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12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT - CONTECSI How Internal Management Organization with Information System Improved Performance of University? (case: Study Program and Faculty at Universitas Negeri Manado) Prof. Dr. Ph. Erwin Alex Tuerah, M.Si, DEA, Universitas Negeri Manado di Tondano, Minahasa, Sulut-Indonesia [email protected] Dr. Ronny Palilingan, M.Eng, Universitas Negeri Manado, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia [email protected] Audy A Kenap, ST.M.Eng, Unima-Indonesia, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France, [email protected] Prof. Luc Quoniam, Université du SUD Toulon-Var, Aix-Marseille University, France [email protected] Abstract Information and Communication Technology Education study program established in Manado State University with less than 200 Student since 2010. In 2015, the study program have reached almost 2000 students, which is the highest enrollment in 2012, over than 600 Students and lowest amount less than 150 students in 2014 for Information and Communication Technology Education study program. This is good indicator as new study program in University. By this study program, impact at all side of university quite good, at least in the amount of student tendency to study in the university. On the other side the University has to improve in all side related; ratio Lecturer and Students, Service to the students from academic and administration side, Quality of Education, Publication, especially in this hyper competition information era. The lecturer, graduated, facilities and number of student apply related to the quality of university. Lecturer as university main actor need to treat well in order to get good educational result. Lecturer database need to design well so it will be easy to control the work progress, strategy for future plan/new Lecturer recruitment, even to segment of the collaboration. One of the problems for the lecturers to manage their Academic Badge, they have to prepare all things that are needed for the rank of academic badge increment. To solve that problem, development of information system is made to help lecturers in managing their rank of academic increment. Improve internal management of university in this case the lecturer that will run main business in university and realize the e-griculture will affect the number of student that one of the indicator the quality improvement and prepare the next trend of Information and Communication Technology. Relation between the main businesses in the university as education was really connected with lecturer in knowledge transfer to the student. Means that in the stimulate to the lecturer to improve the knowledge was really important, especially related to the system that have been design to improve the skills which in Indonesia we called “Pangkat Akademik”of the lecturer, in English could be translate as Academic Badged of Lecturer. This system cover the academic side, research and contribution to the community. All this three side need to be record tidy so the lecturer could plan the activity in action that will give maximum impact to community. It seems that it was simple about the collecting information about the lecturer activity to improve the academic badged, but in fact it was difficult to record the activity that have been done some years in the past. So the academic 1 5373 12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT - CONTECSI badget for lecturer was contribute in lecturer progress about recorded activities to be tidy controlled and would improve well. Information and Communication Technology was in rapid development, the model the information system also need to change and keep with the technology development. The impact of well database in organize the organization resource could bring positive advantages for ongoing activities and even for organization strategy in the future. For example the Indonesian Higher Education Directorate, for the 10 years time using the system called EPSBED (Evaluasi Program Studi Berdasarkan Evaluasi Diri),(EPSBED, 2010) in english will be similar with the study program evaluation based on self evaluation that based on single /standalone computer system, in 2010, Change the system called PDPT (Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Tinggi), in English it could be said the Database of Higher Education, which is more or tend to be web based application (Dikti, 2013). The support of technology for the web application looks like possible while could support easy use/access and economist from funding side. Keywords—EPSBED, Pangkat Akademik, tridharma, STTPP, baku dapa Aknowledgement: Thank you to Dikti, Indonesian Higher Education as well as Universitas Negeri Manado, Kampus Maesa, Minahasa, Indonesia for accomodating the conference. 1 INTRODUCTION As higher education that concentrate for teacher graduation, the role of “Universitas Negeri Manado”, previous IKIP (Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan) determine the quality of Education especially in East Indonesia. IKIP at that time, the only Higher Education that produce teacher and Lecturer based on graduated qualification. Now Universitas Negeri Manado (UNIMA) is higher education that held an education institution in Indonesia since September 22, 1955. As one of the oldest university in East Indonesia, UNIMA has produced hundred thousands of teachers in Indonesia, especially in east Indonesia. In the hyper information era, university must be adjustable in strategy in order to keep in touch with the client, in this case the students as main clients. Before 2009, Unima has 6 Faculties and has around 9000 students, but in 2014, the study program became more than 50 study program and the amount of student raised 350 % over than 30.000 student. This is a good phenomenon, which is the amount of student increased and the new student candidate registered also increased. There are two things that interested to analyze related to the amount student in University, the number of lecturer and the University internal administration that related to the opening of new strategic study program. Entering XXI century, university has a commitment to improve the quality of education. As we know component universities are students, faculty, administrators and other staff. In organizing the educational process at universities, a professor is one of the main elements which are crucial for determining the quality of a university. Therefore, the quality of a teacher is necessary, while one of the benchmarks that determine the quality of a professor is an academic rank. Each faculty has always claimed to always be proactive towards its academic advancement. Management of the academic rank of the process takes quite a long time, because a teacher has to prepare itself all the necessary requirements such as scientific research, collect care while providing a warning to the lecturer; there is a lecturer in a certain period does not take care of academic promotion. Writeable Web 2.0 need to anticipate well in order to take the maximum impact in this hyper information age. 2 5374 12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS & TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT - CONTECSI Corporate Education which is normally associated with the concept of Corporate University has emerged that surpasses our imagination when we seriously think about this, which historically we can say that corporate university were born of the evolution of training activities proposed by companies human resource department (Quoniam, 2011). According to Quoniam et all, the analyzing the motivation behind the establishment of corporate Universities by various organization, we can conclude that the most relevant reasons are the following: - Immediate improvement of employees performance in carrying out their functions - A greater commitment between employees and the organization through a more elaborate spread of institutional values and culture. - Dynamization of higher dimension leadership program (with respect to learned skills and the number of participants) - Creation of a catalyst that helps an organization achieve the necessary organization change - Financial issue: Companies certainly want to invest in courses that provide guarantees for the acquisition of knowledge which will translate into real gain their business. In this reason we could see that the relation between university and organization has significant correlation which is mean that need to improve well. Etzkowitz in his Triple Helix said that the collaborated between Government, University and Industry will be ideal model related to development well. The complete ideal collaboration which support by society would be most ideal in order to get best result of research collaboration. The relation is ideal with some complex relation among stakeholder that proposed by Etzkowits and Zhou, as shown at following table. Table 1: Example of differences and factors existing within government, university and Industry Research & Business Developme Suggestion to balance of the three Government nt spheres) (Industry) (university) Cultural Economical Politics Scientific Innovation Time/Perspective 4 months 4-5 years 6-10 years Conscious about time-quality 1 Geographical perspective Global Regional/local Global “Glocalization” Award Profit Re-election Scientific knowledge Development Source: (Magalhães et al., 2012) adapted by (Etzkowitz & Zhou, 2008) Universitas Negeri Manado as higher education need time to shown the result of new study program impact. As the student enroll is higher, the