HOLIDAY NUMBER * PRICE 10 CENTS Only Theatrical Newspaper on the Pacific Coast


Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927, ~ ' office, Los Angeles, Calif. Published Every Saturday at 800-801 Warner Bros. Down- under Act of March 3, 1879 Saturday, January 3, 1931 town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif.


Bobby (Ube) Henshan' Heading Fanckon &Marco’s First Vaudeville Unit “Vaudeville Echos INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 193!


«» 5 * — —- ; :

Saturday, January 3, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Three

, r W. AW^.W//A'WW'.V.V/;.V.W.%W.V;V.WAW.VAV.V.VVAV.VAV,%VWMV.V,VAV.VAV///^^A%VA /AV.VAV/A‘.V/.".,.WJV,.W.V,

yWMWJWJWMWUWJWJWWWJVJVWSJW^^Ten Best Pictures for 1930 Conforming to the national an- “Holiday,” by Pathe: E. H. Front,” by Universal; Lewis Mile- STOP and LISTEN to the nual pastime of selecting the ten Griffith, director. stone, director. best pictures for the preceding 12 “Old English,” Warner Bros.; “Big House,” M.-G.-M.; George Swagger WESTERNERS A1 Green, director. Hill director. MALE QUARTET months. Inside Facts offers the ; E following, their respective produc- “Morocco,” by Paramount; Jos. “Check and Double Check,” b/ Inn KFRC San Francisco ers and directors, as the leaders Sternberg, director. R.-K.-O.: Melville Brown, director. N for 1930. They wish to add in “Sunny Side Up,” by Fox; Dav- “Caught Short,” by M.-G.-M; T the same breath that this selec- id Butler, director. , director. tion although based on critic and “Ilawn Patrol," by Warner “The Divorcee,” by M,.G..M.; E D Season’s Greetings box office acclaim is not authentic Bros/; Howard Hawks, director. Robert Z . Leonard, director. To Everybody because actual net earnings and “Devil's Holiday,” by Paramount, R A “Tom Sawyer,” by Paramount; Art Varian concensus of critical opinion is Edmund Goulding, director. T Schapp’s John Cromwell, director. N not available. “The Divorcee,” by M.-G.-M.; Master-Ceremonies “The Big House,” by M.-G.-M.; A Restaurant Therefore Inside Facts lists here Robert Z. Leonard, director. C 211|4 Broadway Portland, Ore. George Hill, director. “Doorway to Hell,” its selection for what it is worth, by Warner I A COMPLETE I According to this rating knowing withal that no authori- three Bros.; Archie Mayo, director. LUNCH producers Paramount, M.-G.-M. and “Fast and Loose,” Para- N tative rating is possible by any by 50 Cents N Warner Bros, are for first known process of appraisal. tied mount; Fred Newmieyer, director. M G honors with credits even for the “Feet First,” by Lloyd Bruck- Emil “All Qkiet on the Western ; DINNER others. man, director. |E Front,” by Universal; Lewis Mile- DE LUXE 75c Follows now a listing of fea- • “Half Shc-t at Sunrise,” by Sturmer stone, director. N TURKEY or STEAK tures including the first ten con- R.-K.-O. Kline, director. ; Edward With DINNER MUSICAL DIRECTOR “Hell’s Angels,” by Caddo; How- $1 sidered the best in advancing good “Hell’s Angeles,” by Caddo T PARAMOUNT THEATRE ard Hughes, director. SAN FRANCISCO will, the composite technique, Howard Hughes, director. “Dawn Patrol,” by Warner Bros box office and entertainment ‘‘Hit the Deck,” by R.-K.-O ; f 719| S. Hill Street Howard Hawks, director. “AU Quiet on the Western Luther Reed, director. Former Location of The Studio that sends them to iWWVWWW, ..“Just Imagine,” by Fox: David Broadway Coffee Dan’s 2 Butler, director. “Laughter,” by Paramount; Har- NO COVER CHARGE O’Rourke’s RIESNERjtVJl. AIRS IT ry D’Arrast, director. Wm. J CARL PELLEY, Mgr. Dancing Studio ^Min and Bill,” by M.-G.-M.; George Hill, director. TU 4749—MU 9661 (Editor’s Note: Charles (Chuck) a FAT wife. My only solution to Under Personal Supervision of “Morocco,” by Paramount; Jos. Riesner’s Radio Broadcast over this big domestic problem is that Carl says: “Come on down . . Thais O’Rourke—Chas. Montal Sternberg, director. there's loads of fun every moment. KMTR by remote control from the fat should marry the fat and . . . Art Varian . . . and those hot 2226 Fillmore St. Ph. West 934* the thin should “Old English,” by Warner Bros. Loew’s State, Tuesday, 8 o’clock, marry the thin musciians see to that • . • You’ll SAN FRANCISCO then Heaven help the future gen- A1 Green, director. enjoy it!!! December 28, provoked so much eration. There are two or three “Renegades,” by Fox; Victor comment, Inside Facts feels that it subjects I could speak on this eve- Fleming, director. merits publication.) ning. For instance, take the sub- “Reducing,” by M.-G.-M.; Chas. Riesner Airs It ject on Light Wines and Beer— Ken Stuart Riesner, director. Ycu know I am really taking a Now' light wines are'—oh, well Still Broadcasting Sunshine “The Right to' Love,” by Para- terrible chance coming up here I think I’ll let Congress handle mount; Richard Wallace, director. KJR - KEX - KGA like this. This is positively the sur- that subject— of course, by the est and quickest way I know of to time they do, we’ll all be too “Sunny Side Up,” by Fox; Dav- Also Describing gather yourself a bunch of well WEAK to vote. There is another id Butler, director. Happy assorted enemies. I know—be- subject I could speak on that is “Tom Sawyer,” by Paramount; Hockey cause a year ago after the last very vital to all men and that’s — — John Cromwell, director. Year Football time I w'ent on the air—all of my “Women’s Clothes.” Only yester- New 0£ these 23 pictures and ail Wrestling very best friends gave ME the- air day I was reading where all wom- have been acclaimed by press and from the Baseball —except my wife and the only en are going to abandon skirts public as leaders, Paramount and Boxing reason she stuck—she was listen- and -wear trousers instead. You ing to Amos and Andy. You see, see, boys, the Woman has finally M.-G.-M. share first position; sec- Over the N. W. Broadcasting friends—radio broadcasting is a won out—from now on THEY are ond place equally divided be- System gift—that’s why I’m a motion pic- going to wear the pants in the tween R.-K.-O., Fox and Warner director. susceptible family. ture But I’m Bros., with three each. to flattery, I guess, so in one of I think it is playing a dirty USS^ David Butler, George Hill and my weaker moments I gave in trick on their poor children. It’ll Charles Riesner top the directors. SO HERE I AM. be so later on when a little baby solely their Chlropractk My reason for being here is a won’t knew which is its father or Judged by reported very subtle one—I am going to let its mother—as you all know'- when gross box office earnings, the fol- to Adjustments you in on the- secret—you see a a baby is hungry it never cries for lowing pictures are well up in secret is no longer a secret when its father. Well, I guess I’ll be front but merit their position and than one it. S,o let’s running along. any rate, more know At I kept strength mainly to the spectacular go into a huddle—are you listen- my word and did not mention any- nature of their mounting and tre- ing— ? It’s about a picture which thing about reducing? — which INSIDE mendous exploitation factors. Dr. Edith Woods I directed for Metro-Goldwyn- opens Christmas Day at Loew’s Mayer, which stars Marie Dressier State- Theatre and which stars “All Quiet on the Western and , “those two Marie Dressier and Polly Moran, Front,’ ’due to book plug and queens of laughter and tears.” and which is twice as funny as the stupendous production elements fACTS 4 Rim. —1096 W. Western for This picture which I made other picture I made- with these “Sunny Side Up,” four song hits Metro - Goldwyn - Mayer is called same two wonderful Ave. Corner Santa Monica actresses ana El 'Brendel’s comedy; “Check REDUCING and opens at Loew’s you may have seen the picture the Entire and Double Check,” tremendous and State 'Theatre Xmas day at ten it was called CAUGHT SHORT, radio favorites; “Hell’s Angels,” o’clock in the morning—so come and it broke the box office records Theatre and Studio early and eat ycur turkey in the of the Loew’s State Theatre, a phenomenal bombing epic. lobby. Of course, the real idea in where my picture, REDUCING, For sheer merit in treatment Motion Picture of bringing ME down here is to give opens Christmas Day. Just to and direction of material sans, Dancing please Industry you a short talk on REDUCING me I wish you would all scenic boom-boc-m, mobs, ballyhoo but I’m going to fool the boys get together and go and see 577 Geary St. San Francisco — my howl and name plaster, “Holiday,” —I’m not going to mention RE- picture REDUCING and see if Franklin 2562 — “The Divorcee,” and “Laughter” DUCING again this evening. Of you can’t help Marie and Polly Acrobatic, Stage, Tap, Rhythm, course, REDUCING is a very fun- and M-G-M and myself break the are ace productions of the year Ballet and Ballroom Dancing ny picture, even if I did make it box office record again. with “Holiday” taking the lead ROUTINES FOR THE myself. But I can not understand Well, I’ve get to be getting due to a heavy handicap in star hsould elected to come home THEATRICAL PEOPLE why I be now before my wife meets evtw, title interest and cast repu- here tell and women about RE- me at the door in my pants. tation. Neither Harding nor Hor- Private Lessons Appointment DUCING, because REDUCING is Merry Christmas and happy by New ton were reckoned as top billing. THOS. D. VAN OSTEN Children’s Classes Saturday, 11 a very serious problem for Fat Year. This is Charles Francis (Editor’s Note—These Ten Best Publisher Ycging People’s Classes, Eves., Women, whose husbands want thin Riesner talking—better known to 8 to 11 wives. Then again, there’s the all my friends and the police as are a correction of the list mailed Thin Woman whose husband wants CHUCK. to Daily World.)

SAN FRANCISCO’S BRIGHT NIGHT SPOT-the HOOF GARDEN CAFE PRESENTS Val Valesite's Music Nightly Over the Don Lee-Columbia Chain

10th Big Week Adjudged the Most Popular San DAVE and HUTU Francisco Cafe Dance Band “Happy on the Air New Year” TRIBE ‘TAPS AND TOES” I



Alfred E* Green DIRECTOR

Warner Brothers and First National Vitaphone Productions


UiOld English fy U Sweet Kitty Bellairs ((The Green Goddess ((

!Man From Blank ley’s ” “Disraeli (Prize Production 1930) <( The Man of the Sky

. * — .

Saturday, January 3, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Five

.VraWWMWWUWVaW-WWVWWJ,,LWVVWWWV^^^ iWVVWAVWVVW^VAWWJWV SITTIN’ WITH THE PUBLIC 1 By Ted PRICE AV.VAV.V.mSVMW.WAW.VMVWAVmWA'AV.VAVWVV.V. REDUCING THE RIGHT TO LOVE is fom the learned ones, in and with the virus cf kaleidoscope the embodiment and personifica- JLOEW’S STATE PARAMOUNT THEATRE ut, as to who deserves the most. gone coo-coo and an uncontrol- tion of self respect anq then two- Reviewed December 28 Reviewed December 28 TED PRICE. lable desire for noise anq increas- thirds of the way, blooie—it goes Many are familiar •with the After twenty years of reviewing ed tempo regardless of its rela- ga-ga. Respect for herself, re- Chaplin technique, we presume, motion pictures that never seem EX-FLAME tive value? Or what? spect for the child she has lost, but how many recall those deft on the whole to make any apprec- RKQ ORPHEUM Two-thirds of the way up, and respect for everything goes up in touches of human weakness and iable gain in quality one’s hope Reviewed Dec.- 22 we say “UP” advisedly because a barrage of abandon. frailty which lifted Chaplin’s art- of seeing a really fine picture Being of sound mind—I hope this opus traveled a satisfying From watering place to pleasure in the angle for that the female resort in grim resignation to the istry above mediocrity? Strokes should be at low ebb I herewith give my hand and S3al period of genius are in like degree pres- measure of expectation. However, lead began to carry on as con- fates, from .chap to chap and lap to this pronuneiamento in all sin- ent in “Reducing,” and, accord- the longer I review ’em the more trary to her conduct in the earher to lap showing as little discrimi- cerity, to-wit: That without “ifs” ingly, lifts this Riesner comedy I find myself subject to a condi- sequences of tho story as a nation and taste as a (censored). na- to a level that distinguishes it as tion opposed to that theory. “buts” or conjecture of any “liquored blonde” and I am quite It wouldn’t have looked so badly one cf the best comedies of the Kant’s Kritique cn pure, reason ture whatsoever, “Ex-Flame” for sure, I am almost positive, in if the personality of her par- year. This same artistry was pres- may give you the answer. two-thirds of its journey across fact I wc-uld swear to it that amours had warranted it. Not one ent in “Caught Short,” one of In plain language, understand- the screen promised to be a hot Nixon was not justifiably bickered. of these gentlemen bore the Biesner’s preceding comedies, but able to the purist, esthete and runner-up for high entertainment Listen, my children, and gather marks of blood anq lineage one not with the depth and color of the realist alike, I feel .as the honors. And I say this despite near; it wasn’t the influence of would imagine playing house with this one. He has made the con- prospector who pans an average the gross blunder in casting Mar- light wine or beer that caused a lady of the peerage. Did she flict between the two sisters in of dust that barely sustains life; ion Nixon as a Lady of the Eng- that sudden departure from the cheapen herself or depreciate audi- this story of a quality and uni- “Somewhere in the drift and con- lish peerage. Believe me, my path of consistency. It was some- ence sypathy? Would she? Visu- versality of appeal as wide and volutions of them thar hills lies peers—referring' to the American thing else brought on the distor- alize Marion Nixon and write your reaching as that of birth, death a pocket of solid nuggets.” vintage this time—this picture tion. Come, ye wise men of the answer on the left hand corner and a raise in pay. It stands up Somewhere in them thar movie built audience interest and sym- fold, give ns a lift; lend a hand of the page. Anq the first part of under a close analysis. hills is plenty c-f gold. Encumb- pathy as unaffectedly as “Holiday” in this mystery. of this picture was a gem out of treatment and It is encouraging to note oc- ered by obsolete prospecting and and “The Divor-ce” at their artistic There was a certain splendid the teasuro box direction. happened two- casional in this welter anq .con- refining methods—which seems to best, that is, for two-thirds of its dignity in Nixcn’s -earlier char- What

. admir- thirds of the way along? flict of politics and craftsman- be the equipment in the majority going hut from then on. . . acterization. She displayed TED PRICE. ship called the movie art, a dir- of camps—there is brought forth Well, its too late now to help able fortitude in accepting and husband’s obvious ectioral personality discerning en- occasionally with the help of the matters. The dirt . is done and abiding by her ought to see and courageous enough law of persistence, enough pure no broom or dustpan of analysis pleasure at being with his ex- ONE HEAVENLY NIGHT in to preserve in his assignment a metal to sustain hope. A few is going to clean it up, but there flame. Self respect stood out UNITED ARTISTS true balance of far-reaching en- camps that have installed modern is no haling back a curiosity to her acceptance and tolerance such Reviewed December 27 themselves tertainment values. The tempta- processing of their ores manage know just what happened from as one would expect from a lady Many pictures offer public under definite tag tion of extremes is ever present; to keep this hope above the level two-thirds of the way on. Right of the peerage. Even free to ac- to the of who melo- protagonists of the superiority ol of despair. Once in a while some- at that point did the director cept the attentions a man such as drama, comedy, L-vo as exclusively whatever those who de- certain forms, patterns and tech- body hits a pocket full of nug- fall off of his chair and hit his offered her a drama or forefinger there to nique of art are fanatically and gets. head on an old fashioned effect hers as her cwn termine the label intend them to of the best but powerfully insistent in furthering Two packets of high grade ore, machine or what? Did the writ- wasn’t the slightest tendency be. Intentions are conventions. She was (Continued on Page Seventeen) their gestures. If a thing is com- averaging about 90 per cent pure ing staff become suddenly seized ignore the mercially successful, it is not art. metal to the ton are on display The reply is in the work of Nor- this week. One is “Reducing” at man Rockwell, James Branch Ca- Loew's State (reviewed elsewhere) ® SR bell, Joseph Conrad. They were and the other is “The Right to commercially successful, anq even Love,” showing at the Para- Just a Musical Holiday Geeting the most radical proponents of Paramount. aestheticism agree they will live This is a superlatively fine pro- as long as any of the traditionals. duction. I speak highly of it but from The best tones start from the on the double check “The Right diaphragm. The best emotions to Love” measures up to the rat- i well from the heart. It is from ing. Chatterton’s stiil slightly af- these two sources that Riesner’s fected accent and a casting mis- comedy surge and reverberate. He take that lasted for cnly a brief knows his sounding board. An- sequence is the only thing that JACK SOCCERS other observation is recorded in keeps this picture from being 100 this limited space. When action per cent. As an outright achieve- MASTER OF CEREMONIES in this comedy becomes ludicrous ment in screen art it ranks along it does not verge onto the ridicul- with “Holiday” and “The Di- ous, which proves that the action vorcee.” i is not artifically hoked. And if Credit for excellence here will I you feel that this observation is undoubtedly be apportioned to the Fox California unimportant take time to notice same factors that popularly gave the brand of hysteria that seizes “Holiday” and “Divorcee” their SAN JOSE I the audience while viewing “Re- standing. This means, c-f course, ducing.” It is of the uncontrol- that the elements that make “The lable kind that heaves directly Right to Love” a success will I from the torso and disturbs the probably take a vacation lasting knap of the seat coverings. Not as long as that taken by the once but many times I thought “lucky eombiantion” boosting mmmmmmsmmsmmmmmmmmmmm lialf of the audience was going “Holiday” and “Divorcee” into the nuts. If this isn’t an art then hit class. the panties and the shorts in that Chatterton’s genius, the dialogue, audience were filled wih very ac- etc., etc., deserve mush credit. tive feathers. TED PRICE. This department invites an analys- 1 Holiday Greetings I i SEASON’S GREETINGS JACI4 from the SPnice MUSICAL and And His RKO-LIANS THEATRICAL NEWS SAN FRANCISCO ORPHEUM m


Page Six INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 1931 .y.VAW.%V.V.VWWVWimV.V.*AVAVAV%Vl%W»B.W Reviews Merchanized Entertainment San Francisco By Ted Price AVAVAVVAV.VV.V.V.VAV^ViVA^WAV.V.V.VVV;” FOX OAKLAND Harry Weber Oakland Remember back when Dad and only make it possible for the Reviewed Dec. 23. Mother hustled us kids over to hicks in the sticks to see and Three thousand seats and every Aunt Dessie’s and grabbed the hear the finest entertainment in one filled. A lobby full of cus- milk train for the near metropo- the world, thsi same machinery tomers. A long lineup of ticket BARON HARTSOUGH lis to see Richard Mansfield and would so concentrate talent that buy..ers outside, hat Twas the AT THE WURLITZER Peter Daley? That was the day we would be out of a job. The Sunday night business on “Light- WISHES YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR when this nation began to voice next Christmas we split a cold nin’ ” at this ace Oakland theatre. a real need for wider distribution ham sandwich for dinner. We 54 Weeks—Loew’s Warfield—San Francisco Due to leave for an eight week of high class talent. tried to compromise on a herring, Now Seattle engagement Hermi King, Those of the bustle and corset but after all, you know, it was 58th Week—Fox T. & D.—Oakland era fortunate enough to see the for a farwell week, conducted the Christmas. As we ate we dwelt New York production with the concert orchestra in "Anchor sadly upon the fall and decline of original cast were no less than the Empire of tabloid, burlesque, Aweigh,” which Clarence Kaull ar- tin gods in the eyes of us forced vaudeville and legit. Where, we ranged in A-l style. Overture pre- GOOD WISHES TO ALL to- stay at home. The best we speculated, was the future supply sented “Anchors” as done in Ger- could afford was a sterioptican of Chattertons, Errols Arlisses, many, Russia, Scotland and here lecture on the wonders of Niagara Hortons, Hardings, Carrols and Buck Tticall Falls. Did we envy those who with King contributing a pip of Dresslers coming, from? Scenic Artist had saved enough out of the but- Would the machine that had a piano solo in the Russ sequence. ter and egg money to trek it the reduced their training school to Billy Knox was at the organ. CAPITOL THEATRE steam to the elite of way where a mere semblance of its former On stage was F. and M.’s SAN FRANCISCO the kerosene circuit did their stuff? efficiency somehow contrive a The is in the question. “Moonlite Revels,” staged by Lar- answer synthetic substitute for the ex- I’ll forget the hour I spent never perience the theatre had given ry Ceballos and featuring George with a guy who had actually seen them? This situation annoys not Broadhurst in comedy work; and heard none other than Oscar only the actor. It torments every Charles*- Brugge in more comely Wilde, the flesh. I in Maybe was waking hour of talent scout and stuff; Curry and Brown, hoofers; JACK SPR1GG wrong but I thought he was the casting director in Hollywood. MUSICAL DIRECTOR cookies. Helen Petch, aero dancer and the Many believe that the atmo- R-K-O ORPHEUM SAN FRANCISCO that » I nursed a From day sphere and extra players will ab- Three Melvin Brothers, one of smouldering disgruntlement over sorb enough experience from ob- whom is evidently one of the or- a scheme of things that permitted servation and an occasional bit iginal milkman. in the only a favored few to soak thrown them to qualify a spot scintillations brilliance and of the closer to the mike and camera. liners. I not alone. top was Scouts are searching the faces FOX CALIFORNIA HIRSCH- ARNOLD There -wasn’t dirty-eared brat in San Jose a and delivery of the thinning ranks BALLET MISTRESS the town who didn’t feel the same of vaudeville, revue and burlesque. Reviewed Dec. 23 created and costumed all dance numbers now en tour Fox Circuit about it. Then a feller flock of customers this way smart Stock and the little theatre is A at with F. & M.’s “Brunettes” Idea. invented a machine that projected occasionally scanned for timber Christmas night show to get a STUDIO—54S SUTTER ST. SAN FRANCISCO those self-same stars’ load c-f that qualifies a test. The dra- Peggy O’Neill stage show a-carryin’ on as life with and as real matic schools continue to drill Jack Souders as m. c. on a wrhite sheet right before you and coaeh the ambitious and the Souders and orchestra contribut- eross my heart. hopeless, and every mother’s son ed a pair of numbers, the first a It wasn’t long before every and daughter who thinks, with or trombone solo by the m. c. “Cav- town that boasted a population alleria Rusticana,” and the second without encouagement, that he or Holiday Greetings big enough to afford a fire en- a novelty number played almost she is the logical successor to gine could see them. Right at Rogers and Gaynor are wearing entirely on toy instruments. Both that period in the history of this out the carpet in front of the clicked heavily. country, gears and toggles and mirrors. Harry Van Foster, blackface from cams and steel shafting operated comedian, Inez and With all of this energy and am- Wynne and by hand crank fulfill a began to bition concentrated toward help- Jay Bird Trio, mixed group of that universal demand for stars ing the casting director the prob- hoofers, built up the show. Del- at close range. Machinery had mar and Frankie, two O’Neill lem should easily solve itself. EARL KEATE the answer. proteges, .got over with their spec- Not long ago I had the pleasure Production has been completed ialties and Sally Karlin and Vel- of working with writing and for on “Making Good,” which stars ma Berry stepped cut of the line one of the future screen stars Joe Benner, the .stuttering comic, for specialties. FOX-WEST COAST THEATRES and I prophesied that machinery, in his first two-reel Vitaphone Va- Harold Rheo officiated at the powered by electricity would not rieties comedy. Wurlitzer for community singing. ’^AVwuwiAV\rt^wy%^vvwvvwwvywwvwvvwvvwwwwwvvvvvvw^ MAHLON MERRICK AND HIS VAGABONDS

Joe Zohn Vernon Ferry A1 Zohn George Hall Walter Beban Fred Heward Tony Freeman Gilbert Green Jack Meakin Ray Harrington g Edison Gilham Mart Grauenhorst Don Renfrew



January Saturday, 3, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Seven

palm of his hand when it corner ff to making ’em warble. NSID THE fR©N¥ PACE Picture was "Big Trail.” HAL (ITAL.) The vaudeville pattern headed by Bobbie (Uke) Henshaw at Loevv’s State, is basically the answer to a SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30.—In Published Every Saturday growing- demand for more and better vaudeville. In- a hotly contested election, made One Year - $4.00 Foreign $3.00 cidentally it reduces the net abod% $1500 as well as to provide faster and snappier entertainment. more important by current thea- Year ------One $4.00 Foreign - $5.00 tre negotiations, members of When Marco decided on this change he had the Advertising Rates on Application Local 6, Musicians' union, have choice of many headliners. Speed, snap and variety be- Established 1924 ing the major consideration Henshaw’s showmanship re-elected all officers. As a weekly publication: Entered as Second Class Matter, April measured to the demand for that particular brand of Executive lineup of the local 29, 1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act stamina and punch. He throws fifteen years of expe- has Walter Weber, president; Al- of March 3, 1879. rience into this show and his selection capably sustains bert Greenbaum, recording secre- Published by Marco's judgment. tary; Frank Borgel, vice-presi- Inside Facts Publishing Company, Inc. dent; Clarence King, financial 800-801 Warner Bros. Downten Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. done by • Henry Buettner, Harry secretary. Telephone TUcker 7832 Reviews Cohen and Kimic. Both were solid Seven members chosen for the JACK JOSEPHS ------President and Editor hits, board of directors are Sam ARTHUR WM. GREEN ------Vice Pres, and Counsel San Francisco LaFrance and Garnet, mixed Davis, Elmer Hubbard, Walter blackface duo, got over with their King, George Lerond, Eddie Love, Vol. XII Saturday, January 3, 1931 No. 25 ORPHEUM w.k. stuff. Freddie Pierce impress- George Pinto and Jerry Richard. San Francisco ed with liis vocalizing of “Neath Frank O’Connell and A. S. Morey iya , "A^WAVAVJVV.V,V,YA AV Reviewed Dec. 27. a Blanket of Stars,” and drew a are delegates to the California In person entertainment at this neat hand. Williams Family, four State Federation of Labor con- colored pics, in a return date, vention and Sam Davis and Clar- TEN FEET CLOSER house is contributed by Jack again clicked and Magee and Ma- ence King are delegates to the Sprigg’s RKOlians and Buss Mc- By Edward Montagne ^ lone were no panic as dancing A. F. M. convention. Board of Clelland, organist, both stellar comedians. relief members are Barney Fran- features. For this concert Sprigg Sweet Sixteen Sweethearts did kel, W. H. Cully, Elmer Hubbard, The beginning of 1930 saw the of losing something important. and gang did “Kanimanoi Ostrow” several line numbers, all of them Curley Jacob and George Kitttsr. advent of the stage dramatist in I feel the future will see a re- and did it mightly well, a French good. motion pictures in large numbers, turn to screen technique, with just horn sclo by the conductor build- Mel Hertz continued his record With this issue of Inside Facts and almost passing- the out of the a minimum of dialogue, and stories ing up considerably. breaking community sing work, is included the issue of December screen writer. I think that 1931 with more action and movement. McClellan did “Holy City’ ’on still holding the customers in the 27, 1930. will see the return of the screen the Robert Morten organ and was writer to his old position of im- After all, these are the very things portance, and the subordination of which made the motion pictures, well received. the dramatist to the role of dia- which drew hundreds of thousands logue writer except in cases , away from the legitimate theatre, PARAMOUNT where the dramatist possesses real San Francisco and it seems foolish, after the vic- creative ability. The reason is tory has been won, to return to a Reviewed Dec. 27 simple. form of technique which could not House scored a .clean cut hit *6 'The dramatist ha3 overload- hold its own audience. in its final week under Publix ed pictures with dialogue. Pur- mJ. C. ©OHEH operation before being taken over suing his method of writing for RADIO-YO-HOS the stag^, he has employed dia- by Fox. With Ruth Chatterton in President logue dUevery opportunity to put Calvin Hendricks with Serenad- “Right to Love” on screen and over business, thought, even the es—Aggies are changing their little Mitzie Green making person- smallest of things; as his stage- program time—Old Wagontongue al appearances customers were I training taught that he must is telling him a true story of the old- hanging on the chandeliers to got make everything as clear to those time Texas rangers—Joy’s orches- load CONSOLIDATED a of this opera. And busi- in the last in orchestra as row the tra is offering a and varied new like this is in 1 to those in the first row. ness a rarity this network p r o g r a m—Marks and Every member of a screen audi- house. Grubb and Georgia Miller, leading ence is within ten feet of the char- Mitzi copped all honors of Pub- 1 AMUSEMENT lady with the ICOA Players is mar- acters in the play. He resents so lix’s “Hello Paree” unit with her ried to Lieutenant Frank E. Fries much talk, as he has been accus- mimicry of Chevalier, Moran and tomed the past to seeing players of Fort Logan. in Mack and others and even though l ; COMPANY do things instead of talking about Freeman H. Talbot, manager of she suffered a mighty had .throat doing them. KOA, Denvere, has turned inven- The old style of screen tech- she went through her paces like tor. He has designed a lime-left of nique. enabled a character to an old trouper, giving ’em an indicator that has been installed tell his audience what he was go- encore and a speech. Wasn’t so in the main studio. ing to do through props used on long ago she played the Golden the set, Beginning with the Midnight through facial expression, Gate with her mom and pop, Keno through bits of business ingenious- show New Year’s Eve, the Fox HONOLULU and Green, as a regular RK3 ly created by the screen writer Palace Theatre haye signed those vaude act. Now she’s a b.o. draw and the screen director. In addi- two popular radio entertainers, the in her own right. tion this form of technique permit- “Happy Chappies” for an eight ted audiences to sit back, relax Senator Murphy drew a flock of day and night engagement with an Sends Holiday Greetings to All and see the story acted out for laughs with his familiar political option on their services for four them, instead of bending over try- humor and Samuel Bros, impress- His Friends Throughout ing catch every line for fear weeks. to ed with their precision hoofing. Bernice Stone contributed a nifty the World aero dance. Don George was at the organ copping the spotlight with a 1 Rolph number of his own. I I FOX EL CAPITAN ALL BEST HOLIDAY GREETINGS San Francisco 1 Reviewed Dec. 23. I Another of those neat Peggy Creeling* O’Neill productions with Jay tflornik I | Brower at the helm. Here’s a duo 3&e that’s been plugging along for the MUSICAL DIRECTOR i past year seldom missing tapping the hell for exceptional audience returns. « Brower and his swell stage NATIONAL band had a duo of musical offer- I ings: “You, Just You/’ a composi- tion of BROADCASTING CO. Brower, Lou Shaff, Bob Ivimis and Warren Lewis with the I latter three doing the tune in SAN FRANCISCO various solos: “Wah Wah Gal,”


Page Eight INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 19311

On this . . . the start of a new year . . . and we trust ... a happy and prosperous one for all ... I am prompted to express to MARCO

. . . my friend and patron of many years . . grateful thanks ... for his untiring efforts

upon my behalf. . .

To my dear friend . . , RUDY VALLEE

... the same . . . for the pleasurable engage- ment spent with him at VILLA VALLEE

. . . and the offers to play a return engage-

ment. . . . To EDWIN SCHEUING of N.B. C., N. Y., for his sincere efforts and interest during

my recent New York engagement. . .

AND ... to that gentleman showman . . . WALTER KOFELDT of the Fox Riverside

Theatre . . . and his entire staff . . . that made

possible ... a happy, successful . . . and memorable ‘‘homecoming’’ Sincerely, EDDIE PEABODY “The Banjo Boy of Joyland”

35 A Happy and Prosperous 1 NEW YEAR 1 1 To All |



• •; f' : / Saturday, January oy 1931 INSIDE ; FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Nine

:a ‘ ' ' ? GREETINGS FROM THE Fox. El Capftan Merry Makers 9 1 Presented by PEGGY JAY i O'NEILL BROWER S PRODUCER MASTER OF CEREMONIES “WE PAID THE MOST” I and »Jis MEL SWEET SIXTEEN SWEETHEARTS CAN “Don’t Use Their Names Because We Can’t Collect” HERTZ and iit« Me LEAN '‘The Community Sing King” Fox El Capitan Stage Band MANAGER “He’ll Pay and Pay” “At $1 Apiece” "Hope is a beautiful thought,” PIC SMITH GEO. MUNSON DICK NELSON BOB KIMIC Reeds Reeds Reeds Trumpet WARREN LEWIS LOU SHAFF LOWELL HAWK GEO. WILLIAMSON I Piano Drums | HARRY COHEN HENRY BUETTNER Basses Strings i EDGAR ROBERT CATLEY GEN WELCH “Some dog act will pay his share,” “Goldstein’s will pay for this.” 1 San Frandsci 5 DIVISION OF FOX WEST COAST THEATRES Directum: A. M. BOWLES ! ‘We didn’t charge him; we’re not chumps’ .V.\WV.V.V.VAVVV.V,V.V,V,VAVVW/.W.V.VW.W.W»VAWAVWAV/A\W.V.VAVV\W.V%WAUW.V.VAV/,VAV.\V.W,W.*.VV.VA"I


R i Eddie Nle Lane Bunny Bursons L, Girigalra A BAND N BOB LOGAN BUNNY HAUU G TEX LANGSTON I S c Greetings o Jt*age Ten INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 1931 WILL PRIOR Radi-Yo»Hos MUSICAL Need, unemployment WALLACE DIRECTOR and sick- Always Busy Developing Dancing Stars but Never Too Busy to 1187 South Rodeo Drive Los Angeles OXford 6571 ness have all been dealt a deadly Create and Produce Original blow of late through the medium DANCE ROUTINES and REVUES That Sell of the radio—by the programs Belmont Theatre Bldg., First and Vermont Phone Exposition 1196 Los Angeles, which have so earnestly been Calif. George and Florence Barclay given to betfefit others and to PRODUCERS AND DANCE DIRECTORS check, if possible, this era of de- now associated pression. OWEN SWEETEN DOUGLAS SCHOOL OF DANCING Hal M. Ayers, president of Con- 1417 7th Avenue—Seattle tinental Broadcasting Corporation, And His Band of Bands One of the finest theatrical producing dance studios Hollywood, producers and distrib- Now on their Second Year at the on the Pacific Coast M utors of electrical transcription FOX * SEATTLE Regards to our many friends i~i hos Angeles’* for radio stations, returns from a country-wide inspection trip and reports that 90 per cent of the

>»t\. i sfrf.itiS’e e*as broadcasters in the United States Season’s Greetings are now using electrically trans- cribd sustaining programs in vary- GOTHAM ing amounts of time. IMPORTED FOOD DELICACIES Jack Joy, production manager Hempstead 8143 7050 Hollywood Blvd. for KFWB, confesses a secret passion for the oriental. Chines books, lanterns, tapestries, these are his prized possessions, and Greetings From CHEERIO! his pet relaxation is browsing around one of the queer old Chinese shops in Los Angeles, HARRV WORTHEN talking to the toothless proprietors. FOX-WEST-COAST Nelson Case, one of KFWB’s announcers has a fine baritone voice, but he has one habit that his colleagues kid him about un- “red" mercifully. He WILL sing with Clyde Lockwood BENAT his eyes closed. and. Kss Radio Station KOA, Denver, YENEJTA found itself to be an inadvertent ORCHESTRA crusader against the divorce evil when a program popularity survey was completed recently. Ron Wilson and Don Warner, magicians of two-piano tunes, have signed up for a 26-program series of electrically recorded pro- grams which will come from the studios of the Continental Broad- casting Corporation in Hollywood. Looking Up

Due to a number of theatre changes, San Francisco music situation is in the most upset state of years. Theatre contracts,

hanging fire since September 1, are due to come up again this week and with five of the eight down-town first run houses under the Fox banner and two under RKO much dissension is expected before final papers are signed. So far as the number of work- ing Local 6 members is concern- ed, this city is in a pretty good state. This being a strong labor Wish Everybody a Happy and town every theatre of importance Prosperous maintains an orchestra. New Year! FRANK m| SEBASTIAN Armstrong Studios Incorporated

Proprietor of


JOE E. BROWN IN “ELMER THE GREAT” REGENT HOTEL APTS. EL CAPITAN THEATRE 1528 CURTIS ST. HOLLYWOOD MYRTLE STRONG DENVER, COLORADO Reviewed by Bud Murray, “Organing for RKO” Opening Nite, Dec. 21 Now Playing Second Year for ROOMS AND APTS. AT PROFESSIONAL RATES It is again proved that stage OF THEATRICAL PEOPLE PLAYING DENVER SEATTLE HOME shows are not through by tha WILLIAM WEST, MGR. WE PAY TAXI FARE SRO sign at the El Capitan The- atre, where Joe E. Brown, stage MMMM0M0M0M0M0.M0M0M0MMM0MA

and screen star is appearing for a limited engagement for Henry 1 Seasons Crecting-s if

and Duffy. Joe E. the " PATRICK MARSH Brown makes From Your Portland “Home” Is* m mt (Agency) part even .better than written be- . cause he injects a naturalness, and Sovereign Hotel jSX H Apartments If locks the part, and does his Portland, Ore. C. T. PAINE, Mgr. WANTED* dramatic bits excellently. Mr. H g ACTS SUITABLE FOR PICTURE HOUSE PRESENTATION Duffy has surrourided the star AND CLUBS with a very large and excellent

Write—Wire—Call cast, and there is never a dull 607 Majestic Theatre Bldg., 845 South Broadway, Los Angeles moment. Opening night many Phone TUcher 2140 stage and screen stars witnessed TED HENKEL and performance, and nothing but praise was heard. The scenery MUSICAL PRESENTATION was built ala Broadway. In a curtain speech Joe E. Brown was CONDUCTOR AND DIRECTOR Compliments of the Season to the forced to give the audience his masterpiece “Little Mousie,” and CAPITOL THEATRE Profession when he opened that B—T—-G mouth of his, the audience Sydney, Australia shrieked with laughter. Imagine Pit Orchestra of 30 Stage Band of 20 all this for $1.50. Go and see it. Dwight Johnson quick. and His MULTNOMAH HOTEL ORCHESTRA HOLIDAY GREETINGS § PORTLAND, ORE. from the , ^ , jg| A HANDFULL OF BOYS WITH A BAND FULL OF MELODY Now in Our 104 Consecutive Weeks I Capitol Theatre Orchestra I i SAN FRANCISCO K | AL BEATTY, DIRECTOR | § HARRY BAREILLES LEO SUENNEN Jazz Lips Richardson 0 Violin—Asst. Director Trombone | CHARLES CHURCH GEORGE DANNIS iff Trumpet Bass now playing with HARRY CARNEY ERNIE PIMENTEL | Saxophone Drums FANCHON & MARCO’S W, THANKS TO WARREN B. IRONS AND “GONDOLIER IDEA” JOHNNY GOLDSMITH

Heartiest Holiday Greetings

From tlse Gang at the

Manchester . Theatre Los Angeles SOt LOWE CLYDE CURRY BLACKIE BLACKMAN Reeds Reeds FRANK WORMAN HARRY VAILE Percussion Trumpet CHIEF CIFERELLE NAT YOUNG Reeds Piano — —

Page Twelve INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 1931

in reverse, down hill, so harmful 9 Featured In Fanchon and Marco’s “American Beauty” Idea Sittln With to conviction that the discovery Greetings from TOOTS NOVELLE or unfoldment of the character's NOW FEATURED IN the Public duplicity carries no real dramatic The inimitable Warner Bros, featured' player Homer RIVER’S END force or punch. Its vitality has WARNER BROS. been dissipated in a diminishing Sweetman Reviewed December 20 audience credulity. ffi and His The “Mountie’s” reputation, for Upon the appearance of a per- M getting his man appeals to every sonality doubling himself there is human who understands the 1 Seasons Greetings Eand ever present in the audience mind f King’s, Benny Rubin’s or Walter the question “How can a woman Winchell’s English, which is no To All Our Friends Featured Over KJR as intelligent looking as his j narrow market for any type of || sweetheart so easily overlook or entertainment. However, screen 1 accept the absence of physical A1 Taylor and Tom Sanduall fe stories of the Northwest and its markings, little mannerisms of never-give-up coppers reach, not speech and movement she has Ann Hofmann only those who speak English, learned to so closely associate Dance Studio but those who wish they could, with the man?” which takes in nearly everyone Love may be dumb or ga-ga THELMA CROCKER who can lift a nickel up to where Greetings to All My Friends hut it dees not accept physical Tap and Chorus Routine the pretty girl asks “how many, substitutes that easily and gullibly. please?’’ To be explicit, the blind to faults of dis- ANDREW McFARLAND wide reach and spread of silent It may be position because attitudes like Earl Williams Acrobatic Tumbling screen and fiction depiction has morals are a matter of viewpoint Manager made the Northwest UNIVERSAL and a lapse of time may effect 1151 Market St. IN APPEAL, and so, “River’s changes but love is not SAN FRANCISCO End” should turn a handsome radical NEW FILLMORE THEATRE numbskull enough to pass up a SAN FRANCISCO Phone UNderhill 1122 profit for the producer and exhib- missing mole, singular slant of for Appointments itor. I doubt if it will. droop or rise of the Humanity has been high pres the eyes, lips without a question. Even the sured, ballyhooed and over- most identical of twins have those Enjoying My Second Christmas With tured so' much to their disillusion- distinguishing marks. Give Yourself ment they one and all tote large National Broadcasting Co. San Francisco portions of salt wherever they go. Stories of this kind get off on a Treat foot the very Thus we find °n presenting our the wrong from moment they try to get away Register . . . wares—which we fondly hope will with a highly improbable dupli- Harold Peary be to their taste—they, having at the new, luxurious cation and they add cumulative been burnt, duped and misled so handicap the stars own per- ‘Ain’t often, promptly take us with a by dat sump’n sonality being ever and strongly bit of salt. Too much salt, as we the EMBASSY present in both personations. A “Hope you’re same know, destroys the natural flavor draws upon and savor of edibles. The trouble single characterization HOTEL every ounce of his capacity to with “River’s End” is that the delineate it well, to make it con- Available for Clubs, Private Parties, etc. audience has to take it with too vincing; a double role thins out headquarters for artists of much salt. To satisfy yourself radio . . his effectiveness unless built with stage and ... on this point please note with a shrewd and artistict facial and about one-fourth of your power vocal transformation which is not MODERN! of observation how they a.ccept it. FRIGIDAIRE! in evidence in this picture. KANE’S HAWAIIANS When a dramatic picture de- TED PRICE. THEATRICAL RATES! pends upon “close resemblance” WITH AN ESTABLISHED REPUTATION AS NEAR ALL THEATRES! of two characters to furnish mis- Los Angeles taken identity situations it draws VICTOR RECORDING AND RADIO ARTISTS Reviewed Dec. 28. Polk and Turk Sts. upon the elements of farce and The booker penciled a flock cf when you try to put it across as high power talent Into this R. K. Francisco bona fide dramatic interest it gets San O. this week. Every act whammed off under a clumsy handicap. And Phone ORdway 1404 across to big returns. Outstanding DAVE KANE the further the action proceeds scores were hung by Peter Hig- Instructor of All Hawaiian Instruments “You’ll meet your friends from this base line the heavier gins and Jack Usher, who inci- there” and clumsier the handicap be- dentally are named herewith as comes. It has a cumulative effect Per. Address: Inside Facts, San Francisco valuable material for Hollywood. Howling as Hollywood does for HARVEY VALLIE new faces that have something to offer besides a physiognomy here are two potentials that should KARELS quiet their plaint. Of which more Happy New Year SCHOOL OF DANCING later. 7377 Beverly Blvd. OR. 2688 The bill pushed off with Wor- thy and Thompson, two dusky ex- ponents of the pedalistic method of knocking ’em into the aisles. They gathered in their share of Jesse Stafford plaudits with showmanship that EARL C. SHARP And His San Francisco never faltered in its design. PALACE HOTEL ORCHESTRA Peter Higgins next with a Featuring His and Gene Rose’s Song Hit, “Tonight” brand of personality and manner and smile so thoroughly engag- Arranger of Symphonic Overtures for WALT ing we do not hesitate to recom- ROESNER and the FOX THEATRE CONCERT mend him for the mike and the Greetings ORCHESTRA, San Francisco. .camera. If his personality regis- ters on the nitrates as it does on JOSEPH DISKAY the payees he is in line for the HUNGARIAN void that McCormack never even TENOR had a chance to fill. Wotta Granada Studios Radio, Clubs voice but he hits those highs Erbe Uniform Mfg. Co. with too much gusto. Dunkirk 1941 Coaching Jack Usher stepped into' the Uniforms for next to closing spot with a meth- Ushers and Usherettes, Bands, od of handling business and tim- ing and mugging that would be Doormen, Etc. Season’s Greetings duck soup for a talkie director. Maurice Colleano and his fam- Write for Samples and Cuts ily finished off the show in the “Soapy” topeline Colleano style. Frank DuBord 149 New Montgomery St. Another mile-stone in the pro- With the California Sunshine Boys and duction of motion pictures was SAN FRANCISCO yesterday when the 700th reached Phone Douglas 2269 KYA San Francisco picture filmed in Hollywood by Paramount went into work.

Greetings Now with Will King from SYLVIA A CLEMENCE Seattle

Season’s Greetings From GEORGIE STOLE Conducting THE CHINESE THEATRE GREATER ORCHESTRA Grauman ’s Chinese Theatre, Hollywood •mmm ——

Saturday, January 1931 3, INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Thirteen mms NOVELLE Art Rogers Fanchon and Marco'* "Seasons” Idea—en tour Port Landing GLAD TIDINGS TO ALL PORTLAND William B. McCurdy, president Season's Greetings and general manager of the Duf- Seiger win Theatre Company of Oregon, Rudy Inc., backed by local business to the Gang men is giving Portland a stock CONCERT DIRECTOR eompany of real merit and is SINCE 1907 Shooting Straight for R.K.O. playing the latest and best Broad- way hits. VIC DUNNE “Bill” McCurdy and bis stage director, Eddy Waller have also FAIRMONT HOTEL lined up a great list of guest stars. SAN FRANCISCO Beside giving Portlanders the Phone FRanklin 1920 Ellis W. Levy, Mgr. shews they want, McCurdy has made arrangements to play all Radio-Keith-Orpheum Corp. roadshows coming this way. Heartiest Season’s Greetings Booking Dept. PORTLAND San Francisco Branch 602-S04 Golden Gate Bldg. “She Walked in Her Sleep” from DUFW1N THEATRE December 20, 1930 GREETINGS FROM: Laughs—laughs—.comedy — com- edy—entire cast at their best BERT HOLLOWELL DON SMITH deal these kind of hills to the MASTER OF CEREMONIES Pcrt-Land-Ers and Mr. Bill Mc- 4< Joy Boy of Songland” Curdy will have to put in more c^p Back with Will King, Seattle seats. Lady behind me was laughing for five blocks after leaving Dufwin temple of mirth— Miss Wallace at her best—she is LOEW’S STATE, LOS ANGELES Greetings a natural—stole the spot light this Indefinite week—good comedienne for talk- ies—Jacobson got his share of laughs—Cornet solo, by one of the A1 Erickson and girls in the orchestra— liked much Gang - —all in all a Dufwiner this week Clint Williams Duke Hodgkins —some .credit must go to Eddy Waller and teacher. Hy Lammers Barney Mendeloff ART ROGERS. Jimmie Rackin Lee Randall ART ROGERS MILLION DOLLAR PORT-LAND-1NG Mr. Levy, northwest manager Seasons Greetings

Publix-Calif. —- here he comes — parking at United Artists theatre, L A. SLIM TAFT Season’s Greetings At "Coffee Cupboard” — you will find “Ollie Wallace”—-“Slim Taft”—sip-ing — bit-ing — argu- jmmm Jim Riley ing—just two musicians— -the end it’s a DUTCH TREAT. (Slim San Francisco Manager Taft’s Mrs.) —Slim, there’s an old clothes man at the door! Slim Tell him I’ve got all I need. Slim National Theatre Supply Co. go’ing—Miami—good luck BOY. Who remembers when? — Cleo- Greetings to All Broadcasters patra wore long skirts. Who remembers when? — Phil Season’s Greetings From Lampkin was selling candy—“Col- umbia Theatre”—Oakland, Calif. Who remembers when? — Britt - WALTER Wood—work’ed — “Airdome” John Hill Nashville, Term.—Mgr. F. P. Fur- PREMIERE ORGANIST long—guess the year—win a door knob—any door knob. RUDOLPH CHINESE THEATRE “Ollie Wallace”—received pneu- And His HOLLYWOOD monia—try’ing to get “Amos n Andy”—with all windows open. MELODY MASTERS Cuba Wheatley — Port-land-ing — customers — has dance empor- ium. KTAB San Francisco Holiday Greetings Jack Piller — Asst. Mgr. — Fox Rialto—hit by auto — between - 14th and Salmon—not a fish story Dorothy Dooley —Jack try’ing to collect—hope so Jack. Sixth Consecutive Year As Organist Had visit with Mr. J. J. Parker COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON —Fox City Mgr.—man behind the — From the St. Francis Theatre San Francisco Fox cannon' — shoots straight fast — don’t miss a thing here — anywhere.

In “The Secret Six,” Metro- Best of Luck to All Goldwyn-Mayer’s new drama of Francis -Valentine Co. 1931 political life, a cook industriously broils beefsteaks in the opening Poster Printers lunch counter scene. buss McClelland But believe it or not—the steaks are pieces of pork, cut to resem- Harold and Gene Hoeber RKO ORPHEUM ble cut steaks. Real steak is too red—it pho- SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO tographs as black. Hence the light J colored pork.

Sincere Holiday Greetings to Everyone THE HARRIS TWINS


Crystal rickson 6 3 george Gazing Flesli SEASON’S GREETINGS STAFF TENOR The closing months o£ 1930 wit- To All from KYA San Francisco ness little i£ any change in flesh demand other than that brought Hoping You Had a Merry Christmas and Wishing about by a general depression You a Most Prosperous New Year which has affected every branch LOTTI LODER of entertainment in like degree. The demand for “flesh” lias shown no appreciable increase over that HOLIDAY GREETINGS of December, 1929 with the Indies agent and booker on the fence from and hopeful as ever that a good SEASONS GREETINGS old-fashioned hcwl for stage talent will soon be voiced. Hope You Are All Working The protagonists of vaude and FRAMK (FNEllLLl legit are prophesying with their usual vigor and optimism but so OLLIE WALLACE Comedian far nothing to warrant a whole- sale scramble for talent. Leading authorities concede that variety

suffered a blow with the advent c t/re •Zr&Vfc* iZr&Vrrm ewwf of the talkies and that It may - " CAPSTOL THEATRE take another year to recover 1 SEASON’S GREETINGS 3 from. The competition between THANKS SAN FRANCISCO the major circuits is at the pitch H of last year this period, and with 1-0 our many friends and patrons for th< M real talent just as hard find. to best business year in our history With grosses smaller than they ^ were last season, the stage show We Pledge Ourselves to Render Even Better is a luxury, and it is reasonable ^ Service Plus Greater Values for 1931 'M Hex® Record to believe that the weak spots would eliminate vaude entirely if it wasn’t for competition. Loew DANCE ART SHOE CO. Corgi. is still in the flesh market but I 8 mainly to balance its screen of- 1 WARFIELD THEATRE BLDG. ferings. Fancho and have g SAN FRANCISCO Phone PRospect 1643 San Francisco innovated a slightly new type of ||| ^ flesh fare with the Henshaw unit Wishes Everybody a Happy this week at Lowe’s -but no in- New Year dication that the same will be policy over the entire circuit. RKO has made no phenomenal JOEL COHEN advances in the field. Where President spurts indicate more than average activity it is usually a move to strengthen the weak spots. Fox is not out of the field in any sense of the word and- ia really looked at more as a factor that may have to be reckoned with in the distant future. Orthodox vaude NOObLES outside of scattered independents 5724 Sunset Blvd. is still native to RKO with the Fancho and Marco' change the only evidence of a general come- back. Extends the Season’s Greetings FAGAN Pictures will if they .continue to make the strides they have in the Says ^Cheerio last two months, hold their own and better and vaude will merely Fox West Coast Theatres continue to augment to the degree ‘Harold Bock Caught Me at the Stage Door- that competition warrants. If the Making Special Low Rates to the Some Hustler, Harold” Indie agents are making money it isn’t the kind that creates any Theatrical Profession envy. Act salesmen are as much in evidence in the breadline as actors.

Season’s Greetings Charles “Chuck” Reisner, as a result of his directing three giggle WRITE* WIRE, PHONE hits in a row, “Love in the FOR Rough,” “Caught Short,” and “Re- ducing,” the latest - RESERVATIONS Peter Polly Moran Metro-Goldwyn-May- er vehicle, has just been given a brand-new contract by M-G-M.

Brescia 1 i c.

Conducting' THREE • KADER—VICK— AdtWfMe ARMENTO a Fox T. &D. Concert Orchestra i DYNAMOS The Fastest Tumbling Trio in Show Business Oakland i Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to AH Our Friends

sjagay 1 f •gasgtf •&as&



Saturday, January 3, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Fifteen

DARMOUR RELEASES THRU RADIO Your Marquee Needs 1930-31 Stair Names 1For The Comedy Short as Well SIX LOUISE FAZENDAS







Larry Darmoair Productions FOR STANDARD CINEMA CORE.

- - * 'nmmmwmmmsmr .MiniiitBwmimtimiiMwniwiwwwfBWBa^iaaiBiiai : • Page Sixteen INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 1931

Abe Bloom “KFRC’s Girl Friend” “KFRC’s Melody Man’

Tommy Harris Nila Mitchell Song-ology “The Modernistic Rhythm Girl” Walter Kelsey The Asst. Musical Director Westerners Male Trio John Moss . f Basso Eleanor Allen

Organist Madeline tie Michele Eoaks and IDoalks a Accordionist Songs and Jokes”

WALTER BLINKER Jr Chief Announcer — -

Saturday, January 3, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Seventeen

Greetings from— \ Sittin’ With the Public

(Continued from Page Five) wer. That things suddenly took a heart, his brother, his sister-in-law, Beery, Knight and Richmond for reasons as deep as how far turn for the better is strikingly his mother, and father was this Bob win special recognition for their is down the identity of six pic- noticeable in this weeks assembly error of easting. Their personal- work. Richard Cromwell measured “Always Witn a Smile” tures out of ten—somewhere be- of talent and material. ities did not belong in a hill up to tween conception and presentation Some may crack that John town a backwoods area. This ms height as an experienc- —is so completely garbled or lost Bole’s acting is not so hot and was emphasized every- time the ed actor, hut ho is not of the that upon appearance they look Evelyn Laye’s singing doesn’t three terrible Hatburns appeared. stuff of which siars are made. KJR Seattle like the offspring of a grudge compare to so-and-so’s and why The stamp of the larger city He does not reveal the substance against icemen or the findings of do they inject such crude comedy environment was on every mem- (Continued on Page Twenty) a convention assembled to prove business into such an exquisitely ber of the cast with the excep- that the fourth dimension has delicate atmosphere. This review- tion of the Hatburns. The others nothing to do with bigger and er closely observing audience re- could not drop their film of world- better parsnips. action wishes to report that none liness. There was that of sophis- To he a hit more coherent, tiie of the performers so criticized tication about them that permeaf Season’s Greetings average picture crashing the 2S gave the audience a chance to ed every cubic inch of the atmo- sheets as a musical comedy turns ask such questions. I also wish sphere they created. The brother’s mar.celle, out to be a musical drama or a to report that everyone in that his wife’s manner, the S. L. Cross Music Cerp. melodrama interrupted by songs, audience went forth into the night father’s makeup, the mother’s air smiling and happy it personality simply or something left over from last and could not meas- SAN FRANCISCO Sunday’s dinner. Not so “One wasn’t induced by the coffee ure to the standard set by the Heavenly Night.” This offering .s gratuitously served on the mezza- Hatburns. nine floor. They were entertained, a musical—COMEDY and a MUS- “Tol'ble David” will make mon- New Hits for 1931 ICAL—comedy which definitely brothers and sisters, they were ey because of its story, its direc- entertained. marks it as a MUSICAL-COMEDY. tion, conflicts and the admirable “Everybody Wish"—Fox Trot; “Capt. Dobbsie’s” The audience laughed at tlio Subsequently one is prompted to characterizations of the Hatburns: Sensational Feature antics of Leon Errol so strenu- Sung on “Ship of Joy Hour” remark that whoever won out in Noah Beery, Harland Knight and over KPO. ously that only the merciful in- the determination to preserve this Peter Richmond. I have never tervention of a lighter form of picture’s identity was surely a seen an audience so completely “It’s Gone (That Wonderful Feeling)”—Fox Trot. humorous conflict between Laye powerful man physically ana men- subdued, attention so breathlessly A hot riot of rythm and melody. and Boles saved them from a per- tally. After the conference the fixed as that of the RKO audi- manent cramp in the backs of drugstore around the corner from ence upon every entrance of these their necks. vocalizing by the United Artist’s lot no doubt And three gentlemen. “Tol’ble David” Laye and Boles was so naturally STILL GOING STRONG had to suddenly re-stock their is going on the shelf as an “also incidental to the sex conflict I shelves with arnica and bandages. ran” because its characterization “Tonight”—Fox Trot, and “Rock-A-Bye to Sleep in don’t believe anyone was in the The demand for first aid must throughout did not measure up to Dixie” Waltz:. least interested in have been teriffio. technique de that of tlio Hatburns. voce, or however they say it in In the last two months the No such carelessness or indif- Hollywood. I also wish to note exact outcome of United Artists ference was noted in the casting that Laye handled her assignment production has been a very un- of Tom Sawyer, yet fidelity was with an exquisite comedy sense YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED VISIT certain quantity. One surmise was to the same degree warranted. TO OUR and a lot of that IT stuff in a as good as another. The “why?” Of course error here is easily NEW PROFESSIONAL AND EXECUTIVE style that puts the professional of this was a tough one to ans- traced to failure to penetate a OFFICES, 508-510 IT gals on the shade. Boles was KRESS BLDG., littrie deeper for value in casting. he-man to the extent that he re- Tt is another example of the prac- GENE McCORMICK, Prof.-Mgr. moved any doubt whether or not THE CUPBOARD tice of appraising personality und- he could command a woman’s love, BROADWAY er political pressure. AT SALMON no matter how fiery. Portland, Ore. To the exhibitor I wish to- say wmm Merry Xmas to All Our Good that “One Heavenly Night” will Friends On the Road and Off not make the dough it deserves An Exclusive Theatrical Shoe Store and rectory to'. Also to inquire if he has ever played a sophisticated production that could ? AL KE KUME and LEI ALOHA TOL’BLE DAVID WANGERIN’S REVIEWED RKO Isle Aloha of Company Los Angeles Greet you over KFQW It is evident that the producer Theo Ties of this picture did not realize the Boots and Shoes Made gravity of the job when he took Toe Shoes it upon himself to give the world to Order Borromeo School of Piano a faithful pieturization of “Tol’ble Tap Dancing Flats David.” did not appreciate his in Los 202 Fischer Studios He Sandals Made Angeles ill in 1519 3rd Ave. task or else was advised • # ( the matter. Like Penrod and Tom El-1700 Ballet Slippers Sawyer, “Tol’ble David’ is famil- Popular Piano Playing iar, to millions. He is almost leg- ' endary to the great American audience and anything short of a Note New Address Greetings from flawless reproduction of his strug- FRANCES gle to take on the responsibilities HUNTLY of manhood is, of course, inexcus- 93 1 S. Olive St., LosAngeles ORGANIST able. This production is by no means flawless. StaHinsr Sixth Year Publix 7 Theatres, San Francisco If ever there existed a paradox we have it in this production of Hollywood Store “Tol’ble David.” A story so pow- erfully compelling in the viciously 1637 North Las Palmas GREETINGS morbid drama of its conflicts that it pervades to the very hone and EULALA DEAN marrow of the audience, yet it is “If It's Worn On / “Blues Specializer” a sorrowful example of miscast- ! ing. Noticeable and felt every Human Foot We Make It for KJR at appearance of the hero, his sweet-

GREETINGS J FROM KPO AtRTISTS SAN FRANCISCO Doug Jess Vy Allan Norman Wilson Richardson Trobbe Tenor Different and His and Ballads That Are “One of the Pacific Coast’s finest Guitar—Tenor NORTH AMERICANS SALON ORCHESTRA Artists”—Musical America Harmomzers BENAY Knickerbocker CHUCK RUSSELL—ROGER Piano Duo VEMIJTA Charlotte Owen—Emily McCormick NEAL-FRANK DEIMAR Operators c£ Marina Way Tea Room JERRY JERMAINE COTTON BOND GEORGE NTKUCEK URBIN HARTMAN Contralto and Ballads “The Virginia Ham” Organist Tenor —Announcers— Don Thompson—George Held—Marion Fonville Page Eighteen INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 1931 Greetings fronts RUBE WOLF SEASONS GREETINGS From CHIQUITA AND CAMPBELL MIEKLEJOHN

Seasons Greeting Carthay Circle from ROBERT SWAN - Theatre PREMIER ORGANIST LOS ANGELES


The Season’s Greetings to All My Friends

The Internationally Famous Violinist , JAN REIBINI and Conductor Still at Loew’s Warfield San Francisco

HappyNew Year to All SID GOLDTREE Green Street Theatre — San Francisco

Season’s Greetings and Sincere Thanks to All from



Good Lucky a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year To JACK JOSEPHS »> Al BiirgeM m “ROBBINS” Gene B; B* B, JohiisiMi Ben,,r CELLAR Bermaii Saturday, January 3, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Nineteen


WWAWWW SAN FRANCISCO, DINE and Dec. 30.— Shifting from the stage to the OAKLAND DANCE NO BLUES HERE manager’s desk, Randolph Hale OAKLAND, Dec. 30 San By Harold Bock has leased the Playhouse, Salt — Fran' Dine and dance business in this cisco Musician’s Union, Lake City, and opened there Local 6, town isn’t at a standstill. It’s lAiVVWrtftWW^WkVWWW^VVUVVWl^WVUVVW^WVWV' also having Christmas day with a stock com- jurisdiction over this SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30.— running o-n a downward slope and local losses reported running close city conditions here are pany assembled here and in Los similar picking While cries of the blues rose to $9000. to those across the hay. up speed each week. First, Angeles, Orches- up from other cities tras are working at the stock crash, seasons ago, kept of the coun- Next month Warners begin op- the Fox Oak- Young Hale’s pop is Marshall try, land T. and D., Orpheum and Ful- the all brancnes of tne San Fran- eration of the Embassy wdiich customers away. Then came Hale, one of this burg’s leading ton cisco theatrical industries kept theatres. Bands are at the visits by the prohi squad, legal they bought from Dan Markowitz, merchants and civic-minded men. new plugging along at a consistent Sweet’s Persian Gardens* proceedings holder of the lease when Bill Associated with Hale, Jr., are several and consequent loss pace during the past year with Wag- other ballrooms and radio non wT as Ferdinand Munier, former forced to drop the house. Duffy stations. . . Hermie King of business for the cafes. the result that there is a fairly has In the legit field Henry Duffy director; Charlotte Treadway bowed out of the Fox Oakland Summing up the past year’s jig clean ledger to its credit. is w-aging a successful comeback (Mrs. Munier), and Cameron for eight Changes have not been numer- weeks to conduct at the and eat activities is like pinching after several months absence. Er- Prud’homme. Paramount, Seattle, ous, largely because local condi- where Fanch- a bad bruise. It doesn’t make the langer is doing fairly well at the on, and Marco Ideas tions have been quite satisfactory. are being thing any better. Only a few Columbia; Belasco and SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 30.— played Fox, Warfield, El Capitan and Curran after having been moved cleanup nights during the pa, continue at the Cigars are being passed around Curran and Geary. from the Fox Fifth Ave. . . Lynn. Golden Gate have done the out- by year. New Year’s Eve reserva- Tivoli is moving along under a John Wesch, trumpet with Cowan will play the Fox Oakland standing consistent business dur- tions aren’t so hot. trial policy of $1 top. Burlesque John Wolohan at El Patio ball- as an act for a week, handling ing the year past. Publix, how- room, in No big bands except in the got firmly re-entrenched here aft- honor of a baby girl the m.c. reins during that time. ever, has fought a losing battle; hotels: Palace, Mark Hopkins and er a long absence when Warren born to Mrs. Wesch last week. After that Jan Rubini come likewise William Wagnon with his may St. Irons took Francis. Exceptions, however, Embassy. over the Capitol and in for a few weeks to conduct. Other than this shift- SAN FRANCISCO, are the Apex, colored spot, where has built its business up to good Dec. 39.— . . . . Working on a Theatre ings have been slight. Curtis Mosby has rather a pre- proportions. Out on the Coast to crack pic- Guild proposition of pledged sub- Greatest change of the year tentious show. Lido has several Musical situation, reviewed tures Miss America (Margaret scribers Fulton reopened Christ- came this month else- when Publix Eckdahl) entertainers; Silver Slipper has a where in this issue, is better than made appearances at mas Day with “Burlesque” start- turned over operations of its coast dance duel and a harmony team: in most cities. El Patio ballroom on December ing out to average business. houses to Fox West Coast, shift- Marquard’s has a floor show; Radio, too, has forged 25, 26, 27 and 28. Showed for George Eby and Ed Hogarty still ing the Paramount, California and ahead. Mark Hopkins a dance team; Most radical change took place at Barney Poetz on straight salary. operate the house. St. Francis and the yet unbuilt , Hoof Garden, dancers; Topsy s KYA whc“ entire policy Paramount, Oakland .under the “ new Rocst, varied entertainment. That’s was launched, with a 30 per cent Fox banner. Change goes into ef- tlie extent of it. increase in business noted during fect January 1. Publix has had a If cafes continue their present the past few months. KTAB came tough time of it here, its weekly policy of cutting all entertain- under the jurisdiction of the new- Seasonal Greetings ment to the bone how can they ly organized United Broadcasting hope to attract old and new cus- San Francisco Co.,, and as such is more of a tomers ? subsidiary station than an origi- TED MAXWELL nating unit for A shifting in the Duffy organi- programs, partic- ularly in reference and Hotel business is pretty evenly zation has put Emil Bondeson to night hours. split National Broadcasting between the Palace, Mark into the manager’s chair at the Co. has Hopkins and St. Francis. Jesse made many changes in personnel President with Charles Joseph re- ROEEIE DEAN Stafford during the year while and orchestra have been turning to the Alcazar as treas- KFRC has there for about two years. Anson steadily progressed at its regular urer. . . . Leo Feist, Inc., has Weeks is at the rate, and is said to be the best Mark and con- closed his San Francisco offiee m tiues his .money maker in town. National Broadcasting Co. run of popularity. Laugn- the Garfield building as part cf a KGGC went ner-Harris are into new studios recently on Mis- entering their sec- move eliminating offices through- SAN FRANCISCO sion street and ond year at the Francis. out most of the country. T1 Sath- KJBS has done well with its ail night It’s pretty hard to pick out the er remains as local representative. programs. business leaders among the cafes. United Artists has taken a 20-year least on B street, San ma- Roof Garden, with Val Valente’s teo; where they plan construction M °0 band, holds its regular followers. of a $70,000 house. ... A son was Since 1925 Silver Slipper, featuring Bunny born recently to Arthur Winns. Burson’s m orchestra, is doing as Daddy is trumpet player with Her- well as the rest. Walter Kraus- man Miner’s orchestra at Clinton’s grill and a floor show comprise Cafeteria. . . . Peggy Reynolds has the Lido’s entertainment. Jack opened with the Irons’ burlesque The Wilbur Players Coakley’s band remains at Tait’s troop at the Capitol as scubrette. the at Beach, favorite haunt of Edward Hoffman, city repre- Have Been Presenting High Class Dramatic Stock inveterate and staid night lifers. sentative for Columbia Phono- Ray Tellier is at Robert’s with a graph Co., has announced his en- small combo. Jo Mendel opened gagement to Florence Pagano, nc-n- his own cafe at the beach last pro. Wedding will take place Feb- year and has found the going T. ruary 7. . . . H. Jim Thompson is , rough. With a huge capacity and new orchestra contractor at ike Send Our “Aloha” a low tariff Topsy’s Roost has Fox California, succeeding Doc been packing ’em- in quite well, AND Rowe. . . . Wedding bells will Clyde Lockwood’s band aiding in ring very soon for Henry Warner, the draw. Apex, opened recently vocalist with Rack Coakley’s or- A Merry Christmas by Curtis Mosby and run in con- I chestra at Tait’s, and Laura AND junction with his colored Apex in Thorne, non-pro. Couple met sev- Los Angeles has started off in eral years ago on a boat en route I okay style, a big floor show help- to Australia. . . . Sullival Sisters, A Prosperous New Year ing. Marquard’s, with a floor show dance team, and Percy Beast, col- and Lee Carroll’s orchestra cap- ored singer, are added entertain- I tures the downtown dinner trade. ment at Topsy’s Roost wr here TO ALL Coffee Dan is still in the same Clyde Lockwood and orchestra are old spot with Les Poe now m. c. featured.

Here is the Band: and They Send Greetings— TEX HOWARD and His MUSIC

now on their second year at the TRIANON BALLROOM—SEATTLE

“It’s a Pacific Northwest Record”

& \ Personnel: Billy Stewart, trumpet and trombone; Sid Johnson, trumpet; Gordon Green, trombone; Syl Halperin, piano and arranger; Mace Chamberlain, banjo, guitar, and bass fiddle; Harry McAllister, drums; Fred Reed, bass; Paul McCrea, sax and clarinet; Randy Ball, sax and clarinet; Jim Murphy, sax and clarinet, and Tex Howard, leader and director. :

Page Twenty INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Saturday, Janury 3, 1931 Siftin’ With HEWARDand i Is Dancing Through? the Public FRED By Bad Murray (Continued from Page Seventeen) MART GRAUENHORST What Has Become of the California Dancing Girl? that flames brightly to the breath Fiddle Guitar of tense’ situation or masterful di- and BY BUD MURRAY “What has become of the hun- rection. In other words, they MAHLON MERRICK’S VAGABONDS thought it was love and it was Since the lull in the production dreds of dancing girls who were asthma. NBC San Francisco of talking pictures, with chorus under long contracts to the var- dance numbers, many people have ious picture studios?” is answered argued pro and con, relative to by the fact that the majority of -CAPTAIN THUNDER this type of “sequence” in talk- them have gone entour with Fan- RKQ THEATRE ing pictures. I am one of the chon and Marco units, now being Reviewed December 23 “hard-heads” which cannot be con- staged by A-l dance directors, Three whoopees and a couple JOHNNY O’BRIEN vinced that dancers are through such as Sammy Lee, Larry Cebai- of tigerinos for Warner Bros- Radio’s Favorite Blue Blower in jnctures; and as for the stage, los and Le Roy Prinz, and just This Captain Thunder piece is an the public, will always .crave as soon as the picture studies per cent of good entertainment ’ B start actual musical comedy pro- 85 “chorus girls.” It is a vrcll known If National Broadcasting Co. office every sequence of fact that all styles of entertain- duction, these dancers will mi- and box

ment in pictures, travel in cycles, grata back. the way. And 85 per . cent, my San Francisco just as it has always been on the Many of the California dancers masters, is in this day a high stage. have remained here at home to state cf perfection, reached with- For awhile the cycle is re- continue studying with the numer- in the last month by only one mm&m* vues, then musical comedies, and ous dancing schools now operat- other picture in the idylic, fan- finally operettas. Just so has Jt ing in California. We have here been in talking pictures, first, as some of New York’s foremost tastic romance, adventure class. YULETIDE GREETINGS The other picture was “Rene- usual the dramatic talking picture, stage and dance directors, heading from “Renegades” then came the first real revue schools, under their own name, gades,” by Fox, and stands second to Captain Thunder hit, “Broadway Melodies,” then who came out with the first only in the error of taking itself fine musical comedies, operettas, “rush” and the legitimate schools JAMES and MARGARET bit too seriously, but let me crook pictures, “football stories” are firmly rooted here, continuing a hasten to add that both c-f these and last, "Westerns.” So it re- to do a thriving business. rate so close the differ- verts back to the first .cycle, the For some reason or other, the pieces is hardly worth splitting a musical comedy with “dancing dancers developed here seem more ence girls.” This was proved recently comma over. And so with pictures YOMAN “peppy” than the professional this water do we bolster up a when Eddie Cantor made such a New York chorus girl, who just of Hollywood. tremendous hit In “Whoopee” at as lagging faith in Producer—Costumes thinks of each engagement now take a dirty, mean, the United Artists, just at a time “just another job,” whereas the We underhanded jab at the 15 per when everyone said chorus dance California dancer figures the cent bad in Captain Thunder. numbers were through; but Busby chorus line work, as a stepping Berkely, well-known New York Some time ago the brothers War- CAPITOL THEATRE stone to ultimate stardom. ner gave us Robert Elliot as an dance director, conceived new When we started dancing some SAN FRANCISCO inspector of police in the “Door- ideas, with real exuses for the 30 years ago, the “wail” that tap way to Hell.” All-American was chorus numbers, and this is what and ballet dancing is through stamped into the lines and linea- the producers in the future have cropped up every five or ten ment of his characterization so to contend with. That is, not years, but as we grow cider and fulsomely that he steed out like throw the numbers into a picture, more experienced, wo are more a .cameo on a field of black vel- just because- there is a vacant firmly convinced that tap and vet. A superb performance was de- spot. ballet dancing will never cease livered and an invaluable addition The much-mooted question, to be the “thing,” because these in the roster of true artists, but the two styles of dancing are the two question immediately popped SCandncss essentia] basic dances cf all stage “Are they going to study this Behrendt-Levy- and screen work. Naturally the Co., Ltd. man for material that fKs him steps become more complicated, or are they going to drop him as General Insurance improved and modernized as is they have so many others into a appsaaess the case with everything in the Insurance Exchange Building mess of backwash that will hurt life of a modern person, so that VA 1261 him with his admirers?” a dancer can always learn more Only the fact that Captain and more each year and is never Thunder carries a grin a big part ©y finished. We live to learn and of the time prevent this. Where progress—in everything, always. ArthurWard the action pretends to serious STILL Ri.EC.OIMG drama, this 345 karat sterling Americano, upright, honest, law Dec. 8, now, REGENT, Grand This Acting Rapids, Mich., next, PALA.CE. abiding Robert Elliot in the role So. Bead, Ind., then PALACE, of a double dealing rustler and Rockford, ill, Bigness masking as a respected rancher By Stafford Pencan very nearly makes him lock a bit silly. However, that was an Elmore Vincent With dialogue au added medium error that in view of high enter- to which the screen had to adapt tainment value of the production ‘‘The Texas Troubadour” itself with little preparation, the as a whole may be overlooked. Abo question arose at the beginning One more nasty peck at this “Smiiiir Sam from Aiabam’ of the year 1930 as to who would very good picture and we will let bo who in the acting business. Elliot, cast as N.W.B.S. - KJR - KEX - KGA up. Assuming that Considering handicaps, and Norma a wolf in a sheep's topcoat, is Shearer, approached the new med- all to the delicatessen, when, if Hi Ho Everybody ium with. little or no stage ex- at all, do cattle rustling crooks, easily tops the roll. R4 MUSICAL RACKETEERS! perience, she Captain Thunder being the other, Shearer took up the task of mas- trust each other? KJR—KEX—KGA tering the tricks that make a Following a hot exchange of dialogue presentation convincing patter over Thunder’s promise <.o il Arden Smith, Piano » the and she delivered like a vet, in help the crooked rancher in lieu Gordon McBean, Unconscious j spirit and fact. The Academy’s cf an unnecessarily seif imposed award was in all justice due her. obligation one would expect to J Don Lee Station Greetings frem Joan Crawford is entitled to see the two constantly on guard second place by reason of her against each other; alert for any experience than Carl Winge having less stage sign of treachery, yet the ranch- any of the other contenders, with in Angeles— er-rustler, happy in having grabbed Los N. W- Representative exception of Shearer. As the ten the gal of his dreams, with Thun- Robbins Music Corporation best list cannot in any sense be der's assistance, tosses all caution SEATTLE a criterion or indication of talent aside and on Thunder’s invitation, at the close its most contributes noth- of classification it suspecting nothing, goes to ins ing appraisal. The following to an death like a sheep to slaughter. citations are noted where the act- Greetings It would have looked all right if ress showed by her work the successful year, the trend hadn’t been toward the to the Profession and under- greatest sympathy dramatic. standing with and for the. roles Anyway, let me repeat, this is assigned her. a great picture and we need more thanks you and ex- Outstanding performances are GIRARD’S of its .kina, and if they come as., follows: ; through as worthy as this one ..FRENCH Nancy Carrel in “Laughter.” the industry won’t suffer. I might tends its sincere wish Harding in “Holiday.” RESTAURANT Anne add that dialogue by William K. Myrna Loy in “Renegades.” Wells merely proves the old sawr Frencli D Inn ns’s, 50c Ruth Cliatterton in “The Right that experience does it. Camera Lundhsons, 40c to Love.”" 931 will bring work by James Van Ness was of that 1 Marie Dressier in “Min and Sunday—Chicken Dinner a quality that at times made as Bill.” Thursday and Sunday strong a hid for attention as tire Hois Wilson in “Once a Gentle- acting. Major erfedit for excoF to you all that is best 75 Cents man.” lence goes to the director, Allan Served Family Style The male contenders for the 63 ELLIS ST. Crolsand. aCe spot are so many and quali- in life. 134 Maiden Lane fied that first prize is tossed to Dale Owen, Evelyn Laye, Joan Bet. Geary and Post Stockton them alphabetically. Arliss, Barth- Bennett, Jeanette McDonald, Lii- and Grant Ave. elmess. Beery Brothers, Bancroft, yan Tashman, Jobyna Howland, San Francisco Elliot, Horton, Morris, Montgom- Warner Baxter, Laurence Gray, Under Same Management ery, Serman Robinson, Varconi. Jack Holt, William Holden, Jerry John’s Grill Special mention is due the fol- Mandy, Lumsden Hare, George €3 Ellis St, • ini WiiirtH I

Saturday, 'January 3, 1931 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Twenty-one GREETINGS From the Leading East Bay Theatre


- : FOX OAKLAND Managed by FRANK R. NEWMAN Dominic Isabella, Asst. Manager HERMIE ENTERING HIS THIRD SOLID YEAR Conducting the Fox Oakland Concert Orchestra

Mickey McCartney Dick Henrich Geo. Currlin Paul Morgan Sax. Oar. — Sax.—Clar. Sax.—Clar. Trumpet Milton Barnes Steve Steck Jess Jessup John Klock Trumpet Trumpet Trombone Trombone

John Colletti Fred Lampkin Anthony Perrotti Phil Sail Violin Violin Violin Violin Roberto Ruano Albert White Leonard Haves Pat Genovese Violin Violin Cello Bass

Fred Saatman Ed O’Malley Piano Drums A. G. FALK BILLY Relief Organist C1ARENCE I4NOX EDDIE SELLEN KAREL Solo Organist Relief Pianist Arranger of Symphonic Overtures THE BOYS BEHIND THE SCENES

L. R. HALLAHAN ROD SINCLAIR L. R. SOLLARS Flyman Stage Manager Chief Electrician

BEN JACOBSON J. C. WILSON WM. CHRISTENSEN Asst. Electrician Swing Man Property Man


BILL FISHER—Stage Doorman i


Three Years at the Fox Fifth Avenue Console Will Start Her New Year at the Paramount. Seattle “There’s Reason” 1 BETTY SHILTON a MAKING THE FOLKS LAUGH WITH THAT VERSATILE COMMEDIENE Sieneth HL Harlan at -lie Pom Pom Night Club, Hollywood Marry and Happy Year to O O Xmas A New | BETTY ° WAYNE Fanchon and Marco and All Friends. My


Wishing a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to MR. AND MRS. EDDIE MACK “Who Made Us" N and D FANCHON AND MARCO “Who Played Us” Now Featured at Kenneth Harlan’s Pom Pom Night Club, Hollywood THE ARISTOCRATS OF RHYTHM Our Appreciation to Pearl Eaton

SEASONS GREETINGS from HOWLAND V. LEI; gl Paramount Studio Hollywood

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to All My Friends

SLIM MARTIN 4 ” r. (tMaster of Ceremonies

Greater Vantages Theatre Band

At the Hollywood Pantages Theatre Hollywood,

Opened This Beautiful New Theatre and Still At It Saturday, January 1931 3, INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN Page Twenty-three



Everybody for Themselves




32 other Principals and a Cast of Thousands


Herbert Brenon's ‘BEAU IDEAL’ (Sequel to “Beau Geste”)

With Loretta Young, Ralph Forbes Irene Rich, Lester Vail


. Scanned from the collection of Karl Thiede

Coordinated by the Media History Digital Library www.mediahistoryproj