September 24,1870
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PORTLAND Established June Toi. 9. 23,1862. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 24 1870. ~ ■ ■' ■ ■ ■ ±erms !_ —. ■ » $8.00 in advance. __ per annum, muc x ui uhiiu rixsB • Lil'j I i/uii/ I MISCELLANEOUS. miscellaneous. for the Is published every day (Sundays excepted) b; " j :zr___ THE DAILY PRESS captive Emperor associations of pecu- ! liar i he DAILY press. interest, forasmuch as it was once the fa- Portland TO LET. vorite Publishing Co., A TLA Mcgregor residence of his uncle, Jerome, some I NTIC. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. time King of Portland. tPOMOPIUAIWl©. Westphalia. This palatial re- At 109 Exchange Street, Lower Tenement in 33S treat and its j House No. surroundings are in the luxuri- a Year in advance Terms:—Eight Dollars ■ ous taste of Congress street. Mutual Insurance Advertising Agency. ihe last century. There are hot- DESIR Comp’y,* ^ Saturday Morning, houses ou an ABLE location for a Physician or Den- AT WELL & CO., 174 Middle Street. Septemcer. 24, 1870. amazing plan; there are tist. (ORGANIZED IN FURNACES! temples A For terms 1842.) of A and The IVIaiue Suite Press enquire ot' p polio Mercury; there are waterfalls, GEO. IL CUSHMAN, 51 Wall corner Agricultural A Seeds. Ot llie pheasantries, lakes, and a Pep21dlw* No. 306 Congress st., of William, New York. Implements Sis'll* Hague. Chinese village. Is published every Thyrsday Morning a o. & D. There is a J#. W. NASH, SAWYER & WOODFORD, No. 119 Exchange St. great fountain, perhaps the great- a if in advance, at $2.00 f Ins tires Against Marine and V\ ould ea'l It is a real relief to but an $2.50 year; paid to Lst. Inland Navigation Bisks. tlie especial attention of tlios° in want of anybody anti- est in the world, for its column of water ris- For Wale; Shop Kuril a era year. to our new and to out such _ •mprov***! X?I«-C.rcs- quary get of little to a of 190 is Stock and Tonis of a Carriage Smith Shop, or luriinrp, A tioneer. stagnant cities ing height feet, twelve leet in The whole PROFIT for warbling Public Buildings, THEat Woodford's Corner, M>*. Inquire ot C, hi. reverts to the and are divided Stores and C. W. as Haarlem and are thickness. And at the farthest and Hates of Advertising.—One inch of ANNUALLY ",UoP,nRcLY ^MUTUAL' ,ermma"'li ASSURED, Dwelling Houses If is SUPERIOR to HOLMES, S 127 CongrePsSt. Auction Sales Leyden. They quite sim- lastly, space BARLOW, ore. V. MANS ISC. fill?! dunllS lUe ^ i for which Certificates are Issued, heating all otuer * highest of the of coustitutes a lw_ interest urunc«n in tuc Market. There have every Evening. ivate Sales during the day. point ground, 1,400 teet in length coIuuid, square.” nnUUedS^? been ilar, says a recent newspaper correspondent in above nearly first *n IMPKOVEHUNTB made in the Construction the lulda there is a if not $1.50 per square daily week. 75 cent: To be Let, January 1S70, ibe Ansels Accumulated tram i-» strange pre- three Business were ns follows, via: ,ro,n Gme to time or GREAT .4 both history and appearance, and the dead posterous of per week after; or $1.00 Two United States and I >1 ANt E geneies for Sewing Machines. building octagonal shape, with a insertions, less, ROOMS. pleasant rooms on State of New-York Stocks, City, Bank and other Stork* Kiwt.aon ill) tryKi a»d the MrKrpgor Fa«unee continuing every other after first 51 nd at 28 Si. Loans seemed has been W. S. 158 Middle St past seems to cleave to tile on cascades from its foot. day week, LOPGINGsect floor, Hjgh Frpl6eoil8w* by Stocks and otherwise.... t FAVORABL Y KNOWN, and in Kxien- DYER, ever H. H. Hay’*. All every bright m,1'1®? descending cents. lisfil!. !><” bive Use tor kindi of the 4 BlllS 1!LCeiTable> Rtal Estate, Bond and ibe last. Fifteen Yeaks. It has Machines for sale and to let. Ucpo.itiny. and and to old elm top of the cascade is nam- Half Mortgages andolter securitiee’.. ,041 Proreil fo be pavement roof, every fat square, three insertions or 75 cents To Let. clsh the IUanI Mubsta^tinl and ltr> M A' (1. H. from a less, !umii?nk^.?!1'1 liable WAT.DEN, 54 Middle Street, over wbiei colossal statue, one week, 50 cents week after. rurnace ever ofleicil in thin Market, Mescrve Sr Co. lining the streets, and to every bridge which |hesenscldoss,is an $1.00; per No. Efi Union Street, next door to Middle and at toe lock, [Improved flntcc.) qurious immensely enlarged copy ol tha Special Total amount ot present tin* there are more of them in i arnese Notices, one third additional. now H. 50S use I the But at the STOREoccupied by Taylor Etq. Assets.$14,100 than of all o'her patterns. spanning dull and slimy canals. Hercules, club a Under head of $2.00 Inquire at 4 Cotton in which nine Saving cavity “Amusements/* per _augiSti_ No, St. J°hn D. .Jokes, President. ,0 *he who have Bakers. the into the people can sit. Such is Wil- or J.Y'n D. ’ItVwIlit w il'e‘,Fr^t- r®!®r following persons Hague you find the crowded square per week; three insertions less $1.50. * lstt, .id Vice-Prest. our past CHAitr.ES Dennis, Vice-Preeident. McGregorf Furnaeesj n use. W. C. CO Bit, No. 12 Pearl Street. lie.msliolie, whose precincts are reached from Advertisements inserted in the “Maine To Let. ,J H.Chapman, JU.n, J-Washburn, G. F. background and Secretary. jr. Gen. Shepley. by thp absorbing busy pres- Cassel by a straight avenue of lime trees. State Press’* (which has a lar<re circulation bouse Dr. “ W. Gen. F. Fessenden, lately occupied by LeProhrn No JOHN W. Thomas. ent. The streets are fall ot life and work. in ot the for $1.00 T4HE7 South raid MUNG£B, Boots and Shoes—Gents Custom Work. every part State) per square S.reet; hou-e having ’been Corrisoondenl, c iii. Bailey. Gen. J. M. Brown, is bam 1 Ivo Some of for first insertion, and 50 cents per square for thoroughly repaired suitable ior a genteel boarding Office, 1GG Fore Portland. fe, Eiq. Geo. M. Harding. Esq. WALTER BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. the shops vie with London and Paiig '■’be Flight cl the Street, M. cV I). Empress. each subsequent insertion. Apply to A. JC. SHUUT- _. O. W. NASH. Lh.Eh.1 jJ'aer,“n,,’ro’?,'e'amil,r- 2 1-2 arcil3»ls7n- e dllm&wCw in splendor and which blue Address all communications to Union wharf. jy30 21, ls70. No, 6 Exchange St. variety, the A Paris wiites: Septembersep2Jfeo Oin Booksellers and Stationers. correspondent “Of tha de- blouse of the laborer and the of bales be- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. piles parture of the all I can at To be Let, HOYT, EOGG & 92Middle Street. Empress present W AN I'Kl) I BREED, fore the warehouses would indicate that hard Whole or ot shall open this tell THE part the block ot Brick Stores on HEAD day positively you is that not one of the ac- A Portland Pie-. QUARTERS, work and the brisk and Book-Binders. buying selling of sta- counts as BUSINESS CARDS at the yet of it is that Apply Merchants National Bank. an given correct, Girl Wanted. _ J/n/r of the ples play in the life of the jylStl SMALL Sr 3S important part there was dn SHACKFORD, No. Plum Street. great difficulty in her general house-work. Apply at 35 DantoVll Tuesday, September 20th, Dutch capital. getting •/. B. TOstreet. from the IjAMSOX, sep-ldlw* i away Tuileries, which sbo did not Store to Let! first-cljss Bonnet and Hat There is one store in the which sur- PHOTOGRAP HE Bleaeliery. Hague leave till rather a K, H. E. dangerously late hour oa between Wanted. Clothing UNDERWOOD, No. 810} Congress Street. passes anything of the kind I have ever seen- From Midd’e, Franklin and e Department. Philadelphia, Hampsbii Sunday and that was ON Streets. In A PROTESTANT GIRL to do afternoon, Pietri not Has opened a new and good repair. general housework It is De Boer’s Bazaar. There is almost completely appointed at 65 State street. FJ ANlf WINTER Tailoring Establishment, float in attendance « JAMES A. FOSS. "Apply sep23<Jlf and Wood. upon her. Neither was sh; In Portland, JuneT 20. that one coulu wish to from jun21ti At PAUL PRINCE Sr foot of nothing buy, a store lately occupied 1<_V A. D. SON, Wilmot street. child’s man’s clothes, as it is and FIRST-CLASS GALLERY I Wanted. REAVES, toy to a diamond, or a painting by the reported, by many IN PORTLAND, Rooms to Let! best Flemish which cannot be found believed. I can tell you also that she had a CONVENIENT rent ot four rooms in a respec- NO. SO. Oohinet Furniture manufacturers. artist, ROOMS, furnished or without C a M PA I KEE there. You unfurnished, the eastern end of the citv. Must GN STREET, from one suite of had a A tabepartof go rooms to an- narrow for as she was Go. 152 Middle St., cor, Croei St. TWOboani, 01 Con.ress the Park. t)«ve THEO. JOHNSON 4k CO., No. 13$ Union Street. escape, driving st, opposite plen'jr of water, both hard oud soit, 'Referen- other, how so much Enquire at tliis office. ces 11ns at wondering beauty, utility in a cab into which Mo’iru—Good Work and Moderate Prices.