Issue #19 Quarterly Jul/Aug/Sept Warp Domain Chronicles 

Brent Spiner In St: Enterprise’s Next Season According to Marina Sirtis, the lovely Deanna Troi from ": The Next Generation," one of her former colleagues Brent Spiner will be appearing in a 3 episode arc, where Spiner will play a great-great-great-ancestor. The idea reportedly came from none other that Robert Picardo, who had pitched the idea of this to Braga. Picardo said “When I spoke to my pal Brent Spiner yesterday, I found out they're doing exactly the same story with Data in a three-part episode, which he and I both thought was a remarkable coincidence."

STAR TREK STAR SCOTTY ILL The actor who played Scotty in TV's Star Trek has Alzheimer's disease. James Doohan, 84, also has Parkinson's disease, diabetes, lung fibrosis and suffered a bout of pneumonia. His Wife Wende,47, said: "With Jimmy it's the loss of words. He is not so sick yet that he doesn't know people. "And there are times when he is as sharp as a tack. But it's the older memories that stick. "What he had for breakfast might be an iffy thing, but golly he could tell you all about how he got the part in Star Trek." Jimmy's character was told on the US Enterprise: "Beam Me Up Scotty." A tribute to the actor is to take place in Hollywood next month.

BeBeBermanBe rman Revealed Season Four Details Star Trek: Enterprise executive producer today said last season's cliffhanger will be resolved within the first few episodes of season four.

"We've already mapped out the first six or seven episodes, in a general sense," Berman said in issue 116 of Star Trek Magazine. "We've got a story beat out for the first episode. The Xindi arc will be resolved within the first three episodes.

After almost a season of taking a backseat to the Xindi arc, the Temporal Cold War will heat up again when Star Trek: Enterprise returns for its fourth season in September.

Instead of a storyline that unfolds over the course of an entire year, season four will be comprised of a series of "very high- concept mini-arcs", Berman said. On the other hand, we don't feel that we want to go back to the season one and season two concept of 'we're out there exploring space,' period."

Former writer Manny Coto, who joined the Enterprise staff as co-executive producer last season, will take a more active role in the creative direction of the series. Coto has been working with Berman and executive producer to map out these arcs, which "will run two, three, maybe four episodes".

"We've got a couple of them that I think are going to have some big surprises and things that will hearken back to perhaps The Original Series. We'll bring in some actors, and possibly some characters, that are very familiar to our audience."

To read the full interview, pick up issue 116 of Star Trek Magazine, on sale from July 15.

B5 Creator Pitches Trek Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski told fans on a B5 Usenet group that he and Dark Skies creator Bryce Zabel have put together an idea for a new Star Trek series, which he said would revive the ailing franchise. "I got together [with Zabel] and wrote a treatment earlier this year that specified how to save [Star Trek] and develop a series that would restore the series in a big way," Straczynski wrote. "I actually think it could be a hell of a show. Whether that ever goes anywhere with Paramount, who knows?"

Straczynski added that Paramount called him last year to accept an executive producer position on the currrent Trek series, Enterprise, in its upcoming fourth season, but that he declined. "The series I mentioned has nothing to do with any current series," he added. "It's a new show."

Manny Coto, who created Showtime's SF series Odyssey 5, will take over Enterprise next year as show runner. "As for Manny, he's a good writer, and left to his own devices, I think he could be a big help over there without the other powers-that-be impeding the process," Straczynski said.

Issue #19 Quarterly Jul/Aug/Sept

To subscribe send $12.00 to Editor John Miller Warp Domain Chronicles PO Box 351 PO Box 351 2nd Page News Lafayette, Co 80026 Lafayette, Co 80026

Voyager Star In Sex Scandal Former Star Trek: Voyager star Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) alleged that she was pressured to have sex in front of other patrons at swingers' clubs in New York, Paris and New Orleans by her ex-husband, Illinois Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jack Ryan, according to newly released divorce documents reported on Web site. The allegation is contained in nearly 400 pages of records ordered released on June 21 by a Los Angeles Superior Court judge, who ruled on media requests to unseal documents from the Ryan case, the site reported.

Jeri Ryan leveled the charges in a court filing in connection with child custody proceedings in September 2000, the site reported. Jeri Ryan argued that she refused Jack Ryan's requests for public sex during the excursions, which included a trip to a New York club "with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling," according to the court documents.

Jack Ryan confirmed the trips with the actress, but described them simply as "romantic getaways," denying her claims that he sought public sex, the site reported. The politician has repeatedly claimed that his divorce file, portions of which were sealed in 2000 and 2001, contained no embarrassing information that would harm his chances against Democratic nominee Barack Obama. The Ryans were married in 1991 and, in November 1998, Jeri Ryan filed for divorce, citing "irreconcilable differences," the site reported.

Jolene Blalock Returns Through The SStarGatetarGate And SG-1 will deal further with the Jaffa rebellion, including reprising the character of Ishta, played by Star Trek: Enterprise's Jolene Blalock, who first appeared in the season-seven episode "Birthright."

Official Star Trek Las Vegas ConventionConvention,, July 2929----Aug.Aug. 1 Creation Entertainment will run the third annual Official Star Trek Las Vegas Convention, July 29-Aug. 1, at the Las Vegas Hilton, featuring Trek stars , Leonard Nimoy, Kate Mulgrew, Brent Spiner, Walter Koenig, George Takei, Marina Sirtis, Nana Visitor, Robert Picardo, Linda Park, Anthony Montgomery and Alice Krige, among others. Patrick Stewart's (Jean-Luc Picard) behaviour on the Next Generation set is the subject of TV Guide 's latest Televisionary column.

Excerpts from an interview with Kate Mulgrew (Kathryn Janeway) from issue 119 of Dreamwatch magazine can be found at Sci-Fi Pulse . The actress recalled her time on Voyager , saying the series "has a wonderful shine that I don't think will ever fade". Birthdays UEFKQSYZU JUL 01 - Dominic Keating (Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, ENT) Sev Trek JUL 02 - Brock Peters (Admiral, ST4-6, Sisko's Dad DS9) JUL 09 - Linda Park (Ensign Hoshi Sato, ENT) JUL 13 - Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard, TNG/DS9) JUL 16 - Camille Saviola JUL 23 - Ronny Cox ( Edward Jellico, TNG ) JUL 26 - Nana Visitor (Major Kira Nirys/The Intendant, DS9) JUL 29 - Wil Wheaton (Ensign Wesley Crusher, TNG) JUL 29 - David Warner (Chancellor Gorkon, STVI/TNG) - - - - - AUG 07 - Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko, DS9) AUG 08 - Catherine Hicks ( Gillian Taylor, STIV ) AUG 12 - Jane Wyatt ( Amanda, TOS/STIV) AUG 16 - Josh Clark AUG 19 - Gene Roddenberry ( Star Trek Creator ) AUG 19 - Jonathan Frakes (Cmdr. William T. Riker, TNG/DS9/VOY) AUG 19 - Diana Muldaur (Doctor Kathrine Pulaski, TNG/TOS) AUG 21 - Kim Catrall ( Valeris, STVI ) AUG 24 - Jennifer Lien (Medical Assistant Kes, VOY) - - - - - SEP 03 - Merritt Butrick, ( David Marcus, STII/STIII ) SEP 07 - Corbin Bensen, ( Q2, TNG ) SEP 11 - Roxann Biggs-Dawson, (Lt. B'Ellana Torres, VOY) SEP 14 - Walter Koenig (Cmdr. Pavel Chekov, TOS) SEP 14 - Bruce Hyde (Lt. Kevin Riley, TOS) SEP 23 - Rosalind Chao (Botanist Keiko O'Brien, TNG/DS9)

Issue #19 Quarterly Jul/Aug/Sept

Gowron’s Gamers Cronos Critique Gambit Cronos Critique Chronicles 19 So, having watched the new movie King Arthur, all of what I know of the legend is thrown out of the window. It is gone with a blip at the beginning of the movie claiming of new archeological evidence which shows the true story of King Arthur, which of course, is never revealed. In this version, Arthur is pressed into the service of Rome as a young boy. The movie takes place fifteen years later. He and his severely depleted Round Table of six knights have completed their supposed last tour of duty guarding Hadrian's Wall required of them by Rome. Arthur's knights are young, pagan horsemen from Samaria, who cannot return home without safe passage papers from Rome. Before Arthur and his Knights can be released from service, the Bishop who carries their release papers also brings the news that Arthur and his men have one final mission to complete: they must cross Hadrian's Wall to face the blue-painted tribes to the North led by the sorcerer-warrior, Merlin, in order to retrieve a noble Roman family, a sort of Saving Private Roman . The hitch is that Rome is abandoning Britain to the conquest-hungry Saxons who are landing on the island's shores. Excalibur, which is carried by Arthur in the movie, was pulled from his father’s grave by a young Arthur in defense of his family. Needless to say, Arthur rescues a damsel (Guinevere, who struts around in a leather bikini), skirmishes with the Saxons, learns that the Rome of his dreams no longer exists, and, by the time the drums herald the final battle, finds a new mission in life as King of the Britons during the last two minutes of the movie. Those looking for the familiar King Arthur's legend -- the silvery arm holding Excalibur aloft, the search for the Grail, and the illicit love between Lancelot and Guinevere -- should head to the library or the video store. Those in search of the true stories behind King Arthur

and his knights of the Round Table can look to Celtic, Scottish, Welsh, Roman and Assyrian ACROSS DOWN legends. But those looking for some memorable battle scenes and some attractive, and I 3. Blue Skins Race 1. Tpol is One. mean attractive, actors without too much plot to slow things down can fill up the popcorn 5. Doctor 2. The First Ship With This Name bucket and sit back for some summer entertainment. 6. Weapons Guy 4. Blue Skin Commander 7. They Wiggle Now 8. Sexy Your Cronos Critiquer 10. Engineer Guy 9. Captain Jennifer Strand

Klingon Kooks Korner Plato’s Poets Pieces Klingon Kooks Korner In this spot you shall find recipes from the following site. A warriorùs Blade Durani Lizard Skins The weapon it is made of Steel Prepared skins of the durani lizard are often found aboard Klingon ships. They were first Itùs strong and smooth and cannot feel. discovered by the survivors of a ill fated mission to the Durani system. ( "Star Trek: It finds itùs strength in itùs masters hands, KLINGON") From the Who takes care where it lands. CD, the skins looked more like french cut green beans, but in the image I found (seen to the right), they resemble broccoli stalks. The Weapon screams when it is used Asparagus And never should it be abused. A thing of beauty, it is made Ingredients Preparation

A Klingon batleth , a warriorùs blade. 2 lbs. Asparagus Rinse asparagus under cold water and drain thoroughly. Trim tough ends. Place asparagus in a steamer basket over boiling Mystic_Vampyr water. Cover saucepan and steam 5 minutes or until bright green and tender Serves 4

Issue #19 Quarterly Jul/Aug/Sept Stuck Online Deep Thoughts 9 Do you Know of a good Web Site? Star Trek Hot Sauce Brands Email us at [email protected] . If you have any suggestions to add (originals only, please), let me know! This is the Warp Domain Home. 10. Horta Juice House Vampyr Warp Domains Official 9. Klingon Woman Scorned Klingon House 8. Tucker, With Muscles Bulging 7. Bottled Vulcan Desert in Summer about 2 PM 6. Seven of Sixty-Nine Potion 5. Lights of Zet-ouch! Need a prop or other Sci-fi related item 4. Warp Core Breach Brew go there. 3. Dubious Flirtation with Nuclear Fission 2. Evil Alternative Universe "Cooling Mist" News Links 1. Too Spicy, Mon Capitaine? Trek Today News about Trek.

SyFy Portal Back After Server Crash Classifieds House Vampyr and Warp Domain have

XENOBIOLOGY begun a fundraising campaign using EcoCell. The program is pretty simple if mary/xeno/xeno.html you have any old Cell Phone or Pager lying around, before you put them in a landfill, Star Trek Fonts send them to us. We will send them to Eco cell to recycle them. Condition does not matter. Send to House Vampyr Eco Cell PO STARTREK.COM Box 351, Lafayette, Co 80026

For Trade: Hallmark Ornament USS Enterprise This is this first Star Trek :WWW ornament released from Hallmark. Will trade for The following: I am looking for Actual props used on any of the Star Trek shows.

Star Trek Experince Email [email protected] . To list a classified Write PO Box 351, Lafayette, Co 80026. Want your club listed email us!!!!! Cost is $2.00 For 20 Words. If you have links I will see if I can fit ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺ [email protected] them in. Andorian Aliens Database Cardasian Conventions This is a new feature that will describe the various aliens of the Conventions for Jan, Feb and Mar. Star Trek Universe. And to start with In the Denver Area Andorians Andorians are blue-skinned humanoids with white hair. Their slim builds conceal the well-muscled bodies of warriors. Nan Desu Kan - Denver - September 2004 – They have a pair of knobbed antennae extending from the sides of the crown of the head. These "antennae'' are actually Anime extensions of their sinus cavities, giving the Andorians a great sensitivity to minute variations in pressure and temperature. They have an elevated aural sensitivity and an enormously MileHiCon – Denver –October 2004 enhanced sense of smell. The actual receptors are situated within the depressions at the tips of the ``antennae'' and are protected by the hard cartilaginous tissue that keeps the ``antennae'' rigid. Their visual acuity is also well above normal standards. Andorians are somewhat thinner than most humans, but weigh equivalently, and are somewhat faster in movement and reaction time. Here is a real good link to find a con near you. To Learn more Visit Lost Races of TOS. The Following is the Andorian alphabet ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ