Meat Breeds for Pastured Production A Publication of ATTRA—National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service • 1-800-346-9140 •

By Anne Fanatico While most pastured producers in North America raise the same fast-growing Cornish-and- NCAT Agriculture White-Rock-cross used in conventional confi ned production, many producers are interested in Specialist alternative genetic types that may be more suitable for outdoor production or for niche markets. This Updated by publication provides information on the Cornish-Rock crosses in outdoor production, discusses several Betsy Conner slower-growing breeds and provides information on that offer these alternative breeds. NCAT Research Specialist © 2010 NCAT

Contents Introduction ...... 1 Genetics and commercial availability of Cornish and other meat breed birds ...... 2 Producer preferences ... 3 The importance of access to chicks ...... 3 Other decision factors ...... 4 Beyond Cornish crosses ...... 4 Considerations ...... 6 References ...... 7 Further resources ...... 7 Appendix I: Pastured Cornish cross on pasture. Photo by Betsy Conner. poultry budget comparison ...... 8 Introduction The Chicken of Tomorrow encouraged the development of meatier birds. Cornish crosses ost pastured poultry producers became the birds of choice at that time. Since in North America raise the same then, the conventional poultry industry has MCornish-and-White-Rock-cross genetically refi ned Cornish crosses for rapid broilers used in conventional poultry pro- growth, efficient feed conversion, broad- duction. Th ese are the standard meat birds breastedness, limited feathering (for ease of ATTRA—National Sustainable of the industry, and essentially all broilers plucking) and other traits considered desir- Agriculture Information Service ( is managed produced commercially in North America able for rearing very large numbers of birds in by the National Center for Appro- are Cornish crosses. confi nement. Because of their rapid growth, priate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the Th is has been true since meat became a pri- they reach a market weight of 5 pounds (live United States Department of weight) in six to seven weeks. Agriculture’s Rural Business- mary focus for chicken genetics in the 1950s, Cooperative Service. Visit the and confi nement-rearing became the domi- NCAT Web site ( However, most pastured poultry produc- sarc_current.php) for nant form of production for the U.S. poul- ers today use the Cornish crosses because more information on our sustainable agri- try industry. A 1950s contest, sponsored by they are meaty and are readily available, culture projects. the Atlantic & Pacifi c Tea Company, called not because they are ideally suited to rearing on pasture. Many of the characteristics that formerly separate companies of Arbor-Acres, make the Cornish-cross strains good Ross Breeders and Nicholas Turkeys), Cobb- for industrial confi nement production are not Vantress (which now includes Avian Farms well-suited for alternative production systems. and Hybro and is owned by Tyson Foods) and Many pastured poultry producers see the Hubbard. Most of these companies are mul- Cornish crosses as having weak legs, exces- tinational enterprises and dominate the world market for conventional broiler production. Related ATTRA sive rates of heart attacks, a high incidence of congestive heart failure (ascites), poor forag- Th ese companies work constantly to pro- Alternative Poultry ing ability, poor heat tolerance and other lia- duce genetic improvements in their breeding Production Systems bilities when raised on pasture. While most stock. Th ey typically use a system of four- and Outdoor Access producers value their rapid growth, others way crossing to produce the parents of the fi nd it unnaturally fast. In most pasture- birds that are raised as broilers. Th ey select Growing Your Range based production systems, Cornish crosses Poultry Business: and develop certain strains to use as their An Entrepreneur’s usually produce a 5-pound bird in eight male line, with emphasis on growth per- Toolbox weeks. Keeping the birds longer than eight formance and body conformation, while at weeks and allowing them to get larger can the same time developing diff erent female Label Rouge: contribute to even greater leg problems. Pasture-Based Poultry lines, with emphasis on reproductive perfor- Production in France Many pastured poultry producers would like mance. Th is cross-breeding system protects each company’s genetic research, because the Poultry: Equipment for to raise birds that are better suited to range Alternative Production production than the Cornish crosses. Th e genetics of the original grandparents cannot purpose of this publication is to identify the be reproduced from their off spring. Range Poultry genetic options available to producers who Housing Most of the primary breeding companies do not want to use the conventional confi ne- produce more than one strain of Cornish ment production model. cross. Th ey try to meet the needs of their customers by producing a heavier-breasted Genetics and commercial bird for producers focused on white meat, availability of Cornish and a thriftier bird that has a slightly better feed conversion ratio or a heavier strain for the other meat breed birds roaster market. Some also off er slower- and Many pastured poultry producers would faster-growing strains of Cornish-cross birds. like to raise birds that are better suited to Th e slower-growing strains may be of interest range production than the Cornish crosses, to pastured poultry producers, because they but their alternatives at this time are may have fewer heart and leg problems. Breeding companies extremely limited. Th ere are several diff erent strains of Cornish crosses. Th e diff erent strains of birds that the breed- Aviagen No other type of chicken that is ing companies off er are described at their (256) 890-3800 Web sites. Some of these sites also include widely available in North America produces as much meat as economi- technical manuals and guides for raising Cobb-Vantress cally as the Cornish crosses. Th is fact their birds. (479) 524-3166 makes it very diffi cult for producers Th e breeding companies sell hybrid parent to consider other breeds, even though stock to vertically integrated poultry produc- Hubbard there is abundant variety in the poul- (603) 756-3311 ers, independent hatcheries and others who try world. The Further resources produce the hatching eggs that will ulti- section contains links to color pho- mately become broilers. Most independent Perdue tos and descriptions of many poultry 1-800-992-7043 hatcheries do not keep their own fl ocks to breeds and information about hatch- produce hatching eggs. Instead, they buy eries, organized by state. Pureline their hatching eggs from a few very large (860) 889-1933 The primary breeding companies suppliers (such as the Keith Smith com- for broilers in the United States pany in Arkansas,, or are Aviagen (which includes the CWT Farms International, Inc. in Georgia,

Page 2 ATTRA Meat Chicken Breeds for Pastured Production signifi cant than the performance diff erences Th erefore, the Cornish cross chicks available between strains. The liability of shipping from hatcheries throughout North America stress is also confi rmed by the practices of are the same strains being used by the vast the major conventional industrial producers. majority of the conventional industry. Producers use their own employees and vehi- cles to deliver chicks directly to their contract Producer preferences growers and try to control the chicks’ ship- ping conditions as much as possible to mini- Even though the differences in the mize their shipping stress. Th is is an argument Cornish-cross strains are relatively small, for having more, rather than fewer, hatcheries some pastured poultry producers do have and having them located as close as possible preferences. Over the years they may see that to the producers who will raise the chicks. one strain performs better than others. Th ese diff erences may be things such as fewer leg Below are the Web sites of several hatcher- problems, slightly faster or slower growth ies. Th ese are not given as recommendations, or lower mortality. Th erefore, while most but simply as examples of what independent pastured poultry producers do not know hatcheries have to off er and how they pres- exactly which strains they are raising from ent themselves. A more complete listing of batch to batch, a few producers always try to hatcheries throughout the United States purchase a particular strain of chick. can be searched at https://npip.aphis.usda. gov/npip/ and www. Yet even those producers who express a pref- erence for one strain may have had their opinions infl uenced by factors that are not Shipping constraints beyond the control of related to the genetics of the birds they have the hatcheries can be an important factor, as raised. For example, the age of the breeder well. During the early and mid 1900s, the fl ock infl uences the size of the hatching eggs and the chicks that result. Young breeder fl ocks produce smaller hatching eggs and Samples of Web sites smaller chicks than mature fl ocks. Older fl ocks nearing the end of their productive Belt Hatchery lives also produce chicks with greater incon- (559) 264-2090 sistencies in their size and vigor than a fl ock at the prime of its life. Estes Hatchery 1-800-345-1420 The importance of access McMurray Hatchery to chicks Because the differences between modern 1-800-456-3280 Cornish-cross strains are relatively small, Moyers Chicks most pastured poultry producers use other criteria when deciding which birds to raise (215) 536-3155 and where to get their day-old chicks. Many Mt. Healthy Hatcheries have concluded that a hatchery’s customer services and location are more important 1-800-451-5603 than the precise strain of broiler chicks available. They have learned to get their Privett Hatchery birds from the most reliable hatchery, one 1-877-774-8388 that can get the chicks to the farm with the least shipping stress. Usually this means the Townline Hatchery hatchery that has the shortest delivery time. (616) 772-6514 Death losses and slower rates of growth that result from shipping stress are often more ATTRA Page 3 practice of sending day-old poultry by mail some of their customers prefer smaller birds from hatcheries to customers all over the and some prefer larger birds. Some will country became very popular and common- even choose to produce Cornish game hens place. In recent years, however, the number (which are the same Cornish cross birds, just of airlines willing to carry day-old poultry as butchered younger and smaller), while other U.S. mail has declined, even to the point that producers have customers who want very the chicks-by-mail service appeared to be in large roasters and are willing to pay a pre- jeopardy. Th en in 2001 and 2002, the U.S. mium price for them. Uniformity certainly Postal Service and several airlines modifi ed can become more important, however, as their mail-carrying contracts and the regula- producers move beyond on-farm processing tions governing the shipment of live animals and direct marketing. A spread-out harvest through the mail. Th ese new arrangements that is advantageous on a small scale may have apparently stabilized the situation, and become a distinct problem at larger scales of the chicks-by-mail service continues. Th e production. Some customers prefer colored latest information on the postal regulations birds (red or black) over white-feathered ones. governing the shipping of live animals as Th is kind of preference also infl uences pro- mail can be found by visiting the Web site ducer decisions about which birds to raise. of the U.S. Postal Service,, or Beyond Cornish crosses North American producers of range poultry Other decision factors who want options other than those off ered Some pastured poultry producers also make by the conventional Cornish crosses do not decisions about which chicks to raise based have very much to choose from at present. on other non-strain factors. For example, Th eir options may be increasing, however. some producers choose to raise all females, For a listing of producers that off er other Further resources because that eliminates the problem of cock- options, see the section. erels harassing the pullets as they grow, Th ere are genetic options in other countries. resulting in a more tranquil flock and In France, in particular, there are lines that presumably better feed conversion. Or they are bred for France’s range production sys- will raise all males because their customers tems. Th ese lines have been developed during want large birds, and producers want greater the past 30 years for pasture rearing. Th ese uniformity in their product. distinctive lines are used primarily by pro- Uniformity is tremendously important for ducers who are raising birds to be marketed the conventional poultry industry. Birds are under the quality-labeling program known managed as a unit instead of as individu- in France as Label Rouge (Red Label). Food als, and birds that are not nearly identical to products carrying the Label Rouge logo are the others are problems. For broilers, much highly valued by French consumers. of the conventional industry’s processing Th e Label Rouge program focuses on high- equipment is automated, and odd-sized birds quality products, mainly meats, with poul- may not process well because they are not try as the fl agship product. Th e program the size the equipment is designed to handle. emphasizes quality attributes such as taste, Variations in carcass size cause real problems food safety and free-range production. Th e for automated equipment. main reason for the superior taste is the use of slow-growing birds harvested close to Most pastured poultry producers do not seek sexual maturity, instead of the fast-growing this much uniformity, however, because their birds used in the conventional U.S. industry. market does not require it. Using straight- Th e meat is fl avorful and fi rm, but not tough. run chicks gives a range of carcass sizes at butchering time because the cockerels grow Slow-growing birds are the key to Label faster. Most pastured poultry producers are Rouge production — birds grow to 5 pounds glad to have some variance in size, because live weight in 12 weeks. In comparison, the

Page 4 ATTRA Meat Chicken Breeds for Pastured Production fast-growing broilers (Cornish cross) of the Redbro is a Hubbard product that is cur- conventional industry reach 5 pounds in six rently available in the United States through to seven weeks. Th e slow growth allows the parent stock that is imported from France. organs, muscles and bones to grow in har- It is not slow-growing but rather a medium- mony. Th e carcass is generally more elon- growing broiler. It grows out in nine to 10 gated, with a smaller breast and larger legs weeks. Jerry Srednicki at Yankee Chicks in than conventional carcasses. Connecticut ships day-old chicks. Using slow-growing genetics and the low- For contact information for all of the above density Label Rouge production system also producers, see the Further resources section. means distinct health advantages. Ascites, Importing live birds and hatching eggs from leg problems and sudden death are minimal, other countries is not a simple task, but those and birds have good immunity. Mortality who are interested in pursuing this approach was found to be 0 percent in slow-growing can learn more by visiting the Web site of Label Rouge birds, while fast-growing birds the USDA Import and Export Center, www. were found to have a mortality rate of 11 percent (Lewis et al., 1997). In Europe, slow- growing strains are mainly supplied by the There is also some interest in standard breeding companies SASSO ( American heritage chicken breeds for gour- and Hubbard ( met poultry production. Unlike hybrids, Th ey do not sell the actual meat chicks, but standard breeds breed true and the off spring only the parents. However, many pastured are like the parents. In general, however, poultry producers have hatching capabilities. heritage breeds have not yet been selected for meat production for many years, and More information on Label Rouge can be the carcass may be very small at 12 weeks. found in ATTRA’s publication Label Rouge: Th rough careful breeding selection of stan- Pasture-Based Poultry Production in France, dard breeds it is possible to increase the qual- available online at ities desired in a meat bird, such as growth attra-pub/PDF/labelrouge.pdf. rate and weight gain in later generations. Joyce Foods, Inc. is a U.S. producer of poul- Plymouth Rock, Delaware, New Hampshire, try from the same slow-growing genetics Wyandotte and Naked Neck are breeds that as used in France’s Label Rouge program. may give the most positive results in such a Joyce Foods, located in North Carolina, has breeding regime (Ussery, 2009). Th e Ameri- provided the slow growing broiler chicks to can Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) small producers in the past. compiles a heritage livestock breeders direc- tory each year and makes it available to Some of the proven European genetics are members. See the Further resources section available from J.M. Hatchery, a small year- for contact information. round hatchery located in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Th e hatchery off ers medium- Turkeys are native to the Americas, and and slow-growing birds that are adapted for there are several slow-growing breeds avail- outdoor production and a gourmet mar- able. Th ese are naturally-mating turkeys and ket. Th ese breeds are noted to grow to 4- do not require artifi cial insemination. Some 5 pounds live weight in nine to 11 weeks, have ties to the regions in which they were which is slightly quicker than the 12-week developed (for example, the Bourbon Red standard used in the Label Rouge program. is from Kentucky, and the Narragansett is from Massachusetts). Good Shepherd Tur- The S & G Poultry Company (formerly key Ranch, Inc., raises fi ve heritage turkey Rainbow Breeder Company) is developing breeds, and sells hatching eggs as well as similar genetics and off ers day-old chicks fi nal turkey products. Reese has also selected or parents. Th eir colored broilers grow out standard chickens for good meat qualities, between eight and 11 weeks. including the Barred Rock, New Hampshire ATTRA Page 5 and Jersey Giant. Th e Standard Bred Poultry Marketing Institute is based at Reese’s farm. The market you select may dictate your Sandhill Preservation Center, a producer of choice of bird. If there are other poultry heritage poultry and seeds, provides day-old producers in your area, growing a diff erent chicks from a large assortment of heritage variety may be a way to distinguish yourself poultry including turkeys and chickens, as and create a niche market. well as geese, ducks and guineas. Does the market have price constraints? Matt John at Shady Lane Poultry is selecting Diff erent birds will require diff erent costs standard breeds for high-quality egg produc- to produce and this results ultimately in tion as well as dual purpose. a diff erent cost to the consumer. See the Pastured poultry budget comparison in the For contact information for these producers, Further resources Further resources section for a comparison see the section. budget example. Considerations If you currently raise and market Cornish crosses, it will be important to consider your Th e main consideration for pastured poultry consumers’ reactions if you decide to move producers raising the fast-growing Cornish away from this breed. Slow-growing broilers cross is the choice of hatchery, which was tend to have a slightly diff erent body shape, discussed earlier. Th e variety in other meat more of an elongated breast as compared to birds makes the decision a little more diffi - broad. Yield may also diff er between fast- cult. Producers can use their priorities to help and slow-growing birds. Typically, slow- make choices best suited for them. Th e follow- growing birds will have smaller breast yield ing considerations may help guide producers’ and larger wing and leg yield compared to decisions on the breed and hatchery most fast-growing birds. Dressed weight to live appropriate for their production system. weight yield may also be smaller in slower- growing varieties. Th e colored pin feathers of Lifestyle a colored broiler, if not plucked completely, Th e Cornish cross are bred for a particu- will be more obvious on the dressed carcass lar environment that large vertically inte- than that of a white-feathered broiler. grated companies created in order to grow It may be helpful to speak to your market the large number of birds needed to meet to get an idea of their wants and needs. One demand. Th is fast-growing hybrid was not way to learn the opinions of your customers meant for pasture, although many producers is to develop a survey. Restaurants may be use this breed and are very successful. Some less fl exible in the physical change of product, may argue that the choice of slower-growing and an open conversation about the new pro- genetics can greatly benefi t the welfare of a posed product can be worthwhile. In addition bird on pasture. to the possible changes in the appearance of Th ere is a growing interest raising of heritage the bird, it is important to discuss changes breeds in order to conserve genetic diversity. in other qualities such as taste and livability. Raising dual-purpose standard breeds gives Since slow-growing birds are harvested closer one the advantage of egg and meat produc- to their sexual maturity, the meat is known tion as well as the ability to produce stock. to have more fl avor. Slower-growing birds are As discussed earlier, standard breeds may also less susceptible to the problems associated be diffi cult to market or make a profi t with with the Cornish cross and better acclimated compared to the meat hybrids, but there to pasture production, which can be trans- may be the opportunity for a gourmet niche lated to increased animal welfare. market using standard breeds. Flocks can be used for egg production and roosters, culls Production budget and older hens can be marketed for meat or Slower-growing birds demand greater input, live sale. which increases cost of production. The

Page 6 ATTRA Meat Chicken Breeds for Pastured Production longer grow-out requires more labor and system as your own. Th is may determine more feed. Feed conversion, the amount of how hardy the birds will be in your produc- feed needed to produce 1 pound of gain, tion system. While most large hatcheries increases as you move away from the fast- do not raise their own parent stock or raise growing varieties. See the Pastured poultry them in climate-controlled environments, it budget comparison in the Further resources still may be worthwhile to contact hatcheries section for comparison budget example. in your region and inquire about how their stock is raised. Th e distance of the hatchery to System the farm may also aff ect the amount of ship- Slow-growing varieties and standard breeds ping stress put on the birds through deliv- take greater advantage of the opportunity to ery. Deciding fi rst on a hatchery or region exercise and forage in a range system compared of hatcheries narrows the choices of breeds, to fast- and even medium-growing birds. Fast- which may help in the decision process. growing birds may be more suited to a pas- tured pen system because they often remain Quota sedentary and close to the food source. Depending on the desired bird weight, the grow-out periods can vary considerably Location between breeds. Th is is an important factor Depending on the location of the farm and when determining the number of birds to be type of production system, birds may be grown per season. Slower growth rates result exposed to environmental extremes that in fewer birds per season with a fi xed num- could be a stressor and a risk in production. ber of pens. More pens may need to be built Th e location of a hatchery may be a priority or the season extended earlier and/or later in the decision making, particularly if the in order to sustain the production numbers parent stock is raised in a similar production achieved with the Cornish cross.

References Lewis, P. D., G. C. Perry, L. J. , and R. L. S. Feathersite Patterson. 1997. Responses of two genotypes of chicken to the diets and stocking densities typical of UK and html#Chickens “Label Rouge” systems. I. Performance, behaviour and Provides color photos and descriptions of many poultry carcass composition. Meat Science. 45:501–516. breeds Ussery, Harvey. 2009. Sunday-Dinner Chicken: Alternatives to the Cornish Cross. Backyard Poultry. Th is site also includes a link to hatcheries, organized by state Accessed July 2009. Beyond Cornish crosses issues/4/4-2/alternatives_to_the_cornish_cross.html. Moyer’s Chicks Note: Th is publication was originally compiled by Skip 266 E. Paletown Rd. Polson for Heifer International’s North America Program. Quakertown, PA 18951 Partial fi nancial assistance for its preparation was pro- (215) 536-3155 vided through a grant to Heifer Project International from the USDA’s Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture, Moyer’s Chicks off ers a K-22 Red Broiler that grows to 5 Research and Education (SARE) program (project number pounds live weight in about eight weeks. LS 99-105). MT-DI Poultry Farm 1209 S. Catherine Rd. Further resources Altoona, PA 16602 Genetics and commercial availability of Cornish and (814) 942-7024 other meat breed birds [email protected] ATTRA Page 7 Contact: George Dibert Yankee Chicks, Inc/Hall Brothers Hatchery MT-DI Poultry Farm off ers a Red Cross and Off -White PO Box 1026 (Rosambro) Cross that grow to 5 pounds live weight in about Norwich, CT 06360 eight weeks. Th e parent stock is raised in day-range production. (860) 608-1389 Noll’s Poultry Farm (860) 889-6351 FAX Kleinfeltersville, PA 17039 Contact: Jerry Srednicki (717) 949-3560 (717) 949-3722 FAX American heritage breeds Th e Noll family is working to make medium-growing American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) genetics more widely available in North America. Henry PO Box 477 Noll off ers a Silver Cross and Red Cross that grow to 5 Pittsboro, NC 27312 pounds live weight in about eight to nine weeks. (919) 542-5704 (919) 545-0022 FAX Label Rouge Joyce Foods, Inc. 4787 Kinnamon Road Good Shepherd Turkey Ranch, Inc. Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27103 3441 Mustang, Tampa, KS 67483 (336) 766-9900 (785) 227-5149 (336) 766-9009 FAX (316) 462-0604 FAX [email protected] [email protected] Contact: Frank Reese J.M. Hatchery 178 Lowry Rd. Sandhill Preservation Center New Holland, PA 17557 1878 230th St. (717) 354-5950 Calamus, IA 52729 (717) 354-0728 FAX (563) 246-2299 Shady Lane Poultry S & G Poultry PO Box 612 PO Box 2363 Columbus, IN 47201 Clanton, AL 35046 (812) 603-7722 (205) 280-3771 [email protected] Contact: Danny Eiland Contact: Matt John

Appendix I: Pastured Poultry Budget Comparison Th e fi nancial projections used in these documents, enterprise. Th e economic and business environment and the assumptions on which they are based, should varies tremendously from region to region, and what be used only as guidelines and estimates. In the bud- works in one area may not work in another. Coop- get example, the business is operating at full produc- erative Extension Service specialists, bankers and tion capacity. Most businesses require up to fi ve years accountants can all help in developing the necessary to achieve profi tability and good market exposure. It is fi nancial statements. Remember, the sustainability of vitally important that each potential business develop any enterprise is based on its ability to produce and its own set of fi nancial statements before starting an sell a product consistently at a profi t.

Page 8 ATTRA Meat Chicken Breeds for Pastured Production Fast- and slow-growing meat chicken breed budget comparison for pastured production with on-farm processing. Enterprise budget # of birds lbs. per bird 999 4.5 Fast Slow Your estimate Price per pound $3.25 $3.5 Income Sell 999 birds $1,4610.38 $1,5734.25

Expenses Fixed Brooder house $320 $320 Processing building $320 $320 Processing equipment $157.86 $157.86 Pens $160 $200 Composter $50 $50 Waterers/feeders $100 $120 Brooder $17.86 $17.86 Dolly (to move pens) $20 $20 Certifi cation Total fi xed expenses $1,145.72 $1,205.72

Variable Chicks $1,350 $1,185 Bags and staples $177.82 $177.82 Wood chips $150 $150 Utilities $20 $20 Feed $4,406 $4,826 Marketing $400 $400 Labor (production) $2,639 $3,959 Labor (processing) $1,392 $1,566 Liability insurance (rider on $250 $250 Farm Policy) Pasture rent per acre $30 $30 Miscellaneous $400 $400 Total variable expenses $11,215.07 $12,963.32 Total expenses $12,360.79 $14,169.04 Net income $2,249.585 $1,565.21 ATTRA Page 9 Basic assumptions - Fast Slow (diff erences) Seasonal production (only in spring, summer and fall) 4 batches per year 3 batches per year Each batch is 313 birds in 4 pens Each batch is 370 birds in 5 pens Birds placed each year: 1,250 1,110 Grow out period of 8 weeks 12 weeks Birds eat 15 lbs. of feed each 18.5 lbs. of feed/bird Feed costs $470 per ton No bulk feed storage 15% death loss 5% death loss 5.08% processing loss (including home birds) Dressed weight of 4.5 pounds per bird, without giblets Price is $3.25/lb $3.50/lb Birds for sale each year: 999 Birds are direct marketed to customers; no labels Off al and feathers are composted in a covered, 3-bin system Labor is based on pens and servicing them, but also includes pen construction, brooding, feed-mixing, etc. Labor valued at min. wage ($7.25/hour) All assets fully depreciated over life span with no residual value

Budget details Brooder house: $5,000-2% salvage value = $4,900/20 year life = $245 per year Interest = $5,000/2 x 3 = $75 per year Depreciation + interest = $320 per year Processing building: $5,000-2% salvage value = $4,900/20 year life = $245 per year Interest = $5,000/2 x 3 = $75 per year Depreciation + interest = $320 per year Processing equipment: $1000/7-year life = $142.86 Interest = $1,000/2 x 3% = $15 Depreciation + interest = $157.86 Pens: FAST: $200 per pen, 5-year life, 4 pens; $200 x 4/5 = $160 SLOW: $200 per pen, 5-year life, 5 pens; $200 x 5/5 = $200 Composter: $500, includes labor and materials, 10-year life; $500/10 = $50 per year Waterers/feeders: FAST: $60 per pen/brooder x 4 pens + 1 brooder, 3 year life; $300/3 = $100 per year. SLOW: $60 per pen/brooder x 5 pens +1 brooder, 3 year life; $360/3 = $120 per year. Brooder: $125 for gas brooder, 7 year life; $125/7 = $17.86 per year Dolly to move pens: $20 Chicks: FAST: $1 per chick x 1,250 chicks needed, $25 per shipment/batch x 4 shipments; 1250+100 = $1,350 SLOW: $1 per chick x 1110 chicks needed, $25 per shipment/batch x 3 shipments; 1110+75 = $1,185. Bags and staples: $0.018 per staple, $0.16 per bag; $0.178 x 999 saleable birds = $177.82 Wood chips (for brooder and composter): $150 per year

Page 10 ATTRA Meat Chicken Breeds for Pastured Production Utilities (estimated cost): $20 per year Feed: FAST: $470 per ton - 1,250 birds x 15 lb. each/2,000 lb. x $470 per ton = $4,406.25 SLOW: $470 per ton - 1,110 birds x 18.5 lb. each/2,000 lb. x $470 per ton = $4,825.73 Marketing (printing, postage, advertising, phone, travel, fees, etc.): $400 per year Labor (production): FAST: .5 hour per day in brooder, 14 days = 7 hour brooder labor, .5 hour per pen per day in fi eld, 4 pens, 42 days in fi eld = 84 hours fi eld labor. 91 total labor hours x 4 batches = 364 x $7.25/hour = $2,639 SLOW: .5 hour per day in brooder, 14 days = 7 hour brooder labor, .5 hour per pen per day in fi eld, 5 pens, 70 days in fi eld = 175 hours. 182 hours total x 3 batches = 546 hours x 7.25/hour = 3,958.5 Labor (processing): FAST: 12 hours x 4 people x 4 batches/year x $7.25/hour = $1,392 per year SLOW: 12 hours x 6 people x 3 batches/year x $7.25/hour = $1,566 Liability Insurance: $500,000 coverage = $250/year Pasture rent for one acre: $30 Miscellaneous (cleaning supplies, LP, repairs, ice): $400 per year

Notes ATTRA Page 11 Meat Chicken Breeds for Pastured Production By Anne Fanatico, NCAT Agriculture Specialist Updated by Betsy Conner, NCAT Research Specialist © 2010 NCAT Holly Michels, Editor Amy Smith, Production This publication is available on the Web at: or IP256 Slot 257 Version 030910

Page 12 ATTRA