2017 Conferral of Doctoral Degrees

JUNE 15, 2017

ROYCE HALL, UCLA A live webcast and video recording of today’s ceremony is/will be available at:

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2 Message from the Chancellor

Dear UCLA Graduate:

Congratulations! Today’s Commencement marks a major milestone in your life -- a joyful day for each of you and your families, and a celebration of your uncommon ability, vision and determination. A UCLA doctoral degree is an extraordinary achievement and will serve you well in whatever you choose to do in the future.

Now you join generations of distinguished alumni who are exemplary leaders and tireless innovators dedicated to improving lives here at home and around the world. I encourage you to further the Bruin legacy of excellence and service, with the spirit of optimism that makes UCLA a special place. We look forward to what your future holds and will take great pride in your accomplishments.

Thank you for the many contributions you have made to our campus that have advanced our mission of education, research and service to California and beyond. You and your fellow students have enriched me personally, providing fresh perspectives and insights.

Your relationship with UCLA will continue throughout your life. I hope that you will take full advantage of the many resources available to our alumni and that you will remain engaged with campus. Remember that you are one of UCLA’s best advocates and ambassadors. You are always welcome here.

Today is special, unlike any other day in your life. Enjoy this time with your family and friends in memorable ways. I am enormously proud of you, and I wish you a lifetime of fulfillment and happiness.

With Very Best Wishes,

Gene D. Block Chancellor

3 Message from the Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate Division

Dear Graduate:

Welcome to today’s doctoral hooding ceremony, which marks the 79th anniversary of the first Ph.D. awarded at UCLA. The entire UCLA community celebrates your accomplishments and applauds the effort, perseverance, talent, and commitment that have enabled you to reach this extraordinary milestone, earning the title “Doctor.”

Each of you has developed exceptional mastery of your academic field. Through your scholarship, research and creative endeavors, you have made unique contributions to the body of human knowledge, pushing back the frontiers. You are accomplished artists and entrepreneurs, engineers and scientists, humanists and teachers. Each of you is poised to lead, to inspire, to change the world.

On behalf of every faculty member who has come to know you through courses, seminars, and research, I can say that it has been a joy to mentor you and see you develop as a scholar. We appreciate the sacrifices you have made and thank those who have supported you along the way. We can’t wait to see what you do next.

Congratulations to all of our 2017 doctoral degree recipients!

With very best wishes for a fulfilling life of the mind, spirit and heart.

Robin L. Garrell Vice Provost for Graduate Education Dean, Graduate Division

4 Processional Order


Vice Provost, Graduate Education and Dean, Graduate Division

Vice Provosts


Academic Vice Chancellors

Regents of the University

Vice Chancellors

Associate Deans

Faculty Processional Marshals


Candidate Processional Marshals

Candidates for the Degrees of: Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Education Doctor of Environmental Science and Engineering Doctor of Musical Arts Doctor of Public Health

5 Order of Proceedings

Guests are requested to remain seated during the academic procession and recessional.

PROCESSIONAL Christoph Bull, University Organist

WELCOME Susila Gurusami, Sociology Degree Candidate Processional Marshal

Frederic Sala, Electrical Engineering Degree Candidate Processional Marshal

CALL TO ORDER Gene Block Chancellor

GREETINGS AND INTRODUCTIONS Robin L. Garrell Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean, Graduate Division

KEYNOTE Robin L. Garrell





6 Distinguished Guest


Francesco Mancia, Alumni Regent-Designate

Faculty Marshals


Jessica R. Cattelino, Chair, Graduate Council

Susan D. Cochran, Chair, Academic Senate


Susan L. Ettner, Associate Dean, Graduate Division

Miguel Garcia-Garibay, Dean, Physical Sciences

Ann R. Karagozian, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research

David Rousseve, Interim Dean, School of the Arts & Architecture

Victoria L. Sork, Dean, Life Sciences

Joseph B. Watson, Associate Dean, Graduate Division


Laura E. Gomez, Interim Dean, Social Sciences

Norma Mendoza-Denton, Associate Dean, Graduate Division

David C. Schaberg, Dean, Humanities

7 Degree Candidate Processional Marshals

Susila Gurusami, Sociology

Frederic Sala, Electrical Engineering


Arif Amlani, Education

Matthew Scott Brown, Computer Science

Sharon Fay Cobb, Nursing

Leigh-Michil George, English

Peter Lockwood Haffner, World Arts and Cultures/Dance

Sudesh Kalyanswamy, Mathematics

Nhu Nguyen Tran, Nursing

Terrell James Antonio Winder, Sociology

8 The 2016-2017 Doctoral Class

UCLA has awarded more than 33,000 doctoral degrees since 1939.

A total of 667 doctoral degrees are being awarded this year.

47% Female, 53% Male

Average age: 33 years old

The youngest graduate is 24 years old. The oldest is 65 years old.

5 different degree types: Doctor of Philosophy (632) Doctor of Education (21) Doctor of Environmental Science & Engineering (6) Doctor of Musical Arts (6) Doctor of Public Health (2)

79 different majors

Engineering is awarding the most degrees (22%), followed by Physical Sciences (16%), Social Sciences (10%), Life Sciences (10%), Humanities (10%) and Health Sciences (7%)

Data is valid as of 6/9/17.

9 Go Bruins

As a special gift, each doctoral graduate present at today’s ceremony will receive a Go Bruins UCLA Doctoral Alumni license plate holder.

As an option, the license plate holder may be traded in for a commemorative UCLA Doctoral Alumni tote bag immediately following the ceremony. Just stop by our table in the Quad (look for the blue balloons) to exchange your special gift.

10 Degree Candidates Major/Dissertation Chair & Co-Chair (when applicable) Dissertation Title

Doctor of Education Nicholas Heath Glenn Bach Education/ Robert Cooper & Eugene Tucker Education/ Robert A. Rhoads High School Social Studies and the Common Core: An Action Research Project Examining Educator Conceptions of Postsecondary Studio-Based Arts Terri Marie Iler Entrepreneurship Education/ Christina A. Christie & Mark P. Kristen Ann Beall Hansen Education/ Christina A. Christie Unpacking College Readiness: An Investigation of the Predictors of Early College High School: Closing the Postsecondary Success among First-Time Latino Achievement Gap Freshmen through Structural Equation Joshua Richard Morris Berger Modeling Education/ Tyrone C. Howard & Linda P. Natalie Katherine Johnson Rose Education/ Diane Durkin & Tyrone C. The Implementation of School-Based Howard Peer Programs: Successes, Challenges, and Hidden among Privilege: Increasing Solutions Belonging for Low SES Students at Affluent Josh Brody Schools through Participatory Action Education/ Wellford W. Wilms Research Socioeconomic Diversity in Independent Mark Jutabha High Schools Education/ Christina A. Christie & Diane Durkin Adaina Elizabeth Brown Education/ Eugene Tucker & Robert Cooper School Board Conflict, Decision-Making Processes, and Professional Development: Policy to Practice: The Perspectives of The Effect on Superintendent Turnover Teachers and Administrators on the Implementation of Common Core Utilizing Julie Stefan Lindsay Action Research to Design a Professional Education/ Diane Durkin & Mark Kevin Development Model Eagan Michael Hill Carter The Highly Sensitive Teacher: Sensory- Education/ Mark Kevin Eagan Processing Sensitivity, Burnout, and Self- Efficacy in Urban Public School Teachers The Barriers and Successes Experienced by Chief Business Officers in Higher Education Who Have Served in the Role of College President

* The names of doctoral graduates who placed a restriction on the release of personal information are not included in this listing.

11 Tammy Lee Mahan Marielle Limfueco Sallo Education/ Mark Kevin Eagan Education/ Eugene Tucker & Tyrone C. Assessing the Relationship between Grit, Howard Efficacy, Mindset & Motivation (GEMM) Multi-School Collaboration at All-Girl and Academic Probation among Community Catholic Secondary Schools: College College Students Knowledge for Latino Parents

Michelle Pajela Melendres Education/ Robert A. Rhoads Doctor of Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice: Exploring the Experiences of Recent Environmental Science MSW Graduates and Engineering

Guadalupe Navarro-Garcia Khadeeja Saba Abdullah Education/ Robert Cooper & Linda P. Rose Environmental Science and Engineering/ Irwin H. Suffet & Michael K. Stenstrom Integrating Social Justice Values in Educational Leadership: A Study of African Acidizing Oil Wells, a Sister-Technology to American and Black University Presidents Hydraulic Fracturing: Risks, Chemicals, and Regulations Christine Paul Education/ Robert A. Rhoads & Linda P. Todd Michael Bear Rose Environmental Science and Engineering/ Richard F. Ambrose Navigating Title IX and Gender Based Campus Violence: An Analysis of the Roles Soil Carbon Sequestration and Carbon and Experiences of Title IX Coordinators Market Potential of a Southern California Tidal Salt Marsh Proposed for Restoration Gregory John Phillips Education/ Diane Durkin & Wellford W. Setal Sridhar Prabhu Wilms Environmental Science and Engineering/ Richard F. Ambrose Culturally Relevant Cyberbullying Prevention Plant and Soil Recovery along Transmission Manuel Victor Rustin Power Line Corridors in the Colorado Desert Education/ Diane Durkin & Tyrone C. of Southern California Howard Jordan Alexander Rosencranz Teacher-driven Change: Developing an Environmental Science and Engineering/ Intervention for Street-life Oriented Youth Richard F. Ambrose & Glen Michael through Action Research MacDonald Jamila Aisha Salisberry Assessing the Vulnerability of Salt Marsh Education/ Tyrone C. Howard & Linda P. Habitats to Sea-Level Rise in California Rose The Perspectives of Former Foster Youth about University Supports

12 Glenn Gregory Sias Charles Robert Tyler Environmental Science and Engineering/ Music/ Antonio Lysy Deepak Rajagopal & Richard F. Ambrose Interpreting Henri Dutilleux’s Quotations of Characterization of the Life Cycle Baudelaire in “Tout un monde lointain...” Environmental Impacts and Benefits of Smart Electric Meters and Consequences of Wan Wong Their Deployment in California Music/ Inna Faliks Piano Performance in Musical Symbolism: Tiffany Ann Yap Interpretive Freedom through Understanding Environmental Science and Engineering/ Symbolist Aesthetics Richard F. Ambrose & Vance Vrendenburg Assessing the Threat of Two Deadly Fungal Pathogens (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans) to Doctor of Public Health Amphibian Biodiversity and the Impacts of Human-Mediated Movement of an Invasive Anna Liza Malazarte Antonio Carrier Species and Climate Change Public Health/ Catherine Crespi-Chun & Robert Erin Weiss The Good, the Bad and the Fitting: A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Patient Doctor of Musical Arts Preferences Elicited through Discrete Choice Experiments Ho Joon Kim Music/ Peter D. Kazaras & Neal H. Stulberg Rufaidah Dabbagh Performing Sunflower Sutra: Merging Music Public Health/ Susan D Cochran and Theater in the Speaking-Pianist Genre Current Trends of Substance Use in Iraq: Examining Data from the 2014 Iraqi Andrew John Isaac Munro National Household Survey of Alcohol and Music/ Inna Faliks & Elisabeth Covel Le Drug Use Guin Preparing the Ernani Paraphrase for Performance

Terri Lynn Richter Music/ Juliana K Gondek Witches, Whores, and Virgin Martyrs: Female Roles in Seventeenth Century Opera

Gary Smith Music/ David Samuel Lefkowitz & Theresa Anne Dimond Instrument and Implement Selection and Setup, Performance Strategies, Structure, and Interpretation in Helmut Lachenmann’s Intérieur I

13 Doctor of Philosophy Anas W. I. Alanqar Chemical Engineering/ Panagiotis D. Ahmad Abiri Christofides Bioengineering/ Warren Grundfest Economic Model Predictive Control Using Investigation of Multi-Modal Haptic Data-Based Empirical Models Feedback Systems for Robotic Surgery Yazeed Abdullah Alaskar Ann Michelle Acker Electrical Engineering/ Kang Lung Wang Linguistics/ Pamela Munro High Quality III-V Semiconductor Voice and Valence in Q’anjob’al Integration on Si Using van der Waals Layered Material Buffer for Photonic Oladunni Adeyiga Integration Applications Biomedical Engineering/ Dino Di Carlo Rapid Concentration of Bacteria Using Fahad Ali A. Albalawi Microfluidic Magnetic Ratcheting Electrical Engineering/ Panagiotis D. Christofides Christian Raul Aguilera-Sandoval Safe Model Predictive Control Formulations Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Ensuring Process Operational Safety Genetics/ Otto Orlean Yang The Dynamic Interplay between HIV-1 and Abdulrahman Musaed Albassam T cells Chemical Engineering/ Vasilios Manousiouthakis Britt Karin Ahlstrom Energy Systems Optimization Psychology/ Ayako Janet Tomiyama Evaluation of Space Food for Commercial Stephanie Lynn Albert Astronauts Public Health/ Deborah C. Glik & Michael L. Prelip Salpy Akaragian #consumingitall: Understanding the Nursing/ Deborah Koniak-Griffin Complex Relationship between Media The Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Consumption and Eating Behaviors Armenia Bandar Abdulaziz Almangour Shawana Masad Al Harrasi Materials Science and Engineering/ Jenn- Nursing/ Marysue V. Heilemann & Mary- Ming Yang Lynn Brecht Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Predictors of Depression among Adult 316L Stainless Steel Nanocomposites via Omani Women in Wilayat of Rustaq Selective Laser Melting

Iman Hamdoon Hamed Al Hashmi Shir Alon Nursing/ Felicia S Hodge Comparative Literature/ Gil Hochberg & Nouri Gana The Effectiveness of a Health Education Intervention on Self-Efficacy for Adherence Against the Flow: Impassive Modernism in to Healthy Behaviors among Women with Arabic and Hebrew Literatures Gestational Diabetes

14 Ann Marie Aly Hilary Jeanne Aralis Linguistics/ Sun-Ah Jun Biostatistics/ Ronald S. Brookmeyer Prosodic Effects of Code-Switching in Modeling Multistate Models with Back Spanish-Basque Bilinguals Transitions: Statistical Challenges and Applications Brendan Rayhan Amer Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ Robert Fernando Arroyo García Lascurain Thompson Clubb Music/ David Samuel Lefkowitz Structural and Biochemical Investigation Affect and Feelings: The Persuasive Power of of Gram-Positive Bacterial Surface Display Film Music Machinery Natsuki Atagi Arif Amlani Psychology/ Catherine M. Sandhofer Education/ Michael H. Seltzer & Theodore The Effects of Community Linguistic M. Porter Diversity and Multilingualism on Children’s Cultivation of the Intellect in Education: The Development of Language Awareness Role of Cultural Lenses Sanghoon Bae Xin An Materials Science and Engineering/ Yang Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ Jacob Yang Bortnik Wearable electronics-based biomedical Wave-Particle Interactions in Space and devices for sensors, vital sign tracking and Laboratory Plasmas therapy

Madeline Andrews Aileen Baecker Neuroscience/ Bennett G Novitch Epidemiology/ Zuofeng Zhang & Jian Yu Bone Morphogenetic Protein Signaling Rao Directs Neural Development in the Dorsal Geographic Variability and the Association Spinal Cord of Flavonoids, Glycemic Index, and Related Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Liver Ashley Angulo Cancer Management/ Noah J. Goldstein The Role of Feelings of Endowment in Yu Bai Charitable Giving Decisions Mechanical Engineering/ Jason L. Speyer Properties of the Multivariate Cauchy Gregory Elias Antill Estimator Philosophy/ Pamela Hieronymi The Ethics of Self-Fulfilling Belief Vivian J. Bailey Mathematics/ Alexander Sergee Merkurjev Brian Anthony Apicella Cohomological Invariants of Finite Groups Classics/ David L. Blank The Politics of Knowledge in Plato’s Neha Bajwa Biomedical Engineering/ Warren Grundfest Statesman In vivo Terahertz Imaging of Tissue Edema for Burn Wound and Flap Assessment

15 Travis James Baker Lee Andre Beaudoen Political Science/ Christopher N. History/ Michael G. Morony Tausanovitch Mirrors of the World: Alexander Romances Why Can’t We Be Friends? Essays on and the Fifteenth Century Ottoman Gridlock in American Legislatures Sultanate

Karthika Balasubramanian Lisa Katarina Berglund Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology/ Urban Planning/ Anastasi Loukaitou-Sideris Daniel H. Cohn Experts of Crisis: Exclusive Planning The Identification and Characterization of Discourse and Community Resistance in Chondrodysplasias Resulting from Cartilage Detroit Extracellular Matrix Abnormalities Kathleen Berry Ayca Balkan Education/ Connie L. Kasari Electrical Engineering/ Paulo Tabuada From Subtypes to Phenotypes: Discovering Formal Synthesis and Data-Driven the Clinical Predictors of RRB Profiles in Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems ASD

Matthew John Baltz Tenley Catherine Bick Sociology/ William Rogers Brubaker Art History Between Militarism and Neoliberalism: The Figure as Model: The Early Work of American State and Developmental Politics Michelangelo Pistoletto, 1956–1966 in a Globalizing Era Deborah Jean Bird Olajide Noah Bamishigbin, Jr. Biology/ Blaire Van Valkenburgh Psychology/ Christine Dunkel Schetter & The Cribriform Plate: Evolution of Annette Louise Stanton Mammalian Olfaction Written in Bone The Antecedents and Consequences of Adolescent Fatherhood in Black Males Sarah Joy Bittick Biology/ Peggy Marie Fong Lászl Bardczi Human Manipulations of Bottom-Up and Physics/ Troy A. Carter Top-Down Controls Cause Degradation Multi-Field/-Scale Interaction of Neoclassical of Primary and Facilitation of Secondary Tearing Modes with Turbulence and Impact Foundation Species on Plasma Confinement Anthony Bodlovic Hayk Barseghyan Culture and Performance/ Allen Fraleigh Human Genetics/ Eric J.N. Vilain Roberts Identification of Genetic Etiology in The Virgin of Pain Disorders of Sex Development Patrick Boehnke Geochemistry/ Timothy Mark Harrison A Tale of Two Earths: Reconciling the Lunar and Terrestrial Hadean Records

16 David McCabe Boland Rosana Leos Bravo Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Public Health/ Steven P. Wallace Physiology/ Alan Garfinkel & Christopher Medical Decision-Making among Foreign- B. Cooper Born Latino Elders with Multiple Chronic The Impact of Aerobic Fitness on Cognition Conditions and Molecular Intermediates Meghan Brennan Mariska Aldora Bolyanatz Nursing/ Dorothy J. Wiley Hispanic Languages and Literatures/ Norma The Effect of Clinical Trial Participation on Mendoza-Denton & Ji Young Kim Early Breast Cancer Outcomes Plural Production and Perception in Santiago Spanish Caitlin Anna-Corbett Brown Biology/ Blaire Van Valkenburgh Jeffrey David Bonde Interpreting Pleistocene Predator-Prey Physics/ Walter N. Gekelman Dynamics: Inference from Skeletal Pathology, Collisionless Energy and Momentum Dental Growth and Stature Coupling of a High-Beta Expansion to an Ambient Plasma Erin Leith Brown History/ Janice L. Reiff Tracy Ann Buck Bonfitto Urban Ambitions in an Agricultural Art History/ Saloni Mathur Economy: Town-Building on the Great The Rock Garden: A Study of Memory, Plains, 1870–1929 Place-Making, and Community in Chandigarh, India Gustav Joseph Brown Sociology/ William Rogers Brubaker Gayle Marie Boxx Islamization and Religious Pluralism in Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Democratizing Indonesia Genetics/ Genhong Cheng Role of IFN-Beta in Disease and Knox Hudnall Brown Characterization of the Immune Response Political Science/ Kathleen Bawn Following Acute Radiation Exposure Return of the Solid South: Republican Success in Southern State Legislatures Matthew Scott Bramble Human Genetics/ Eric J.N. Vilain Matthew Scott Brown The Effects of Chromosomal Composition Computer Science/ Jens Palsberg and Hormonal Influences on Shaping Sex Typed Self-Applicable Meta-Programming Differences in the Developing Mammalian Brain Nathan David Brown Geology/ Timothy Mark Harrison Gabriela Alejandra Bran Mechanical Engineering/ Adrienne G. Using Luminescence Signals from Lavine & Hossein Pirouz Kavehpour Bedrock Feldspars for Low-Temperature Thermochronology Complex Heat Exchangers for Improved Performance

17 Robert Brown Fatima Burney Bioinformatics/ Bogdan Pasaniuc Comparative Literature/ Aamir R. Mufti Methods and Models for the Analysis of The Inside Outdoors: Return(s) to Nature in Human Genetic Data Urdu and Anglophone Poetry

Abraham Nataniel Buditama Cristal Lynn Byrne Chemistry/ Sarah H. Tolbert Education/ Carollee Howes & Rashmita S. Multiferroic Applications of Mistry Nanoarchitectured, Solution-Processed Breaking the Cycle of Abuse and Neglect: Materials Attachment in the Context of a Therapeutic Child Care Center for Maltreated Children Philip Bulterys Molecular Biology/ Robert L. Modlin Joana Carolina Capote Zulueta Intercellular Spread of Burkholderia and Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Novel Therapeutic Strategies Physiology/ Melissa J Spencer Elucidation of the Regulatory Role of Sean A Buono Osteopontin on the Pathology of Duchenne Environmental Health Sciences/ Hilary Muscular Dystrophy Godwin & Richard J Jackson Improving the Detection and Surveillance Kathy Michelle Carbone of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Public Information Studies/ Anne J. Gilliland Health Laboratories Moving Records: Artistic Interventions and Activisms in the Archives Zachary Daniel Burkett Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Dwight Anthony Physiology/ Stephanie Ann White & Xinshu Art History/ Steven D. Nelson Xiao Building the Creole Empire: Architecture, Network-Based Insights to Learned Urbanism, and Social Space in the French Vocalization Colonial World, 1659-1810

Nicholas Jacob Burkhart Julie Theresa Castaneda Geography/ Michael Edward Shin Molecular Toxicology/ Michael D. Roth Instructional Technology and Learning Linking Cannabinoid Receptor Type II Analytics in Online Geographic Information (CB2) Biology to Function Science (GIS) Education Peter Catron Benjamin Adams Burnett Sociology/ Roger Waldinger Electrical Engineering/ Benjamin S. Immigrant Socioeconomic Mobility in the Williams Age of Mass Migration Design and Modeling of High Temperature Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers Lee Sook Chae Philosophy/ Alexander Jacob Julius War and Peace: Towards a Theory of Just Peace

18 Clara Chan Zenan Li Chang Biomedical Engineering/ Amy Catherine Molecular Biology/ Yvonne Y. Chen Rowat Rewiring Signaling Responses to Soluble MicroRNAs with Therapeutic Potential Extracellular Cues for T-Cell Therapies and Regulate Ovarian Cancer Cell Physical beyond Properties and Invasive Behavior Natpat Chanjavanakul Hua-I Chang Education/ Alison Bailey Electrical Engineering/ Gregory J. Pottie “Learning Without Intending to:” A Robust and Large-Scale Human Motion Qualitative Study of High School Students’ Estimation with Low-Cost Sensors Out-of-Class English Learning Practices

Insoon Chang Ian Lorne Charlesworth Oral Biology/ Cun Yu Wang Mathematics/ Dimitri Y. Shlyakhtenko Epigenetic Regulation of Head and Neck On bi-free probability and free entropy. Squamous Cell Carcinoma Chemoresistance, Invasion, and Metastasis Yve Barthelemy Chavez Art History/ Charlene Villasenor Black Miya Chang Indigenous Artists, Ingenuity, and Resistance Social Welfare/ Ailee Moon at the California Missions After 1769 Correlates and Determinants of Psychological Distress between Older Korean Immigrants Bryant Roi Chen in the United States and Older Koreans in Computer Science/ Judea Pearl Korea: A comparative study Graphical Methods for Linear Structural Equation Modeling Sunny Chun Chang Molecular Biology/ Todd O. Yeates Chen Chen Selective Transport and Targeted Mechanical Engineering/ Adrienne G. Assembly in the 1,2-Propanediol Bacterial Lavine Microcompartment Ammonia Based Solar Thermochemical Energy Storage System for Direct Production Yoon Jung Chang of High Temperature Supercritical Steam Electrical Engineering/ Jason C. S. Woo ‘Junction-Level’ Heterogeneous Integration Dustin Yuan Chen of III-V Materials with Si CMOS for Novel Materials Science and Engineering/ Qibing Asymmetric Field-Effect Transistors Pei Overcoming the Limitations of Silver Yu-Ling Chang Nanowire Electrodes for Light Emitting Molecular Biology/ Matteo Pellegrini Applications Gut Microbial Taxa and Products that Regulate Immune Responses and Disease Huajun Chen Features Materials Science and Engineering/ Yang Yang Solution-Processed Metal Oxide Semiconductors and Their Applications

19 Mindy Minyi Chen Ross Cheung Social Welfare/ Yeheskel Hasenfeld & Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ Jochen Edward T Walker Peter Stutz Advancing Immigrant Worker Rights MAX-DOAS Measurements of Aerosol, through Labor-Community Coalition: HCHO, and NO2 over Los Angeles from an Comparative Case Studies of the CLEAN Elevated Mountaintop Site Carwash Campaign Jessica Chiang Patrick Bon-Yung Chen Psychology/ Shelley E. Taylor & Andrew J. Neuroscience/ Kelsey C. Martin Fuligni Temporal Gene Expression during a Critical Early Family Stress, Biobehavioral and Time Window following Induction of LTP of Psychosocial Functioning, and Inflammation Mouse Hippocampal CA3-CA1 Synapses Po-Yen Chien Thomas Chen Chen Electrical Engineering/ Jason C. S. Woo Comparative Literature/ Kirstie M. McClure Advanced Channel Engineering for Thin & Robert Yee-Sin Chi Body Transistors Making the Censored Public: The 1989 Tiananmen Square Protests in Chinese Yoo Mi Chin Fiction and Film Education/ A. Torres From Cultural Studies to Global Citizenship Yuh-Jie Chen Education: South Korean Millennial Women’ Computer Science/ Adnan Youssef Darwiche Confucian Reception of Hollywood’s Learning Bayesian Network Structures with Romantic Comedy Non-Decomposable Scores Wei-Han Cho Zuow-Zun Chen Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Chang Chang Energy-Efficient Multi-Band Signaling for The Reduction and Cancellation of Phase High-Speed Memory Interface Noise in Digital Frequency Synthesizers and Quadrature Receivers Yeon Sik Cho Management/ Avanidhar Subrahmanyam & Hung-Chieh Cheng Stuart A. Gabriel Materials Science and Engineering/ Yu The Impact of Local Media on Household Huang Investment Decisions Van der Waals Heterostructure Devices— from Two-Dimensional Materials to Hybrid Jung Yun Choi Perovskites Applied Linguistics/ Charles Goodwin Korean Grammar as a Resource for the Roanna Yuk-Heng Cheung Organization of Attention and Action in History/ Andrea Sue Goldman Instructions Embodying Modernity: Humor, Gender Politics, and Popular Culture in Republican Guangzhou

20 Wutichai Chongchitmate Lisa Joann Cleath Mathematics/ Rafail Ostrovsky Near Eastern Languages and Cultures/ New Models for Multi-Party Computation William M. Schniedewind Reading Ceremonies in the Hebrew Bible: Charlene Kuan Huang Chu Ideologies of Textual Authority in Joshua 8, 2 Management/ Suzanne Bliven Shu Kings 22-23, and Nehemiah 8 Of Photographs, Souvenirs, and Ticket Stubs: Understanding Mementos Sharon Fay Cobb Nursing/ Janet C Mentes Yu-Hsuan Chuang The Influence of Multiple Chronic Health Epidemiology/ Beate R. Ritz Conditions on the Health of Older African Coffee Consumption, Smoking, and Genetic Americans Living with Serious Mental Illness Factors of Parkinson’s Disease: Gene- Environment Interaction and Genome-wide Jonathan Edward Collins DNA Methylation Studies Political Science/ Lorrie Frasure Yokley Talking in the Halls: Deliberative Democracy, Raymond Wai-Keung Chui Local Institutions, and School Board Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Governance Physiology/ Kalyanam Shivkumar Bioelectronic Intervention in Cardiovascular Dylan Shane Connor Control Geography/ David L Rigby & Jamie M Goodwin-White Marika Louise Cifor Putting People in their Place: Information Studies/ Michelle L. Caswell Intergenerational Inequality in the Age of ‘Your Nostalgia is Killing Me’: Activism, Mass Migration Affect and the Archives of HIV/AIDS Zuelma Arellano Contreras Logan Elizabeth Clark Epidemiology/ Beate R. Ritz Ethnomusicology/ Tara Colleen Browner & Prenatal Risk Factors for Childhood Cancer Anthony Seeger and Placental Vascular Resistance: An The Mayan Marimba and the Musical Investigation of Maternal Metabolic Factors Production of Place in a Transnational and Smoking, Hispanic Enclaves, and Air Migrant Community Pollution

Stephen Eric Clark John Berkeley Cook Physics/ Christoph Niemann Chemistry/ Sarah H. Tolbert Simulations of Super Alfvcénic Laser Development of Functional Materials with Ablation Experiments in the Large Plasma Novel Nanoscale Architectures Designed Device for Applications in Energy Storage and Electrochemical Water Splitting

Ines Cordeiro Da Silva Dias Hispanic Languages and Literatures Film and Politics in the Lusophone World (1960s—1970s)

21 Michael Anthony Corsello Elizabeth Dolin Dalton Chemistry/ Neil Kamal Garg Psychology/ Constance L. Hammen Total Synthesis of the Tubingensin Alkaloids Explication of the Relationship between Depressive Symptoms, Stress, and Health Daniel Couch Behaviors in Young Adults English/ Christopher J. Looby The Imperfect Form: Literary Fragments and Angeline Tilly Dang Politics in the Early Republic Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics/ Robert L. Modlin Benjamin Court Antimicrobial Mechanisms in Response to Musicology/ Tamara Judith-Marie Levitz Mycobaterium leprae Infection The Politics of Musical Amateurism, 1968- 1981 Ben Dankongkakul Aerospace Engineering/ Richard E. Wirz Kristen Coveleskie Overcoming the Scaling Limitations of Ring- Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Cusp DC Ion Thruster Discharges Physiology/ Emeran Mayer The Impact of GLP-1 Analog, Exenatide, on Arash Davari the Resting Brain of Lean vs Obese Women Political Science/ Mark Q. Sawyer & Kirstie M. McClure Karrmen Crey Indeterminate Governmentality: Neoliberal Film and Television/ Chon A. Noriega Politics in Revolutionary Iran, 1968-1979 Indigeneity, Institutions of Media Culture, and the Canadian State since 1990 Anna Christina Davis Health Policy and Management/ Jack Ivy S. Curren Needleman Geology/ An Yin The Vital Few: Characterizing the Kinematic Evolution and Mechanisms of Comorbidity Profiles and Spending Strike-Slip Faulting in the Solar System: Trajectories of Patients with High Costs in an Insight from Analogue Experiments Integrated Delivery System

Morgan Currie William Davis Information Studies/ Johanna R. Drucker Theater and Performance Studies/ Michael J. Hackett & Michael J. Colacurcio The Data-fication of Openness: The Practices and Policies of Open Government Data in Performing Revelation: Joseph Smith and the Los Angeles Creation of The Book of Mormon

Matthew Kiyoshi Curry Misa Dean Dayson Sociology/ Jennie Elizabeth Brand Anthropology/ Sherry B. Ortner The Great Recession and the Effects of Seeing and Disrupting: Anti-Blackness, Higher Education Public Culture, and the Place of Berlin

22 Nickolas Sebastiano Jennifer Dirkes Germanic Languages/ Robert S. Kirsner Music/ David Samuel Lefkowitz Split Pronominal Adverbs in Dutch: Synchretic Analysis and Storyboard Scores: Searching for Meaning in What is the Musical Rhythm of Filmic Elements Considered Meaningless Zen David Dochterman Peng Deng Comparative Literature/ Efrain Kristal Oral Biology/ Cun Yu Wang Volcanic Poetics: Revolutionary Myth and Molecular and Epigenetic Regulation of Stem Affect in Managua and the Mission, 1961- Cell Self-Renewal and Differentiation 2007

Michael Anthony D’Errico John Patrick Domann Musicology/ Nina Eidsheim Mechanical Engineering/ Gregory P. Carman Interface Aesthetics: Sound, Software, and On Magnetoelastodynamics the Ecology of Digital Audio Production Jingming Dong Adrien Des Enffans d’Avernas Computer Science/ Stefano Soatto Economics/ Lee Ohanian & Andrew Optimal Visual Representation Engineering Granger Atkeson and Learning for Computer Vision Disentangling Credit Spreads, Equity Volatility, and Leverage Deborah Michelle Donig English/ Jennifer A Sharpe Martina DeSalvo Leave Nothing to the Imagination: Global Neuroscience/ Kelsey C. Martin Forms of Atrocity After 1945 Regulation and Transcriptional Role of CRTC1 during Activity in Neurons Larissa Noelle Dooley Psychology/ Julienne Elizabeth Bower Andrea Di Miceli Inflammation and Core Processes of Management/ Romain T. Wacziarg Depression Essays on Development and Political Economy Diana Remy Dou Molecular Biology/ Hanna K. A. Mikkola Mary Carollyn Dingman Expression of the Medial HOXA Genes Is Political Science/ Brian Douglas Walker Indispensible for Self-Renewal in Human Me, My Avatar, and War: The Moral Hematopoietic Stem Cells Relationship between Soldiers and Civilians Halina Jacqueline Dour Kebonyethata Dintwe Psychology/ Michelle Craske Geography/ Gregory Stewart Okin Using the Individual to Enhance Treatment Assessing Biogeochemical Process in Dryland Efficiency for Disorders of Negative Affect Ecosystems: Potential Impacts of Climate Change

23 Li Du Melissa Fales Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Psychology/ Martie G. Haselton & Theodore Chang Francisco Robles Airtouch: A Novel Single Layer 3D Touch Subjective Social Status and Health: Sensing System for Human/Mobile Device Environmental Antecedents and Molecular Interactions Mechanisms

Yuan Du Alden Fan Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Physics/ David Saltzberg Chang Results from the DarkSide-50 Dark Matter Cognitive Serial Interface with Multi-Band Experiment Signaling and Channel Learning Mechanism Yabin Fan Helen E. Durand Electrical Engineering/ Kang Lung Wang Chemical Engineering/ Panagiotis D. Spin-Orbit Torques in Topological Insulator- Christofides Based Magnetic Structures Economic Model Predictive Control and Nonlinear Control Actuator Dynamics Jessica Farquhar Art History/ Robert L. Brown Michael Einstein Beyond Binding: Reconceptualizing Watson Neuroscience/ Peyman Golshani and Kaye’s ‘The People of India’ (1868-1875) Behavioral State Modulates Primary Visual Cortex Responsiveness in Mice Katherine Elizabeth Fehlhaber Neuroscience/ Alapakkam P. Sampath Oded Erez Modulation of Synaptic Transmission Musicology/ Tamara Judith-Marie Levitz between Rod Photoreceptors and Rod Becoming Mediterranean: Greek Popular Bipolar Cells: The First Synapse of Sight Music and Ethno-Class Politics in Israel, 1952-1982 Lili Feng Chemical Engineering/ Harold G. Elnaz Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi Monbouquette Civil Engineering/ Ertugrul Taciroglu Electrochemical Biosensing Techniques for Reduced Order Modeling of Soil Structure Detection of NADH, Estradiol and Choline Interaction Problems Stefano Fiorin Erik Thomas Everson Management/ Leonardo A. Bursztyn Physics/ Christoph Niemann Essays in Behavioral Economics Magnetic Field Characterization of a Diamagnetic Cavity Piston for Generation of Rachel Nora Flamenbaum Quasi-Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks Anthropology/ Elinor Ochs Literacies, Language, and Technological Jennifer Karen Fagre Transformation in the New Ghana Music/ Ian Krouse & Gregory A. Bryant The Artificial Masterpiece: An Analysis of Mockup and Live Performance Perception

24 Laure Bonahon Flapan Amanda Christine Freise Mathematics/ Burt Totaro Molecular and Medical Pharmacology/ Anna Hodge Structures with Hodge Numbers Wu Work (n,0,...,0,n) and Their Geometric Realizations ImmunoPET Imaging of Murine CD4+ T Cells Using an Anti-Mouse CD4 Antibody Greg Michael Fleishman Fragment Bioengineering/ Daniel B. Ennis & Paul Thompson Daniel E French Practical Implementation and Application of Music/ Ian Krouse & David Samuel Geodesic Regression in Diffeomorphisms to Lefkowitz Brain Image Time Series The Composite Instrument: Pitch, Percussion, and Instrumental Transformation Alma Itze Flores in Michael Colgrass’s déjà vu | Symphony for Education/ David Gumaro Garcia & Daniel Percussion Quartet and Wind Ensemble G. Solorzano De Tal Palo Tal Astilla: Exploring Mexicana/ Sarah Friedman Chicana Mother-Daughter Pedagogies Health Policy and Management/ Susan Louise Ettner Kahei Danny Fong The Effects of Three Types of Insurance Mechanical Engineering/ Xiaolin Zhong Benefit Design Features on Specialty Mental A Numerical Study of 2-D Surface Roughness Health Utilization Effects on the Growth of Wave Modes in Hypersonic Boundary Layers Amy Lynn Frishkey Ethnomusicology/ Roger Savage Jennifer K. Forsyth Garifuna Popular Music “Renewed”: Psychology/ Robert F. Asarnow & Constance Authenticity, Tradition, and Belonging in L. Hammen Garifuna World Music Divergent Effects of Augmenting NMDA Receptor Signaling on Plasticity and Allison Louise Fritts-Penniman Working Memory in Healthy Adults versus Biology/ Paul Henry Barber Schizophrenia Patients: Importance of Ecological Speciation and Cryptic Diversity Mechanisms Underlying Distinct Cognitive of Coral-Associated Nudibranchs Functions Huier Gao Mayanna Framroze Materials Science and Engineering/ Qibing Education/ Douglas M. Kellner Pei Self-Spectacle Online: The Construction and Elastic Stretchability of Conjugated Polymer Representation of Identity in Contemporary Blends Digital Culture Larry Gao Nathan Craig Francis Chemical Engineering/ Panagiotis D. Bioengineering/ Warren Grundfest Christofides & Yoram Cohen Development and Preclinical Testing of Laser- Self-Adaptive Control of Integrated Generated Shockwave Therapy for Infected Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis Wounds Desalination Systems

25 Nichole Margarita Garcia Stephen Craig Gibson Education/ Daniel G. Solorzano Urban Planning/ Anastasi Loukaitou-Sideris Adelante y Pa’lante: College-Educated “Can I Come To The Park?” Access to Urban Chicana/o and Puerto Rican Family Open Space: An Investigation of Older Educational Oral Histories Adults in Australia, Their Perceived and Real Access to Open Space, and Implications for Ricardo Medina Garcia Practice History/ Kevin B. Terraciano Nahuatl-Language Petitions and Letters from Lindsay Nicole Giggey Northwestern New Spain, 1580-1694 Film and Television/ John T Caldwell Producing Reality Stardom: Constructing, Jean Imelda Garcia-Gathright Programming, and Branding Celebrity on Biomedical Engineering/ Denise R. Aberle Reality Television Contextualized Semantic Maps for Retrieval and Summarization of Biomedical Literature Princess Scheran Gilbert Biology/ Michael Edward Alfaro Matthew Clark Garrett Quantitative Analysis of Phylogenetic Neuroscience/ Harley I. Kornblum Informativeness, Signal and Noise Using Patient-Derived Gliomaspheres in Ultraconserved Elements Within to Molecularly Characterize and Dissect Percomorpha and Neoaves Distinctive Traits of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase I Mutant Gliomas for Therapeutic Benefit Katherine Colby Glover Geography/ Glen Michael Macdonald Theodore Finn Gast Southern California Climate and Vegetation Mathematics/ Joseph M. Teran over the Past 125,000 Years from Lake Numerical Simulation of Elastic, Viscoelastic, Sequences in the San Bernardino Mountains and Granular Materials Bonnie Saramarie Goff Leigh-Michil George Psychology/ Nim Linnette Delafield & English/ Felicity A. Nussbaum & Jonathan Adriana Galvan Hamilton Grossman Depression in Previously-Institutionalized Sentiment and Laughter: Caricature in the Youth: Biological and Environmental Novel, 1740-1840 Mechanisms of Risk and Resilience

Eric Gregory Gharakhanian Julian Thomas Gold Chemistry/ Timothy J. Deming Mathematics/ Marek Biskup Functionalized Poly(methionine): Methods Isoperimetric Shapes in Supercritical Bond and Applications Percolation

Yasmin Ghochani Diane Goldenberg Molecular Biology/ Harley I. Kornblum Psychology/ Adriana Galvan The Glioblastoma Perivascular The Complex Interplay among Hormones, Microenvironment Neural Connectivity, and Real-World Risky Behaviors during Adolescence

26 Isabel Cherise Gomez Jordan Schor Greenblatt Hispanic Languages and Literatures/ Efrain Mathematics/ Terence Chi-Shen Tao Kristal & Jose Luiz Passos Dimensional Asymptotics for Norms of Reciprocity in Literary Translation: Gift Maximal Averaging Operators on Cartesian Exchange Theory and Translation Praxis in Powers of Finite Graphs Brazil and Mexico (1968-2015) Stonegarden Grindlife Adrea Gonzalez- Political Science/ Jeffrey B. Lewis Biology/ Gregory F. Grether A Series of Grunts and Whistles: Making Sensory Ecology of Ithomiine Butterflies: Sounds and Saying Words in Political Signal Quality, Strategy and Relative Discourse. Importance (Ithomiini spp.) Olivera Grujic Sharath Kumar Gopal Computer Science/ Eleazar Eskin Computer Science/ Demetri Terzopoulos Computational Methods for Processing and Unified Deterministic/Statistical Deformable Analyzing Large Scale Genomics Datasets Models for Cardiac Image Analysis Wen Gu Joshua Seth Gordon Molecular and Medical Pharmacology/ Statistics/ Frederic R. Paik Schoenberg Heather R. Christofk Nonparametric Estimation, Forecasts, and Glycolytic Metabolism Plays a Functional Model Evaluation of Spatial Temporal Point Role in Regulating Human Pluripotent Stem Process Models for California Seismicity Cell State

Aleksandr Gorin Elizabeth Lynn Guenther Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ David Genetics/ Otto Orlean Yang S Eisenberg Defining the Fitness Landscape of HIV-1 Structural and Biochemical Studies of the Escape from CD8+ Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes Amyloid-Forming Proteins TAR DNA Binding Protein 43, Superoxide Dismutase 1, Gillian Lucinda Gower and Alpha-Synuclein Musicology/ Elizabeth Randell Upton The Iconography of Queenship: Sacred Ryan Thomas Guglietta Music and Female Exemplarity in Late Neuroscience/ Thomas J. O’dell Medieval Britain Cellular and Molecular Studies on Hippocampal Plasticity: Region-Dependent Alexander Michael Grannan Effects of ß-adrenergic Signaling and Geophysics and Space Physics/ Jonathan M. the Regulation of AMPA Receptor Aurnou Phosphorylation Experimental and Numerical Studies of Mechanically and Convectively: Driven Andreas Gulyas Turbulence in Planetary Interiors Economics/ Lee Ohanian Essays on Labor Markets

27 Susila Gurusami Leah Rose Hanzlicek Sociology/ Vilma Ortiz & Abigail Cope Social Welfare/ Todd M Franke Saguy “A Comfort I Couldn’t Find in Nobody Deprivation and Depravation: Moral Policing Else”: Relationships Between Emancipated of Formerly Incarcerated Black Women Former Foster Youth and Their Biological Parents Peter Lockwood Haffner Culture and Performance/ Allen Fraleigh Theresa Maria Harrison Roberts & Mary Nooter Roberts Neuroscience/ Susan Y. Bookheimer “No Word for ‘Art’ in Kreyl”: Haitian Neuroimaging Markers of Genetic Risk for Contemporary Art in Transit Alzheimer’s Disease in Cognitively Healthy Cohorts Tibor Jacob Hajagos Materials Science and Engineering/ Qibing Jan David Hauck Pei Anthropology/ Paul V. Kroskrity Plastic Scintillators for Pulse Shape Making Language: The Ideological and Discrimination of Particle Types in Radiation Interactional Constitution of Language in Detection an Indigenous Aché Community in Eastern Paraguay Kathryn Law Hale Anthropology/ Thomas S Weisner Cenlin He Psychiatric Care in the Hospital and the Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ Kuo- Home in Puebla, Mexico Nan Liou & Qinbin Li Climatic Effects of Black Carbon Aerosols Sameed Hameed over the Tibetan Plateau Electrical Engineering/ Sudhakar Pamarti Design and Analysis of Programmable Cynthia He Receiver Front-Ends Based on LPTV Circuits Neuroscience/ Carlos Portera-Cailliau Impaired Sensory Adaptation in the Fmr1- Timur Warner Hammond /- Mouse Model of Autism Geography/ Lieba Bernice Faier Mediums of Belief: Muslim Place Making in Austin Louis Head 20th Century Turkey Biomedical Engineering/ Mark S. Cohen Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials: Fei Han Improving Experimental Design and Biomedical Engineering/ Daniel B. Ennis & Identifying Sources of Variability Peng Hu A New Paradigm of Cardiovascular Magnetic Richard William Hedley Resonance Imaging for Pediatric Patients Biology/ Charles E. Taylor with Congenital Heart Disease Song Syntax and Singing Behavior of Cassin’s Vireo (Vireo cassinii) Irene Han Classics/ Giulia Sissa One Hundred and One Nights: Plato and the Metaphysical Feminine

28 Joshua C. Herr Nathaniel Shimon Howitz History/ Richard Von Glahn Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Fraught Collaboration: Diplomacy, Genetics/ Beth Ann Lazazzera Intermediaries, and Governance at the The Nature of meta-Tyrosine Toxicity to China-Vietnam Border, Seventeenth and Phenylalanyl-tRNA Synthetase Editing- Eighteenth Centuries Defective Escherichia coli

Sarah Jan Hersman Cheng-Kang Hsieh Neuroscience/ Michael S. Fanselow Computer Science/ Mani B. Srivastava Contextual Fear Learning Circuitry and Small Data Systems Contributions of Acetylcholine Ellen Hsieh Jennifer E. Ho Archaeology/ Von Falkenhausen & Education/ Christina A. Christie Min Li Cultures and Contexts of Data-Based Early Spanish Colonialism in Manila, the Decision-Making in Schools Philippines: An Historical Archaeological Viewpoint Ka-Yi Ho Art History/ Hui-Shu Lee Charleen Hsuan Art Production of the Late Ming Court Health Policy and Management/ Jack during the Wanli Era, 1573-1620 Needleman Hospital Responses to the Emergency Randall Joseph Holt Medical Treatment and Labor Act History/ Peter H. Reill (EMTALA): Noncompliance, Hospital Reasoning with Savages: The Anthropological Utilization and Readmissions, and Strategic Imagination of the Scottish Enlightenment Ambulance Diversions

San Hone Boyu Hu Epidemiology/ Roger Detels Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Chang Decentralization of HIV testing and the cascade of HIV treatment for mothers and Design Techniques for High Speed Power infants in Myanmar Efficient Data Interfaces

Kaitlyn Tuley Hood Xue Hu Mathematics/ Marcus Leigh Roper Economics/ Moshe Buchinsky Theory of Particle Focusing in Inertial Three Essays on Housing and Labor Microfluidic Devices Economics

Sienna Star Hopkins Chen-Hsi Huang Italian/ Massimo Ciavolella Materials Science and Engineering/ Jaime Marian Female Biographies in Renaissance and Post- Tridentine Italy A Computational Study on the Thermodynamics and Kinetic Evolution of W-Re Alloy under Irradiation

29 Muhuan Huang Junko Isa Computer Science/ Jingsheng Jason Cong Geochemistry/ Kevin D. McKeegan & John Resource and Data Management in T. Wasson Accelerator-Rich Architectures Understanding Planetesimal Evolution: Bulk Chemistry, Petrology, and O-Isotope Studies Xinwei Huang of the Rumuruti Chondrite Group Chemistry/ Richard B. Kaner High-Performance Water Filtration Stormy Meriah Iverson Membranes Using Surface Modification and Applied Linguistics/ Susan J. Plann New Materials Biographies of Hearing Loss: Understanding the Social World of Late Deafened Adults Adrian Hernandez Huerta through Life Experience Narratives Education/ Patricia M. McDonough Gangs and College Knowledge: An Srikanth Subramanian Iyer Examination of Latino Male Students Electrical Engineering/ Robert N. Candler Attending an Alternative School Intrinsic Energy Dissipation Limits in Nano and Micromechanical Resonators Sara Nichole-Salazar Hughes Geography/ John A. Agnew Molly Sarah Jacobs Suburban Occupation: Contradictory Sociology/ Rebecca J. Emigh Impulses and Outcomes of Life in Israeli Infighting at the Fringe: How Fields Shape Settlements in the Occupied West Bank Conflict and Organizational Outcomes in Social Movements Laurie Susan Huning Civil Engineering/ Steven Adam Margulis Siavash Jalal Improving the Understanding of Statistics/ Peter M. Bentler the Spatiotemporal Variability of Using Monte Carlo Normal Distributions to Hydrometeorology across the Sierra Nevada Evaluate Structural Models with Nonnormal Using a Novel Remote Sensing Reanalysis Data Approach Aaron Watkins James Jee Youn Hwang Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Chemistry/ Richard B. Kaner Physiology/ John S. Adams Advanced Supercapacitor Based on Bone Tissue Engineering with Perivascular Combination of Graphene Hybrid Materials Stem Cells and Redox-Electrolytes Robert Everett Jefferson Zohaib Iqbal Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ James Biomedical Physics/ Michael Albert Thomas U. Bowie Evaluation of Human Brain Metabolism Uncovering Membrane Protein Stability Using Five-Dimensional Echo Planar under Native Conditions J-resolved Spectroscopic Imaging and Covariance J-resolved Spectroscopy

30 Eoon Hye Ji Rachel A. Johnston Oral Biology/ Shen Hu Biology/ Thomas Bates Smith & Robert SOX11 Promotes Head and Neck Cancer Wayne Progression via the Regulation of SDCCAG8 Transcriptomic Approaches for Connecting Gene Regulation to Ecologically Important Shenyue Jia Traits Geography/ Thomas Welch Gillespie Understanding the Ecological Challenges in Rachel Karen Jonas California Protected Areas: Through the Lens Neuroscience/ Carrie E. Bearden of Remote Sensing Technologies Endophenotypes of Executive Control: A Reverse Genetic Approach Hwan Ryul Jo Mechanical Engineering/ Christopher S. Kantapon Kaewtip Lynch Electrical Engineering/ Abeer A. H. Alwan Ferroelectric Phase Transformations for Robust Automatic Recognition of Birdsongs Energy Conversion and Storage Applications and Human Speech: A Template-Based Approach Jacob Vaughn Johnson Musicology/ Raymond L. Knapp Soroush Kahkeshani Staging the Saints: Mormonism and Bioengineering/ Dino Di Carlo American Musical Theater Developing Droplet Microfluidic Technologies for Single-Cell and Single- Tremylla A. Johnson Molecule Assays Molecular and Medical Pharmacology/ Huiying Li Kanika Kalra Porphyrin Production and Regulation in Archaeology/ Monica L. Smith Different Propionibacterium acnes Lineages Water Management and Settlement Patterns Contribute to Acne Vulgaris Pathogenesis in South India from c. Eleventh Century to Sixteenth Century A.D. Wendy Ann Johnson Nursing/ Marysue V. Heilemann Sudesh Kalyanswamy Journey of Decision-Making among a Sample Mathematics/ Chandrashekhar Khare of Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer Automorphy Lifting Theorems and Living with a Non-Supportive or Abusive Partner Trevor Kann Applied Linguistics/ Olga Tsuneko Yokoyama Christine Leigh Johnston Measuring Linguistic Empathy: An Archaeology/ Sarah P. Morris Experimental Approach to Connecting Networks and Intermediaries: Ceramic Linguistic and Social Psychological Notions Exchange Systems in the Late Bronze Age of Empathy Mediterranean Steven Kenneth Kapp Education/ Connie L. Kasari Social Justice and Autism: Links to Personality and Advocacy

31 Emine Rezzan Karaman Hyun Jin Kim History/ James L. Gelvin Computer Science/ Glenn D. Reinman Gendered Derivatives of Identity Formation Improving Hardware Multithreading in in Ottoman Kurdistan in the Late General Purpose Graphics Processing Units Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Jihyoung Kim Elaheh Karbassi Computer Science/ Mario Gerla Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Modeling Vehicular Traffic Shock Wave with Physiology/ Thomas M. Vondriska Machine Learning Approaches Orchestration of Cardiac Gene Expression Mediated by Global Chromatin Architecture Joseph Younghan Kim Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Nikolaos Karianakis Genetics/ Otto Orlean Yang Computer Science/ Stefano Soatto Measurement of Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Sampling Algorithms to Handle Nuisances in Diversity and Clonality in the Alloreponse Large-Scale Recognition of Acute Cellular Rejection following Solid Organ Transplantation and the Kawaljit Kaur Early T Cell Immune Response in Human Oral Biology/ Anahid Jewett & Ichiro Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Infection Nishimura Super-Charged NK Cells Increase Immune Myung Chul Kim Infiltration in the Tumor Microenvironment Political Science/ Arthur A. Stein and Inhibit Tumor Growth in Humanized- Nuclear Learning: Nuclear Coercion and the BLT Mice Proliferation Dilemma

Caroline Keegan Sunai Kim Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Civil Engineering/ John Wright Wallace Genetics/ Robert L. Modlin Reliability of Structural Wall Shear Design Mycobacterium tuberculosis tRNA Triggers for Tall Reinforced Concrete Core Wall TLR8 to Induce a Pathway for Th1 Cell Buildings Instruction Harsha Madan Kittur Rayed Khedher Bioengineering/ Dino Di Carlo Anthropology/ Sondra Hale & Suzanne E. Mechanobiology Tools for Phenotypic Slyomovics Studies of Cancer From Dreams to Deportations: The Case of Tunisian Irregular Migrants in Italy after Steven Daniel Klein 2011 Human Genetics/ Julian Antonio Martinez Genetic Determinants of Macrocephaly Diana Khuu Epidemiology/ Frank J. Sorvillo Nicholas Scott Knutson Malaria-Related Hospitalizations in the US: Chemistry/ Yves F. Rubin The Disease and Economic Burden, and Risk Synthesis and Characterization of Several Factors for Severe and Fatal Malaria Fullerene Polyadducts

32 Jesse Sun-Woo Ko Adelaide Claudia Graham Kuehn Materials Science and Engineering/ Bruce S. French and Francophone Studies/ Dominic Dunn R. Thomas Structural and Electrochemical Authorship, Audience, and Authenticity: Characterization of Sodium-Ion Insertion Strategies of Meta-Representation in Electrodes Contemporary African Arts

Masae Kobayashi Wendy Perla Kurtz Bioengineering/ James C. Y. Dunn Hispanic Languages and Literatures/ Maria Maintenance of Interstitial Cells of Cajal for Teresa De Zubiaurre Intestinal Smooth Muscle Engineering Mass Graves and Remembering through Ritual: Historical Memory in Contemporary Christopher Lee Koehler Peninsular Literature, Documentary Film, Molecular Biology/ Dana Leanne Jones and Digital Culture Metabolic Regulation of Intestinal Stem Cell Function in Drosophila melanogaster Karl Jeffrey La Favre Archaeology/ Charles S. Stanish Janay Elise Kong Macro-Scale Political History of the Lake Bioengineering/ Dino Di Carlo Titicaca Region, Peru and Bolivia: A Digital Loop-Mediated Isothermal DNA Synthesis and Analysis of Archaeological Amplification Settlement Patterns

Bonhye Koo Kimberly Jo La Palm Chemical Engineering/ Harold G. Germanic Languages/ Timothy R. Monbouquette Tangherlini Micro and Nanoscale Fabrication and Uncovering Performance in Medieval Characterization for Next-Generation Scandinavia: A Survey and Analysis of Biosensors Medieval Performance in Scandinavia

Natalia Korotkova Sean Earl Lake Linguistics/ Yael Sharvit & Dominique L. Physics/ Edward L. Wright Sportiche A WISE Measurement of the 2.4 µm Galaxy Heterogeneity and Uniformity in the Luminosity Function and Its Implications for Evidential Domain the Extragalactic Background Light at 3.4 µm

Pascal Alfreda Lombardo Krotee Larry Tao Lam Molecular Biology/ David S. Eisenberg Bioinformatics/ Matteo Pellegrini Structural and Biochemical Studies of the Computational Methods for the Analysis of Amyloid-Forming Proteins Human Islet DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Data Amyloid Polypeptide and Amyloid-Beta Hannah Kwai-Yung Lau Archaeology/ Elizabeth F. Carter Mobility, Cooperation, and Emergent Social Complexity in the Late Neolithic Near East

33 Matthew Jason Lauer David James Leibly Asian Languages and Cultures/ John Duncan Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ Todd Two Years of Encounters in Namw n, O. Yeates 1736-1737: Conflict Negotiation and the Design, Characterization and Applications of Configurations of Chos n Village ǒSociety Symmetric Protein Scaffolds A

María Teresa Lázaro ǒ Tamara Lee Lenis Neuroscience/ Daniel H. Geschwind Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Synaptic and Network Alterations in Physiology/ Gabriel H. Travis the Medial Prefrontal Cortex of the Cell-Autonomous Retinal Pigment CNTNAP2 Mouse Model of Autism Epithelium Dysfunction in Stargardt Disease

Chain Lee Kevin Leu Chemistry/ Xiangfeng Duan Bioengineering/ Daniel B. Ennis & Building Chemical Architectures for a Better Benjamin M. Ellingson Future Improved Accuracy of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Frank Lee Estimates of Relative Cerebral Blood Volume Human Genetics/ Esteban C. Dell’angelica in Human Gliomas by Accounting for & Cristina A. Ghiani Bidirectional Contrast Agent Exchange Characterization of Biogenesis of Lysosome- Related Organelle Complex 1 in Mouse Menglu Li Materials Science and Engineering/ King- Brain and in vitro Ning Tu Juhyun Lee Joule Heating Induced Interconnect Failure Bioengineering/ Tzung Hsiai in 3D IC Technology Integrating Light-Sheet Imaging and Cardiac Hemodynamic Shear Forces to Study Shuoran Li Trabeculation Chemical Engineering/ Tatiana Segura Biomaterials for Modulating VEGF-induced Patrick Chris Lee Angiogenesis through Specific Integrin Molecular and Medical Pharmacology/ Binding Gerald S. Lipshutz Investigating Nucleotide Deficiency-Based Weixin Li Genomic Instability and CRISPR/Cas9- Computer Science/ Song-Chun Zhu Mediated Genomic Addition for the Joint Image-Text Topic Detection and Therapeutic Applications of Human Induced Tracking for Analyzing Social and Political Pluripotent Stem Cells News Events

Sung Hee Lee Yilei Li Oral Biology/ No-Hee Park & Ki-Hyuk Shin Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Role of Orai1 in Oral Cancer Chang Phase-Based Algorithms for Communication and Signal Processing

34 Ying Li Jeffrey Thomas Lin Bioengineering/ Wentai Liu Mathematics/ Marek Biskup Neural Signal Processing: Electrode-Based Understanding Probabilistic Models through Brain Imaging, Focalized Neural Stimulation, Limit Theorems and Neural Dynamics Study Pin Hsin Lin Yuanjie Li Music/ Ian Krouse Computer Science/ Songwu Lu Synergies between East Asian and Western Augmenting Intelligence in Mobile Classical Musical Aesthetics Networked System Po-Heng Lin Xiaochen Lian Chemical Engineering/ James C. Liao Statistics/ Alan Loddon Yuille Engineering Metabolism for Cellulosic Video and Image Analysis Using Local Biofuel Production and Carbon Information Conservation

Di Liang Yu-Yu Lin Health Policy and Management/ Susan Electrical Engineering/ Izhak Rubin Louise Ettner Integrated Traffic Regulation and Data A Natural Experiment about the Effects of Networking for Autonomous Transportation Urbanization on Elders’ Mental Well-Being Systems and Chronic Disease Management: Lessons from China’s Passive Urbanization Zhaoyang Lin Chemistry/ Xiangfeng Duan Haoming Liang Investigating the Solution Process for Physics/ George J. Morales Constructing High-Performance Electronic Electron and Ion Acceleration Associated and Thermoelectric Materials with Magnetotail Reconnection Dana Marie Linda Walter Tsu-I Liau Comparative Literature/ Jennifer A. Sharpe Bioengineering/ Andrea M. Kasko Urban Intimacies: Reading Public Women in Glycomimetics via Radical Polymerization: the Postcolonial Caribbean The Effect of Saccharide Identity, Connectivity, and Architecture on Biological Scott Valois Linford Interactions Ethnomusicology/ Jacqueline C. Djedje Interweaving Worlds: Jola Music and Kyung Min Lim Relational Identity in Senegambia and Education/ Linda J. Sax Beyond Major Matters: Exploration of the Gender Wage Gap among STEM Graduates Chao Liu Materials Science and Engineering/ Qibing I-Tan Lin Pei Electrical Engineering/ Jia Ming Liu High-Z Nanoparticle/Polymer Optoelectronic Properties and Plasmonic Nanocomposites for Gamma-Ray Devices of Graphene Scintillation Detectors

35 Chunchen Liu Jesse Lundquist Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Indo-European Studies/ Brent Harmon Vine Chang Archaisms and Innovations in the Songs of Comprehensive Solutions to Circuit Homer Uncertainty for Hardware Machine Learning System Jason B. Lustig History/ David N Myers Fei Liu “A Time to Gather”: A History of Jewish Information Studies/ John V. Richardson Archives in the Twentieth Century The Search Performance Evaluation and Prediction in Exploratory Search Adrienne Lynett Applied Linguistics/ John H Schumann Jia Liu Negotiating Knowledge, Emotion, and Neuroscience/ Thomas Stephen Otis Cultural Solidarity: Epistemics and Empathy Optogenetic-fMRI Investigations of Arousal in a Literacy Class for Mixtec Migrants Networks and Analysis Strategies Xiao Ma Xin Liu Materials Science and Engineering/ Ioanna Molecular Biology/ Stephen Smale Kakoulli The Selective and Combinatorial In situ Synthesis and Characterizations of Regulation of Toll-Like Receptor-Activated Bio-Ceramic Based Hydroxyapatite in the Transcriptional Cascades Remineralization of Calcium-Rich Matrices

Yingxia Liu Ashkan Maccabi Materials Science and Engineering/ King- Electrical Engineering/ Warren Grundfest Ning Tu Multi-Frequency Harmonic Acoustography Reliability Studies of Pb-Free Solder Joints for Tissue Identification and Border down to 1 µm in Diameter Detection

Laura Beth Lorhan George Lee Mackey, III English/ Michael A. North Urban Planning/ Susanna B. Hecht Puzzling Modernity Mobilizing the Matrix of Tropical Agro- Innovation: Multi-Locational Agents and Fei Lu Inter-Regional Learning in South American Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology/ Agro-Industrial Systems Jau-Nian Chen Transcriptional Regulation of Heart Zsuzsanna Blanka Magyar Development and Function Political Science/ Michael F. Thies Opposition Structure and Government Policy Yang Lu Making in Parliamentary Democracies Statistics/ Song-Chun Zhu Coupling and Learning Hierarchical Generative and Descriptive Models for Image Synthesis and Analysis

36 Sanchita Mahapatra Charles Zachary Marshak Epidemiology/ Roger Detels Mathematics/ Andrea Bertozzi & Mason A Cross Sectional Study to Measure Alexander Porter Prevalence of Hepatitis B and HIV and Applications of Network Science to Criminal Explore the Potential Risk Factors for the Networks, University Education, and Ecology Acquisition of These and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections among Antenatal Paul Daniel Martin Care Attendees in a Tertiary Care Center of Electrical Engineering/ Mani B. Srivastava West Bengal, India Collaborative and Efficient Indoor Localization for Mobile Systems Tanmay Mahapatra Epidemiology/ Roger Detels Andrew Michael Martinez A Cross Sectional Study to Explore the HIV/ Culture and Performance/ Allen Fraleigh AIDS Related Knowledge, Attitude and Roberts Practice and Their Association with HIV An Archaeology of Cuban Ballet: Reading Prevalence among Men Having Sex with Men State Discourse in Alicia Alonso’s Ballet Population of Kolkata, West Bengal, India Nacional de Cuba

Matthew Dean Maland Rita Martins Rufino Valente Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ Culture and Performance/ Janet M. O’Shea Marie Koehler Staging Lusophony: Politics of Production Dissecting Mitochondrial Redox-Regulated and Representation in Theater Festivals in Protein Translocation Using Small Molecule Portuguese-Speaking Countries Probes Victoria Eugenia Mateu Martin Junhua Mao Linguistics/ Nina M. Hyams Statistics/ Alan Loddon Yuille Intervention Effects in the Acquisition of Multimodal Learning for Vision and Raising and Control: Evidence from English Language and Spanish

Yufei Mao Christopher Stanley Rutter Matthes Electrical Engineering/ Chi On Chui Aerospace Engineering/ Nasr M. Ghoniem Semiconductor Electronic Label-Free Assay Non-Uniform Erosion and Surface Evolution (SELFA) with Novel Nanowire Field-Effect of Plasma-Facing Materials for Electric Transistor Biosensors Propulsion

Kristofer Lee Marsh Joshua Joseph May Chemistry/ Richard B Kaner Physics/ Warren B Mori On the Surface of Things: Surface and On the Acceleration and Transport of Interfacial Properties of Hexagonal Boron Electrons Generated by Intense Laser-Plasma Nitride, Graphene, Graphite Oxide, and Interactions at Sharp Interfaces Perfluorophenyl Azides

37 Evan McCartney-Melstad Lei Meng Biology/ Howard Bradley Shaffer Materials Science and Engineering/ Yang The Added Value of Large-Scale Genomic Yang Data in Conservation Interface Engineering and Morphology Study of Thin Film Organic-Inorganic Halide William Witherspoon McCrary Perovskite Optoelectronic Devices Classics/ Brent Harmon Vine Homeric Subjects: Psychoanalysis and the Travis Robert Meyer Mathematics/ Andrea Bertozzi Iliad Energy Models for Signal Processing and Austin McDonald Matrix Factorization Molecular Biology/ Dana Leanne Jones Cellular and Molecular Basis for Postnatal Travis James Meyers Growth and Adult Regeneration of the Epidemiology/ Zuofeng Zhang & Janet S Mouse Aorta Sinsheimer Cumulative Cigarette Tar Exposure, Genetic Zachary Brooks McKinney Polymorphisms, and Their Interactions on Biomedical Engineering/ Warren Grundfest Susceptibility and Survival of Lung and Touch and Go: Capabilities, Challenges, and Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancers Opportunities for Wearable Sensing and Tactile Feedback Technologies in Neuro- Isomi Muriel Miake-Lye Motor Rehabilitation Health Services/ Emmeline Chuang Adoption of Evidence-Based Practices: Brian James McMorran Patterns and Positive Deviants in the Cellular and Molecular Pathology/ Linda G National Survey of Physician Organizations Baum Disease-specific Differences in Glycosylation Matthew Michael Miller of Mouse and Human Skeletal Muscle Economics/ Adriana Lleras-Muney & Leah Michelle Boustan Manali Dhirendra Mehta Essays in Urban and Labor Economics Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics/ Robert L. Modlin Sharrica Denise Miller Molecular Mechanisms by Which Nursing/ Nancy A. Pike Mycobacterium leprae Survives in Human Transition Readiness, Perceived Health, and Macrophages Health Services Utilization in Transitional Age Foster Youth Compared to Controls Lilia Susana Meltzer Nursing/ Felicia S. Hodge & Ronald D. Hays Margo Beth Minissian Trust in the Medical Profession and Health- Nursing/ Lynn V. Doering Related Quality of Life in Patients with Association of Spontaneous Preterm Delivery Hypertension and Future Maternal Cardiovascular Risk

38 Michelle Elizabeth Miro Amalia Clarice Mora Civil Engineering/ Steven Adam Margulis Ethnomusicology/ Daniel M. Neuman & Science-Based Approaches to Water Anthony Seeger Resources Management: Studies in Remote Dancing Where the River Meets the Sea: Sensing, Groundwater and California’s Ambiguous Sensuality and Liminal Cultural Central Valley Geographies in Goa, India

Shaunak Mishra Jesus Moreno Electrical Engineering/ Suhas N. Diggavi Chemistry/ Neil Kamal Garg Towards Network Reliability: Harnessing Total Syntheses of Akuammiline Alkaloids Interference and Dynamics and Nickel-Catalyzed Heck Cyclizations of Amide Derivatives Kaori Misuno Oral Biology/ Shen Hu Brittany N. Morey Development of a Novel Tracer-Based Public Health/ Gilbert Chee-Leung Gee Metabolomics Methodology to Study the Stress, Neighborhood Context, and Breast Metabolism of Cancer Cells Cancer Risk among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Women Laura Nicole Monje-Paulson Education/ Linda J. Sax & Jane E. Pizzolato Marco Morselli Social Justice Messaging and Self-Efficacy: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology/ Understanding What Influences Student Matteo Pellegrini Affairs Professionals to Choose Social Justice 5-methylcytosine: From Deposition to Work on Campus Detection of the 5th Base in Mammalian Genomes Robert Delgado Montoya Information Studies/ Johanna R. Drucker Ala Morshedian Contingent Consensus: Documentary Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Control in Biodiversity Classifications Physiology/ Gordon L. Fain Sensitivity and Adaptation in Vertebrate Kavior Moon Photoreceptors: Evolution and Mechanism Art History/ Miwon Kwon From Site to Comparative Relations: Works Bryan Moy by Michael Asher, 1976–1998 Environmental Health Sciences/ Hilary Godwin Whitney Morgin Moon Applications of Geospatial Modeling to Architecture/ Sylvia Lavin Improve Public Health Surveillance and The Architectural Happening: Diller and Control of West Nile Virus Scofidio, 1979-89 Catherine Rachel Mullen Stephany Andrea Moore French and Francophone Studies/ Sara E. Musicology/ Robert W Fink Melzer Millennial Passions: New Music and the Ends “Taking Back the Streets”: The Return of the of History, 1989-2001 Pedestrian to Parisian Urban Space

39 Erika Marina Nadir Xiaohan Nie Italian/ Luigi Ballerini Statistics/ Song-Chun Zhu Prima La Musica o Prima La Parola? Textual Spatial-Temporal Hierarchical Model for Joint and Musical Intermedialities in Italian Learning and Inference of Human Action Literature and Film and Pose

Tiffany Naiman Kristina Frances Nielsen Musicology/ Robert W. Fink & Raymond L. Ethnomusicology/ Tara Colleen Browner Knapp Composing Histories: The Transmission and Singing at Death’s Door: Late Style, Creation of Historicity, Music and Dance in Disability, and the Temporality of Illness in the Los Angeles Danza Community Popular Music Sergio Fabian Nigenda Morales Oscar Navarro Biology/ Robert Wayne Education/ Tyrone C. Howard Phenotypic and Gene Expression Variation Social Justice Teaching as a Process: in the Virginia Opossum (Didelphis virginiana) Educators Working to Sustain and Enhance and Phylogeography of the White-Nosed Social Justice Teaching in Urban Schools Coati (Nasua narica)

Graciela Emma Negri Jimenez Benjamin Thomas Nigra Chemistry/ Timothy J. Deming Archaeology/ Charles S Stanish Polypeptide Materials with Engineered Huaca Soto and the Evolution of Paracas Functionalities Communities in the Chincha Valley, Peru

Kathy Ngo Elina Marjaana Nikkola Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology/ Human Genetics/ Paivi Elisabeth Pajukanta Volker Hartenstein Identifying and Analyzing Genetic Postembryonic Neurogenesis in the Optic and Epigenetic Variation Involved in Lobe and Central Brain of Drosophila Cardiovascular Diseases and Related melanogaster Metabolic Traits

Dan Minh Nguyen Andrea Nicole Niles Biomedical Physics/ Ke Sheng Psychology/ Michelle Craske Deterministic Direct Aperture Optimization Does Affect Labeling Enhance Exposure Using Multiphase Piecewise Constant Effectiveness for Public Speaking Anxiety? Segmentation Paul Killian Nordeen Roch Arnaud Kibsa Nianogo Mechanical Engineering/ Gregory P. Carman Epidemiology/ Onyebuchi Aniweta Arah High Frequency Dynamics of Magnetoelastic Causal and Agent-Based Modeling of Composites and Their Application in Radio Obesity and Its Life-Course Risk Factors and Frequency Sensors Outcomes in Children and Adults

40 Melinda Anne Latour O’Brien Jaison Jiro Omoto Musicology/ Olivia Ashley Bloechl Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology/ Music and Moral Repair in Early Modern Volker Hartenstein France Analysis of the Neural and Glial Lineages Establishing the Cytoarchitecure of the George Ofosu Drosophila melanogaster Central Brain Political Science/ Daniel N Posner Election Integrity and Political Ivuoma N. Onyeador Responsiveness in Developing Democracies: Psychology/ Jenessa Rachel Shapiro Evidence from Ghana Presumed Unintentional: The Ironic Effects of Implicit Bias Framing on Whites’ Minori Ohashi Perceptions of Discrimination Molecular Biology/ Kathrin Plath Modeling Rett Syndrome with Human Musa Orak Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Economics/ Gary D. Hansen Essays on the Impact of Technological James David O’Hearn Progress on the U.S. Labor Markets Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Physiology/ Yibin Wang Vicente Diego Ortega Del Vecchyo Unraveling the Genetic Basis of Heart Failure Bioinformatics/ John P. Novembre & Kirk via Systems Genetics Edward Lohmueller Demography-Aware Inference of the Strength Christopher Johannes Ohrt of Natural Selection Mathematics/ Christian Haesemeyer Higher Twisted Torsion Invariants Michael Alan Oshiro Special Education/ Jeffrey J. Wood & Lois A. Brendan M. O’Kelly Weinberg English/ Michael A. North Within the Shadows: The Qualitative The Unseen in the Modern Image World Experiences of Undocumented Youth

Tanya Teresa Olmos-Ochoa Abdullah Ozkan Health Policy and Management/ Roshan Islamic Studies/ Khaled M. Abou El Fadl Bastani & Beth Ann Glenn-Mallouk Al-Ghazali and Rasa’il Ikhwan al-Şafa’: Their Delivering Preventing Health Services Influence on His Thought through Health Fairs: A Clinical-Community Partnership in Los Angeles County Rene Rupen Sevag Packard Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Negar Omidakhsh Physiology/ Tzung Hsiai Epidemiology/ Beate R. Ritz Advanced Imaging and Bioengineering Parental Occupational Exposures and Risk of Approaches to Cardiovascular Disease Childhood Cancer

41 Samantha Joy Paluck Joseph Perman Chemistry/ Heather D Maynard Urban Planning/ Leobardo F. Estrada Heparin Mimicking Polymer Fibroblast The Reconstruction of Post-Tsunami Banda Growth Factor 2 Conjugates for Improved Aceh, Indonesia: A Spatial Analysis of Therapeutics the Rebuilding of Structures, Roads, and Productive Land Benison Pang Biology/ Blaire Van Valkenburgh Badema Pitic A Study of Respiratory Turbinal Morphology Ethnomusicology/ Timothy Rice in Response to Evolutionary Pressure and The Sound of Genocide: Music, Memory, Development and Commemoration in Postwar Bosnia

Benjamin John Papandrea Alexis G. Popkow Chemistry/ Xiangfeng Duan Physics/ Rene A. Ong High Capacity Cathode Materials for Next Very-High-Energy Astrophysical Processes in Generation Energy Storage the Cygnus Region of the Milky Way

Andrew Park Nicole Lynn Poweleit Epidemiology/ Beate R. Ritz Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Prenatal and Early Life Exposures and the Genetics/ Robert P. Gunsalus & Hong Zhou Risk of Childhood Cancers: An Examination Using Advances in Electron Microscopy to of Ambient Pesticides, Dichloromethane, and Study Microbial Interactions Survivor Bias Eduardo Ribeiro Poyart Jane Park Computer Science/ Demetri Terzopoulos Oral Biology/ Renate Lux Parallel, Data-Driven Simulation and Identification and Characterization Visualization of the Heart of Fusobacterial Adhesins Involved in Interspecies Interactions Andre Pradhana Mathematics/ Joseph M Teran Nimesh Patel Multiphase Simulation Using Material Point Management/ Ivo I. Welch Method Essays in Empirical Finance Priti Prasad John Devin Peipert Molecular Toxicology/ Ram Raj Singh Community Health Sciences/ Donald E. Mechanisms of Chemically-Induced Diffuse Morisky Pulmonary Hemorrhage A Psychometric Analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Chronic Kidney Disease Alan Martin Priester Biomedical Engineering/ Warren Grundfest Cheng Peng Correlation of Imaging and Pathology to Mechanical Engineering/ Yongho Ju Advance the Study of Prostate Cancer Focal Finger-Powered Digital Microfluidics for Therapy Micro Droplet Manipulation

42 Guillermo L. Puerta Falla Brian Josue Ramirez Civil Engineering/ Gaurav Sant Mechanical Engineering/ Vijay Gupta Reactive Limestone as a Strategy towards Manufacturing and Characterization of Low-Clinker Factor Cements Temperature-Stable, Novel, Viscoelastic Polyurea Based Foams for Impact Ivan Pushkarsky Management Bioengineering/ Dino Di Carlo High-Throughput Analysis of Single-Cell Paul Pierre Rebeiz Force Biology Management/ Reza H. Ahmadi Management of Demand Response Programs Ling Qi in the Electricity Industry Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ Qinbin Li Alexander Michael Brian Reeves Distribution and Sources of Black Carbon in Neuroscience/ Thomas Stephen Otis the Arctic A Mechanism for Extinction of Classically Conditioned Forelimb Movement in Mice Shihan Qin Electrical Engineering/ Yuanxun Wang James Bryant Reeves Broadband Nonreciprocal RF Front-Ends English/ Felicity A. Nussbaum Based on Time-Varying Transmission Lines Unbelief: Atheism in the Literary Imagination, 1690–1810 Kevin Martin Quinn Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ J. David Zhou Ren Neelin Computer Science/ Alan Loddon Yuille Precipitation Cluster Distributions: Current Joint Image-Text Representation Learning Climate Storm Statistics and Projected Changes under Global Warming Kate Elizabeth Riedell Special Education/ Alison Bailey & Sharon Joshua Quint H. Ulanoff Epidemiology/ Roger Detels Understanding Curriculum, Instruction and The Association Between Alcohol Assessment within Eighth Grade Science Consumption, HIV-infection, and Classrooms for Special Needs Students Inflammation in the Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study Gabriel Richard Ritter Art History/ Bert Winther-Tamaki & Steven Pradeep Sundaram Rajendran D. Nelson Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Beyond Surrealism: Kitawaki Noboru and Physiology/ Kalyanam Shivkumar the Avant-Garde During Wartime Japan, Intrinsic Cardiac Neuronal Control of the 1931-1951 Heart in Health and Disease Amanda Therese Rizkallah Political Science/ Barbara Geddes Coffins and Castles: The Political Legacies of Civil War in Lebanon

43 Shauna Robbennolt Antonio Enrico Russo Chemistry/ Sarah H. Tolbert Physics/ Sudip Chakravarty Tailoring the Magnetic and Magnetoelectric Order and Disorder in Superconducting Properties of Nanostructured Materials Using Systems Solution-Phase Methods Tabashir Zahra Sadegh-Nobari Courtney Arielle Roberts Public Health/ May-Choo Wang Chemistry/ Michael E. Jung Socioeconomic Disparities, Unaffordable Methodologies of Bicyclo[2.2.2]octane Housing and Obesity among Low-Income Compounds and Progress toward the Total Preschool-Aged Children in Los Angeles Synthesis of Parthenolide Brian Howard Sahotsky Charles Nelson Robinson, III Architecture/ Diane G. Favro Germanic Languages/ Timothy R. The Roman Construction Process: Building Tangherlini the Basilica of Maxentius An Open Secret of Icelandic Otherworldly Communication Frederic Sala Electrical Engineering/ Lara Dolecek Cheri Marie Robinson Algorithms and Coding Techniques for Hispanic Languages and Literatures/ Adriana Reliable Data Management and Storage J. Bergero Representations of Transnational Violence: Stephanie Anne Salwen Children in Contemporary Latin American Archaeology/ Monica L. Smith Film, Literature, and Drawings Barriers, Boundaries, and Byways: Water, Mobility, and Society in the Woodland and Gloria Beatriz Rodriguez Colonial Period of the North American Education/ Marjorie E. Orellana Atlantic Coast Writing Names, Reading Hip Hop: Children (re)Mixing and (re)Making Language, Majed Jamal Samad Literacy, and Learning through the Hip Hop Psychology/ Ladan Shams Cultural Naming Practices and Pedagogies of Own Body Perception as Bayesian Causal Style-Writing Inference

Ryan Robert Rosario Smriti Sangwan Statistics/ Yingnian Wu Molecular Biology/ David S Eisenberg A Data Augmentation Approach to Short Structural Studies of Pathogenic Amyloids Text Classification Kathleen Anne Schiro Arreanna Christina Rostosky Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ J David Musicology/ Raymond L Knapp Neelin Reconsidering the “Golden Age” Narrative Thermodynamic Controls on Deep for the American Musical in the New Convection in the Tropics: Observations and Millennium Applications to Modeling

44 Jennie Sue Coffin Scholick Benjamin Alexander Shepard Comparative Literature/ Kathleen L. Komar Anthropology/ Jeanne E. Arnold Choreographing the Age of Anxiety: Dancing Human Mobility and Community Poetry at the New York City Ballet Organization among Early Bronze Age Hunter-Gatherers of the Lake Baikal Region, Yehonatan Sella Siberia Mathematics/ Burt Totaro The Mixed Tate Property of Reductive Lauren Elizabeth Sherman Groups Psychology/ Mirella Dapretto & Patricia M. Greenfield Trevor Raymond Shaddox Social Media Use and Peer Influence Biomathematics/ Marc Adam Suchard in Adolescence: Perspectives from Learning Clinical Outcomes from Massive Neuroimaging Observational Data Ruoyao Shi Nir Shafir Economics/ Jinyong Hahn & Zhipeng Liao History/ Sanjay Subrahmanyam & Nile Essays on Econometrics Spencer Green The Road from Damascus: Circulation and Alethia Shih the Redefinition of Islam in the Ottoman English/ Joseph E Bristow Empire, 1620-1720 The Intellectual Scale of Children’s Fantasy: Telling Ideas in the Works of Lewis Carroll, Marissa Sharif J.M. Barrie, A.A. Milne, and E.B. White Management/ Suzanne Bliven Shu The Benefits of Emergency Reserves in Goal Takeshi Shoji Preference and Persistence Aerospace Engineering/ Ann R. Karagozian Mixing and Structural Characteristics of Jessica Leigh Shaw Unforced and Forced Jets in Crossflow Electrical Engineering/ Chandra J. Joshi Direct Laser Acceleration in Laser Wakefield John Robert Shrode Accelerators Political Science/ John R. Zaller Class without Consciousness: An Analysis Chenguang Shen of the Role of Place and Income in the 2012 Computer Science/ Mani B. Srivastava U.S. Presidential Election A Framework for Pervasive Context Awareness James Michael Simonelli Aerospace Engineering/ Tsu-Chin Tsao Sean Shen Novel Hydrostatic Fluid Power Actuators Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ Joseph Ambrose Loo Kyle Wilson Singleton Characterizing Neurotrauma and Astroglial Biomedical Engineering/ Alex Anh-Tuan Bui Injury Biomarkers by Proteomics and Mass Investigating Predictive Disease Model Spectrometry Transportability through Cohort Simulation and Causal Analysis

45 Neha Sinha Michael Soh Electrical Engineering/ Sudhakar Pamarti Education/ Mitchell J. Chang Design and Analysis of Spectrum Scanners A Few Good Doctors: An Examination of Based on Passive, Linear Periodically Time- Humanistic Outliers in Medical Education Varying Circuits Hyunmin Sohn Andrew Siroka Electrical Engineering/ Robert N. Candler Health Policy and Management/ Ninez A. Deterministic Control of Magnetism by the Ponce Multiferroic Magnetoelastic Effect at the The Impact of Poverty and Social Protection Nano- and Micro-Scale on Tuberculosis Sharona Yael Sokolow Breann Nicole Sitarski Environmental Health Sciences/ Hilary Astronomy/ Andrea M. Ghez Godwin Characterizing Infrared Excess Sources in the Health Impacts of Expanding Urban Galactic Center with Adaptive Optics Recycled Water Use in California

Megan Marie Sjodt Jiaying Song Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ Robert Education/ Val D. Rust Thompson Clubb The Manifestation of China’s Soft Power Investigating Hemoglobin Capture and Heme Agenda in American Higher Education: The Acquisition by the Pathogen Staphylococcus Case of the Confucius Institute Project in aureus America

Jolan Michelle Smith Linqi Song Special Education/ Sandra H. Graham & Electrical Engineering/ Christina Panagio Lois A. Weinberg Fragouli Using Evidence-Based Practices in Transition Content-Type Coding to Evaluate Detention Discharge Procedures for Youth with Developmental Disabilities Samir M. Soni English/ Felicity A. Nussbaum Michelle Renee Smith The Anglo-Indian Novel, 1774-1825: Education/ Robert Cooper Ameliorative Imperialisms Black Pearls: Examining the Science Identity Development of African American Girls in a Heather Renee Sottong Culturally Relevant STEM Counterspace Italian/ Massimo Ciavolella Dante and Argentine Identity Christopher Jorge Snead Geochemistry/ Kevin D. Mckeegan Isaac David Fligstein Speer Ion Probe Measurements of Comet Dust: Sociology/ Rebecca J. Emigh Investigating Oxygen Isotope Heterogeneity The Causes of Budget Gridlock in California: in the Solar System Institutions, Parties, and Conflict

46 Lee Sook Hee Squitieri Michael James Stubblebine Health Policy and Management/ Carol M Mechanical Engineering/ Ivan Catton Mangione Theoretical and Experimental Investigation The Strengths and Limitations of Linking of the Effects and Limits of Using Inorganic Medicare Claims Data Across Clinical Aqueous Solutions to Resist NCG Settings to Study Patients with Pressure Generation in Aluminum Thermosiphons Injuries Junzhu Su Chad Daniel Stecher Psychology/ Hongjing Lu Economics/ Dora Luisa Costa Biological Motion Perception: Action Improving HIV/AIDS Care: Promoting Interaction and Prediction HIV/AIDS Treatment Adherence through Physician Peer Effects and Behavioral Daniel Lui Sun Incentives for Patients Chemistry/ Michael E. Jung Exploring Three Membered Rings: Synthesis, Stephanie Erin Steele Opening, Rearrangements and Progress Biology/ Victoria Sork towards the Synthesis of Morphine Ecological Processes and Genomic Variation Associated with Seedling Performance in Shijun Sung Tropical and Temperate Trees Electrical Engineering/ Warren Grundfest Terahertz Imaging and Sensing for Marissa Leigh Steingold Ophthalmic Evaluation of Corneal Diseases Musicology/ Robert W. Fink Journey to the Flat Side: Dualism, Jacob Adam Supowit Subdominants, Stacked Fourths, Pentatonics, Mechanical Engineering/ Ivan Catton and the ‘Musical Left’ Advanced Working Fluids for Flat Heat Pipes

Matthew Henry Stoffregen Andrew John Surmak Mathematics/ Ciprian Manolescu Biomedical Physics/ Jorge R. Barrio Applications of Pin(2)-equivariant Seiberg- Estrogen Sulfotransferase-Mediated Imaging Witten Floer homology with Positron Emission Tomography in Moyamoya Syndrome Monica Leigh Streifer Italian/ Lucia Re Susan Elaine Swarts The Body Politic on Stage: Women Writers Education/ Robert A. Rhoads and Gender in Twentieth-Century Italian Socialization Experiences of Doctoral Theater Student Mothers: “Outsiders in the Sacred Grove” Redux Scott Michael Strutner Mechanical Engineering/ Gregory P. Carman Nefertiti Mary Takla Developing a Fiber Optic Magnetic Field History/ Nile Spencer Green & Nancy Sensor: Fiber Bragg Gratings and the Gallagher Magnetorefractive Effect Murder in Alexandria: The Gender, Sexual and Class Politics of Criminality in Egypt, 1914 - 1921

47 Christina Tam Crystal Anne Thomas Social Welfare/ Bridget J. Freisthler Social Welfare/ Bridget J. Freisthler Behind the Model Minority: An Examination Going the Distance! How Distance to School of Ethnicity, Place, and Arrests among Asian Relates to Education Outcomes Youth in Los Angeles Neighborhoods Andrew Blair Thompson Yu Tanaka Neuroscience/ Alicia Izquierdo Edler Linguistics/ Kie Ross Zuraw & Bruce P. A Striatal Mechanism and Evolutionary Hayes Origin of Impulsive Reward Choice in The Sound Pattern of Japanese Surnames Protracted Withdrawal

Natalia Tchemodanov John Francis Thompson Biomedical Engineering/ Dario L. Ringach Chemical Engineering/ Yoram Cohen & Itzhak Fried Membrane Mineral Scaling and its Mitigation Characterization of Hippocampal in Reverse Osmosis Desalination of Brackish Subregional Cross-Frequency Associations, Water and the Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Memory Performance in Humans Thomas Levi Thompson Near Eastern Languages and Cultures/ Nouri Elif Tekin Gana Biomathematics/ Van Maurice Savage Speaking Laterally: Transnational Poetics Emergent Patterns in Vascular Networks and and the Rise of Modern Arabic and Persian Interaction Networks: A Network-Centric Poetry in Iraq and Iran Approach for Studying Complex Systems Maurine May-Lin Tong Ömer Faruk Tekin Biomedical Engineering/ Ricky Kiyotaka Mathematics/ Russel E. Caflisch Taira & Alex Anh-Tuan Bui A Sparse Optimization Framework for the A Logical Representation for Capturing the Numerical Solution of PDEs Context of Observations and Quantitative Information in Clinical Trial Reports Jos Leonard Tellings Linguistics/ Jessica L. Rett & Yael Sharvit Yuta Toriyama Counterfactuality in Discourse Electrical Engineering/ Dejan Markovic High-Performance and Energy-Efficient Tara Ann Teslaa Decoder Design for Non-Binary LDPC Molecular Biology/ Michael Alan Teitell Codes Alpha-Ketoglutarate Influences the Self- Renewal and Differentiation of Pluripotent Kim Nguyen Tran Stem Cells Ethnomusicology/ Helen M. Rees Contested Memories: Hát Bội/Tuồng Matthew Theisen Performance as Technology of Memory in Bioengineering/ James C. Liao Vietnam and the Diaspora Stability as a Criterion for Metabolic Systems

48 Nhu Nguyen Tran Brianna Marie Upton Nursing/ Paul Michael Macey Chemistry/ Heather D. Maynard & Andrea Cerebrovascular Autoregulation in M. Kasko Preoperative Neonates with Congenital Heart Biomass-Derived Polymers and Copolymers Disease Compared to Healthy Controls Incorporating Monolignols and Their Derivatives Sharon N. Tran English/ Rachel C Lee Geeta Sophie Vadehra Between Asian Girls: Minor Feminisms and Chemistry/ Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay Sideways Critique Synthesis and Design of Small Molecule- Based Functional Materials: Applications Tommy Tran in Lithium-Ion Batteries and Molecular Asian Languages and Cultures/ Timothy R Machines Tangherlini Axis Mundi: the City and Geographies of Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi Identity in Cheju Island, South Korea Electrical Engineering/ Chandra J. Joshi Experimental Investigations of Beam Driven Joy Elizabeth Trujillo Plasma Wakefield Accelerators Materials Science and Engineering/ Bruce S. Dunn Jon Thomas Van Lew Negative Thermal Expansion and Mechanical Engineering/ Mohamed A. Ferroelectric Oxides in Electronic Device Abdou Composites On Thermal Characterization of Breeder Pebble Beds with Microscale Numerical Catalina Juiyi Tsai Modeling of Thermofluid and Pebble-Pebble Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ Jochen Interactions Peter Stutz Nitrous Acid Formation and Chemistry over Jenna Marie Vandraanen Earwaker Soil and Snow in a Polluted Rural Area Community Health Sciences/ Carol S. Aneshensel Hsien-Liang Rose Tseng The Association between Childhood Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences/ Kuo- Poverty and Adversity and the Likelihood of Nan Liou Experiencing Co-Occurring Psychiatric and An Investigation of the Effects of Black Substance Use Disorders Carbon on Precipitation in the Western United States Supraja Varadarajan Neuroscience/ Bennett G. Novitch Konstantine Nicholas John Tsotsos Redefining the Role of Netrin1 as an Axon Computer Science/ Stefano Soatto Guidance Cue in the Developing Spinal Visual-Inertial Perception for Robotic Tasks Cord

Christopher Turner Chemistry/ Richard B. Kaner Fundamentals and Applications of the World’s Hardest Metals

49 Donald Albert Vaughn Jr. Turley Voulgaris Neuroscience/ Mark S. Cohen Urban Planning/ Brian D. Taylor Using Machine-Learning to Diagnose Crystal Balls and Black Boxes: Optimism Perception, Feeling, and Action: A Study of Bias in Ridership and Cost Forecasts for New Neuroimaging, Psychometric, and Insurance Starts Rapid Transit Projects Claims Data Thuy Vu Irene Isela Vega Computer Science/ Douglas S. Parker Sociology/ Vilma Ortiz Feature Representation in Mining and Legitimacy, Morality, and Criminality: The Language Processing Occupational Culture of U.S. Border Patrol Agents Benjamin Wade Bioengineering/ Daniel B. Ennis & Paul Mauricio Velasquez Thompson Political Science/ Barbara Geddes High Dimensional Descriptors of Subcortical The Rural Middle Class in Colombia Shape as a Basis for Biomarker Discovery in HIV and Major Depressive Disorder María Gabriela Venegas Hispanic Languages and Literatures/ Efrain Imge Akcakaya Waite Kristal Urban Planning/ Anastasi Loukaitou-Sideris La novela del Ecuador desde el espacio anfibio de Planning, Power, Politics: Urban la ciudad portuaria y su relacin con el liberalismo Redevelopment in Istanbul ecuatoriano: tres casos representativos entre 1855 y 1944 Bin Wang Mechanical Engineering/ Rajit Gadh Dan Vese Smart EV Energy Management System to Political Science/ Ronald L. Rogowski Support Grid Services Military Mass Mobilization and Top Incomes in the United States and Europe Bo Wang Chemical Engineering/ Harold G. Boris Volosskiy Monbouquette Chemistry/ Xiangfeng Duan Biosensors Fabrication by Metal Organic and Covalent Triazine Polydimethylsiloxane Stamping and Frameworks as Templates for the Synthesis of Nanostructured Platinum for Construction Metallic Nanostructures and Doped Carbons of Improved Reference and Sensing Electrodes Justin Grant Vorhis Classics/ Kathryn Anne Morgan Chen Wang The Best of the Macedonians: Alexander as Materials Science and Engineering/ Yu Achilles in Arrian, Curtius, and Plutarch Huang Two-Dimensional Semiconducting Materials for Next-Generation Electronics and Optoelectronics

50 Da Wang Zhiqiang Wang Biomedical Physics/ Peng Hu Physics/ Sudip Chakravarty M1-Space Under-Sampling Fast Phase Quantum Oscillations in Cuprates and Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cooper Pairing in Half Filled Landau Level

Jianyu Wang Tamar Weber Statistics/ Alan Loddon Yuille Philosophy/ C. T. Burge Modeling Objects and Parts by Forming Concepts and Doing It Well: A Compositional Relations Theory and Epistemology for Empirical Concepts Jiexin Wang Cellular and Molecular Pathology/ Peter Dayna Staci Weintraub John Tontonoz Education/ Linda J. Sax The Paraspeckle Protein Pspc1 Promotes Tied Together Wirelessly: How Maintaining Adipogenesis through Differentiation- Communication with Parents Affects College Dependent Nuclear Export of Adipogenic Adjustment and Integration RNAs Nicholas Anthony Weires Matthew Wang Chemistry/ Neil Kamal Garg Computer Science/ Demetri Terzopoulos Total Synthesis of Welwitindolinones Simulation, Stitching, and Interaction and Nickel-Catalyzed Reactions of Amide Techniques for Large-Scale Ultrasound Derivatives Datasets Colin Russell Weiss Peng Wang Economics/ Dora Luisa Costa Statistics/ Alan Loddon Yuille Free Silver and Financial Frictions Joint Multiple Visual Task Understanding from a Single Image via Deep Learning and Daniel S. Whitesell Conditional Random Field Hispanic Languages and Literatures/ Maarten H. Van Delden Shaodi Wang Debates ideolgicos y estéticos en torno a la Electrical Engineering/ Puneet Gupta Revolucin Cubana, 1963-1966 Design, Evaluation and Co-Optimization of Emerging Devices and Circuits Nilce Parreira Wicks History/ William R. Summerhill Yaodong Wang Pathways to Freedom; Slavery and Materials Science and Engineering/ King- Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century Ouro Ning Tu Preto, Brazil Mechanical Reliability Challenges in Cu-Sn Microbump for 3D IC Packaging Technology Lindsay Puawehiwa Wilhelm English/ Joseph E. Bristow Yubo Wang Evolutionary Aestheticism: Scientific Mechanical Engineering/ Rajit Gadh Optimism and Cultural Progress, 1850-1913 Vehicle-to-Grid Integration to Power Grids

51 Alessandra Lebea Williams Juan Wu Culture and Performance/ David Delgado Biomedical Engineering/ Alex Anh-Tuan Bui Shorter A Methodology to Apply Evidence from Decolonizing Alliances: Afro-Asian Scientific Literature to Guide Individually- Choreographies by David Roussève/ Tailored Evidence-Based Medicine REALITY and Ananya Chatterjea/Ananya Dance Theatre Tianyu Wu Mathematics/ Wotao Yin Hannah Camille Williamson Coordinate Update Algorithms: Theory and Psychology/ Thomas Bradbury Applications Intervening to Strengthen Intimate Relationships: Moderators and Mediators in Yu-Hsiu Wu Three Randomized Controlled Trials Electrical Engineering/ Mau-Chung Frank Chang Lauren Danae Winans Interference-Tolerant Multi-User Radar Linguistics/ Jessica L. Rett & Yael Sharvit System Inferences of will Yunfeng Xi Terrell James Antonio Winder Physics/ James Rosenzweig Sociology/ Stefan Timmermans & Marcus Ionization Injection Plasma Wakefield Hunter Acceleration Making Black and Gay Okay: Unspoiling Identity Among Young Black Gay Men in Los Fangting Xia Angeles Statistics/ Alan Loddon Yuille Pose-Guided Human Semantic Part Samuel Joseph Witte Segmentation Physics/ Graciela B Gelmini Dark Matter Signals Yi Xia Materials Science and Engineering/ Vidvuds Jeffrey Wong Ozolins Mathematics/ Andrea Bertozzi First-Principles Studies of Phonons and Modeling and Analysis of Thin-Film Incline Electrons in Bulk Thermoelectrics Flow: Bidensity Suspensions and Surface Tension Effects Qian Xiao Statistics/ Hongquan Xu Sio Si Wong Constructions and Applications of Space- Chemical Engineering/ James C. Liao Filling Designs The Reverse Glyoxylate Shunt Dan Xie Chueh-Yu Wu Statistics/ Song-Chun Zhu Mechanical Engineering/ Pei-Yu Chiou & Inferring the Intentions and Attentions of Dino Di Carlo Agents from Videos Complex Microparticle Fabrication Using Optical Transient Liquid Molding and Cell Microcarriers

52 Fei Xie Yuki Yanai Mathematics/ Christian Haesemeyer Political Science/ Miriam A. Golden Toric surfaces over arbitrary fields Misperceived Inequality, Mismatched Attitudes, and Missing Support for Yazhou Xie Redistribution Civil Engineering/ Jian Zhang Seismic Modeling, Quantifying and Hsin-Jung Yang Protection of Highway Bridges Considering Biomedical Engineering/ Daniel B. Ennis Shaking and Lateral Spreading Technological Advances and New Physiological Insights for Reliably Probing Jing Xu Myocardial Oxygenation with Magnetic Education/ John N Hawkins Resonance Imaging Seeking a Global Iconic Brand: The Higher Education Brand Campaign and the Chinese Louis Yang Elite-Singletons Physics/ Alexander Kusenko Post-Inflationary Higgs Relaxation and the Luyao Xu Origin of Matter Electrical Engineering/ Benjamin S. Williams Mohan Yang Terahertz Metasurface Quantum Cascade Computer Science/ Carlo Zaniolo Laser Declarative Languages and Scalable Systems for Graph Analytics and Knowledge Muchen Xu Discovery Mechanical Engineering/ Chang-Jin Kim Design, Fabrication, and Evaluation of Yang Yang Superhydrophobic (SHPo) Surfaces for Drag Management/ Romain T. Wacziarg Reduction in Turbulent Boundary Layer Essays on Economic Growth and Flows International Trade

Teng Xu Nezih Tolga Yardimci Computer Science/ Miodrag Potkonjak Electrical Engineering/ Mona Jarrahi Enhance Energy-efficiency and Security of Large-Area Plasmonic Photoconductive IoT using Hardware-oriented Approaches Nanoantenna Arrays for Terahertz Wave Generation and Detection in High- Xiaoqing Xu Performance Time-Domain Terahertz Systems Epidemiology/ Beate R. Ritz California State-Wide Studies to Investigate Kathleen Miuyi Yee Medical Conditions and Medication Uses Biological Chemistry/ Ke Shuai in Relation to Macular Degeneration and Gene Regulation by Epigenetic Modifiers in Childhood Cancer Stem Cells, Cancer, and Immunology

Sibo Yan George Yeh Economics/ Bryan C. Ellickson Molecular Biology/ Stephen Smale Estimating Stochastic Volatility within a Elucidating Selective Gene Regulation by Trading Day NF-B and Nuclear IB in Macrophages

53 Michael Tyrone Yeung Jamie Leigh Zelechowski Chemistry/ Richard B. Kaner Germanic Languages/ Todd S. Presner & Origin of Superhardness of Metallic Roman Koropeckyj Tungsten Monoboride The Representation of Forced Migration in the Feature Films of the Federal Republic of Xiyu Yi Germany, German Democratic Republic, and Chemistry/ Shimon Weiss Polish People’s Republic (1945–1970) Super Resolution of Optical Fluctuation Imaging 2.0 (SOFI-2.0): Towards Fast Super Ian Michael Zemke Resolved Imaging of Live Cells Mathematics/ Ciprian Manolescu TQFT Structures in Heegaard Floer Yi Ying homology Molecular Biology/ Douglas L. Black Low Complexity Sequences of Rbfox Form Katelyn Elizabeth Caslavka Zempel Higher-Order Complexes with LASR to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/ Steven Regulate Alternative Splicing G. Clarke Identification of Methylated Mitochondrial Chengcheng Yu Proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Statistics/ Song-Chun Zhu Single View 3D Reconstruction and Parsing Jin Zhang Using Geometric Commonsense for Scene Molecular and Medical Pharmacology/ Ligia Understanding G. Toro De Stefani & Riccardo Olcese The Subproteome of MitoBKCa Channels Peiyuan Yu from Cardiomyocytes Reveals Novel Insights Chemistry/ Kendall N. Houk into Its Mitochondrial Import Mechanism Computational Studies on the Reactivity, and Function Selectivity and Molecular Dynamics of Cycloaddition Reactions Meng Zhang History/ Roy Bin Wong Victoria Yuiwen Yu Timber Trade along the Yangzi River: Market, Biomedical Physics/ Ke Sheng Institutions, and Environment, 1750-1911 Improving Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) Radiotherapy Outcome through Personalized Shu ZhangJo Biological Modeling and Optimization Civil Engineering/ Shaily Mahendra Biodegradation of 1,4-Dioxane in Co- Gabriel Roberto Zaourak Contaminant Mixtures Economics/ Ariel Tomas Burstein & Lee Ohanian Wenbo Zhou Essays on Financial Crises and Misallocation Economics/ Aaron Tornell Essays on Exchange Rates

54 Yubin Zhou Environmental Health Sciences/ Irwin H. Suffet The Identification, Analysis, and Treatment of Odor Nuisance Released from Wastewater Treatment Plants

Wei Zhu Mathematics/ Stanley J. Osher Nonlocal Variational Methods in Image and Data Processing

Boback Ziaeian Health Policy and Management/ Gerald F. Kominski & Michael K. Ong An Evaluation of National Heart Failure Hospitalizations

Mary Catherine Zide Biomedical Engineering/ Alex Anh-Tuan Bui & Corey Wells Arnold Patient-Centered Visualization for Personal Health Records

Jennifer Zieba Human Genetics/ Deborah Krakow Discovering the Pathophysiology and Molecular Origins of Spondylocarpotarsal Synostosis Syndrome Using a Murine Model

Bahman Zohour Chemical Engineering/ Selim M. Senkan Catalysis for C1 Chemistry: Oxidative Coupling of Methane Using Nanofiber Catalysts and Discovery of Catalysts for Atmospheric Reduction of CO2 to Methanol

Lisa Yang, Physics and Biology in Medicine, passed away while pursuing her Ph.D. at UCLA. As we celebrate the doctoral candidates of 2017, let us also pay tribute to her life and her academic achievements.