1 (29th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Thursday, the 4th March, 2021

21. *Mr. Naveed Aamir Jeeva: (Deferred during 27th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Registrar Office being a regulator, has taken notice that Bahria Enclave, a Housing Project of Bahria Town in Islamabad, has failed to give physical possession of plots to their legitimate allottees, who have deposited full payment of their plots, despite the lapse of several years; if so, the details thereof;

(b) did the Registrar Office make the administration of Bahria Enclave accountable in this regard; if so, the details thereof;

(c) the corrective measure being taken by the Registrar Office to compel the administration of Bahria Enclave to give physical possession of the plots to allottees at an earliest; and

(d) time by which, physical possession of the allotment of the above will be made to allottees?

Reply not received.

3. *Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: 2 (a) whether, Ministry or Human Rights Commission of has taken notice that large number of people languishing in jails as their appeals are pending in respective appellate forums;

(b) if so, the province and jail-wise number of such persons, who have been languishing in jails upon pendency of their appeals in respective appellate forums for the last three years or more; and

(c) what steps are being taken by Government to formulate a comprehensive policy with collaboration of Provincial Governments to pay fines of such persons and ensure their release from jails?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) Matter pertains to Human Rights Commission of Pakistan.

(b) The total number of criminals waiting for execution and prisoners convicted for life imprisonment in provincial governments are as under: ———————————————————————————————————————— Punjab Sindh Balochistan KPK Total ———————————————————————————————————————— Province wise number of prisoner 7617 1322 73 360 9732 whose appeals are pending before Hon Supreme Court, Military Court, High Court and Federal Shariat Court, and President of Pakistan from Last three years or more ———————————————————————————————————————— (c) In this regard a committee has been constituted by the Government consisting of following to examine such cases:

a. Commissioner of the concerned Division (Chairman).

b. Representative of Home Department not below the rank of Deputy Secretary (Member).

c. Representative of the Prosecution Department not below the rank of Deputy Prosecutor General (Member).

d. Superintendent of the Jail (Member / Secretary). 3 This committee will decide whether the Fine / Diyat / Daman / Arsh should be paid or not from Government / Public Exchequer after assessing the financial status of the prisoner and nature of the crime committed by him. Philanthropists are also engaged to pay the fines of deserving prisoners.

During the financial year 2018­2019, the Provincial Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provided funds for release of those prisoners who are languishing in Jails due to non­payment of Diyat, Arsh, Daman, compensation & fine etc. the funds were accordingly utilized for the purpose, owing to which an amount Rs. 6951755/­ was incurred for the purpose and total 20 Nos prisoners were released from Jails in the regard.

Rs. 8,296,595/­ paid by the Balochistan government for (05) five prisoners.

121. *Mrs. Shahida Akhtar Ali: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Assistant Commissioner (City) has been appointed as Inquiry Officer by the Deputy Commissioner, Islamabad to probe fraud committed in Jammu and Kashmir Housing Society Zone-II, Islamabad;

(b) if so, the detail of cases for which responsibility has been given to him alongwith the number of meetings held with respective dates so far in this regard;

(c) the names of officers participated therein alongwith other details thereof; and

(d) the detail of amount misappropriated in these cases alongwith the time by which inquiry will be finalized and the time by which possession of G-15/4, Islamabad main roads, pockets would be got cleared?

Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day. 4 85. *Ms. Mussarat Rafiq Mahesar:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) according to global cyber security firms such as Symantec, Pakistan is among the ten most targeted countries for cyber- attacks in the world;

(b) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government to cope with this threat; and

(c) the National Policy framed on this issue, if not, the reason thereof?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) With the advent of 3G/4G, and other broadband technologies the number of internet users has increased, hence Pakistan is no exception of cyber attacks along­with many other advance countries.

This trend is also obvious from the increasing number of complaints received at the Cybercrime Wing FIA.

(b) The issue of cyber­attacks/security is multifaceted and a number of government entities including FIA/cybercrime Wing, PTA, NTISB and others are taking necessary steps in this regard.

 FIA/Cybercrime Wing under Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) 2016.

 Sessions/seminars for awareness among general public.

 Blocking of illegal content etc. under Section 37 of PECA 2016.

 Amendments in PECA 2016 have also been drafted to cover emerging threats and potential challenges.

(c) Cyber security policy is not the mandate of Ministry of Interior. The Ministry of IT and Telecom has formulated the Consultation Draft of National Cyber Security Policy 2021. 5 86. *Sheikh Rohale Asghar:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether the number of police personnels in Islamabad is less than the required number or it is sufficient for the desired purposes; and

(b) the total number of Police Stations and Police Check Posts in Islamabad?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) The current strength in the Capital is insufficient as the sanctioned number of Police Personnel in ICT are 11544 whereas the present number stands at 10183 (1361 less).

(b) A total number of 22 police stations and 04 check posts have been established to control the crime and law & order situation in Federal Capital.

87. *Mr. Naveed Aamir Jeeva:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that all Provincial District Judicial Officers particularly in BS-22 who are also Civil servants, are deprived from entitlement of official Passports;

(b) whether it is a fact that some of Judges of Provincial District- Judiciary have been granted special permission to acquire official Passport; if so, details of those who have obtained official Passports at present;

(c) what corrective measures are being taken by the Government to give entitlement of acquiring official passports to judges of provincial district judiciary who hold posts in BS-21 and 22 at present; and

(d) time by which, the such entitlement will be granted to aforesaid grades Judicial Officers in District Judiciary?

Reply not received. 6

88. *Dr. Nafisa Shah: Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the trafficking of drugs is increasing all over the country specially in educational institutes; and (b) what steps are being taken to protect the society from curse of drugs? Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Ijaz Ahmad Shah): (a) The alarming drug production in Afghanistan is the main factor influencing the drug situation not only in Pakistan but World over. Afghanistan is producing almost 85% of the total world opium and is the largest producer of cannabis. 30% of Afghan opiates / drugs transit through Pakistan. Being a transit country Pakistan is subjected to domestic spread / use of drugs, as well. The flow / smuggling of precursor chemicals to Afghanistan also pose serious challenges to Pakistan. Owing to porous border, poor border management and availability of numerous frequented and un­frequented routes, huge quantity of drugs is smuggled / proliferated into Pakistan from Afghanistan. The ever evolving drugs threat from Afghanistan and to a lesser extent from other parts of the world, needs constant evaluation for initiating response measures. (b) Within the meager resources, MNC/ANF has been implemented “Counter Narcotic Policy” strategy and has implemented two pronged strategies to counter narco drugs supply and addiction to the society through the country:— a. Drug Supply Reduction Prong. b. Drug Demand Reduction Prong. a. Following seizures have been made during 2020 in the surrounding areas of education institutions. Most of the education institutions were closed due to prevailing situation of COVID­19. —————————————————————————————— RD Case Seizure (in Kgs / Lits) Opium Heroin Ice Hashish —————————————————————————————— KP 2 0 0 0 0.158 North 4 0 0.600 0.050 0 Punjab 15 3.600 10.425 0 54.880 —————————————————————————————— Total 21 3.600 11.025 0.050 55.038 —————————————————————————————— 7 b. In the domain of drug demand reduction, on the vision of PM, “Drug Free Islamabad 2020” campaign is being launched throughout the year. In this regard joint operations followed by routine operations basis on information gathered from arrested individuals will be carried out with ICT Police Islamabad. a. FM-101. Dedicated time from 03:00 pm to 04:00 pm has been earmarked for MNC/ANF where masses are being given awareness on drug and its adverse effects. b. MNC/ANF in collaboration with Government of Sindh is running 3x Models Addictions Treatment’s Centres at Karachi, Sukkur and Hyderabad and 1 x Model Addiction Treatment Center at Islamabad. Since today 19954X addicts have been treated in different MATRCs by ANF, Free of Cost. c. Awareness activities carried out by the Ministry in educational institutions throughout the country attached at (Annex-A). Furthermore, More awareness activities are planned, however due to re­emergence of Covid­19 activities are at halt as and when educational institutions are re­opened activities will be resumed accordingly. d. To increase reach out support for youth, an app has been developed entitled “Zindagi” through which all inclusive information regarding drug hazards can be approached alongwith information of Treatment Facility e. M/o Narcotics took the matter with all provincial governments. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has included drug awareness chapters in curriculum from 6 to 8 grade. Anti Drug Awareness chapter has also been included in 9th class English subject of Punjab Curriculum & Textbook Board, Lahore. Moreover, Govt of Sindh has included drug awareness lessons from class 6­12. However, response from Govt. of Balochistan is still awaited.

f. A meeting of the State Minister for Narcotics Control with the owners of 24 private schools system held on 11th September, 2019 for creating awareness among the students in schools against the menace of drug use and its harmful effects on life. In this 8

context, the second phase of the meeting has been conducted on 3rd October, 2019 chaired by the State Minister for Narcotics Control with the owners of the private schools system to devise the strategy for coping with drug problem. Decisions attached at (Annex-B). (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

89. *Syed Mehmood Shah: Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that 3G and 4G Service is suspended in district Qallat and Sorab in accordance with the directives of the institutions under the administration of the Ministry of Interior;

(b) if so, whether above said institutions have reviewed/re-observed the situation in this regard; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof; and

(c) what steps are being taken by the Government to re-instate the 3G and 4G service in above said Districts like restoring 3G and 4G service in erstwhile FATA areas announced by the Prime Minister?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) Yes. 3G/4G services are suspended in District Qallat and Sorab due to security situation.

(b) The concerned agencies have been requested to review the situation and submit latest report in respect of District Qallat and Sorab.

(c) As above.

90. *Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact NADRA does not have an alternative mechanism to get thumb and fingers prints of those citizens, 9 whose thump and fingers prints cannot be registered in the system due to different medical reasons; if so, the reasons thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that due to non-availability of such alternative mechanism, large number of citizens have been facing hardships/difficulties to register themselves for availing different facilities, which include opening of a bank account, acquiring passport, verification at airports and obtaining mobile SIMS etc.;

(c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) above are in affirmative, then what steps are being taken by the Government to introduce an alternative mechanism for thumb and fingers verification for those citizens, who are helpless and can not register themselves due to such medical reasons?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) NADRA verify the following categories of individuals through information available in NADRA database:­

 Fully Amputated

 Partial Amputated

 Bandaged

 Problematic Fingerprints (Chronic skin disease, old age or faded fingerprints).

(b) Moreover, NADRA has also provided a solution to all Banks. Telcos and other related customers to use Verisys facility to verify such individuals where verification cannot be done through biometrics due to genuine reasons or technical issues. In this regard, instructions have also been forwarded to all customers including PTA and SBP vide HQ NADRA letter # PSD/Verisys/1/17 dated 23­06­2017 (Annex-A) and NADRA/CS/20/PM dated 12­07­2019 (Annex-B).

(c) Not applicable.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library) 10 91. *Ms. Zahra Wadood Fatemi:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Metro Bus Service connecting Rawalpindi and Islamabad is now in an extremely un-satisfactory state;

(b) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government in this regard?

Reply not received.

92. *Ms. Nasiba Channa:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total number of Passports which have been issued up till now in Pakistan?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): 49,954,585 Passports had been issued in Pakistan since 2004 to till date.

93. *Mr. Sher Akbar Khan:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the date on which rehabilitation/widening of Shakarparian Road will be started?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): it is stated that the tender work for dualization of Shakarparian Lok Virsa Road has been floated in year 2010­2011 but due to non­clearance of EPA as huge members of trees cutting was involved throughout the road length therefore the said work could not be executed. However, now estimate has been prepared for rehabilitation/ widening of Shakarparian road with increased width from 20 feet to 24 feet. Estimate is under approval and work will be taken in hand after approval and allocation of funds.

94. *Sardar Ayaz Sadiq:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) steps taken or being taken by the Division to prepare subject-wise list of titles of all laws and rules of subject matters 11 made with reference to business allocated to the said Division and its attached departments under the Rules of Business, 1973;

(b) present status of provision of subject-wise list of titles of said Laws/Rules;

(c) what steps have been taken by said Division to update consolidate/amend said Laws/Rules to keep pace with changes in modern Society; if so, details thereof; if not, reasons thereof;

(d) the steps taken or being taken by said Division to determine anomalies, inconsistencies and difficulties in the administration and implementation of said Laws and Rules; if so, details of the latest post legislative scrutiny of laws made by Division; and

(e) names of offices/branches appointed or designated in this regard?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a), (b), (c), (d) & (e) The details are annexed.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

95. *Mr. Kamal Uddin:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that complaints are not timely redressed in FIA Headquarters alongwith the action taken in the matter against Diary No.5476 dated 25-06-2020, Inquiry No.277-D; if not, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the time by which action will be taken on the said complaint alongwith the nature of action taken thereof?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) Complaints are being timely addressed in FIA; however, in the year 2020 due to COVID­19 there had been some delay which has been overcome now. The instant complaint (Diary No.5476) of Mr. Muhammad Jahangir Khan has been dealt in FIA. However, it was filed by the competent Zonal board on 11­08­2020 as the instant complaint did not fall within the ambit of FIA. 12 (b) The matter actually relates to the murder of the complainant’s son, allegedly committed in Karachi which falls in the domain of Sindh Police, hence FIA cannot take action on the same.

96. *Mr. Muhammad Afzal Khokhar:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state:

(a) whether Ministry itself or any other institution on behalf of Government has compiled a data of workers who were laid off from their respective jobs in foreign countries and returned to Pakistan since March, 2020 due to outbreak of Covid-19; if so, the details thereof;

(b) whether it is a fact that Government was planning to set up a portal for taking care of such workers;

(c) if so, whether such portal was set up; if yes, total number of persons who registered themselves on such portal, and how is Government extending its support to them; and (d) what steps are being taken in particular after the outbreak of Coved-19 to explore new markets of workforce for Pakistani workers? Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day.

97. *Ms. Zille Huma: Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the details of persons appointed in Ministry and its attached departments since 2018 to till? Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day.

98. *Ms. Fauzia Behram: Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to check and put ban on the various so called celebrations like Valentine Day and Black Friday in the country?

Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day. 13 99. *Engr. Sabir Hussain Kaim Khani:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of plots on the main double road of Sector G-15/4 in Jammu Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society, alongwith the size of each one and the number of plots out of the all above whose possession have/has yet not been handed over;

(b) the detail of plot numbers whose possession is not with society, alongwith name of the land owners;

(c) the detail of area of land in the name of owner, and since when the matter is pending in the court alongwith the detail of the petition numbers and name of the respective court etc.;

(d) when did contact was made for out of court settlement of the matter and whether the offer was made by the society to the land owner; and

(e) the detail of the demands of land owner and the number of plots transferred from F-Sector to G-15/4 alongwith the detail of each plot?

Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day.

100. *Mr. Muhammad Aslam Khan:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to Starred Question No.10 replied on 16-10-2020 and to state:

(a) details of persons, alongwith address of katchi abadi, whom plots were offered and allotted, separately, in Model Urban Shelter Project, Farash Town, Islamabad;

(b) whether the persons whom plots were allotted, have they occupied the same; if so, the details of vacated plots of the katchi abadi;

(c) detail of persons, whom plots were allotted in Farash Town but did not vacate the occupied piece of land in katchi abadi; 14

(d) whether any action has been taken against them; if so, the details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof;

(e) the date upon which a proposal of such allotments has been moved to competent authority;

(f) if yes, what action has been taken against the violators by the competent authority thereupon;

(g) whether it is a fact that size of katchi abadies has been rapidly increasing in the capital for the last many years;

(h) if so, what exclusive measures are being taken by the Government to take action against above persons in this regard?

Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day.

101. *Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel:

Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the role of Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) to arrange training programs for such athletes, who have either qualified or intend to qualify for Olympics;

(b) whether PSB have played such role for upcoming Olympics; if yes, details thereof; if not, the reasons thereof;

(c) the details of funds, reserved, released and utilized for the same since the inception of incumbent Government;

(d) whether it is a fact that funds were either lapsed or surrendered which were actually reserved for athletes trainings by PSB during the last two years; if so, the reasons thereof;

(e) the annual development and non-development budget of PSB of the last two financial years and details of re-appropriation made therein in such years; 15

(f) what steps are being taken by the Government to make PSB proactive for trainings of athletes and whether accountability of PSB is made on account on its failure in this regard;

(g) if so, details thereof; if not, reasons thereof?

Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination (Dr. Fehmida Mirza): (a) Ministry of Sports has been devolved in consequence of 18th Constitutional Amendment and the role of Federal Government/PSB has become limited.

It is pertinent to add here that Pakistan Sports Board has organized the training camps of Volleyball, Baseball, Athletics, Swimming, Kabaddi, Table tennis, Badminton, Boxing, Handball, Squash, Taekwondo, Tennis, Volleyball Beach, Weightlifting, Cycling, Karate, wrestling, Wushu & ju­jitsu sports during the financial year 2018­19 & 2019­20.

Pakistan Sports Board convened a meeting with the National Sports Federations concerned on 19th November 2020 whose athletes have qualified or in the race of qualification for participation in 32nd Olympic Games. In the meeting, the Secretaries of the Federations gave briefing regarding qualification of their athletes and proposed plan for qualification and participation in the Olympics. They were advised to submit training plan and expected expenditures for the purpose. Accordingly, they submitted their training plan along with the detail of expenditure.

The matter was placed before the Executive Committee of the PSB for consideration and approval. The Executive Committee decided to provide administrative, technical & financial support to the federations and approved the training plan of Athletics, Rifle/Shooting and Equestrian for Olympics 2021. The Federations, whom athletes are in the race of qualifications, will be provided administrative and all other possible support for participation in qualifying rounds.

(b) The concerned National Sports Federations are responsible for development and promotion of their respective sport disciplines in the country. PSB provide administrative technical & financial support to national sports federations. The following athletes have qualified for 32nd Olympic Games: 16 i. Mr. Arshad Nadeem ­ Javelin (Athlete) ii. Mr. Gulfam Joseph ­ 100 M Air Pistol (Shooter) iii. Mr. Khalil Akhtar ­ 25 M Rapid Air Pistol (Shooter) iv. Mr. Ghulam Mustafa Bashir ­ 25 M Rapid Air Pistol (Shooter) v. Mr. Usman Khan ­ Eventing (Equestrian)

Pakistan’s premier javelin thrower Arshad Nadeem has been training hard in Lahore for effective participation in the Tokyo Olympic Games. PSB will sponsor his foreign training at Kazakhstan. Hopefully, he will proceed to Kazakhstan, a world renowned training centre for training after lifting of boarder restrictions because of Covid­19.

Shooters are also imparting rigorous training at Jhelum and Karachi whereas equestrian player is undergoing hard training at Australia.

(c) The detail of funds reserved, released and utilized during the last two years i.e. 2018­19 & 2019­20 for the purpose is given below:­ ———————————————————————————————————— For the year 2018-19 (in Million) ———————————————————————————————————— Budget 10% Re­ Released Utilized Allocation Surrender/ appropriation for Austerity for cash preparation measures: incentive to of Olympics Sports person Games ———————————————————————————————————— 18.000 10.000 8.000 8.000 Nil ———————————————————————————————————— For the year 2019-20 (in Million) ———————————————————————————————————— 10.000 10.000 10.000 Nil ———————————————————————————————————— (d) No funds were lapsed however, as per adopting the Govt. policy of austerity measures, some head of accounts amounting to. Rs. 47,870,000/­ were surrendered as per detail at Annex- “A”.

(e) A sum of Rs. 523,365,100/­ were re­ appropriated during the last two financial years of non­development budget i.e. 2018­19 & 2019­20. The detail is attached at Annex-“B”. The detail of development budget during last two years indicating allocation, releases and expenditure made is attached at Annex-“C”. No re­appropriation of the project was made during last two years. 17 (f) PSB as per its mandate, facilitates the players/ officials nominated by concerned National Sports Federations for participation in the International mega events i.e. Olympics Games, , Common Wealth Games, and .

Pakistan Sports Board has organized the training camps of Volleyball, Baseball, Athletics, Swimming, Kabaddi, Table tennis, Badminton, Boxing, Handball, Squash, Taekwondo, Tennis, Volleyball Beach, Weightlifting, Cycling, Karate, wrestling, Wushu & jujitsu sports during the financial year 2018­19 & 2019­20.

Since inception of the present Government, Pakistan participated in 18th Asian Games held in Indonesia from l 8th August to 02nd September, 2018 and 13th South Asian Games held in Nepal from 1­10 December,2019. The Government/PSB made the following expenditures for preparation and participation in these extravaganzas:—

 18th Asian Games, 2018 (Indonesia)

o Participation Exp. Rs. 73,540,785.00 o Training Camps Exp. Rs. 22,003,034.00

 13th South Asian Games, 2019 (Nepal)

o Participation Exp. Rs. 70,239,868.00 o Training Camps Exp. Rs. 4,419,929.00.

Thereafter, due to the Covid­19 pandemic world wide the mega sports events have been postponed and the sporting activities minimized owing to Covid­19 protocols.

PSB is making all out efforts for effective preparation and participation in the Tokyo Olympics 2021. In this regard, Government has allocated Rs. 80,000,000/­ for training of qualified athletes in Pakistan and at abroad.

(g) Since the PSB is fully committed to facilitate the players nominated by concerned National Sports Federations for participation in the International mega events i.e. Olympics Games, Asian Games, Common Wealth Games, Islamic Solidarity Games and South Asian Games, therefore, PSB has allocated sufficient funds i.e. amounting to Rs. 80, 000, 000/­ for training of qualified 18 athletes for effective preparation in the 32nd Olympic Games 2021. The Federal Government will provide administrative, technical and financial support for bringing laurels for the motherland.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

102. *Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the details of annual tax being charged from the said Farm Houses;

(b) the total number of Farm Houses in the country at present alongwith area-wise details thereof; and

(c) whether it is a fact that tax exemption of billions of rupees has been given to the said Farm Houses; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) Metropolitan Corporation Islamabad, has imposed the Property Tax against the Farm houses leased out by the CDA within Municipal limits of Islamabad, after getting approval from the House of the Local Government w.e.f 1st July, 2019. Annual Collection is Rs. 50.00 Million Approximately.

(b) Details of said Farms Houses in Islamabad is described here as under:—

i. Industrial Triangle Kahuta Road 69 ii. Tarlai 77 iii. Orchards Scheme and P & V Murree Road Islamabad 118 iv. (P&V) Farm Houses Chak Shehzad 104 v. H­9 14 Total 382

(c) No. 19 103. *Ms. Nasiba Channa:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that All Pakistan Arms Licences are being issued at present?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): Provincial Governments are issuing all Pakistan Arms lincences. However, MoI is not issuing Arms lincences at present due to interpretation of the word “Federal Government” by the Supreme Court in Mustafa lmpex case. Section 11­A of Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965 empowers the Federal Government for issuance of PB & NPB Arms licences. Ministry of Interior was issuing all Pakistan Arms Lincences on behalf of the Federal Government. Supreme Court vide its judgment in the above mentioned case declared Federal Government as Cabinet. Hence, in accordance with aforementioned Sections of Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965 the powers to issue Arms Licences (PB&NPB) rest with the Cabinet.

However, an amendment in section 11­A of Pakistan Arms Ordinance, 1965 for delegation of powers from Federal Government to any appropriate authority, is pending in the Parliament for approval.

104. *Mr. Iqbal Muhammad Ali Khan:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to the Question No.29 replied on 16-10-2020 and to state:

(a) the detail of action taken so far, by the present management of Jammu and Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society in connection with the fraud of illegal allotment of the Farm House;

(b) the time by which illegal allotments will be cancelled and the allotments will be made to those who have deposited amount earlier;

(c) what role will be the district management in this context;

(d) if no, action is taken by the administration of society in connection with the fraud made by the society?

Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day. 20 105. *Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) what is the number of people who come from Afghanistan to Pakistan through each crossing on a daily/weekly/monthly basis on average;

(b) number of people who crossed it per month in the last year; and

(c) how many people cross with visas and without obtaining such visa?

Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day.

106. *Dr. Mahreen Razzaq Bhutto:

Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the names of persons in the Committee of Board who advised not to extend the tenure of appointment of the former Coaches and other management;

(b) the status of each person who was the part of said Committee; and

(c) under which authority or whom responsibility the above mentioned Committee members of Cricket Board or team have become a part of new management alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination (Dr. Fehmida Mirza): (a) & (b) The names of persons in Committee of Cricket Board who advised not to extent the tenure of appointment of the former Coaches and other management are as follows along­with status of each person of the said Committee:

i. Mr. Wasim Khan Chairman (Ex­officio Interim Chairman)

ii. Mr. Wasim Akram Member 21

iii. Mr. Misbah ul Haq Member

iv. Ms. Urooj Mumtaz Member

v. Mr. Mudassar Nazar Member

vi. Mr.Zakir Khan Member/Secretary

(c) The Committee has the authority to recommend the Chairman PCB of any such decision of not extending tenure of coaches on cricketing grounds.

107. *Mr. Muhammad Jamal-Ud-Din:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to declare/restore Friday as Public Holiday or half day for ease of maximum muslims attendance in Masaajid and abolish the presently one or two weekly public holidays?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): No proposal is under consideration in M/o Interior to declare / restore Friday as Public Holiday or half day and to abolish the presently one or two weekly public holidays.

108. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the total income received by NDARA so far under the head of CNIC fee during the last eight financial years; and

(b) the total amount incurred under the head of salaries including all facilities provided so far to NADRA employees?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) Total Income received by NADRA so far under the head of CNIC fee during the last eight financial years (Annex-A):— 22 —————————————————————————————— Financial Year Amount Rs. —————————————————————————————— 2019­2020 (Un­audited) 14,349,155,901 2018­19 (Audited) 17,118,518,066 2017­18 (Audited) 16,363,495,561 2016­17 (Audited) 15,019,997,142 2015­16 (Audited) 14,421,860,183 2014­15 (Audited) 11,586,898,800 2013­14 (Audited) 9,481,845,489 2012­13 (Audited) 7,503,111,900 —————————————————————————————— Total 105,844,883,042 —————————————————————————————— (b) Total amount incurred under the head of salaries including all facilities provided to NADRA employees for last eight years (Annex-B): —————————————————————————————— Financial Year Amount Rs. —————————————————————————————— 2019­2020 (Un­audited) 13,899,151,616 2018­19 (Audited) 14,644,191,077 2017­18 (Audited) 14,344,485,484 2016­17 (Audited) 13,966,107,480 2015­16 (Audited) 13,701,349,629 2014­15 (Audited) 10,918,188,489 2013­14 (Audited) 7,523,079,683 2012­13 (Audited) 7,328,588,998 —————————————————————————————— Total 96,325,142,456 —————————————————————————————— (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

109. *Syed Mehmood Shah:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: 23 (a) whether Passport Office facility in all districts of Balochistan is not available;

(b) whether it is a fact that due to non-availability of Passport Office, people have to suffer a lot for obtaining Passport;

(c) if so, what steps are being taken by the Government for the issuance of Passport as early as possible in all districts of Balochistan particularly in district Sorab?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) The passport office facility is provided in all districts of Balochistan except Sikandarabad and Duki Districts.

(b) No. Presently, there are 32 passport offices within Baluchistan which are providing adequate passport facilities to the resident of concerned districts.

(c) In order to provide facilities of passport issuance in all districts of Baluchistan, the department is submitting PC­I for establishment of passport offices in remaining 6 districts including Duki and Sikandarabad district of Baluchistan (Sorab is the capital city of Sikandarabad District).After approval of the PC­1 from the concerned forum and release of requisite funds, these two offices will established in Baluchistan on priority.

110. *Syed Agha Rafiullah:

Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the per-month expenditure of coaches, who have been associated with Pakistan’s Cricket Team by any means at present;

(b) the procedure of each of above coaches hired alongwith details of those persons who were called for such positions;

(c) the persons involved in their selection alongwith expertise in the relevant field;

(d) whether the performance of such coaches is evaluated; if so, the detail of fixed mechanism thereof; and 24 (e) whether any one was held accountable on account of his role for the last two years; if so, the details thereof; if not, reasons thereof?

Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination (Dr. Fehmida Mirza): (a) PCB has humbly submitted that since the details sought are, by nature, sensitive and confidential, therefore, PCB requests that if the Honorable MNA so desires, PCB is always available to show the relevant record in­camera/ in­person for the same to be perused/scrutinized by him at a time of his convenience.

(b) The hiring was done by placement of an advertisement in the newspapers on 9th August, 2019 which is at “Annexure­A”. After which the following candidates were short listed for the interview: —————————————————————————————— S. No. Name of Candidate Position

—————————————————————————————— i Mr. Dean Jones Head Coach ii Mr. Johan Botha Head Coach iii Mr. Misbah Ul Haq Head Coach iv. Mr. Mohsin Khan Head Coach v Mr.Waqar Younis Bowling Coach vi Mr. Muhammad Akram Bowling Coach vii Mr. Courtny Walsh Bowling Coach viii Mr. Muhammad Yasir Malik Strength & Conditioning Coach ix Khawaja Ruhail Ali Strength & Conditioning Coach x Mr. Drikus Saaiman Strength & Conditioning Coach —————————————————————————————— (c) The interviews were conducted by the following two panels, their expertise/profiles are attached as “Annexure-B). 25 (A) Interview Panel for Head Coach and Bowling Coach.

(i) Mr. Asad Ali Khan, Member PCB Board of Governors. (ii) Mr. Wasim Khan MBE, Chief Executive Officer, PCB. (iii) Mr. lntikhab Alam, Former test Cricketer. (iv) Mr. Bazid Khan, Former Test Cricketer. (v) Mr. Zakir Khan, Director International Cricket Operations, PCB. (B) Interview Panel for Strength and Conditioning Coach. (i) Mr. Zakir Khan, Director International Cricket Operation, PCB. (ii) Dr. Sohail Saleem, Head of Department medical & Sports Sciences, PCB. (iii) Lt. Col. Ashfaq Ahmed (Retd), Senior General Manager HR & Administration, PCB. (d) & (e) The performance of coaches associated with Pakistan Cricket Team are discussed internally on PCB’s Cricket Committee, comprising of ex­cricketers and senior PCB officials, which in the past has held coaches accountable keeping in view the team’s performances. As the Coaches evaluation is directly related with the National Team’s performance, they are evaluated internally and the concerns are forwarded to the Cricket Committee for investigation and recommendation, in light of which a decision is taken by the PCB management. A clear recent example of such evaluation­ cum­investigation was the change of Head Coach, Coach and Trainer after the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. PCB believes in clear and robust evaluation of its team officials and ensures that the respective officials are held responsible for their performance. (Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

111. *Mr. Iqbal Muhammad Ali Khan: Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that an agreement for purchase of land for Jammu Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society, Zone-II, Islamabad took place between the society administration and Mr. Bashir Ahmed S/O Muhammad Rafiq, in January, 2016; 26 (b) the token money paid to Mr. Bashir Ahmed alongwith the cost of purchase of the said land and all other details in respect of such agreement; (c) whether any inquiry is under way regarding the said agreement in view of the overall investigations of fraud committed in the society; if so, the details thereof; and (d) the time by which the inquiry of fraud in the allotment of plots would be completed?

Deferred for answer on Next Rota Day.

112. *Mr. Saad Waseem:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether the CDA has taken notice of deteriorating condition of different main and link roads in the capital; (b) if so, whether any assessment has been made to determine the magnitude of deterioration of such roads in recent time; if so, the details thereof; if not, reasons thereof; (c) the budget allocated for repair of such deteriorating roads in the last three years alongwith details of released and utilized funds so far; and (d) what steps are being taken to ensure the timely repair of such roads in future?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) Yes, it is already in the notice of higher forum of Authority.

(b) The estimates for deteriorated condition of roads/streets etc. have been prepared and processed as per different site requirements.

(c) No Funds were allocated during last three years, however in current period Directorate of Roads (North) and Directorate of Roads (South), have been allocated funds for repair of such roads, detail attached at (Annex-A) 27 (d) The carpeting of roads are already being executed by the Directorate of Roads (North) and Roads (South), CDA, detail attached at (Annex-B).

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

ISLAMABAD: TAHIR HUSSAIN, The 3rd March, 2021 Secretary.

PCPPI—3259(2021) NA—03­03­2021—500. 1 (29th Session)




For Thursday, the 4th March, 2021

37. Mr. Ramesh Lal: (Deferred during 5th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to construct roads and streets in Rehman Town and Model Valley, Sector H-15, Union Council No.45, Islamabad; if not, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the time by which the construction work will be completed in the above said area?

Reply not received.

6. Mr. Muhammad Aslam Khan: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a Sewerage Nullah is being constructed in Chakki Bagh, Sohan, Islamabad; if so, the percentage of work completed thereof; and

(b) the time by which development work will be completed on this Nullah in order to facilitate residents of the said locality?

Reply not received. 2 6. Mr. Saad Waseem: (Deferred during 18th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to Un-Starred Question No. 17 replied on 8-11-2019 and to state: (a) when was each recreational and extra curricula initiatives initiated alongwith cost of each of said initiative;

(b) whether it is a fact that since most of such initiatives/installations have become dysfunctional it is tantamount to poor planning at the part of CDA; and

(c) what steps are being taken to take such initiatives in future, which will only be feasible in the longer run?

Reply not received.

67. Mr. Saad Waseem: (Deferred during 18th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Fisheries Department of ICT, Islamabad has increased charges of fishing in Rawal Dam, Islamabad from Rs.10/- to Rs.1000/- recently; if so, the justification thereof; and

(b) what steps are being taken to rationalize the aforesaid fee?

Reply not received.

4. Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali: (Deferred during 23rd Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the rate of which water bill and property tax per square yard is charged by Jammu Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society Zone- II, Islamabad from its residents alongwith the amount collected so far under this head and the details thereof; 3 (b) if these rates collected in accordance with CDA rate, the monthly income to be collected alongwith the time by which same will be enforced; and

(c) the details of new CDA rates in accordance with House, Gali Number, plot size alongwith the total revenue to be collected in this regard?

Reply not received.

5. Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel: (Deferred during 27th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether CDA, being a custodian of Government accommodations in Sector G-6 and G-7, Islamabad has taken notice of continuous seepage of Government accommodation in the aforesaid Sector and in particular H. No. 23/3-C, St. No. 78, Sector G-7/1, H. No. 169-B, St. No. 23, Sector G-6/1-2, H. No. 197-B, St. No. 17, Sector G-6/2 and H. No. 111-A, Sector G-7/3-4, Islamabad since long; and

(b) what steps are being taken for the maintenance of Government accommodation in aforesaid sectors and in particular for the aforesaid houses at an earliest?

Reply not received.

9. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: (Deferred during 27th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the residents of H. No. 248, St. No. 70, Sector G-10/3, Islamabad have made routine to release water on the road due to which the condition of the road is deteriorating; if so, the steps being taken by CDA in this regard; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that residents of the corner House of 4 St. No. 53 have occupied some part of street by planting plants; if so, the time by which it will be get vacated and what action has been taken in this regard?

Reply not received.

65. Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali: (Deferred during 27th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the present status of the Aiwan-e-Saddar Co-operative Housing Society;

(b) whether it is a fact that the cost of land was charged from its members almost ten years ago;

(c) the detail of names, designations, salaries and other benefits of the employees of the society and how much increase was made in their salaries and benefits during the last ten years;

(d) the justification for increase, since no development work has been carried out; and

(e) whether the society has applied for NOC from CDA?

Reply not received.

41. Engr. Sabir Hussain Kaim Khani: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the financial assistance given to the heirs of private guards martyred in the terrorism attack on Karachi Stock Exchange alongwith the cheque numbers and the date of issuance thereof; and

(b) whether it is a fact that the cheques of financial assistance to 5 the said private guards have not been cashed as yet; if so, the action taken against the responsible thereof?

Reply not received.

42. Syed Javed Husnain: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the names of the constitutional institution in which maintenance work of mosques has been assigned to CDA in Islamabad;

(b) whether it is a fact that the carpets of mosques have neither cleaned nor washed out during the Covid-19 till date and the said mosques walls have also not been painted so far;

(c) if so, the date of previous dry cleaning of carpets and the white wash of mosque of each constitutional institution alongwith the expenditure incurred thereon; and

(d) the time by which aforesaid Mosques’s carpets will be washed out and white wash will be carried out?

Reply not received.

43. Ms. Nasiba Channa: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the names and designations of employees who are on deputation in CDA alongwith reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

44. Ms. Nasiba Channa: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the total area of Government land under occupation of each hotel/restaurant in Islamabad?

Reply not received. 6 45. Ms. Mussarat Rafiq Mahesar: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether Government has an intention to make planning for the Establishment of DNA profiling services or Data Bank in order to control the crimes?

Reply not received.

46. Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that 40 HP moters were installed few years back for the water supply through tube well to Margalla Town, Islamabad;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the number of times the motors of tube well become out of order from 1st January 2019 to 15 September 2020 after the installation of 20HP motors despite of increase in the population;

(c) if so, the details of expenditure of repair or maintenance incurred thereon;

(d) the detail of expenditure would be incurred upon to install the 40HP motors alongwith the time by which the said motors will be installed; and

(e) the names of those officers which are responsible for the losses so far alongwith the action taken against them?

Reply not received.

47. Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: 7 (a) the scale-wise number of gazetted officers registered with NADRA for the Houses in Islamabad under Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme;

(b) the number of those officers who are included in the waiting list of Estate Office, Islamabad;

(c) whether these officers will be given priority for issuing the allotment orders of Houses by the Government; if so, the details; if not, reasons thereof; and

(d) the steps being taken by the Government for resolving the residential problems of these officers?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) NADRA was tasked to collect and digitize country wide registration form for NAYA PAKISTAN HOUSING SCHEME and shared the same with Ministry of Housing & Works. A Total of 246,334 Government/Gazetted officers were registered under NAYA PAKISTAN HOUSING SCHEME. However, 89,511 officers have been deemed eligible for the scheme.

(b) Nil.

(c) Nil.

(d) Nil.

48. Mr. Saad Waseem: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Management of Cabinet Division Co-operative Housing Society E-16/E-17, Islamabad failed to provide PTCL facility to residents in the said Society;

(b) if so, the reason thereof and the time by which the said facility would be provided to the residents of the Society; and

(c) the detail of action taken or being taken against the Management for such delaying tactics?

Reply not received. 8 50. Mr. Sher Akbar Khan: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the exact number of civilian retired on medical ground of invalidity or disability from Peshawar CMES (PAF) Peshawar;

(b) whether any invalidity or disability pension on medical ground was paid to the employees;

(c) whether 80% of invalidity or disability accrues in any pensionery benefit to the employees;

(d) whether the above benefits are not paid to the employees; if yes, whether it is not, a violation of the civilian pension rules working in CMES Peshawar?

Minister for Defence (Mr. Pervaiz Khattak): (a) “The case has been considered in consultation with HQ DW&CE (PAF). DW&CE (PAF) has submitted following detail (copy enclosed as Annex­A):­

20 civilians were retired on medical ground of invalidity or disability from Peshawar CMES (PAF) Peshawar.

(b) Normal pension & other service benefits paid to the 18 civilians who retired on medical ground.

No normal / disability pension was paid to 02 employees due to their non­ qualifying pension service.

Whereas, no invalidity / disability pension was paid to any of the civilian employees in the light of Rule 3(6) of Central Civil Services (Extra Ordinary Pension) Rules (copy enclosed as Annex­B).

(c) 80% of invalidity or disability is accrued in cases where officials are invalidated due to any disability attributable to or aggravated by service conditions. However, this benefit was not extended as the officials retired under normal conditions. 9 (d) The benefits of invalidity or disability pension are not extended to the employees retiring under normal conditions. Grant of invalidity / disability pension is not covered under the Central Civil Services (Extra Ordinary Pension) Rule 3(6) and it is not violation of the civilian pension rules.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

51. Sheikh Rohale Asghar: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the location-wise, total number of check-posts in Islamabad at present?

Reply not received.

52. Mir Amer Ali Khan Magsi: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a number of plots size 40x80 have been allotted in Jammu Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society in Sector F-15/1, Islamabad in non possession areas and to Provide complete details alongwith names, plot number, address of allottees with contact numbers;

(b) the reasons for allotting the said plots in non possession areas besides receiving full payment;

(c) if the answer to parts (a) and (b) above are affirmative, the time by which possession of said plots to its allottees?

Reply not received.

53. Mir Amer Ali Khan Magsi: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: 10 (a) whether it is a fact that Federal Government is going to initiate action against the Jammu Kashmir Cooperative Housing Society, Islamabad on the allotment of plots in non possession areas in Sector F-15/1, Islamabad size 40x80 to the allottees besides receiving full payment; and

(b) if the answer to part (a) above is in affirmative, the Honourable Minister give assurance to the House for initiating legal action against the society?

Reply not received.

57. Mr. Abdul Qadir Patel: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to the Un-Starred Question No. 18 replied on 07-02-2020 and to state:

(a) steps being taken by CDA to ensure its writ after serving legal notices to encroachments made by the persons, which are in shape of mechanic shops and others after recent demolition reflecting that CDA owns 110 feet wide road from Golra Mor to Sector I-14, Islamabad; and

(b) time period required by CDA for construction of 110 feet wide road?

Reply not received.

58. Mr. Gul Dad Khan: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the residents of Nazimuddin Road, F-10/4, Islamabad and Street No. 77, F-11/1, Islamabad are self residing (actual allottees) and they have given Affidavit to the CDA in this regard;

(b) if so, the names of the residents, nature of allotment made, affidavits regarding self residing during the last five years?

Reply not received. 11 59. Mr. Iqbal Muhammad Ali Khan: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that thirty eight (38) inquiries are going on to investigate the fraud case of Jammu and Kashmir Society and the number of inquires of the committees are completed so far alongwith the details; the amount recovered from the said inquiries up till now;

(b) the time by which land will be allotted to those members who had paid the amount earlier in zone-V whether the said point has been included in the inquiry; if not, the reasons; if so, the progress so far; and

(c) the details of advance amount paid to Mr. Basheer Cheema for purchasing the land?

Reply not received.

60. Mr. Muhammad Afzal Khokhar: (Deferred during 28th Session)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the residents of Sector G-11, Islamabad are in trouble due to the smelling of flowing Nalla;

(b) the total budget allocated to cover and clean the said Nalla during current financial year; the amount spent so far; and

(c) the reasons for not allocating the funds alongwith the time by which funds will be allocated?

Reply not received. 12 30. Ch. Muhammad Barjees Tahir:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) how many officers/officials have been dismissed from their services since 2010 till date in different offices in the country;

(b) how many officers/officials have been reinstated by Service Tribunal;

(c) the detail of dates of Service Tribunal orders alongwith details of joining reports accepted; and

(d) the details of officers/officials, who are reinstated by the Service Tribunal but not allowed by ANF office to join their duties; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Ijaz Ahmed Shah): (a) 45 officers/officials have been dismissed from their services since 2010 till date.

(b) (1) Assistant Syed Muzamil Hussain Shah, RD ANF Balochistan (2) Const Syed Mudassir Hussain Shah, RD ANF Punjab (3) Const Umar Farooq, RD ANF Sindh. (4) N/Qasid Zahid, RD ANF Sindh.

(c) 1. Assistant Syed Muzamil Hussain Shah, RD ANF Balochistan. Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad reinstatement order dated 24 Sep., 2019 was implemented and official joined his duty on 01 Mar., 2020 w.e.f 25 Oct., 2013.

2. Const Syed Mudassir Hussain Shah, RD ANF Punjab. FST, Islamabad re­instatement order dated 25 Apr., 2019 was implemented and official joined his duty on 01 Jun., 2019 w.e.f 04 Aug., 2017.

3. Const Umar Farooq, RD ANF Sindh. EST, Islamabad re­instatement order dated 20 Dec., 18 was implemented and official joined his duty on 07 May, 2019 w.e.f 23 Jan., 2017. 13 4. N/Qasid Zahid, RD ANF Sindh.FST, Karachi reinstatement order dated 12 Oct 2017 was implemented and official joined his duty on 20 Mar 2018 w.e.f 14 May 2015.

(d) ANF implements the orders of Courts / Administrative Tribunals in strict sense as ANF believes in the Rule of Law. There are no a contempt proceedings against ANF pending in Courts / Tribunals y regarding non implementation of any order. However, joining of the 1x officer namely AD Kashif Mushtaq is pending due to following reason:

(1) An Appeal has already been filed before the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad against the order of FST, Islamabad, which is, pending adjudication.

31. Ch. Muhammad Hamid Hameed:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is fact that repair/maintenance of traffic signals, including the one at Sawan Road, commonly known as College Chowk Stop i.e IMCG College, G-10/4, Islamabad has not been carried out since long;

(b) whether it is a fact that aforementioned signal has become non- functional and motorists face great traffic jams at said point; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) the time by which, maintenance/repair of aforementioned signals will be carried out?

Reply not received.

32. Syed Agha Rafiullah:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that in Sector I-14, Islamabad, inhabitants are struggling for Access to Water due to non-availability of facility of Government water supply; 14 (b) whether it is also a fact that despite installed under ground pipelines and approved Tubewells since may years, no progress for installment of Tubewells for aforesaid sector; and

(c) steps being taken by Government to overcome tanker mafia, to meet rising demands of water and to overcome water shortage in aforesaid area?

Reply not received.

33. Syed Mehmood Shah:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Cabinet Division Employees Cooperative Housing Society, E-16, E-17, Islamabad has no ownership of the Main Gate in their use;

(b) whether it is a fact that such ownership of gate belongs to the locals/residents of the adjacent localities;

(c) if so, the reason for failure to purchase a land for separate/ independent gate for the said society; and

(d) what would be the alternate route in case the locals of the area are closing such gate for the said employees of society?

Reply not received.

34. Syed Agha Rafiullah:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether authorities concerned have taken notice that NADRA Centre located in Tehsil Kallar Syedan, District Rawalpindi has failed to cater maximum number of people, who visit the centre for different purposes;

(b) whether it is a fact that very few tokens are issued to people, who visit the centre and large number of people go back without 15 getting their desired instrument from NADRA, and also wait for another day;

(c) if so, what corrective measures are being taken by the Government in this regard in order to cater maximum number of the people; and

(d) what further steps will be taken to make it operational regularly even on Saturdays?

Minister for Interior (Sheikh Rashid Ahmed): (a) NADRA Registration Centre (NRC) Kallar Syedan is providing registration services to citizens with 8 x counters including 4 x One Window Counters which are enough to cater the routine registration needs of the public.

(b) No.

(c) To cater the temporary rush during said period, Mobile Registration Vane (MRV) is deployed outside NRC Kallar Syedan and in nearby areas on need basis. Average booking of MRV during last 3 months is 40.

(d) Open on Saturday’s at District level.

35. Ms. Zille Huma:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that dustbin placed for garbage at certain Sectors of Islamabad, particularly in Sector F-7 are in dilapidated condition and there is no dustbin at some places causing environmental pollution; and

(b) what steps are being taken by the Government to replace the said dilapidated dustbin with new ones?

Reply not received. 16 36. Ms. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether the F-9 Park, Islamabad has been leased out;

(b) if so, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

37. Mr. Saad Waseem:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that foot paths in front of the Government Block Nos. 77 and 79, St. No. 32, Sector F-6/1, Islamabad are in dilapidated condition; if so,;

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to repair footpath alongside the above said Blocks, in particular St.No.32 of the said Sector; and

(c) the time by which aforesaid will be repaired?

Reply not received.

38. Mr. Iqbal Muhammad Ali Khan:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the names of persons, entities and Societies from whom Federal Government Employees Housing Authority has purchased land in Sector G-15, Islamabad alongwith the details of each land purchased so far;

(b) the persons and entities out of these to whom payment has been made alongwith the complete details of respective land, owner, entity, Society amount paid and arrears thereof; and 17 (c) the time by which the entire payment will be made to the owners, entities or societies?

Reply not received.

39. Mr. Muhammad Aslam Khan:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether the cases for allotment of stals/plot in Subzi Mandi, Sector I-11, Islamabad are pending; if yes, details thereof;

(b) whether such cases can be considered or decided as per their old policy on the subject or otherwise;

(c) if so, number of such old cases alongwith details of decided or pending thereof?

Reply not received.

40. Moulana Abdul Akbar Chitrali:

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the details of members of Senate Co-operative Housing Society who have deposited the total cost of plot/land fixed by statutory body during the years 16-17-18;

(b) whether it is a fact that some members have deposited the full amount timely but the allotments were not issued by the Senate Cooperative Housing Society till 07-05-2018;

(c) the details of the members, who have not deposited the full amount in above society;

(d) whether it is also a fact that the allotment letters are also issued to the defaulters/members who have not deposited the full amount; if so, the reasons thereof; 18

(e) the list of members who have deposited full amount alongwith details of all members and amount deposited by the each member, date-wise, so far;

(f) the time by which allotment letters will be issued to those who have completely deposited the full cost of plot/land?

Reply not received.

41. Ch. Muhammad Barjees Tahir:

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to refer to Un- Starred Question No. 61 replied on 03-02-2021 and to state:

(a) whether joining report is taken from the reinstated officer/ official;

(b) if the answer is in affirmative, then AD Kashif Mushtaq who was reinstated by Service Tribunal on 09-09-2020 and has appeared in ANF HQ on 08-01-2021 but was not yet reinstated;

(c) whether any action has been taken against the officer/official responsible for violating the court order, by not taking the joining from the concerned officer; and

(d) whether the ANF/Narcotics Ministry has not only committed contempt of court only but also undermined this August House by providing incorrect answer?

Minister for Narcotics Control (Mr. Ijaz Ahmed Shah): (a) The joining report from the re­instated officer / official was not taken as the case is subjudice before the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad

(b) The joining report from the re­instated officer / official was not taken as the case is subjudice before the Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad. 19 (c) Court Order was not violated by any officer / official at any time. The reason for not taking joining from the concerned officer is that order of the Supreme Court of Pakistan is being awaited

(d) Neither any contempt of court proceedings against ANF are pending in any Court of Law nor any incorrect answer has been provided to your August House.

ISLAMABAD: TAHIR HUSSAIN, The 3rd March, 2021. Secretary.

PCPPI—3259(2021) NA—3­3­2021—500.