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Here They Appear) for Non-Commercial Use Or Use Sincere Thanks and Acknowledgement Also Go To: Within Your Organisation Massage Therapy Code of Practice association of massage therapists page 2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This Code of Practice would not have come into © Association of Massage Therapists Ltd being without the effort, commitment and energy of a number of people. Special acknowledgement This material is copyright © Association of Massage is due to Rebecca Barnett, Tamsin Rossiter and Therapists Ltd (AMT). You may download, store in Desley Scott who researched and wrote most of the cache, display, print and reproduce the material in standards contained in this document. unaltered form only (retaining this notice, or links to it where they appear) for non-commercial use or use Sincere thanks and acknowledgement also go to: within your organisation. You may not deal with the material in a manner that might mislead or deceive • Alan Ford and Linda Hunter, any person. who drafted three of the Standards in the Code You may not reproduce this material without • Beth Wilson and Grant Davies acknowledging AMT's authorship. (Office of the Health Services Commissioner, Victoria) and Professor Michael Ward (Health Quality Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright and Complaints Commission, Queensland) who Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests for provided invaluable feedback and insight further authorisation should be directed to: • Colin Rossie, whose research and contributions Association of Massage Therapists Ltd to the Code of Practice Wiki helped to maximise PO Box 826 stakeholder engagement in the process Broadway NSW 2007 P: 02 9211 2441 • Annette Cassar and Jodee Shead, E: [email protected] who assisted in the review process • Linda White, Paul Lindsay and Katie Snell, who proofed the document • All those who took the time to read the draft Code and provide feedback. Designed by Claudia Iacovella Graphic Designer Email: [email protected] M: 0417 073 383 page 3 CONTENTS About AMT 5 AMT Code of Ethics 6 Massage Therapy Code of Practice - Delivering quality care to Australian consumers 7 AMT Standard - Complaint Handling 15 AMT Standard - Professional Boundaries 19 AMT Standard - Draping 23 AMT Standard - Informed Consent 27 AMT Standard - Breast Massage 31 AMT Standard - Privacy and Confidentiality 35 AMT Standard - Record Keeping 39 AMT Standard - Issuing Receipts 45 AMT Standard - Advertising 49 AMT Standard - Infection Control and Hygiene 53 AMT Standard - Work Health and Safety 57 AMT Standard - Dry Needling 63 AMT Standard - Treatment of Minors 67 page 4 ABOUT AMT The Association of Massage Therapists (AMT) is a national, not-for-profit association representing qualified Massage Therapists and Massage Therapy Students. Established in 1966, AMT is the oldest association in Australia to represent massage therapy in its own right and the premier representative body for professional therapists. Vision Australians have access to safe, ethical and evidence-informed massage therapy treatment within the Australian health care system. Our mission is to: ● Support our members ● Professionalise practice ● Educate and inform the public and other healthcare professionals AMT values Best practice Participation Leadership Openness Client focus We support We encourage We have We strive We put quality our members our members set the agenda for the and safety of care to deliver to connect for industry highest standards at the heart of evidence informed, and engage with advocacy of transparency our agenda skilled and colleagues since 1966 and accountability ethical care page 5 code of ethics As a member of the Association of Massage Therapists, I commit myself to the highest standards of practice: I will: • care for the health, wellbeing and comfort of my clients with the utmost skill appropriate to my current qualifications • respect the privacy, modesty and dignity of my clients and maintain appropriate professional boundaries • respect the beliefs, rights and values of my clients • protect the confidentiality of my clients’ personal information • refer clients to an appropriate therapist if their needs are outside my scope of practice and training • respect my fellow therapists in all disciplines • commit myself to continuing professional development, sharing technical skills and raising professional standards • endeavour to enhance the reputation of the massage therapy profession • support the Association of Massage Therapists in all its ideals, principles, codes and standards • refrain from conduct that adversely affects the reputation of the Association of Massage Therapists or the massage profession • comply with the AMT Code of Practice and all applicable State, Territory and Federal laws Massage Therapy Code of Practice Delivering quality care to Australian consumers Massage Therapy Code of Practice - Delivering quality care to Australian consumers page 7 © Association of Massage Therapists Ltd INTRODUCTION In developing this Code of Practice, AMT is honouring its commitment to protect the public and The massage therapy standards contained in this serve its members, by promoting the safe and ethical Code have been set down by the Association practice of massage therapy. The Code should serve of Massage Therapists Ltd (AMT) to provide a as a reference for: formal framework for the safe and ethical practice of Massage Therapy in Australia, and to assist • Therapists – to better understand their ethical, practitioners in applying risk management policies legal and professional obligations and procedures in their clinic or workplace. • Educators – to incorporate in the delivery of The Standards have been formalised to help Health Training Package qualifications practitioners understand and meet their • Allied health professionals – to assist in professional duty of care. In the context of massage making appropriate health referrals therapy practice, duty of care pertains to the massage therapist’s ethical and legal obligation to • Disciplinary bodies – to provide a benchmark avoid acts or omissions that are likely to cause against which complaints can be assessed harm to their clients. It is the appropriate and responsible application of professional knowledge, • Legal authorities – to inform criminal and civil skill and integrity. investigations and proceedings In the context of massage therapy practice, • The public – to empower clients to professional misconduct is defined as a violation assess the quality of their care against an of these ethical standards – a failure to meet or a objective framework. breach of this Code of Practice. The Code clearly and The Massage Therapy Code of Practice is a living comprehensively sets out AMT’s position if called document that will evolve in line with changes in upon to give Expert Witness evidence in court cases practice and legislation. for criminal negligence or assault. It is the massage therapist’s responsibility to formulate a risk management framework around the standards articulated in this Code of Practice. page 8 Massage Therapy Code of Practice - Delivering quality care to Australian consumers © Association of Massage Therapists Ltd LEGISLATIVE CONTEXT Victoria • Health Records Act 2001 Massage therapy is currently self-regulated in Australia. There is no Statute or Act that applies solely • Health Complaints Act 2016 or specifically to the practise of massage. • Working with Children Act 2005 • Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 However, massage therapists are accountable • Code of Conduct for General Health Services under the following statutory codes and legislative instruments: Queensland • Health Ombudsman Act 2013 Federal • Child Protection Act 1999 • The Privacy Act 1988 • National Code of Conduct for Health Care • Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Workers (Queensland) Act 2017 • Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (which South Australia includes the Australian Consumer Law) • Health and Community Services Complaints • Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Act 2004 • Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011 • Children and Young People (Safety) Act 2017 • Fair Work Act 2009 • SA Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health • Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights Practitioners NSW Western Australia • Public Health Act 2010 • Health Services (Conciliation and Review) Act 1995 • Health Care Complaints Act 1993 • Information Privacy Bill 2007 • Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 • Working with children (Criminal Record Checking) Act 2004 • Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 • Health and Disability Services (Complaints) Act 1995 • NSW Code of Conduct for Unregistered Health Practitioners • Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 • Occupational Safety and Health ACT Regulations 1996 • Health Act 1993 Tasmania • Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 • Health Complaints Act 1995 • Children and Young People Act 2008 • Children, Young Persons and their Families Act 2013 • Working with Vulnerable People (Background Checking) Act 2011 Northern Territory • Human Rights Commission Act 2005 • Health and Community Services Complaints Act 1998 • Health and Community Services Complaints Regulations 1998 • Code of Health and Community Services Rights and Responsibilities • Care and Protection of Children Act 2007 Massage Therapy Code of Practice - Delivering quality care to Australian consumers page 9 © Association of Massage Therapists Ltd SCOPE OF PRACTICE EDUCATION STANDARDS The practice of massage therapy is the purposeful, Massage therapists have: respectful and evidence-informed application of touch, manual techniques and biopsychosocial
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