GAS OFFICERS MB8T •JBMCAK. News of the City's SchooiTl••• MOTHER DEHO;«- C. s*lla*M DR. W. P. HAINES wewswtae City s Schools | ni)IER SERIOUSLY ILL COH. NINTH AMD WKSLCV AV£ At th* annual mmlnic of tb* •fork- OCCAM CITV. N. J. bi'ldrra of the City, flae LJ«ht Com- RE you using Edison Mazda Lamps ? If niU> DAY FUTIVAL. pany. L. C. Rltcblo was -rlrctrd presi- HOURUBH*: <••••<•—1 lol p. m•. 'W torr :•!'• Tba object of the Beld day feat!**!, Mayor Champion Hfcara Saddent. The other offlcrm rbourn ar»-; Ball l-boo*."*) not, why not? They give three times »*:i'l v|*»-prcaident ana ir*ai«un>r. H. C. CKyVTwat OM to ba bald by Ibe school children Wad- News Jtut Before Cot-amis- -..——. »iwdMUn Maaasaesod Matey afternoon. May 11. U 10 pro- ComriiveOymiiaatini HwsUlan llonamau as much light as the old style Carbon lamps mote sociability u wen u for recrea- DR. FLORENCE B. HAINES — , City High School tram tion* aa It bring* the teacher*. pupils. Hla many friend* fipirssrd their J J. Lyona. Jr.. of Drlmnr. and Li-win for the same current consumption. IM W Pleaaaamne Hlga la»t rtMu parents and Wanda once a year Into ?~l> """pathy to Mayor Champion i Thorn, of Lakrwood, mvr* i> lor ted dl- ' - Hof n by ApiKMntmeal OCEAN CITY : atata* to the cut debate under the Tn d r ri-cior«. The other dlh~rtora are I. C. social contact, so that they may ba- 'f " * *""> «•>*» >«••">«« that hi. I OvfcAN CITV, M. J. "' <«ftkaKataa»lpier-B< coma acquainted with practical metb- motbn- Mn- Harriet B_ . Champio..__.;R'"n -nle. H. C. Srhanxr. Jr.. A. D. Ma- _ Aaaociatlou. Ailboagh wlfe of Lorenzo D. Champlnn. had' loney. Tho». J. Thorn and Jamm Au— OCEAN CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE ods of physical training. Uoar»~*-I0a. m , r-s pw m VOLXLL OMaa aty loet. erery on* Interested Tbe teachers and the phyalcal di- died that mornlnn si her home at M«r 'In. of Atlantlo City Electrlo Company OCEAN dTY, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1921. "'-Ai f«b that thla to no dlahoaor. hat lnrector are patting forth every effort to mora. a xhort dixtanri- from thl* re-1 Thi> company la upending about 17".- Allen CorsoD, I. D. •<Ht a graai proof of ability. The df- 'HK) Itj improtemcnls. make thla affair a iticcesa. In order lo «M W«alty Avenue •tata waa aodoee that the Jadgee bard- rtimulate the Inter-ast of the public Mr». '"humplon waa W.y.-.im old on If iaew how U> decide the last*. Their aad prove to tbe nchool amhorltira tbe Monday. | MISSIONARY SOCIETY MKITINO. City Now Jorsoy ' tmi dsdaloa In favor of the neitailvr _B«I1 * value and necessity of thla field day let- Her death l» tuild to ha\e h*«-n due The monthly me.tinif of the Foniiro ' JOUt-MI.U |J) A. CLUB HOUSE HERE TO Ordinance Authorizes City LEGION POST GIVEN *aa raadared oo tka grmmd that tlval In connection with physical train- to old ace and worry over the rnndl- Minaliinary Society of the Flnt M. E. WREN READY FOR Company Not Against Sale PssaanfiHI* had* a belter anajoement ing work. Each child I* made to feel of hi-r hunband. who-ie d<-aih has William Maloney a* a-Mlerlal aad upon their dellvtry •i-ipi-cti-d at any time dunnx th* |JKKSCHKI. 1'KTTIT, M. D OPEN MEMOML Mr that thla Held day la inititnti-d for hla ,<;n(T. on the Iloerdwalk. below Ninth City Garag( Paving Bond Issue of $78,000 BACONS GIFT OF$1530 HELDJtt FESTIVAL - WkUa Ihere are many who fall to seeor bar apedal benefit. The children U»t month. He rnl at hla home a I MM ei. The leader of the i-n-mm: will 1U BE HERE aor WESLEV AVE. of Auto Bridge and Road •a-SBaas*rsw.aaB thla In the same light, the team and month nro and waa bndly hurt. Hi- IKbe Mr< Ralph L flofl. Auto Electricians are orged to take part In nome way In OCEAN CITV. NEW JCRSCV C. L. Cadwallader la Prctldent UM rapporters received thi- defeat well. ••bout tin- name an* a> hi» »u*- Boys, Elated. Elect Donor Bora and Girls of the Public either tha games, dance*, drill* or the •lHlr. ll.mr> • -.. lu .. iu. Speedometers Repaired, Batteries SEVKNTH AMD HAVMN AVK. Major Mortals City by far excelled iu rtp-athletic events. Mrn. Champion whs born at Penn- Pflblir Kalif*. of Traateca of Ocrmantowa Plan to Clean Up Temporary Officials Say There's Repaired. Presto-Lite Storage OOMAM OITV. ttmm jmmumv Honorary Member of Their 8choo!s Will Have Big Time PIIHIB ^wn-ft tfoaeats la argament. This U aim-edl The program will be prlnrnl nanvllle, N. J. and wan married when «hi* OrgaaUation. Improvement Notes on Next Wednesday. Impression—Bosweli Gives ^aa by all thoaa who beard tho d* I week, wai about 10 year. old. n»-*.Id«- the Tlw lollawiDv nm \c+ wu r»*l si |B» »| Batteries, Acetylene Gas Appliances BOARDWALK LUMBER County Rallies. TAXPAYERS' LEAGUE Athletic Csnlr*. J.«V*k' Ir nieHinao* in- i iiy loiuisl-alofxn Mon The Oermanlown rjojra' Club of N«-w Aaphalt Street Work. His Viewpoint. bats. It la true that Ihe speaker glv-l boabasd and Mayor Champmn. theri' (fay, April II: UIIIoFllnui- 1'lu.ne'iT; Tin- boyB of thi' Ameriran lA-alon The (hllilrin of tin* pulille HCIIO<IIH L'nlil J u> 10 a III. L. IV. MILLER Janwy Jwld IU annual miM-tlnn Wi-d- The *ratlre N. lac tka rebuttal (or the negative eer | OAVB OPBRBTTA Is anothiT >on living—la-lle Cb»a .. Treoloo. Acrtl i. |«J. 3307 Atlantic A venae The Clly Cnmnilmiliineix. nt llu Ir uaihi-n-il at Tiic-kiihoo Tburxday eve* of Ocean Clly are not irmly anil nnx- Om* of tho offlcluls of the Ocean City 7 tu • |>. III. f*eTOr*e7farOe» nosday aXternoon at the office of Nor- Cadot Corps, of tafcly had a tna flow of woids. bat be plon. of Cape May foiirt Hou«-. , Mon. Joevpto u. <ti*rmploo, S4s%or. Atlantic City, N. J. DUE MJWLPIIUI »'i*ekly niii'llnk-. imnmil on tun read- nliiu In ono of ihe ralllin of the po»iH wnlilnu- for ilielr "Klelil Day PROIESTS BUTE RAISE Automobllu Bridge Company said a inu Clly. X. J. man Grey. 104 Markrt Mrert. (amdin, panlcd hy lu flald CM aot dsmpiofe tbe facts pot forward third son. Clinton, dii-d In thl» city ; li»ar *lr— I am In.trurt-Mi by 11>«- Ibwnl it TKLMPHONM. BOS IngH Ordlnnnce Nn. l.'fi. aiiihorlilni; «.f i-;i|«. May County. Ktlrred that old I-V^tlva^' to be In ihe nil! tow daya ago that (hero appears to _ J ctilldraai Puhllc Lunij <_vimiolol.o.r. lo larorin >ou JOHN H. WIIITICAR. M. I). Phone 23SJ saya tbe Oermanlown IToy»' dob bold Us eneamtaktat «m tht . kT Ma oppaaeats. aa did the tpeaker wirali. y»ara ano. Ihsl^r .111. al a ma*lln(i.. i- Mi.I b> II at Expected to Arrive Here In a the IMHUO of bondn nf the rlty nf Orejin town a* It hail ni>v«*r been Hllrri'd. and bull park on Wednemliiy. May 11. un-Port and Hicks at Hearingb<< a wrong imprt-aalon rcsanUnf; the grounds, at 8Utb News ot April 39. Th<*> inn-ling waa Clly In the aKKregaie 1nlnrlp.1l am- •Mac tba rcfoutlon for Ocean City Th» children of the aeventh tirade of Mrs. Cbaaiploo's funeral will laki S». l»X. al lOSl •- ni . rVlj for Ittar.'iia lii» 717 WllltT AVCNUC • \<n the mom phliKinullr of IhoHo der the direction of I'mi. Klmer K. aitliudo of ihe company toward tbe Avrnue. this mmWt of penpi»«il l»uu lo ram l,r ihr OCCAM CITV. N. J. called to order by C. U Cadwallad-rr. Week-Work W1U Then ount of $78,IMXI, to bii kn.i»n 11 x "lMv- on Water and 8cwer Co. Fractlealry every one feela proud lh«i •he local schools gave a pretty Indian placa tomorrow .afTMnooo from ibe who wlini'f<heil the parade and demon* rnucr, phynlrnl Innlnirior. The nth plana of tbe State to have tho toll prvaident. Inn nondo." to July S. aa Oeaaa atjr product. Irwln Holt operetta. The Pioneers' Papoose,- In bom*of her son, sv.-, Weslev avenue TbeKoani »HI «l Ili. llni/'.ml plan Something New ONE OF OUH NEW MODELS be Pushed. sirallnn cnulil not' have helpt-d lellr evenln -arlll take plan- In the Petitions. uKoa takan off tfc* road and bridav. OGlem Hflun. Thoso pri-srnt men- C. U Cadwallad- Tba corpa < akMM show ao much ability aa be did th.i as-wrably room of the high school Maerlcaa will be held al l.aioVlock T for the benefit of OCCJJ City people Tho ordinance will come bi-fore ihe by the ihinnK of marchlnu |mornlnu al 9.3c> O'I hx-k. «hile Ihe The bridge company, la In no way op- V»ry Irqlr idara, il1. Marriott C. Morrla. Horatio C. City Engineer \V. II. C'olllaaon In ForniiT Judct* Tr»-ac>. of Ihi* Slnlo •boot S Wedaeeda* tatkia debate. Ba was Ine best speak building Thonday evening, under the Tb* Interment will be al deraide hoard for final panniiKe Munilu>. May!>niinK nun, I1.a1l.1l by a band frnm'samea. drill* and dame* will Mart In .njT tbo propoalUon to remove the A.
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