GROUNDHOG DAY In the last edition of we discussed the report by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) on the response to the pandemic and how it was yet another political attack on our union. Fast forward just two months and history is repeating itself. The inspec- torate’s annual State of Fire report again singles out the FBU and repeats worrying recommendations for govern- ment-imposed changes to our service, these include changing ’ terms and conditions, granting chief fire officers so-called “operational independence” (in reality independence from Cuts have political accountability) and consequences: bringing in a pay review body. firefighters attend And, just a day before a fatal fire in Surrey the inspectorate released its report, home secretary Priti Patel confirmed to and despite their best efforts, oversees the registry, wants in England had had Parliament that legislation firefighters were unable to gain all firefighters, even those their funding slashed on these very changes to control of the lifts, impeding who have not received a since 2016, with some our service is imminent. their attempts to rescue people. diagnosis, to register. having their budgets from There is no doubt that Module two, which was The more responses, central government cut the next few months will completed the week before, the easier the job will be by more than 40%. be decisive and we have to proved to be a shocking for researchers to identify Sadly, just weeks later in be ready to fight attacks on indictment of corporate the level of risk firefighters Surrey we saw first-hand our terms and conditions profiteering and deregulation. face, making it easier the disastrous consequences and our profession. You can read more about to improve procedures cuts can have at an incident this on pages 14 and 15. and demand change. where an individual died GRENFELL INQUIRY The FBU and UCLan when it took the first engine Module three of the CANCER REGISTRY particularly want firefighters 14 minutes to arrive. Inquiry The response to the launch of who attended the Grenfell The county has seen its began on 30 March when the UK Cancer and Disease Tower fire to register. central government funds cut the FBU delivered its Registry has been remarkable, It’s really easy to by 34% since 2016, leading opening statement. with 1,147 serving and retired do, just check out our to the removal of engines Our submission focussed firefighters registering online. feature on pages 16 and and the closure of stations. on the awful disrepair of This should help 17 to find out more. If we are going to build the fire control switch on researchers build a picture a service fit for the future, the lift and how very little of the effect CUTS HAVE CONSEQUENCES governments in all four had been done to ensure has on health. In March, our analysis parts of the UK need to it was in working order. The University of Central showed that almost all understand that it cannot On the night of the fire, Lancashire (UCLan), which fire and rescue services be done on the cheap.

2 FIREFIGHTER | APRIL/MAY 2021 16 CONTENTS APRIL/MAY 2021 5 NEWS REGULARS 4 Plans will dismantle fire 5 Sounding off and rescue service Your completed questionnaire 5 Back our pledge, firefighters will make a huge difference urge Scottish candidates 7 News focus 6 Cuts in England £140m FBU evidence to module since 2016 3 of the Grenfell inquiry More lives at risk, FBU warns after fatal fire 18 Equalities Reports from the TUC FEATURES women’s and black workers’ conferences 8 International Workers Memorial Day 19 Legal Beagle What new employment law 10 Our terms and conditions could mean for FBU members In the sights of joint government regulator attack 20 Noticeboard Cut your fuel bills, see FBU 14 Grenfell inquiry update shop’s new clothing, and find Damning evidence reveals how you could win £1000- the cost of privatisation, worth of Currys vouchers deregulation and greed 21 Station Cat 16 Cancer registry Pay and the pandemic UNION LEARNING FUND Why every past and present A big thank you to all providers of the Union Learning firefighter should sign up – 22 Long service badges Fund and @FBULearn for the years of hard work irrespective of health or age – and to all the members, their friends and family who supported ULF and benefited from the courses. Abolition of this fund by the government is the sad loss of an excellent learning resource. FIREFIGHTER Published by the Fire Brigades Union Bradley House, 68 Coombe Road Kingston upon Thames KT2 7AE 8 www.fbu.org.uk Firefighter production team: Tom Colclough, Anna Zych, Lisa Irving and Alan Slingsby Cover image: Eddie Howland Print: Walstead UK, Storey’s Bar Road, Peterborough PE1 5YS Firefighter is mailed in a 100% compostable wrapper. Please do not recycle the wrapper but dispose of it in your home compost heap, your garden waste or food waste bin.

APRIL/MAY 2021 | FIREFIGHTER 3 FATAL FIRE AFTER CUTS GRENFELL Firefighters call on FBU statement council to reverse to Grenfell inquiry cuts after response module 3 on fire times hit by night safety p7 NEWS time closures p6

The attacks on firefighters’ terms and conditions come after successful industrial and legal action by the FBU to protect members’ pensions and other conditions of service GOVERNMENT PLANS WILL DISMANTLE THE FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE, WRACK WARNS TERMS AND CONDITIONS to MPs that legislation in Parliament Following on from the previous State is imminent and will be built on the of Fire and Rescue report, this year’s The Westminster government ramped ­inspectorate’s report. makes recommendations including up its plans to attack the fire and Separately, the government also dismantling the NJC by June this year, rescue service after Her Majesty’s confirmed it will consult on further just three months away. Inspectorate released a second report subsuming fire and rescue services Buried in the inspectorate proposals calling for sweeping changes to the into the control of police and is a recommendation to review the service, including to firefighters’ terms crime commissioners. roles of fire and rescue services and and conditions. “Firefighters are clearly in the govern- of firefighters. The annual State of Fire and Rescue ment’s sights,” said Matt Wrack, FBU The is expected report, published on 17 March by Her general secretary. “We’ve known that to flesh out these plans in the Majesty’s Inspectorate for Constabulary plans were afoot to attack terms and forthcoming legislation. and Fire and Rescue Services, reiterated conditions, the way pay is negotiated and Matt Wrack said the next few months calls for changes to the Grey Book, how the very service operates. Now we will represent one of the biggest, co-ordi- describing the document which details know when it is going to happen, and we nated attacks seen on the fire and rescue firefighters contracts of employment as have to be ready.” service and on the rights and conditions being “too rigid”. The inspectorate’s report, which of FBU members The report also recommended follows one in January reviewing the “The government wants to not only that chief fire officers be granted pandemic response, claimed there are take away firefighters’ seat at the table, so-called “operational independence” “too many barriers” to change in the but also tear up the Grey Book which, up and breaking up the National Joint fire and rescue service and pointed to a to now, has been a vital safeguard against Council (NJC) where firefighters’ lack of “flexibility” in working practices, driving down terms and conditions and pay is negotiated, to be replaced preventing chief fire officers from protecting the role of the firefighter. by a pay review body with no acting independently. “Doing all that, whilst giving chief union representation. fire officers complete freedom to do what In press interviews, report author Sir they want is a recipe for disaster, and Thomas Winsor went as far as to hint ‘ONE OF THE BIGGEST one which could effectively prove to be a that firefighters’ right to strike could be dismantling of the fire and rescue service removed by the government. ATTACKS SEEN ON THE as we know it.” Just a day before the report’s launch, Government proposals on legislation home secretary Priti Patel confirmed FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE’ are expected in the coming months. 4 FIREFIGHTER | APRIL/MAY 2021 SOUNDING OFF BACK FIRE SERVICE, Professor Anna A Stec appeals to every firefighter to complete a questionnaire that will save lives CANDIDATES URGED EACH COMPLETED QUESTIONNAIRE SCOTTISH ELECTIONS funding for 2019/20 is 5% lower in real terms than in 2012/13. WILL MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE Firefighters are calling on Although the Scottish govern- The creation of the UK Firefighters Cancer and candidates in May’s parliamentary ment’s budget for 2021/22 has Disease Registry (FCDR), follows a report (bit. elections in Scotland to pledge increased funding for SFRS by ly/FBU-toxic-exposure) in which more than 4% support for an FBU plan to protect £9.9m in total, firefighters pointed of serving UK firefighters who responded to a and invest in the fire service. out that long-term sustainable survey on fire contaminants had already been Its six points include funding is needed to address the diagnosed with cancer. maintaining national standards of key points in the FBU manifesto. fire cover, an agreed safe crewing Firefighters warned that the best-practice report was by model, reversing cuts to the number service needs proper investment the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan). of firefighters, and funding retained to tackle an increasing number of FCDR will quantify health risks that firefighters in remote communities. hazards facing the public, including firefighters face. It will collect information Candidates are also being asked floods and wildfires. on their work characteristics, exposure to fire to show they value firefighters Denise Christie, FBU effluents, lifestyle and health. by committing to pay parity for Scotland regional secretary, said: One of the main objectives of this database emergency fire control staff and a “Firefighters have been on the is to identify and keep track of all firefighters pay deal that addresses a decade of frontline protecting communities who have been diagnosed with diseases and cuts to firefighters’ wages, which during the coronavirus pandemic. cancers, as well as to identify any association are £4,000 lower in real-terms than “The next Scottish government between firefighters’ work and exposure to in 2010. has a real opportunity to value fire carcinogens. The Scottish Fire and Rescue those firefighters and the work they Every completed questionnaire makes a Service (SFRS), has suffered do by committing to a properly huge difference. significant cuts since it was funded and well-resourced fire and The completeness of the registry is most established in 2013. Overall rescue service.” important when we are trying to understand things that only affect a small number of MARK THOMAS firefighters who respond to the registry. For example: rare cancers or exposure to specific fire carcinogens. Every completed response also takes us closer to developing and offering preventative health screening, education and support that is designed specifically to protect firefighters’ health. To date, we have Firefighters at had 1,147 completed Westminster to lobby responses, including MPs over pensions 668 from retired firefighters but we really need to hear UNION BACK IN COURT OVER PENSIONS from ALL firefighters, PENSIONS an Employment Appeal Tribunal, including those new to in December 2020, arguing that the career and those who The FBU has begun High Court they were not responsible for the have moved on. proceedings to force fire and age discrimination identified in the Firefighters without a rescue authorities to pay retired court case. In February, the tribunal cancer diagnosis are just as critical as firefighters their full pensions. ruled they must pay up. those who have received a diagnosis of cancer or In December 2018 the Court of After the authorities gave no any other disease. There is no minimum service Appeal ruled that firefighters are indication that they would adhere time required to register in the FCDR. entitled to return to their previous to this ruling, the FBU, to set We are incredibly proud of the work we pension schemes, after changes a legal precedent, began legal at UCLan have done alongside the FBU, but in 2015 saw individuals moved proceedings on behalf of three now we need frontline firefighters to play from their original 1992 pension retired firefighters who have been their part and register – so that we can make schemes to worse ones. left thousands of pounds worse off. firefighting safer. This ruling should have seen The union is demanding the ■ Anna A Stec, MSc, PhD, CSci, CChem, authorities address the cases of employers ensure full compen- FRSC, FiFireE, FHEA, is a professor in fire those who have already retired – sation is paid, giving individuals chemistry and toxicity at the University of because of ill-health, for instance. what they would have received in Central Lancashire However, the authorities went to their previous pension scheme.

APRIL/MAY 2021 | FIREFIGHTER 5 NEWS ENGLISH SERVICES’ FUNDS HAVE BEEN CUT BY £140m SINCE 2016 LOCAL GOVERNMENT SETTLEMENT and Warwickshire, have seen their Matt Wrack, FBU general secretary, government funding cut by more than said: “The past five years have seen Fire services in England face another 40%, while some brigades have lost as more devastating cuts to fire and real-terms cut, FBU analysis of the much as £22m. rescue services, just as brigades face an 2021/22 local government finance The chancellor failed to deliver urgent increased threat from major events like settlement has revealed. Brigades funding for England’s cash-strapped fire floods and wildfires. will receive a cash terms increase of services in his spring budget, despite “This settlement is another real-terms just 0.18% – equating to just £32,700 warnings from firefighters that cuts will cut to brigades’ funding and, after per brigade. worsen their ability to respond to fire, losing millions over the last few years, Funding for England’s fire and rescue floods and other emergencies. demonstrates the government’s contempt services has been cut by £139.7m since Non-fire incidents attended by fire for a vital service. 2016/17, a reduction of 13.8%. Nearly and rescue services in England, such “Unless the fire and rescue service all brigades have suffered cuts in the five as road traffic collisions, water rescues, receives substantial and sustained years since the last local government evacuations and hazardous chemical funding, guaranteeing public safety settlement; 42 have lost at least £1m. incidents, have increased by 28% over will become increasingly a throw of Some services, such as West Sussex the last five years. the dice.” YOU CAN’T FIX ONE FIREFIGHTERS CALL ON COUNCIL TO CUT BY MAKING REVERSE CUTS AFTER FATAL FIRE MORE, WARNS FBU SURREY WARWICKSHIRE Following a fatal fire in Warwickshire firefighters have March, Surrey firefighters voiced safety concerns over have warned that more lives plans to remove a could be at risk if cuts to the from Nuneaton fire station and service are not reversed. move it to nearby Bedworth, In a letter to Cllr Tim where the service is struggling Oliver, leader of Surrey to maintain daytime cover. County Council, firefighters A letter to CFO Kevin said the tragedy in Banstead Amos warned the public in had been avoidable and Nuneaton would be at risk criticised a “pattern of and called on him to keep failings” in the service the fire engine at Nuneaton following cuts under a and reinstate full-time crews “Making Surrey Safer” plan. at Bedworth which was They highlighted increased Aftermath of downgraded from full-time to response times – it took the the fatal fire on-call in 2011. first fire engine 14 minutes to in Banstead Firefighters said the plans arrive at the fatal fire. This is had been announced in the four minutes slower than the in 12 minutes. Egham, the Surrey Fire and Rescue media before they or the service’s county-wide target closest station, was another Service’s ability to keep public had been consulted. and six minutes slower than closed at night under the plan. people safe. Neil Stuart, FBU the response time Banstead Seven fire engines have “We warned time and Warwickshire brigade ought to receive under the been removed and three fire time again that lives would chair, said: “We warned a council’s own equalities stations closed at night. be at risk if the cuts went decade ago that cutting fire impact assessment. Joe Weir, South East FBU ahead, but councillors and cover in Bedworth would Banstead fire station, regional secretary, said: “The fire service managers chose pose problems in keeping which is four minutes away fatal fire at Banstead was a to ignore firefighters’ and residents safe. from the incident, was one devastating incident. Every residents’ concerns. “It’s encouraging that the of the stations closed at night second counts in a fire, and “It’s time they put public service has acknowledged under the plan. the slow response times at safety first and reverse the this, but it can’t be rectified An incident in Egham this fire and other incidents cuts to prevent another at the expense of cutting fire saw the first fire engine arrive seriously call into question tragedy like this.” cover in another area.”


Grenfell Tower lifts after the fire FBU HIGHLIGHTS SHOCKING DISREPAIR OF GRENFELL LIFT CONTROL SWITCH Shocking disrepair of the Grenfell removed was the switch able to be tests not documented over seven years? Tower lift fire control switch was a manipulated into working order. The union also expressed its symptom of the neglect of the building In the statement, delivered by Martin dismay over the standard of the fire and its residents, the FBU said in its Seaward QC, the union urged the risk management system in the Royal opening statement to module 3 of the panel to reject the opinion of Roger Borough of and Chelsea Grenfell inquiry. Howkins, appointed by the inquiry as (RBKC) at the time of the fire. On the evening of the fire, firefighters a lift expert, who had said that “with In an expert report, Dr Barbara were unable to turn the lift fire control forceful manipulation with a fitting key Lane criticised RBKC for its “woefully switch to force it to descend, and allow the fire control switch would probably underfunded” risk them to control it from ground level. have worked”. management system, which the council As a result, crews were prevented The FBU said the lifts were in poor had outsourced to the Kensington from using the lift as a valuable condition generally and not working and Chelsea Tenant Management firefighting tool in the early moments of prior to the fire, as reflected in the many Organisation (KCTMO). the tragedy. witness statements from residents of Despite having a portfolio of 9,746 This would have helped in reaching the tower. properties, fire risk assessments (FRAs) upper floors quickly with equipment The inquiry was urged to consider the borough-wide cost only £1,226 a month. and facilitated longer wears of effect refurbishment had on the state of Dr Lane found the KCTMO to have breathing apparatus without the need to the fire control switch, and to ask why, if failed in its “primary duty to monitor climb stairs. it was being tested as claimed, were the and review their fire risk assessment Lift engineers for the tower had programme and assure themselves it claimed in evidence that the lift was in was producing suitable and sufficient working order before firefighters arrived. DESPITE A PORTFOLIO OF assessments of risk for their premises”. However, an inspection after the Module 3 is investigating fire tragedy found the mechanism to be 9,746 PROPERTIES, FIRE RISK safety matters inside the tower, such jammed with debris with inspectors ASSESSMENTS BOROUGH-WIDE as compliance with regulations, unable to turn it. Only after inspection communication with residents and fire in a workshop when the debris was COST JUST £1,226 A MONTH risk assessments. APRIL/MAY 2021 | FIREFIGHTER 7 INTERNATIONAL WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY

REMEMBER THE DEAD – FIGHT FOR THE LIVING International Workers’ Memorial and union organisation in the IWMD commemorates Day (IWMD) is a day of fight for improvements and those workers. remembrance throughout the workplace safety. world for workers killed, disabled This IWMD will be an opportunity or injured by their work and takes According to the International to remember the workers who have died because of Covid-19. place annually on 28 April. Labour Organization, more than It is an opportunity to highlight 337m accidents happen on the #IWMD2021 the preventable nature of most job each year, resulting, together workplace incidents and ill with occupational diseases, in REMEMBER THE DEAD health and to promote campaigns more than 2.3m deaths annually. – FIGHT FOR THE LIVING

8 FIREFIGHTER | APRIL/MAY 2021 FBU members on International Workers Memorial Day, in Albert Square, Manchester in 2018 BARBARA COOK/ALAMY



he month of March saw the government intensify its attacks on firefighters and our union, with official confirmation of forthcoming legislation that ON US could see wide-ranging changes hit the fire and rescue service and its employees. The government did not Ministers and the fire service inspector make the announcements alone. Her TMajesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary have fired the opening shots in a and Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) published a report that campaign to force firefighters into a new also called for the dismantling of the way pay is negotiated and for so-called and subservient position in the service “operational ­ndependence” for chief

10 FIREFIGHTER | APRIL/MAY 2021 fire officers. Services, has declared that the Grey Book One of the main targets for criticism is “too rigid” and a “barrier to change in HMICFRS’s annual report published and improvement”. He has called on in March 2021 is the Grey Book. This government to review it. details the UK-wide terms and conditions of firefighters’ jobs and is the basis of WHAT IS IN THE GREY BOOK, AND their contracts of employment. It is negotiated by the National Joint WHY WE SHOULD DEFEND IT? Council (NJC), where the FBU meets THE GREY BOOK DETAILS The Grey Book provides the basis of fire and rescue service employers repre- firefighters’ contracts as employees of senting fire authorities and fire boards. THE UK-WIDE TERMS UK fire and rescue services. It provides The FBU’s representation on the NJC national standards and helps to limit give firefighters a say in what is included variations in firefighters’ working in the document. AND CONDITIONS OF conditions at a local level. Sir Thomas Winsor, Her Majesty’s It covers hours of duty, shift systems Chief Inspector of Fire and Rescue FIREFIGHTERS’ JOBS and leave entitlement, helping firefighters APRIL/MAY 2021 | FIREFIGHTER 11 THE GREY BOOK to maintain a work-life balance while workforce while providing an efficient ensuring 24/7 fire cover across the UK. and effective fire service. Duty systems must meet basic This includes the provision of THE GUIDANCE principles, including an average of 42 personal protective equipment (PPE) and working hours per week for full-time necessary uniforms free of charge, and FOR DISCIPLINARY firefighters, 24-hour periods per week off entitlements to sick leave and sick pay. duty, and being family-friendly. Employers are expected to look after PROCEDURES IS The FBU must be consulted on any their employees’ welfare, providing changes to existing duty systems or advice and support on work-related proposals from fire service management. issues such as stress, and supporting TO ENSURE THAT We know that duty systems are one area staff experiencing health problems with where some chief officers would like a ­rehabilitation into the workplace. FIREFIGHTERS’ CASES free hand to impose changes. Fire and rescue service employees’ DISCIPLINE leave entitlement is clearly defined under ARE TREATED FAIRLY the Grey Book, including the number of AND GRIEVANCE days paid annual leave and arrangements The Grey Book has clear grievance and for public holidays. disciplinary procedures for fire services Fire and rescue services are obliged to follow when issues between employees to commit to family-friendly working and employers arise. practices and have in place policies The protocol for the grievance to assist employees with children procedure includes stages and timescales or other dependents. This includes for resolving employees’ complaints to employees’ basic rights to maternity ensure that their concerns are heard and leave and statutory maternity pay, not neglected by management. as well as paternity leave, adoption The guidance for disciplinary leave, time off for dependents, and the procedures covers the scope for a right for employees to request flexible discip­linary action, such as employees’ working arrangements. conduct, attendance and job perfor- mance; the requirement to undertake an IMPOSING WORK appropriate investigation; the stages of the procedure; the rights of the employee; OUTSIDE ROLEMAPS and process for appealing decisions. For those covered by the Grey Book, This is intended to prevent unjust work roles are clearly defined under dismissals or sanctions and ensure that agreements reached through the NJC, firefighters’ cases are treated fairly. providing protection for what can and cannot be reasonably demanded by the employer. Employees’ duties and areas of competency – known as rolemaps – reflect fire and rescue services’ respon- sibilities to respond to emergencies and improve community safety. This provides essential protection for FBU members against change being imposed unilaterally by their employer. Where employers wish to introduce new work outside of the rolemaps, they must put proposals to the FBU for consultation. This helps to prevent fire chiefs imposing new respon­sibilities on fire service employees without adequate resources, training and proper ­remuneration for increased workloads. FIREFIGHTERS’ HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE Fire service employees encounter a wide variety of hazards that need to be controlled through training and risk assessments. The Grey Book sets out guidance on firefighters’ health and safety at work for local fire services to follow, following the principle of maintaining a fit and healthy

12 FIREFIGHTER | APRIL/MAY 2021 RESOLVING DISPUTES One of the initiatives of the NJC is the protocol for maintaining good industrial relations in the fire and rescue service. It sets out how fire and rescue service managers can work with trade union representatives for the benefit of employees and local communities. It requires fire service managers to consult and negotiate with the FBU on issues which will impact the workforce, such as changes to working hours or duties. The Grey Book provides model consultation and negotiation procedures for fire services and trade union repre- sentatives at a local level, including appropriate timescales for reaching a resolution. The mechanisms in place in the Grey Book help to prevent chief fire officers from freely changing and worsening ­firefighters’ conditions. When local fire services have attempted to impose non-NJC compliant duty systems, work outside the rolemap, or make changes to overtime working and other aspects of firefighters’ terms and conditions, the FBU has been able to fight them off. FIRE CHIEFS UNCHECKED The HMICFRS proposals not only entail ripping up the Grey Book containing all of these protections, but also giving greater independence to fire chiefs, including over terms and conditions. This is dangerous for our members and for the service. The voice of firefighters and control staff in their conditions and service would be weakened or erased. Senior management would be able to dictate terms and conditions to workers without agreement or consent. We have seen various attempts to do this over the years, but FBU members have often been able to fight them off. If these attacks were successful, it would be the beginning of a race to the bottom in firefighters’ working conditions.

The FBU will not stand by and allow ministers to bulldoze fire- fighters’ hard-fought for terms and conditions, nor our seat at the table. Firefighters are ready to stand up, speak up and make our voice heard to protect our say in our service, for now and for the future.


amning evidence at the Grenfell inquiry about companies responsible for cladding on the tower should be the “final nail in the coffin” for weak regulation and corporate profit seeking in the construction industry, FBU general secretary Matt Wrack said. DThe inquiry resumed by video links on 8 February after being halted by lockdown. Its Module 2 looked at the manufacture, testing and certification of products used in the refurbishment of Grenfell. Arconic, a multinational, manu- factured the ACM polyethylene (PE) cladding panels used. These were A RECKLESS identified as the “primary cause” of fire spread up the building in the inquiry’s phase one report. Three former senior Arconic employees refused to appear at the inquiry. Claude Wehrle, Gwenaelle Derrendinger and Peter Froehlich were DISREGARD “empty chaired”, with Richard Millet QC, counsel to the inquiry, presenting evidence in their absence. A former colleague, Claude Schmidt, president of the French-arm of the company, agreed at the last minute to answer questions. FOR HUMAN Schmidt accepted Arconic staff “misled” and “lied” to customers, hiding serious test failures. He accepted that Arconic knew in March 2010 that architects, designers and construction professionals were being misled by claimed fire certification for the LIFE AND cassette variant of the panels. These are bent and hung in cassette form, which is more dangerous than the alternative “rivet” or bolted fixing. A presentation in September 2007 described the fuel power of a polyethylene core on a project of 5,000 square metres SAFETY as being equivalent to a truck of 19,000 litres of oil. It raised the question of whose responsibility it would be if scores

“THOSE LEADING THE REFURBISHMENT HAD ‘LIMITLESS APPETITE FOR The Grenfell inquiry has been INVESTIGATING COST hearing devastating evidence of how privatisation, deregulation and the SAVINGS, BUT LITTLE ZEAL IN placing of profit above human life RESPECT OF FIRE SAFETY” played a central role in the disaster A GRENFELL SURVIVOR’S LAWYER

14 FIREFIGHTER | APRIL/MAY 2021 Magnesium oxide boards were installed on a fire Richard Millett test rig, enabling Celotex QC, counsel for to pass the BS 8414 test the inquiry of people died in a building clad in these Arconic’s Reynobond cladding panels materials. The presentation was reported and Kingspan’s insulation boards. to Arconic decision-makers, but the Evidence from BBA showed that staff product continued to be sold. did not have enough information from “YOUR APPROACH TO THIS The inquiry heard later how the use either Arconic or Kingspan to issue and of this panel in other European markets re-issue safety certificates. Arconic had ISSUE IS NOT ONLY had diminished over time due to changes not supplied key information to the BBA in regulation relating to fire performance, about the testing and classifications of its DISHONEST BUT DISPLAYED A but the UK remained a market because its panels, meaning that an earlier certificate regulations permitted its sale. that Arconic used to sell its product, was RECKLESS DISREGARD FOR “materially wrong”. TESTING AND CERTIFICATION BODIES From its own tests in 2005, 2011 and HUMAN LIFE AND SAFETY” The BRE (formerly the Building Research 2014, Arconic knew that its cladding Establishment) carried out fire tests on panels would fail in a fire, but this was not RICHARD MILLETT QC, COUNSEL FOR THE Kingspan and Celotex products later used revealed until after the Grenfell Tower fire INQUIRY, QUESTIONING ADRIAN PARGETER, on Grenfell Tower. – by a BBC journalist. Evidence from Phil Clark, a senior Chris Hunt, head of approvals at the KINGSPAN DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL, BRE technician, showed that, as a result BBA, issued a certificate for Kingspan’s MARKETING AND INTERNAL AFFAIRS of the 1999 privatisation of the organi- K15 cladding board, but did not insist sation, testing the fire performance of on seeing proof that the product had external cladding became a source of achieved a Class 0 fire rating (meaning decision-makers, including MPs Michael revenue, leading to the body becoming that a product can adequately resist Gove, and . closely linked to corporations, and a need the spread of fire, permitting use in In January 2018, Kingspan representa- to test for profit. buildings over 18 metres high). He later tive Mark Harris was at a dinner at the Clark admitted to a serious list of admitted that this was a “basic failure of House of Commons with MPs where “omissions and missed instances” that due diligence”. they discussed Kingspan’s position that allowed dangerous materials to receive a the combustibility of individual materials pass from the BRE. KINGSPAN is irrelevant and that compliance should During a 2014 large-scale test for The inquiry heard that, in the aftermath only be achieved through the very Celotex RS5000 insulation boards, Clark of the fire, Kingspan tried to undermine testing that the inquiry has shown to be failed to notice that fire-resisting boards a proposed government ban on deeply flawed. had been added to the test rig. These were combustible materials on buildings over not declared in the subsequent report or 18 metres high. PROFITEERING AND DEREGULATION sales literature for RS5000, allowing it It sought to influence key Arconic, Celotex and Kingspan were able to be considered “suitable for use” on to exploit a flawed and “supine” testing high-rise buildings. RS5000 insulation and certification regime to achieve a seal is made up of polyisocyanurate (PIR), of approval for their lethal products. plastic foam that produces lethal gases Evidence from Module 2 of the when it burns, including hydrogen inquiry shows how the safety of people cyanide and carbon monoxide which “IS THE REALITY THAT in their homes has been sacrificed on the cause rapid incapacitation when inhaled. altar of deregulation, privatisation and It is understood that nearly all victims of KINGSPAN WAS POTENTIALLY corporate profit. the Grenfell fire died of smoke inhalation. Module 3 of the inquiry, which began A SIGNIFICANT SOURCE OF on 30 March, is looking at the tower’s A FAILURE OF DUE DILIGENCE internal fire safety measures, management The British Board of Agrément (BBA), REVENUE FOR THE BRE?” of the building, compliance with regula- the UK construction sector’s main tions, fire risk assessments and complaints certifying body, issued certificates for RICHARD MILLETT QC and communications with residents.

APRIL/MAY 2021 | FIREFIGHTER 15 CONTAMINANTS SIGN UP FOR THE UK FIREFIGHTERS CANCER AND DISEASE REGISTRY We need to hear from all firefighters both serving and retired, from those who have never received a cancer or disease diagnosis, and from those who have had or currently have cancer or other serious or chronic illness

The aim of the UK Firefighters Cancer and Disease Registry (FCDR) is to develop a better understanding of the increased occurrence of cancers and diseases among firefighters and to identify the association between a firefighter’s occupation and exposure to fire effluents and residues.

Research study objectives are: ■ To identify the association between firefighters’ work characteristics and exposure to fire effluents ■ To identify the frequency and severity of the most common diseases and cancers suffered by firefighters ■ Investigate trends and variations of cancers and other diseases with specific work practices ■ To evaluate the risk of cancer among firefighters when compared to the rest of the UK population ■ To offer preventative health screening, education and support that is specifically designed to protect firefighters’ health.

Why is it so important to join this registry? More responses mean more data which WHY makes this research more scientifically valid SIGN? TO SIGN UP AND FOR MORE MORE RESPONSES MEAN DATA HAS INFORMATION GO TO: MORE VALIDITY www.uclan.ac.uk/FCDR


CALL OUT TO ALL FIREFIGHTERS Following the Grenfell Tower fire, Dr Fiona Wilcox (HM Senior Coroner) has expressed concerns that, without an appropriate system of health screening, there is a risk that illness may arise unnoticed or occur later in firefighters, and thus reduce their life expectancy. We need all London firefighters, particularly those who attended the Grenfell Tower fire, to be part of the UK Firefighters Cancer and Disease Registry. The information collected will help us to evaluate firefighters’ health and their exposure to fire toxins, to gain an understanding of the future possible health consequences, and finally to offer proper long-term health screening focussing on the fire toxins released during this fire.



Two annual TUC conferences, for women and black workers, went online this year – FBU participants report WOMEN WORKERS Holly Ferguson and Clare Hudson took part in this year’s TUC women’s conference and, on behalf of the FBU’s The annual Roots, Culture, Identity art exhibition at the TUC national women’s committee, submitted two motions both Black Workers Conference marked its ninth anniversary with an of which were passed: Covid-19: A Domestic Violence Crisis online exhibition. and Covid-19: Women workers must not pay for the crisis The exhibition is hosted by the TUC Race Relations Committee and is the concept of Zita Holbourne, artist, activist, More than half – 55% – of Britain’s trade unionists are women, poet, and curator of the exhibition. (Above: one of her works delegates to the first virtual Women’s TUC annual conference in the exhibition). She is a member of the TUC race relations heard in March. committee and is joint chair of Artists Union England and the The theme of this year’s conference was Our Future, Our national vice president of PCS Union. Fight. The format was different to other years because the The exhibition was established in line with a recommendation conference was online. Morning debates were followed by panel of the TUC’s Stephen Lawrence task group to showcase the discussions, workshops and fringe meetings throughout the day. talents of young black creatives, as Stephen had aspired to be Delegates considered 46 regular and one emergency motion. an architect. ■ You can enjoy the exhibition at bit.ly/TUC-BW-art-21 until Almost half of these were on the unequal impact of Covid-19 30 June. on women. TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady kicked off proceed- ings with a speech that highlighted the structural inequalities exposed by the pandemic. One shocking fact was that the 10 richest men in the world BLACK WORKERS increased their wealth by half a trillion pounds during the crisis. The conference coincided with the UK government’s 2021 Three delegates from the FBU’s black budget announcement and its submission to the NHS Pay and ethnic minority members (BEMM) Review Body recommending a measly 1% pay increase for committee took part in this year’s TUC health care staff. black workers’ conference – national chair As TUC president Gail Cartmail pointed out, NHS staff are Tariq Khan, national vice-chair Karen Bell 70% female and, if the government embarks on another period of , it looks like women will bear the brunt again. and London regional chair Amit Malde The TUC will rightly be calling on the government to carry out equality impact assessments on its Covid-19 recovery plans. Key themes were organising and engaging with The overwhelming positive from this year’s conference was members, Covid and anti-racism, incorporating a the news that more women are joining and becoming active in large anti-racism rally for UN anti-racism day on trade unions throughout the UK. 20 March. Not only are 55% of trade union members women, so are An FBU motion on racism in the workplace was one third of all health and safety reps – a 5% increase in the past submitted and passed: year, showing that the pandemic has galvanised women to take action. Conference pledges to continue the fight Having more women at the heart of our movement is exactly against racism in every workplace and calls on what we will need for the battles ahead – after all this is “Our affiliates to demand action at every level to achieve Future, Our Fight”. Let’s get to it. true equality for all black workers. Conference believes that the rise in right wing populist politics is legitimising racism and that racists are feeling increasingly confident in deploying overt abuse or discrimination in the workplace. Conference believes that this situation has been exacerbated by the impact of over a decade of austerity, resulting in cuts to equality depart- ments and a very low level of recruitment in the public sector. In the UK Fire and Rescue Service, the number of black staff remains disgracefully low, with a workforce that is 94.6% white. This has left black staff feeling isolated in the workplace with little hope of change due to lack of recruitment. The combination of isolation in the workplace and the mainstreaming of racist attitudes is The recording of a session from the TUC women’s conference impacting negatively on the lives of black workers. led by Dr Debbie Weekes-Bernard, deputy for Conference therefore pledges to use its collective social integration, social mobility and community engagement, efforts to support black workers and is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/czyNNMvGuFI challenge racism wherever it is found.


Jo Seery of Employment Bill are welcome, it is noticeable that there is no Thompsons Solicitors mention of greater access for explains how a new trade unions to workplaces. Employment Bill, Any employment legis- lation depends on effective expected to be enforcement. Trade unions published later this are central to the enforce- year, could impact ment of both individual and collective rights. FBU members Covid-19 has presented workers and unions with The new Employment Bill, a number of challenges announced in the Queen’s when asserting collective Speech shortly before the employment rights. UK left the EU in January For example, in one last year, is expected to be recent case, union members published later this year. who were undertaking Whether it will safeguard socially distanced picketing workers’ rights – one of the were moved on by the police government’s post-Brexit and warned that if they promises – will depend on returned, they would be how new laws are drafted. issued with penalty notices for The Bill is likely to breaking lockdown rules. cover issues including The union, for which setting up a single body to Thompsons acted, argued that enforce employment law the right to picket was a funda- for vulnerable workers; mental right protected by the making flexible working Human Rights Act 1998. the default position for all Before the case came to workers; the introduction court, the government backed of leave for unpaid carers; down and confirmed that and redundancy protection workers taking lawful industrial for pregnant workers – all action have a right to picket of which have become a at their workplace during the priority for workers during Covid-19 lockdown. the pandemic. ACCESSING SUPPORT FROM

Main changes SATOSHI KAMBAYASHI THOMPSONS SOLICITORS expected are: Thompsons Solicitors has A single labour market periods for extra hours and after their return. been standing with unions and enforcement agency. This is compensation if an employer fighting for workers’ rights a welcome move, provided it cancels an assignment without Leave for neonatal care for 100 years and has used its ensures a tougher approach to proper notice. to help support parents of specialist expertise to protect enforcement where there are premature or sick babies. This the rights and interests of clear failings by employers. An extension of redundancy right would provide 12 weeks’ millions of union members protection to limit pregnancy paid leave for parents whose across the UK since 1921. The right for all workers to and maternity discrimination. baby is born prematurely Thompsons remains open request a more predictable Currently, a worker made and spends time in a hospital throughout the pandemic, and stable contract after 26 redundant during maternity neonatal unit. working from home and weeks’ service. This falls short leave has the right to be offered available to support FBU of a right to guaranteed hours alternative work when there is A week’s leave entitlement members in personal injury for workers and fails to ban a suitable vacancy. In our view for unpaid carers. This will claims and (on referral from the zero-hours working. There the protection should start provide for five days leave, union) employment matters. should also be a right to pay when a worker informs their which in our view, should be For more information, for work beyond contracted employer they are pregnant paid if it is to be effective. visit Thompsons Solicitors’ hours, minimum notice and continue for six months While the proposals in the FBU hub.


NEW FROM THE FBU SHOP ‘Thin Red Line’ sports top Part of a sportswear range, bearing the FBU logo and constructed in dry-wicking fabric that keeps you cool and comfortable during all sporting activities Available in all sizes with men’s and women’s fits at £16.50 All FBU shop profits go to the Firefighters 100 Lottery fund to support seriously injured firefighters and their families shop.fbu.org.uk/collections/sportswear

Play our lottery from £1 a week to directly support the firefighting community. There are chances of weekly cash prizes. PLUS, be in the national draw on 24 April for a chance to WIN a £1,000 Currys PC World voucher. https://www.firefighters100lottery.co.uk

CAT WITH LADDER SKILLS RESCUES ITSELF – WITH THE HELP OF FIREFIGHTERS The poor cat had apparently been up there more than 48 hours, but seemed fine when it came down – it just ran off without so much as a thank you …


STATION CAT Vesuvius and Naples – Vesuvius and PAY AND THE Worksop – see PANDEMIC Hot in Notts

TAKE THE MONEY what Boris Johnson does Sir Thomas at critical moments when AND RUN … BACK Winsor at he cannot be bothered to Is it just your Cat, or are Downing turn up? Street senior fire officers getting The Prime Minister older, much older? was not at the first five Your Cat has learnt that, COBRA meetings as the first despite taking voluntary coronavirus cases arrived retirement and receiving in Britain. And on the most a lump sum payment significant day in British from Mid and West Wales politics for a generation, Fire and Rescue Service Brexit Day, (MAWWFRS), CFO Chris reported our hero hid inside Davies has been re-employed No 10. by MAWWFRS on a salary All well and good, but that is almost £20,000 higher your Cat thought Mr Johnson than his former basic pay. was paid to lead not hide … This is against government remember the fridge. policy which says he should We all know it is just a be re-employed for no longer renewed attack on the FBU. than a one-year contract. Chris Davies has been HOT IN re-employed in his new role for five years. NOTTS? MAWWFR authority’s When your Cat read there policy on re-employment of were plans afoot to build a retired firefighters following new fire station at Vesuvius, voluntary retirement states her mind erupted. How many clearly: “an individual will volcano related puns could be re-employed on the same efficiency and effectiveness of (the Tory government) for she think of? level of basic pay pertaining services”, and said changes political gain. As you all know any good to the role they hold in firefighters’ terms and If anyone knows how much pun has to flow, must provoke on retirement”. conditions are needed. volunteering Sir Tom has done laugh-va and volcanos make Still, there’s a pandemic Your Cat presumes that Sir to help his local community good jokes because they are on, who’s going to notice? Tom wouldn’t mind his own during the pandemic, your Cat hill areas. terms and conditions being would like to know. By the There would be no RIGHTS AND torn up and slung into a kitty way, volunteering malicious problem with insurance litter tray. and misleading opinions does because if the volcano WRONGS To add insult to injury, Sir not count. erupted then the station and The last year has been Tom added: “If the pandemic its surroundings would be difficult for most, but one has taught us anything, it’s REWRITING covered. If you dropped a person has chosen to use it that there are too many portable pump on your foot to further his agenda and barriers preventing firefighters HISTORY you might Krakatoa. yet again attack firefighters from fully supporting their Your Cat owes her readers With mirth of this by saying that significant local communities when they an apology. She has been magma-tude your Cat was changes are needed in their need it most, which we know reading the Torygraph! In her punstoppable. Then she fire and rescue services. firefighters find frustrating.” defence, it was in the cause found out a little more. Sir Thomas No Sir Tom, if the of research. The paper has Anyone thinking of Winsor, Her pandemic has taught reported that firefighters’ right applying for a transfer to the Majesty’s Chief us anything it is that to strike could be reviewed by new fire station can unpack Inspector of firefighters will always parliament because of “1970s their flip-flops and sunscreen. Constabulary and Fire rise to the challenge trade unionism”. It turns out this Vesuvius & Rescue Services, even when faced So, this government is not on the Bay of Naples, found there were too with the barriers has an issue with someone rather a brownfield site in many “barriers” which put in place by withdrawing their labour do Nottinghamshire! Worksop, were “impeding the your bosses they? But isn’t this exactly to be exact.


Sean Gallanagh (l), green watch, Easterhouse, Karen Read (r), fire control, Surrey, receives Andy Lowe (r), white watch, Calvert Lane, Scotland, receives his 25-year badge from her 25-year badge from brigade chair Humberside, receives his 25-year badge from branch secretary Thomas Hanlon Simon Harris branch rep Lynden Young

Lee Wright (r), red watch, Weston-super-Mare, Avon, receives his Matt Wilkinson (l), white watch, Sutton, London, receives his 25-year 25-year badge from brigade organiser Amanda Mills with colleagues badge from London South West area secretary Dave Young looking on

John Lewis (l), red watch, New Inn, Jeremy Oliver (l), blue watch, Swansea Central, Mid and Mark Warrender (l), operational South Wales, receives his 25-year West Wales, receives his 25-year badge from branch rep resource pool, and sports & social badge from Dai Burton, with colleagues Steve Fuge, with watch members looking on cycling section secretary, West Yorkshire, looking on receives his 25-year badge from brigade organiser Ryan Binks

Nick Bevitt (r), white watch, Calvert Lane, Paul Yardly (r), Bridgend, South Wales, Andy Abbis (r), Warwickshire, receives Humberside, receives his 25-year badge from receives his 25-year badge from Rob Bailey his 25-year badge from FBU organiser branch rep Lynden Young Adam Hemmings

Jason Williams (l), white watch, Swansea West, Mid and West Wales, Mid and West Wales training department members (l-r), Darren Powis, receives his 25-year badge from Des Walker with watch members Arwel James, Rob Martin and Mark Grimshaw, all receive their looking on 25-year badges

22 FIREFIGHTER | APRIL/MAY 2021 40-YEAR BADGE FBU REGIONAL OFFICES Region 1 Scotland 52 St Enoch Square, Glasgow, Scotland G1 4AA 0141 221 2309, [email protected] Region 2 N Ireland 14 Bachelors Walk, Lisburn, Co Antrim, BT28 1XJ 02892 664622, [email protected] Region 3 Cleveland, Durham, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear 1 Carlton Court, 5th Avenue, Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 0AZ 0191 487 4142, [email protected] Region 4 Yorks and Humberside 9 Marsh Street, Rothwell, Leeds, LS26 0AG 0113 288 7000, [email protected] Region 5 Greater Manchester, Lancs, , Cumbria, Merseyside, Cheshire The Lighthouse, Lower Mersey St, (r), Deal, , receives his 40-year badge on his last shift from Kent East Group rep Colin Gilmore Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 2AL Jamie Dodd 0151 357 4400, [email protected] Region 6 Derbyshire, Notts, Lincs, Leics, Northants 19-21 Musters Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 7PP 0115 981 7489, [email protected] Region 7 West Mids, Staffs, Warks, Hereford & Worcester, Shropshire 195/7 Halesowen Rd, Old Hill, West Midlands, B64 6HE 01384 413633, [email protected] Region 8 Mid and West Wales, North Wales, South Wales 2nd floor, Hastings House, Fitzalan Court, Cardiff, CF24 0BL 029 2049 6474 Clive Matthews (r), Warwickshire, receives his John Griffiths (r), training centre, Dorset and Wiltshire, 25-year badge from FBU official Adrian Young receives his 25-year badge from brigade organiser Scott Region 9 Herts, Beds, Cambs, Blandford with new recruits looking on Essex, Norfolk, Suffolk 28 Atlantic Square, Station Road, Witham, Essex, CM8 2TL 01376 521521, [email protected] Region 10 London John Horner Mews, Frome Street, Islington, London, N1 8PB 020 7359 3638, [email protected] Region 11 Bucks, Berks, Hants, Oxon, Isle of Wight, Kent, Surrey, E Sussex, W Sussex Unit 11, Hunns Mere Way, Woodingdean, Brighton, BN2 6AH [email protected] Jon Curley (r), training centre, Dorset and Wiltshire, Ric Slatherton (r), red watch, Kirkdale, Region 12 Avon, Cornwall, Devon receives his 25-year badge from brigade organiser Scott Merseyside, receives his 25-year badge & Somerset, Dorset & Wiltshire, Blandford, with new recruits looking on from Mark Pimlett with colleagues (l-r) Paul Gloucestershire Blanchard, Peter Ramejkis, Joel Condor and 158 Muller Road, Horfield, Alex Scott looking on Bristol, BS7 9RE 0117 935 5132, [email protected] Change of address or next of kin Advise your brigade organiser of any change of address and head office of changes to next of kin or nominations for benefits. FBU FREEPHONE LEGAL ADVICE LINE 0808 100 6061 Ray Scaife (l), blue watch, Southport, Merseyside, receives his 25-year badge from Bob Tyrer with colleagues England, Wales and N Ireland (l-r) Phil Jones, Rob Rimmer, Ian Jones, Duncan Barrow, Jess Makin and Lee Haigh looking on 0800 089 1331 Please send high resolution digital files or prints to:[email protected] Scotland The line provides advice for personal or Firefighter, FBU, 68 Coombe Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7AE injury, family law, wills, conveyancing, For your image to look its best, we need the original, full-resolution image. One lifted from a website personal finance and consumer issues. may not do justice to a unique occasion. We do our best with images that are low resolution, For disciplinary and employment- taken directly into a bright light or suffer from camera-shake, or have other problems, but cannot related queries contact your local FBU perform miracles. Please include details for each image – full names of everyone who is in it; their representative. station/brigade/watch etc; where they are in the picture (eg: left to right); their union posts/branch if relevant; and where/when it was taken.