Reviews / Comptes Rendus
REVIEWS / COMPTES RENDUS John Clarke, The Ordinary People needs, which reflected their interest in of Essex: Environment, Culture, and continuity and stability even as they built Economy on the Frontier of Upper new homes in a sometimes strange coun- Canada (Montreal and Kingston: McGill- try. Bound by religious and ethnic ties, Queen’s University Press 2010) they attempted to cluster together and, if there were a critical mass of popula- The Ordinary People of Essex is an tion (as there was for French and English exhaustive study of the ways in which Canadians, Americans, and Germans), people shaped the land and the land married within their own ethnic and re- shaped settlement in Essex County from ligious groups. As Clarke points out, the the early to the mid-19th century. Author best land was not always the most pro- John Clarke, Distinguished Research ductive land. Settlers preferred land in Professor of historical geography at proximity to settlements, kin, or those Carleton University, has written a suc- who shared cultural or ethnic roots to cessful follow-up to his Land, Power, provide maximum support for their fam- and Economics on the Frontier of Upper ilies. Most settlers found that land was Canada (2002). With 738 pages, includ- affordable and obtained a patent in ap- ing 470 pages of text, 141 pages of notes, proximately eight years. dozens of tables and maps, and 34 pages The role of origins (defined broadly of appendices, The Ordinary People of as ethnic, social, and distinct cultural Essex represents the scholarly mastery group) is central to the book.
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