Spring 2019 Week 10 – Mark 14:12-26 #CityGroupsTally ​

Week of March 24, 2019

REMINDERS for leaders:

● Easter Reflections: We hope the Easter study guide has been helpful for you and your ​ group. Would you ask your group members how they are liking what they are reading? Please let us know what feedback you are getting. ● In View of Multiplication: We have about 2 months left of group meetings for this ​ ​ semester. Have you been apprenticing anyone this semester? If not, now would be a good time to start by allowing them to help lead your group.


1. Easter: Easter Sunday is April 21st. It will be here before we know it. Many people in ​ ​ our city are looking for a place to attend church on Easter. Would you make sure to invite someone this year? We will be passing our invite cards on Sundays soon. 2. Parent Commissioning: On Mother’s Day (Sunday, May 12th) we will have our next ​ Parent Commissioning. See the “Kids” tab of the church website to sign up if needed. 3. Connect 101 & 201: We will be revising our Connect classes. We’re moving from 2 ​ ​ classes to one to help people get connected with the church. Stay tuned for details on dates and times.


Jesus embraced God’s plan of suffering leading to salvation.

PRAY: Ask the Lord to lead your group meeting, speak through the Scriptures and guide conversations.

READ: Mark 14:12-26 ​ ​

HEAD (20 minutes) • WATCH THIS WEEK’S VIDEO ​ 1) What do verses 12-16 teach us about Jesus’ relationship to the events surrounding his ​ ​ death? (See also 1 Peter 1:20 & Hebrews 12:2) He was in control and knew what awaited him. ​ 2) How does this passage show the tension between human free will and the sovereignty of God? It was God’s plan for Jesus to be betrayed, suffer, and die, but Judas and all who betrayed him ​ are all personally responsible for their sin.

3) This passage specifically points to Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. But, in what ways did all the disciples betray Jesus? (Judas betrays Jesus for greed {v.10-11}, the others would betray him from ​ weakness {v.37-42}, fear {v.50-52}, and cowardice {v.66-72})

4) Some have called Jesus’ with the disciples “The First Supper?” How can this be the case? What do Jesus’ words here about reveal to us about the Kingdom of God? (Jesus ​ inaugurates, or starts, the New Covenant. The passover meal here points to the next meal that Jesus will have with his followers in his kingdom) ● What does Jesus mean when he says “This is my body” and “This is my blood?”

HEART: (15 minutes) ​ ​ 1) How does knowing that Jesus embraced the road of suffering set before him encourage you to endure what trials you are in? 2) How do you think you would’ve responded if you were there when Jesus said one of his followers would betray him? ● As we noted, all of Jesus’ disciples would ultimately betray or deny him in various ways. How are you prone to wander from the life Jesus call you to? 3) How does taking the Lord’s Supper regularly help to remind us of the hope we have in Jesus? Why can we sometimes miss the importance of the Lord’s Supper? HANDS (15 Minutes): ​ ​ 1) How do the events of equip you to live on mission? ​ 2) What can you call to mind when we take the Lord’s Supper together on Sundays to help you see how amazing it is?

Pray (10 Minutes): ​ ​

This Sunday, March 31st, we will pray for missions work in Tallahassee. Specifically we will be praying for our church as we prepare for Easter, that we would view this season as an opportunity to share the gospel with others and invite them to celebrate with us on Easter Sunday.

Take some time to reflect together as a groups how you can work to share the gospel with your neighbors and invite them to celebrate Easter with us. Pray for our church in this season that we would find hope in the resurrection of Jesus.