Laco, Kelly (OPA) From: taco, Kelly (OPA} Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2018 2:00 PM To: Kupec, Kerri (OPA) Subject: RE: Is the Religious Liberty Task Force continuing? Copy. Kelly Laco Office of Public Affairs Department of Justice Office: 202-353-0173 Cell·- From: Kupec, Kerri (OPA) Sent: Thursday, November 8, 201.81:58 PM To: Lace, Kelly (OPA}<
[email protected]> Subject: RE: Is the Religious Liberty Task Force continuing? Say business as ljSUal - no further info at this point. From: Laco, Kelly (OPA) Sent: Thursday, November 8, 20181:49 PM To: Kupec, Kerri (OPA) (b) (6) Subject: FW: Is the Religious liberty Task Force continuing? (b)(5) Kelly Laco Office of Public Affairs Department of Justice Office: 202-353-0173 Cell:mmJIII, From: Dominic Holden <
[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, November 8, 201810:56 AM To: Laco, Kelly (OPA) <klaco@> Subj ect: Isthe Religious Liberty Task. Force continuing? IR Kelly. I'm wondering ifthe Religious Liberty Task Force that Sessions announced earlier this year is still mo,'lllg forward under AAG Whitaker. Who ,vill be the chair, ifnot Sessions? Any other info you can share? Thanks! Document ID: 0.7.24299.67111 20200218-0000618 Dominic Holden IPolitical Reporter IBuzzFeed Desk: IMobile~ IfCldominicholden 111 East 18th St, New York, l\lY 10003 Document ID: 0.7.24299.67111 20200218-0000619 Laco, Kelly (OPA) From: taco, Kelly (OPA} Sent: Thursday, November 8, 2018 11:09 AM To: Kupec, Kerri (OPA) Subject: FW: Is the Religious Liberty Task Force continuing? (b)(5) Kelly l ace Offi ce of Public Affairs Department of Justice Offi ce: 202-353-0173 Cell:W>mJIII From: Dominic Holden <
[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, November8, 201810:56 AM To: Lace, Kelly (OPA) <klaco@j> Subject: Is the Religious Liberty Task Force continuing? Document ID: 0.7.24299.67073 20200218-0000623 Kupec, Kerri (OPA) From: Kupec, Kerri {OPA) Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 6:45 PM To: Laco, Kelly (OPA) Subject:.