV AVKNUC /, N. J. atM ocean drv mnntMtt OCEAN C T AsBsBUswV AVfX. I OITV. M. * •actart*] ta caaalllttta nulaanraa. •urn .j»clal csr*. dlalnttetloa and eltamtni •UMI 8OM> THBBB UQfSB Tb. d*po»ll or sccutautsllon of anynf |iro[M*rtjr anil pratnlata aa ahall, la bl» foul. dVajrlnl or putr««t-vnl .ubfltanca or Jkids<4«nt b« rvqulrad la ordar to prav'nl •ta«r off«nalva mail'r. In or upon toy lol..prrJolM dlteap. to ota«r paraona, Tba Ncnvs iw the •oooog Jk aMwostta' ciiesil Will «lra«t or hlatlwar. or In or u|>on any public llvaltb Ofnc«r l« barabv authorise and tiu-DR. W. P. HAINES ••Hal Praxt* ColtMatM. or prlvat* |ilar«: tba .turaac of aurb foul, pow«r«d lo #oforra Iba provimonii of tnl« decaying or pulr»*e#nt uiallrr in *ulul or •c<-tu>n and b« may vmpfoy and call -m-h COR. NINTH AND WKSLCV AVI. Massey a- Edward*, report the fol-liquid form, in any vault-, <»npool. or olb.r ^••i.tjnce a. ho may d<**m ntcv-jr) to Schools rrcfptacl*. thi* oirrliuw of any foul Iliiuhl. OCI«,N CITV. N. 4. RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? If lowing sales: or lh* .••^iN* of B"**'-< lo "iich,ait i-iirul. K»«-ry p»r»l.lon> of thl. .rrlloa "11411. .-n-h »KMCK HOUKH; {| luS p. Ui. tKram. or r*> likely to txromi* baiardou. to «ff.-n.^ forfeit and pay a penalty of n. ihjn Ten I li>> I>ollar» nor oiorv th.m Kiliy not* why not? They give three times teenth street, to Norman \V. Camp-tmaM a •tiurre o( dLcomfort Jo p*r-'in- bell, of Philadelphia, who la now build- llvins In or pu.-lng Iho Trinity Itn-n-ot. ArtTICLH IV. . Ibl \ pollultt! w*II. -iirlnic 'ir -lr,Am. or iAlrfo-r Hkopa Madioul Uviiioauitlni * Xutiie and ing a collage on this ground. tb« inllutinn or .itiy bod» of »jirr u,nl t.^tloD 1. Ktvrjr bnbtr .bop wlihln the Corr«cltTi-Oyuiaa*iic» HwrOlaoMovroMD as much light as the old style Carbon lamps - la a game replete with errors, th Lot on Bvach road, on the flardims >uri»>-n.. or from «hlrh k«- I-. liv of llcean City »bsll U oi»n o> ihl> Qeaaa City High School tram IIUCI-JII for any tlra« antt the DK. FLORENCE B. HAIKES* tract, to Dr. Thomas n. \JPV, of Cam- Irl fili- i-nanci* of any *ati»r rlu^ follow tnai rtlle-. .ball b« ob.»rve«l tben-la OCEAN CITY SENfI from-the representatives of Bug liar or privy, unit- pr'Ml-lun t- nu>l>- fur ttu-li i All barber •bop«. toneiber with all for the same current consumption. ^ den, who Is now having a cottsKo inn in-- -jijic p UM, ai btrt 'jrmturv tbrrrin. «hall b* h«>pt In a Hour* by Appoloiiueot ' fear High School on^he local dlamonx prccted. JII.I --.Hilary ronduian. ' Saturday afternoon. 11 to S. (d) A builtllmi or portion of * ball.l! 1 h t Uui*. sbavlag brutb#«. raior*. «rif- UCKAN CITV. N. J. Lot on Conlrsl avenue, below Fl occuplct) «« a dwflhnit. which i- not lUtu *vl J." Troth. 1 if lit-r m -i rumen t* abxil be sitcrillnsj. r itbT 1 VOL.XLL City at short, and Scott Adams pitch- window in «-J< h room. *sl>l winduw mn-ifl by loinirr-hio ia- boltin* «at*r or aK-uhol of —tWOa. m.iJ'-* p. in OCEAN dTY. N. J., THURSDAY, BHAY 12, 1921. Camden. to ih«* outer jir. jt ir>j an of Atlantic City Etootrlo Company (•I \ huiMinit or [»iTt*on o(. .i bulMIni ai well l !•> not jiro^ wi:U m (lU-ullful •ul>i (1-1 i*if4n tu«<|« ^ball b* u-cj for r>jfh Allen Corson, M. D. Score: HAVE GRAVE MARKERS. of pur- «.*I.T (ft A buildln* or [Hjrtnn of a bulMloi nil Alum or (.ih«r m-itrrlai u*<-J to atop I24 Wciley Avenua O. C. H. 8. R. H. O. A. E. -County Chairman Wonda unnounri- -tufil«il j< A tlwrthnar. «hn h !• nut |.ru Thv rii>» uf bliHHl «bj|| br appliiil only on a . City Now Joraoy statelier. 3b. ...., l 0 1: at the county rally of the America ulstl ?»itri 4 ^unitary ».tt*T IM«I, tli4i -hi' ti.-.»» low.*, or other cloth Th* u-.> of UNTO L>1 -i-nr ni.irr- thin i».> faiiulu-. t>.«.lrr puff jnj aponitr^ I* imiblbllnl, r>sr*'|'t ort's Electric light Sign CITY TREASURER SCULLV SHELLEKBURB CADETS Urge New High School and WlUla, as, 3 3 2 3 Legion pouts at Tuckahoe Thumda in) A <>r iKirili.ii ->f A VilUm t ,r opiMim- owiini by a rmiomir may !•*• ^ lDl»r-*llJ»t« IJO-A> Fargoson, e. 1 l m n hl« h I* not protuJnl witti un. -ink fur 1J1 .1 ufi^ blru jl.nif. . 1 evening that tho legion nan 700 grav inn!) >JIIJ -mk M hv »-..mir. in) io * [i ••i Kv.-rr harbrr «h.tll thorouthly w.vh. " ~~ Gardiner. 3b o l : o marker", and aa many of the**? a* ar rty ...n-iruf l«-1 .r-.p....). if n» «<•»• r «-o ATTB(O STATE MEETING • • lion I- A. jil-itilt*. ',,. rnim^lu,,!, brfor, .orvla, ,Jth UKRSCHHL l'liTTIT, M..D William Maloney in Atlantic Does Fine Work MADE COUNTY AUDITOR HIKE PUNS FOR GUMP Goets, lb. o o 10 l required will b<> placed on the grave Community BaMng Here .hi A'lii »r puris.ti of A hn.Mi ifi K»rn barha-r -hop -hall b«> wll xrn- ^"^ City Gar Bnshay. If. o o 0 o of all war veteran* burled In thwh.rb :* not t#r..*nl*"J with jilnmhlrm that k-1'. a: all liuif. In a •*nlijry ron>lltl<->a. r.'.'-Ii'""'*..".'."^ 1>r"v"tr'1 *lth runnl"« h-« .»«•» . 807 WESLCV AVC. Ocean City Organisation's Acsms.p. i 123 county on. Memorial Day. It wan Mid t I) H-niinu or uoupying any rmiiilin* Auto Electricians Appointment for Term of Major Korcaa Wanta Per- r>.rinm .if .« il«i-ll:ut f'.r any |.uri-o-. «tn V< l rtM r h p u 1 J City Official.). Pleased With Olbb. rf. : i o o that tho county board of freeholdt-n -:.'.f.'.!)i ro.m I ' " ° **"" ^ ""' : \ OCEAN CITY. NEW JCRSCV SMVKNTH AND HAVCN AVB. May Gainering Had Aa o«t oi-wr, tit • pt -ui U biiilii|i i>r -» t«>n.Hti tn, Speedometers Repaired, Batteries Three Years at Salary of mission to Decorate Music Balleran, cf. 3 1 0 o will hear the cont of theae markei I hulltlln* t"' I'T'i. l.|.-»l a i: h it (• j--( i> I hi \ r *i.l- i fur m ,*>.r..| in pljln \ !«w HI .-wry hjrr^r -liop. | Uaosaally Busy Sesalon Thla "Ad," Will Continue H.. .'. Any p.-r-on violating any of ih*- ... Repaired, Prcsto-Lile Storage OCMAM oirr. ttmw JMOIMV fiaoo Per Annum. Pavilion for July 3. WaedtoOfilciiT Qfrnd— Totals 11 7 17 12 and a committee »n» apoplnted to ap l n MOTH |.r.i« of thl- emul*- -hall, upon mn.U" " * Thsra waa a real reanlon time at it Through Summer. J. R. JONES SELLS OUT pear before the board In reference t Batteries. Acetylene Gas Appliance; Harbor H. 8. R. H. O. A. E IJ) Tin *< umulatlon of m.m'ir* of ai - - '"-rr..r. forfrlt ui,«| ,.^y a -n-njltv «.f the May meetinc of the) Hotel Pro- Following the suggestion made by MMayoy r ChampiChampioo n report*pted! att the thla matter. sm.d. urili--- it b*- : i a i»lt or h..\. hullt 41 l"> I^Mar. for fjfh utTrTio- ,, _ I'hnne'JTT W. MILLER prietors1 Association of Ocean City The lam electric light sign on Messrs. Kraft and Bacon, the com- City Commissioners' Meeting that Tbe propoerUoa tor s Bemmger, It 1 loo \»Tiri.K v. om«.|iou.« 3307 Atlantic Avenue the top of one of Atlantic City's' mlmlon recently Investigating the the N. Snelllenberg A Co. Cadets, school ewfeoBua ' >fr..f CM, I Uotll W U> IU » HI. at the Lincoln Hotel Thursday eve- SUMMONED BY DEATH TO HOWARD S.STA1HT0H Calrone. *», p. 0, 0 1 5 large piers, advertising Ocean City , business affairs of the county, the of Philadelphia, will encamp here this dty was revived at a ,.-y. .r> *h..h m-.-.c.l:.) U •!'»n 1 AH -trr^t i-ar* or»,irjti-t .ja ihorihoT-" Atlantic City, N. J; as America's greatest family Ma- Cape May Board of Freeholilers ile- from June 29 to July 5. In this con- teoded meetta« of tka - r«Je. or m 1 "«'•'» «'« ^iij -..n1i..ry *..N.|II1...M Jn.. .. TBLMRHONB. ttO3 tended meeting; of the organisation N.tire to Liait Credilere. ii>. (.-all. lMrr* o|«n Phone J3S-J In quite a while, a number of the shore resort, which has been in ef-elded to have a county auditor. The nection, be sold, had received • League Monday ~ Ii Any \u. 11 •)! -itur* t.i f.r.tvitjf J lilt-nt.fu! .iipply of Mrs. Abbie A. Bowen Wa» fect since before Esster, will be con- Boanl, at a meeting Thursday after- letter from Major W. A. Morgan, Will Not Take Over tions r.ji 1- itir<-<--ly • "imr, !. ,1 • JOHN H.'WIIITICAR, M. D. members having Been In the South Waiter. JJ». l 0 2 3 * .ur. ,.ir. At tti.- s*t..| ..f rj,,:, inp. ir.JU-y noon, elected Clarence 8. Scull, of commandant of the corps. In which ti that tu* no t.i«iuai- <-x 71T WCSLCV AVCNUC tinued throughout the cummer. Crawford, sa l 12 1 jr- -'-.ill rw \rnriUtrJ hy o.^nlntf ;li- .t-«ir- during- the winter. Known to Many Summer Business and Property . it . j. !i .-nil of tli,. , jr -li.,11 jv,. oi.Vni .| « i,|.- OCCAN CITV. N. J. When President George T. Cann. This decision was reaehal by the! • — | some requests were made of the dty Borrlsh. lb. e. I 2 9 l 2 .n.l -l.^ll rmu.n »t*n f,.r ai !rfc|t .o tnin. . of the Oenevive. called the meeting Visitors Here. City Commissioners at their weekly' offldais. Until September, Board lo i-.-- . m.^i.r.ii! hi rrrrilnic ».-jib,-r. I Something New ONE OF OUR NEW MODELS meeting. Mayor Champion stated The letter from Major Morgan Ban. rf. i n •> n aa;. to order, the following- respondeiit A business deal of unusual Interest • i..T.I- -I t.u (or the benefit of OctM.i City people Mrs. Abbie A. Bowen, who wathas t the present contract for thin ail-1 was as follows: > league as the —Hag, and tt of Dedario. c. lb 1 l 8 o . an Ux •pf>l>r»lloo nt ttf mubarribmr, m**t ..f.l .. t.r or ..»h.T t"-r«.n .n . h..r«" Ti..:,-.:ui Tiie«a«> wV». H. a Funck. Jr, of the Lincoln! t • r ..fT^n.i.riit j^m.i any ni ih.- r.ror.. ,.... .if Frultl). s«].> nearing her eighty-second birthday ( Mayor to resiilents of this dty, ss well as' IfUoffMUj OOUfll te CspL tt. R. Sooy. of the Bright, nj vertisement has expired, ami he hax these are umywiy owners ban. Totals 9 7 54 11 l muter o*ib or l.i- art;.:- -I...H. -ti^.n .-..nttr-iinn iTi.-r.-or Ocean Citv House Cleaning anniversary, died suddenly at her Hon. Joseph G. Champion, d . nal Ut tsuto " > I Any (till, f.iul or «rf. : tr> | pjy ^ p,rul:v ..r Tni (,.., j..,f- Mrs. Llewellyn Baker, of the Ocean, received a proposition from the com- many of the summer residents, was Tbe preamble ndtea the odaja of ( home, 024 Ocean avenue, Sunday O. C H. a 2 401 io:o x—nof aakl iliaaaaiil wltblo alt niomoa rrfira :*y i.-v*««r».Hii ur ?*'•• h ba- 1 b* n.- i 1 DK. CHAS. H. VAIL ie: rain. Elisabeth Blundin, of the "ly In charge for Its continuance. ; OceaDean r CityMayor, : consummated a few days sgo. John thhe movement two yean ago and UMtwainbdav or April. A. Ii. w:i, or lb«> r»>- J«- :i tin o- i.'tn r tn th..U 1 Company afternoon, following a fall In her ) sign cost only $100, from before I In Dvie wM of our cumins encamp- taUil a off thh a need ot^ aush B.R.H". 8, 0010 II 0 0 71-9will ba fbravarbairmi of any sell )Q a^alna AHTH'LE VI. Oilcopaihic Pb>tkUa Bucajnet Mrs. Johnson Boney, of Jones, who has successfully con- wiitrTmnvnarrt^i«i,TWMiMTo«TrnuM. pru«i yard Thursday, when she splintered the Easter days until slay 10. The ment of the N. Sncllonlmru A Co.! building. ratrlTica at r,!T.. r T. *iTJTi, y ^l hT^fi.r M;l the Strand; Mrs. Frank Micbener, the bones of -one of her hips. The O*WO April 12. A. D. IM1. • .J 1 M!--« inn or |"fm.i MSVMW) AKIwuniB IIL*>Krai Kalalt-TVu-t IU«1aC imKr. o(t)<-«, t.r nnyitiiaai yuu liavr U» rl**«i company now agrees to. run the alien Cadet Corps to be licl.l In Ocean lh« Job, of the IlUnol»-on-the-8trand; Mrs. WILL OBSIRVg ANNIVgRSARV. -1. to t« furni-h.d by tbt- Hir^j bldfj - I'lioitr .TJ-U injury was such that there was little from May 10 until Auguot 10, for meeting by tha •U. lOt.. P. r.Uklt. Kseculrll. I l*non#, WHIOIII 1JWS K d<> tb* rwl. All work gimrmois-rtl. W A. P. Milner, of the ; Mrs. hope of her recovery, but It was City June 29 to July ft, if I am not store at .04-826 Aabury avenue for Members of tile Ocean City Volun 1* JUII. will do it i»y UM contractor Uay, oiv*» u*> W. a Lynch, of the Berkeley: D. P. SS2S, or from- May 10 to September Swan, R. H. Gardner a. B. ,:h^r . oin.-i .. .'. N'.i r*..po-d »hJll h+ tullt « t:..»ij thought she would survive for sev- about eight years, 1 teer Fire Company, NO. 1. sre arrsmr- trial. Fry. of the Traymore; Mrs. Samuel 6, for (425, the rate being *25 a 'TSSiT yoy^u g^ngrant? me SS?'fel?the follow^- ««-» "^ ?T* ^ ""-"Vj"* 8teerman, follows: ohrj.niiit; 4 prrrutt. •bi.'h Mill b<- .- a- eral months. week. * i ness anil property Whereas, over two years aga fag to celebrate, on Monday evrnlnir. Public N br HuiidltiK la-:,.-. Mr. »tn-n .j.d .. -- 7jO West Avcaoc Darlington and Mrs. Carter of the injr rc«|uei\tji? to Howard S, (p. Tb- f %: t- 10 b* maDftinl tn a Qr« hmld iat I J. Prescott Cad man, Jr. Her niece. Miss Minnie Wana- Those who have seen thla sign, or It is my ilesire to have our kitch- , Stainton, but the Utter will not take movement toward ssenrms; % t ly •i|h-*anr.> Ocean City New J«TM> Darlington; O. H. Henry, of the May 23, the twrr.iy-elchtb annlvirury i Ih*- rr-.iHWl I. lo-rrpUrc *,n^ 4.i-j.l maker, went to Mrs. Bowen's room a large number of them, at least, n th ! r oe l l tbe of high school building that could be :,y fr.-p.-il. unl.-» 1 Henry; Mrs. Mary E. Zlcgter and * !*. 5? J " *\ , ""• "!•* possession until September 1. of the organisation. There will br a a 'hf r.«-rniit «il| u- »r>*j|nnl fri.m M. . SiHiw la IWII IMtonf.TVW Miss Van Horn, of the Luray; after a brief absence • on Sunday say it is one of Ocean City's best ad- used as a community bafldfna; was IT m««ln«o« u- will lw 1 • -,'. JONES. ROGERS A HA55ELL Mrs. M. Stewart, of the Raleigh, afternoon and found her breathing vertisements, the electric xign being started. The idea waa nrssanTsi to •-I. Any unrot«<] i --.I .IrIf." -L;ik < Cstats ol Mark Lslt. t make the camp more sanitary am ness until that - time. He also has Tr»DU>o,Acni j. IMI. A. I- JU.> and i Luke Jackson, of the ' St, her last. The immediate cause of seen by thousands \thone attention 1 several dvic organisations aad was attttee In charge comprise. Flrt> Chlnf Uoa. Joatph U. l-fiampioa, '-••' »ittnn ny tni:!.l !.•:. ..r > .)-• r.v nm.--r who n OuUi Modal :x:i -.JJ death was the strain to her heart. otherwise might not be called to to have it in a more ileslrable con- been given the privilege of occupying endorsed by all of them: aad iMooir,». j. ii- - ..r ni'iir.- w ' George. illtion. I am n. funeral Director Also present were Misses * Is via the waste water from the kitchen to the dwelling portion of the property] Whereas, the Ocean CWy Board of A. Porter. PablMUUIItf Comulaatnoanlo lofortn >UII - •.. I Itur.^u. HEADQUARTERS FOR home Tuesday evening, conducted by have thus been brought to thin re- until November 1. Education, about one year ago, i» II will, at a maallii|lnh>Mk1 by U>| 1 ri Ail ' -un'ru J jr .1 -.*i : •^••. I. K».ry r*..;.wl h-r-aft^r I 1 it ABBOTTS' snd Conrad, who owned and cot the Rev. H. 3. 8nyder, pastor of thesort. the sewer. I notico at the present passed a reeolotioB stallag that s tfca 1_ i cooft booaa, Osoxtcti, oo Prfclay. April ii.: f"— bulli in i«.> .*,(,-,. j _• ... 809 Central Avenue ed the Kathln, now the Darin, First Pmbyterisn Church. sittimee otherf the Ies ol a ddrai Chuffn pipo e onHotel the. Mr. Stainton la one of the well' !S2i. .1 10SJ a. ui . n.11 ror Marlut Ilia C*) No atiln il ax*>««ld« -U • 1 tr -.n (*•*• <-,ijt-:j.. anil . ..:.;..•, t«I I \ 1 Favorable comment was al»o maile new high school baldta*- was badly by Director •OVS HOUSI IN SKA ISLE. >Uar of iirninswit larr*Maa ID raua br ir* for many year*, and Mrs. Hunter W. which we would like "toilfont use.e I wrote Ral I* ^ ~ - —^ ' f'"',' , ppr Services also were held yesterday at the meeting of the bnanl on the| known business men of tba city. Ha lulled and fixed ths aaseaaK o» "Jack" Hailersn. a well known P.-nn •c*aa City WalarCnaipai y. • 1 m>r.- than : in.*i-- «|iur.- ,.n ti. 1- .4., Ocean City . New Jersey Alderney Dairies Buicks Thomas, ^sibo la this year conduct, Tbaboard will al III. tlrua ao,l plar. m»n 1* 1#DaMltar.| on morning at the residence of Mrs. good work that is being ilone by the the Ocean City Sewer Company rela- has conducted a dry goods store st money necessary stir"i 'in'ittfr at .ItosorMd, tar (a* beaW' :i.- !#••« ur pit, iiiio stbirU I.'.^ -.i.l p j,. ,||.- ing the Camont. Bowen's brother, R, R. Sooy, 2125 Shore Fast line Company in adver- tive to this matter, ami they advis- 1315,000. The board of school syrraaia Railroad conductor, who lin-d iitV. «ira>|Hina; in th* limit* n» "'.'• -hall t-> built .tt hjr<1 l.ri.k e.ajnt Prior to the association's business «OH-H10 Asbury avenue for .a little • Ii. - 1 In. a, b-,th b^lfoii) .ml ...I--. ij,.| PhlladelphU and Seashore North Nineteenth street, Philadel- tising'Ocean City in Atlantic City ed me ththe servici e chargh e fof r ththiis estimate, eonststins; of tha City here for a amnbrr of yean, has pnr- u«nur# m if br :n Dodge Brothers' Motor Cars w V«ry truiT jour*. II aucti niftUrUI mtmtvmjl m*mti meeting, the members held sn open phia, conducted b> the Her. Dr. period would be 110, but wewould more than eight years, si > tn a number of ways on It's cam go- Commissioners aad two mairrlsna of M a»*J or *«*»l* nuiur t*fi •:>•• •arn< . or. nuy («• h. •- .* ,-, „„.„! chased a boose In Sea Isle sod plan A.M. UAHllKB. t sMirlon, when speakers on several Nichols, pastor of the Park Avenue ing through Atlantic City anil hy! have to clear the seWer pipe of sami eminently successful In the Board of Krracetinn. was caned . ^..- : r >(«.riii.ii i.f ..n. (, ,rt , ,. .,- ,Wl", to stake thst resort bis future borne. HAHHVA •t)«ll br tl«pa»lt«d on KM- 1 ui lie • owners ami managers were beard. West Laurel Hill. Boardwalk in the big rcMirt city. I Couaty Audits* ; elosing ropy of their letter to meconncctei. l with the establishment of Thn deddedto postpone action un- rlrtne of aa . Mr. Hailersn and family havr b«-n w/av.i* fnim liuU'tiot --^ i- •' t ii.t:i!. ITCH! There was a dispute between two The pall-bearere were George W. The matter of renewing the con- — ' There will be no connection nee*le«l. the Joel Bailey Davis Company In til the next year lor several reasons, to ore* a- ttrlag la Sea Isle during th/- la.t f.w «o«l f-ttwWr* for filling tip •m«f. ^AB. pti% 11 . Ocean City, N. J. Atlantic City advertising Arms as rhilailelphla, with which corporation ttattsiii) lui»eM> maltsrf, tutu •• aiiatvlnaT* •» Motor Parts Repair Work Battery Service Sooy, Richard W. Sooy. George W. tract with the electric light sign Ocean City, as County Auditor for Therefore, I would like to know principally oa account of the high Plblic Nctirc t«l.»«, WBvala p«pe>r, e/I«- . mutl i navnavii aat tbtba olk.r itaktae asla 11——%. Abbott's "A" Milk spring. Mr. Pfcifer, of the Gormley- Wanamaker. himself as favorable to the propo>i- > Mr. Scull is City Treasurer of use it. Bank of this dty. Whereas, every reason that was I In the Hewn" • k -!. -I! I* U:J oti V.. t-.-r. -I,' ly BS*MJBS*MJaa< of u,. Illlyy L'ouimuktlorarL'klora * * y i-r-.-! .-.r ,.. r^ - .*', r. ji,-.* -r -n-, Tr» • Haass tea at ••• ttak. MOTOR SHOP CENTRAL GARAGE Sinith-Pfelfer agency, presented his Mrs. Bowen wss unusually sctive tlon. Ocean City. He i» a certiflol pub- Could we have the .Uv,.l and very' It is planned to have the two stores urged for a new bulMrng a fear ago thereto, andand ) asuTHaa*add " Moaoayay , AArip l •!: Cream Buttermilk' •ids of the Question, and Mr. Wetxel, lie accountant and has been one of high gTasi snd weeilx titimol ofT thconnectee d when Mr. Stainton assumes forty-eight feet art TwilA". Apr Wl. OUGHES A SOI, PHARI. WILDWOOD, N.). despite her years, and wu associat- is equally affective aad more Imper- "«''!-'-i f-.i-r.-o*. r •rf- - i--i ny f r ^i- of the DorUnd sgency, gave his ed with her brother In the hotel busi- the uuiUtont of Sea Ma City ami site of the camp groumlx in oumVimt chanre of his new business. ative today. Tha high school work * norJheneterljr Bi lloo. Joaapb u. Mayor. OCEAN OTY.N.J. viewpoint. Later in the evening, the BURIED HIS MOTHER WrOIT OP TKK CONDITION Ooamiir. M. J. rr.H Avalon for one or two yean. Mr. I time before encampmrnt to allow the - Mr. Stainton is now having an en- rest and laairnji (.r. K*' ..r -I .r- fi- ness. She also assisted him, years is handicapped by not bartac BBJB- vavUir:—I am toatrtx-fvd by ib« Hoard <. association decided in favor of theago. in the restaurant business in Scull,-norne few years ago, »ujw« grass to come tnrouirh? tire new Arst floor his place, and dent room. Both flrst grades are lUW LUIIly ComoMow. IO m"-', JOSEPH SCHIVANI. Prof. Dorland agency. a loal It »Lil,ala MIIUI b p 1 ».^n 1O< r**rltfn r.r- --..-.a- Btreaveawat 4 TL. r^;.j. !,- ,.f South Jersey Ice Company, of this cheerful. I o • partment to ilerarate the interior of provided on tbe second Boor. This pupils: A first grade should not TRUST CO. " by uf fooi •m**tiln4 bou>w ctty, told the/association members of Mrs. Harriet B. Scull, ami W or or b I 929 Ocean Avenue iw. I»^I Ocean City. N. J. Beside Mr. Sooy, she leaves a sis. i the mu>ic pavilion for Sumlay, July Improvement is being sude by have more than thirty popfis in ens aUjtkta? • • ~ UAUINORV NOW OPEN formed the Association of "his propo- late home) In May's Lanilinir, Friilay. Lsasdewa* Resident PsirkasM .... . - «f town, snd I Mr. Jones has not, he says, If provisions for a new buOdisuT sn Citity >>"u were out > r<-'«j.a.t. t.r ••!- t rot>*t«r r- - '.M.- sition to Mayor Champion in the NEW YORK WON Interment was at Union Cemetery, took up trie mailer of pipe line with diie.1 Just what he will .lo whei not started t—•*-til** 7. it wflj .bs 1 ..g ib* n>.-ii.i. r-f I i n* July, Au. Large Raoatiag B Here ok u way of music for the summer sea- May's Landing. the rltyy electriciant, »hom 1 met Inrelinquishes the men's furnishing a)CV9Vsa«Vjr a<^^ aUaaJEav BOSvaV swss^Q^v^SsaVO^a AKTirLi: V!l. Sea la case the plans far an' or- Mrs. Scull's death waa due to Prank E. Darhy report* the fol-your oP^ceP^ce , anil hhee asurvNl mee thin business. He is one of the popular for these first grade papUa aad it rfcutis fall through. Exrithig TearaaaMat at Bawling pneumonia and old arc. She »a« lie taken care- nf. Am I, residents of the dty, and his host of with **• •.-•-! I. K.-ry o lowing recent sale*. ll tk does not seem wiae to spend money JI t_-- f..r»ift»r fnn'truf trj j BCLL PHONE 10 Conrad Eckbolm. of Atlantic City, Casino • TUa City. very active for one of her >eun» un- J. 11. Rov^aml'ii three »t<>ry cot- therefore, ssiuming that the water friends etpre»i the hope last he and er, line ami the electric liKhts will hia family will remain In this re- new building U so Imperatively need- CONTRACT WO. rao. .f ..I IM| Members of the American Drug had a severe spell of illness, from l,e looked after? sort. 6*11. rlgan. president, Fred. O Hall, Trade Bowline Aasodsttnn, In con- of HarrislMjrtr. who formerly owneil ed. At present, part of ths pupils SimtJt TV) CU«Tlt.t(.-TOUH. urd• J. treasurer, and Victor Jaeoby, secre- which she never fully rwov-eroL a cottage in the north section of Awaitinr your reply, ami auur- "•''Jfc'ij' »UI K» mini by Iba BnM nl vention 1a Atlantic City Friday and sre oo part time, which is aa tn- >m nu of our appieciStion nf any- " "£r i* ' '">««-' 'y«">~M City. V Saturday, came to this resort and TOOK HICH PRICED COTTAGE. ' to the pupils aad ,atUaa nfflm or aau 1'oiaakan oo t~tr& Association, address a meeting of the where she lived all her life. She The Almar Apartments. 11 in thlnir ynu may ilo for us, I am. t to be on tha wtt ran M 10oal f i THE UNIVERSAL CAR engaged in the Bowtiag Casino in parents and taxpaysnt Any 1 Hotel Keepers' Associstion b this was tbe daughter of George Mc- Wesley avenue, owne.1 by Dr.' Allen Respectfully >oui>, R. L. Chester has rented the cot- uly, IMS, aad not o!jt.i.« : thate twenty-fourth, atausat meet. Whereas, during ths past winter r.- -,f I - .- it,,~ ,,:;,,. ,, ,... , General Contractors dty Friday evening. Jane 3. He Kendry. Her husband. Thomas H. Corson, to Un, Irene I- Maxwell, W. A, Mnrani,. Tares flva mew teams, from New tage 831 Btenton place to J. IL thataefcot proper andt • t. 4 . I . .. . .1 i,..- i~ ,„,„..:..! I,, .-.r..|' also outlined some of the plans that Scull, died twenty years ago. of I^nsiloone, »ho has comlactetl a Major Inf. See.. O. R. C, Kennedy, of Resiling, who will spend dty for community gatherings lor -.-:- t til :•.. H..,. ..• ... ., ...t.l. fE ForJiSedin—a mighty camlaruble cir have been mads for the annual con- York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, Beside Andrew E. Scull, there are hotel in WiMwoo.1 for se\-en year* Commanilinc Ciulet Corpc the rummer here. The rental paid •I •: took part in the contests, and the educational -purpose • haa bean felt \UTI<"I.K III firck-.-r/ Ii/ .if th; yeir. Ki-t matt en vention of the State Hotel Associa- two other children living— Hsrry G. ami who plain* to moke the Almar Thi» matter *.'>» referreil t« »aid to be well up toward the more than over. Oje department of ,rp\STa; S ff foirtSTar • C--y-. Mai.. GRADING AND STREET BUILDING tion in Asbury Park, Wednesday, New Yorkers won by four points Scull, a councilman in ventnor, ami a hotel next year. „_ Mayor Champion, with power to act. •1,000 rrark. bs ts»antv-aw- aat- joyahle rcfineiuciiu combined with a in IM games. . summer school haa been taken to r Thursday snd Pridsy, June 1&, 18 Mrs. Bay Roaecrsn, owner of the away for want of proper equipment ssssasMBsi wUk SK: NINTH ST. AMO SIMPSON Awe. OCCAM CITV, N. J. and 17. There will be ' luncheons, TJM •straggl' e was exdting and Princess Hotel in Atlsntle City, s£sriia£/ Js/tir^ the utility oftlirtourfngrar. Finely upholMcrrtl waa witnessed by a number of sum- Building costs are lower than they rats < MS M dinners, banquet, dame bake, auto roseph L Scull, who hi* home Were and to com plots each a build- per anntrm, aad__ ralab. mw. mocaib. «T> —moat luxuriously—with plate gt-i-vi sliiling mer visitors and; residents. raM,aaallataa«otTlUra - r --.r.ij. u;.j.f ^r ar^ur.'l rides, ate. ' ire three years ago, also was a ing aa ia contemplated will tako a _. the eightoonth daanyd otof baatwrooaj. la tfc. m,m at Ua pW J,ne? At their business meeting, the The men wen so well treated by a. FIRE-ESCAPES MUST 60 $20,000 BUILDING TO BE LEOPOLD BUYS 100 R. and be It farther li*»»a»«>*j caodiliooaa loiih. r.n II. • a. :. - Th. «,«n*r of abifb hj. windows, it i* cool in hot wc-atlicr while Jry and mi. Therefore, be tt II pirkraasnol Utm < iolran. • :-'*.. C- r-». *-. U. ^ «j^ .J*r., . »"jf- KlUabeth Bhmdln as treasurer. The make their bowling tournament an held tn high esteem. stailmenU. »•—" and m jJA<» o« ">• Mtat. ufNcvr Jim, n, .„, 11 - k v. „•., 1 n-,- l-ifj:iT !»• PirjJ simple-to-bamlle'and everendortnt; Ford chaxsn- OF OCEAN FRONT LAND sfooers and the Board of Education, other nominations were: Vice presi. ual eveat in Ocean City. UP WHERE REQUIRED ERECTED ONJAY FRONT ant of ssn»nnmil with a' bonton boa coat and alter operation. Let u» gi\-e Hoses oaUeutrel A»eno». famished, school snd commonily hoiMtng. ; i.--s»J ,',, Luke Jackson. wttbgsrsg*. torUUQ;f&A0O easy re- •MM (a he 8aeat at Tewasead'a * the Contract by R. o'. suffldent and adonjoaw ouartars pro- tall be taken to too asms T.. '.^. V. t.r U L-... i.rf 8mitb Sends Pormat Notice buirro.* a put:, .«:'. V. t GENERAL CONTRACTOR you a demoa-itration and the price U only $795 Some of the members complained Yarger Purchases Lot Next vbied for the American Legion aad this resolution wss not *1 -!*• 1 -.. saatn oa eaortgs«e. Harry K. Hayes, - Ialrt •ourjrai iL»t tu-. !-• (.. r. a'r. -*" .[. over the poor collection of gar- the public library, aad tt is farther aad be it farther I naaaaad > t. f. o. b. Detroit. Realtor, Thin* third and Aatoory ava. Tbe United States Government Is to Owners of P. opetty. to Her Hotel. m. :, IS- ; / . -"*{ 737 Asbury Avenue bage and trash unless they •nipped" one. adv. Besolved, that a copy of Resolved, that, upon •oanm rebuilding the Townaenil's Inlet A formula Ru\emlfiic the erection B. P. Led!*, of rhita.lclphia ami B. F. C"CU, real estate operator, _nt of the first tares : the drivers 'gathering this refuse, New York, has awaiilol Swan it resolutions he presented to tha Ctty tottm USBSSSSAT OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY aad they do not fed that they should Coast Guard Station, No. 130o,f fire-escape* in Ocean City, to-i ha» >old J00 feet of ocean front Commissioners and to ths Board of nd interest thereon, ss m tbjs i>tnc«ora. AHKV A. U hich la in charge of Capt C. Bent- gether with a copy of the SU1U5 law Tiuut. of thin city, the rotitract to land at Fortieth strpet, with ripari- lutloo provided, then and ifa* . U- Oy |.r,_,f |~.| » . n pay the driven, inasmuch as the Beasll Iwaae of hoi ronae*. on As. »wi»truct u 120,000 iHill.ltiiit on tlie Education, .ih j i «••• nn ham, of this dty. The contract for and un onliiuinee poKMe.1 hy Ocean un right*, to Leon Leopolif, of Phila- csuo the last or final ' ' t*%ts4 X*j 2. Jtti. • -i«r r ROADS, SEWERS. BRIDGES, BULKHEADS contractor is paid hy the dty. It bar* ••mi. near Tb'it* fcarlh *r*H In the general OJacntiWi before • *-• r •.:! the work haa been given E. B. Ar-Citj, has been aent tho>e tn whom buy front at First »tivet on lot> he •tclphb, wlia will make improve- shaB be cancelled! sad 1 DANCING Pfeasantville Motor Co. was decided to request Mayor Cham- fotfi.eso. Harry it Haje*. Heatlor, purcha>e«I frwm J. P. ¥n\ throu^ffri the s-loptioci of the resolution, a '-«• *i . I pion to have the garbage and trash aett, of. Sea Isle, and work has been the iawa apply !•>' Bull.ling Inapee- i nienU. Mr.,l.eupnl &'. L .• • ^, fas. l-«>t 1*1 TBlrty-iMrd and Asoary evens*, adv. live agrncy of KwlnR Curxiii. Frank Smith and Bertram Darhy removed ooee a day from July 20 started. tor 11. C Smith. This official *u>»| eral coltairra at Kifteenth >trret and total amoacfof tbe first thro* NOTICE -J«r*l rijtri. r*i1L, I 7 South Mala'Strcct Ava. Tlie liulMirr will contain apart- .poke of the possibility of the bulld- '.^!--1 ty .* - J., AKT.tIK VUL •alii the dose of the summer with- A hot water heating system is to that the lu»» providing fir* e^wj-e* ', Oiitnl avenue. c causing an limvasn ia taxes. OP -• t;.. > U Don't let the ipting* 6od TOO with «e*-«k« ae*eU beiac eoofeUed u> JaUtt sad Mow Baal tar sale. Dun-be installed, with electric lights sod much be obaen-ed. * Imenu tat Mr. Le-liK <"-! hi> family fore the sana U das. than, PLEASANTVI1XE. N. J. - - ne* Jack. «St West Ave. adv. ttbath. The boat rooms are to be re- ami UIMJ his captain, boat hou>e» Mr. Goet* sl>o has sold, lot No. ft, Prof. J. M. Stevens told of a stats ELECTION y roof. Tbtioder i«rni» arr cocnlo -tip" th The Isws effect owners of hotel>.' law which allow* each dty to bond aach ease, the last er anal I a leaky roof will be apt lo rruilt u w. um Amtmktnttm fa. V. 3. nfodded and the whole builI»IK'» apart- on Brighton place, near the ocean r.-l ^r larze boarding houx», trnementa for school purposes up to six per t shall he ccancels*a } sad, Hcs»*x|./ iWll d riven general repairs. ment* "will runtttfii Mfirn roumi. front, to III". Alice Yarger, of ti off tthhs lasltt ar OsldWa dsst at Fancy Daodag. Statue Pos, The work, which will co>t about and any buiMinffa in which roomn Tlie liuililinir will have a heating Philadelphia. The lot uljouu. Mrs. cent, of the city's sell valuation. «T"Up'i Cfalmocys llut Ink aboul,t he look- or floors are let to funUfe*. Ocean City's a Kami valuation is Installment, the liena —of tha ai _ .-!• f .U b «9000, is to be completed by Augu>t plant ami three bath looms. There Yarger'a hotel, the Alvyn. She now mwf a>»J Ei«c4»oait la «.a tar m%w*y sflrr sod maite valrr-tinbl. hmokey iag assi Pasaaeaaae In a form letter, Inspector Smith $10,000,000. This would permit of TOi*. chimorj. can be maile to draw. DANCING 1st. will be a wharf ami rai.»ay running has 120 feet front In Brighton place aad beshal It lfurthe be discharger d of saeard. i ' .3 ...4 t..-i:.., bi EVERY FRIDAY AT *l» sa>a: •low n to the bay. The structure the dty being bonded for 1600,000 OCKAK CITV, ul r^ra-ur-. Ir Tin roof, are fire-proof. The lot i» bring graded by Mr. •Beaolred. that, ths tinilalias af -m "You are hereby notified thut the will be of frame. Part of it will for school purpose*. Most of ths J Cooaly or Cap* May. Hl+t. ol N.WJMWT. 1. - iit.fri >^.-!jl ttrra.o- i • :.jv- •«• *•- All kimj of stove sod heater rrpalra, VTOLA SCHOOL OF DANCING Goeu aji.l kluule trres will be plont- thU rreaaraOoa shall Hint to SJss-v - .r.^-.J Ja.: ATTENDED BANQUET Ixglxlature of the State of New have two >tone» ami the other por- cities snd towns In M state are op ft StttJUM !-:•••.) -•-> «vL . ' tt c,a« atove saj bcatrr ptprs. Jersey, at tho ae&alon of Ib9!t, r>o>^- L tn their limit un school bonds. The appll y to the iiiijfiat; oi rtral Wart-ao. * Hi, flonaa. AaOsry A>»> Tm, slate sod slag looting. ENTRANCE 912 WESLEY AVE. (Hold Lascola) Clayton Hsines Brick snd John tion one story. It will be of at- meets as aepanto!y appear ed an act entitled 'An act to pmvi.le tractive itr>i|pi. bonded achool debt is Ocean dty is •^ V J. Foster . of the Ocean City Real Qt'lET HOME WEDDING of tha Board of COB u» ornccm Estate Board, attended the banquet for the better tecurity of life ami only 130.000. From the school >ins—rrt at anah : given in Newark recently by the limb in coses of Are in hotel* aiul standpoint. Ocean City Is the richest ON TL1MOAT. MAT i:U>. l«l, other buiMinirV (aee • Phoniuhlet HIS SAFE BOBBED municipality In the State. of record m the tax Ma>«ao lb« boaraof OM a&4 BID* OCIKI SMITH'S Newark Beat Estate Board in honor Mtsw M)rile & CiVard Bride of and eonftnned by ths ! aUtor Iba parpoaa o> null of Fred E. Taylor, of Portland. Ore, Laws of IXfJ, |u|re> 369 aii.l V*), Both Prof. Stevens snd Or. J. tm, f ANNOUNCEMENT a copy of which act is hereto at- Frssk H. Stewart Asmaed al Dia- J. a Bsrr Thornley Hughes, vice president of Thas Tin Smith president of the National Associa- A atmttar Teaotattoa; Tiun.oi rw**./, iu, «ui.. i«a. A Fair Rate tion ef Beal Estate BosnU. snd tached: ami you are al«p fiereby cotrry st Mis. Myrtle B. ClfTonl, ilaughter the Board of Education, looks of •. ..r * ; . , ir.. • til! ; f • notifteU snd illivrteil lo comply with the overcrowded condition of the !.r HI2 Aabury Ave. Tho*. Ingersoll, of Chicago, secre- of Mr. anil Mr*. Chas. L. Girfonl, of • i.ti.3 1 PtKHW T»W Frank H. Stewart, of Wi>a,lkury, ract number 7*4 (pfla • -4 ** i if I- i the provikion* of aai>l act within tliis city, ami John D. Burr, of Hsd-local school buildings. ^SPECIAL ELECTION ''«B-TJ hy tary of this organization. waa tairodaeed by. Dirt .1... sixty days from the ilale of this while on a viait herewith Mrs. Stew- •••a!' -. . • The HOTEL NORMANCHE aaoouaoet that k will •lon Height*, weie nuurinl at 4 » -1 AH - Of auttSBTa* bell and adootsd. »•> IL. ,-*jia, [.: f art. o\er the week cn«l. foumi that ANDREW C BOSWELL With Safety open rot die seaaoo. Friday. Jury I. 1921. md will be: op- notice or you will become liaM.- to o'clock &ttur\tay ailemoon, at the LOCAL TUB BSCOBO Direetor Casn*el| slso •- -t • . T •^ i HAS NEW HEAB-SE the penalties prescribed by said act. his cottagi* hsd been entere.1 Uurintc re-. • w t*r a;-' »ai: r ah*!! home of the brkic'a grandparenU ta alway* better than the promise of a Urge return | "1 ileslre alao u> emit your atten- the winter, but nothing very \aluatle resolution, erkfch mas . .r • a».r n. • '* ' Law Offices r =^.ia rolk fc-t- erated ai m past icasom «Joag fc«ur- e electric railway. . •Uatar In Chamccry 4 I .(£>( Bit, a new Lorraine, automobile nesrae, MUa VloU Downs, or Philadel- I'. 8. Cera. IS.. t •>.!) Your deposits at the Firm National Bank are above statute in no wi>« take the priae, waa uuu«l to fln>l that pos- Several UUs war* read aafV ara«% L«) ocaock in Us* mmotusutX *Ck« it!«.•>* * r a which arrived here Friday. The phia, was the brides maid, and Ray- aiMl aih at 9 laqutries for informatioo and re»«vatioo» c«n be addressed plsa.n . I It- • MEMORIAL DAY It is complete in every detail. was beat man. ill* Link. i% Inlcrcvt^Paid on Savings Fund Account. daectry tobotcL visions of the onllnjuice now in and broke Into s ssnsll safe they hail leportfU by Elmer Jadtson PearL Among those present were Mr. snd of this dty. Be bought a Unltei force in this city; and, m^ the) sum-attempted to open on the occasion of Mrs. Chas. H. Bsrr, Mrs. Mary E. Ltisrr —In «k-ln«v ••/ rV«rulb and mer season is now near at hand, 1 their first Staua Cord tire onMay » and is Barr, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Gilford, still using tt after covering 1«4M ORDINANCK NO. ISA. Wesivy avnuw l.«dy'* TMima dia take the liberty of suggeatins; that Mr. Stewart said that the >afe, CspC snd Mrs. Jm*. H. Ingersoll, MONUMENTS asnnrt ring K»»ard, If r»turur>1 '" about 14x18 inches, hail been turn you, at ooc*. furnish eacii room of AM OrJica\*x* a-aLavivlU s ,-*k£liAry C .4. Dr. and Mrs. M. B. Btannsrd, Miss 'Big records on tires ars la tia> ruj ml Utu r. ,\,w J.r../ OV DI0HTTT AMD D1BT1H0T10H, FINISHED AHD BRST NATIONAL BANK 613 Wesaty svruo* sav. !'• your bouse above the second floor from 1U location in the brirk chlm. Anna Staanard. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- A aWBt Account Th* ttamrt with the rope snd chain fire-escapes ney. where it hsd been built in, sad more wwnmna than formerly," says Jaasaa TbaaBit"*" *"i tl»iry «»• ur V. Hess, Mrs. Chas. L.. Stelaer A. B. Forg. dealer la Vattsd States Atrrtmc i KSAD7 TO LETTEK AHD KSBOT BETO&E MAT 30th- OCEAN CITY.N.J. , mentionoi to the endoacd act, sndwhen he Instituted a search, he treat- aad Mrs. Anna Crane. THE WEAVER STORE, Jr DIM. atkoe abiue pail"". »al> I thst >ou slso have outside iron fire- ed the safe on the Ant floor snd tiros. "Mora records weald bs assds TaV»l H>* r OwifBtd. cnt and erected with particular regard for Indi- (Ddpsossa.aelr.iiMi. sdv. The young pair, after a trip to ! escspes, that will comply with said fonud that it had been broken open. if car iisjiaiia were men earsfal ei 1 Washington, aC, will reside la . artik «vf it- vidual raqtdrcmtat* ordinance, imme»«*• from th» NOTICE your building." used by th5_a»n»r in hi. fishing trips to get a good sohstsnrlal i an.l nn^^ atn<-k of ni-itrrutjl resident of Ocean City, where he isThey want to pot on a Us* sad .r . .,]1<<-|,,| — AU klaasafOaad raialtala nmatml ai well known. The bride was a catrk get it. It oosta money to toE 825 Aabury Avenue saavaa aaa SUae» *aa(U HAS BOARDWALK KTUBE in the offices of Dr. Btannard for arm marbles from sttitade, for a A jonrt sccoaot at tbe CARMDTE naijri*iaii—* -i" —*•'"-* m prompt aad so* ,!*. *. ... t..4 ,f -'.. f«»H, .h.ll ^ B^liry .«^!., . ..O^.^^ ..,.,,..,./. «- rruav fomou. for tba Ocean Ctty Title and 1Ulr ll FjnB Line o. Dry Good*. Notior* Coaett. KU>om. Hosiery. J. P. VENABLM Weaver Will Hsvs Up-to-date Ealas- Trust Co. ssvtrycon- t'^.. M...-4 -II. ' <•. >t.Bll L# i.,.,.,,. : -:i W tlur.Au f II. -is ' •'• FLOOR VARNISH *aa Mamumr Aveauc lialtsiml. ATTENDED WEDDING. Waka! inrf ast fifartory . . .t,_ .._ ... . . t.i...... _ •""»»*« •'• I !• J.I a .„» Underwear. Lifa' and Chiklrei,'. Re*Jy-to- We*r i^ajttiAiias* , ifcaX tlhe> •»»r4» ' c.ty." ~t Millinery and Gowns Miss Marguartta Bevan, of this Dr. J. Taoralsy Bagfcss at tas ADOULAdl far hoabaad sad>wiir— l«ilv," aw "•a>4 nij* *|«s>ra>s»r «sss<4 •kvsil I— rw • 11 *. l#. The Weaver store at tti Boani- dty. attended the weddingof Her- Progressive VmrMmOOft. tt*ai ahber suy deposit or |tMM la> BMiB tlta. fltr •** <>r«a« P.IJ , | walk. nsrt to Simma' restaurant, will bert Zorn and Miss EdithTroysr la ' be opened Saturday. Msy SI, with a Ceaghaai Dresses ia Atttacnvc draw Saoasiy. Dollars I complete stock of goods. These will the Sarah's Msmoral M. E. aooa aeciuBulaU Im K<*>>a^ at-^* «••-• aUascWaau, PobUe ud Bareaa of Health Dcagas. ai aa Attractive Pnce 81xty-flnt sad Catherine tactmle sn exduslve line af lingerie, West Philadelphia, at noon Satur- stiotcnat. Pnrsn4tallaian|V«imiaVaJaa OPENING tUfsaU wear, silk full-fa-nicnod ho- via «s.a4. sAall W a>*M t» IMIBJ«B *•«•• rttnu day. The young peafli were mar- % per cent. Interest atM. QuLiitics •iary. BeUing*s satins. Boo-too ear- H1LDRETKS SHOP ried by Dr. ** . Hiaj" fefcall to Iw44 l*> taMlfteW »>ar%a. »ie«m. tb* (Uf* trvm wttxl. ta ail I aets and neisher's yarns. aStjdoaTtaM Deposits. I >a>—a. Aasr** *as4 vWrt*. *•* «#>i*r. AA-4 MIW» of tbr>^«ib4i «a* I The store U beta* finished la Ivory •ft a»a»ms i^». M IT IS TOOOM—WATUUnaOOr—aMML an HALL ••f •4 -••*••" SS^LU !>• that* stiaara. <«aJ a«M ( aw CANMOTt FLOOA VARM ISM iag sppearatnee. Mrs. Helea Weaver NEW IOOP GABDBN •rn>l— IWI MMaitT fi«s »A** a>~ at i&« *i^««.« af ft Is a «-a4«M (*k* av nun, C (Neat to SMBS*) - wTlHams will be ia charge. ia» I^IIHW. u T. LEE ADAMS, Haahk OOcer Roger Williams will osnttauo the BBSTAUBANT ••!•<• «irt «r ainaoiiisiii o1 f the Weaver store at ft WlJ SATURDAY. MAY 21. 1921 a t,«.aasaa •.f.aaws B.L «irt-ct. *M. iw M.» atllM tir ILSS s>a.M A. •. 1 IB. i. AIAMS * Ct. %&z. •**«• »may aasstissSsta* ta\tacft»*4 l>* tsr i«tia«- tvj.^tj-sl** aeJUr. lSZVo>i. i« fewi nvt«r«4 iiajerie CHILD BAPTIZED iWisl* 4a»esa—> s>4Vall ta fUla/ewtW aa4 sUa- lw<«>r« aajr ptrH« a*4 la »«*a «a*irt aVatia,c jo aad sak ioc Ucatlh PUSTBttfi, UKE SETT1I6 ffriiaai M f»»as» a»fc*t* Is* i—-tr aBs> i«ri«4wiMav l^*- t *- **r CWjtas and son of John tM^ssrms^ »• eswrl a»aM»r »al wiu ml JOH. O. CUAM'loM. Xto<«- »•- «»» aUatt af r darlag essos heass, tf coas- . FttilsdWpala, •At/ OAT •Hrraala a*4 «UAls asatfc acataJ Ue.*« aa • - •- i haHsiyTrCty unsW.afc.aai. t*a> MaaHa iMIiair a«ay ftPMt, **4 las M««1U —-S———.—^——_«_ pkdat is to be Basils lot spy viola- » «w* sMattvitaa. UaUa- ^•mlMloairf. by Bev. Josipa aa* IW aack tnaB Micr TT I IT *Tf Trila—sjaj wtl BBUMBI •• «fc'-* MMMBLL CO. ttea el hestth coas. •> paltaa caJhfa TWFkiJwY Cet. S^^^^-'fv'?^^^-^^^^-': •;:.:, '. '•••'' "••". ••••• : :" "m-^' , n%

    • '."1 • > . ;.•»* «»^rr-<:^">

    WANT MORE CARS courne wo presume the regular «um-j rner schedule will be put on, as In the j Any Where Marching Knights Templar Counter* A«k City for Belter Trolley past. There are no utores opened y«t AnyKlntf NEWS OF MINISTER'S FRIENDS John Marts Lumber Co. Service in South Ocean City, and we, there- «•• Ninth atr*«t and Havan Avanu* CITY PWNTINO Homo of South Ocean City** rc»l- fore are compelled to depend on the In the Realm of Churches OOBAN CITY. N. J. . Scototi niBLItHINOCO. Present Fine Appearance dent* are anxious to have tho local "torei. in Ocean City proper, MOURN SUDDEN DEATH Lumbar MrUwork, Mouldliura, Bnlldlag Paper, Plaatac Board, MaHa,Baab Walgka nun electric line run carx here frequently I Tru«tinft you will grant u» thl« ate. Batiisata»Parciiabad. Prompt Oattmry. SANIT»»f)Or« HI.If . Menbersliip of Fishing Or- during'tho iluiyiB In tnhown by the request at the earliest possible mo- In thin land. following petition received by Mayor mont, wei remain, Wm. Bannard, The Bev. Penpington Conoq ATTRACTIVE SERVICE. MACKEREL SUPPER ENJOYED. OR. SNVDER WILL PRRAPH. Ik* ittM to rrtMt gaUiiration tojQrowing— Or. Snyder, inScrnfon, Scath- Champion, and read at the weekly! George W. Baker, M. DeW. Hirst, "I want It clearly understood that meeting of tho City CommLf»loner»: 'James H. Gray, Mm. Jean M. Zieber, ' Bzplret 8000 After Mar* .The young folks of the Sunday Tho mackerel nupper given by the The Rev. R. 8. Snyder will preach R. H. JOHNSON PLUMBING COMPANY I rnn not opposed to any Catholic. . ImproTetnents Planned. ingly Denounces Foreign Gentlemen: We, the underaigmst' Samuel J. Taylor, W. F, Allen, Mr*, PATRIOTIC WORK. School took an active part. In thPresbyteriao n Men's Clasn In the both morning and evening in .the There are many of my friends who resident* of South Ocean City, re. I Marv E. McNeil, Emma McDowell, tiage Ceremony. boow4aH>N«wOriiort Tha •Ocean City Flahtng; Club l» Inflaenccs In America. are members of thin church. I real, Joseph 6. Champion Horsan-Ranek Pout, of this city. pleasing nong service in observance Assembly hall of the Church was en- ] First Presbyterian Church next Sun- quest your honoroblo Imdy to' give W. I). McNeil, JOH. M. Walker, S. E. Is arranging to begin Ita ritualistic His host of friends here • were booming and indications paint to a A beautiful and iimpirintr •iirht ixo the wonderful amount of goodU.H . better tnillcv service immoliate-, Walker, C. M. Walker. LaRue A. of "Mothers' Day" In tho First SI. j Joyed by mernticrH of the claim and day. In the morning his subject will 817 ASBURY AVENUE a»aartanaid thin church huH done ami In doing work at lu meatings, ami this will shocked Sunday morning when they rncmbenhlp ' wall over 800 before wa»n prc-entopresented oon thoth" ostrcot* of ely, In order that wo may get to Barker, George A. DutMhcg, Wm. H. probably bt »Urt*<>nh G. Champion, Saturday evening. •<- Ai hall* of ju»tice and the framing of, their bonua. This pout In author- gation singing "Onward, Christian ( tf CadltUn al las MILLER COTTAGE A GOOD HOVE nar'Building, Phllu.lelphia. It Ithe sion Uuy servlcCH in theKii>t turn. Dear Sir:— Mr. Corson, Aparently in health, JOSEPH BROADLEY TBOaatralAT ' luit meetlna; ln Philadelphia thin lu»« that are' dintlrictly American ial by the State to do thin work. Soldier." Tho youngnters ROIIK the'.STAYS HERE TILL SEPTEMBER. PrcKliyterian Church. We respectfully ask for one hour' 1 .linve been ailviseil that the Commander John E. Trout am had performed.a marriage ceremony X.'KAMOITT It fraqoanUy takaa a startlin„g -pring. The next one will be held John T. FrviiK, commnndcr; ]!ob- with their program of the church' an"d a half scheilule, such an we hnd people <>r South Ocean City have pe- chorus, and then verses were sung I j^g Rov. R.s . Snyder will re- First National Bank ..JWVS efaema hind—not naeaaaaril"y la the club houso here. that I contend with. ' I F.lmer Jackson Pearl were at Seian the First M. E. Church of Ham- Opan All UM Yaat liert VI. Bartlet, Kvncrali«simo, and last winter, which, »e liellew, wan titioned the Ocean City Commission- late City on the bonua work Mon separatcly by the boy* and girls, • mnill hcr nil pas.m- of tho First ONM N. J. V-1. aaUatljaai, komwrer—to affect a The motion picture* of the Ocoar Ralicrt I~ Wurk, cir|>taiii ireneral. "If there in to be a Catholic up until at least la-t January 1. Of er» for additional trolley ncrviee. monton, of which he WOM paator. Sat PLUMBING and HEATING HoOwaiar Haat a, aad tha.Cape Hay County City Cup Tournament, taken la>i Church, let un have one that in •lay evening. They visited the two. who were cncnuiuced by tho pustor,' Presbyterian Church until Scptcmior •t UM (WM ttf to»«i»*rw April 29. Ifll. ' Kiitcring the handsome edifice, I have pine over my* record* and unlay afternoon. Ho took dinner, LADBALkUiXaOl I «f .Freeholders, now under- Hummer., are bein_g shown at «»vcral American. Let u> cut loom) from United State* Coaxt Guard Stations Dr. Handley, to .lo their lw»t. and .. Tho pastoral relation- will ro- RESOURCES '731 Asbury Avonuo OC«KUi City, N. J. they found scats reserved for them, Hnd that we started one car running there and enrolled ten of the men. with his wife, at a hotel, and then in* «nJ dlwounta. Inrlutllntr an unpleasant experience (for motion picture* theatre* in rhllodel- uUo a laiKc cmiKrcuation a*>em- that old ami xupcratitious folly that on a regular -«J••count* jtji.'JJ*'.*" Phono 80-M THE BISCAYNB 21; in I'.'l'J wt tartcil runninfr on Tenth Street and West Avenue went iluwn town and bought a paper. mended by tho pastor. 1 - axeelleDt mow. at the wra*- exhibited In Philadelphia next weelt.i lyn.bol" ,f theowlerthe ««„ and of l'eter and Infallible, and all tho tlelegation of Its men through COM olllclully announcctl. 1 *;.'.u7 !•..*.! 1 J June 14; in Id2u M> starteil on May Returning to the parsonage, ho gave The congregation sang "Encamped Of tto Intntlgatlnir committee. The Fourteenth »treet pier Is to IH.- ^ "or. I, "Tcetrie llaht. he other nonrense and hyprocricy. Gal's May County on Memorial Day. with OtttHlr .„„ TT.l'J L m c ll t1 lhc ! J>. I do not think it advisable to the paper to Mm. Corxon and Went Alonl g hthe Hills of'ht." und tho U. S. entatives are all Hit scil- G. A. R. veteran*, to ilecbrate the NEW RESTAURANT Other llonUs. Hlucka, curltlv«, elf. crown being in white Unlit-, ami the ' increase the present wrvicc l>cfore graves of the nomier* of all wars. ,-^«aittt»j In u» person o*f Cit( y Trea.i- new re.I shingle roof Is to bo put 'on *woid l>cini' niailo up of led incan- drrn." .May 21 at the earliest. to the second floor. A few moments children followed with ."When He Uankintr houae and irnliuro nrvaj Oeaan avt nMoppoattt HoottyB MtM* S'^SrOarenca jTseull. o?f Lthi n renoit., the club house. Hr. Snyilcr comlemne- Geo. F. Saxton ln« a«nt. to RO on it. "OCEAN CITY FISH- comprising iVm. II. Colli.»-on, Jr., foil to defeattho Smith-Yowner bill. arc now compelled to pay over the The markers are now on the SI. Lambert, of New York, who H-no Hank The very fact that thin bill in l» graves of all war veternna In thluoe to cerebral hemorrhaKc. offered' by Dr. Hundley, and the tta) •fleas filled J>y men of ING CLUB PIER No. 2," will bo the KU-MCII H. Nulty, C. llunii-r Sh.«- almve urccediiiK years, and, an trux- ha- uidc csporicncc as a restaurant with Kctioral U*"»r.«. lUtik. PAINTING. RARER HANGING. GANDY COTTAGE tha county*! affairs will be Inscription on the »l|rn. maker and Kduar.l M. Sutlun, of >» strenuously oppoi-ed by the toe, I do not want to lie in a positior county. Ocean City resilient* con choir sang, "I llavo Set Wutehmni In l cnvctil n PiT eeaavetad In a business-like way, or tributes more than (200 for the pur- Mr. Corson was born at Peters- 11 man in that city and some of thc nt duo fn*m 813 Cratnl AttoM l Tho cluh'n 1921 year-book will bo Catholics proven, ho »aid, that they of making up u loss at thc start o, Upon the Hllli.. This wui well >.a* hat* it ta ao to be hoped, and this city. chase of these markers. burg, Cane May County, August IK, U GRAINING AN* DECORATING OMao City . Ha« Jtoay .Issued about Decoration Day. A duct, ' Believe In Me," byMi^- have entere««i« on tUnka oulattie of c iy . Wanaraaaaaaaal t ..JMsdad jodttiooily and eonncrva- leather binding, and will bo tho Iwst'1 j . -f i* one of the mo>t un-American ac MUSIC PROBLEM Corson, who was engaged in theJust before tho rceular church r«r«rlln« Uank and oirwr cn-l OCEAN CITV -MCH. aa-w NCW JKR8CV «T*TycoD>anUnaa, • m * • A ~ •• » _ I III 4a m . e. cimtralto, wa» well your approval. 1 will ailvertis« thc -tore buildiiiK bcinR conxtructeil on nqMieotion of iu kind ever VU. „ , , n_ e...,|-r i^.^,. that can l>e conceived. Building Material Prices will Probably announcement* were nude, '• ntaribly, ta the near future, there presented I VUI] >cr- | commencing of additional trolley ser- coast traite. The mother of tho de- "Hthc Boar.lwalk at Third utrcct by JUM11ton Kuiwi uhU. S. Un tcr ".Ma«on» mu»t oppose It," »aid thi Never be Lower r ba a amalmalll board of frefreeholder*e . "-el? ' ° ** ° '' ">°P.'«•><•• •• «f which «, "The vice to Fifty-ninth street on May 21. Guarantors for Orchestra Fund ceased died when he was six yearn Handley said that they were uirr _ ...— Uefrnilei* nf tho Cro.--." -peaker, "and keep tho path to thi Your- very truly. Dr. Aniaudus Johnson, of tho faculty raenber receiving a ^ President H. ' W. Stelnagon on real Rnvernmcnt of American poo pi, LET Respond Slowly. sorry to hear of the pa-dim away THE HANIF-INN are rumors along Dr. Sm«lci'« »li-c«-ui.-e ua> in the Roliert B. Chew. of their bruther. Rev. Penninctnn of thc University of Pennsylvania. thi« Saturday will go to Little. Beach tonatuic t>( a cliullcittrc to the niem- »n, RCKUC America from th« Mayor Champion was rci|uc»te«l to RELIABLE BUILDERS Mr. Corson was educated at Pcnn upend ncvcrai day* with Van Cumpcn hands of thc*« foreign dictators. B< It waa reported nt the Corson, but they were uind to krinw Mr. Lamliert ulll conduct the 818 Woalar Araaaa ticr-* of thr fraternity to he on confer with Tni-tcc Chew, and reach meeting of those interested in thoington Seminary. He was in thc Hurt.|.i> Hcilner and Frank Stick, null they Pope or Emperor or King they DO IT RiHjf Garden Restaurant, and will Jones' Men's Shop ROOMa [rfcii.I a decision, Director Campbell ex- plan to secure 100 guarantors for the ministry for 3K yearn. His first that his was a triumphal march into . „ , , *. uoiern Europe after all th«x> yearn M D He plans 14J.U1I.WJ ! prc«.-in*r him-tlf as favorable to jciv- orchestra rnunic fund heM in Phila- the IdnRriotn. t;'f' " " »«"»*"« 'V- •jin »»)T> ami manner*, and are not Make BEAR IN MIND! That nc« Itomen are KX- charge wan at Port Norris. Succes- hnvc one of thc mo.«t complete 8O4-O0 Asbury Avenue Ocean City. N. J. iitcre*ted in the country nave an i ing the resilient s nf South Ocean City- delphia Tuesday evening that only Hi: .1 Thr«B mloala* from Ua> Bsaak early trolley service. four additional guarantors had Ixxn sively he wai pastor in Sharptown, With thc rdnelnu of Hymn 1*7, may bring returns to them In thei HMI'T from Taxation for 5 years, from October 1 iv>taurant<> in this section of the Your Doorway obtained. • Elmer, Trenton, Clayton, Princeton, Yield Not to Tciiipation." the chil- OPENING FEATURING 1, 1920. under the Act App. Sept. 17, 1920. >-tjtc. Inviting John E. Trout ami the MisOcean City, ManuMiuan, Haddonflcld, dren Iwfraii their imrt nf the pn>- Ott.lit THE DARLINGTON this Oeorge W. Harris 'ewls and Conanl, of this city, were Plcui-antville and Hammonton. In gram. lh*n Hart, Schaffner & Marx (formany ib. KatMal SALE-4 wVmkn M.-S t«k ff... -c.-itchinjr terms tho «*porU'«l "1 experiment with our government an, TRKAT BY DR. HANDLEY. Tinto I I a. C«Dlral AT. Oeaan CM*, IT. J. r ^laM eofkdilbin. l(*fan<. r.n<* I- „,"* to interfere with the policic* tha Contractor. Builder Let us develop your ideas into 1'I.ANS and furnish at the meeting. Haddonfield he built a handsome S4.%tnt.« l>n>ot(i>- Clothing »Ul opan m»ibaHaaaBauatardbM,Ml ^•r. on* wai«r h«at«r. on* 4r^.inuk«i you with an estimate. J. A. MacSherry, chairman of the The Rev. Dr. John Handley, pan- lyjtlc (,||Wr th« Ipatlal Bilaoltoa alna ik ji«iIn j «fr. bujt. Uf* MBHI. AD «lw«la: ra church. Through h's efforts a new DANCES DISCONTINTF.D. rV.1. l«* Mta (Ulanlav. Hmr II. •• !*.« P>a*u(* iinotcomparttua- and Jobbing steering committee, early this w«k tor, in the Fit -t 51. E. Church next ' - "The church building was begun in Prince- Bill. • »••». Omul CltT. V. 1 — AJ>. fcntha door kmlij**ceii iU«ct>utiiiu- mous citic** of antiquity." His nul>- Slate n( N'rw Jcr»*T, County of Cap* Hav. ••- u \rrerican.-. It is a pcniiciou* pro •Kara varaiibtd. Bat UDUM iba Dl III ft CDC ElKhth Street held in the rorfms of the Matinee TaTata of Roliart FWi*r. TW*<#a^.l. tnlcratc*l by any iiKht-thiiikintr gaged in making hi* church a com- I II. S. M.,»ri«- K. I*. SMITH 8. O. CAMTBBXA ParaaaBl to iha onl*r nf MAllltV ^. l*IV' rugamla. Where iloe« it come from h Mcttl d with c»rt, to Musical Club at the Bellevue-Strat- ed; and all courtesy card» are re-jec. t next Sunday will be "Tho Gold- .-I lUnk, iii »okrnr.t> *«.*jr thai Ilw 1 American, l:e 'leclarc'l. munity center. , I-AH. *, Snmemtm ot th. Toamj ol r*|.*> Ma Look at the name* of thn-e who^ir tbM it will mltMtud lhZv*on U bUILUbKo Ocean City. N. J. ford, Philadelphia, next Tue~lay scimUsI from thin date. en City of Jerusalem." I abo\o >f-tt«m*ni i« iruc u, ih« U~t of my Notice iraj. oa t>. Uh tUy ol Ma«. A. It I «.I. < Tho >peakrr MII.I !<• hnd rid mnm-linn eh* n. wt^luv mtai UlWf. Smith & Campbell fo-tering thi- -pirit. Look at the evening. Mr. Corson wan an ardent fisher- II. H. MOW It tit. C**h*r. coiro to the point wlicti tie ir*«a*4l tt> a\hil. i -o :! it iircc--;,.;. to pieach a r.«»» Clu.-aiie the an.wcr i* clearly »een. Shall w clusion will he reached by the com- man and enjoyed trips to Ocean r. l>:i. >'.bacnb.r Qruitr oath or i^« howt'M-i .inp4>pulai truit subject nuy Lucmeal Exttrior Varnish K. Cu>ti« ItoUatoo. Notary Pulilic. rlainu ami o*ma<%>la luultli it* •*•*!* »taml for thin. Sir Knight.? By n mittee at that time an to whether to City. His crowning experience was COM MI Aileit : Vulcan and Acorn Gas Ranges PAINTERS vial ilanaarj within mn*> mon't • ttr.m 11 lie, .iii>l that ciu-ai!e would ha\e a* mean-—leit our own ami other* o BUILDER continue the efforts to have an or- n Floriila a year ago l»»t winter. H. HOWARD T1IORN. '.iB Oay or Mar. A. D. Iy.'l. r.r ,••> w,ll 143 Aiborr A**. Occaadty. N.J itt main object the re«cue of Ameri- cur kin be led Into a war l*fon io>« mctio *vc chestra here this summer. H W. lUiWAhhH. ca from li'.c hamU uf foreign domi- There, with his MM and chum. Dr. WM. <-• AUUOTT. Discount for Cash who.* awfulne«H even the greai ocean CITT. n. J PHONI. 1»T- arribar. nance. Thc Kniuht> Templar >tanil VOS 8K0.LD HAVE Allen Corson, he had many exciting so l Dsurf ahr :iN. A P i»:t Woil.l War will be forgotten. LAW FIRM NAWE CHANGED. Sunday Samuol Heck«r V1CTOU H. il.-illCIt. for tluth a- nvcr .ic.u,,-l error an-l experience*. Mr. Cordon was twice BOUND Tn» super, titutioi;; lit'oity a* o\i-r"All the>e efforts of a icligiou Ralph Hareourt and Hiram Steel- City Gas Light Co. organization to interfere with th A Reliable Builder man announce that they are aiuociat married. His first wife, who died ' T O Excursion ATUKT1C ICE COMPANY ALL KINDS OP JUNK IM.Iitir.d life of a nation—an- eleven years ago, was Mis* Sarah purity a.* o\»*r airain«t alt the teach- To erect yonr Ocean City cottage. Yon cannot spare the time ed for tha general practice of law, PuWiaaaaJI Blnaao* Ma . would .ay the *ame thing of IIM; umler the name of Hareourt & Steel Roilan, of Cape May. There were ha«. anvlhlnaT t»aBll,ralJ ^ ing, of itrmorj.lity and lirvn-*': tlic Pn'te-tant organization, chouM -lie HUMBERT C. PONTIERE to look after it closely yourself and most depend upon the Moontain Ice j, o. droaaara ta L Leslie Headley Co. cro--. of the suffering Chii-t a.- *uf- man, at 49 Real Estate and Laeighw t children. They are: The Rev. Mala atrast aaj I sill caff. Alas] iu'.eifere—^-hould call " forth thc C. H. Shocnuker Lbr Co. honesty oi the contractor. Building, Atlantic City, continuing matkal to BUT aal. aualcal hrieitt for all mankin-l, ai.d the> united -ticngth of 3Ia«onr>- every Alexander Corson, vupcrintendent of al Aabury Avanua to keep the way of the cro-- f^x>n BUILDER I have bailt for a large number of people and conld refer yon to the practice formerly conducted hy PHILADELPHIA wixir .IT..I a public warning thitC-* any or all of them. Wootton, Hareourt A Steelman. he Camilen District; Dr. Allen Cor- OCCAM CITV M J. IIM to all pilgrim-. Ore ether principle -hall rnnte-t in e\er\* poi>-ihle w.-r 12th ttrtct tai West »» don, of thia city; Harris, who is in ,Rt upholstering BUILDERS could l>e aoile>l—the reparation of iu TMHUTMI ocuacm. •. Send for the list of names and photographs ol the booses. They alu have office* In Ocean City. the p< cr that wnulil roh u- of nu ine*« in California; the Rev. SUNDAY, MAY 15 Chuich State—l»elio)iirg that' leall^' true Arrencan ir.-titution«. Oceu Oty, N. J. A VE you a collage, bungalow Theo. F. Hildreth Aftfcttectaral S«rvk« tin- 1% the only way to promote the ESTlillATE fin«ldw Shade "Amerifa ha* no room for plotter. CnaiBUBilaa- WUaxUr. Mai II. iu >« oora *-«>r oiiKi Paul, of Philadelphia; Mrs. P. K. FOR YOU )Awnlngs and Electrical Contractor SIS EIOHTH STREET Go.1. ar.ii -<-l:errci» ar.'i ili.tjrr^r-. ar. Harry R. Way*& -AJr. hive a line of FUKNITUKK at le&s thc> -'all not pa-- l«\on-l our -tan- DuBoU, of Glaiaboro, and Miut' Retuminff, leaves Pluladelplua 740 P. M. Johetmi Worlia tanlaMj' (Baaa. aal •aalfT BIBBH) me raiar. Omi I'm. Louise and Caroline Cordon of We>t (House Furnishings OtOcn 1032 Central Av*. - OttM City. N J. Sr.\';cr, -that 1 Ia May 13 shades a specialty. haie l«n ei.iiai-.Keie-i. Lot. JtiorU S J kCotUfn fnmftiy k rtotaitd Stk *a dto Rm Chester. >ur |irlc*iar> l«*r»at po—lbl. coiiBiattat wlttj Good SVor«_sod B«*t Material OCEAN CITY. N. J. n-.en-.l«r» a vote of ihank- f"i ti*.rir FOB SALK— Varirki PiaaA. rv*t»«r. rrar- CHAS. E. ADAMS 4, BRO. g Builder of Aitittie Bunga- _-— — *-"*-»t f«>ar \ear.« a» i.f\cr n.tertaii rr.ent. anu thev a!-^» k Sk d R Ikraltr aara-. IIM. AJJrM. 1. S.r,nn*l lows, Cenrtnirnt Coltsgc*. l'p-u>-Dite before, with the teaching r.jt of the otVa. Ocaaa Clif. N. J.—AJ.. Mr. Corson's second wife was Mrs. T2O-22 ASBUIIY AVC. ^hn O. Dennis Dr. S>.\.ier a vdc (,f thai.k. f scuacm.Lj. Apsruncsu, Jlodrrn Hot*)*. poicr of the Ruman Catholic Church ^ %. m. SWAN J. C. TROUT WAVTXD—Girl lor Bvcwrral k^a*. MLEmma J. Rove, of Had. ton field. Lawrence 11. Lear JOBBINQ " CARPENTER Blfllaaiai Coaotaot Afi-lv 1 J S oad atrsat. Oesaa City. N*. J.—Adv. Short »ervices were held in the WM. H. Coio-isbov. |R. 654 Avenue Ocean City. N. J. No Job too Large. No Jo* too SokUl rOB BALlV-TBra»*4a«. f'Uu -uil. i-ochurch at Hammonton ye»ter> morning*. The body was then taken A.—>.U. Am. Kuc C. K. •ftaeiicai. Ratlnutcs All Work N. i.-AJ..*" "*• to Canulen, where services were System EXHIBITOR for the held In the Broadway 11. E. Church Civil Eogiaccr aad Survc>or iny the afternoon, conducted b BEaVDaUEY «% ORDINANCE NO. 1M. Clly ^aiik*sr.Oc««iii iir.M. J. prominent officials or tie Methodist York Ready-made Ford Commercial CARPENTERS ndBUILDERS WltEUEAa. tk* Illy *>r !V*JD Cll>. Cl.urch. The jpejikers included Dr*. =i=^ Reading Goal T"* VTf 31 ftff 11 ^t ^'^^1*^ 11DpfWTriVrT,T alQt} tt John Bandtey and bdwanl Forrest Body AlaoSlaailaaWaoakl'aaml or camr*. 1O4OASBURVAVCNUC 'OCCAM CITY N. J. MM oi *Uclk .• t*t kamM $'T.l'ii.'9. Tin BRECKLEYS Baat «ai oa It* Baikal BaBIM. la) NOTICE! Harn. MOUBM AND BION PA/MTM8 An inspection of our stock solicited before malting iba u>a (sacmataaa. «au or Katandaa Tl>- •Y.terment was at Clayton. CLINTON L. BRCCKLCV, PKOP your purchase c(a«bi—ntMil li laU oa taa- RENTS COTTAGE FOR ILtM. * Itcavly MUcd Paint-, Lead and Oil* Oa Automobile Bodies Rebuilt and Repaired joanma a a'txiaLTv a—4>a A-£-«iry %»••. frotu Xotth lo Eugene J. Finnan, member of the brji and 9£I A*L.ury avcuut. Ifj'ouhavea cottage, Bungalow or on Apart- aWi«fit*»«lh nt . AI.4 uQ i^tt.oa wf UlablB. Baltimore 8tock Exchange, has rent- .Mats aDj Tvatb *u. J. W. KIRKBRIDE Camburn & Carwilhen tat* 0/ C«eBplMU*a—4Kt- -3. l'J.*"», ed the Mrs. & E. Dau*' Cottage. 800 Jersey ice ment and if the price is right—we have parties i Plymouth Place, through tha agency Old Turnpike near Shore Koad PLEASANTVILLE, N. J who will purchase immediately. WHKBt-VJi. to tcmtoranlr «nic<- it.. of J. William Morrison. The rent- r-boa*. IfM-J c^Kt of cuAUraciua at **iS Lmprutnavnl ttM al U $1,000, Now U the Time to Carpenters HOTEL FOR SALE »«*4 CHr t*T (kua t'lly t^a- rrua ti»« u THE U. S. ROYAL CORD Itaka locurrvO KaaporTy la4*t*~lo~.* aod I. L. Leslie Headley Co. Furnished, 27 Bedrooms, Bath, Good Location, 4l t t has taken over the busi- Plant Privet Htdgt AUTHORIZED AGENTS ia* Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located. Lb*ir QiitmtMr*. d^tta. attjluritia-- J& All Metal and Diamond Metal it*m m tte voftd'a lonmni AVa UUk.t»-. OTIS M. TOWISEIB of Cod dn boildioc Al- 515 Eighth Street Xo. iJ-lr U-lur.'j. It b l PRICE IS RIGHT ness of Consumers' Ice WIRE Weather Strips , tin (AM lira, uul MM aV31 Jtmlf Ji. Il#|J Oil iMUiAJMl Thomas J. Thorn Cry. N. J. Ask &4? mUlM- .'.'. 1*1*- ">U (WtUAoJ BUILDER 43 Asbury Avenue T*« (trip* around ilw tUrmmU it 571 i*«v- Jl. 1'Jl'i <*a Orncx: 8th St. Opposite F. O and Coal Company and FLORIST " -i • in W mirt In • ha \ r tl JOHN J. FOSTER OCEAN CITY, N. J. OCEAN CITY. N. J. 1128 Bay Avenue . RC4LTOR « Mt *. l. o . bU fkt.' »'H. l'4.*O ,UO [Maibd JH.'MMXUO Only (alraalced nafla osed on of Atlantic Ice and Fuel Ocean City New Jersey To Wire Vour Houae SI9 BIOIiTIi OTBCDT OCEAN CITY. N. J. &O3 [>rc. 13. >»!» U>1»X4>4 S.UVU.uo Al Ordmaac* autaarnla( Iti. U.ulag of catcrrOT work * PttOXU rKo. I7T.W Wm. H. Powell boftaU u< la* Ctty ot Uiiaa Ciiy. N«« J,r- Company BUT MU. HINT 1NSUKK ••y. !• IA« jfirrfjl, (no^lpal aakouot •( COTTAOCS AFARTMCNTS . MOTILS • 7>.ooawo a*a 10 ba fccw*a a« Pailb« 411 ASBURY AVENUE Oeneral Contractor •UNOALOWI Hoa4^ HAN ACS- To One and All Tb« Uoard o( C<^aan».tudcra of l&« Oij o( MINT. aaci'LATioN. rrc .«*• (V««a Ctly 4u t*M*Ju: QllBCO BT III ATT Or CON- Do Not Porvot tho OUl Hon.irilo OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY im fHOftmrr NO*TM of grmttr 1. Itood* oT la« City of Oraaa Cllr. * Grading and Street Balldlnf nuuki£b4l .«r[«,ratK»U w( Nrai Jrr^y. la Ibw CUSS or ALCltT 14. lilt aL«jii,«cU- pria«i(«l inatiot ol |7a.«i.iua» W Stat. of Narw Janrf. Coaalr ol Cap. Hay. aa. Orders for ice directed to which ivaa ntablialiol in i>,|6 OCBAN CITV. N. J. you can measure J. WILLIAM MORRISON M art at lb« I^IBI.LAIUI* of N«« Jcrwy, to- Bafon Baa. a Saury FttaUc la aa4 for t*a B. F. GOETZ Illlnt. "AB Act U> » *- *o4 ola.r u^>llt«l.^i«. ttti «iW Hamirt A. Staiawa. aao, BailaB' aara KIIHIBUI Mai Caatral - |-r- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE lb>« IKuniuf uf iuJ*U,-Jn<-. t.y r^>uulr. duly »«ra a«ear41aa* lo law. mwvoata aaat South Jersey Ice Company. while you wait. Call, \nilc ruy. bwf^uja. ti.U^r. l'»u. tuau.bip ur tt.j M,a thai aa U la. IN.alitaBl ol Uha Otaaa B.UI REAL ESTATE AGENCY muaUit^lny a^**rt.*-J ty «u lajtivnuwut > PrlaitaaT Ba4 ISaUuaiB« Ca. aad Ikat ur ph^nc. ra«aitM>uti. ' a^^r^ttU Uari b ^i. IWIti, aaj Ocean City, N. J., will receive attention tire value in ion OCCAM AVC. BCLOW KK3HTH ST. !•• aawojwai. itMi.ur. t&^^J UiaJ, *ball i bai*»r. a inas ataiaaMBl of ia. o«a#«iAip lou-w Be Prepared fOURTH ST. AND ATLANTIC AWE. mm «Ul*4 1. IJJ1. ^oJ .ball Uar tuur- ^,I^—I ***_ af laa alOfaaBkl p^Alicaitua OCEAN CITY, N. J. M b t i ('l lor IB. alao. aim la ta. ala>i. tauus. •«» 217 BAY AVENUE TIMC FOR 8PRINQ HOUSE CLEANING IS HERE Real Estate and OCEAN CITY. N. J. ,mr*l mt ia. An ol Aa>vat :.. llli. aaa» Ocean City, N. J. it's surprising the number country to another to "find a market." OrtAtwr 1 ia «*rb I'jr ac4 Battwa •<>. rvsiAl Laas »aj tUa»- This is a 3-19 B, Wcilinghouse *r««S rruu I id ~i ui!*i»f . FRANCES FHKEMAN. I'ros. Search Company ol different tire views that come Tbtt IW BABBB. Bad an.l there »te one bandrrJ »nd ouc ailiclea lactk-J for •HONII: RCNTALS mr uf Ib* JaowSQiiMiuxi at full automatic Electric Range auuiuri «ll lt' July ptablUWr. adiu*. ~---r*-r thU pursue. whiaJkyou never think of until they arc out in a chance talk at the curb or in Orn'cc. 23B-J la r«| oi (k«- )>.'J ta It*I* SaLCB tNabllaW*. OraaB (Sly r"rla:ni« Bad Other it) le» in dock. Let u* nevtlvd. Why iiufl|ti>|> in ouc ol our .toic-s auil luuk RcaioCNCC. 202-M ' It*, avftd »9Iot^J "O ^a July 1. i-9*\ AAJ Jjlj the leisure of a friend's garage. • UILOINOLOT* 1. .»*.' l«al Ca. Orava City. S. J over what «c have to offer you at prices that aie Fidelitv Trust Comu&T There are 92 U.S. Factory Branches. Edltur. JiJ>a >'. lUiSaaa,. Unal Cat. S'. J. •how you thc advantage! of • CaCM FHONT Ed^ar r. Berber 2. Tb* as**---• r to Iw rii^J by -aij boo4. always ri|jht? of Naarark Each one gets its share of U. S. Tires. *iUit ba- *>^il.J IJ ILa- I^IOMU uf IkW lra». '—r-'J Eatitor, liovBJol i. A O FIRE ESCAPES Almost every day you come P».>rjr l.»vru.«t.t U>r> *• >-rt lunb Is cooking'by eJectriciry. Cheaper O«T o** AT FOUOTH armatr t B aUaU Bo«Br4 S. There is a broad, constant, even dis- Real Cetate Ib« (tTvarmtVi* L*frvt 1L.J U I !.( |*J>UM-Bt Ol paaa City. N. for all types of buildings WOdiood TiUe aid Trut Ci. across the man human enough X. TWt U*» ar.1 Howard a- Scaia- Iran gas and deanet. tribution of U. S. Tires always going a. BB-jr y VV kuua. H. f. BV»nr. M Wallace 6. Son, Ino. Titlo Inaurtuio* to believe he can outguess In.31 »t St. Section off Ocean Glty M l^-u. t B. Baasi^, a. F. Saul*. A- K- We carry a full Hoc of W«L or. from these Branches to the dealer. •]L T aV t **• B«J V I aVM aaaal CFfFa •%•**>' l*B I • t* f *L&' ALSO REPAIRED AND PAINTED eoa AND esa ABBURV AVC. Abstravcu of. Title, the cut-price tag on "job- T* TWI IW Uan lual.H n. aaoawa- tnghouir, Mazda aod Nitrogen * I m\ $ TlW ta> t il>*t 1*4 •ap"ST"f all a-** a O/ t £*•" laal- d Fine Cottages for Sale or I can Reat yon ruont any k a ani blb oMBiaur or lots," "dtacontinoed lines" and Buy a U. S. Tire anywhere Five new homes, four to nine rooms, all have fin ft*fO% a ^^W tit VII biO taa*T I UBI * a\ La***k**fra wf a^a, ij atf t Rent Ct in our District U itioi; )ur* aiipr 1 r*> eaat. or aaor. ol uMal aaanwnt Lamps. Firs InaoiaUio* ocean view and no >tre*t to crooa to the beach ol biia ita BaartBBaa. or otWr aaruntkaa mrm. We guar.nttc approval of "surplus stocks." —in a community of 500 people Promp* Bttvica AS Work OocrasMwd Jwo squares lo the train station. Trolley pavxa LoU Sold on Terms Taai taa lao BBI local and State authorities or even less—and you get a —1» of k**d CIIJ Mf iM-rafE, t'lij. ".ajnifil _. Bar ta. aaaw. al ta. Itooajr lo Loan oo Ooad Pint atongaf* His opposite is the hard- the door. Electric raoges, open fire placet aa«t Balaata. If m*j, aaaiaia act oaly r on all our work. fresh, live tire of current laundry, garages. Apply on premises. IWfaol. IB IW tt%*ui.*t * -* >ai«-U !• wCI...• taa Uat el BUKaanaiala lai aararttr aoMara fatma tar Sal* pan car owner who sticks )*t %t ±*4 Ht la. \t ••>'. !*•"• *-4. a. taar -.vaar «aa Ual kaaaa B< la. aaaj. OfllotM IB production—with all the orig- lr) TW av-« tteU a i*— —^ • .IV O/ U*.*» year in and year out to a City tnm$ \X.4 la UM iu^x.»r A* tr^tittaal l« Builders' Iran Work inal service and mileage the H. B. COOPER, Jr. ***Ut*% M A/ Mt4 Ml y« »t-J *> -/ ll«f Z. i mm la Bay atW* First Nationl Bank Balldinc *tmnd*rd brand as the only Real Estate For Sale > al la. Ospe M*y Ooa factory put into it, BUILDER 14. T%* MiltMtU t^auinxJ bjr M«tl«« lniBBiBHaa tar aatai aaca traataB t. acuaa rmtHuiMl oconamy. »»TM AMD CKNTRAL AVC. Bid BARC.AI1N8 12 taf a4id mt-% lv*t# ba*»a aakiuia- tmJ tiral ia d*«ml aaa. Uat ta. ak*i law paracr-fa* OCCAM CITY. N. J. 4. T%m irf*\\k\ ***ll ta\ka> ilxi tvt IW BaalBli atataaaaMB aaBiracIa* Bjaaat'B fall BROWKWOflTH « CO. CotUges, Apartment* and Bungalows, ferohhed aad nn.un.Uhed rr — 1 0 1 I ill aaa aaUal as ta ta. niraaaUBa; W. I. RAYMON Thc owner of a medium or rx>ir*uaai of L*».V_>V. * I '.'. ' aaa ml aaaar aaira almatniiair. aaat ton aanaoaa araiiT «roe estates lo my hands moil be told at aacrific* prices. This b the 'ust to Announce the Arrival light-weight car stands on time of year to bay CotUges and Lou at this Popular Seaside Resort taaaa al laa liaanit as Iraauak Boil suaaa ta aaUso laal aa» ata*r larraaa. of U. a Tires last year. car owner. allUU I Kru« XOT1CB. ulaa. ar aaraaraiaBa aaa au Uurax TW (ur*«alM uralaaaf* ««a aaa.kfl4 a or Ullakna Virtpulaa Alonzo Cotton or laalraH la laa BaU ataak. laa si or 1aOkaa H Sl*f BB4 -xuasl (**dlB« Bl * BBMtlaS B< laB adkvr aarwUM. taaa aa aa oalaa mw alam. A hardship at tha tins; bat a bene- Any United States Tin is auni- Maa'a Ha A*bury Ave>c.u4» O«4wn «=lty. N. J. U>at4 «• c-o.»l..«>«.•. U Urna City. X*» B TkM la. araraa. aaaaaa* al aaaaat al r.lTai JI1 aack lauaa al ilia »aaTl*BHi»B laat ar •Batrtaat- fltnoar. Than are no U. a Tires to be venal full money's worth—backed up aa4 alll W Labaa up lor Lb!r4 r*adia«i IM aa, laaaaaa las BBBlls a» alaaa-aiaa. laaala REINER'S FAMOUS CHOCOLATES MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. Saal t---a«- al a Baa*41aa of »«i4 lftoar« U saaaaraaata atartu la. at> aiBBiii araoaaalM ALFRED SCHERM off—no accumulations-—no with a leadership policy of equil HURLEY-JONES CO. a. WM aa IW 1«U> a-y ml Hay. lt.l. al laa ^aa aVaa-a aaar». I. lOa. IW W«r W 1(* o riurft la IW* lartauoa IB tW MOWAJU> S aATtKTON . g y U. a brand-no quality, buying convenience aod price n. CMATTIM 4 SOM. ••••. "aaal- ilnBtr Cbaa>b*r>. mty Hall. Ocvaa Ian la aW Batarrllas aaiara aal lala IM tor '--^< aod tor t-p Cat. Hrt> J.r-y Ocean City Upholsterer and HXCLUSVB AGENCY OF THBSB CANDtBS r of tires from on* part 0/ tha far everybody. me Asauitv AVK. tUKKT A. MOttSt*. J. M. CHESTER & CO., City CUfk. •sairas Ai»U IB. ll»l t-i.*v. rr. IIUJS ' Decorator Try an Adv. OC«AII CITY, N. J. »tmmt "««» ana TMUC* aoBT Window Shades .wd Awnings Made United States Tires J. E. WELOH and Put Up THE BUILDER Wm. H. Vanderherchen 1038 Asbury Avenue OCEAN CITY, N. J. Our Wall Paper in the Sentinel and to a THitabte Sad. , Watte «• COM. SttVCHTH STHCCT 1ND Wllllf AVCMUC Hughes' Central Phannacy pkaM Hw Mrticnlax. JBS) I United States 0 Rubber Company Oaaaaai. ceaTaactaa OCEAN CITY. N. J. Olayton Halnes Briclc-REALTOR laratiaaaWaaltTAtMM l II i I 411 CIQHTH «T. OCCAM CITV. N. J. ••MOMS. «IO-. OOMK AWNINGS CAMPBELL'S GARAGE OCCAM OTV.N.JL **••>• lauia C M. CAMPIUUX, Prep. WALTER TOMLIN T«atm. Bass. Pwc* aVwimw Cnara,. VV«M Avwt get Quick Results. —A a. j i*ii •••arai Fogg Motor Company PLUMBING and HEATING T. Corson W•UaTpfNia

    DK. W. P. HAINES OOR. NINTH «a/O WL^LCV AVt. OOUN CITV. •). J. A RE you ualng Edison Mazda Lamps ? If lataat Yktiau Wat* tba At- |«u>>B.a>.i ^^ not, why not? The> give thrite times . laatlcCttyntkfcaool'a i-5teult.A.D.MO. as much light as the old style Carbon lamps ••H.a*.* »..««. "—*."«»•» DR. FLORDICE B. HAIKES for the same current consumption. OCEAN CITY Hoofs ky Apeolataxal OCICAJI OITT, f.J. . OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE Wma, The 1W ssutwlag a*il** VOL.XLL although a trifle crrr.ji j. of Atlantic City Boottio Company OCEAN CITY SENTINEL OCEAN CITY, N. J, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1921 CONTRACT WO. 7*0. Alien Gonan, I. D. MOTICB TO CO»TRACTU«M. •M WUI>)F Anna* City Now Jorsajy J,al«a»a£am M mim\*m>m High Class Amateur Baseball HAY MY FESTIVJUrTO BE COUNTY FREEHOLDERS, WITH J. H. SL0G1 SECURED Renovating Yacht William Haloney gERSCHBI. PETT1T, U. D. Team for Resort This Season HELD THjSjUTEBNOON ONE EXCEPTION, AND SOME AS NORHMIDIE HEM) BO? WgSLCT AVC Auto Electricians City Garage to OCEAN CITV. NKW JKIracy Public School Children Will CONTRACTORS ARE INDICTED New sVecaee aad Manager f»tfi.rrr ? • ««iiirr£ UBVa llnun: t lo 10 a. ra. Speedometers Repaired, Batteries BKVMMTM AND HAVWN AV*. Maaager at. Mackcaxle An Total*. ninhh. wllhln Wo data riomn>^MIIIIha 7U>».p.m. be Seen la Pretty Dances One of Best Known Hotel ••MlMMMn HUM, . ompHy "j.7 Repaired. Presto-Lite Storage OOMAM otrr. mmm jmmumr noaacea a Doable-Header A. C. H. 8.BE8EBVE8 NOTICE and Drills. PoaaibOttw of Mora Bib Being; Found, As Grand Jury** If en In Country. R H O A E Batteries, Acetylene Gas Appliances PROGRESSIVE LEAGUE for Satarday, Jaly a. HKK SCHOOL PUPILS TO 0 1 4 S 1 J' Because of the high winds and Work b Unfini»b«d. J. Howard Siocam, formerly mana- 0 12 11 Until ttloWin. L. W. MILLER Here's good news for baseball fans cold air but Thursday, the mass 0 0 111 SPECIAL ELRCTION 4307 Atlantic Avenue ger of the Greenbriar, White Sulphor 0 0 10 0 Atlantic City, N. J. WILL 6NE "SMOKER" among the summer visitors and resi- drills, dances, etc, which were to have Springs, Vsw ia the lessee and GIVE Hooper, lb, 0 19X1 TMLMPMOMM. MOS dents. Ocean City will have a rattl- been a pleasing; part of the second A« was expected, even by many Indictments; William 8. Shaw. 4;manage r of the Normandie Hotel,, Mam, tt. 2 2 2 10 Mtur am te aitMt>M la hid lOHN H. WllITICAR. M. D. • Phone JtS-J ing good baseball team Oils season. Cape May Basinet* Men Will annual field day festival of the pub- membm of tho Cape May County j Irving EMredge, I; John T. Bennett. "•»« d»V. «nd »W» hoo»e will open MaMsnarnln. rf. 0 0 0 0 0 Manager M. Haekaniie.. Philadel- "The Petraaat" W1U ba 8«| Ph 0 0 3 S 2 TI7 Wcaigr AVINUg lie schools of this dty, were port* for the summer on Thursday morn- OCgAN CITV. H.J. be Owetu of Honor Next phian and cottager here, says so, and poned until MS o'clock this (Thurs- of FreehoMers, all of them, > deceased, 1, all of Cape May City; X 1 2 4 I OCKAN CITV. wlth Ing, June 30. In School BvHtUaa Vest thai bba _ «f ttam&nwa Something New ONH OF OUR NBV HODBLS Monday Bveaias;. he knows considerable about the na-day) afternoon In the baseball nark ..„.. »"•. ei<*p1o n ,« *. Wm, •. Stein^ , o•.•».•r Hope. W.i Candy ,i^Zl, Tuckahoe . L. IL, " 39 # ,' four M . I •Tna «y „ t fortunate in securing Mr. Ocean City Souse Cleaning amateur team in Ocean City last senteit under the direction of the p'hy- Tuemlay afternoon. A under false pretenses; Charles E. Stocum mU of thdifferene t this year, however; at least William J. Kraft, of Caimlen an* North Wildwood, 7; Henry Ruther- ly sarrled, hia »Ha7^ ~ ' Foster, realtor, the bungalow owned (b) Flag Salute, Led by Supt. Lake. While he was conducting a Those who wtn take part are now taneock,ef : ARCHITECT A SPECIAL ELECTION irisi. local club. manager Mackeniie so hopes. James Stevens. E given Friday ^' Both art Thae snew owner* win occupy th alternate in the box. Collard, of theGroup Games (SO games in township. 1; Sutton A Corwin, 3; Ohio Railroad Company, owners of music In the poblie aebooU, and tha hnnaa Atlantlo City. H. J. W Music, orchestra. mln- taxpayers of the county. Henry W. Townseml, 2; F^lwanl St. Tbera wfllbe . Ctty. JONES, ROUEKS 4k BAASGU. Cermantown High School, will be utes), all grKles. the Greenhriar Hotel. He opened performance promises to ba wan r. IMT estate o< Mark La«« Addre*» of Welcome, pr**i olfffthrir pleas. The ordiaanee, h faB, to WANT AVE. HARD-SUBFAfED. tixth grade girls. newly elected Commissioners organ- by Malcolm Austin, Rnsseu Towre- elsewhere to thto torn e( Law Offl the development of The Cape May County Board of Minuet, seventh an.l eighth grade lied on Tuesilay. Mr. Arnett suc- u, Ellen Mackay, May Brand] CMtiadtatiiPiiitirs bttaineaa forou r custo- NO W OPEN TIN IX. Freehold*™ »ill a*k the State u> Mrs. EUzahna hoys and girls. cr*'t* M. M. Sofroney, who waansd Evelyn Smith. m Cfcanoary OCCAM CITV. N. J. mers. Tha board, at tts hard-surface Asbury arenoe, from Heavy Use. Two May-Pole Dances, thirty-two elected a Commissioner. » Tbere wttt also be a big cboros of •••me Mlu In *M •» at Accounts subject to Seventeenth to Thirdy-fourth streets High School girls. GAS CO.'S ATTEMPT TO RAISE football players aad college girts. oeaABcrrv. n. j. check an invited. ia this dty. This action was agreed John B. CUft. aged 71 years, died Tbere will be an —*—'"*—i charge •KLLPHONKta suddenly in the Friends' Ho.piUl. YOING PEOPLE HILL DANCE. upon at the board's meeting Tues- 1 l A l ll GOT FLOrXDERS of 25 cents. NOTICSTOUlOTCRRDrrOKS day. P* ( n t p* f. early Thursday morn- PRICE OF COTTAGERS' DEPOSIT A ilonce ulll be given on Pogg*s * * ing. Ha waa found dead in bed by Pier Satunlay evrning. May 28, by WILL GIVE ENTESTAINMENT Lee •& Bourgeois one of the nurses. Hardening of the Mrsskrrs ef Aagirra' dab Visit young folk of this dty, and all ex- Sutton d, Corson Co MIUTABY FLNERAL arteries waa the cause of death. He Their PWr. HALTED BY UTILIT¥~BOARD pect to haver a fine time. Victor la Aasefably HaB af First Praaay- Carpaters and Batlders THE UNIVERSAL CAR was buried Sunday from tha home Leopold's Blackstone Drill Orchestra OCEAN CITY G»n«ral Contraotora Some of the members of the leeiaa Oarck. slwhrim Baseefl Heart's Bae> -Seaa to Arrive of one of kto daughters, Mrs. Ettia- has been engaged. ENGAGEMaQCT AJfl Anglers' dub were on the pier taut Real Estate Board Makes Appeal to StStatet , and Quid. The second ef the Sunday achool Announcement ia Bad* of tfco.1 OCEAN CITY. N. J. Frees Fraace. beth Bluadin, in Philadelphia, and Sunday and pulled in a few croakers. TITLE AND TRUST ^^P~ IE For.l ^clin—» mighty co nl.miblccir . interment was at ML Peace ceme- entertainment* will be given in thegagetnent of Weatoy U HaO, ata i Among the members at the club Action Follows. assembly kail of the First Presby- '"•Hi Wat* a Afxfelty QRAOINa AND STRCCT BUILOINC fi.-r.---/ Ii/ »'firv»ir. ili«m>itoi The body of Rusaell Henry is duetery. Services were conducted by S41LD TWO BANK SKIFFS. John Hall, of BrlJgatoa. COMPANY In HoboJten next Saturday. The house were Chaa. Babbit. Chaa. Sex terian Chureh by the senior depart- r joyible refinem:nt« on'>in;t » 'i » the Rev. R. M. HoweUs. pastor of There »ere many

  1. plea>ed peo-consumer* In the pa»t- . W. A. WeUh. who I.In the boat ment tomorrow, « few fact* the Ocean Cit> iHiililing bu»ine*> hern, u« »o!i! four The but entertainment waa fineaa dDr. Mae Bonnie, of OCEAN CITY. N. J. Henry, of this dty. died while in the Philadelphia, and Garflcld and John Dr. Bennie waa —mttrt luxarioaily—with plate gUv» mliaing Mr. Cliff had been in poor beaita it was learned that the City Gas Real K-Ute Buaril i» liringing to of hU kank skill«. Itr now haa slarge crowd waa present. This fcerviee on the other aide. Dannenhower, of HadkinK thut it wlIT be equally aa good, U not better, Temple window*, it U cool in hut weather white dry in.I since the death of his wife two years The boys will now soon be at the :ht of the craft fur Mile, with the It is planned to have the remains ago. He waa with Mrs. Blundln here cremed the amount of repair- iecei«-e jour immnliute con.i.kru- pro»pccu of Mime of lhe»e being so be sure to attend. The tickets warm in fall and winter. It i* the Kgulir brought to this dty and have a mili- dub house la force, particularly eil from •ummer cottaKtrs from $10 lion, an.I. »e tru»t, rvcommemlatiuu* are ooly ten cents. for some time this soring, but went Sundays. . M>M within a few days. Following U the program ef tha timple-to handle and ever-cndiirinj; Ford cha^u tary fuacral next week. to tha hospital about two weeks ago. to |U. fur relief. . . Issall hoiue of fu jr with a bonton body—the family car that not The blow was tint felt by Clayton Respectfully yours, entertainment to be given by thbane r sntw near TVrt E. A. CORSON Beside Mra. Bhtadto, there are First Presbyterian Sunday School, Hsines Brick, president of the Ocean CLAYTON HAINE3 BitlCK. nt (I «00 Harry H Ai only pleiies with it* coraforrbat**3ve» mooiy in two other daughters. Mrs. J. Stan- tomorrow evening, at 7.i5 o'dock: rbiny iblrd and Aabary DEMONSTRATION low first cost and afler operation. Let us jjiw ley Thoaaaa aad Miss Blanche CUft. City Real E.tata Board. He went to A letter was received by Mr. S. F.EIDREDGE ELECTED Instrumental daet, "Tha Flight of GENERAL CONTRACTOR SPLENDID MUSIC FOR of Philadelphia. SPECIAL ELECTION III the gas company's office to order"ga» Brick from Secretary Barber on _ _. „ Saturday, flay 14th yon a demoastration and the price Is ooly $795 turned on In >cveral cottages and he Tue-lay, Inclosing a copy of a letter the Witches," Misses Margaret O Motor and Row Baal for •ass. 848 M0 737 Asbury Avenue t o. b. Detroit. Mr. CUft waa with the Reading waa prepared to deposit checks cover- ^.i Company for 47 yean, THISCITYNEXT TUESDAY ing the usual deposit charge of 110, Gas Light Company, from the State 60. PURCHASING MBIT "A Yankee Doodle Home," daases Read Hardware Co., Inc. - * having .been ia the auditing depart- of Mrs. A. J. Smith aad Mra. Wm. OI( OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY He found that this sum hail been oJ- t'tllity B"ard, in which the commU- . . ment. . . nact^ ^ |i5. »ioh called a halt on the gas corn- F. Gardiner. N 8. A. Corson and George O. Cape May I^wyet'sBtlcctioa JtovJataty ROADS. SEWERS, BRIDGES. BULKHEADS Philadelphia Vocollata of He waa a member of the Knights Pantomime, "The Goblins Wfll Oh REOPEMMG of the Golden Eagle. Adams Seek to be Commis- Mr. Brick Immediately got in P*ny's move. Is for Three Year*, With Pleasantville Motor Co. High Kepate Will be Heaid touch with the SU' Aiblic Utility Trenton. May 16, 1921 You," classes of Mrs. Ceo. W. Sooy al Barrett** ke Crcsa. Mrs. Biundln and the other mem- sioner. M and Mrs. B. 8. Bnyder. Reader, Mtoa 7 Saxrtfc'.MaUi Straat WaaJUaftan Ava. Commission by telewwoe. He talk- '- CU>-ton Hajne. Brick, Saooo Annual Salary. ary and LoadiRooai Tbia Saouaer. bers of the family have the sympa- A special election will be held In l r 1 c 1 1 1 1 Towner. thy of many friends. ed with the board's secretory. A. N. * »"- O^" ">' B** E* * * B""" - The Cipe May County Freeholders k»ky roof. Thaadt* lUnu in main- PLEASANTVILLE, N. J. The First M. E. Church omdals this dty next Tuexlay for the pur-Barber, who asked him to write a -»H Eigtith street. Ocean City, S. J. Vocal duet. "The Stan are Bright- 1160 ASBURY AVENUE at their meeting Tuesday, elected ly Shining." Misses Beam BreekJry r& a Kitchen *ad ,, W»kT toof wUI be .p* to mult I, have arranged to have fine music, of selecting a successor to theletter, giving the facts, to the State 1*« Sir: Samuel V. Eldredge, a Cape May eoufclfTKbl* cr, u> the newly-created offlce or Punch and Judy Show, Mra. Sto- summer. w Fisher. Following U the letter .ent by Mr.i <««««' of the 12th In.t. referring to FRIDAY. MAY 27.1921 •flcr sod mad* »»UT^tjlu. Snuk*v *** *** — *Tt *' — "• •*"•* county purchasing agrnt for a term ley*s Cla»<. rhmtwys can b* mad* to draw. Frank U. Coaly, well known Phila- There are "only two candidates for Brick to Secretary Barber, uith the the above. I send you herewith a of three years, at a salary of t2JM0 Your requtraaeata k das iae wli in Our Window Tin rool, an tn-fmxtt. VsTglrriL'au ^-^a*" • offlce, and their names as the»e copy of a letter to the City Gas Light Chorus, Kipling's L delphia vocalist, will be in charge of N. t. icply from the utility board: per annum. Mrs. Gardiner's class. A" «~1 o< ton aad better repaid, the music. The other members of •• wuauuM >~ will appear on the official ballot, as Company. receive die usual i •tow aad bcaUr pipe*. Ocean City, May 12, 1921 There was another raflMate for Melody. F. & Craven's TIB. alale aad tUg roofing. the quartet will be announced in the sa4 hmrt tor!• * d by City Clerk Morris, are Public Utility Commiuion, State of Very truly your*, the position, Concville E. 8tille, of prompt i SENTINEL of next week. George O. Ailams and Everton A. A. N. BARBER, Selection. Mrs. M. Mann* daaa. N. J.. Tuckahoe. a former Asaembly-man. Solo. Miss Hawthorne. An elaborate program Is being Trenton, New Jersey. Secretary. The vote was: Eldredge, 6; Stille, 5. The friends of both are working Grecian Drill, Ui.<. A. J. Smith's SMITH'S planned, one that will surpass the Attention Mr. Barber. May 10. 1921Three of the Freeholders did noclasst . musk of all other summer seasoni. oulctly. but energetically, for their vote- The Tin Smith Dear Sir: Referring to our tele- Mr. L. C. Ritchie, vice Admltiion will be tencents . Wm. H. Powell , and both men appear to bephone conversation thla morning Mr. Eldredge to well known confident of winning. City Ga» Light Co, FOR BENT 1113 Asbury Ave. INFANT DIES. relative to the City Gas Light Com- Belmar, N. J. throughout the county, and bis se- 7 How Easy it is Ocncral Contractor Messrs. Corson and-Ailami have pany's increase of dcpoUt demand- lection ia regarded aa very good. Tha eight-»eek»-«ld child of Roy busine» men in this dty for Dear Sir: Klnda of Outtorat Bourgeois, of his dty, died ia Phila- ed from 110 to 115 would aay it is The Board of Public Utility many years. They are both Rcpubll' the census of tha Ocean City Real 7 delphia, yesterday morning. The Gradat tad Strcd BalkttBf Commisvioners haa received several MANY RENTAL* to drfcw jxrar check and tend it by mail—«air eco- little one underwent a serious opcra- Estate Board that such a demand is complainu today of the action of the unreasonable, this particular nomical and bringm you a receipt, aboot which there tloo at tha Jefferson Hospital on City Gas Light Company in increas- Goad Price* Ohtaiaad by ADVERTISE Open can be DO dispute. Saturday. time, unjust (o the renting public ing tha amount of its deposit from Estate Operatan. Many rentals at good prices have A Checking Accoont with, u* adda pr.-Mi.-c aud House ooCtolral A boose in Ocean City up to this mo- been made in thia dty so far this -MTHE assures yoa of good banking totalities. ••In oo asorlgag*. Harry H. Hayes, t: The Baal Estate Board of Ocean Ueallor, Thirty tblni and A.Uiiy •ve- ment has expected to pay the usual City, Mr. Clayton Haloes Brick, •ununcr, and there to an increasing nae, adv. deposit of 110—In fact, I would say president; Mr. Brick pencnally, John demand for cottages, apartments aad MONUMENTS thirty per cent, of the deposits have J. Foster, 619 Eighth street. Ocean bungalows. Jaaaea Tnoaaopolu. 701 AUiry *•* already been mode. City, aad Ewing T. Corsoo, 757 As- J. M. Chester * Co. report the fol- Ocean City or DIOHITV uro Dnrnionoir, ronBHro no*, shoe saioe parlor. Mraat n*4* Thii morning the writer delivered bury avenue, Oceaa City, N. J. lowing rentals: TO LRm AJTO MMMOt BXTORB MAT aad p*ns*ss» CITIXI. . ' adv. eight deposit slips to the gas com- The Baal Estate Board ta/i Second floor of 806 Pcaalya place a* ud meted with yutkvlar re«mi7te- pany, of 110 each. They were ec the demand to unreasonable and atto Fire Marshall George W. Elliott, vidmal nqstroktau THE WEAVER STORE, Jr. cepted, but we were Informed that tjiii particular time unjust to thoef Philadelphia Sentinel after this data }15*would be demand- renting public; that every tenant First door of 601 DaLancey place • FxaJtlUM ed. -that haa rented a bouse in Ocean to W. 8. Stuart, of Carlisle, Pa, NOTICE The public U perfectly willing to City op to this moment haa expect- clerk and recorder of Cumberland i *-*t —f-aa*1—s* "^—' pay tha advance price, prmlded they ed to -pay tha usual deposit of |10»— Coonty. CARMDTE OPENING Of get service- The advance of ISin fact, I would aay thirty per cent. Bungalow K23 Stan tonplac e to famou* ror la* cents per one thornanrt feet asked of the depoeita have already I Wm. R. Straugfan. prtedpal of the FLORENCE, of Utctr prodae*. J. •*. VMMABLM for and obtained by the gas coco- State Normal School at FLOOR VARNISH bde. This •"""»*"*; the writer de- BOARDWALK SHOP 9O3 JUttmr Ammum pan y is only aa increase of nine and livered alcht deposit slips to the gas one-half per cast- over tba rate of company, of 110. earn They were First Boor of 1119 Waaley a' last year of 1LS0. accepted, but we were informed that to B. V. Alexander. —-«**-*; direc- -tnrtly boltd. 824 BOARDWALK Now to demand ftfty per cent, in- after ttta data 115. would be demand- tor of the Stevena House to Published oo Ilunv Bareaa of Health crease on the deposit la raaiiitiiil by ter. Pa. Th« Vfa SATURDAY. MAY 21, 1921 tha rapriMiilatlsoa of our mm mar Your attention in First Boor of day of Each Week aid (ferities which this rate waa allowed, I* directed to the report of the Board •tA»_omOB^Ajro TaUaO new rate of $108. which is in a*Vof Puboe Utmty Cnrwmlaaloners. vanoa of tha new rnitsllitton for dated Feb. *». 1*11. "In the matter OaUsI Ad«a*i* MtrJata an HALL the 110 deposit haa been of the bweatigaiion as to the fdBjiCk We would aak the qoaatioa aa toanaahlenaaa of nfles of tha Select Lines of T. LEE ADAMS. Hattt Oflcar whether this deposit to required far Oaa Works aad tha Eastern Paaaayl. aricad reatala to two awaa wke wfll W. M. CemptMU the parpoea of protactiaa; the com-vanla Power Cosspaay of New Jer- •^»^*Ss# D- •> SlunpMM A Son Ladies' and Children's Wear pany against deiinqnont jwimera ruie. This betas aa, ILMt. O.SSA. B. at the end of each ntoata, or whether should not arbitrarily £^3 it to for the nuraoaa af pv*H-g into charge froas- Sit, to SI*, and Boo Too Corsets The Flasher Yams g I rtoae so aad aak farBash h their haada a Urge working capital fat ra"In- n TT fi illn la (I Ilia Hi •• without coat of iaterest or ccasaaay would aet be vardt tiki ottos aaator Is Jaa. to Daaay, Hflbera A O. J. HAMMRLL CO. Kaynee Suits for Children pWatietobei flaaadas to do tt. wke, wttfc tfce eU ralas. We weaU Use ml haakh cade, aOCtluIaDCEB ^38DDB to anew treat tkatr seek* that postal to baS *U. the -It to OCEAN CITY SENTINEL. OCEAN CITY. N. J., THURSDAY. MAY 18. 1821 OCEAN CITY SENTINEL. OCEAN CITY, N. J. THURSDAY, MAY 19. 1921 "•'•::'yytteS

    nib* •»> otatoH to be heard upon WOMEN TRUSTEE* anr.rnppool or ratcb bails, wbka b Waaalh •on wbo la rallnl to aismlaw ar pn>ra*akxi. •table* win not N p#mlHfa taa itittd aa** UM| anr dwlllns or olovr bulMlac ar wblrb I* allr ifnj • aalmalll la tttbM ritlty off tK rauad. bat UM foora of awrrbb lUkln >>telll KNOWN KINDS OF ICEFIRST TO USE WATER WINGS •tlarb^l to tba foundation wall oC aay aifnj to chant* Ha mica to GOflPOIHll BUYS CUa«r rofnmunlfabls wood, or maar rD Doo floor**,floor*, wlt wltltkkk krtrkrtrkk orr eoeo- | First Baptist Charts Her* r that' the amount of depoatt demanded Caueat> Leveeieb: Maori MaMen Credited With lol AltawlnR nr |Mrmltllni inr Bllbt toll, •••« •twill. %itblo lw»oijr-fo«r beam ib QUU U pprvUl r vUloUoBl l*>fnadl*fnldd «t oto drtldal tbtbo m»lml4 4 AapHeatlen ef Prnture ffarttiar. or anr fiffrn.lva or dfomi'MoK i«r, report In wrttlntf la ib« Uur«*u of in tb*» Nitr, orr to * unitaruniti a y eoaatuol, i may be laeraaeedL opportunity 'will *f WaH* OevMnt Tbeee VataaMe AMe Uakaa* Mat*. (lultl ..r »illd mjUrr or •ub.tanra to Uah or llvaith ibo milawlns f.uU! * X A Annr •IUIIOUIK .tab!*t , after IftU r.nmrriMo Will I UKM. IG|GOMnilllES oul«* frooi ajir w.inn. rjft ur nlb*r ronvvjr. 1. A •ia.i*>nwnt of HM» loratloo of »u*honlloarw* ihalll bav* brcunM HfWtlT*. »IMTI •eB faWaadkfaT NOT ADVANCED, REALTORS SAY IN WASHINGTON be gives. Meantime, the old rale PNIUDE _M_MJLLVILLE At the annual business meeting of BU.^. In whlrb th. .jmi. mi]r IH. nmttyrd or ll1« animal. rnnfrirf u Co HMh * rMulniiirni*t of thiba l artlef*lt . 1 utttmoco. rarrlr.1. the First Baptist Church, officers J. Th*> n4m« and . of holb Ibt* own- if *«i#r sijntis und«r or arouMt It. or IC Mch ' ahoold remain In effect. ' . Thar* ere. It appears, DO hirer thaa Excessive Labor Costs and Work- Th* rarryinit nr conveyin« ihrouah #r *nd Ib* rueiodlan .lbt*r*oC •1.1 m*la «un4 on ib« croao*!, tn>*l aajr MKI Water wing* were Invented hy k Ma- Strath Jenejr Company. New were elected for the ensuing year. • nr •tns-t of anr«utv.tjin-t. whlcb b«* b«**n Th«T * ITP* ana d rbarart«>bar r of tb* dft-ra-**. •latbl*-. 1 ho owtwr of wnlrb baa b#*n not.**) •*• distinct Made ef Ice. First, tber* Lower In Many Inttaacea— Many Members of Maaoblc r*DM**-*l from any One of the -Commlirioiiere said ori maiden handreda of year* b*for* Ing Conditions Chief Causes The I.lea of (riving women, repre- ^)!. unl**« \turb tub- Ktv. u. TttJt lit rape. i. a tu rumplir with |b« t^ulrvoMQta of th\m aril ll and native*. Bbe. a**d aom* (Durda < with • Ihi- .hall tvt In luMUKm M tte Mwajty ' Has* aw M don wfll endeavor to see to K that W to l&S per cant less dens* than Joseph 6. Champion The properties, and buitlness of the NO CONTROL OVER EXPENSE btilMlnn. fnmi whkh ih*rv -hall ail-m anr of flax, patting tb* laahlng under her Acconllng to offldala of th* Ocean A number nf Ocean City' Shriner* H-*lth nm.rr mar didirvct;; and d JIII I bulMlnit*blMl . |.rn«WWd In tt.l« artlcW. Taa water. favored the Innovation rrjora than Cut.) i>r ••lanu.l.iti* HJ-" or mlor.' thl nn. priwrlr. prrnil*«t-l > an«ll hl iUr. i. All • latl^ .ball h# clt*aiw4 dally. carporaUona receive sufficient for chmt. with a goord behind each arm.. City Real Entate Boanl, renting of Atlantic Ice and Fuel Company ami went to Mlllvllle Satunlay afternoon lr} All aunkrii IJII.I.. uiar-h in.I l..n. *n*t dtirinaj itw nmnlhi nf May. Jun*>. July. _ - asaIf s thlBfca—BBeW WBBlaJ placeB^*BW%ar**dl SjB>a*>aTYunder* SBaJ fpressurM wravvamaf * He oWr* GUY PUBLIC LIBRARY FHeee end Wae** Cued by Oovsrn- tho women themselves, but, on be- hich riuy biV.iiu** Inftt irt| by aiiv u a r. arctB co. Ttiua equipped, ah* rain four mil** gammer houaea here la very food of the Consume™' Ice ami Coo to tako part in the Shrincr*' r. -ball b» ihll operatinc eipatWa*. but the board la ,*,« uooo Mlograma the Ic* m.-lta to to oi*et"h*r lover, who waa not In far- mant L*av* Llttl* Seep* for ing urged to co-operate In this way (H> So anlruMl or »nr»Ti-iii|# wuiMt*n«-*. Inf.r 1 ion ur fumlff.itIon "ball h» nu with h*r father. Minsoement Ktratlon in that town. In the party the women consented. with *>urh Tr,| ,li-inf.«iJlt.. err murolna. \ C*«h tOM W0«Uy pa|HMQta If. MAY Mb HU cent, of th* cottage* ami apartmenta Sooth Jersey Ice Company, a newly- •ti*vinrt«iuii on nutrrUt* Jtiitl I HmA »* . .%. T« i.rrvmt A harbor and orr^Slna a. r-- ITIII iNtw hoMera. There li hope for theabout «.*00 kllogramw the liquid wafer Hmeorch Club Plant Bit; from here were City Solicitor A. C. tt, |IH ortftmti.l in 1hi» Ilmtu *»/ th.> ll-aliti ilfflc-r 1 . C— In l^«tlfylni: l..w Roswell. Dr. Hcrchel Pettlt. Dr. M. Th* terms of two men having ex- lly, •>«r>ptitl ituy Hi.- -l.ihj.-. -hjtl bf tlr|t»-ii«-%J in a !*»(, ib<* rnl Ranai-oro, wife of Whakan*-kaJ- Kelk, on nomination of Mr. Brick, r *>**l nr vr«ri»l.lf iu*tiiri .uratiiltii' jiul pUojrU ouch huiLlliiKt ami -ul f wliirb -h-tll lv Uf proof ant| wblrb denser than water. Friday E*cnlaff. Contrary to reports, theiw official* The consolidation has been enrrlc styto 1'IIIIIIIIIT.V Irr tin- K.-nrml ln\.-4- Knuineer Wm. H. Collisaon, Wm. M, Increasing the prewwor* to attoat papa, tb* grmt chief of th* Ngatt- Mrs. John Clark, prculilent of the irtnii-r-w aEJln-t rnr.«. or tn*tr*-- > nf umu- -li.ill ?••• oivr|n| with ^ tlRtil Uttlng ruvrr. ' tlxutlnn Int.. 11..- rullr..,i.| Kltuinl..!,. Kanck, Un. Mintier, Alfrcl n-lll-r r . .- - . . . - - -Illtl jl"» ppi\|t|f JN tt.vt 1I1.-..I it mh -in an«tf ttul rjln »jilfr will fcon aU Indfca- Mhnkan* tribe. Ilia father waa a A large number of the reahlent* of lay, rental price* here have not been through with the in.i( VIMII Ivn ma*- n«« .|*«l.s) fT Anyy inaitur.- bthrown mi lh*> •rn*in« a- -hall, hi hi- I In- r.i,.rt*l wllh -ami at hm« one of volumetric pressure and thr thia city, an well a» vialtorai are ex- the waste Incurred by reason nf tho ! •.VIATORS HAVE SIXTH SENSE tungnml Tu-wharv-toa, who had per- price* have been reduced. that: i Floy.l C. Slmm.-. A. Ran.lolph Fo(«r, •lolph FORK, who is a member nf the tn.1 rln.l- n> fir HI" ILK ••!• •ueli \>A; p^ovl t il J illicit), nt !*-• rn|iilrt <| In «II«. ->11r• nliii-i ill rjx' ti) rtih*r pa-r-**in*. Th>' Everything U •uuilnl nanci-orn to ran away wtth (1) Tin. . ,,,i, »f |»»ratli.ii are h. S. B. Swan. John E. Trout. H. !Board of Education, wen* electei *v|a|nr. wrt»f )rti(.-r. •!.-, niUatl l«ni«rml AHT Cl.r: Vill. thaa water. factured lr» an enlarirvtl plant In O H sTilli •ttiul 41 .•••••• 10 t>r v. ni hl(»wing t»w*y. II. ittti nm..r l- h.-r.t.v -i.uri..rl/"l jn.l MH- That Me Human Body It Mere given at the Lincoln Hotel tomorrow trustee* for a term of three year* (»-•••• r.-.1 (.» . nf.ii..- il.-« ..f thl • »..,>.,,,/,.,., „/ /;.,,M,K t-ins # •witty to this and. Get In- Km. Later ah* repented and returned DR. SNYDCR Ml EACH Eft lll Mlafcly Ineewed Than Hae Mlth- If we freei* water at atmospheric To her hnnband. who forgave her. II* (Friday) evening, umler the aunplce* Ocean City for about the' cost at "°,TM\ "V','" '!'"•"' '" """"• " -«'A.Uims. W. H. Harri-, J. C. Steel earn. Them arc ten on the boar. I. ."I... 1.1.I h- niry . t,,,.(•.y tu.l ...|| .>,. Ii it .11 I. iljtl.i^.. c t|. ntit-.l t.i m**an. and do er«i7thlns; priaaur*. but with a temi^rnlure of Two large audience* attended the entaliiNlinl by il.e uutrriiiiirnt whuli ThoM J Th H II k l 1 It 1 1. |i.- tn.i> .|.-. in n. t -.jry 11 1 il an.) Vr«. t iM.> nuti.r ttui b««*bs*vn •rte atom aupptetd. i- fr.r.1. ,.r u- int. II.IMI In t«- u*vd fur fal tlM booetin*. We SO degree* C, ordinary u-» (In* I) t-i •crvicc* in the FInt Preabyterlan Tenth Street and Weat Avenue in.-« .h-.ll. ui-n K^n i" r ..11 . (•(H^IJ u,,t id. ** i-t.> ih.t. fr 11.1. Jti.t dt*ad m..TcU to unnther nelshborhond, ao the bentflt of the Ocean City Public on meltaije, cost of lea at ilist. l > har ltt Tho J Thorn R Th ri IC Smith, treasurer; A. Randolph 1 chang*d Into Ic* a. w 1.1. t 'is <.n i Church Sunday The Rev. R. S. olb'^ li*l"»t7l. I!\',,..Mu*u!,'i'i Hrul'T.^.'.'r'| ' *- - - - "• " tn.l |.iy f..r n.liit,, i-r-.v I-I..PI- ..f tin- ..-.11.111 -full, \,t .-.. Ti i ml- nr i-.trt* uf ih- -JIU. . revert alone the New Tb* loadon Lancet asks' which of ttiut th* family wnnld «ci|x enwrfp. IJbrary. points ami profit to the ship- ••IT.,, ...... if.,I J(,.| ,, ,y , |h-in||« ..f i.ol I.--. >•.. .'. Tt 1 h ..r rut.t.i.h I- tL-flnt-d to avarag* 3 per cent ileiiaer tlmn witter • UHta. .ifiru r,,r H.irk nul il..ii<-. ,-n. There wax a large paraile, with a Foiftf, financial *ecrtftary; Rotund - if. . - him Ir.^l •L.tUr Ost lire ataate could hat* played a In tbl* dlitrlct Tutantkal crew Into Snyiler preached at both the** Mrvi- per atone will represent a hamlwnin rt.... r-i. • M> |i,ll.,f. ti.r itnn r", f. r '1n. 1.1. *i..'i.-h..M ».i-to, -ui It i< |M|M-r. rj«*. W« an know this, bat and 30 per cent ilmecr tlmn lev I. Ticketn, 75 cent*, are now on mile, funetj u|Kiti th^ niltruu.U t>> tl.t- ^ exhibition ami ilritl hy pome of the Strelman, clerk of the church; Mr". •>,' 1 "I |».)i.r-. K.lUj.r.l U.\.-. <>M halll. -, hr..k. 11 rr.w kt-ry. predominant share In th* noo«top •n Apollo of manhowl and a rvcular and there i« a ilemaml for them. em—In the morning on "The Te*t of return on the investment Then* I. ••I AurvciiirntH " onranliatlon^, followe.1 liy lunchen Vntcff. morning orsranl.t, and Mr-*. W (It N'« III- Hi !»• or .| •'|-t lo Mtnn.K iv. . ••"i ...I. . •a.iin .nt furnlinr.-. irr.' xti.l l.i-Jtt** to lU if U to tprradthis flight of Alcock and Farther Increasing the pr.-««iifi*. Ir*«n In wudnm, hat th* ntltcma ti< h >4 ni ini-rf tit .1 ilir-* ravrimi-* »n annov- I 1 mum-it-. I..*, n t lii^.iiitc. ami jtl ii'% 4 i>-nts out of fii-ry ami a ceremonial In one of the thea iiifur niMsniimiK 11 to wurnHin intf nvittti* tli if A- > UIIHIIJI. • jntund 4» 'IiHat-. •• irvpt S turns into Ic* 2. )• ni-.nt or hi« i>lnh followed him. He fHI In It i> planneil to have 50 trophies N. Bool, evening orcrnnUt. I. K» tti.- Do year part. Brown. "What is Your Life." for about 10,000 tons nf Ice per an dollar of u|>-nitlii|{ ei|M-n«ra in no ^•fftOHt, l.y re*.a«Mi uf (.nil amtMHng rMMio*** ,,r 1 My -lull I- .fii.- fi.nii tm 1 I.I'hat ttfkrr..ll«iti- and rrj.tir^ P*r c*nt denser than lew 1. Ou further luve mltb Illne-Uoa. hut her father re- for the .uccenful card player*. j 41 Clayton Haines Brick re-l^iied hi •r i^iit.. or l>y ruiimn* al Urc*. or i.> ir»«r •'i. ti 1 I line, ttr t. k. r.-ni.nt ind lumttrr. "Sight. *r*n whrn th* mtmn waa Dr. will preach at both were ul prli-ea tlr*-U dlrvi-tly h> ti.u t?f(.w>n«i • I tvluil ti.r-irr-; ib** rt>pr**a-uiw.u»j»- s.. 1 \.|.. • 1. ii.-nn.-il ta an 4'i iho Increasing th* prea«urr. Ice 2 ctuiugvs num. Tho para.lo wax w!tnr>-c« ml.'- -lull U ...... it..| Ttatbl*. waa practically nnlllfled by th* IUM^I hla content to the marriage. Tb* New booka are nceilwl for the pub- 4 I giAemineut. ur l>\ K'*-tierul uittrkt-t .-..ii- office n* a ileacon, which wax ac-•r tti- H'tr.^ii of M<-tith t.i,4ll lnr**tltt«lr mnf Tf J.|U • I. ft trjin Orr- la h^-tt. r*. r-inat" <»r i «ffl b*> an election for City' to Ice 9 and then to Irw «. service* next Sunday. In the morn- thoitsaml-i of spectator'. -••tii|.'4iiit> I Hi.- ntsmt. No.ltatir ****** n»rt» Ml t. nUr -tn.p- ( ill lotrn w«T» kept apart, while the girl'* lic library, anil oil »houM help to The rates for Ira lo the ronaumrr illljiiiia ami u\.-r IIK* rttilr.MiJ ceptrd only upon his ItiHl^tet nrr» •>• Mr- ii<~rt-wi«ry I.* *,t«taf a aui>v*n4~*>. .ir< Hi. r. .11 h .11 t-- k> i-« constant clnad and storm* <>f slewt or ing; hi* theme will be, "A Life in it .n.i IM hil-.. 1. r Hti. IN 3Tf J. flu. •) 1.1 rn< an |h*> Sometime, the** change* take p!ae, fathrr rrtnulneit obdurate. Flnnlljr. In make the party a nuccciu. . Tho-e remains about the same as hereto- iiialiavriiirnla Imil no ...nlrul Report* from the vuriour* depart -h. 11 ..»-i^r- jml .1 IU.I hji..* here'next Tuesday.' ball; bearing moat gradually tint* One Sentence-." In the evening the \.» . ».<•».ii». ..r -hilt ^^«^<•r. -h.n N- Win.--. -I,-.*...* hfu h. -. r ao quickly that a click Is h.-snl. Th* •l»prratlrf (J,.- (....-.r... ,.f Jui..\ J.ily. \n.- I. • II II it mdeh mrfaf fault- leaf lt> acntrana la th* rant of IS '. jn.l -*• ;.-.rnlf r. in lh>* jT.i.f nani'1 subject will l« "The Appeal or 1 \ i 1 h.l-l. buy tickct.i to help the cau»«. Build Now |>rv««li>n uai iiut Uue tn tin- lil;Jt -.pile of the adv«»r*4. conilitinn-* n •<.-. ,>..! ..->-,. 1. i.r 11. h (h«k.«. ->r .ii l.nhiitf •> if. r . r _il ili >t ,tt "•'•'. '• *' •"•"-<"'- i^.4».lii.u: h.»t»-*-. tuirltt-t xnuraatal schtvhile whereby the lar IV, la tb* change effected. USE OP CAVALRY IN BATTLE .n.. r . from Rotoroa. and jart befar* plung- Silence." frvlulit rulK. hut to thr luik'.if I.liy. t ill in... * .r.|. ih-m r.u.nn'tl vithi '' 'I lr ,%. flr ,. ,\ . ""••••. -I"!*-, nr -ball pr-.»l^ .ulla- i t Building Material Prices will Probably Her the quantity used the Uv--. thr the year, S<".*,flO i»^i —0-.1 thrrt . 1 I:.^I. ...a,-., -hill r- .1 ,.l T.r .°*l- ?i?n Mat for daja. There are dlsmoontlng; the restlholsr aena* catloo. When water frevtea In a rl.^mt me water wtng* aa an extra aafcty Never be Lower one uf II,.. ni...t .irlklnu f.i. 14 . it». I-I- -.r .it.r- of JIT [ t a vswsei Immene* presaur* Is ileTel.-peil prorvotloo. altboogb ah* waa an *I- stockholders of the South Jcr>ey tec Fermleabl* Potman—O*rmjn Tnb«a clmle.1 more than that >-priit for r« . h-r.,1. r.ilt. .h..p or railtuT •iTAl'ini .»r 'I.r nijorut '• • .1 t.» -f.ip '.• *" n* ' '•> "'• iM*-*""" "«l «>f rublw - tha (TVe— ***""* to have been no frosty guide. LET l.r..iint.t ..tit in 1 hi- ir-.Hi.,..1,> |,r.-.- 1. :i i 1 1 DO YOU KNOW «?r *«••"*•' palr< to the~church lunt winter. [1 .. ..r T-l. —.1 .|.,li tN- ,[.|.I,.«|.»II> ;n 1 - ' ' * ,. .._ ._...._.,. ... _..».... .»..,,' ^^ tnasmnch aa th* pilot admitted ln»«l- Th* banting of boiler* and water p»rt awtmmer. Company receive Ice nt KI hy Hi.- Hr»t \>lli,^««. -I11I1,,, Krutt- DladalMd th* ii RELIABLE BUILDERS il. tu George O_ antary Indnlgeoce In stunting and plpaa la a familiar example of thia. that advertising space in a newspaper is less than the Mhctlule rat*. a.t,nllt. T-ti^irman nT Tt.= t.. .ml ..r .11. **.-. I- 1.>!i.hit..|, .i,P|f DO IT I.. I, .(.|-t.. A. Canon, both well ***nia to Ua»* looped th* loop with- Tbe water tipMda In trttMnt tu ice the economical vmy to reach the con- it The officer* ami director* of thorv. t..r« of thr S..iithrrti |-.i. III. . U.H In the old days »h.-n the Itnmsn The> oflTcer. elected In tho Sumla jny of (h.» x j>r nil 2. bat if th* prtwrar* oa the ire ami Orvek* fought furious l.iittlr^. tin ry t.,1^ r -h • 1T ttf.f.nrfMv • st t..i.r ih.t will out being aware that his di- ON TRACK OF VAST TREASURE thf r..M.iuli.L.. in .,t!..II •ch.M.I arc a« follow: Superinten ir. wm ....-- ..f rti. - 1.. th-*. an.l hero for man sumer? '• South Jerrey Ice Company are ,.(|.»r1. f..ff.|t ir.-t [.). 4 nnru*-ti *'• ty l-'-.r.- .i.lna rection waa changing. frwtUng exceed* shoot 2.1 tMt BEAR IN MIND! Tbat new home* are KX- chief rrj^.n fi.r In. r^:i- In <.|». charioteers .lr..\.- ihrlr . nr» m nil .11 .lency at present in charir* of th I. Hi tn law .1 .11 if I IJ •-•! I- k. I-I . .\.r..| jl ill imn-. (U. Ir ni\eUy it follows: C. 9. S. Forney, pn-Ment lull fi-i t-- I, .« ih^ii f..ur, n-.r p*ot# "On tbe other hand, th* aviator*' carrespooiilng ta 3UUOO pouml Clrcwwetawcee Indicate Probability KM PT from Taxation fur 5 ycart. fioin October Itil.l: t.Mtl.uK. hurlnl thi-lr Jmrlin.. mi.I hy na«tnr; »ecretar>*, M. Plleirni; trea-> ry^r •*, >p -ti it) t»- «. |l sqasx* Inch. Ic* S U forawd. As thl. of tha Lehlirh Valley Ice Company. the illn ami i-latlrr of h..r-< •> \ttT(f|j; in. horizontal direction moat bave been That Vac* Heard* ef tbe Meaoale that you could not huv the paper, print V "The labur I.Ill i.f Ihr-1 .itrifr* in 1 ur«r, Mr.-. Vemon l_ Smith; ort Th- >.*Miijr><* f*r in h -hill rw flih«r I* aboat • per cent d*n*er thsa water 1, 1910. under the Act App. Sept. 17, and Wyoming Valley Ice Company. 'j!!«lnt-l« romiuiiiily thrrw tht- runk 1 I. t'.\' r> |,h> • mi -h ill f. p-. 1. * rr. i - r !-.».» of n.» nr.-jt. r rj|a4.-ii7 |baa narvaloosly precis* thrnnthoDt. aa, HaoBei At una (whi. h wm h.-r..n> »•i- A.'.IIM i-t.^lr-^A. II. FORK; chori-te 1 ••.. .r r.iit.1 1 Grata Jury of Caps Jtaj and haa law* volume. It shrinks ratba* your message and deliver it to' the homes presMent; A. W. Hick-, of Allen- the .-n.-iuy Int., illMinlrr. 111..I. tunkliiit with no tandmarka to gold* then, tbetr ..r . %. ry |. it,, lit tit-"or -hf -!• tit bii I. I. ti ill tw V |! TN- I.TJ.IMI^ fir j.h.•• -bjll bs- rlib'r than niaoda. ^ ' Let us develop your ideaa into I'l.ANS and fuiai&h Mi*-. Annie Het'-t; ^uperintciulent o l..«. • .i... nr -nu;i turrrl • ibji na b.< for anything near the low figure for say- town, vice prc.-l.lont, Wm. K. ln 1 Ihrlr Kay among thr x|< .-f th '" M -f .••ejii l\ty, «li!t Anthr, r, t..rt-f h,,. Lighting Fixtures i attU in aesilan and work- dawttiudaa was reached wltboot a Whether Aala*e moat fa moon treee- In Hoi II »a« ».t.t!rti-|il..f.|. 1.1 I.I 1 -I ti* >.n<- intu . lit.* rwt |t(a*"l« for you with an cstiniatc. eiiriuy'a <»»alrj'. l^«|»-,|lii lit.iti «••> -r it.. 1 BM the tnveatlgirion into the hitch, when a aw*rr* of a alngd* de- ure-hoard. th* concealed valuable* ef ing it through our columns? *^j t Haiuiey, of Oreon City, ami W. H. r. r. t.f.. (*I-,TJ1 K.I. r. Spolr< •V ll- Jitll U- l'.e- r.-M *-' I* f"** a-btr*. ( Ihrlr rhorlot. snd f.Mitl.t «.n f.-.t. Tb Tlaik; -upcrintendent home ilepatt HP HE Dinin* Room or gree to ooe aMe or the other of the the Uoogola. haa been found. 1« "till a Manprrinon, of Phlla.ldphla, direct- JI ill nnie-. *ti. n -iuh Ji.jnm*ni* *r» om.-1 • aattritiwj at the Board of dtrert Un* wtmld have lost then tbelr L. Leslie Headley Co hat been f..llrt*nt*ry. I . .1. furui-b ( 'IllUiUJI.I*; t'1ri>t*elr+ f.lf a>jr- . A Living Room In Any mber of witobjective- . Better have a talk with us on rates. Inrr»aw In Illilr. fn.111 the n«lit. and 1.1..•••.! ih.-lr flndlog tb* pnrtooa i*llc* of king* and Dllll nCDC SIS eiiihth Stre treasorer; ami R. J. Beltcl, of Tat- •<< ji . 'tifty thf r.-<«-,.i i* I*-* u-*-J «»*-b. SIS eiihth Street chartoti In >u<.h a wuy Hut If tt v t II . k u., .1... I./..' I'nf^r.l'lo' I'.r.t- home—new or old—can i that art) Mac caned and th* -Presumably th* Imperfect twos* Hwwiw lMI4*nte That Hav* emperora hidden eonwwhrre In tb* In. r^u-*. inllHH . §74.111J09 ORDINANCE NO. 1M- ••-. I. . f ••> • 1 .[ .... i.f . 1.. |i i..rr. jn.t r»--i ttir-ni*. Ocean City.- N. J. »*cr«tar>'. were hard prv««-d !!».-> .>.ul.l r.-a.|il> •1.,11 1- ll.. |.r.|T •'<- ,,r «bl.b 'bill fiirni-b Ib. Ir be transformed by these recorda soppUncated earh other In Marfcaei th* rnattilaVon of *om* ruin* of th* citt** of central A«la. Re- Ini-rvu-e It. luin . 229.lt9.081 Itju.;.-. T .. i< I ll».Ir,.;...!..o they are F DO YOU KNOW v BUI LUC.KO O C retreat t.i thrlr .nin >|.|r. Tl.11- In l.ut- Derroos trstaaia long trained to rapid ef •hakMOMr*'* Traoadiea. rent rrporta that aoro* of tbr Jewel* The South Jcr«y Ice Company, Inrn-au. In Hot . . 1 •• -it.- 1.1 tf i- 1 i-i.urf.,1 ••{ weald indicate and goldwork ef tb* Unngola hav* that your printed matter represents you composed of re.i.lenU ..f Allentown. tl* they tin* 1 lltir uf <~uv i).r4 <.f r.»ro •. ..r ibf |i|jfina- and Impromptu adjustment." or sti awKr* tfut«. ln«ri-^-.e nr \. ii,.- .-..I ..( .4.1, .,,,., i,.,u;r th" r".f'^ > t"f Fixture** Oraad Jary's lavaatixaUon It seems lhat tb* human body la en- Shakelle* hat* at reached India confirm tb* belief that and creates a good or poor impression? Cata*aut«i.|inr.« .,f infantry f...l U- %.n-iln..| !,» .,|H.t.n.«t ihe- .t.-.r- alnrw lniu ..f UM9MMMT iMIly rnul.K.I ihmi to |.ull up • 1 . ,.| ..f IM. • tt. -lull t-- oi-fn-l *..].- th.- r.«. |.t ul>» ' dowed with a atnee of stability and ttntm provided reach mirth. A canal* tbe tre**or*>hoard haa been ran»ack*d City ami Philadelphia. Kill .In a • t tt it uur f- h - .ill r- nmn o|«-i f.>r Jl Uawf (• . mtn- Made o! MILLBIUIBTAL. I fta a f**t*as> eoe and resort Kthll.lla irenp (.la.^.1 U-r..iv tUr tbelr hur«ra Mhrll K"'H|< at full *!*-*-< ftr,! U II If' I I '^ U- .1 ,r,t thl< lull "'11) *•*>, at ta>t. "-1,.! i*>.af-i ' •:..'.. 1- i : 1 !•' -• > . (i.- ..i.jt •• jtt. r. balance that dipsada not upon an* Scot went to *e* -R/«J. and Juliet" wholesale bu«lnc»» only. Tm> >li«tri- •** attuning fi.r tl..' r;ill- • o.trj.i..r« »c I aaet! toth e county. un a >t.-r|. •inpr. <.r run ."it i.n tl. l.if »J ^f II- Jl 1' ••• ••' ' » iifl-tt ", hy .».,., * it In whirl* a remarkable In finish,an d oo* of th* "five etna**" and <-*nur-t be In tt* Ula of tl.e>* •1. :•.• -r.t ti.j, r- £,u«.| mr'.r 1. ' .f ..r ..if., r ;- r-.-'i HI . h^f.r * .-.I jici* -oiiiiirv. In. iv:i** and ^tun.l uti th.- u.L^. ,.n.l t.i k**- • hiif-jllif Brt *«Irc ItM <-*>« 111...T *.-,! hr ih.' 11•>t. 1 of (l-tllh . ih- localised entirely tn th* labyrinth of the Lynum. It *•» .11 nrw to him. «•• greet) and temple* and laxurloo* '- .1 .. -K...-I 41.> ••! it.. |.r>-\-•'•".* ..r . < .< .f ill i.r. ,1. .- moderately priced. impression? .,:"" voi 8M01LD un mer employe* of the Atlantic Ice In .!• '..II. iU-' "-'n. '•.••'. Ifi.f-f. Wn«a Uumeo *01cr» th* toroh au<] l«lacr« adorned central and aoutbevn bark Int. tin- dmrlnt. ,. !..•).• 'n.jnu'1- ...I •'-IB-. -I .' (» (-- k.^.1 > I. .ti 4... the ear. Soeae meo posaiaa this ami Fuel Company ami the Cnn-uni- fellows: . 1 -i-.-.K.j t-- L»:.lf . .i.r '• J » ./ T- . I !•»» Ik.I- * Aik fi AV 72 $-fi(lt Fittmwt With the lnlr.-1i. M.11 ..f .-a\ ilrr In r M .1, WtBMt-CLASB ttnda Jullrt app«rfuily dr.,) Jock 1 t—iti ....Ni:r a--I ... • 1 • .-ti * ..ft. - amatear tn greater degree than others. A.I.. nften called th* tonih of lost ers" Ice anil Coal Company^ who, liy Actual |~i.^ for 1,O)M.'»J.1J».MI •mi N: in i-Utht i«*wa#f cried out orer tbe fmot of tb» ptHrrj" Tb* Mongola. th* mort fiir- Then do it with your printed matter. A Reliable Builder the later Initi ss*r «.iiur lartrr ti..r-r. .'.-. 2 U^. n-.-r l( .!*ill t" .J . »: vi. . I- fr.. ifw fiiMc I taaea jn Ocean City, each' a* «ci|Uirinj( outfit, forrrctly nvincl l>y A.IUJI |<.,«-s for 1019 4,M7,774.1]1 "Sh*"e only foxlog. ma ni.nni*. (lie mldahleof the tribe* at that time, rav- bat their u»r for lhi< inn--' —"••".• t •t . . t -t >•- \ •!. • »-• as>| . M Is FUkhca: VcartUa twd GoU t r >«f viaitora. Mr. The one who says printing cannot be To erect yonr Ocean City cottage. You cannot »pare the time the mcrxol enmpanic-, each l*come- .-l:- • r.til t^ . .11 • nt#ot •. -*f>*l NOT IMPRESSED BY SPHINX her a dig I' tb* rlba. That'll oaukro aged eattrra and central Enrop* tn hi.\e been rratrirtrd to l-.lut.^l uriMi J ...' if,» ..f • lo \*4m »ad CoU — loc U.U.; done at moderate cost is always being in- to look after it cloeely jonneif and mnst depend upon the Inc. tot WMoxr 11)11. . . r t-- .i"l .. ; •.-. ul ..-1 •-•.- ., ',.,t . rtf tb* fy»- . wwU known auumtei cotta- be rhtrt**nth crnrary. and rairied Imaepemlent ili-trihutnt-. of ire. Is nu c]..ut.t that ttir n.-t <:.i .1 »• I I » I'. ll-4;in nf... Room. 8,1. fr b«rr .,- ...r-.l I • . I-. »..| .rli ..i • honesty ol the contractor. ; • r -••!• .f».:! it* lee Any- •nelr loot with them. With tbe pa»- terrupted by our work and prices. Mr Krultx hunt In •luli.rf limn tritnra. as tale a« tin- . jiu|^iUil «> wd Btock lor to have here, ahoold Another North BntUhT wrnt to ee* I have built for a large nnmher of people and coald refer you to Oeean City will I* .livi.lcl Into ; i».?. f.r ^ nf tb* trtb* th* great aecret to llttlv .-ntr..! IIM- i^llto.,.! l,j,l «',, In (laul. u—.1 >.i.l> lt» -I-..V- tx. " -r -...i .'-i .i'i.»i •.-•t ,-'" ;1|' OUi^Kooot. far many hun. tbla. Weaderfal fa tbe L**V* "Otbellu." WTbeo Uftj had trrarher- any or all of tbetn. districts, ami one ili-ttiliutor uill tr..- [.!• oaxly wounded Caulo from behind. explorm rtaa b*eo the of thetr [w-nr. It la -.1.1 tn raialry arlMx thr % THE Send fortb e liat of names and photograph* ol operate each .li-thct. which will eli- vMtera. Mr. Mi in* lattefe acUinailoa* were itmwn- hidden rrearar*. **HiAt>-four out" out uf rvrrv tlol- lir!d U dl>aTBir4.3.-<. . .1 it»» •" l-rt •d by an «ngnl«h«l ro4c* from to* tome year* ago two men In Tar- OCEAX CITY PRIXTTXG AND PUBLISHING CO. soy kind of va.l.tlr. aixl In-tu'l " .:. - - 1 i.i.l.i...... I -t...m I'M* »• '*" J- I*Java ef feattemanl/ yooaf Adaltttag that "a month TH feet 1t..t ttM-"^-f| ".-f-t" a', wide ta not a lueihod. nor an ear «V. gallory: -R*'a atlcklt htm! Ma *o»h: kaod «4d *om* relic* of ancient Allan Mixers of Type. Ink and Brains. OTIS M. TOWNSENDT or more »Jt,-.m. uning or.e l.l^i f.*.r. Aa f^r a« Kn.lan. goad ban » dll r had maw anon Ib* tomb of tb* treas- Miss H. M. Junen. of W,lkr.-[l,irr. f lahor it* nirv la»m»'l. thr art ..f rtaliriac win. t. , ,, ft, , - porter mJEgypt U. luipisaatd by th* >U it.. !•-( ..r. n.. .' • ure*. It waa then that an •dvrotur- BUILDER a. j. "riftr^ti tvr.t. out .lolUr hat** been lnir.«tu<-rd hy ih.- \.»rru.ifi-. PractJcaJly-the fact that taw Sphinx do*a aot teata On* evening "Hamlaf waa pat on the company'. a>.i»Unt ju.|it..r. I- I iiji. en -ti-'-." it*- ..,«.» nearly aa tapreawtv* aa b* had •>- a. Kagilabman. B. Spaoldtag. called of operating *i|4> I.I r>.r Tbe SBT.NI* aptw-sr to hair br*fl hu f-ir.. Utarair, bu-Mintf* -"J • »•"!. ' •• !•..! t^r. .fi.r (.1 1 .'.r . |*. ...| .-,J ha*a wffl be here thia * tb* bill In a ctmstry tb**trr aa tb* now in chanre of trie South Jer-ev t .r-t A-b*." •(.*;, IV- V : J ;-4-r-. . ..: 4 • n>. -I il.r- it.*".—•• pactad. After all. th* cream* ta only hem to him and a*t oat to farther ANNOUNCEMENT ujterUU aad suij Jrw at i»n.r« •• < r> •?..:.» I bit uta*.:> t' O.J.->» *.''» r flr. cooelBdlag feature ..f a Ingttj n%*r- Ice Company'* office at Twelfth -t. :-* « .rJ "n.U.i.1.' .s-ll lv ^ M r> .'.'-;,) , an of the ISO feet long and tt* face only 14 faet explore th* treemr* region. It n< hr tb» *.,, tolre. Owing to th* Uteona of th* • • await J. K. TROUT ami West avenue. Shr\*ill rerruiin .:l ir.. |.-»«»* »r.4 4*<-)*M D.*i'f.jl ^ ••! 4f >.. Jil-V li I II Alt* I11N, wide! Pcrhtpe the vnvtretuMst mad* reprtrtrd that be had p*o*rrated tb* re- out k. . it.-uiKr. ih.t *it*M< d it -.r -t" <• ..t boor It waa d*t*nnln*d to rvdoc* tb* here for .-• month, until the office] *»*o NOT A FEMININE AnRIBUTE '•-A ...:-r.| »t. . dlfftntvr*. far th* Sphinx, aa abe gion, hut that be had been •tatn-oo lollar oaa l-jl.l fur ..ll r m\ . . j "unuU**-* f'v.a* bTi.l .•»<•. i.-r. . '..M I. t- pUy to three art*. Ereo «il, coodm- The HOTEL NORMANCHE announce* that it will force ha.i the hu-inr.. ruiininicliariiM- r .1. ,;. rt« . It. »..r4 Ulb.c • .SJ!. t 1 I 1 r. k t.. h t.. ai. 1 .,.|. . L..i lf iafinNTa Imurrad hy the B-oti-fiin fV today reet* ta th* eenda at the desert, nuking hi. getaway. Tb* app**ranc* SWAN and TROUT • :i 1 . ... luj** ... rr -* »f.j!j'i-»i if *T.II.. ..r atOon foond tb* graTeyard acne oolj open foe the leajoo. Friday, June 30.1921. and wiO be op- xmoothly. e IM That tklrta •ap'tHlly PirUls U .'• -f ...I .).. th* Brat two miMitha of 1"VU t Wo'lLl' n.ilt.r aab.tb lM.r,li It., ft-I • • 1 .--1 - mt.'i.-t .- .i,,t 1. ti.rr, .• • "• •. .r. i...» I— | ul ..I*«:,I. •r>4 r\*v-l 1 =rr^ W.LRAYMON of UOK of the ancient rrilr. tn India ( ax SUr I.. :1 has a very dUFerent atage werung from half throqab wbao the town clock I.t ..3 J-fif Jr.! « ID f Si. ( . If .( !. ..1 ..... i-.n i.cwut, it,., »niIV la believed to Indicate that "A total, therefore. ..f Itjt, ,»,,!« out th* W**a*r •*« I* Ctawelrt*- U i-t-...- •> iv 'i.t.-i tf it- 11»»tit, oa- HAHUV A. that of a few yean ago. Tbe black •track twelve. erated u in put teatoot along firfl-ciau fane*, with h^ ... .!•. a.b. r. •! if 1- "f -ii'iit:. •. * ' - . I l.lniuT -luil ,,!,i tr. U..I 1*1- r *1~1 * ,.\ !',(.. I-.ll- .I.,..r. . IK, »,,]. ly MiaiaadUva, !.- * t4 J.rt ' *b*H t» twU I., r... .a --. *• vl . ,J - - . . . ita of the Moatta kave gee*, and IHouMIng ni robbed and that tb* g»ade service and cumnc af etery dollar or operating :t...., -i,,ti t .1 t ..1 - s. 1,.. t... it. •».. -i». it. r r.» 3 \ At that moment tb* aaBagvr'arroU- for IbUU Wat paid out at prl.n direct- ,-it •...: *afib or .i-c*- ..f^tr • •' •• 1-. J»- thetr ptaca takes by the white and >um are .lowly betnf aold by hi* *- my •< ift»fli vl^rrs .wa r.t ed on to the ««*» and resulted 'to ly tlaaat lj tb* luternruent. If there Is ooe thing pre»uniaWr «-rr- -t. :i 1^ .u'.i I of tke British, pitched uut a' V >• •• I 1 . -k. north IM watt er the rrtaBlA. Trot- CARPENTERS fa ^Mand BUILDERS Tn* ramtlnaalr. up t* *T, c*nt*. tsln on ibis rarth. In tlu- .-|U.i--" "I" grav*. Or<>nr». it • uigh Uun wer* directly to hotel most of ua. It la that .klrt. are r-.~-n sty care na to wtthhs eotne baadred - •f V«ina CKinsmen Us-•u tar msutlsts 'anal auppii**, pair. !• ' I tf -.r -br *1 In rxxi »i our nevtcape oa."-Loo- >.11 ..r ti, . Oath rrem Tree Bark. OCKAN CITY N. i. cKa**d *t aneas flsatf hy aatxrsl mar. tl«lly feiulnlne. and Hiat ibr «i«- It • •* «' yarda of the Sphinx, and amotaoMlea don TliBua. J. HOWARD SLOCUM. l^arc-Maaaaet tierge S«v*r* Examination In Map* travel the attotortatr read to th* has* Tb* famoc* "tapa~ doth of Poljae- hat c*nttitM«* ins k*)r*na) In* eaaMr feature of tuaa.-tillne allln- la a l.lfilr E. A. CORSON •» Bcoemlng MantUrtria. cated (arrurnr. But rmtulaa* •• funbrr ef the Great Pyrtjnld: from the apex sia ta made from th* user bark of th* at tit* rallrw*ea t* Cantrwl. i ..1.. . f iv from the truth. T.' tt.i- .la> tlir nu • .. iv .1*|... 1 r r-jt-wl . • e< tha Pyramid af Cfceepe foor long paper mulberry. tVheo of th* floaatt To Ulualrate bow labur «-u«t. were ThoU4i) Chlnrae r.|ur^illuQ I. fr»'\- Jortty of the male rh-uirti! "f tUr hu- .--»••. -!- •.)••< "I i aatanatt ef a artttsh •treleaa appa- Amoog tb* nhlblia at th* Buhleb** oaltty It la bl«*ch*d to acowy white- joat)ino> a Inflated bj Ih* "Natlucal A GENERAL CONTRACTOR sally and*tiiola( change, ian.|i.k man rare, so far *• It w»-ar» «l..tbr« raraa atretch down to th* groasd. For snJ fin* a* mttsJIo. ri.tered Intu during federal rufttrol, eablbltlon. W**tmlaster. Englaad. for Ih* till* of niamlarfb •till fair at all. la Btlrtrd. And In |.a>t • 1 . 1 .- - .1... f- t.i... ..f ... -. f - In trvpicel Africa the Inner bark of A'ow is tk4 timt to fit ttidj Jjt Ikr Stium 0/ ifjl Sling rult-a and working "JbdltluUs. abort time dartM the trouble* tn handreda *f hooka which mm at thrrtvyewr Intanal. In Oilii^e rll- net so very lutig a«:u. a «-"»" : v : : : : ; 737 Asbury Avenue a Irgunitnooa tre* Is oillltxl lo the thr futlnatlng riam|.lr« Mere ilird: Egypt the neighborhood of the Bphbn Ih tb* camp acbool at EoMe- 1s*. and the eiarolDrr* alt In to th* fe»t was th«- •vrrrrt t«rar of r>- ':! . :":: '',r;:''r^ : ' 7^-''; :.:'ih same wsy. Indeed. It Is surpriatag to 1 Tka l'*ra Sf*raua4t. ICailaay was rrensoo to tawietwneaa, andeon. Oo* la boond In an old Intbrr robe* of stste under their orohn-llaa spn-tsullltjr ID rivlliiol t:ur..i«-. An r - :.-• w . ,\T wf .,>--.* • . •-..•. 41 • v - OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY lawm h..w widely tree barks arw no- *,j? •!.. ..i-^ ,| 1 j ••-.-• ..: ;:.- .• • 1. enty the other day awoepad gleve with tbe Bager* atreiclwd acroe* and roodoct th* exsnilnatl'«B. tu four •fBpiojre.a. t^.auaa l.tua lujr.1 aa material for clothing th* HOTEL FOR SALE • 0«-t^iote fuld uf I«t. Luula. kllllf 1. .,..i.. ..t I- lit,, :• : . '.-' .tu- J- " .1J 1 - ROADS. SEWERS. BRIDGES. BULKHEADS hs frwat Use linit and attacked a pa*- tbe front cov*r. on* word .of tbe title afany of in* >..uD|rr frnervti»n urum aaT».m«nta wvra (hanarad ioild u -.,...' ..1 •) - i.r .II < . i-f- - ty of tight attag Brttath at the Pyr*. NOTICB Furnished, 27 Bedrooms. Bath. Good Location, bata« oa each Sneer polat Other i,.«. the -U<~*-tarli tree." .which nowaila). hat* lOihltH-d a wralTrh I.Ira aibli* IBa oatur* of dulua aad mooanU wa* tt*« .it.uteat uf warTlorv. Dwaifed hy the Pyraatlda. th* of (duration; but many mil begin «lih the IJUBMJ of Ikalr vwk ranuain^ are hoond la poctloaa of brown IcMa a ilellcate ftasue ao Us* lac* Hot Water Heat, Centrally Located. a roan whom r.o one ku.mln£ anyil.tiif *. : !' .1 . .r *-.> r*-J» .f •.^•-r *••-! '. •letter whe haa recanted his IB* aama xltvtaxa. tod «er- Uat tuanj arttdtw of feminine adars- tb* Buttk of Three iliarsi-trra. ttte 2 A cax r«palra# oa Iba VtraiotaJB about wuuld ilrram of an IIMH*- "f •"•• fan faced th* Sphinx «tfts*fi. •Uilwa/ .aa Daid 11.^0 for .art it f i-t jrot are mad* from tL PRICE IS RIGHT Book or a IIUD.Irr.1 Pamlllra an.t tt.r / iDg effeminate, but 00 otie !•» *-!«>n hr potnung." aad dactdtal that ee We have a large number of clients wishing to O...T didd Ha aaa laid UT alia Book of a \V..r.|«. al.J t^ifr- •oiv^Fvaal DaCBuaa tbaf serioaaly offered to Mi-hamw n—tumr. ,r j 1 * • *•-.... [ 1 ,t,.. .r, .. iUl.|. f r 1.-I Ask 1*r htm to < Whaa ha Item* «a- i ••.•- •. ... m i>, »>j'-r .::rr j. . *• ttr tram havssg a Sryptlc expreaa rent and purchase. We solicit us an adaratlonal •'•imi that l> hrlil • lib a rtt-tily dn»»-*d fru^atr rrUtUr FM0HC TI4MO-I4 ata Btnlunty rujmta" to •..''. r ;.f .* J.xl agoaia awoveuca aoov eunoga your listings. tu be mor* than Si o-i.turlr. ..l,l. in * ~ rac«i«aa1 taxk pay *.bo had blamed him fur wearing? • J1 \ t- ..Mi... .r [' t< - .-•> cf » [...:!• ALFRED SCHERM JOHN J. rO8TCR tb* oltlmat* trlami^i uf becimria: num* - • ... - J a * 4»- 1 -a. •!..!. r_- - . _ • the aaWP «r A*r.«mtr.t p«o- anprrtrntUMta a-arwnta be u-uall> af da/tn* and rnjo)tti< the .»mu-<,i..l ,'. t ' )' !-!•- I ... i. . . .- J *• 1- *\ •• .. ef J. E. WELOH ncAi/roti vtdaa that vb«a «ffi|A.yr«a a/a ra- ftx-ted. whlrti *h* .aid wrre uii-ulte. ..r.-l .« . , .„!, | .. ... t « thay avUt ba l>mt*i tur o*a to * kin*-. Hut alu- llM.ucbt hi. p.wt THE BUILDER L. Leslie Headley Co. 8r» BIONTti STBBBT OCCMN CITY. N. -3. »• 1 I lf..1 I «; f ;.M - '.r . ' 1 ' I tha 8E3RT- dividual reputarJoo fur «l-|uiu and hoar *Stxm aj !*• rUjaa of 9**h ataa. •e*] Heir. BA BBAttaf kow raa twafa lh*y a»*r • as !•»• plain for brr ^. .lr. lli~-.| tbr COM. SCVCNTM tracer aajo WCBLIV Avgatuc mur leamlnc that so with the mtr. Tl.r • 1 i".!*- w.. • r • mi batter paper, bv aau. MIMT hB%« work**. Thia lula lo tha */«t odrr. Now. It I. lm| 10 Inuic Decorator Iml i anawejmUMir nf Hit Tn «r 1 V t,..:.|.i. ,r j-.t;. -n ..r * t-jill ^.. 515 Eighth Street corrAoaa elamination conalsra In tb* writing- ..f a)s aaoalks *f 1»U <*a< Ilia n ( MOTBia p Kewa ralaws an tntaroatlog OCEAN CITY, N. J. UMdAtOWt MtM.M*. ar at rate of 111 M tae a man like faiuia rtrn •uit'£*-»ttns ..' ,;. J . J Ja. * • a! •- • '* - • l<- Uaiui coavaacvea phikasophlrml and i-Jlil.»l r*»a>>. n- . .1. 1 a. '. - ...A-alJ »-'-r . --. •'..• \. >*aj>. sucb a thing If the drr». "f luni an. Ocean Gty. N. J. ..' • I •• .^--1. Hi«:i !*> Uk - . Window Shades and Awnings Made posttloo of the sa>lnc» uf C.uifu. iu«. 4 Oa ts« t liaBapaahi a Oei women bad Dot U-ro pra>tl>all> Idm ... ». 1 , :i .« ., j-.. .n t » »• . II taassttf ao. romaentlae; on Ctilnr^. ir&t. a&d tbe rckajl »4acaaro«k car rapalrararara ddorr.*o * and Put Up whyt me own hahr la at tha ha* ad 41 4 Paa- caait *a4 aifWaAifWaAaa rvaaur- llcal. el.r).t tur war and buntlu*;. la • B • *l . r, t 1 f ,, kJ.J •.:•, ,-.- ...,k f ( . + Chitnuc\ • llt-tl Ic tk 1 composition of seotm.-^. and mailma afa si 4 par raJtt ID *nMur«-» rocriruia J038 Asbury Avenue OCEAN CITY, N. J. In pro** and vers*. ll ,il> . ,.-I_I.-4 .,..,-- I. f .. -••>. r cliimistr^a ran t~e nuilc to tlraw. •or hour. as carrot ruler-ail Real Estate Dept. T. W. MOULD, Mgr. J. WILLIAM MORRISON Th* nooibar of rsndl.latea at »u- h this Tlu f oof * ^rr firc-jnuul*. • On thm aocjiilwo ut ut*c* wwli 1 1.1 1 t jiUiua. r MM -i "f 1 *• il-1..-, the «aery at of vital peraooaJ eramlnatlona still r«.uiit. up tnt.i tl.e ea tn« L*aa»a rw^lA.- KaJi(^«4 ua th« All kithl nf x|o«r itnl brilrr Ba has gtvwa the aaarrt- whaoi aJuip BI OauhjL .\abr . toa titno Do- ».; ' Jl *'.t llntw-. n > - j . jl> . -;.J T .« »4n\catwl hratcr Pipe*. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE thoosanda. Somritme* ihHr fallurr^ raautr*4 for tba aama a^ik waa la- til or -r«tr-> < J .) •• . I '•< t r 1 f on* talsht aay. tn the [.hraae with crwaaad II t par r«al aa4 tb« output ToUBg l-BW)*r—If ).iur ho tu cut sawn t« par cm. and ta « raw^. we will abow that a[>[jrllatr wttb which western editora mura •iui.1- ro*(.- (• -.' . "Ui 1 •).. ly w tbe ttaae of hie heir. Tbe Bat- oo lack of mertt" fur the uun.t-r of ra that wbcrt-tn plalntlff'a wlrDe*a SMITH'S OCCAM CITY. H. J. Cant output daiTaaaa-d 1% ter I* ea* cams* for tb* tboagbtfal t hsd ai>p«-an*d with etl.lence after bat 1 T - *• jrt, jtjii-w of iMin^ie ( 1-. m mmortarr MCWTTM or UIMTM mrmmrr varande* to b* flllrd at anjr >«e time 4 aoutbara Pa^itW ampUjy.aak arteatioa of tbe pbniienpber and tb* tn th* list of mandarins la «rrr aiuall «t..-a« aoia dutr waa lu fca«p Walca Inj; Iw^-n *uhn-»e«a*.l dum t*» uru— Th© Tin Smith IT weesan geaerally tr» on alatu*o.ary ao*la»a ai^d u» slup tba III* II..U.T (ar. u»tomed in b*arto« lifted the Martgage Cotttpared with th* number of rai.Jl- Bnalba IB coaa anyttna* **nt wroo*\ 1112 Asbury Ave. frowaincea tbe •HiliiiaUl aCere of dataav.—Chrtatlan Science Monitor. «a«» rorUaoJAad hr I'lrr^lur (^aatal ganihl*r* IO pollnr c oo Dilnut* ttM-re. You aay. "d*u«v» t^ tko Halt Laka« Ililtlw balVa* Sltan FTtorvc. 74.W \>vfr nrslKt your ^uink aco.unL It ruu. lifl^l th* Waa tt not a red- B. F, GOETZ Cd^ar r. Berber k»ck Mr *' U 141 •iw.lkrr U «•«. 'rin." Wrll. this Cuart J^1.U-II> artII > ) •jed tbeBrat abet ta Uk* *«*t* •*• Ink. aaothrr U.6**. anoik of humrs. Every little savtna; otkaW alaVHISts tBrylDat fTwaB ILaSO kot admit -.Icu.-ea tsk* Vcu." <*>f>er> *4i^jii' rtt. rar acatnet tbe Boat Safeguarding lo croaHveoootry fl>ln«t. 'l^at- qulr*- ti |l-»aS all) .la-dVlug. It alnaya has Uvti beM -i .- b..i —t •ocMy ranaot aflprd to laae tb* red- REAL ESTATE AGENCY cant poods of water ar* u.uallv ti.e T L'nd.r tha praawat ctaa*IO.altoa SLiit un account with t)u> Fir»t National Bonk. Real Cstote . n\m* Bf tha a&up «^aft». la v(J«r Iw tkat a.-ea brat 'em. of tbepar- darkest areaa lo tbe Undx-a|«.. oft*n tkalieo a t..^ila lit. .n lt^ rfwa>t aad ^ per c*iit. Intf rt-.t rai.1 on Saving* Fuml Accounts. FOURTH ST. AND ATLANTIC AVC. ln.31«t »t. (Section of Ocean City Uvtj appear Ok* puola of Ink and tl.*ir cf IWUIIKIIK it U '- —TT lo cavl Your Family's rehitlfe brlcbtseM Is murb In. than B boltar tt^aiiar and feia h.lpar lo opan f •aa. The raahtai win be nniii OCCAM CITY, N. J. tba Boor, tacauaa Ibal u> U*lt«r ataa* MEMORIAL DAY Fine Cottagt* for8al c or tkat of black vrlirf. This la r..JIr ara' a>o«k. l'> aant wax. ar tf there kt ae ara u I can Rent yon moat any bolpar to luwiit tba biowar plpa. ta i>. L-. I CTpJimaXi The walrr Is prrtenir a. <^der ol Haxrjr M. !»•*.*- •Momt: MC NT A La ttoayaa that ta pi pa waa a sorb. aa4 r Kent Collage in oor District dear and rjk* bottom Is blarfc sad call • aoaxfctniat Bs^d hla halpar tm r«» Uaa. iMifracaleof Ua. rcsatt uf 1'ai^ Sl« Future Orrtcc 23»-J Sana BKH Ibo IIP. U.-AUH that tB aW- Buaaoa lUletlluOerol Asail. * I. li-t FIRST NATIONAL BANK Lota Sold on Term* peroo*. Llttl* or oo light U n-nVcird ahlBlBtB' wark. .law tur tha aau&a r^rca) 00 lae af piwM.toa CM Laa Milav-rlbrr, .ire-. MONUMENTS •tcaiocncc. zaa-tj BUILOINO Lor* except from tfce sorfacr. to k« aaaplayo* lor putllne ta th* aa*> • lliBfaaal dacaaaad. aatlaa kt btfa^v **«*•< \ 3 U*- la IB* teaaUtoeaaiBBkl ascawaaal kaaiklUl *a Or DIOHTTY AND DI8TOI0TI0H. ITKlflHED AND OCEAN CITV. 1V.«J. •cacM mo«T loddaotally a pood of this Irpe pr» Ike Mibarrltae aader aalk ae aali Qufatloord bj Sana tor Poladvitcr, ttd*e ta* b**t alrror In the Itiul^-ape. laalr MBlakaaaddaaiaaiiaBBal BKADT TO UTTER AJTD EKEOT BET0KE MAY 30th- Ur. Krattarbolll ttstrd tkat tb*«* la- of aakt IIIBIBIII wtlsia all Oar O** AT foumrm mr for Ita berkaroaod rs almoat i«-rt*rttT thetaainaaaeBr A»rtt. A. |i isa. oe itaac*a might b* in* rvwsaH] joo>fliilt*. • III tatsmnr barred 0* aay anlia a«Bloai It Encourages Detuned, cnt ud irecUd with particular najtsd for indi- dark, whick I* aot tb* caaa> for turbid 17 and war* ckar*. triutu- oo rallru«da vidual reqolrcmcQ(a water. If oo* mat.hrs «. isa. BIO BARQAI1N8 of Ib* rrantrjr. as a mult of tb* ataaoAs.v lu: be raa detect tbe lmsg» of ibe air- Your Boy from the !irur.t CotUfcs. Aptutmeota and Bunfalows, fernfibcd and anfnranihed "Agrwmrnis* Uft ottr frsaa frdaral t-ll. kX, P. P. Blue tusacvtrisn . a: ftwta the day Ylvt new home*, (bar to nioe rooms, all have fine ptao* rrflccted In ih* water atthout nJ fin.-at at.M'k or nutrriala to the sharp. Some tatetts in my hand* most be aold at awoificc price*. This b the cu*tr*C • y ocean view and no (treat to croa* to tbe beach. time of yctv to bar Cottages and Lot* a* this Popular 8ea*id* Raort dtOrolrjr at 2.0Of» or S.<«> f»»t. Thi« i>CU> CITY. » J. >.r c-'ll.-I..I — CARMOTE eateeaal wall, haa af fast Ugh. Two aqoarcs lo the train station. Trolley pax (1>«* a troe urnl.-al lla* whlcb our fr<.m , ttwre le aot toy Cheap. Apply to b* ef os* *a *om* occaitoas. At lrs>I NOTICE TO LI MITCKEDITORS CONTRACT NO. 71*0. vhleh ae aaaa can the door. Electric range*, open fire place*, in the right .!ir«tion U> w. fjmt.tia far th* i which dees aet leek aa tt tar •OMTTstloa of this tmag* glte* a rao NUTICK TU CtlHTMAiTOKa. WHITE ENAMEL laundry, garage*. Apply oajuvabea. lalaof.'WIaeH IkMoa. Pi i-eaa. I HaainS Wba. will ka mini By taa Hoajil «icd bjr dke traa. Uwtar a* aald awnaaad. *ol lew H MaWkT ft % aw Bl thm toaina »U«al t'oaasin wta- thrifty, UVIIIK an.l •%•- BUILDER MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE. WtBsmWtlfiu d aWadla asklaat la> oa *i^» ptaaa aa* .twciava* Trwt Coapmy Onwoo o. die Aatcncaa Rmkoi **1H AND OKMTRAL AWC- w- w > to w bar u*» oaub or afltnataUa* ikslr Ha. ^m rk. Umatlc in .Icpo.itiiin ocean CITY. N. "i !S«5tr!? ^ - J!?? ?*"••••* «; we eaa tsal -ea. rt BBW'A - I aWaaawa* WIU alaaaao^lbatroaa law uo*i*w al oa I*, kwai frfu- mwtcy. r Maneat asW H«Ur, mat*. saraalj-ooibt? a «B. AU kass lalaad lh.rMa .ad j-aa(a4a «B> at SIBRS. A. [L. tSB. or Early training is Uxling. Privmto MeaoritUs liotvwitfc TW* fall moo*) Bnrc»t tb» aniamaal wut ba ssfwrar kavnaf oi aajr satin* >Uad.a>t . _, I car rvfilSWa .wa«B •qataoa (Savtrmhef- £!> la known a* t laal BWaWSttaWr. 'Baoa. awaalai. Bank*, la tae Cu» f>ea- ,, trW •_—*^ f U-Cd State*. HURLEY-JONES CO. J. M. CHESTER & CO., d star** *«, net. sarar afODaaaC-M/, W.J .la Ike aea. .v*aa H per oeni Intcrr>t Pai.l tbe "aUTM mood." Owlug to lb» or- na nnniiral UaVdar alii aa I.S.I»J lo atMuae •runMh CUMI>Alir. AtfaUalalrwtsr. farskaa. Wataia Ua aars troaa t»«- aala mt tae mi Tint* A* otw."ot tiie ninii kia^JM in - OCSAM Cm. N. I. al mlolmum r«anl*l|ua la •fTlHl-llIU W. COLE, rraat awsra. a aalaatsatafy SWatr t aaapaay OAafDKVTAJtD _. J. ua taaaaaa caf MSpav rtal«aa we h.«c ccfiie. o. Ae booUd^aaUfcfc tor dbtribtv 1 «f rlaiac at tkat period, tale or tba aaaoaat Bad. I aw till la lit lor Iha Salt* i ace 1 rleae at aaartj tb* samatlote oo esraaaa** a* tko raairart. aad w Ul aia • tmd it iaT«7 To On* and All JBUW* la aata Ihha <-uuii or uaaaa rwir * aa* waapvud o. hth ek ccaawiT* olgbts. |« rise* ssataa tn ttrlMol Ibb rsBpanararsBpanara-- Uahll- HURLXV-JONCS CO. Writ* (er Uatiaas *•• aiake yew •arty aad grrea tke tatabaodam Oo Not forawt tti* Old Hwliatoi* tOiaafUiaafUJ atalat a fkafktat w Jtrarraraar ... . „_ ««*aa»«»TaTI»T» atWlalww paiSatalaSt a uniaanmyiailii ••• J ''• Pwa, II a uamN A—, Vsataor. te-aiTta a. CNATTIM * aeej. Mae*. teve h*«a phvk« aatf all dar sr. oo- Ray Villa La U *TatrjagaaMty Caataway kaa4 or liaku- I •ertaaity a* pfher ttsttr crop*, btace t*" ' »•••»• _u v. OCEAN CITY IbllliBCtoa. O.T.B ,nj AtUBIW- ttia immumt AVK. Maat MUr SaaM a* sit—"t la bad. >-. lutrst^'.a^a.s. K. j, t« Olayton Halnes Brick-RKALTOR tta iimt Th* "hsuatcr^ taoon" la the' which was catibltabol io 1916 twaatijB work t* k» tinit>iu4 wiikia a* 411 CJOHTH ST. OCCAM CITV. M. 4. •ea*) foUosriDg tbe **arv**t taooa." Try it ooc«—complete yoor laundry Tplaaa»»s* TITLE AND TRUST Ocean Qty Title and Tnift t j •*at - etxaalon fur It. na>* I* O^B. hiu ^^ &1| ^^ COMPANY •aauranae •tawl t at the -season of th* year ' pboot. O. J. HAMMELL CO. ipany WALTKR TOMLM aa**a« country jouth. th* karveat •!!««» OCEAN CITV. N. J. T. Corton tb and HKATtNO - " "^ ""* "• •• ai7 BAY AVENUE t AVWUS Oottttn City. N. J, rmr niAWCCT ntKKatAX. Fro*). • -^A?"*«^^ ••• ts^rW^ mmjsmmmSjmm

    OCEAN CITY SENTINEL, OCEAN CITY, N. J., THURSDAY. MAY 19, 1921 OCEAN CrTY SENTINEL, OCIJAN CITY, N. Jn THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1921 MINISTER WEDS SIMMER EXCURSIONS. PIONEER HOTEL MAN I •STILUfK P CALL The R«v. W. K. Fisher'. Bride Was Reiidinii Will Start Dally Trip* on SOME OF BOARDWALK GO'S ATTEMPT 10 STATt BOURD GRANTS NO PON JUS. NOW ('aaaden Re*idenl. June 19. Scotch Th.- Keadinu; will hetfn It* Hum- THIS CITY IS OORIEO In the Realm of Churches The Rev. W. K. Finder, pa«tor of NXES FOR POLICEMEN IHIM .liiiK' e\eur*lon* to .-en.^hnre RAISE PIE HALTED SEWER COHPWiTS PtEA the Chelsea M. E. Church, ami Urn. UIMBEBB SHIPPED ON SMRJONCEJITS 1 Anna Baehrach, of Cnmden, were Juno I' , at which time other Isaac B. Smith, 9a Yean, Foar More Are Soon to bemarried at the bride's home lu«t eve- "l.liti.inul ~<*rvicc liclween Phila.lel- Delay Will Probably CAOM (Oosilnoad ma* nm race.) Text of CotnmlMlonex's Opin- SERIES OF SERMONS. CHOIR AT ST. AUGUSTINE'S. riRtT BApnrr CHURCH |.!)iiu ami the -hnre v, ill lie ndded to Propottla Will Not be Con- . Beady, Making Total of ning by the Rev. Alexander Con-on, :& in FennaylvanU sey exacting • deposit In advance of The Rev. Dr. John Handley, pas- Tenth •treat and Weeley Av*nue that vthich went Into effect ln*t Sun- 8Urt of Work to be Post- ion la Bequest forIncreas e sidered Until Pall Music Misses Katherine and Elisabeth District Superintemlent, amtUted by Masonic Home. supplying service." In tide tha tor of the Flnt M. K. Church, began Limiting recently dedded to organize Tlie Rev. Marpie M. Lewta, Patter Sixteen. .la\. In Bate*: DktfUoa. the liriile'H pjmtor, the Rev. Wm. board, while approving the prlnrlplo ComlMion Is Named. In the church lost Sunday, a series a choir among the girls and young 10.30—Morning turtle* always oa dtrrjf. aM Four now police telephone cal Drum. The bridexniuid was Ml»i Thi- <1.''O Sunday -eii-lunn e\rur-jj Isaac B. Smith, who did at the In reply to a qntntlon by Mayor of requiring a deposit as a protection of sermons that In sure to draw 130—Dlble School. tht The State Public Utility CommU- It begins to look very much as women of St. Augustine's Church, trie. Hot-sir kakcr boxes are being Installed In thin city, Anna Baehrach, daughter of the -i which han l>e«n lenvinu Oi-enn j Masonic Home In EIlul ethtown, against loa*, stated: large congregations. His topic was 730—Evening Senrlee. Champion, City Engineer Collision n BtV > though Ocean City's concerts In tho and the choir waa heard for the first which will make a total of 1<1 boxen. bride, uml another daughter, Mr*. i'itv fur fhilndelphla at "•.l*i p. ni..ii'a., 02 yearn, and wu burled" "'° " * "Paul and the Golilcn City of Jeru- Midweek prayer earrlee at T.tS Champion, ».f the m«Un» of tha dty "The deposit exacted may not be.the Ocean City Sewer Company tn music pavilion this summer will be time at the 10 o'clock mass Sunday 1).M4»: i a- «|M>iiito,l for tho j He cumc to this resort In tho rprbf Nothing ilcflnlto In the mutter will •T. AUOUSTINafS CHURCH son stateil that he hail been unable to might operate to destroy the uni- The report of the State Utility ig 8unday good singing. • • Ocean ovenue, ami Twentieth str I'll -I time la-i Satindiiv. It leave- j of ISM). He moveil tho West Ead I* done until thc full board of com-j F"""™, ^ .„ 1338 Asbury Avenue. The newly-weds startiM on a trip locate the lumber to be used in tha versal obligation to serve any and Board in this matter is a* follow*: h Silverr The members of the choir are MILLER COTTAGB •^ on- romnnee McCarty, Anna Meehan, Marguerite located an follow*': First street am Thirteenth. Later In the day, Mr. been appointed. *> moitc now occupied by tho Brigh- not be- unduly or unjustly discrim- present churn** of the company WPIC and <^' »«- Pileggi. They sang three selections, FIRST M. K. CHURCH Anbury avenue. Third street am Collision ascertained that two car- Tho hoard comprise* flvc members Hot-valor Heat known re*iiicnt of this city. ton. Thc house waa brought here on inatory, for the simple reason that pproved by the board in 1MIH. tion. Emily Pileggi, Norma anil Mildred glgnth Street and'Central Avenue. Atlantic avenue, Fourth street am! DOTS und there arc two vacancies* In this LAOKA I. MltX-EB a ve.*-el Hailed by former Chief ol load*, of the material hail been ship- such discrimination ia unlawful for Lonxara, Mary Devino and Julia The Rev. Or. John Handley, Patter. Bay avenue, Seventh street ami the Theshese charge* are: for cottuuiM an.I nripmiiutlon. I ATTENDKO B.WqlKT. . Police S. B. Scull. It was tho first ped from Philadelphia. public utilities. bildi d f dlli Pileggi. They sang three selections 10.30—Morning worship. Boardwalk, Eighth xtrcct ami the uilding* used for dwelling purpnws Thc*e vacnncicx. Mayor Champion CLASS ENTERTAINED. Several of this city'* liunker* al- I'i -I* :no .iir.iin Mtiiitf. hiitel In thi* renort. It In understood that the City Giu "Come, Holy Ghost," " Tin „ the 2.30—Sunday school. Boanlwalk, Tenth xtreet ami the The Boardwalk was to have been I per room for the flmt ton room* | „„).„„).„„, w||| not() Cmt ,t unti| after THEBISCAYNE • i 4JSB,S*— -^**» •^ *• IHI Harri• If* ml T s• B~ana **• d• »* a »aMulfon *. I l enter- Month of Our Mother" ami "Oh, tcinlfsl the meeting uml li;n«|iirt uf M,ui> \ i-itm •-» lie to Sum lay. Mr. Smith made additions to tat has nnt annd 75 cents per room In cxcc»cxcc»* orrth c dprtlon f City CommlaSioner' 7.30—Evening service. Boardwalk, Eighth utrect an.I We* built by this time. Probably tha thc or A. Open Krtday. April If 1 lfl hotel and later sold the property to required a deposit of more than $10. for City Commissioner ,„,„„, tho membtn of Urn. E. Lord, I Am Not Worthy.'* ley avenue. Eighth xtreet unit Axhury Ihe New Jer.-cy Banker.-' A-.ocia- ('"ItHIT' - -» I'Oiili; linU^Ilt I'V ten room., with a minimum chnrsrc nc\t Tu *aaB\amM tho (1 proposal* to proviila the concerts at Si\th -trr-et und Wcalcy avenoe. upon a proposition to change its nince. There were gamen and re- Cor. 1U" Street and Central Avenue. Private Balba Booklet avenue, FourtreTith xtreet ami Wo. from here woro K. II. Stito-, piv-i- The matter of a quit-claim nt.' He ul*<> had u Imurdintt hou>e on brought before the attentlo'n of the or sleeping rooms in excess of thirty gregation at the mass. Kvor> )>ui)>litiv c.mtract.'i in the •lemaniled would be Increased from bo at the homo of Mm. Anna Crane, Rector. Asbury avenue. I H. 8. Mowrer, cashier, (if tho' A-lmry avenue, near.Seventh street. boanl, relating to lot 293, section, A. la cents each, and yielded the com- GANDV COTTAGE Kii-t Niitional Hank. un i- tu-hr-l with u*>ik. He built the fir»t hnu-n horo after was referred to Solicitor Boswell. 110. to 115, opportunity will be af-pany sufficient to meet operating ex- P PR8ONAL8 on the second Thurwlay evening in .... PASTOR BACK IN PULPIT. _ » 30—Church ecbooL The boxen will be remly for the . Tin* Pii»i:rc--ive Lfairuo forded it to be heard. In advance Jane. Thin will be the last meeting lu.45—Morning prayer and nanuon. 1.13 C'eniral Avenue - *-vy, pie*l«li'iit; Cla\ton llaii.c* rlrare.l thc i-laml huil l*en taken over bv The resolution recently a*lopted by penses and Interest on its bomls, hut The Rev. Marple M. Lewis, pastor lute of the policemen within a .*li«ut of such hearing, however, the old until September. except first Sunday of month, OosanCity HewJet«*y Brick, vlrc pre-iilciil; l.u**«ll II. "IIT.IJ i»y it-i recent emu-. thc Lake brothers. This was located the Progressive League, requesUnic during the lost year the expenses of Churehhill Hungcrfonl and family of the First Baptist Church, return- time. rule should remain In effect. he company were Increa-cd over oil to his pulpit on Sunday and then Holy Communion. iir-sa ail lo. i« Warm laasM aaa Nulty, secretary uml treasurer, aii'l Very noon }ou will h,- htarinit ihi- unmi»lahahlr call of ihf Ik-ran to enme l.ik«- . i dip or li-t n to it- iimr. D.rn now \ou The Kra.linK hrnuKht i:t c:irN..t.U at the comer of Seventh atrcct and that a high school and community of Wenonah. have opened their eot- Very truly yours, 13,100 of which $1,000 is In increnx- MAY. PROCESSION. preached morning and evening. He 7.45— Evening Prayer and address. Sterling W. Colo, trust otllccr of thinking of %jration lime. When )on frvl this uri!*» ju-l r«*mt-mb*r Orr.m ( it>. \. J.— itn«-\«*«-lli-il iM'.uh. roncrnial people. <>f «*\cur*io!if.-t> here Surilay. A*liury uvenuc. Iwilillng be erected here OH soon an tnire ami were in town during the (Signed) A. N. BARBER, d tuxes. encountered no difficulty with hi* si as. uiu O ASrov. rreo. RACCOON PERCH IN COl'NTY. hc Ocean City Title and Tm*t all around ideal Svj.horr Id-.orl. Suninii*r hotel"* arc Win if renovat- passible was received hy the hoard week. The children of SL Augu»tine'i> Mr. Smith and his family lived Secretary. voice and expects" now to be ahlo to FIRST PRgSBYTIRIAN CHURCH Game Warden W. Steel, of Cape o>\ aiies to the num- cotta er here, »•• in town a few Sunday evening of thi* month. Pits MRS. E. A. LODER BTRIKO. Personal Notes of Interest to Cottagers and Residents have a "hang-up" j-'ummer .-ea-.>n. cniraircd In thhe h hotel business. He K uilempt to lead the singing, as well imo—Morning, service. ftnanM of thin county, he »tate.« gency hospital on tha beach at Tenth the following - letter, sent by Mrbe.r of ten rooms and in hotel* to thr lyf ago, ueeompamoi! liy Tier son. parations for this orcasinn art? nnw llr«. Klliu. A. LoUer, widow <.f leavtrs three snns imrl thlto ilag a* preach ami teach, the load on the 2.30—Sunday scbooL a and Kn Hull* Private Ball). while in Ocean City on Fri.lay. The Slimt? Fa>t Unn i* runi.intr it- street was referred to Mayor Cham- Brick, late in the afternoon, to Sec-number of thirty, and ~~> cent* per being made. jv.1* Loiter* was buricsl from her ter.v. He i« said to have been tho Joseph M. Rouland and wife, of voice being too much. Miss Heist 7.45— Evrnlng service. streamii of this county, he stair. I Janie* Younr. Sr.. tic«- •- .1. Wil-f.n. f.,rrrr>tly of Hiepailur car- JWMO "" Satm-lay- ami pion, with power to act. The tent retary Barber, of the State Utility Dm In CXCCPII of said number*. Thc Ttwa mmatr- rram late home. Thirty-first street and •• Ma-on in Pcnnnylvania. For in lux kiinlly consented to Jielp out. by Prayer meeting Wcdno«dav eve- hatchery at Hackettxtown. The fi»h i- hen- f"i thc -<\i or.. (). ••-a- .•. ( •'H,f. II. • ^.l• act*i»ni| ' i Aiit«.|v..l.i!.- r.,i,i,,ai.'y. I'hihl- that was at Tenth street will lie Commission: nmpany dexires tn make In addition COMMISSIONERS ORGANIZE. Anbury avenue, Friday afternoon. more than fifty years he was I.Ienti- 1 their cottacc here during the week. ning at 7.45 o'clock. •*.ii i A* •i>ml • U....IH John M . I- ln..\ I! a' .it'i' L' tlif* OffM'. A. N. Barber, Secretary. thl * a fixture charge for all fix- taking the lead in the tinging, am striped like the animal from J. K. GiliU-c. ..' tl-o H'; t:cd with Ma-onlc organizations. used at Fourteenth street. Sea I-le City's new commissioners THE DARLINGTON he interment, in charge of Funeral .K.L'I'. Nntii' tii,- ;.- .: (Kc ia *"--it.ik'«'i • .*'t- .iriivji.L' ui.f laundry' fixtures, kitchen •Ink. one J. W. Wilkln*. of Philadelphia, a city, have rrtinif.i (<••>-. u w M-l. t thr ^' i•<-k-kiik ai.'i fm ,1; . ..•• I'.iil-i. HAS LARGE CONTRACT. Kighth street need repairing. This My ilear Mr. Barlier: Love remalnn at the head of thc fi- There was a ilouldc >>aptii>ni cere- IjssrlaJ ait»nl|.-QMIvan ar*»k^a4 a"u-***sa*l PROF. L'NGER HONORKD. \lumiora. Service* were romluctcd hath tub, one toilet ami one wash sulf.nMXillapartlas. -.• •: II. \l jlt> ai ,l »i:V, ..!' ti.i - ri: I"i ic- . -|*i.t Sat;i|.::i> :, ! <*cr;m City will thi- \ear have the I have your valued favor umler properly miner here, was among *-*""• Readinor Ooal Prof. Elmer E. I'mtr, physical •li- y the Itev. Mr. Nlchol.-, of the Park In addition to his other work, was referred to thtr City Engineer, nancial ilepartment. Director So- mony at the home of Iru S. Cham- Mks SAMD*L lu-nioriiii me lia-rKall team that pla\c-i here late of May 10, inclosing copy of basin, aof .V) cent* per flxtur*. the visitor* here thl* week. Alas KIB4II°« wood k> kaxr»l or mo- Ui.Jisnu.uiri. M i -.1.. ••'I L*. • W. !..-.>. i.f tl.i- a7i-l M. N.ukuk :•• •• •> if.-. .,f which kcepy him on the Jump, T. W. he to take tiie matter up and adjust froney is* in charge of the [V|>art- pion, of thi* city, Sunilay uftenioun. reetor of the schools, hail the hnmir Avenue M. K. Church, Philadelphia. Mr-. Mac J. Hani . .•'. ti.i The board has heretofore authnrlz- Han coal on Ih« uiU. SB** Iba. U 1 la-t .-uirti:€-i". letter forwanled to Mr. L. C. Ritchie, Laura Nelson Hall, the well known June Kvelvn, voung ilaj«til"r cf, It*, loa (oaiauuad. Hall or Kalatprtaa rot-flit!;. vi-itcl f i i - :.' •I a -: k w i-ii her .I.i. -I M i:. i". '. I'.iMlt- i.f till- \ ...11- LT I1MII. Raymond, electrician, of tlii* dty, it with the electric railway company. ment or Highways. Tlw City Clerk, of being one of the judge* at thehe cau*e of Mr*. I-odcr'x .tenth via* vice presLlcnt of the City Gu - Light I the company to Issue flsO.OOO <>r .", Barton Champion, and Florence ROXBOBOUGH BpOSK River, X. J. Jl .-- K • M. I.r- . in I'nila.i.•'. 1.1..1 ..i Mi- I>..i-> M'.-iry, "f 'lii- rit>. Kl«.ui.'lei - ai. •.* nil hoi -i-»'.-. >li.-. work at tho Townsend'3 Ir.'ct Coa«t mother, Mrs. Win. D. Bamhurst, In appnlntol. contest of the Atlantic City puMic y two daughter* and one -on. She t ur.ty ijaii.o W.ii.ii S!«<' II,-: 1 . r ,•;^r. . ..f Pi i caiiitht at Col--.n% r..!ct, Mr-. Gu-. out in the northwest comer of the :edne*s of the company for exten- Brecklcy, were baptized Ity the l*ev. I Oreaa CMy. N. i. (iuard Statlnn. Mr. Ravmor..| luu tents fully noted. thi» city. I.I, A ., -|H-: .. Lic:.t Wir. I f,-l-,:l. at Clen Mi!!'. I'd. bulkhead at First street. There i» schools. In the MorrU Guard*' Ar- was a redilent of thi* city Ucnty- Cape May O.uit HI.J-.. .. ,i- .i -. I'i t ti-.i• -..ii.ti-r ii, F • i W'ittkanip reiMtrt-. ions properly ehargraMe to rapilal Open May 2.'>, for Kwia ju-t had a new sign placed in front This morning's mall brought In Advertisement 1 - l.< • A ,<)n .•ii. <' i:> f,.i tin- ••.,•. a lot of old concrete there that could Mrs. Alfred M. Gray and her INDIANS HOLD r«»W WOW. mory, Thursday afternoon. He won ive jear«, and was <">3 years old. •IT Friday. i'-. M. II. r . J. i IJ. M. Pallet - Tlaii- aio l*injf perfccte-1 to huilil account according to the te*timony 1 Koonu by day or •ecfc of hi< atti:ictivc ttoro on Asbury lie used for Ailing In. The matter four more gas depo»lts of $10 each, mother, Mrs. Andrew Marshall, of I. S. Champion and Mrs. John Pflnn. HL on* of the Judge* of the Held and .Mi-. i . F. (.);• . .4 I'iuI.i.;.- i.' Atlantic City is $30,000. upon which lntete*t I- lie- McmlicrH of K aim I.i Till* of ltr.1 IntbeSBNTINBI. Phone 292-W Mrs. 8. The Mi--e- M.IWUMI;.-. »l.. nunil>cr of cottage* on lv-f,IIc| a\ei. ic. was referred to the City Engineer. and said deposits were. In turn, maiie Philadelphia, are aniont; the cntta- of Tama.iua, grandparent* of the Manajjer track events held at the Cape May JlMlItt MECHANICS MEET. M-i...i>.- Mi. l.a- Ing paid at the rate of .'• per cent. Men were \islte«l In tlvclr wigwam little ones. I the winter i,* Fi'ii-M. an* ':>•'•> trtfiumt at Struthmcrc. y thin office, with letter accompan- Kem here. County Fair grouml* Satunlay. ):« n- ;. :"iii-.,i- r Oce, Engineer Collisson wax requested The .- Harry Hea.lley and wife have left tho Great Coundl of New Jer*«y. Councilors' Av-ociutiun of the Jr. O. the copy of your letter shown them, Mi-- Alice Si.v • ••!. •••' lii-ii'.i' :.t»*ha\c taken a Im-k at "Jack" merce and Navigation of an ob- 100 in stock,' •HvMcniN were paid here on a three weeks' trip to HotThe members of this tiU>e ure very- L\ A. M. of Capo May County wa- 1 ltrst refused to accept the ileposits. BETTER CAR SERVICE. i* amonir thi- \i-n..i-. Si'* i- i Ikmp-ey," who h in Atlantic City. struction in the bay in front of Smith & Campbell hely Mr-. K. C. Stny, of «,.*0 \V"c-!cy representative In charge, requesting Mr-. Sar.iii II. K<- ..r. ..' I'M llr. llanill. > Talk. d. Hi. VOU WILL PINO OUR , A letter was received by the City approved l>y the counsel for Orean RECEIVED BIG CONTRACT. iute Trea>urer MurU, of thi, or.lti, ..\ ha- recci\e.l a crate of that they receive their immediate at- of Phila.lelphla, who spent the win- RAINTINQ. RARER HANGING. PAINTERS hour and a half schedule. The can- phia. i- at -ftl St. <". .ii '<•-. |.'.n Commissioners from the City Gas :ity. • ho urged the advancement uf tl.e ! llihlr t la» -'i.irH-fiuit fiom Mr*. C. W. Stile-, of WORK CORRECT — ter in Atlantic City, have opened The Corson A Grf the nrganizati Kcl.-; I-AI-.I II 1Mc-t In MI.I a.tal, P..rto Rico. PRICES their cottage here. recelvcl the contract f..r a lot ..f city at &30, 7.30, 9.00, 10JO. 12.00, | Ij.ui- IVtZoWt. ••'. I'i,:.. . sion to break the asphalt street up One spedfic deposit, that of Mr. As the earnings of the company - ..f tn, Meth..- LESS >be«t asphalt work in W.i-hinirto.i. L30. 2M. -LOO and 5.30 o'clock. Ul\n«r, County Ctiuncilor, tfa^i* a Il.iiry Hawth^ri.e atnl Dorothea A. C. Hamilton, was to be turned on e not sufficient to pay the Increas- Commodore an.l Mm. W. E. Hex- 1035 ASBURV AVCNUC Samuel Hecker i ha.* «ip».i O'l hi* -uiiii: »-r (••!'..L-'*\ • the la-t town, as tha- company. In onler to D. C. E.—A. Corson. of thi* city, i* report of the Stats gathering at toilay, the seventeenth inst. The ed operation expense- >Ince the pro- amer retume-l to Merion >estcnlay OCEAN CITV >.o>l. t» NCWJCRSCV Central a^er.ue. I ho liatilitu. 'J. The nevt monthly circumstances nurroumling this par- after >peneeting oill lie held at the lourn* ticular turn-on are as follows: bonds authorized by the Comcity- . Dr. Savder will D.I.IRVI the ki- phia. i* at hrr 1 •••\i•'. •'.«• 1 ', c::.-.:- -[pollinR coiile-t. lt necessary to make a large open- T. Uirtasrt an.l Mi-- Marie Hark- f Aetna, Palermo, Jure 10. v. Mar-,'. after mission, the schedule of rate- mh- Dr. P. B. Blond, of Phlb.iVlpnla, at ia s» waatr aab of Atlantic City thi» f..r the -.a-..i.. ing in the street. Mr. A. G. Hamilton had sent a man, of Phi'uilelphiu. SuiuUi}. Mr. -.,i,.|« servant in advance-af his arrival, mitted will be approve,!. te.1 •urc«Non. vi-ite.1 Dr. Hei .hrl I ojlll «WlU. AlWTkjr* '• laa« •tooth. He will >hortly Kive a Tha company promiscl to replace Wiii.tanlcy ar..l family leave Satur- Mr-. Kaarj IW Y... . •' I ! 111 •. • I ti\ I. I—The _r.irr *ia,ooo OINTR.WT. an,l said errant was in town at theDated May 14th. 1.'21. PcUil. here Tor-lay. talk to the Masonic lodge m*mi>r> ADVERTISING CITY. the opening when it* »oi« »i> com- , ilay for a >lx week*' trip U Cili- Jones' Men's Shop • lelplliu, i* thl* k'-< : •••• il. • , I::.-. • n <» Tie Atlai.tic County Ikard of time the deposit waa made, to thoro- •*• m rasVaasfai «-«-*->• BiaaaeaasWPaa* tpnai I - « r . C- P .C !, I' '.« IC-1. BOARD OF PUBLIC ITIMTY Willlam K. Ma*>ey an.l family, | f | . at South 8eaville. On June 10, he S*crrtjr>- Henry W. TmnJnl of Bevan. of thi- cv.. i. II ii:..-<-.• Fii-rhol.ien ha* the pleted. orn a 8O4-CX3 Aabury Avonuo Oc«4tn City. N. J. »» .1 •<-,. ir-.-. ughly clean the apartment and have COMMISSIONERS. By etit the winter In Pfcilailclphia, wffl speak in Collegevllle. Pa. e Ocean Cit> B-urd of Eilucatinn, p..ner-Pn-.ith ompany, of thi- city. Tha matter was refrrre.1 to the an.l wife, of A. F. a. •• -.'. . •••• I: )lf!';.-.i-t ,-.-, a.. 111.. everything in readiness for Mr.SEAL) ( Jnhn J. Treaev have rctume.1 to their home in tliU Theo. F. Hildreth left here Sun.Lay for l'hila.lrlphui, h thi- c.'i ttact to con-truct a mile of City Engineer. OPENINO FEATURING town. Pa., -JM .. ,-i i. . • • ii L.'-'.ti cl.i.irh aniliutlo ic- Hamilton's arrival. Pre-lilent. city. Philu.Leliihia, were v itors here Tue*- Electrical Contractor Iwn af ri.tiiin at a* hen* he boanled the special car .••!i~I t.i,1 till- -,• ciete irutter- In Ab-ecnn, at a Permission to construct a pergola werf toreu! •. of Mrs. Hamilton is a semi-invalbl ,rte»t: .lay. JoaMagWorka fpirliaty irovi«le«l for tho»c atteipiint; the at.- : ,••.... S... v ..fti-r,,.H Georve W. Plant and family, of Hart, Schaffner &. Marx c..-t nt .-10.000. at the end of one of the streets, at Mis. I. L. Jacuby. of Philadelphia, Office: 1012 Central Avcsoe •First National-Bank I convention of the Natlunal Jan.*- M. Walker. ..' I .. •• an.l nervous patient, and, in the face (Signed) Alfre.1 N. Barter. New York, are at 103s We.ley ave- Clothing the Boanlwalk. to be used ax a lemon- Is at her coiUttrr, hTH Park place, OCEAN CITY. N. J. Oaasa Otj. M. J. Association of PuMic School BUM- i* now at In- FI'IS • rr. • . L' will charge you lets thin f the gas company's refusal to make Secretary. nue for the mwn. ade stand, was refused. for the »ummer. cottar fur the MM---; . II. .-V ••< M. you e\pcct for good, «ub- the connection, it made It Impossible I HEREBY CERTIFY the forego- at ess ttmm af Mw Aan» t*. mi. OOCLUII held In Detroit this SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS On motion of Director Campbell, Mrs. F. Ritter. of Philoulelphla. John a. Dennis \. .- t..k. W -tantial (jlumblng work. Wo for tha house to be made ready to ing to be a true copy of a report M. Maxwell, of pr)lla>lelphla. I. »eek, beginning Tues-lay and ending W. Koll.. Of Phila..r!|.i.: .. I ... . Now is the Time to two resolutions pasiol at the meet- and'Misa Emma S. Lord, of Olfton AdtrrtUing Space to Let "ouM rot her keep quits Laiy receive her, and it waa impossible adopted by the Boani of Public .-'tit- here fir the jaimwr, locuteit at JOBBINO CARPENTER tomorrow. 'Hi. TowascnU took »>lh e.1 hi> »'jnirii»r h"" ••• ! '•"'' I' '• ing of the boon). May 'J. providing Pbnt Priv«t Hedge .ill ti c time and charge regular maa for me to locale Mr. Hamilton, who t y Commissioners and m.lere.1 Ale.1 8+iU. are at the Blxayne. Sixteenth street an,I .A-liury a\~enue. No Job too Lsncr. Nu Job too Small him a lot of Ocean City booklet-. aver.ue. fur the •• -. . Out Door Ad.trtl.lnit for the time when interest shall be to man price* than *»e would to is in busloesa in New York City and said board. MU. Hauckon. of Nyack. N. Y-. a Hoiucs Cloaol sod Opened 'i.|,. paid on the assessments on contracts Mr*. Ceo. T. Mann, of Phlla.lel- The Mir-es Le-«i- :. i •'••..! Pictorial Work ncrcharn- a few diutisftal euito- lives at MonUlalr, N. J. • l»ter of Mrs. D. O. Ijilnl. a cotta- Notice KstimsUs All Wotk thi.» city, ha\c lieou \I-IM- _• i I Nos. 703 and T04 «.ere resdmled. ALFRED N. BARBER, phij, i- heic for thc summer. She Jl'N'IOR PROMENADE. >.i-r- aj.i finally take a job plumliof I kept on the Job until, at 2.4JJ ger here, is resting at the Bi*cayne. delphia for .evir^l .IJ; •. V. -\. II. • lil I'ainiinE* Cleaned In their place, two other resolutions Secretary- ^» nt lier cottage, live Geite.le.e. SPECIAL REDUCTION IN PRICES •SSL*— - The Junior Cla*« member* have Thomas J. Thorn t I- |»-.|l.ou-C. 'dock, I Insisted upon the gs« com- She I* .tudylng to a missionary' and Rr-i mere submitted and tnkiptMl. Tbe F. U. Fr>er ond wife, of Phila.lel- Furnl.Uol Cosrsotatd ll.u>< To eiit out aniioiuicvroenl* of tlteir A»I»- Jarr.f > M. W-'s. . a. .! '.. •• ILORIST pany calling their Belmar oftce. in Imlia. Vulcan and Acorn Gat Ranges t • A i. new resolution on contract 704, is phiu, lummrr cottager* on Park iual Junior promeaaiie to be ri\eu Lat.-.lotiue, ha\e I.[^-I rl *.l < .i ?..• ... .. , :t.c ii |.ai.n.i !•> III- PROMINENT RENTERS i •«* U- HINS SURKHARDT The arbitrary reply came back to The Rev. Dr. Linn Bowman, of 1 practically the same as that on con- place, wi-re here 8umLiy. !• . II- i. f«..-•|i jlli;^ 1128 Bay Avenue U. C. HARPER on the Hippodrome Pier Fri.Uy-eve- tape. .",iM -v<- .<: fi..m a them not to turn on until a payment PhJUilelphia, a cottager, • a» here Discount for Cash ric cf k.,..i-> ,.i*-.. <-. II." tract 703, and is as follows: MU> Clara Wilson, uf Phlla.lel- Camburn & Carwitben ning;. May 27, at 0 o'clock. They Mr*. Cl'ikeit. ..' I'. i . • Ocean Cily New Jersey 121 Hr.1 Attaae 6*5-51 itt-wi *HM of 115 wi 'i-uurlvaaiss Attanev C««eral thin week. are making every effort to have thi* - ji. :. i...-i,it^l f..r tvi. .rt-k-. . BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board phla, a Corinthian avenue collage has opei ed her c••:..!.•••. 1 :; «>nraa ily, N. J. ocui cm. 1.1. At 3.05 I personally called Mr. Mrs. S. P. Bowman, of Phila.lcl- City Gas Light Co. affair more elaborate in tlie way of of Commissioners of Ocean City, Brre This Xtuaasrr. owner, was in town Sun.ljy. tral avenue, for t!:c -«..-••:. ( ••:.• l'i..«ut.,r C. Ritchie from my own office, and, af- phia, hn» been -pen.ling a few days iecoratioos, program ami refresh- M. !.. I'.l:- New Jersey, that the payment of tha Attorney General Georsv I- Alter, Carpenters William T. Prett.. r -... ..' I Sv. ill-l', IC-C«> \ i-itt-,i hi- -•,!.. ter using all the effort possible, I in the family's apartments here. Andirw N. Paul ami family, of ments than any Junior "prom" ever Biminwnt as si seised by the Board f Pennsylvania, whose home i» AUTHORIZED AGENTS lo> ilelphia, ha> op<" t* i hi- c..**..i^. Ill • i- W. C.le. a..i 'family, ii. t i.i - Induced' Mr. Bitcaie to agree to com- Philadelphia, rpent Sun.Uy at ll>elr riven here. of Commissioners of Assessment un- Pittsburgh, has rented, through the Mr. and Mrs. Willar.l Wafjie. of Slvth -treet apartment-. All Metal and Diamond Metal '•'•:• 31 r. ai.,. Ml-.• "•/• u! ., otitet- municate at once with tha Ocean City Third k'reet. for thr -.•: . der contract number 704 under and agency of H. F. Stanton, the large Melrose Park, are rerclvinu COOKTU- EXHIBITOR for the t...t .r--i Willian. T«.n.' i- , v iff, I.f oRka and have the fas turned on, J. P. Farrell and family! of Ptiila- Weather Strips Cha.-. Hea.l!ey at... »iV. ./ by virtue of an ordinance, entitled, Woodward bungalow at Fourteenth tulations on the Lirih of a .laughter. STATEMCXT or OWNHDUUr. MANAGE- V.-: .Ti., ,.r. Mi-. T.."., ... i • u -.-LI of but be then and there gave me to ilelphia, have openee for the ^eason. 4 |a ULIUO at TBB Art or COS- •.here they >[*i.t the wii'.oi. Mi. a bulkhead (being a pile breakwater) June was Miss Betty Dohlnn.. of York Ready-made Ford Commercial OCEAN CITY. N. J. eonsiilered a precedent, and that m. causa or AtciHT u. mi J . II. M.,..,,.., . kl!»UI. from Forty-debt street tA the south- Pasoilena, California. YYm. T. Pringle an«l family of L. S. A. Ste.:.•••.. u.f.- ,• . they proposed ilemandlng tha excess Other rentals by Mr. Stanton In- Oraan Oil. MllsJ. fAli^oJ >rtkl, at westerly side of Fifty-e-ghUi street Mr. an.1 Mrs. Fred T. Jennlng-. . Wyncote. have r*en .pe.i.llng a few Body sa 1>I«. N. J. fur A4*il ls.1 Lawrci.ce. of Pi iU. • | i ia. I- ,• a- • < -|.:.ia l.^i ki I ;* r • i deposit. clude the following: of In and along the line of Wesley ave- lb lhrir totU !r it>. Silvertown Cords Mt. Airy. .rriveU at their cttag-.J >"' '" " - Real Estate and Sun AI.. ir-e »crc ii. f .-A .l.lj • is going to work one of the most chasing agent for Eisnilohr Bros., your purchase Search Company ... llr. as.., Mi-M-i:-. i. .1- «..!,. age* and expenses thereof." is here- pretty cottage of D. B. Mayhew on Jennings will remain over Sumlay.i <'jn.len. ha\-e opencl their mtUcr jiunin-.i-r ctAtaRfi t.-,-. w^- .. M are included in the by extended so that the same can beabhorrent hardships on the renting KEraaaaMT* I •* •. > ..'taKlv- oi. Wf• c--y a\i- . u*». l.t..l Ocean avenue, near Tenth street. Mrs. JennlnaTs will entertain frieti. Mr*. M. L Davis i* at her lintel, Automobile Bodies Rebuilt aud Repaired maile in Installments as follows: the public that has ever been perpetrat- S«i tn Iii-et- Colin D. Campbell, of New York until Decoraticn Day. the K1t*rtwoo*l, for tl.e sraxin. She J. W. KIRKBRIDE Jarr.e- Tun,'i. r.f I...t-[M-|T. i- The ,.f !>,. .\ flnt Installment la be paid on thed by any corporation In this dty. Fidelity Trust Company *OT*W ^^mmrwm City, has rented and is ocupying a R. Curtis Bobinson an.l wife, of >pent the winter with nrr .laughter, on tiuty at the F. _it:. -:m< ••. eighteenth day of July, 1921. and to feel that your body should be ap- OW Turnpike orar Shore Road PLRASANTVIIXE. N. J at Newark bungalow on 8teuton place. this city, have been •pen,linir a few Mrs. J. A. Baumiranlnrr, in Detroit. of the UniUsI StaU-- <".a-t li I T 111 N »\Mi:il be in a sum not leu than tttenty-Ave rited of the farts as they exist. ICM-J MAX OK Cl.KliKAl. JArKRI- Martin A. Brinton has taken a • lays at Reading. Mio. Kilvanl F. Althur, of Balti- ft o ttt Mr*. A. P. III..A... ..f IV r.f per centum of the as>r*»ment "lift Any further nmunication from WUdiood Title ud Trut G0. TlMt Uw IIWM 2\Jjo Goodrich cottage on Second street, and Wm. Mrs. R. WaJUs. or Philo.ielphia, i< more, who is a vlnitor ir. Aalantic at her hoti-l. thr O-J-u'-, *.i. l.-XCt.. rKKMANKXTI.V <>I: KOI: interest at the rate of set-en per cent- you and expression relative thereto M. a. atnW. l 4 C Wanbaugh has leased apartments um, on the full amount due. the sec- will be gladly received. at her summer home. Twelfth »tre*t City, was here Tue~U>. Sh« will Title Inaruxauica tral aivnue. lTAI"K ond Installment to be paid on the Respectfully yours, and Ocean avenue. open her cottaKf. Thlrte«nth ttrrrt , Abartnicta of Title, As«emolyman Jan.**- Fra' k.i:' surance men and come from Harris- an,I Ocean ai*enue, early next we«k. SL S. MOWsXB. faaViar. Illl Irolrsl Atrnur Hie Price Reduction eighteenth day of July. 1922. and not CLAYTON HAINES BRICK. A. J. Chambers, of Millvllle. wo., Conveyancing *nsa« tatora aa IS,. ;.s Philadelphia, let-ncl hi.n i- Mi. burg. Ottill til) to be less thin twenty-five per cent- The members of the Ocean City spent Ihe winter in the south is at WIRE Flro Inarartuioo Col. Edwin M. Chance, a Phlla.lel- um of the assessment »ith interest Real EsUte Board, at ita meeting his Millville home. rAfmaiA •• T.K ,ir Prompt Scrvks AU Work Ouarantacd phia engineer, who has I«MI livimt «. HOWAJID TBOKS". at tha rate of seven per centum, per Tuesday evening, approved the action n*w. **ld otwa Ksluni.,. *Coo*y to Loso 00 Oood rtret Morta;sca a. w. n>wAJct>ii. '. M Among tires SlLVERTOWN u in Atlantic CitJTtia. taken and I*Charles Barton, of Philadelphia, is ,* s^ osir l»u i4*.a A rumatorSala IMiavtar TUCKAHOE NATIONAL BANK occupying a cottajre on Simpson rood *ii. tW HrtUt*. Hfrf«l K^ the name that instantly conveys third installment to be on tha eigh- The'Progressive League has gone the summer. Offloaa in • I T—a. •...•». [ teenth day of July, 1»2J. and not toon record as opposing the gas com- the yacht dub. To Wirtc Your Houae Millinery and Gowns Ralph E. Channcti, of Lans'towne, W. C. Lake and family have Pint NaUonl Bank BoikUac at tW BlAL* **f Nc-> Jtrkt). til laW «I—• »>l be lass than t»enty-fiva per centum pany's demand for an Increase tn HOTTt. UC->RY t**-tOl*.U No. 177-W i the thought of the highest cottage on 8t- CharWs place. move.) from 1440 Asbury avenue to I of tbe assessment with Interest at the deposits. Cape XayCoart BOOM I Gingh-im Orctic* m Attr^itivc rate of seven per centum, per annum J. A. FtUpatrick. of Philadelphia. their new cottage, 1309 Asbury ave- 411 ASBURY AVENUE FIRE ESCAPES known quality. Their genuine hMC4 V for baa taken and is occupying an ocean nue. ra»^v II : Drugn*. JI AT. AttrACti\r Piv«- on the full amount due; and thane d confirmed by the Board of Com- r<-s MW OaJi front apartment at Fourth street an.l T. E. Win»Unley and family, of C**strsi a* as I* niasa C«t7. N. J-- AJ, OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY (or all types of.birildingi value has given them first place fourth, or final installment, to bmissionerse . loa SALS CKKAT-L^nra u*a l»aui< twenty-five per centum of the assess- the Boardwalk. Philadelphia, cottager, hers for aassl **--r-i aaiMi l» aa*.. Larva aia. laaaii. Llk* tMaaWtafttky *M InMle*flT It * A number of bills were read and Ua CVri. >«•« riXAJl'Bt: AVt.sUt f j HI1DRETHS SHOP Leon Gihon. of the Fidelity Trust number of >ear», were week-end visi- ALSO RIPAOUBD AND PAINTID af-laUT -T t1.M iW •!•! Ot* lami in the esteem of motorists. ment »ith interest at the rate of onkered paid. Oca** Cur- amen per centum per annum on tha Company, will occupy the same tors at their rummer cottage. 851 r0» SAiX-rar*! nr. road roufcl U «••••••. avltra i>*l U-»»» «m*-i t**» &a> FraS. II* Aataro KUA Onu C amount due. and to be paid on tha apartment he had lo>t season at Purk place. They entertained Paul N. 1—A*. It We guarantee approval of kmttm+mtm tvM b*d*«f 4M to Cas CeaiBaay Agrees to 8*a-sll to Third street and the Boardwalk. &Mi •TaVsTsBsUtiataVf) r^-aW-T »lU-0al Motor cat* manufacturers and eighteenth day of July. 1924, and be local and State authorities •MMlll tMt*aaW» *ak*» <*-» »-» it further P. B. Sadtler, of Chicago and tM-k-t of LW wrr*y-*r *M u- dealers are quick to emphasize on all our work. •Ukal aWsT>lflCA*»> tM A •atatTafM-Uj Of <*tjr Cf U*-»(. iheFmisMnQ I 0. U«a» f. • Um* a. S. Uatu Tho City Cas Light Company, af- Philadelphia, is o«np)ing the hand- mi * kw*M U. 6 John Marts Lumber Co. asTi «*•• lasUB ••••! aV*U RESOLVED, that in csx of dete-r fighting for a day or two, ap- apartments on Ocean avenue, NlnUi atr«>«t and Hams Annu* i U-U (Mcv f'-ir Diim. Touch ^ to their prospeds that their cars Tenth street, recently rented by r»*Ua.B hea*> «V«y Ililfaat 8E0. 0. ADAMS ft CO. fault being made In Daymen oftaay of pears to have dedded to submit to OCKAM crrv. M. J. Budder** boo Work t*to MM MM*. In • i I. *k« Uw Installments, then and in such him. to an inviting interior b th« the dadaion of the State Public DUI <4JI»O«S. Maolittixt. BaiUlas; Paper, PlasiM Board, Nails, llssb Waters eV. IW Ilk* l>aTa|l MMaW •*/ < PUSTEJUNG, RIKGE SETTING are equipped with Silvertowns— case the amount of assessment re- Byron U. Graham, a leading Wash- CaBsfaal leasTteat) 4sf taasVsi asTat^-HtsssVUBssssS •***•*! v># 4 raannrr in %nkh tbe «ood- Ity Commission ate Kailtuias sMmUbad. Prompt Datnttry. maining due shall become due and ••0H1 u treated. There u notfa. UICIIAT15G. tic. tic knowing that neither explana- Clayton Hainoa Brick, who gave ington. D. C, attorney, has leased 'iut to Announce thc Arrival HWHIOIJB I CO. payable Immediately and proceoUngs tha Woodward cottage at Fourteenth n^Lm la IM ing <|uttc ao attractive aa a. Ail Work la MUM Ua« Pr«*>a ITMIT ' BowAmn a. SA ftMal (fcM.) tucciy oatural grained turfacr to collect and enforce the payment street aad Wesley avenue. C«J*aVi*tr'B liNk Att4MMto4 TO. tion nor argument is necessary. tional (6 deposit demanded by the thereof shall be taken to tha same Wm. E. Gray, of Dayton, Ohio, has •0* ocim *¥CNua> company, yesterday afternoon or U«nw. Kun and coated with extent aa If this resolution waa sot leased tha Craighead cottage on De- Our Wall Paper hlMa a#*ll It, OCCAM CITV. N 4 ceired those checks back from the This tnalftx all the more impor- a-lopted. and be it further laacey place. JOSEPH BROADLEY b a vcriUbh find. W« aJav to Ltuaseal Interior Vanuth • company. RESOLVED, that upon tha pay- REINER'S FAMOUS CHCXIOLATES plcaatl the Dtrtacnlar. JOat COasW It flows out to a perfectly AVE yoa a cottage, bungalow tant the fad that Silvertown H or apartment to furaixb? We meat of tha first three installmeaU MANY EXCL'BSIONISTS. PLUMBING and HEATING dovm and HIUXB. t. our •wiiafiooa •uta at >U~ J..-, r^i, J <.i. St.,. • | Btoodi aurtace, drying over and Interest thereon, aa tn this reso- gj Ii TOO art critical k am/ SURF LAUNDRY t SV C SU< t • »J«r ^1 IK. ^-.,. ,_»»—! ugbt with a bnQiaM hotrc at have a line of rt'UNiTCKX at lea Cords are included in our re- lution provided, then aad tn such cai« I Avtotae Ocean City. N. J. than Philatlclphia prices. Window Can Sal*} te Have Been 731 Asbury Avemuo Ooevmn City. N. J. IXCXUSIVB AGENC* Of THSB CAND0B take yoa a loo* tiaaa to aWifa cxcrpbonal dunbtbly. UM tha last or final '"•««"-»r"f shall be Haattay. thcnanwauoypMianattocbooM : DONB ON PfUMBCS it and be *u*urcd erf aatattao. shades a tpccialty. adjustment of tire prices which canca-led. and provided further, that Phon* BCV-M TOR OCEAN CTTY CHAS. C. ADAMS A. BRO. The Sunday excursions frocn Phlla- 60m—bat th* potst i* that yoat CM au>. T20-22 ASBURV AWC. took effe& May 2nd. the payment of tha be •aited cxactlrrisbtaBdatpcieM j f at of the first three (iseia te this dty are being well that will appeal to yea. SV t- TOIIU"*. (a* afldk neata and Interest on full petrtKOae-i. and on last Sunday there JAJtCJl I'M ITU. a. w. CHAJU-ION. WM. H. Cou-i.vo.v. |K. 1MB B. F. GOOOaUCH KUBBO. COMTAN Y before tbe aame U due then and tn trere thirteen Oiled cars on the Read- iJ SHITM and* case the last or final Installment It ia said that a number of pas- .mOHIM A-*u. M. Am. Hoc 1 . > . BOOHS WaNTaSt. . C H. Shoenukcr Lbr. Co. akall be cancelled; and upon the caa- were compelled to stand at Wm. H. Vanderherchen KOTKB TO UaOT Ytar C.iiidi •^ *^V ^^"** . Oaaas s«tas <• of the distance because r~—T ar s as l» U> an W II 0cc«a City, N. J. be discharged of record; and-be sotae of tae local dvk bodies should further OCSAH an, it x otorm ia tha auttar of try-as; to aa- KS80LVEO. that the proriaions ol AWNINGS BRECKLEY'S this reeelutiaa shall extaad te Houmm MHO mta* fAtmrmmm exoitiaaJata to Ocean Oty. Teats, rittf*. Pore* Swlt« Ctntn. Y«c*t A« •lag«1 Can lilt—. Tht? 4 «|ajaMa4 «4U)te atM ajaaffca tiaai UM affly te the aaaasvaMat or at. WataWpTMaM CoTttU smccr MiiuMHa i.+tjfjfir. A. P-jm. ar UMT atu W CUNTON (_ •RCCKLCY. •««• asaata aa separately appear hi -o- Haadj Mlzad Palnta, Uad and OU> naattaf t*a Beard af AD th« lataat and aoat iCrr». U.4. KH aad OB Aatxurjr ataoatu 414-16 CaUowhiU SU Phila., P«. aV fUMUL. MB

    TUB masm CBKTH BT«TRBTAIN ATTSN MNNKIL The MtaMB Creth ar* antartaiiilng The Bar. Or. Handley, pastor of ot the City's Schools HBHSOF at-their apartment*, "On Shore," th* Flnt M. E. Church and a formtr Ihnr nephew, John Creth Harsh and' chaplain to the wrriof, attended th* family, of Wttmlnfton. DaL, and Mr. dinner riven at th* Brignton Hotel, l«nd Mra. George Eastbom and fam-Atlantio City, on Saturday evening, A RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? If land fnt Harry H. Lake. 'ily. of 8249 North Thirteenth street, by CoL A. Q. Gilmore ta th* of. IIhmmah n TThoah , Mould, Prof. OO. PhliadelDttlap. . Mra. EaatborEaaUmrn will be fleer* of th* lUth Begfaent, H. F. •" not, why not? They give three times •.f^aBjaaaaaaaaaaaai faWawA aMataaaBataaiaBl — •• - W. Blackly, Prof. KUbUby and ProfP . W. WBiembared aa Mlaa. Edna May A. The reunion waa enjoyed by all I Pall aw. Myt. Burma prep - Marsh, a niece of tha Misses Creth. th* psrttdpanU. TO HAVE TBA1NINQ CAMP. to UM Jodg— Roacoa Faunee, Wm. F ab much ligfht as the old style Carbon lamps aardbwr OCEAN CITY SENTINEL tlack aad laid Baat! ardlnc>r BertraBattram DarbyDarby , WalteWltr &_ The 78th Division, that National OaUMNANCE No. 157 .Army Division, which during- the re- FIRE ALARM SIGNALS. «anm mm, mm* B*tw.| _ __ , ^^ ^ ^ ^ IAS. tfca Ch» a« Oaaaa Ortr aaaaad for the same current consumption. -n y cent World War made a record that 14—Sixth and Pleasure avenue. ia aartala awiiraiaamla at *>• aa of the, aatlUal "Aa anUaaaoa to aaaaad will long- live, la to be bronirht into 17—Eleventh and Bay avenue. tat aatiuat -Aa araiaaata la «oa- VOL.XLL •ad, »h 18—Fourteenth and Bay avenue. atrarl. arart aaa MM1 , aatl ta Mpair aad ^"Mlll OF FIRE AND BLOOD being once more. This is the.ded- Baalalala. a btlUllaa la tkt Bl>l*aMa aalara OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE OCEAN CITY SENTINEL, OCEAN CITY, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921 ^f, MM,1 don of the War Department, it la an- 35—Seventh and West avenue. eUtar Ikaa laa Alitalia Oaia* wlttla taa •_-n—•-• hariatarlioa af Oswu Our. aaJ of AttantJo City ElwCtrio Company UHW beaaar to JOB Tell* ef ClraamatanoM Under nounced by heaikiiiartcr* of the Sec- 42—Second and Anbury avenue. (or UM coat UWaoC ." as " la* abaae* to win It. WMoh Mmt MeCrea Wrete 43—Fourth and_ Asbury avenue. a aalaaaad llaa, aa- ond Corp* Area. While It has not aanallttlttr lain. ealbd te hy tte atoderit- "In rtanaVK* PleM*." been definitely

    ^,*:^^**^^ >^- -rf i OCEAN CITY OCEAN CITY, N. J.. TH UBSDAY. MAY 26, 1621 peeaoe rtgte. Had tha brook answered In hla voice? Ware bar ten deceiving bar> Bad bar aarraa got tba Ocean _„ c OCEAN CITY SENTINEL, OCEAN CITY, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1521 ACncusfor best of bar or could It be—coold tt ba cuy tSorf —waa atogsr titan, standing right be- ,at Savantaanth atrwt. Wa want the Field'. WILL 60 WITH ELKS TO NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS BIDS RECEIVED Two hind bar? Roger waa—bat such' a b«*t there ia anil we think Ocean! - It will be of Interest to our Mends itn rtaniaii Boger. taJlar. more hanaeoin* nidpaJ Surf Casting who tend us Items of news from DR. SENSOR'S MEMORY WOMEN EXPECT TO by far, bat wltb tba aama old amlia. City can well afford to lire ua thin, I BUILDING PROMOTERS HERE THE CALIFORNIA COAST For Pluaihlng Work oa Net Com- MUMS OEFEUD FOR tbe aame twinkle In hla ay*. She gated «t presentPr«*nt, ^| p^ UJ 8tll time to time and to our advertiser* unu off prop- l^rrt Stllea, Benjamin Carhl, Frank to know that with the naw paper fort SUtloa * * at bin for more than a minute, her I "**• TOJE HONORED In the Realm of the Church< baart throbbad violently. J Making Preparations for) -it win be ^'Fergus McCusker and Wife of. next week triunt eomo an Iron clad .The City Commlulonera received . HEAR KMHESS dream hla anus opened for - of the schedule for the lockinK up of the bids thin week on revised plans for ftmntTbeT way into them and a< Visit o t I mlsjilone ;K-; LEGION POST MEMBERS IO paper form In order to Insure com- the plumbing work on the proposed iimiLsr^ *'~ oat bar faellaca on hla shoulder. thla flelc Special Ceremonies to be Samu«l ing out on Paper Day. public comfort station off the Board- She is Member of the As- CHILDREN'S DAY HFRVICEff | —m, mi the aoath and of tba tmall -There, tbere, little Mona." ba whle- U lh treet were he BAPTIHIM IN OCEAN eHvatlSjOOOpapalaOoo tba bore tent* Carting Field. While baseball, ten-1 * " ' '» Sumlay. Thoyl Held by Ocean City walk In the north wet Ion of the re- The nvrvlces at tho I ir-*t Baptint parad Just for bar to bear, -dWt'feel 1 1 >>' their wlve.«.J • ALL KINDS'OF from Northern For the flrnt time In many year* Church were Justly fuhty attended ao bad. Tall DM all about If locked Momlay 5 P. M. Summer School sort. ' . were pitched. A atrlke tbat bad HM V W fleI«* •' «'• Campion, a' *"»».*«f" »«*r. trwaurer of the The bidders were the R. H. John- 1 •> transportation eotaawber* along tha - • ' "v°" rn»n. wa h«ii«u«. ' Knuinecr Collliwon for partxl with the Glory of tlw. Future.", asTF stress, Zbe dicn woald be there . ended In failure—it waa ao bright at Former Service .Men and .Mr*. McCuxkrr will not lie In toekdl Tueiulay, S P. M. Ing new omcera: j mony was performeil by the Rev. Car a- weak. too. . mraiy thla city or J_|AVKyUU) Clty'n public Khoola, as principal. """*• ho to reP°rt later to "•• boar%l In the evening he iipolte upon {he • ° first, but after tba big «I«T»« rail- — -1 Chan. A. Girriiran, president of the Ocean City thlx summer, the flmt Prenldcnt, Miss Julia Scull; first Joseph T. Hnync, pastor of the madartOa waa getting to ba a w»a- Sunday Evening y * B or apanmeiil to fiirninhT The lant two poReii will l« lockei! The n n •ubject, "A Vain Wlxh," using Hala-' CLUB WOMEN THANKFUL ore atarted In, and now wa have ended to believe that 0 State Hotel Association, with Fn-d. In many The aeiwions, which will and Satin* I • ^ *»'- reporte.1 that he ha. tarfal place, the aatonlabrd natl.ra they have Wolnewlay 12 noon. A> J 0 of x shore vlco president, Minn Marguerite Kng- Tabernacle Baptist Church. am and hla sayings aa a banla. Quite | op at WlndsvUle, wbare I atarted. Tb« _ .. area between Fifth ~ "" r, ami Victor Juoiliy >ear». They huve urraiiKr.1 to .. have « line of FUKMITURK. I •lay, July 30, will be held »lx day« a "**" - P"""' ". '»> The member.! of Morgui.-Ranek *ixtb "tt*eVS *xtenili"(r from '" Huh; second vice president. Mm. I There was a large crowd of vidl- a numbeb r of summer visitors were MILLER COTTApB ' Parltaa drcoa, tbat has stood fur rr- v u .•cretnry, will ml- with tho Philadelphia I ..-I in' nt Klkx than ^hllaiJclphia p,i.«^ '" WMk_ I rant Line Company, In reference to tonl ancl - aat ifcat waa aot alL In UM «lainnr Post, Americar. Legion, will .tten.l «"'»"*• R»»™<' «<> B»>* » «" ORDINANCE Ne. IM Anne Darby; secretary. Mrs Rosalie reslilenU on the beach at present at the services. Cleared Approximately tlM for Pub. fload entertainment la tha . sandunt ^«...n, win atun.l "— * «anma.i to Ba; fleliln haclcH a upecialty. In ad.Ution to the regular subjects the "n'11"0" of «"<«• of «». woo.1 7aoaoinMA ta _," ^ ^Tt^J'^^^ZJL"^ ™« ^™ **ZX JX ond the permanent elementory certl-! Lucretia. Conanl. i '"K °' 'he sacrament of baptism and Pavttaa Brother** ooa-rina; ctrru» »U "But hasn't It all been worth nbller , ... „-„.„., .vemnir. iney ••"- ""»» """" " " •"«" "" » theiw i» barel/ worth a alnirle pnra- terf!n al that th Cit Ga are planned for the morning and courtesy extended to them last Fri- lfona't spirit caio* back lo furc*. away for one month. IWikm I- That lo mrulala tha t*m to trainlntr looking to a special certlfV' *° ™l»rt«» « >' » tilc|4iriRli.irt nt paj Kht 1 la un M tt at the heaikiuarterx in the Hann NEW GARAGE AND MIIRCIE. According to the itinerary, "it will rrrta .UMn Ih* Olr of Omn Cllr In c*U> to teach manual training except V C*""!""** " >' P*P° " mcmlier of tho Stato .Republican! °~. 9.45 and morning worship at 11.00. who responded so liberally to their 1 pitched tta ooa small tent up a ' ayaa ahlalng a oaw light. -Kvary »ue- lie «ome trip," a* "Feruie" exprej.M»> al«l*. llrcnwO by Ihu Ciljr ih* uirllori |rr tbo Open Friday, April IS thern tot at tha outskirts of, Uir ) cosa baa been a paradlae. every failure Building ami ir.tirrh to the church. Civil Engineer and Surv - Cll> Ji«ll ba JlvldiO Inio u» elemenUry handwork, will be given !< ''•'•*»>* '» Committee. j DR. SNYDER OS VACATION appeal for tha city Ubrary. It is Kooalaa wa«ar la rmy MMaaa J. Pre.'cott Ci..lman. funeral -li- it. TM* will. I* his first Journey a: Ocean City thin summer. tlon of the city, thus obvlatlnu the ••mirnvr.ilrc««n-ii»..N I. > No. I. To h* .1l1 that IcrrlUrrlloru y b*v The nicmliers of tho club plan Scrvicca In the First Presbyterian stated that final count shows that Ocaan aveuoeoppoalte Mootlyn taiiaaa ; Surf rector I* havinfr a j?uruj?e nn.l HOTO-"* the continent, l>ut not for An excellent program is 1 neces.«ity on oriirlnnlly thought by PASTOR GIVEN SURPRISE were tfea only ones to show any Inter- effort. It lisa bean a great llf« by the pa,lor of the church, the Rev. Annllnf Clul lha Ocvan Front Boardaialk, Uamdl to hold a reception at tho Occunlc Church next Sunday will be In charge approximately lift) was raised. : . S..H, •••«. I 111! ipic moruue liuilt lii tho reur of hi< home prepare.!" for" Schodmens" Week" «he company, of tearlnir up the OH- Prhrats Batba Booklet ' "S aat) a vary wask lntaraat It »»«, at —— '"" " " Sir". McCu>ker, who ha. traveled a, MhTanp. Ih* . Nnnh#a«l#rlhl y V Hotel hero In tho near future. They of tho Rev. Dr. Run.lull, of Atlantic A number of Bsptint ladies got that never leave It. I will Dgbt on. ..u. Central avenue. 1 land \tf «xl»n4#il•Xl»IH| l ami phalt pavement on l»rciddcnt, Mrs. C. Homer Shoe- near Kiitlith half dozen time* fiom NVu V.iik tn a Fourth .tr**l (ami I which begins Monday, July 11. hope to have Assemblyman Van Ness'City. Pastor Snydcr i» away on their hfeail* together and planned a t HLUHUIM.Owaar 7if . until 1 have achieved what 1 itartrU North#*at*rly tr all huiUinua corv at North street. maker; Vice president, JII-« the Mammoth people were not «n- out to ai'hlera—raflned euterlaliiiuriit San Francisco. •>«.ta>t>dnil «IMJ On Monday, July 4, a -pedal pro- of Newark, to apeak. Mm. Van »urpri»e reception to the pastor, the bsg te gac oet of practice Just beamx- liirunua lo aeirj Nnr1 >l«r!y •**!» of K«wcll few du>V vacation. He will visit Bradley, Secretary, Mrs. J. Edward | GANDY C0TTAGB la a clrcu*. Mr. and Mrs. Mc<'u.-kor'< m.t.n gram will be (riven In honor of Thou. Nc»s is one of tho two wnmeii mem Rev. M. M. Lewis, expressing theiebf they were sjerooaed In a aroall torn. IKI It.* olitcrvai /<-» No. 2. To ba> all that tvrrttAry ha>- that the State Pulillc Utility Com- Utica over the week-end. l.yr. h, Jim. Ralph Goff and Mrs. O.' "1 am not Daatas. I won't b* lieatm. takes on a neu- frien.N liere ui-h them a ple:i-ant Millinery and Gowns lha> Ooran llnanlttailk. H*a\ch D. Sennor, the founder of State »um- Ix-rs of the Assembly. their pleasure at his return and on 813 Urotral A«aon« WUh all tbatr apleodor tbey -ijniiflcaiice. to St. Peter»l>i;rata>rly akla> _ mer iichools In New Jeney, who died his restoration to 'health. A New Jarary eat tor that* graad atraat parn.le oo other cluli* al«o hol.l similar tounia-jthe country fourth •Irrrl on*! if *>*t#tv»*-d| and iKe> the Ocean City Water Company fur people of Ocean City and many will I.*«I..EtheIl Nlckersonwi-i— ; *»Treasurer« , Mrs••—. ' plnraa lira bare, la tbla iwacrful val- n N«vnhMat»rly «-J* of Snrih •ir#*l land ll a nhort time ulnee. delegation of more than half a hun- upaa all laa Vaar Wuu raaaaa aaa the day that the Pulun thought it «' «rnlnff thf, new PARTNERSHIP DISSdl.VKD Cingfuun Dreun in Altractn* •>«itrfMl«*l) and Inrludinir all hutldlntr- ron- SKNTINKL ndx brini; results. be glad to hear him preuch. ley country with you auil aiuoug thuaa nient** In their reupcctive honic, hut venture, Increased nitc.", and that the IMIUT dred met In.the nodal room and were Ceo. Parker. Executive Committee, wee the canter ef attractloo.' So en- SORELY TEMPTED it i* the desire of tho Ocean City I "\« an ailve iiaruoua IA Haiti Nnrih««at#fly *ij*> of North hai« Rrante.1 a similar rci|Urny' Jef- hthintr? !l;ici» Dcognu »t an Attractive Price it*** but •vrtudin.T all hulMintra conttu WILL SEK CITY OFFICERS all tested \} the dark waiting for the Mm. Ralph Cheater, MIK» Emily greaaed aad aaraprnrad were the '. club to make their home t.iunia* nn.l it* cluli*. 0 (MM to tb« NotthemAtefty akta of KounK the Ocean City Sewer Company. The graduating claim of the Ocean City Msa. Lnia U*SOT. froa. flgbt. It haa been a woman agaluit tisement for It-elf,' 'rl**. *ho have been in l.u-ine«-. tho SKN'TIN'KI. :«n.i it u ill paitor to turn on the light. The Kev. W. Relchly. WaaawrUlatraa with tbe wonderful pa- | ANNorxriNC. THE REMOVAL high schnol will be preached by Dr. tada that tbay failed to notice the the big Iruita—a woman against or- Bat Dr. Haiaw* Won't Return la ment* tho mo.t attractive ami inter- ean City cannot fin.I ""* under the firm name of Jeifrie^ ly roturnc*!. HILDRETH'S SHOP /a>na> No. S. To !*• all that t»rriiorr South Ortaa City Cattagrn Bin- opinion of the utility hoard in each Dn, Snyder and Hundley, with their THE HANIF-INN ganlzatlooa Ilka the Mammoth." , estins; of any. Another reawin lie* attractive an.l henenYd.l' 4 Burelay, have lte.| partner- NoMhrsialrflv of I ha NortK««*le-rlly case was read and ordered tiled ami Hnyilcr Sunday evening, June 5. Chlaa ef poorly painted wagon* that I --,, . .— — —~— Culler Ser»ice North «ir*>aH (and ir •xitftdfdi rasa Balkkead Aa««w. OF wives came after their prayer Mrvi- 9ia Weeli* Avenua 'Join forree "lib lha Matmn.»ta; II i in the fact that t» ma ft* ."Jiip. Mr. Jeffrie* wil) mntiiiue tTu* a» ASBCRY AVE. ta •eata spiead OIT the Ttiinutc^. I There will I* a reception of church CCH and upoke. llfUULEV a% AOASfa v aat the Mg panda m tba canter of tbe ' la your chance to make guwl >uur uui- Dr. W. P. Halne*. of thin city, on xupremacy the club mu.t u« convert the wa.«ta* area ••a* of North tic***. mcml»cr.-t at the morning service. elty aad had to ram down e aid* atrrrt bltlona I" Roger was ex.ilrd. tuo. hav,. business, an.) Mr. Ilarclay u ill re olice lo Mail Tro /AM NO. 4. To b** all lhat ftfitnry ba* Membeni of the South Ocean City The commissioners last THE tT-TO-DATK KOUMH Monday receive*! a teleirram from ouitalile practice l>a*>n iha> CVt>an Kmfll tbaarUvajik. H»«cl June 5. Ice cream und cake followol some Readinir Ooal aiaato aad KB liuiia PrtrslaBslk te aveM a colllaten. I "What chance b««a ir the laughe.1. TtW>«-t>uirt.r rat. the* Soulh«»«i«rly •bl* o Improvement Awwefctlon, at a meet- awarded the pluml.lnir contract to tho Alao KlBdllac Wood BT bum or eord. the commamlinfc officer of the I'. S. the !>each 1« a B fun provoking games. Everyone had Haat eaaj oo ibe aufkat. saja Iba. to • few of the "nack-srratchen" on "The Puritan tu tl.em U a >»•«." tr^rfhlh atn-H land if rM«nd**O and ih. Ing hel.l In Philadelphia a few eve- Johnson Company, and the contract from H2I Anbury a«enur Um mlnult* from iba " " *a, of the ou»t Gujr.l Cru- H H(Mrth«*>aiwrly **d» «f Tw-Hhh MIMI land I a ftood time. IM too IOUUIU*!. Hall or Kalarprla* the aMa atraat took tbair ayaa from tbe j "Tha owner of tba Puritan cirrus to timei it ixn't. The cluliV \o*r nf the f CLEARED NEARLY »IO pboaa. lice, at Halifav, tn join tho "tr..«..,)t, ,(>, !•„„„, . and tncludlnv all ttuiUmar* «i>n- since, gave free dJ»eu!u.lon tn fo r eroctiiii R thh e liuihlinplill - to J. K. BMOB attraction) long enough to Idea- , tbe ewoer of tba Mammoth I- cup haA been irilluence.1 liy the fart Dun") let the»j>riiij; liu*l > with on-iff* IWrlflh.tatw ,j Ar.rn lo Mid .H»Ulh«r-*f«>Hr tUl* Ol Welch. to The Sumlay achool classes of Mr*. mm* «aH. fKHTM aaal WDn THE DARLINGTON at Halifuv, fnr a month'i* Iruky m->f. Tliuihlrr *(iirin« T«lh nrvH. the matter of the ajweiumentii on ttfy the rambling wagona aa gypur the moat wonderful woman in thr that iti* fttcilitie* for practice uerr that t«>ffilnry W. DR. WILBUR INJURED . ami » W-*ky n»>>f will l>c ZI>M No. '•- To b» all the bulkhead and pile .breakwater A. J. Smith and Mrs. William F. > 11 >b ^^^_^__^___^_ ', world. He want* to marry h«r. I am Seneca at Halifax, for a ni.nith'- li»n»ntt I«NII ih*> Oevwn I rr.nt Koaird*>*1k. 827 Anbury avenue B Uaotrai A?'a ' *Ooaao &Hf. N. J. t.Mi erratly limite.1. nin»hl«rMMc «Uin«^r. r Diwr Hr«.h Thnrmfa-hfarv, and j Gardiner cleared nearly $40 by their Word was received the other day I I the ownar ef tba Maromoih. 1 aiartrtl 'He would lie friven tran-portalii ' Jim ~ " "*"> <•' work on the ocean front In their sec- ll«w •.••Mart arm opaa (be iba HMaM. Marehsi, an Another an.l perhaps the trit>ato>t Chinmr>. lli.I Ink -ho..1.1 I*- I..nkr*da> of T«*irih air*eH (and WILL FISH IIKRK by u Baptist friend of the injury of Hpaetal aiuolloo al»ao vaak-aaat gamut aaal ie f*ia<> lha* }*4Mlih«rai«-«>|y s^at* nf Sa>\»n tion of the reaort, Felix Solvairn, Prop. ' pleasing entertainment in the asscm- *4f~aS'fJfaT*^ - - - I i eut to flnd yoo.. I Joined a ilnui In mil full salary for a r tnnth nficr HIM! nuxlc v..itrf-it)-tii. Sni>>Lr\ f •ajkj d#«>wart) .vllhin »l n>0 *r>*l I n» I taali | lily hall of tha First Presliyteriun the Rev. Dr. J. Milnor Wilbur, a Dr. Haine: rtuninr\* can t« nimle Itxlraw. George Patton, the prenMent; H. 8E0. 0. ADAMS * CO. Mas. HiiiiiL Dtiu>un> ' tbe hope that that would bring- m<- •». »ho wa. in tho ^i-,uii i .«...... _. j.^^ a unllQrjtf-.nh teavamm -ent over f Kh a -Tin*ro*if* «rr fitC'prtntl. llr«> Mbrn(aP-r. A. Lewl», the vice preni.lent, and IV. Simon and Friead. romini Dawn First Cla»» Service Church Friilay cvrnini.'. Tl.o Punch summer resident and strung suppor- Maa. jAaraa O. C'AIIU I Dearer to yon. aoU luuk Khat It haa N IIMrl on tf •*«J,, .NJ, of ';' " * S""". f«r«« "Pture the Ocean City Cup Till.- All km.|..f Mmr VN| Unict r.-pnr^ l>»U*i April W. 4. It. f*n ! and Judy Show, as announced, wax ter of the Baptl-t work in Ocean PUSTERING. RANGE SETTING 11 lad to. after all these yean.' 1 know tome Um P Chas. D. Hits, the secretary, were From New York __ . «- , '- "P to about a year or'cupha ' Mo\r «ticv. _ N. o... To r.» all lthat i»rr,ior* La*. CK'KAN CITV. X. J. City. He hait broken his arm, but ROXBOBODOH HOUSE l now become a ria>*»ic in the *-M. I*, P. K glS* Good QyAtinu selected as a committee to the |xi-i|Miiicd. In its |ilurr then* wax a BlUX LATUfi, BIC, Etc r^rTX*" " **"'*'"»*• bigoted ™>™ "nee. l,,ve« the xa. an.) he wa. Tin. •lilr MIHI tUg roofing. ivwi IW OrraM Front rV.ard*>*ilk. R«aw*i Doctor Carleton Simon, tho nntr, Ju»t how It happened has not been Flfta at. aad AUaatle are. f«»rrjrllle-il«eoonrry life— thie feitfe,.rr of ^....uwrl u |«,r,ly u-mpte.1 u, accept the prof" ra.nnfr world ami 1* a. well knoHii a TtBuerojerhfarv. and iK« : City Commissioner* at an early late piano MIIO liy Leslie lluich**. rf«: .sjnlirj low.j if.-^ Alt Wat ta mmm Laaa la myy bloodbod, , tootoo. Won'. Wont t jou Jolu in Knirland a* it in in N'cu Jersey. S^«nf#*nlh »tr«w* faiwl if .xl-rvirdli and llW alienist, who has maile such a nnta- leamcii. He was planning to attend Ocaaa CUr, N. J. jou Jolu ttr. but he ,leci,le.eriile.1l tu r,fu-refuse an. IWMl h «•>«(•« I y aklc ft T*«nl>-ear*»Ad for the purpose of ascertaining how fore*f * wltl b the Mammoth, won't >ou It nccupiex the aame relative por- P1l.>ne, land If •>l>nd*<4l arvl InrMmr all ba hle success an a deputy police com the Northern Baptist Convention at Attaaiai Ta. Open Hay 25, for season continue his practice in Ocean City SMITH'S rneaiiaruou* tn Mid So*.lrn*«-(e>f fy ai. the assessments were _ leviend alror* IMJI •>«#IkadinrT all for illvlsion, the cost of con- aoa ocfa* AVIHUC Booms by day or week llona. I oaed yon. I want you eu." ' 10", M .•er* n»ntt*njnu« in ihar »AHI Sniih»*e-M»rly pieftsion of the drug traffic will spend week*. Phona 202-W Mrs. & Hendran a'« cup e>nih Mrwt. tracts, etc. 'I need you. I want you. t«".~ llon« ( xj tfut all a numlior of days at the I.lncitln i OCEAN CITV. N i j Speaking of this piopo-4>«l um. 1112 /oner \o. 7 To I* all th»t t#ffiiAry Thirty-five member* of the oriranl- Manager draw doaar In hla enihrarr. "Her* WILL Sl'MMKR Hr.RK Ave. IWW*I ihe> Atlantic IVMn. Kef at*nua> land company with Mr*. Simon and : field, Churchill Hungerfor.1 M;.: | if e>xl«rk.JtxJl and S^iih-r-itfrly aid* of tation were at the meetinfr- LOOK HENDERSON COTTAGE where wa quarreled, where we parted, Terll y-aafV-nnd •• t»-»t i m rwl if e> k ls>o*ifj I a Ital party from his department. They •'When the British team come- N. D. Turner AT THAT TWO FAMILY APARTMENT HUl'SK n\ HOI Asbory avcua we naTe come together again. Tbe lit-lOorire Hafaietter, Jr. aad lt»a> rtnuth««-a«a,rly »«W- The association will ask thr city to expect to motor ilown from New- tle flowera a»d the bruok kuow alL If Family 'over here to capture that cup, «e air«wi lairj If a>xTrr..fa-J> inrt^t.nn all Luild- KMPI-OVUfAT AfilAfY Ara-c3 IPar* Hit hwa-ttef ty place speed limit sijrtt* on the newYork and hope to rn)oy some nf SKVKNTH STRKKT NKAR IU>ARPH AI.K I ! Ocean aty N«w Jcnry only wa could lake tbeu u> our drcu> Hate New Apariaiet want them to, come to Ocean Cit\' hjh-i norr^ ut T»»(.l*--ar-,»nth •ir*«i l^.t a- •rtuJmar all roadway on Central avenue from Geo. F. Saxton .Mi- l_ Tane- >l^r bta*tdtnr* rr.aitaT^'ua t't ih*> ++~l S-uih< Ocean City's noted fishinir. TH It not f'l«?af in its appolntr Apartment contain- t> riMinio Open all yenr for two!" an.l HO want to receive th**m U|N.M Ire-ty •-»* of T«*nty-«*ra»r«4 >lrrt4. Thirty-second street, and u\i> rau- Georfre Hnfetetter. Jr.. of Mill- Dr. :imon for many >cnr* hrlil tlio ncach, .Iluanlvvulk Center, Station ami Maikel*. PAINTING. RARER HANGING. Boardinf; and Table Board boumo. well Irrown in Philailelphia a nel.l worthy of the cup. Wo don't /ua* N«* a). Tn >•• >H tr>at (•trilory lon siirn* at Fifty-fifth .treet. where Kxamlne it carefully. Upper Aparlmtut coritajn- '• r«NHii- Mr*. Klliabeth Hroder«n, Prop. e«niaa aarfuma. HV.t CKv l«**a thar Allant^ tUv-mn. fUr i«nu> * wnrMV feconl in i ^M.ik«e-«4e-'tr »*d# he rna.1 tums otT ath; tteautifully flni-hotl, full ocvan view. GRAINING *«o DECORATING Persia aaw I be rarllrat devalopment HIM 'arvj red flag* In the day time an.l red ' 'r« of the »ummer colony In Ocean. ^^m—~— .1, where HO have t uran- MEMORIAL DAY a>(ly —iw t.l Thi This apartment cau l*e rcnteil for a figure that will pr<>- 1O38 ASBURV AVCNUC K. L. SMITH K. II. CAMPBRU. of tbe perfume lodualry. Tba prlasta !*ftalr«Jr ItWtuailneT •••y, will tptru>Dent#tter and To One and All Tinny «ai<».*»d trvarl Uit artrludiac all The n*»t meeting of thi" associa- Mr. and Mis. Earl Bochman, Mi floor ap^rtnvent of G room* ami luth clear .above it. Smith & Campbell - daughter. Mar>" thair >oun(r ^OTICETOLIMITCKKUlTOkS laar* crtaat tion will be held In South Ocean City aromaUc »ob«uorr» sod prr{>ar*ia>*tl. Mnart. an.l Mrs. Boyd Bamanl, Mr. an.l Jhat gTxiund floor apartment Tia- u clilmf»4*y, iakiiijc it " r. MONUM To bar ail lhat Uffilory HOUSE AND SIGN taern. Egjptlao perfumes acquired In their new wo «eekj from tomorrow evening. Ai tas>l ar OraMA,' Uay a«*aua> (aad Mrs. Dewess Yeager, Mix Jean Yea- comfortable? for all->ear-rr>uinl. great celebHty, esprrtally ger, Ml>s Kvaline SchoAeld. Mi. Put th*?*e •lifferent |«»iiit- tojrrl!nT, r\amine thr p PAINTERS Bay V|l I aL aundry v--*T<.«»4 uratt (aad if la Alexandria. Bcamad o.., carefully, consult u* a* to th* pricr ami term* nn.l Hi AUmrjr A«. Oevaa Oty, M. J rallgtoas riles, perfumes HI Inqutrirs 'r^ -'-•—•i> 01STUUTI0N. FINISHED AND which ua» c-tUhlutinl in i•>i/"> d y I Mar>' Craig. Mrs. J. A. Dittrich, TWi" Jones' Men's Shop lnrliad.ii/ all Charles Taggart, Ivan Kachman and tn th« price ami term- an.l THKN DKC'IDM. htffltr^ of correct id So*«»"s>Ma>* ty « EEADY TO LETTER AND ERECT BEFORE MAT 30th fr>' it once—complete your Uun.liv *-ai h *4f«a*< Ur. tr*a*a« M J«tfrtt* a Bsr*iar. I* ."Why BO4-O6 Aabury Avenue Ocean City. N. J. while you wait. Call, wiitr bui •r»rti*dio»' all were dlffuaed throogh tne halla nrra Designed, cat tnd erected with particulir regard for Indi- rrad h Mfr*4, d &h ICI I Ur. and Mrs. Wuller Dittrich at iliiln't I look into thi-T It \* ju*t what I v.ant. To W aU thai trrHtory Lutor home ami Jnvotmcnt." OPENING FEATURING fautnetor in Lai . ^^ were barsad In pruroaloo. TJ' vidual requirements ««« lr-a> Attaatkf Ocaata, Bay •!•••» tand JUS. W. dinner Sumlay. IOO-W s>i1«tkd«dl aa-l iha> SiMdhmtvtartty »ada» of Electrical Contractor Be waa always Interested in . VTteJ . «... . front irty*wAa*ih aairwart. taad if «*•!'«Aral. a»d Hart, Schaffner & Marx 0 1 217 BAY AVENUE SMflh«*M>. fly Nd* of I' MASSEY & EDWARDS JoatilatWarka taaclaaty , and his duties daring the lartl^ "* araoogaxtt tha vuiauvano'usa banks o anj nrtft iliw-k of nul*rLil« Ocean City, N. J. raal la*d if aaJ larluttift* all Clothing v , ia proparUoa to the flnaa- cur < ..lit. i..I - - it^n'Urxi W Eighih and Central Avenue Offlcat ton Central Aram ^*< kept him In active touch FRANCES FREEMAN. Prop. cMr d he completed aKout June 1.'. cr.init., an.| niirl.U-, from y t o*T roriy aarfoad KrasM 1 ta la« ail Wiadiaa-' ( OCEAN CITY. N. J. reiV If"— ~~»imeid that".* ™ "*"" In *>erj- uuxfiitaL Limuu*- tor i**« l ty d John O. Dennis « X4. It. Ta W alt \V*Jf- j I adopted tSewW,Jt aroCB»tle ash- and very- attrrrtive. qutiiry of thr-tr product. primarily ta« Aitaatlc Orama, JOBBING CARPENTER 1 acaacee prlmarOy for railgtoaa pur- wy and afterward for paraooaJ Hi MaH If **l**aVd No Job too Uti[t, JJo Job too Small WNB Naw Ufa. We Spr<-UU*r In aowth«*>*4a>«ly of Fb«1y-* __ Tba Jewa ware food of oaa- Hoiun Cloaed u>d Opened BlILDING SEMI-BI \GAUlW wH (aad If laWtudta* all Notice . i. aad OM ar two did rerognlia tJtatlca. and aiaa aaad them to paint n<^teAta« **d MmMutumrttuiatM E. A. CORSON a> rciAllaruu** to aai Wayne Restaurant Katimatr* AU Work Foci*-*•••« w*iai ttrvaH tt aa taa raitua •racbanf -aUcaat- tba face, all tboee perfumes ware ex- H. F. Stanton. Rral K-Ute opera- BUaicleumt, Public and * ow Boardwalk at Sixth Street SPECIAL REDUCnON IN PRICES Furnl>hnl Goaiaalrrd tracted from aaaaatca of trees and Tart- tor, h«ii gi\en J. K NA. U ToU til that Itnttorr W- t drcna waaaa ens plants. thi> city, the contract to ' liuild a Priv&U MemorUU GENERAL CONTRACTOR lha) AiLaatic OOMB. Way a**«ia->. Uf SPECIAL EXCURSION Specializing iu ->ca fool Vulcan and Acorn Gas Ranges L£V of tbe **mi-t>unicalow* t>pe for all types of buildings Cambura & Carwithen * *rfir+ I**:J (o til »tnr^»*«ri. May a8, 1921 ; aaal'^'haTwan dead f •* tftr great Aaiartaan Mtatartaa. on Brig-huvn plucn The. wwlc i. t.» 737 Asbury Avenue SUNDAY, JUNE 5,1921 Discount for Cash rmn. It waa bard far Mona umaon. Ia UOO. oo the 3d of October. be pu>hr*t. ALSO REPAIRED AND PAINTED OAMDKH YARD MAIN OFFICE AND YARD ROUND TRIP aafiaaiaa and earner of iherajt- George Bancroft, tha blaturtao. waa OCEAN CITY NEW JERSEY Carpenters Oaa> Hmrwagh Oaai.rrj -Hwaaarittae, N. J. $1.5O War T«» 1^ City Gat Light Co. tM, la akske ap bar ntfsd to tnla fact, tern at Worcester. aUaa. Bancroft Opav Ailaarto Ctty Cianliij tat tha deah «t WladsvUle began hla -Hlatery of tna Inltad We guarantee approval of ROADS. SEWERS. BRIDGES. BULKHEADS lUmXa coo« o«lr om Irala ta'lu John Marts Lumber Co. AUTHORIZED AGENTS lat SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS Hrti ptMase nuaaaaiiMi t UU^ Hl»( aWhar. Bar Tanror* was a fsJbsa> Aa StstaaT at Iba aga af thirty. Tba ant local and State authorities Ti Ninth stroat and Haven Avanua • ctrrea ewaar as* waa a aaod deans, return* waa pobUaaed fuur years later. • rr>i:r I.I. IU A-M. «S4 A- M. OCIAN CITV. N. J. All Actal and Diamond Metal Adiertuiag Spac* la 1^1 on all our work. l!ti:t» « | ::: AM. 4 :? Of liaana. they wenlda't aa«e aa In 1834. For oaarty tfty ytars ba da- II X fwlHrnrt at»rlio«. Onu CMy UatA • I In A. M. AM Lumber MiUwmk. Mojl.iino. UuiUiof Paper, PUater Board. Naila, Oaab Wtigha EXHIBITOR for the En* the voted hlmaelf to th* work of wrillag l>st Daac AdarrtUtax O CU_ I14l M.| IU A. at. A- M. Weather Strips Ucau Cu, (I4U all H4A.M. Ii: A- M. ate Hauia«le« Kuralabed. Prooapt DeUvmnr. daaenad tme a full history af tba Culled Sutra. Cut I Hal ai tis A. al ; •* A M. PirtarUl Worm Builders' Iron Work a lor for *w*M*a> (14 AM 7 10 A.M. I ta faTor ef tha The twe+fth asd UR rolum* was pub- nv nui^ Q. V J, f-r iiafl and tvinltjr. to a !•»*• York Ready-made Ford Commercial 43 Asbury Avenue i.D. Va^ fur slitr ^ l.-o A.M. 'T IIA M. boor apprr Dshad ta lsW. Daring tbU period [(I.I Puntiata (Vaaed It. It. Ill tvt «ay turalkaa) IB «» A.M. A.M. OCEAN CITY. N. J. aaaasjaateiBaat knew ajo Basrroft fosad time for Important pe» tta* «**iHv auita **"-fl'l"i Uftll tu A.H. A. M. aad Re-*aat>b ALFRED 8CHERM W ll fe, t *«&•». fit* CatsUa tsriaKikC A.M. Body aftafeed hapad agalnat ht«a DOral eerrW. Ba waa aacriiary of BROWNWORTH i CO. for aoda paaaaia«»r, Baarlal *pal* laavaa rmiu^>Jp*la irk«*4* I aat rwrelpta aatf tna aa*y and aUalater to Ureat Britain • on uaioairaiiT HAMMELU CO. oaB tvay k>rau«o« tor toe twticW •at u4 So-ull**l i.~l Real Estate and i tto rradltora ay luratkoa •• TMai4a BMUT to pawfcaiaa p«loc lo 4ai« nr Manufacturer ol your purchase tagtoo oo January IT. la*l. (t IW *»*i«t« taat aaaw caadd gat on a batter (oottag.- 421 Wnl Airaaw "U« ua EattaUe" t tfty cvaXa for ea*a* Automobile Bodies Rebuilt aud Repaired Search Company tal Mar an waajad go. aUgbt ta tba flreaa Ity, N. J. Decorator. »—n d Ly A ATIj\XTIC CITY RAILROAD gajajaj fjAjajaj aAa tad •ea^tnl aot Aa Nadtliki Mara. *«*• c*4kUt*b«>ai I unrnr «tty •oral ua t c-r far * J. W. KIRKBRIDE -What of Coagreaamaa KIutdubT" . «•>««• ta 4«acm«ga "Htmt U«i a bareada on tna ablp l Old Turnpike near Shore Uoad PLEASANTVILLE. N. J Fidelity Trust Comranv ef atata.'—Loulatllle Court»r-Joun>»' and Put Up Lhrsjai aucar* i faro lba> »a4taa>ajr>v«-*ra. R A U S IS THI Both Commercial and »a»i |>ea.ti.A%« cvt-la «*Mh <••* ••<* a-t- ranaa tor Sate <»IAtt>lt ,m.^mt»^9t. aad •*«-&!•-&*• farasl* MEATS tar «a>rt> a_U>ik^«vakJ iua» I bar i«*Ma« FaJary BraUiag ( aickraa «ac lo. Be>l Pare Lard . Ur Offloaa In Personal lra»**r#aap» witk, 1*%*** m\fw r c-r !•>,*•* *ar»<»v To Wire Your House CAIU frcaaa avar tw^o ai a J.*4«JM* Pirmir Ham ISc Baabavgrr Steak . Simms' Restaurant and Delicatessen First Natlonl atrVasl«*T taWji (t^hkT lOaMe) at tla* laUef at Sa*,,.,irn>c .t- cf < or Large Caa Taautaca IJiS, ll!,e AMMUKtS Strictly Freak Eggs Sac 6a*. 1 lb.raa rWrriea 1S>JC Sentinel Faacy Creaaarry Tab Batter 1 Ih. ca« Fear. 19',t THE OPENING OF THEIR NINTH SEASON 31c Doat farget Ike nrraa naeT witkla iw lay *>f rWim City H«4I; Bnmd Ska aaal Milk •raasaily aVUtrreaV. Soak rain NON-4KID OCEAN m* UM laU ac«»wli>af H<*# y»r ho*«v. RED-TOP RIBBED CORD NON-SKID CORD GRAY TUBES ••asfl tW ktJasksktW mi paVataeasCVra tO W 3 fa»tSc la rark raalaairr aai aaraiag SIZE sad TTPE OidPricaa NawPrlaaa OUFricea NewPrkaa OldPrkas NawPrieaa OldPricaa SewPrieea OldPricaa NewPrkM i "mW'^il/TTif" VegrlaUe far Sees t'i r raa K W IB»- you ««til mf^iimmi BW \jm\ tW Catf Oaf Ce»«*ly JaUl to* as dcslgs*. II yoo an r?fekal k tmf These Prioe* Apply to Our Regular and Complete Line mmt iimilii ifclfty 4*n> al tW atia- EXCLUSIVE ACfNCV OP THCE CANDIES take yoo a losg tlaM taiiatlda Octmdy.N.J. Praaerad • Hatarai Vamh*. ahv ar*h stale caa «* —M •mmm. aaa. w n*miif+ «f Graduates and June Brides THE UNIVERSAL CAR there arc ao manypattcuaatoefcooaa Chrvw baaaaral aalrarkiaa a/ al fta hard weeda, i FOR OCEAN CITY from—but tha potatia tkat yoacn Oaere,. Waiwrt. ^ay^aajr. UOo. Oe, O*a. be aoited exactly rJtktauad at pdcas Price tiOMipportcd by value nerer ia an ad*aua«c*c to any but the man who MIU ANNOUNCEMENT iUftm a>lan Tke Praia af tbe Weaat that arlQ appaml to yon. Rataa FoaVad i to make a quick "clean-up** and quit. IT U TOUCH—WATMtfOOa*— IHW»aWt UUTM (mm »*« *» »e • CAMMOTC rLOOH VANNiaN A repatablc. uncmcelloi tniimmga tire made by a company tbat can and will deliver Mkaeiaiiifaltoiaa fc«Waaa^fAatri.Tahlaa.l Myer's Jewelery Shop QPENINB OF NEW AUTHORIZED FORO AGENCY all tnan you pay fpr U the only one you can afford to buy. Baaiwwaft af*. Daagkiy a PWr 11M AHBIjRT AVENUE W. H. Camptxill —^ —- liaaiaj a* arat Oreaa Oty, N. J. Hughes' Central Pharmacy O. 8. Sampaon X Son I M a aMlu U tW mvmM I tt Oaaaa Ot-. S. j. haW Saraat aaal Waatr. A* tW tKa *u ei aU>. int. aa* -1M be Is BOW opea for tha aeaton A gift from Marert U rvextaitiag Coll Ocean City 600 for Sales and 8errke Wa aaU aarabara Try an as a* aai ,l»'l- a4 uaa aw tt t» a'aaatk f. Fare Cars aaa) Trees* > Trartara -C^Sr*. EXFSaTT WATCH AND JBWBLBY «KPAHXNO A New Low Price on a JBjiown and Honest Product U. P. T, Ua) EDW. Q. KURTZ ••BUY THE FORDS0N" '- -! '••.:;:.., ^$$f


    fcvl OCEAN CITY SENTINEL, OCEAN CITY, N. X, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1921 SAVED FROM. SEA KM UWN FOR THIS MANY AT LINCOLN Philadelphia .Boat Captain Had TESTIMOMY TAKEN IN Trouble Off Clly Motel Amorlation Meeting There Friday, June' 3 MTS GMOfll SECTION The Fourth Street Unital Statax' CAMP GROUND MAnER . Guanl, went to "tho "a^Wanee' • " • I The Lincoln lii entirely bookc.1 ovt A RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? If ami WnrM at Vnrlotv «* <*P«- **• Shatter, of "tho knotk- pj-gf of acnHSerieIs OOIf Hearinearln Hg , TL I weekend, am WOrCS Or Variety >about.. tMbla cru(licr> wiluhar, from * « K rapl.lly booking the entire house foi ^ not, why not? They give three times at Thir•».....d. ~.-Stree •t an•d ' South Atlantic City to.Forto*:iie. in In Certforari Proceedings the month* of July aiul.Auguiit. ; Tno otel 1 Boardwalk ') trouble o mile south of the *cu buoy.' R-»,,™|,* *,„ p«,.* »_J , » Proprietor* A»«>cla.- .APPLICATIONS FOB BOXl'd la»t Thurmlay afternoon. Brought by Fort and tlon'ef Oce«, City will entertain the as much light as the old style Carbon lamps When a clam .In a Duluth school Tho bonus committee will meet af- Tho WUt^hnr, experience.! engine' Others oflleers of the Stato Hotel Asx.«ia- ter the tegular' neiuion of Morgan- waa aakeil to ilemribc' that city, one trouble, an,l Capt. Shaller aUrtc.1 tim, at the Lincoln on Friday evc- for the same current consumption. of the bovN wrrlr: "Thin wonderful l K M r c JuM0 Ranck Pout next Thursday evening, for the beach hcro'in u »n.all naptha' '*"' - > '"*' "' •*"'""* ">- "'"*• ?- for the purpose of receiving applica town J* fifty milm loiur, one milo luunch. leaving a wtil^r name,! Gall.i- -'"'"* UH " S""c Supreme Court AmonR the wide and two mllr* high (Duluth l» ghcron boonl the cruder. , Com,..i-..inner, took in the are: Judge and '' * ' from o OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE ( ml llic built on a hill). It ha* many, Shaller, who haile. from Philadel- <•">• "l" -" "- ohanilwr- here cm. PlaliiJIeld; Mr». Carlto.i and - ' of Atlantic City Electric Company . "• !*.""" nhln wu* hnvinir mat|(M amp|(} ofn n |]on( st )Oy Tu0 <|uy Willtui S. Lcedi ••..••••':-..v?« tions, which are now called after the *<" «!»' • lu icn|, cIoctll,,,, • of ia.t Hti>-I.ito Storaj;*-' •amber, of .treeU Imt wluch could SWIer. imp IM^ ^-« ""'j^,. Thllll. R. Korli Jr., „„..,,,.,„, MiI. ,„., 1>y Mr,. ,.. „,.,,„„, of ,hijl eity. •M AibXk .ft. • fk*. 26IM Battcriw. AcetyleneGa-.Ai>|iliaiice> Bell Phone. 186-J >: With propriety I* eaMcl by a,, ind.- \lth. "ater a'"' lie *Js rC>CU°'1 Ju>t ton K. Hair, , andd othe. e> io off th thee Tax Ta\- -It »a., found by Archie Call : '• i'/k M limc payers' A»»ociatjon of Ocvan Cir>-, 1 2307 Atlantic Avenue Tidual proper name. - I ._ . . , . . ~ o-f Wrnni-• i K. Carl^in, 100,"» A>1 .. .Reupholstering - • 'A 1 Perhapx th. e ....m«-. il oilistincf Oceatn localCit>i .- CONDICTOB applied for anl obtained writ of avenue, this city, nixl returned tim: Atlantic City, N. J. thof etben Thire dman anyd paiFourtt h «trcetM dis- cortioraii. They niaile the cl.iim Wm. H. Powell ESTIMATE Window Shades ->*-.•/>; cvi?niii(r. Intact. Mr.". Mt*kolty, riRht in the camp sire-, through the>e cfllunm*, to p\- FOR YOU ^Awnings and Northflrld Man Wan With the Read- round plot. •>•••••'/^ ^gf > - the select locality of this i,.in..», pre'" .-incere lh;inks an>i ffratitule l<» deneral Contractor •••'.• ii but eJongate. The d»ell- sitiner M\rot*», who i- a >tem»tfiaj>h- •'•'••• -r* ^ v •..*;.:- Kleven emplo.\e* of t'*p rhi';,-'*''- Something New IHir |,il, l.f.*,.| n.,i.i.irul wltli (I.KKI \V..rk «,,.( H«.t M.lrrtol • ,'.- • ..•:. i m inga are mostly of a hiuh clas^. at- 1 rr. City Solicitor A. C. Iti>>«ell, for Grading and Street Building Wr phia & Iteadin^r Hail"..' :ir..l .i--. - for the U-nclH ')f (>CCJ.I City j*t-jilc ^:; ••.-.'•••-; traeti\T in de-i^n an,l .utii.tic in a|i- , t;.i•* nuiiiicii'.ility otTetfi in exi-lfncf (If(H)L WOKK KXHIBIT ciatc conipjiiiie- uei-o pl.ii-o.1 on in,- J'*.- ^'"..-... . •• pearanee and Jox'ph M. Rnulun.l, coiuit'miMtiuii piooH^iitk'* l»y \» iiirh Thirty-fourth at. and Weil av*. Lawrence n. •'. •.-.*..•- pension li-t r tl-.e p.i.-t i.n>u:h, Tin ' annual o\.hihition of tlu> woik Ocean City House Cleaning Otis M. To»tn»nii arit others nave .;.;*» cii\ tin;«jfrrt tit?r tn thr pri.JVi-" 1 k54 Asbury Avenue Jacob Keichert., }'.i., t tlu pupils in the manual Iiainin^ OCEAN Clrv. N. J. Ocean City. N. J. •pent their he*t e,r.u t here. ' ' tv. Mc-i-. K.-it ami Halt, ain.-i.c "#&£•* uho was cm|>l..\cl a- .1 I..k ton.!ei, »lonii'-tic MTioiice ilepaitin<'"t - of Thi* i^ctio,,. hi.^rx.T, has InlHire,! Inn.. 1 u-.i- «>f (>ihor-i. weto aw ai •'•*••> : HOi C«alr>l Will) tv^ITi fi'|irll>rfr>1, IjtialPllllaC (tOlla*. (if I* nt# Schuylkill Ka\iK.>:i<>i, C... li,.:.i- tiie the UV-ley avenue Gra»le.| -cluHtl .•:'''•• :r. _;-• onder wveral ili-:idvanLigcs. So • lamase.-* for the takinj; of • - * ' record for IcnRth t.f »5er\ice annt'»i; ih.-ir AIII l« hi-!.! in thi- wh.Kil, K<>uith bill >>>••« iifti r\ rr> linnet. Jn*l «l»t* 11* ll>#> JOls post office, no dniK 1*14111!, not even a rc'lit' in the (.Minp i:io:.nity. 1 ! rt.t \t\ t k if-.| Hr the men who llaie jil-t l*fi. prn>i»n- -tiii't ami We .-ley avenue, t hi-i 111 -Ii> II I > II., . ..t,tf4 laataurant, where a ravenous ti.-her- Maivoy t'arr. of Can A: Cur.-ll< . (Tluir-.lay) afternoon ami e\enii»»r. .!*>, e*l. Next in len^tli of senuc anio , • I c- --»c\i m len^in or se trjiir-PitiiM? Mr. Koi!. pi ...lucci I" v pul>lic i» cortljully iriVitol to 111- 7jU West Avenue Be Prepare ' -I.':, li.t .(•-.-.I -houin^ ttii.T he t-ln-i.t ti.i.l pu ama bin go hunger a tire.r 1wer cottage..,e to lie ,found could. .till these addition., to the pe -|MVt lilt* Uolk. Ocean Clly f*ew Jcr«ey Jonathan W. Dungau, r.:,l:i-|. pii>|H>ity from Klmrr It.u Now is the Timayio TIME rOR 8PHINO HOUSE*5ttANING IS HERE -"• •v; ^ The neare«t poit onVe wan a • l! ".»••. I..1 ter of a mile away and ntenr ncci'* 1. .M-Cli.Mi C. Uh.-lf .Ml. F-. Plant Privet Hedge with I? jears". 10 m i.f .. JOM.5. UtXII.US A IIA5SKI.I. ond there arc one liunilml anil one aiticlcs uretliil for lary conirenienrei for a happy e\K to hit creifit. NKW ( LKRK AT BANK .\. I. JU.NfJ,. .l|«»»^rr * .•/<>r I. thu piir|>v in one of our slum and lix.k. wanteil, or nearly a mile •li.-tunt ,'lni..,!,., •C. -^rr I.o»t jnmft'iine? I'l.n•» •.linif co-f,l Fiank Sclinci'lor, in UVTI we have Xi> cilfrr you at uticc* that air- But the»* wanU hare been >u|>pli', when FLORIST - 1ft aa many term it, will no longer Ian- . Tin- l P.. Kia k leave, hi* po-iti«>i, within a gaish for want of hu»ine»> places. A ircc-i\«*>l 1128 Bay Avenue Alderney Dairies Mi t,» K'i in bu.-ine-- Wallace dk Son, Inc. K..,t i> the Ocean City New Jersey Inc. I Philadelphia man ha« eirrtcl nine I..! Mi II... It.., alk. 60S AND 80S ASBUNV AVC. •tares, a large restaurant and _ Philadelphia and Seaihore ii.'-&sf-. '•'•.••••-••• roof garden cafe, worthy of that en.I l^vuirei.taij i-\i,uiiri' - |»n--«T, of town. tcl roveung valiou- plu of It;, I ..-t -onirtliinir? J'lac an ad ii Seventh St. and West Ave.! The restaurant and roof THE HI ALAN i,i..tti-r, ai .1 the tf-tur.,.-, ; o SKNTI.NKI. aid it will !<• l|U,,k. OTIS M. TOWNSENE Ocean City, N. J. will be onder the maiiuKTirei.t of Mr. Oik Harry A. Mom, a d t'it K< - Lambert, of New York, and Mr. Roi>- ELEMENT L.-I' ItT W. ||. ("oili , u Ui«oo. of Philadelphia. The furni-h- A-,«.r li.Miinu «,ll iv ln-ld at BUILDER AMxrtt's "A" Milk : JOSEPH BROADLEY bp will be of a high cl«j> an.l the • !.!_;•• t.. l« ^.|. when tin- cll\ wi OPFICK: 8th St. Opposite P. O Mnl« the be>t obtainable. MUH'C l"---<'i.t a.Milii, ni.ience. _Cu-ain niitlcrinilk OCEAN OW;Y. x. j. '••,—.' > will be fumiibed at certain hour C EUwood Carpenter's Only galvanized nails used on t program* on Sun*kiy c^e Prc-i !c it II. ~~ 1 PLUMBING and HEATING ASKKD TO MKCT exterior work -The 731 Asbury Avenue Ocaan City. N. J. City Book and 5 The L Leslie Headley Co. Ml ll irl Kn-prn. Wanted at PrtonaUS-M will carry » ito' (ijih aeorjfe W. Harris Ihiffiri t»- I af hooka in the line of novrln, rnnK June "T" Casino Contractor, Builder biography, truxcN, etc.. as Tie II,trl rn.piietnr-' A --. BUILDERS i wed aa latest tnuiic nugaxjne.< and and Jobbing Club . plaa* l->~ »M|lU»i • I«Hl Architectural Srrvkc I aattsaiuli together with .Uily «-i- complete line of t A! p! ,.| Hi- Leander S. Corson lo»«. i.'oii,ru:rnt C«tt • ',,. t j.-to-Ititr J 004W ciTv. urnrn jminar will ba carried aiul there »i:i !<• no Saturday Evening .\(uf1nirlit«. M,*ti ru llt.trl.. I aaarf tor mctagtn there t<> e<> Third street to uti.fy the v.:u.:, of BUILDER tka -Kiddie*." OCEAN CITY sec L. W. MILLER MAY 28 ocean CIT». M '•one. IST-M Oas af tike impoiUnt new -t..u-j TITLE AND TRl'ST The Casino Club Orchestra CLOUTINQ, BRECKLEY AND aoa wfll ba tie Ocean City Sampler Shop. M:W >H\KI:> • ••Kli. TWa law will carry a um-iue line Always the Best GODFREY COMPANY T:n- lion e i.K ai..i I . af art and needle work, hjm.l-paintnl Floor CrONC tOu DO TOUR ^*it«TiP

    DR. W. 1'. HA1NES .j- w; iajay aaadat and ail the latr-t t OCEAN CITY. N. J. Music e- of COR. NINTH AMD WESLCV AVC Contractors and Painters ONE OF OUR NEW MODELS atcsa ia hand-painted thing, for th Environment aata date home, many of the article ie A numl«r OCC«N CITV. H. OCCAM CITV. N. J ac .ilirji'; l*<-n Mas; erigiaall; designed and eiecu tun { H av taa owners of the thop. N BMaaer «f the Ocean City >umi» aaleajr, iatansted in beautiful t> aaa faaaibly afford to mi.11 the op " ' ' ' of visiting this itorr. I> Lee & Bourgeois DK. i'ixik» B. ia hand-painting an.: Carpenters and Builders 1 work will alto be givrn fi<-^ TheJinesfTire for Small Caw ta caataBaan. In connection wi'.n t;. (>CI:AN CITV. N. J. SMBBlaT shop will be » bninrh p. -1

    Ia dM row of itorea at Thir.l a- Jobttlac Work a Specially >a»rianlt. on* wfll alto flue' a can.i Alien Corsoo, M. D. I IMI 41 JOS. U HE E. A. BOCKOEO«S • ate* a iteMnitiiiii stoK, and sl«» Goodrich «M WctWy A»«nu« HEADQUARTERS FOR aB, • kaar dresser ari a ftahing uckl City Now Jersoy ataaa, T»» hai. dreuing < «dB ba tandnrtcl by M Buicks 'of. Chicago, who coma wida axscrieixe ami PliTTiT, M. D Harry R. Hayes Dodge Brothers' Motor Cars CARPENTER will 807 WCSLCV AVC. ty mA* tka caaftrtauna and goo-t »JJ Jutttoc »urt praoifllv trundtd u> Maccar Trucks oAnti'SJrid Safety Thod OCCAN CITV. NEW JCRSCV Lob Iw Sib CotUftt lor iiW ind H«m af Oaaaa Oty from U» flnt. IktMkl Si 4 i Tha litlig tacaJa store, which b t'O.-. II'MJIB. VIU1U.-U1. OCUI an.«. j. atnaa> ia mull U condocteii by at the 2QS Price Reduction • fit, ^"Oftf. «#I*J Dr. g. U Ufadantx. who nt«U no ksbaascalaa to tha n\hing public of •"I-*.* .-:: MOTOR SHOP *kU dtj. Wtk fciaaflden t partner, WILDWOOD. N. J. CENTRAL GARAGE afc. Baaxasa, ha ia making every ef- HUMBERT C. POHTIERE OCEAN CITY. N. ]. •art a* aajta one of tha nvwt complete Here is a 30x3 i tire, with snappy mj m H illll tacaJs storey black tread and creamy white loilN H. WlllTlCAK, M. D. BUILDER ' aaly trOtaa* Oty, bat on the en- TIT wcaicr AVINUC Ttatk turn OCUM CtTT. ft. J th« asaat. Bia Uotm will be a ,1* sides—clean, trim, splendidly OCCAM CITT. N. J. * • » flBfct to tka heart ef cvmry true fl.h aeajam aad tar a -fortune-»eek*r of finished—generously large and la* 4)HB>> h> tUa district net to \-l>i ' -*'•, Vh«Uua«a«).f wll« lu VIVIAN B. SMITH rr.a*jr.iv«t«ltd«>t (iJb^JDp m. DK. thjaikuti'a placa at Third uJ full in size, with the Goodrich ARCHITECT SaaawvaBt would ba worse than go- Mi. CHAS. H. \'A1L iaa; ta Seaaa withoat satiag tha V.u- anti-skid safety tread. , OUcaaatak Pkjtkiaa eaa. If ana is hunting' for anything Atluntc City. N. J. 5l(-- --.. . that wfll aid oca in briagUg the in- This tire will give you much tut I MBUMBB af tka aosaa up on dry aaaaVaalaTaMind Beardwalk. It longer mileage, the greatest of wfllkafcaedthare. J. Hrescott Cadman, Jr. NOTICE .--s".. aiss ha able to hare one'* durability, the utmost riding THE UNIVERSAL CAR in tha -Garden Sec- comfort and the fullest satis- aaainn. and "bag- tataU a< Mark Lake FLORIDFLORI A O JONC will ba out of >t>le aoa ai J«i*.lF. FordlSeJjn— » mighty.cotil.irtible cir faction. OCIao» a caiairaom N AVC. f> A high diu funeral Director •f ' ew.-r/ >r«l uid l^uu( UMton. Fbuua -'*• —au«t lu«arioa-«ly—»ith pUte KLI»» *lulin^ > v- the "30x3*" is made only in one Ocean City New Jcnay TUI.'i K fk.HVl'H IBM AT ABTMSNT J. B. THOM8OH te SON wiado»», it i» cool ia hot weather while Jry aad quality. It is so thoroughly and BXPKSS8 warm ia air aad wiattT. It is the regular fraai unusually good that its makers ATraauiBva.aT.LAar. TX; wtwr AVKXt,K tiaplcto handle aod evei -enduring Fswd cha»U <>ct«o Lily. Kc« Jtr»»jr •ith a boolon body—the family car that no« frankly declare it the best tire only ptta»e» with iu comfort bat uva moaey la Voettoa, Htrcwrt I Stttlnai 1 low fir»t co»t and aJtcr opcratioa. Let us give ever made for small cars. All awa*