WIND ENVIRONMENT STATEMENT WEST MELBOURNE WATERFRONT PRECINCT WC721-01F02(REV2)- WS REPORT 16 SEPTEMBER 2015 Prepared for: WMW Developments Pty Ltd C/- Perri Projects Level 10, 60 Albert Road South Melbourne VIC 3205 Attention: Ms Lucy Simms WINDTECH Consultants Pty Ltd ABN 72 050 574 037 Melbourne Office: Suite 218, 87 Gladstone Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia P +61 3 9329 5132 E
[email protected] W Sydney (Head Office) | Abu Dhabi | London | Melbourne | Mumbai | New York | Shanghai | Singapore DOCUMENT CONTROL Non- Reviewed & Issued Prepared By Instructed By Date Revision History Issued Authorised by Revision (initials) (initials) Revision (initials) 01/09/2015 Initial - 0 KP TR KP 08/09/2015 Comments - 1 KP TR KP 15/09/2015 Comfort Criteria - 2 KP TR KP 16/9/2015 Comments 3 KP TR KP The work presented in this document was carried out in accordance with the Windtech Consultants Quality Assurance System, which is based on International Standard ISO 9001. This document is issued subject to review and authorisation by the Team Leader noted by the initials printed in the last column above. If no initials appear, this document shall be considered as preliminary or draft only and no reliance shall be placed upon it other than for information to be verified later. This document is prepared for our Client's particular requirements which are based on a specific brief with limitations as agreed to with the Client. It is not intended for and should not be relied upon by a third party and no responsibility is undertaken to any third party without prior consent provided by Windtech Consultants Pty Ltd.