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Aggression-Of-The-Russian.Pdf ! " ! " ##$%&'##$%&' ( ! ( ! ! !"#$% & #" ' ! ( ' ) *+" ' # # +*,-." / 01234 5 / 6-*7 & # " ' ! ( ' ) # # 6-*7 Pavlo HAI-NYZHNYK Leonid CHUPRIY Yuriy FIHURNYI Iryna KRASNODEMSKA Oleg CHYRKOV AGGRESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AGAINST UKRAINE: ETHNONATIONAL DIMENSION AND CIVILIZATIONAL CONFRONTATION УДК 94(477.6):94(470+571) ББК 63.3(4УКР)64+63.3(0)4-68 Hai-Nyzhnyk P., Chupriy L., Fihurnyi Y., Krasnodemska I., Chyrkov O. (2018). Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine: ethnonational dimension and civilizational confrontation. Saarbrücken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 229 p. 8PSLtexts are recommended for publication by the Academic Council of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (protocol No.5 of June 29, 2017 / protocol No.7, of October 26, 2017 / protocol No.8, of December 28, 2017) The expert-analytical study analyzes the preconditions, course and contemporary socio-political consequences of the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the Ukrainian nation, which has signs of not only direct and covert, but also inter-state conflict and even civilizational confrontation. ISBN © Pavlo Hai-Nyzhnyk © Leonid Chupriy © Yuriy Fihurnyi © Iryna Krasnodemska © Oleg Chyrkov LIST OF CONTENTS Introductory remarks :1R7<.J7@5 :0CQ8 .VQ`CR .Q%CR%J1 V:`Q%JR@`:1JV8 8 888888888888888888888888888888 Chapter 1 .7`@Q05 CV$8 .J1H:H Q`1J .V`VHQJR1 1QJ :JRQJ V_%VJHV Q` .V$$`V 1QJQ` .V % 1:JVRV`: 1QJ:$:1J @`:1JV8888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Chapter 2 .%]`175 VQJ1R8 1C1 :`7:JR]QC1 1H:CHQJ V 1J .VHQJ V6 Q` `:1J1J$H.:CCVJ$V 888888888 Chapter 3 1.%`J715 %`178 $$`V 1QJQ` .V% 1:JVRV`: 1QJ:$:1J @`:1JV7G:H@$`Q%JR 5HQ%` V:JR IQRV`J QH1:CHQJ V_%VJHV 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Chapter 4 `:JQRVI@:5 !`7J:8 V:H 1QJ Q` .V V V`J I: IVR1: Q .V % 1:JR@`:1J1:J :` ^T _888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Chapter 5 :1R7<.J7@5 :0CQ8 3: 1H`1JH1]CV Q` .V4 `: V$7`Q`5VR6HH%]: 1QJ:JRV1J V$`: 1QJQ``1IV: 1J .VQJ V6 Q`7: 1QJ:C4VH%`1 7Q`@`:1JV7 ]VH Q` .V`QGCVI:JR4QC% 1QJ `V: 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Pavlo HAI-NYZHNYK THE WORLD SHOULD UNITE AROUND UKRAINE 5 Introductory remarks Pavlo HAI-NYZHNYK (Doctor of History, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Historical Studies Department of the Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv) THE WORLD SHOULD UNITE AROUND UKRAINE* «Nation is secure when it does not have to sacrifice its legal interests for the sake of avoiding war and when, in case of necessity, it is able to protect these interests by means of war.» Walter Lippmann Modern global order undergoes intense transformations, which im- plies redistribution of leverages, scope of influence, and balances as in the meaning of control over planetary resources, globalized financial and eco- nomic system, energy sphere, regulation and acquisition of new high-tech communications and inventions, etc., so in the meaning of search for new humanitarian bases of cohabitation on our planet and basic framework for geopolitical relations, formulae, models, and gears of efficient international security system. Ukraine, which geographically and historically has always lain on the transition of global geopolitical interests, trade and economic ways, and civilization-forming processes, appeared in the spotlight of radical world- wide changes. It is one of the flashpoints in Eurasian terrains, where mo- dernity transforms and the future of global relations is being born. Unfortunately, humanistic principles of solving civilizational crises and crucial contradictions in the global redistribution of spheres of interest often yield to power methods, which, under modern conditions, acquire hybrid form and total features. Ever since the declaration of its indepen- dence and sovereignty, the state of Ukraine – as the subject of internation- al community—has permanently been on the periphery of opposition be- * Translated by Victoria Kalyna. 6 tween West and East and remained an object of potential struggle between the giants of global geopolitics: USA and Europe (NATO and EU), on the one hand, and Russia, on the other. This opposition culminated in the 2014 aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and vividly testified the imperial revanchist nature of Moscovia, which, under the conditions and 20th-century realia, seems completely anachronistic. The victory of the Revolution of Dignity, which the Kremlin political strategists had hypothetically assumed and feared, brought to naught the entire many-year effort of Russia to conquer Ukraine in a hybrid creeping manner and transform it into Russia’s satellite state with the controlled President and dummy politicians. However, the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, as well as the Russian political establishment, did not only refuse to admit the proved fact that Ukraine had started its separation from the peri-Moscow civilization orbit but also couldn’t (due to their narrowed vision) realize a new geopolitical reality. Putin treated that as his personal offence and failure as well as a challenge for Russia itself, a permanent threat to its future existence from both the neoimperial perspective and the point of danger: its megasubjectivity could turn into historical retrospective. Objective reality proves the disappointing result: this war is for Ukraine and its nation not only the visionary conflict or clash of civilizations but also a fight for the right of existence in the full and impressive meaning of these words. Onset of the undeclared war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine is an unconcealed aggression against the sovereign independent state and the demonstrative violation of international norms. It is absolutely obvious that Putin’s Russia is not only an aggressor but also a terrorist state threatening European and global security. Consequently, the entire civilized world (Christians and Muslims, Buddhists and Jews, atheists, politicians, and businessmen) must realize that, the mask of the so-called managed democracy of the Russian Federation is a monster of ochlocratic tyranny in disguise. It is a political (and not exclusively) maniac-pervert that had enwreathed the impoverished nations of his Khanate with ferrets of ignorance, fear, and lie to keep poisoning them with all-encompassing hatred and arrogance, nurtured by the subliminal and incomprehensible desire to remain in their miserable, animal-like state. He aims for destruction. His hunger doesn’t have any life or political logic; it cannot be rationally explained. It is an instinct, uncontrolled desire to destroy and 7 enslave, subconscious aspiration to not only nullify the millennia-old human values and cohabitation rules but also an attempt to master, deride, and emasculate the essence, the goals, and the missions of world civilizations. Global community must understand that Putin’s Moscovia is an aggressor state by nature, that Putin’s empire doesn’t only sponsor terrorism but is a terrorist state itself. To crown it all, this insane, miserable, and insatiable organism is headed by the one who aims to redivide the world according to his imperial hallucinations caused by his sick imagination. Russia is trying to plunge the mankind in chaos and despair as well as implant it the virus of moral and virtue fall. The plague of decay, which is to provide the Kremlin with the possibility to spread its lies, fears, and ignorance through its and its satraps’ rule, can approximate the end, which will be ruled by sin, fear, and darkness, permanent war, poverty, and weeping over blood and losses… Ukraine is now hindering the implementation of these world-hating intentions. Today it confronts the newly-built empire of evil and will break the ice for its fall. Thus, the world (people of various opinions and religions, states with different political and social systems, etc.) must unite around Ukraine to save themselves and civilization advancement by accelerating the death of the dragon of sufferings and razing to the ground the new empire of evil! Oleg CHYRKOV ETHNIC FACTOR IN THE PRECONDITIONS AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE AGGRESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AGAINST UKRAINE 9 Chapter 1 Oleg CHYRKOV (Research fellow of the Department of Ukrainian Ethnology Research Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Kyiv) ETHNIC FACTOR IN THE PRECONDITIONS AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE AGGRESSION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AGAINST UKRAINE Estimation of the ethnic factor in the russian aggression against Ukraine necessary for mitigation of threats and their prevention in the future. The recent expansion of Moscow to the southwest is taking place today according to two territorial vectors: the Crimean peninsula and the strip of urban agglomerations of Donetsk and Luhansk regions – the least consolidated territorial parts of the modern Ukrainian nation. In our opinion, among the true reasons for the weak consolidation of the citizens of these regions are the following ones: 1) remote, peripheral geographical location (far from the capital) with powerful regional centers; 2) historically conditioned (in the conditions of the Russian Empire and the USSR) ethnic- cultural russification, sovietization and communization of a large proportion of
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