1. Ameen M. Ahmed, Byzantine Influences of the Ottoman Architecture of Greece: the Case of the Mosques at Nafpaktos 23 Ameen M
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1. Ameen M. Ahmed, Byzantine Influences of the Ottoman Architecture of Greece: the case of the Mosques at Nafpaktos 23 Ameen M. Ahmed, Bu^avxwec; em5pdoeic; oxqv OOwuaviKq ApxixeiaoviKq xqq EAAd5aq: q nepinxcooq xcov x^auicov xqc; NaunaKxou 46 2. ApßavCxq I. Euapdyöq, O uexaßuc^avxivdc; vadc; TOU Ayiou Fewpyiou orov Ayio Icodvvq Kuvoupiaq: auvonxiKq napouoiaoq xou uvqueiou mi xou 8iKovoypaq)iKov5 xou npoypduuaxoq 47 Arvaniti I. Smaragdi, The Post-Byzantine Church of Saint George at the Village of Saint John, Arcadia, Peloponnese; Preliminary Presentation of the Monument and its Iconographical Program 85 3. Bdoaq 'OAya, O Seuxepoq Kxqxopaq xqc; Flavayiac; Kpqvaq oxq Xio: napaxqpqaeiq ue acpopuq uia avaoKaq>iKq epeuva 87 Vassi Olga, The Second Donor ("Ktetor") of Panaghia Krena, Chios 106 4. Bacpeidöqq M. Kwvoxavxivoq, O ^ooypdcpoq T^copx^qq Kai oi xou veou KaBoAiKou xou MeydAou Mexeopou (1552) 107 Vaphiadis M. Konstantinos, Le peintre Zorzis et la decoration murale du nouveau Katholikon au monastere du Grand Meteore (1552) 127 5. Auxuavxq FI. KaAAidnq, H napdaxaoq xou Scopqxq oxo vad xou Zcoxqpa oxq FapSevixoa xqq Meoa Mdvqq 129 Diamanti P. Kalliopi, La representation du donateur dans l'eglise du Sauveur a Gardenitsa en Magni occidental 140 6. EniTpondKqq I. Flepiavopoq, Movo^copec; KauapooKenaoxeq ßaaiAiKeq ue npoe^exov xctuqAd eyKdpoio KAixoq: iSidppuBuoi «oxaupenioxeyoi» xqc; npcoiuqq EvexoKpaxiaq oxqv Kpqxq 141 19 Epitropakis I. Periandros, Aisleless Cross Shaped Vaulted Basilicas with Lower Roofed Transept. An Unusual Early Venetian Architectural Type of Churches in the Island of Crete 152 7. ©eoxctpoTTOÜ/Unj Eipiivn, '0 ToixoypoicpiKOs 5io.Koan.os TOX) vaou TOO 'Ayiov Twdvvn npoöpö^iou oinv 'ETUGKOTOI, IleSi,d8as 153 Theocharopoulou Irene, Les peintures murales de l'eglise de Saint-Jean le Precurseur a Episkopi de la province Pediada, a Heraklion, Crete 184 8. KaXacpctir) KaAAidnq-<l>cu8pa, H napdoraoq Tqq BpecpoKTOvfaq orouq uexapu^avTivouq xpovouq F8 ctcpopuq uia eiKÖva TOU Bu^avrivou Koi XpioxiaviKou Mouoeiou 185 Kalafati Kalliopi-Phaidra, The Representation of the Massacre of the Innocents in the Post-Byzantine Period on the Occasion of an Icon in the Byzantine and Christian Museum, Athens 198 9. KovToyidvvqq A. NiKoq, To NiOKaorpb FIuAou ueaa and xa TCOV orpaTiWTiKcov ur|xaviKO)v TOU 17ou-19ou auova 199 Kontogiannis D. Nikos, The Fortress of Pylos (Niokastro) based on Military Architectural Plans of the 17th-19th Centuries 224 10. Mnapunapixoa EXevq, Ouuiairjpia Trjq 'Yoreprjq Bu^avrivfjq nepiö5ou (13oq-15oc; aiowaq) 225 Barmparitsa Eleni, The Censers of the Late Byzantine Period (13th-15th c.) 245 11. Mnou^a Nidßrj, napaiqprjoeiq oro vao TOU Ayiou LTeTpov! orqv Kaordvia MeoarjvictKrjc; Mdvqq 247 Mpouza Niovi, Observations on the Church of St. Peter at Kastania in Messenian Mani 266 12. MnpouoKccpq 'Eporj, L(ppayi'5a dpTou naAaioxpioriaviKo'w xpovcov and TI]V KCO 267 Brouskari Ersi, Early Christian Breadstamp from Kos 279 13. OiKovduou Motpidvvcc, H napaywyrj oivou Kai eAaiou arq uovq Ayuov Flavrcov Axataq (1728) 281 Oikonomou Marianna, Wine and Olive Oil Processing in the Monastery ofAgioi Pantes (1728), Achaia 296 14. ndAAqq Ficopyoq, Mvqueia oöfouaviKfjq apxiTEKToviKfjc; oro voud Oöiomöac;: uia xonoypaq)iKfi enioKonqaq 297 20 Pallis Georgios, Monuments of Ottoman Architecture in the Prefecture of Pthiotis 317 15. Flanayecopyiou T^ouAia, H aneiKÖvior[ TOU ayiou Icodvvrj TOU Flpoöpduou oro vaö xqq Zcoo86)(ou Flrjyfjc; oro Kaorpo FepaKiou AotKowiaq: q e^eAi^q xrjq eiKovoypaqnac; Trjc; uopcpfjq orirv naÄaioAöyeia Kai npcoiurj ueTaßu^avrwfj ^(oypaqnKfj 319 Papageorgiou Julia, The Representation of Saint John the Baptist in the Church of Virgin Zoodochos Pege in the Medieval Fortress of Gerald in Laconia and the Development of the Iconography of the Saint in the Painting of the Palaiologan and the Early Post-Byzantine Period 338 16. Flapavrj F. Mapia, To apxneKxoviKÖ ßdBoq crto epyo TOU c/oypdcpou <J>iAinnou FouA: uepiKeq OKeipevq 341 Parani G. Maria, Some Thoughts on the Architectural Backgrounds in the Work of the Painter Philippos Goul 367 17. rieppdKns M. 'Icodvvns, 2A)YKPmi<£s eiKOVoypacpiKss Jtapatripnaeis aid epya TOÜ öeocpdvn Kai TOT) epyaoTnpiou tov T^icopT^n, ae xov XpioToAoyiKoij KTJKAOU 369 Perrakis M. Ioannis, Comparative Iconographic Remarks on Theophanes's Works of Giorge's Workshop, on Scenes of the Christological Cycle 392 18. FIpo£ordKrj HavBrj, H naAaid uovfj TOW Ta^iap)(c6v oro STeq)dvi KopivGiaq 393 Proestaki Xanthi, The Old Monastery of Taxiarches at Stefani, Korinthia 430 19. SctKeAAdKou XpuodvOq, SuAAoyq FI. IcoavvtSq and TI] Pd8o: Ta nivoKia Ti5nou Iznik 431 Sakellakou Chrisanthi, The Ioannides Collection from Rhodes: the Iznik Plates 452 20. XKO')TTII Tepipixopq-FIaipiTOia, H "Opaaisrov Ttpocpnrov AavinA (Av. CJ-14) orrj ßu^avTivfj Te^vt] 453 Skotti Terpsichori-Patricia, The Vision of the Prophet Daniel (Dan. VII) in Byzantine Art 470 21. TodKa Katepiva, nopaxrjpfjaeic; OTIC; aneiKovioeic; TOU öpdKovroq OE napaordaeiq Tqq ueooßu^cxvrivrjq Te^vqc; 473 Tsaka Katerina, Notes on Dragon Representations in Middle Byzantine Art 494 22. Toe:AiyKa-AvxoupdKq Ayopfroa, O KUKAOC; TOU ßißAiou Tqc; orq uovrj Ayuov TeoaapdKovxa AaKtovioq, epyo TOU Fecopyiou M(5oxou 495 21 Tseliga-Andouraki Agoritsa, The Genesis Iconographic Cycle in the Katholikon of the Monastery of Agioi Tessarakonda in Lakonia, a Creation Signed by Georgios Moschos 518 23. ToijinooKtjq A. Fetopyioc;, AqnepcoxiKec; emypacpeq mi unoypacpeq ^coypdqxov oe cpopqiec; eiKoveq xou 1 Sou Kai 19ou mcova and TO EKKÄnaiaauicd Mouaefo xnq Iepdq MqiponoAewq Aqjavou 519 Tsimpoukis D. Georgios, Dedicatory Inscriptions and Painters' Signatures on Portable Icons of the 18th and 19th Century from the Ecclesiastic Museum of the Holy Metropolis of Lemnos 535 24. Xpqori'ßou Avva, Epeuvwvtaq iqv loropia ueaa and dyvcoora ßu^avxivd auioKpatopiKa nopxpexa ae eKKÄqoieq xqq AAßaviaq 537 Christidou Anna, Rediscovering History through Unexplored Byzantine Imperial Portraits in South Albania 561 Eopexrjpio xdncov Km pvrjueiwv 565 Eupexqpio npooconcov 578 Eupexqpio avxiKeiuevcov 584 Eupexrjpio eiKovoypaqjiKd 589.