Neurology International 2015; volume 7:5885 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Introduction Correspondence: Marco Orsini, Programa de Pós- new perpectives and update Graduação em Ciências da Reabilitação, Praça The technological breakthrough in the field das Nações, 34, Bonsucesso, Rio de Janeiro, CEP: Marco Orsini,1,2 Acary Bulle Oliveira 3 of neurolog /neuroscience, with modern imag- 21041021, Brasil. Osvaldo J.M. Nascimento,1 , ing and genetic studies, may, sometimes, E-mail:
[email protected] Carlos Henrique Melo Reis 1 make the neurologist stay away from indispen- Key words: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; neu- Marco Antonio Araujo Leite, 1 sable propaedeutic techniques for the correct rodegenerative diseases; diagnosis; treatment; 1 1 Jano Alves de Souza Camila, Pupe diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis rehabilitation. Olivia Gameiro de Souza, 1 , (ALS). ALS is without doubt a disease of the Victor Hugo Bastos 4 , central nervous system (CNS), which its natu- Contributions: the authors contributed equally. Marcos R.G. de Freitas, 1 Silmar Teixeira 4 ral history is one of the darkest in neurology. A progressive, devastating and inexorable dis- Carlos Bruno 1 Eduardo, Davidovich 1 , Conflict of interest: the authors declare no poten- ease, commonly leads to death by respiratory tial conflict of interest. Benny Smidt3, , failure a few years after onset of first symp- 1Neurology Department, Universidade toms. Rowland,1 centuries ago, defines its nat- Received for publication: 25 February 2015. Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro; ural history well by stating that any notifica- Accepted for publication: 15 June 2015. 2Programa de Mestrado em Ciências da tion of improvement in patients with this dis- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons ease deserves careful review, because probably Reabiitação – UNISUAM, Rio de Janeiro; Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- 3Neurology Department, Universidade it is not a case of ALS.