
THE WATKRKOKD NKWS SEPTUM IIKU & OCTOr tKll. 1803 RAIL WA Y TIME . SHIPPING LIGHT WINE A ggQCrATlOK-. TABL&H for^OCtoBER 8*EE8.^v< STE.IM . COMMUNICATION Puii lislied every Frit/ay Evening nt 40 King sired WATERFORD AND tJMBMRK RAH.WAY WATERFOB.D STEAM COMPANY. Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford , J. I'ENDER , LITTLE OEORGE 'S-S T IIEET , AGENT FOR WATERFORD Vp train*fr tmm f rf cri. THE AUCTION ROOM, lOpimsiin the l'tnvim iul Dank.] 1X'I'KXDI !D ORDER of SAIL1KQ—0CT., 1863. Carryiiij Goods lo hiXRKXCK. (rin Watt-rford) at 'J'lirongli GOOD SHERRY , from I8s. per Dozen ; ... CRUSTKD PORT, 2Is. ; ... CLARET, I2s. 6d. -—___ NO. 101 QUAY, is now fitted-up for the reception mct T HRI;E 1' KSCI:; V K.VKLV (IN A U VANCI:; 13S. OT1C1': —'I'lieWaterfordSlcamshifor WATEItroRD -—^q—— _.of Furniture &c.. for Sale. ,. ., I' 1 *Wk '\r - ji Kates. t&T All olher Wines equally Moderate in Price. [o2-12t " _^ , - - r S TAMPED, -Id.; Yr.Aiitv, 17s. 'Id. iraaJW.?^^. lA Company receive Goods Shipment M ,. HTIIE New nnd Powrrful Scre w Sten- Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of' on FRENCH , (JEKMAN , ITALIAN, AND ALL SPARKLING WINKS, . FROM THE BEST SHIPPERS. *V^lNfa\/jV*ti.on tho following Terms only:—Tl.ev reserve iJ: i m.'rs "TIJSKAH'Moits Jl'DoxAUi, LIMCRICK. Clou Ctoi». Cl«t , Otow Clas. CU>«» Cln» their own Premises will find it their interest to make use * ' ' S « .H. AJI. r.n. ' - "v«^y.'-"-'iS-." the riflit to carry by nuv, not bv particular ^V'T^^^^^aLy^ .t'oinniiiii-ler, l'LADDA ," Jous CRAWFO IID, rV-n: r.ji'. A.M. A.M . of this Establishment, as the Room is both spacious and \ --ssels with liberty to Tow Ships and call at other Ports, -< .~Ljv?3te«c> Conimander. " C O U S A I II ," (Chartered PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, LITTLE GEOBLCrE'^-STREET. 'W lofty, and admirably adapted for Furniture Sales. PRINTING and will not h m h m h m frnr h Km h m OF 1>e arrouut.iMe for injuries or lo«s«s arisin" from Steamer), Captain SJIITH, or other First - class Ves- \Valcrf,.r.l...Df/) 6 0 0 « S 35 5 0 8 30 10 JO 8 30 , 1. ili lay, aecidents ' . THOMAS WALSH, Proprietor. of the Seas, liivers, Kire, the Queen's Ene- sel, are intended in Sail ns under (unless prevented bv atiy PKNDKIi has placed the Management of his Gallery under a FIRST CLASS ARTIST. Cnrrick _ 6 4(1 10 JD 3^8 5MI I O .IS, U ;o am mies, defective ' KVKIiV PKSIill 'TIOJJ Navigation, or accidents from nuy other cause, nnforeseen ciiTuuislancc), with or williout Pilots, nnd with J I'llorOGKAi 'US (Coloured) in Oil or Water Colour. All Kinds of PICTURES COPIED. Cloumcl 7 15 10 50 S ii 6 SO 10 0 11 40 100 AUCTION OP HORSES. inn lor any ]o*s which might liav« liecii covenil by Insurance, liberty lo Tow Vessels nnU lo render Assistance to Vessels Junction Dtp 8 45 liM 5m R 40 13 15 I 30 13 15 CARTES DE VISITE. —PIIICE : The Pint Tiv»: for 5s. ; Six for 7.i. (Til. ; n»d Twt-lvo for 12s. 21) IO Travelling Machines, Farming Implements Slock nor I'm- I.eAka-e, Hreakoge, Condition, Quality, or contents of iu Distress:— fiimcriolc...//rtc/ t> 45 1 0 30 9 SO ISO 2 JO I , , F03 lied with . Appara tus, <$-c,, #1> rMi r-1]_ Af u Owner; or Consignees to the Company. Xoon ; by Hail to Grccnock, 5.5U p.m. just received u Choice Selection of Establishment, BeresforMslreet, Walerfori, TKAO12K.S IX KVKIIY W.MIK , WATKHFOHD AND 15HI.STOL. Waterford and Cork—Tuskar or Corsair, Thursday , 1st hmihm * hm hm hm h m' h m ORDER or 8ALB : Giyvi aud Jurenia. Oct., l'J Xoon ; by linil to Grneuoclc , H p.m. I.imcrick..-.Ban 7 3, :! Alln'n-l-'r-tlny " S3, ... a Altn'n required to havo it entered at Mi r DOBBIH'S. or at fir. 1MJICK S ASTONISHINC.LY LOW , ... 1- —by iiail to Grrenonk , fi p.tn: Inrs, at 8.30, nrrlvinsat B.10. TncnUy, •' i:s, ... 7 Morn ;''ri'l=V. Ml, ... ?J Morn Wntcrford and Cork—Tuskar ^: Sailings, tho Cabinof the Steam- Glasgow (ilirect) Corsair, Satulday, 'Jll.h ,, :} p.m NEW GGOODS!! I CU SB Clots. Class Class. Onss. Class. Class XD KSTAULISIIMKN I A.M. A.M. NO. 109, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY, . \ r.ooK-iiiXDixc; rrs will lie Open to receive l'asscngers iirriviug from Lotidon W.iteiford & (ila> j A.M. r.M. r.M r.n r.M. b -nw l'lnildn , Tumday, S!)lh „ I p.m now ready for tho reception of FURNITURE ; y the Xisht. Jlail Train. Glasgow (direct), Tuskar or Comiii (> IS PV ,Yi«. 1!) .y "><) h 'inii Sired Walerfunl, Cabin K;i.p ]7 , Monday, 5th Oct. p.m lim hm hm hm Km pa km and PROPERTY of every , S. 0.1.: Sei r.inis and Children, 10s. Gd. \Vnlerford & filasjow ...Pladda fllli IIAZLETON , OTcr rToNNELL & co. description intended Ui'luni , Friday, „ 1 p.m Watrrriird ...Dc/i > 7 4S 12 0 5 11 — 11 0 8 15 — iK. 'J7s. ; or with hVrty to return fro m Dublin Glasgow (direct) Tuskar c Kilkenny....^rrt', 0 311 1 30 6 30 - 11 10 Hi — for SALE. Thoao who do not wish to havo Property 1,'oi li . or WexfonI ,Wcdnsdy, lltli „ Il p.in ANNOUNCE llie return of their Buyers from tiie English and Scotcli Markets, with all th BUTLER'S CATECHISM , JU. I'd., Steward's U-c included ; Deck Wntcrford & Glasgow ...Pladdn Monday, lllth Up.ui Carlnw(li U A X I, I V K U 1' O O L. Wnlcrford and Glasgow...Pladdn, Tuesday, 27lh „ 3 p.m HONXKTS MUSLIN . LINKNS, SHIJETINGS AND tion. J. R. BROWNE, Proprietor. i'cim , Down Tra ins from Kilkenny. On Sale nt The Xeivx Qf/dv, , Ciimilla, Vcsf c, awl Zeph yr. Glasgow (direct) Tusknr, Tuesday, 3rd Nov.Oa.ui KMIiONS, MANTLES, CLOTHS, MILLINEUY , 109, Cnstoui-honse Quay. [mh27-tf] n:uM W.\ TI:I:FI - I: I I : ri:oM i.iv>:i:roi)L: I TRAIKS OX 1VKKK OATa. HnXPATTKAIXa. ¦( FKOM WATEKFORD TO FLOWEItS, SHAWLS, I1OESKIN.S, TIES, (With tin- llci-nimiif-ndatinn <¦ thc l'Nliop /> 7 4.i 11 45 4 10 : — 9 0 — 0 0 part for the time to Cabin Fare, 1,'is. ; Servants and Children Cork and Glasgow .. .. .Tusknr, Thursday, 22nd „ 1 p.in Walerford....i4r/ !) .1(1 I 211 5 50 . — 10 311 — J 3o come to giro entire satisfaction. Valuations underta- 1il:iOMMl.NI>Ai1 «N. , 10s.; Deck , 7s. * A Lot of other different Classes of Goods too numerous to mention. ' ' I'd. : Children, ii. Females ntrend the Ladies' Cabin. GI.WR0\r (direct).... Pludda, Wcdnesiiy, 28th „ 3 p.m BS' Goods convi-yud b; Trams marked | ; Mail Tmins c ken at an hour s notice, and Auctions, in any part of " I approve of this l-Miliun-ol llic Ki;-.lil '-iv . Dr. Cork and Glasgow Tusknr (iuods received at Clarence Duck. , Saturday, 31st „ 1 p.m , WATERFORD. FAIII-S TO Duntn :—First Claw Slm-li; Ticket, 21». ; Second the County, shall, be conducted with caro, fidelity, and J AMCS II UTLKK 'S ('ntcuhisui , awl rcnitntiicii'l it lo I lie 47 QUAY FAKES:— • THE M AKKET-HOUSE. do., ir,H 8d -, Third do, 9s M ; Iiclurn-I-'irst Class, 313 nl; Se- unwearied attention. Faithful ot tlio.-L- Oiort'.o .i. WATKKFOUI) AND LONDON. {«<• O B S E It V E .' — OPPOSITE cond do 233 111 Glafgou- to Waterford or Cork...Cabin, 17s. fid. ; Deck , 10s, , . A Spacious Mart, for thc Sale of Property of every ¦• 1). O'UKIKN , H.C.IS. Aurora, Jli ta, Citizen, or other eligible Vessels. FARES TO K ILKEXBV -.—First Class Single Ticket, 63 ; Second * VIIOM WATICII FOKII : FROMLOSIION : Cork to Watei ford Cabin, 8s. Od. ; Deck , •!», 4s Id ; Third tin , 2s 7d ; Return—First Class. Os ;4U do, OsCd description, is now attached to the lied House. •' Wntcrfonl June *J '.lt. "' ilo, , IN Kri.lay, Oct. -J ... a Aftn - n W.-ilncf.lay Oct .7. ... S Mnrn Return Tickets available for One Month, not transferable : 5CP J. H- attends Enniscortby every Fair and Mar- *¦ !i -J ' LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. }!_/ Orders from any put of the Diocese, sent in Fri-lay, „ ... Attn n Wcilni's-by ,. |4, ... 8 Morn Glasgow to Cork or Wntcrford... Cabin, 25s. 0.1. WATEUF011D AND TUAMORE KAILWAY. ket day ; and Mr. STEPHEN .WUITK, Arthucstown, re- Frilny ., IB ... i> Arfiui 'Wc-liie-.-lny „ si, ... S Morn ami ilirectod to C U KIIMONH , Printer anil Publisher Waterford to Cork Cabin, 12s. (id. ; Deck, (is, Week DayJTrains. ceives Orders there. All letters to be addressed Fi-i-l.-iy, .. 0.1?... •_• Aflii'nlWe-liicnlav „ 2% ... S Morn to Ked ' S' .-il- 1 'i'lii«is the Cheapest Iloutc for Goods to Kilkenny, ~ ' ~~ " ~~ ~ ~ Wnlt rlnrd nrt Oflice, 411 King-stree t, |iroiii]it) y rri.lai-. .. M .. 2 Aftn'ii tJ5T "i l 2 \ 3 4 r I 6 I 7 18 1 0 House, Wexford. Killarney, Trnlce, New Kos<, Caii ick-ou-Suii- ('lomncl, THE MISSES FITZHENRY n \ t enileil to. The Trade. Kti|>|ilii*tl on iniiilciiitu terms. Cabin Fare, 31s.; Deck , Ills. , __ !jl. ln a ¦" ' P m I p m p m | p m j p m hi m ! a m "I feel very p cat plensnro in bearing testimony to the Caliur Tipptrary, Mallow , Fcrmoy, Cloghccn, aud the South I Slay be lnd Ketail from every Catholic Uuolisullor in L OADING II KRTU S :—I.ondnu—Ilritish and Foreign Ste.im , Ladies of Waterford nnd neig hbourhood lo their I li in i )i m ! li in I li in I) m !li ni i li m ii in | h m snperior and highly creditable manner in which Mr. J OIIB of ccncndlv. RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of the ' «2 llie J)i"ivM\ Wharf, Lower Ka-t Smilhlicld, au.l West Kent Wharf, 1 piepared to Execute Orders for wr-i!*s n Uo 45 ia n j is * o I 5 3o' n 45 a 45 — Hinton , Anctioueer, conducted my Sale at Ballynesicr Loilge For Kales of Freight nppply to the Ajeuts :— L.i niKs U.vnERCLOTiiiNr. DF.r.MiTMRNT, in which they me now ' 11 15 • 1 0 ; 3 15 4 3D !«6 0 7 45 0 Uol — Southwark. I'.irrels rei eived ;tt 137 Leadenhall-strect, E.C , &a, 1 rorri'O 0 and I am convinced tbat bis tact, nbility, paompt scttlo K AILWAY OFFICE, Kilkenny j COUK STF..\ .MHIIF CO., Pen- every dcscri ptioti of LADIES UNDERCLOTHING nnd BABY LINEN. monk nud faithful uttention to clients MONEY ON DEPOSIT. W ATKKFOIil) AND 1'LYMOUTII. Sunday Trains , , will command the rose Quay, COI k ; (liiAiUM lluvjiNKB , Grccnock ; TIIOXAB They have also constantl y in Stock n variety of tho newc3t Goods in STAYS , STCCL S KIRTS , H OSIERY , larfjo amount of deserved patronage which is certain to await MMIK WATEKFOKI) ami MMKlilCK RAILWAY Dallm ' , Citizen, Hunger, Aurora, or other eligible (i WIITTE, 2, Osn-ald Street, Glasgow ; ABY IKEN C HOMPSON 'S ATCNT " CKOWN " CRINOLINES , 1 I 2 , 3 I o 7 j ti { 9 10 him. "J. H. DEDDT." JL COMPANY iin- open to rice Vi-, to a limited Vessels. G LOVES , B L , &C , & . T P ain ' ini'am pm pm pm pmlpmiptnlpin O MICHAEL DOWNEY , extent . Money on temporary Deposit, fur which the FR M w.\Ti:i;rORH: TI .O M ri.v.Mocni: AMI RA1JY LINEN h in I li in i li m It in li iu h in li m i li in j h in li in Kri.lay, Ocl. '.. ... " Afi n 'n Tlmi-Mlny, Hct. I, ... 8 'n [al-H-3m] Custom II OUHU Qu.iy , Waterford . HABERDASHERY AND FANCY WAREHOUSE , LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING 31) -2 Important to the Timber Trade. following It.-itcs of Int.-rot will hcnllowril :— ' •! Afi n •S 11 II 0 12 15 1 30 4 ail 5 r.0 I 8 45 — — l-"riil:iy ., «, ... -' Afi n'n flinrsdiy, ,, H, ... s Afin'n [B l ly] ESTABLISHMENT, tKft" 2, MALL , WATERFORD. 9 10 ;I1 aO 12 15 2 0 t 0 5 0 *G 0 | 0 30 ; _ _ "> per Cent., subject to rejnyn.ent at any time after l-'ri-liiy „ I-! . ... 2 Af'n'n Tliur.-liiy, ,„ is, ... 8 Alln 'n Thoso marked thus * arc mnil train?. rp II E Undoi-3ijjnod have at present in Stock a Muinli One Wi-ek's notice. Friday, „ '.':!, ... 4 Altn 'n Tliur.-"lny, ,, ••;> , ... 8 Aftn'n "BLACK BALL" and "EAGLE" LINE tlio liivl , on expiration uf FAI-. KS :—First Class SinRlo Ticket lnd. j Return Ticket Is. JL Suporior Qunlity of RED and YELLOW PINE, l-' 3.1, ... Altii 'nTliur>-l.-iy, .. ... 8 Afin , , ¦1 per Cunt, if left !ur Twelve Months am! ibMKcr. ri'l-iy. ., - *1, 'n OP PURE S W E E T S . Second Cla&* Single Ticket, 7d.; Koturn Ticket, 9d. OAK , ASH, BIRCH, and ELJ[ TIMBER BRIGHT -.'.ibin Kare,-IU.; D.-ek, UU. Taking (ioojs for Falraouth , ' , Any Minii>i* .£21) and upwards tnUen, nii'l the l'rincip il lirUiish and .liislrnlian Jix-ltuyal Mail Packets. PINE and SPRUCE DEALS P[PE and HOGSHEAD Soutl:am{-ton, l' ortMiiouth , and places adjacent. , or Interest will l>e paid :is desired by l)k|i.>sitor»- SCHOOLING ANDC O.'S VILI-ORI) HAVEN HOUTII WALKS RAILWAY. STAVES, &c, &.c, all Selling at Moderate Prices. Further Inforiuation can l>c obtained tro m the- uuder- WATKKFOlt O AND V.KLPAST. IilVEKl 'OOIi FOJt MELBOUltNE , WI.KK DAYS—UPTIUin.. Ai 'rnra, f ront, or oilier eligible Vessels. PRIZE MEDAL DOW LEY, BROTHERS. ki ^neii , and also from the following Agents:—A. !-u- Ship. Kcc. Uur. Captains. D.irc. S BIATWX3. ; Mxp. ll , 2. 3' i'jr;i. I I A 2 U, 2, 3| Malt 1 , 2 , 3 OJ rii<)M WATKl'.F'IRIi : FROM HN.FAST : THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, Ferry bank Timber and C I Stores, ilunciiniion I 'nunty Wexlonl , THOMAS S. 11 AK - GKR AT AU STKAMA .... 1I!I:M ...25(X) ... Ilalfcr . .. nth Oct. PURE SWEETS ft _ ' 1 ,V j I cla>s I 1 8c 2 | class j clnssil_ &_2 cln>« . riiF.N^, , Satur-la), (Jet: 3, ... IS rvi.on.iVi'dncMhi (let. 7, ... !) Morn ADJOINING the Terminus or the South Wales " " September, 1803. (al2Wy *l W'uterltml ; .Ions 'iiiuuti Oirrick-on-Suir; (!KI:AT ISKIT AIS ( S.S.) 3i()U...oO(iO ... Gray ... 15th Ocl. Comprise a great variety of lirst-ratc iMIs .Stnriintj a in ill in i a in I n in a in i |»~in p in. vtr, tinay, , Satnnhy, ,. In, ... 12 Noun. W.-ilnrsJnv „ 14 ...10 Morn Kaihviiy Company nl New Mil ford, and tho Land- 0 Xi-w .Milfurd ' - 17, ... 12 .Nr...n. VV..,li,i>.tny „ ' ULANCIII : M OOKK 1837...-5U0 ... 5th Nov . — ' 7 15 | 9 0 — 11 0 ' 4 26 6 30 PRESENT SEASON'S ANNOUNCEMENTS P. ]!. I IAKFIL LU , ('Iniiiiicl ; S AMUCI . J lii.t.tco , Culiir ; Sat.o.lny, „ 31 , ... 2 Afln n MACHINE-MADE CONFECTIONERY oftho Waterford and Cork lioyrd Mail rackets. 00 l.lanclly ' _ ' n 47 III 5S — ' 1 41 i fi 44 I e 55 Snl-inl:ir , ., 21 , ... 12 .Vm.li. Wrdiicsib)- ,, . in«j Sta^c I) AWD C'»LEMAS Ti ; lUvtn FiT/cr.RAi.p A: -Son, 'B, ...lo Muni LOX1)OX FOK SYDNEY. 7J riwiinsL-a : _ 10 211 11 13 — 2 5 I 7 0 0 30 , pi'triry Saturday ;. 31, ... .\n.i.i.! f the most wholesome and delicious character. The Public arc respectfully informed that the above !- !Hj:<:.-ir.iiir. ! o r, ,12 M I -J 4!) Limerick . (liy Order), LEiriiD.umr 10th Oct. (Jrueers Druyfjists .V-c., with every accommo- — j 4 30 I 6 i n — B . HYAM Cabin F.ire l-js. Dii k 7s. Od. FOP. QUEENSLAND (Free Granls of Land valuc f30). Solil by , Confectioners , , extensive Establishment is replete 1-JiiyNtwport I 6 SO I 1 23 1 20 — ' 5 18 I 9 13 ! — T. A1NSWOKTI1 , Secretary , . in Transparent and other Packets at , and Sitting Uooms ; Bil ilouc-ti-r(il|>)i 8 _ _ much pleasure in announcing that his prc- W A T K I! F 01! D A X 11 X K \V U OSS . FLYISO CLOUD ...(from London) 25th Oct , dation. Coffee, Commercial 171 j'. IS0!3.M|a4 5 1 14:2 12 40 I HAS lloaril Room , Wnlcrford Terminus. 2-tf Uooms arc large S!« iPiiildinslini^.ll ! 0 0 I 0 II — ill 0 I 1 35 !_ pirriitions for the present Sc*.i*on are now coiuplctr F I -. OM W'ATKityoRii—Daily, Sundays e.vceptcd, at 11.15 l'.M- - O N I-; I' E X X V P E K OUNC E . Hard and Smoking Uooms. The , lofly, _ , PcrFons who hold Passage Warr..nts or Bounly Ticket H H-iiic-li, lur excellence in Style, quality in Workmanshi F KO.M X KW lioss—Daily, Sundays exceplcd, at 8.30 i.M. and airy, beautifully decorated , elegantly furnished, and ¦ JJ Hf:l:K OWt — DIIH'S THAIPS. p, ami FIDE MONEY SPECULATION will pleabc make imme;>. li" l'0i) <100 Sterling, guaranteed hy Government , LlVlvltl'OOl. TO MKIiOUKNE. Q clas.s C I USK . I^a clnsn. . cla!is.| 1 i'J cl:iys every confidence iu calling attention to the following li-adiiip .£8, , Fno.u \V.\Tii:roKn—Daily, Sundays esccpted, at 3.1") r.M. SCHOOLING & CO., convenience. ¦ dividt-d in Monllilf allotments iu various Packet for the 5th OCTOKEK , the ninirnificcnt Clipper shi,. u in a in am u 111 a m pin p~ ~ features : arc annually I OM Wholesale and Export Con feel inners KTII VAL This Hotel is situated on the banks of thc far-famed Ml«. Starting rn F : Di'sc.isxox—Daily, Snu-liys e\cepted, at 8.15 A.M. "(511EAT AUSTRALIA " Rll'J Tons Kesistcr, 2 500 Ton: , H . - 0 0 0 15 II 45 — 4 SO 8 10 sums upwards, to .£2.V000 su-rlin;;. An Invrslnicnt of . l . , extensive view of II I'mldlllKt'-n For Dust ( GRABVILLS WnAPMBS ... los., 20s., 3Ps. I'l.-rliis srcuri'd and every information given by thf Agents. Itnrtluu. This fivoritc Clipper Ship has made several sue G RKHN , l.on.lon. ri-20-lyl Milford Haven , anil commands a most 114 aiouc- ler(,l|) 0 45 li 15 12 511 3 30 1 — 8 20 2 15 y may *cetirc .C-.j ,UtHl steilinii. For I'ro.spcclii.-tsratN) to is 1 and Showery < G OKDO .I CAPEB £\ Tiristol— Tin; liesicral Steam 1'arlct Oflice, Liverpool— cessful pas<-a^es Melbourne >md back ; she a fast sailer, her Majesty 's Dockyard, and of the romantic and pictu 15»i Newport «4» 110 2 10 3 23 — V 30 3 40 ... 1C». Cd., 21s., 30s apply to Mr. Fiir.ntiiicK S ISTZ , lianker , l-'rankflirt-on- 3(1 5 5C Weather. Walertord Steam Shi p t'ompany, -3, Itrnn^wi-'k-strc-et, hir roomy apartments an.- well li ghted and \cntilatcd , .lnd rilE SUFFERER'S BEST FRIEND rescue Scenery of the neighbourhood. 1701 Cardiff 9 5 135 2 \ — 059 4 4 ( CLTDB & LOUKOE COATS, 10S. 6<1., 15S., 20S. to him at 23, Clc- (I 3 31 3 4.1 7 50 1 — 11 30 5 37 Ihc-Muiiic j or Letters a>eil , W.^liington lluildin^s. fj tm 'ltui—A.\*nui> v. (I . KontNsoN , her aee..inniodalion for Passengers is such ns will ensure n Visitors, Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen, nnd Fa- 210 Swansea 11 be im- 225 l.lanelly 11 4? 4 40 4 53 8 37 ' — I — 6 11 meiilVlane, Lombard slreet , Loiiil'iu, E.C, "ill UO Mark I..11K-: l!riti-h KU -I Koreiiii Ste:i;ii Wharf hower for situation and _ i ITLTS , comfort :dil>! v.n..ft*. HOUOWAY'S PILLS. milies will find this Establishment, 27SJ Hav'ford w'li 1 4(i I « 40 6 8 — I — | 8 17 For Seaside ( Su rs in ^'RW S . , ... 30a., 40s., BO» lncdiatelv forwardi-d. (neU-Sin*) , aud West Kent Wharf Sonllnvark ' ACKAT O 15 68 _ I _ lv.->t Smitlilield , ; l'ar- For Ficijtlil or Passmc, apply to T. M. M &C ., LL DISORDERS AFFECTING TIIH LIVKII , S TOMACH comfort, combined with moderate charges, surpassed by 33o Nt^Milfordi a 7 5 — I 8 3G ami Gc- < LODNOE &WALEINO COATS 20S., 28S., c.-ls ni eiveil at 137 Lradrnliall Street , ICC. Pliimoulh— • 1 Lpadcoball stnel , London : I! I lius, lilili.liv & Co., 1 North Principality. ht Porter meets thc A AND How KM.— These Pdls can be confidently no other in the Nig The 0 (I n.m Train from Puddinjlon takes Tliird Class Pascn neral Wear. { TBOUSEES & VEST (the 20s H I :M; V .1 . W ARISC , tht-Wharl, Milliay. JJclfait—II. Hr.N- liAINKS & Co., Water-st ., Liverpool two) 2Os., , CALL. OR DEPOSIT John-street ; JAMES , ret oinmcndeU as the most simplo and certain lemciiy Boats. Hot, Cold, and Shower Baths, Kers fur the South Wales Railway only. LOANS ON liKif-ix it Soxs, Donegal < VESIS in all STYLES ... Gs., 8s. 6d., 10s 6d J_ disordered stomach or bowels. In all diseases it is of Up from Nuw Milforil 10 A0 a. m. I.OAS ^ OII MOKTUAUK liOXDS. at r> per Cent., pay- WATKKI -OKU ANU MILI'Oltl) HA VEN \\ KKKL> S T K A M COMMUNICATION Dress Wear. ) DoE8Km TBODSBRS CITY MANSION HOTEL, 1'addinpton, arrival 10 50 p. m. %>> lte > 17Si M>> 2,, able uj'jii Three Months' Notice , or at A per Cent., pay- primary importance to set the sto-nach right. These TO NEW YORK. 30 & 31 LOWER HllIDGE STBKKT, DUBLIN FARKS .-—For Furcs s?e \Vnltrford anil Milfuril Haven Royal able at One Month' s Nutiir. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS Pills arc purifiers, alterntivcs, and strengthened of the Stenni Ship Advertisement , in onothpr column. (Lato Proprietor, Mr. JIAUMCE COFFEV ). TnE NEW STYLE OF RIDING HABIT, They will aU» :tn i pt U'i ndeis fur like ISoiids, at i FIMIE Undersigned will despatch on stoiaucht They may he taken under any circumstan- I) A I L Y C 0 M M U N I C A T I O N j^ THE MAILS FROM WATERKORD. Made to Order, 80s., Cent., lot i Ine, Thre' . or Five Yoa:•.-', and lor the lJ ^^^ 1C undciuicnlioncd ces. Though powerfully tonic, and satisfactorily 0&., nnd 100s. per at (Suiiihtiis Kxcvpleit,) -V^yNJlV^^^ -^- °f " or other First CAHEY having Purchased tho Interest in the The houre up to which letters and papers may be posted tiiiu.inteed Uelieiltun' Muck , liaiin^ interest li per JjjTjjXltgS^elass. full powcrcil , British built Steamers apciicnt , they arc mild iu their operation , nnd benefi- Tho ORDEB DEPABTMEKT contains a most varied and I P • above old nnd wcll-establishi'd Hotel, most con- nt the Waterford Office nrc ns follow:— lor IVi V'vii:; and j pvr (.Vnt. in perpituiiy IJ I'.TWKI-.N TIIK SOUTH Ol- 1U-.LAN1) , every TljKSDAY , from LIVEKl'OOL to NEW YORK , cial to the vrholo system. beautiful display of Piece Goods, suitablo for every kind ol Out. , veniently situated to the Great Southern and Western Box Closes. Despatched ' af(erwar.!s. SOUTH WALKS AXD KXOLAXD calling at QUKENSTOWNon the following -lay, to embark W EAKNESS AND DEDIUTT, N BIIVOUS IRRITADILITT. Clonniel. Cork , Limerick, .tc , 9 IS a.m 9 25 a.m Gentlemen s Dress. Also for Liveries to Order, nud Ready. Unilivny, aud iu close proximity to th (Four Courts and made iu Strong and Durable Cloths. The l.iuc i- worked l-y ll:c Waterl 'ord and I.imenck Via M'nterl'ord aud Milibnl Haven , in connection with Passengers nnd tho Latest Tel.-graphic despatches :— —Tho wholcsomo effect exercised liy these admirable Dublin (early foslisli Mails) l'i B , UTICA 3Wli Freeman. Do (2nd do) ...... 11 I) s.m It 30 a.m • •.^"^aU y (Sndavs cxceptcil), Fa able irritating qualities ; they quickly eject nil impuri- ( CAELTOI SUITS, WILLIAM WILLIA MS , Smeiary. iV^^.Dail ¦Strern^c re 'l Ins. ; Second Cabin, 110 10s. ; Saloon^ Dungarvan Do (3rd do) ...... 2 23 p.m 3 20 p.m, For Soys ... 12S. 6d., 18s. Gd.,25s. ¦ F ROM W AIKRFORI)— From the Adel hi , J- Commercial Hotel, Kilkenny, Tbornastown, New Ros«, • •> 1B« (jaiiJ-lf.; 'S»r?3 S£' p ties from the system, and regulate every function o f from 7 to 10 < ETOK JACKET SUITS 10s., 20s., 2Gs Walcrfonl, Nov. .'. , .'. Wl/.n I immediately after tlif arrival of the Limerick Train do., £13 13s. Wczford, tc, on week days ... 6 30 p.m 6 45 p.m All theso Steamers convey First, .Second, Rud Tliird Class the body, giving wonderful tone and energy tu weak O'CALLACHAN begs to announce to her Tears. { OSBOBSE SUITS r rsr?s at Three '('lock in the Afternoon , reaching Milford Haven M11S. Do. do., on Sundajs ... 3 45 p.m 4 0 p.tn 18s., 25s., 30s GiLtoTT's iiiii i.'Aiii.ic '. Passengers. Dietary and Accommodation unsurpassed I" anil debilitated persons, while they brace and strengthen Friends and the Public generally, that Dublin (late English Mails) Ac, ... 7 45 p.m 8 15 p.m ' (wind and weather permitting) in time, to enable Passengers many ' .U- at 7" U'ahrfa r * *¦ ¦» * any other Lino. the nervous system in a most extraordinary manner. QUARE Ctonmel, Cork, Limerick*. &c, ... 7 45 p.m 6 IS p.m T11-: liKST .MADK.—I' urSi- .m Iiifallihic erne for NKIiVDIJS , M lvNTAL JL is an will have per the II 15 a.m. Train. M1CHAKL DOWNKY, Quay, Waterford ; at work to shorten life, it is necessary that Hollowny'u patronage. Kilkenny, Tbomastown, New Ross, DKlill.lTV ; i-> tli« iliseovery of an Wexford, 4c , on week days ... 4 0 a.m 1 0 a.m THE PREVAILING STYLES aud PHYSICAL From Mn.roKii II AVI:N , from the Railway Pier Daily, at JOHN SPAKKOW & CO., Bcresford-street, and l'ills, the finest purifier of tho blood ever known , Thc Commercial is in a very central position , the in, and lias been "ted on the Do. do., on Sundays ... 1 30 p.m oext mornl u IN CAPES A.ND WRAPPERS, suitable foe eminent French l'hysici 7 lo ]i.iu, Suudiiys e.vrepted, after tho arrival of the 0 15 a.m. Waterside, Waterford. should be at once taken, as tbey did not only rid both Public Conveyances passing and rcpassing the door ; p.m t 0 p.m all oecb ? live, years wi'li unvarying suc- Dublin (early English Mails) l Smith nf Ireland ; aud the 11 lo a.m. Train to Kilkenny and _ . Do (and do) ... .. 6 30 p.m next morning and speedily re.-tores ri 'AKK XOTICK , that the LANDS of WILLIAMS- OLD COUGHS , COLDS AND A STHMATICAL A FFEC- " Dunroore ...... 7 0 p.m do mittnnccs should accompany all Country Orderr. li I he 1'ost to any Dublin. l' asM'U:'ers, by tin: (• a.m. Third Class Train from " " im^iired c-on-tiiutiin. -Sent tlin>"i; .1 TOWN, KATIIXASILLOGUK , GRA1GXAGEE- TIONS.—These l'ills assisted iu their action by rubbing KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, Passoco ...... « 7 0 p.m do On Saturday tho Establishment a closed m- !• Paddin-jton will also bo coiivuy.il by these Steamers at Ue until dusk, when aiMrc-d, prepaid , on recei pt uf 1 Is. stamps. •••'eh I1V, GLKX EAST, and KOHKKTSTOWN , in the BA- Holloway '8 Ointment very etroctunlly twice a day WEXFORD. Fcrrybask (1st mail) ...... 11 0 a.m Z 0 p.m busiuess is resumed until ten o'clock. ducrd Hates. r.wu:$. MONCK STREET, (2nd do) ...... 2 20 a.m next raorninS runtMins all the medical adviie n M uired :n thes e RONY KCIES ITHOUT RUM the Property of packet Class aivl 'Jn.l Class of D W D , upon the throat uud chest, and kecpiDg those parts is a Central and Comfortable House, in which (3rd do) ...... 6 30 p.ra do this country , Monsieur .\. U UVAI .. Ut THIS B . H Y A M , cases. Sole Asrnt in Cabin. and Saloon KiciiAKi) Jiinii , Esq., arc STRICTLY PRESERVED, covered with the preparation, will be found the most everything can be had on thc most Moderate terms. Medicine A ^'eiit , liiniiiii ^liam. TAILOR, CL O THIER i'atent . Water Coi-il lu I'ad-Iiniiton .. ' i> h. -10s. anil any Persons Trcspaesinj; thereon in pursuit of effective remedy lor asthma, coughs, cold», bronchitis, |J?" Best Dublin and Wc.tford Spirits ; also Brandies, A TIME SAVER ! , S/c, ANI) .MANLY YICOI J. -A Medieal Game will he Prosecuted. rs25-2t*J nnd intiuency. These remedies trnDquilize the hur- 30 DAME STREET 11F.AI.TI1 l.iiiii'iick In -lo. ... 'ins. -17s. Wines, Porter, Ale, &c. [aul5-tf] HE SAVING of GARMKNTS every Year will . , DUBLIN. year?' exnerience in tin- treatment ol " ried breathing, soothe the irritated air-tubes, and assist rp Man of 20' Kilk enny t-i d...... 'i .« . 44s. Cars on Hire at the shortest notice. I for cne of IIABPKE TNVBLVETBBES' UNIVERSA L s pi-nnatorrlnA;. a«J other al'- uir-pas- pay A REAL SEA BATH IN YOUR XKUVOUr illilJIUTY , S :ird Class ami Peuk , Waterl'ord to Londjn , -4s. 'id. GAME NOTICE iu dislodging tliu phlegm' which stops up tho ' WRISCEHS (lvcs' Patent). It is in reality a OWN ROOM life, and unl'-i CLOTHES BI 1'SING fections which are often acquired in early, i:i: runx TicKiCTS - Froin Wntcrfonl t-> l -ondon, Ox- Siigcs. This treatment has provod wonderfully cllicient Clotlics-Siiver ! n Tin-c-S-ivcr! and a Strength-Savor! Price ilti ic-5, lias IMIK followin-; LANDS in the IUK0NY ol' IDA suflVreii fur nmiriji^e , and other social P"b- I'rnd , or Heading, Isl glads and saloon , 7'm. ; 2nd Class ' in not only curing old BCttlcd coughs and colds, but LYNCH 'S HOTEL DUNGARVAN 30s., ilclivereil Irro from the Works, I!roiiiley-hy-15ow, Lon- TIDMAN'S SEA SALT. of his f X ;.e- are strictl Pro- lisluil » liuuk , uiviiTs the lull heuelit Ion!? and ealiiu, (ills. 1 and COUNTY of Kl LKKNN Y , y asthuisot' m.uiy years' slnndiog, and even when pati- il. JAMES LYNCH beg3 to infurm thc Public don, E. Active c.mv;is6crswanted in every town. ol f lienee sratis with plain direotions l"r the recovery F.l liKS IIV SIKAMF.I!. r.KTt'RX IICKKIS . served : HALLYXAMOXA , BALLYKBOGHAN , ents who were in so btul a slate as n t nblc to lie M that hu has Hcmovcd rom the " V ICTORIA HO - A N efficient Snbstituto for Sea Bathing is now and S ILVER M EDAL were Awarded Health and ^tien^th. A i-'.n-j '.c copy >ent to tiny ad- <-abin , Dt-rk , (,'abin Dock. K1LLASPY. Also the LANDS of MOUNT SION, iu . 'own on their beds lest tlmy be choked by phlegm. TEL" to that of the ''EAGLE," which is now carried A DIPLOMA XX placed within thc reach of all, without tho ex- KIVBESAL LOTHES' WIIINOBE hy the dress on recei pt »f one Sc.nip. Ad.lnss to the Sccn;- Wnlci-fiii-l to Milmrd ...l-.> i. (Id. 7s. lid. 18s. Ihl. ]Is. 3.1. Iho KAKONY of KILCULLri fKK.V and COUNTY of D ERANGEMENT AND D ISTENSION OP THU IS OWKI .S, on under thc ubovc name, aud which hu has fitted up J\. of I VBS' U C , pense and inconvenience of a visit to the coast. Tho gricultural Society. It h:is nlwnys taken the hifiiiuie i'l Anatomy, Iliriiii n^liMni. (jylU-tt) l'asn-nsers with '.'nd CUss Tieki-ts can exchange from the WATEKFORD. SAMUEL T. GKUBIt , J.P. FLATULENCY , D IARRIIO:A AND DTSHNTEIIT . — Any iu a superior style, to suit the wishes of his many Ni-w York A Proprietor* call attention to the fact that "TIDJIA N S tirv , reniiuin in every State nnd County Fnir in America, ' Cabin to the Saloon on pavm.-nt of -J«. (id. each. Killaspy HonSo, August, LSI!:!. latl-1-tf] symptoms of the ubove complaints should be immedi- Friends aud tin* Public generally, who may favor him First I' S EA SALT" is not manufactnred nml was prniionnccil Runeiior to nil others nt tho Interun- in imitation of Sco- TOXKIIVOL 'S SUl-TKKKHS. Tlii'ini^li TirkoU allowing Passen-.'.-rs Inbreak the journey, ately met b appropriate doses of these l'ills, ncconling with their Patronage, lie has also fitted up a LIVEIIY water, but is actually Extracted GIVLN AWAY y tionnl Exliihition of 18(li Sole Wholesale Agent:— H AU- from the Sea, at one )iiihli.-lrd a Fn.« Kdition ol u.a\ 1-e bud at Paddiu^ton Kailway Stati.ni, aud at the First- KILK 1JNNV may be followed liy ,of Box Stalls together with nu of tho most l)r SMITH lias ju>t ' WATKK1-ORU AND lo the printed directions: delay V AIID , with a number , WELVETRBES Hromley, I(On i:.>pi.> of the " WAKXIXi: VOlCH. ur Cla , disastrous consequence* , Tbrso Pills nrc a certain extensive Posting Establishment, wheru Vehicles of Europe, by a process which preserves intact all those Ner- f..id inn! Linieriek , ,i.id Waterford aud Kilkenny Hallways ; Game Preservation Society, 1862. " MElilTAl, FlllKND," u New Wwk on the cine of remedy for ull the ailments of ths nlimcnury canal , every descri ption may be had at a miuutc's notice, with CTIVli CANVASSERS Wanted in every Town 8aliw> properties that render Sea Bathing so efficacious 'ht I.a>si- nNo at the Offices of Messrs. Fouii & J ACK SOX , 30 Canuoii- vous l)i:bilitv , l.ov< nl Memoiy, l)iunu.» of Si- , , OTICE IIEKF.RY they secure the thorough digestion of the foo.il , nnd act a Staff of sale Drivers. Charges Moderate. Thc Pub- for HAHrEB TWRLVETBEEB' UMVKRBAL CLOTIIKB' in to Local striit . London, aud Milloid Haven Kailway Station ; or of IS GIVEM , that tho nbovc A . maintaining and restoring Health. This Btatcmcnt Jmlc, lni]i^.>ti DMiliv Society, Spmnaloirho ii , most kindl on the alomach liver bowels, and kidneys. lic Conveyances to the principal Tow us iu the South WmxaEK. Itcfercnccs iuiil security will be required,. Ad- < OW XKV (Juay nud Adel hi Wharf, Wat-'rford. ^^ lias been formcd to prevent tlie S'cle of y , , il fully corroborated by tho report of Dr. Uasaall, of WLM ICIIC , M us.:ul.ir Uvhtxalion , Llll^.iin , I.i.-tlc*»tu i> ", Mr. M. D . , p I Society liroinli-y-by-now, oudan ^ :)U Game As a household medicine they are unrivalled, und daily pass by tho Door. (s30-lf) dress Iltrpcr Twi'lvctiecs, L. , K. London, who has made a complete anal DcpresMoii, Ae.i which , it mv li-tlwl , le.-uli in INiiisnniptioii , lSi.i l'i;X Tickets, avail.ible for days, at a Fare and a Game nl iinsoasoii.ihlc times—the destruction of ~~ ysis of the Salt, ,1-jiirney, arc issued at Waterl' Lime- should always be at hand. " T II H A RVER TwELVETtlEts' UNIVERS AL and says :— Insanity, and premature Death, with plain ilinrtinus lor per- half fur tins Doulil--' ord, on Lands whereo n Persons arc not duly authorised to WI V ERT I MPORTANT — Or COSTIVENESS BEWAUE.— " THE EUROPEAN," CLOIUES WniNar.c (J VM' latent), LACE CUlt- fect rei-iunition to IIIM I I II and vipmr. Tim linuk will hi! »cnl rick , Ti pjB.r.iry, Kilkenny, >V e. go in pursuit of such—tho Prevention of Pcacning, aud " 1 bave made a careful quantitative analysis of Tidman's to on nieipt of :i .1iii-i-t.nl uiv.l.;|« Rarely but littlo notice is taken of costiveucss, yet, ut I'AMILY ANU COMMERCIAL HOTEL TAINS can he " douc-up" Uautifully. No twisting and Sea^ Salt ; I uu4 kbftt it contains tho vnrioub iio^t lrci! any addiw , Tlic AV-rt i'oi/ngi ' i.v OH /// Serruty Miles. the putting in force thn provisions of tho Game Laws B&linc Bubstaucus Addi^s 1;,. S M I TH 8 liur- that danger is near. trnrin; mul ua ruondin^ rc<|uircil. Price 3Oa.,' with Cog- chnrnctetislio cnclmiiu't»o postage >tamp^ , Cattb: ami Live Stock of all kinds sent by these VwseU generally. Kvery l'e:sou Prosecuting to ConTiction certain periods, it is a sure fi gn (Late " Jjondonderry,") of Sc.i Water. Added to fresh water in the Lundoii , W .C. aio seized wiliu upoplcxy and paralysis, havD wheel*. Carrinee Krco from tho Manufactory, Bromloy-by- proputiou of about 3 per cent., or fivo ounces to tbe gallon tuu-i-rrsuciit, T.ivi»l«ck-M|u.iie, are at Shipper's l.isk. (funds and Cattle, Parcels, Fib, Ac-., any inrty oll'ending, will receive £1 KcwnrJ , or on All wh'i •1 a (J BOLTON STREET, DUBLIN. , previously suffered from costivciicss, In the former , , S: Boiv, London, K. Active Canvassers wanted in every Town, a mixture is obtained having tl» speciGc gravity of Sea \ISO. I.Y TIIK SAMi: AUTIIOII , will In 1 nmveyi-d by llte-e Steamers at Low Itatf-s, which can ivin^ such private iuformir.iou as will lead to a Con- ^ n small vein is rup- J. MOLONY , (successor to WALSII & Gosscr;,) water, namely, 1,02(5, and very closely resembling it in its ANU 11K11 U1SEASKS.—A Treatise de- Ut leaniul on n|iplic;iliou ul nny of tho Itailwuy Stations, or to viction , 10s. Kuwai ti. ense, the blood Hies to the head, Just Published , price Is., post free for 14 stamx^ vng WOMAN K. Proprietor composition and propertie*." .SynipfMii s, C.-IUM - S . and Treatment , MI- F(,Ri>.t JAI!K SON , .'1I1 Cannon strcul , l^jiidou, and ( ' to be addressed and information tured on the bruin, and wo kuow the rest. Lot wives sealed envelope, for 20 stamw, scribing the ^ All .ominunifations tRSJ" TEBMB VEUY MODBBATli fallfl-J? I DinECTiONS ran USE.—Tho salt should be dissolved willi Case' Free by I'-.st mi ie;eipt or Seven MICHAI '.L I)()WNKY EDMUND T I'OWBR. (slO-ly) counsel thuir husbands, and husbands their wives, PREMATURE DKDIHTV, a ponulnr Medical Illustrated s , supplied to . in water in tho proportion of 6 ounces, or an ordinary maps i'f information indi>prnsable ( ' Watnrford Preservation Society, never to go to bed u second night, it tho bowels have J. Woik , illustrated with numerous Engravings, treating Stamps. Contains a Ailelphi Wharf , and . ustoui-housu Quay, . Solicitor to tho said Game PIANO-FORTE and MUSIC WAREHOUSE, tea cup full to each gallon. It should be prepared a Tor whom il i< writti n. Address , Dr. f>MiTH , « 44, Lndy I/tne, Waterford not been properly moved during the day, particularly ' nu Spermatorrhoea \\% Causoi mid Cure, giving full instruc- ti» those A few gentle doRes of 03, QUAY, WATERt 'OUD. few hours beforo required, and tho solution well Btirrecl Uurton-f.rcseeiit, Tavi, . of his return from London, having Purchased a and oyphillis. Address: J AMES A LLF.N, Boolksoikr, 90 W»r- Price 16B . per cwt. ' Sold in bags containing 141b. rrccivins a de- PASSAOK UKDUCKD lo FIVK (iUINKAS IJKAST. ISRO'I'HEUS , Holloway 'i l'illtare the bettrtmedy known in the world ferin from Nctiuns Debility, At<:.. "n SIKKI iAOl- : ' and JELLIES, Largo Assortment of I'lANl) FOUTES, under vory wick-lane, 30 Paternoslcr-rovr, London. price 2s., 281b. 4s., 561b. 8a., le bags ' a stamped directed (15 o« .) until Initlier notice. SAUCES , CONDIMENTS, for the following diseases : . 1121b. 16s. Samp scrii.tion of tluir e;.s< (eutloMii^ Ague Debility Inflammation Sure Throats fnvorablo circumstances, from First-class Makers only, TBIESUAE NO. I is 0 ccitain rrucdy for relaxation, Spcr- . • ^ rff r/f ifjp i r I M 11-'. 1/iverpool , New York , Warranted pure. Sold in Waterford at 49 King-street containing 71h», price Is. 2J. . cnvclopo for reply) send his wiilten oi,inion with advice Asthma Urop.sy Jaundice Stone andUravtl and which his long experienco in tho Piano-foito trade mntorrhan, and all the distreashig consequences arising from an- , ^ I 1 1>lliladelphia Steam Ship . G3T Sole Proprietors, TIDHIN & Son, Chemists, 10 and directions for the must Mieeessfiil irralmciit S '/Zv'3wif\ A -*" "" Uil'iious Cull Dysentery Liver Com- Secondary Symptoma has enabloil Mm to select with judgment. To persons enrly iilmse, iudiscriuiiu»te excrsats, or too long residence ir ,.|jj i,;ijli ^ Co:npany intrnd despatching their The Waterford Coach Factory, l'luintu Kryftint-laa plaint-* Tic Douluuictix No. Worawood-stroet, Bishopsgato, London, E.C. Local Address, Dr. S MITH , S H IM lon-eicsieut , Lon- •ii7ii intending tn Purchase or Hire , ha can offer the best hot climates, 'f^sua 2 efTcctually erndicntcs all rurr l-'ull-powcrcd Clyde-built Iron Screw (11 . LA WLOU'S.) lilutclici on Female Ir- Lumbago Tumours Gouarrlicej Agent—Mr. M. Harrington, chemist, Barronstrand- W.C. f"17-t f ] .AjRjEJwJiSSHBSiiKB Instruments at I'riccs very littlo more than is paid for trnccs 0/ , both iu its mild and aggravated forms, don. -am>hips, rallying Ihe Uiiitnl States Mails, llie SWlu regularities Tiles Ulcers Strictures stroot Kan21-tf.) St. K. L. |Ias now on Show at his Establishment, Dowel Cum- IVveri of M UheiunatUlil Venereal AlTectiuiit an inferior class. Gleets, , Jrritatioa of tho Bladder, Pains of th< MUSLUM , ' QUKKNSTOWN (CORK) U. NKW YORK. Loins nnd Kidneys, nud all urino-Kenital BIKB . rpiIK LONDON ANATOMICAL l- ruin C>(ATIIEfiINli.STltKET , and liKRESFORD ST., plaints kiiidd Hctcntiun of Wormh of all kinds HARMONIUMS. discasw. T MR. JOHN ! H. BROPHY, CJ3., ¦¦ '¦ ¦ licoiiiir. STIiO'T, Il.iNuvru Scji AI : K, eontainin^ as follow : Colics Fiti Urini! Weuknew , fniiu UAE No. 3 is the Ricat Continental remtdy for Syphilis and J " ' - J Wnteifont, the following New Work :— ConMlpationofCout Scrofula, or whatever cause F. T. II. begs to call attention to the newly-invented Pupil of Sir Jornf M'NEILI; C-"- .ili'in-, Mi.ii-trir.iiios, &.:. , ill>w. r|TY OF MMKUICIC Monday, ..th Oct . , Secondary Symptoms. t l-'i«l .\l jili -l-., N' • Full shed Circulnr-Frontc-1BllOU G HAMS ; Miniature the lloKcli Head-ache Kind's Evil ic, &c. RGAN AKMUNIUM , for the Sf.lc of which he baa been «'¦ •, H IM HI. ;..:.! "- I'lTV OF SEW VUUK Tliurs.lay, Wli „ O II Tricsiuar No. 1,3, »ud 3. prepared in tbo form of a loi- MJi.I/l., and Professor of Practical Engineering, (ratiiitf ev..-y p..!i •¦! Hi.' ">""••" ;• ;¦' . •!- ditto, only 8} Cwt . Consumption Indigestion Sole Agent for tho South of Ireland b ¦ Anal.. HIM d Dyio.- /..,u:ivr, J II I M 1 »s- Tl.urwlny, loll. „ appointed y the enge, devoid of tast p or amell, and cau be carried in the waist- Trinity College Dublin, . ra«c ;-l-n tin- Jhivins KTXA of Professor OLLOWAT , <;, .,tl,mai nnl Monday, lflth „ A New Design of liROUUAM CAK , or Small BUS, Sold at the Establishment II Maker aud Inventor, This Instrument is the best sub- coat pocket. iVioe lls., or four cases in one for 33s., whioh '.e. Adiiii-icm , ' >"- Sliilli'is (f-inR £X I2s. from in till Hi. L«'u'.nal Koiir. And every stitute WATERIOED in eonwquenco of thn want felt for a to whi.l. is app.'..l.-d M OXKV .—C.ilnn. by the Mall Steamers every Persons insido and Two out. Neics Ollice , No. 40 King street, Waturford, and by all a full compass of Qermau Pedala, A0E.NT8:—Ncwberry & Soni, 46 St. Fnul's Cbarohjard ; Ill,,.i.«t«l (.VitalVi.c -f :.l->;';. I'ASSAI . K Kowsof Koys, a large propcrly.qu>lificd,PlUCTJCAL SURVEYOR, begi to an- W..rk , by .-. l'hj-siruiu Ax., Mlay, 15, 17 , and 'Jl Ouineas, nccoriliii^lo the accoin- A CANOE llAltOUCHE ; Park , Albert , and Vict/iria respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines through- Stops, iucluding Copula and Tremulant ; W. Button &. Co., 10 Bow Churchyard j W. Erl»«d», 67 St. V ITA VtT.u.tsa New M.di.-l Tluii- number of can nounce to tbo Gentry of tlm Counties of Waterford, Kil- d- show. Paul's Churchyard ; J, Sangcr - l-y p-l 1 I »tam|.s •.<¦••!• .').>l.nop-, ni.nl.it i..li. PH.tlOSS; Li»ht Pony do; out the civilised world, at the following prices:—Is. l}d, be blown by.hand or foot. , 150. CUford-atroet;; E. Clea- kenny, Tipotrtry, and Wexford, tbat h« is prepared to nn> ic., i. .,p:ici' 1> , (juimas. ver, 03 Oiford-strect ; Butler Cabin Passage by M-md-iy.- Steamer^, 13 WAGGONETTES, with Movenblo lioofs ; 2s. ad., ^s. Od., Us., 2'2s. and 33s. each box. There is t$3r Harmoniums of all Bijes for Sale or Hire . Old , 4 Cheflpaide ; Proat & Unr- dertaWth* ..SURVEY, VALUATION, DUAlNAGEand dov-lopmnit for lir I'orward 5 (iuineas including 1'ro- sant, 229. Strand ; Itober» Hov/den, 78 Oraccchurch-street ; tre«.-l st..-ir.'tli , iiii.'. n-rfc'-t n.o-enlar „ , , PlliEI'ONKTTES, own Desian ; FsBhionablc DOG a considerable eavipg by taking tho larg er sizes. Instruments takon in Exchange. Every article connect- IMPSOVEMKNT ot Estates. , . «. r..«-«.iry for the hrtlrtt Hooner, ^5 King W illiam.ctrect, London, E.C. At p,-rfo,n,n».-.- of the n...,t sa.rnd dutiw \i>i on-> . (.'AR'IVS ; Market or Whitcchupcl furts ; N.H.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every ed with the Musio Trade always in Stock. (jy24-ly Mr. BBOFBT can refer with confidence to Sir JOHB » nii:tl.wl ..l pi-chm,, fur 11.r- Unileil State? aud Hiitisll TUB « Waterfonl. . . , . happnus, ,,t u«irri-,l life-Ill-.- Author Pa-Mii^ns Canada , , SOCIABLES COVERED CARS, OUTSIDE ditto 4 v Uiu-ans-bow to -iihiis apply ill TletfasttaJOIIXMcKKK , to siol«»y and philos..p:.y ol II..- (i--n«i-">v- For further |iartii PHOTONS, WAGGO- X MedicalWork , a Quids to thosa. nUo tun iniperilled bornaborne twtwq^ooaalifiedlifiedtestimony, u to hisbis characterand profes- ' inora and pliy«i- ' 's Ollii es 1(13 Victoria-street; iu (lucintloicn, A number of Sccond-bnnd PATENT MEDICINES, &c, JOHNSTOWN , WATERFORO attain tl,.- t. n- »l»ry -f .....id...,.!, I- O;I-IT.' at t he I oiiipany , HID power of manhood by yonthfnl iudweretltms; treating on aionallionaA aWbt(Mhtitsits.,.. . , . 1 ...... >.. , . ,, . . . . from II I.I i> and In. n 1). SKYMOUi: .t Co. ; mid iu Liverpool to NETri:<, OUTSIDE CARS, &o. TO HE HAD AT 49 KING STHKET, WATEUPOltU cal happin.^s. (•..u-idMii-u. -lail y tu C. k. W . Sypbillis, Secondary Symptooa,' 8ononbo»; &c, containing .MMr.r. BBaoiHTKOIHT . willwiU .be hsppyhtppy to submit specimens of thothe hCL-rctaiy, - • IX.MAN'(12 m: tb* 3 oi- (Ji:OI!(ii: FKTIIElWTON C7or.wic?; of Purchase. Two Years' engagement given with all has Monuments, Head Stones, and Tomb Stones (in)rci.-ilri--t , llau-iver stpiari!. London, \\ . Wiilei-olni-t i l... ::.. < . . ~: -<. A-- riLl.S.-It » a well-known tact ihi-l (ul7-tf) All Orders attended to in the Shortest Notice (fls-tf IMI.LA THE TURKISH DIVAN, manner. 'S EALTH ESTORATIVB AND IUOULATIIIO Contultations daily, 11 till 3, and from 8 till 0. Son-Jay 8oJidtDrsSolieitDra Andimrli; octbtb«r«irs,rfqniriig llapaIf apt or DeadsDeedsof Convey•Convey- nrifier ol tin: lll-i.nl in the \;orlu.- M K \ SAM H K ¦ p.ni!la is the *Matnm,, accurnecurKT.*CT. l-th-- H-wcU lirsidai—and Di lytl.e TOISACCO , CICiAIi , 1'ILI.S, , , Starch Manufacture) i to H. R. ff, Ike Princeu of ^ Kicpyoiir I'.l.-oil I'lirp Cheap Roofing and Farm Gates ¦ ¦ PEEHI'S COBDUL Bim STBIIODM.—FOS all eases andtnd .ddwpitchaspatch, and Ilr«f«fencMreruencnwill be rirsairm to prof«rfoMlproftufamal -hsra-e, liny WARF.HOUSK. female aihneuts, liver disease, and all inward disorders. .• -.-;? o> f Doctor!—Tl-.rsu Tills strike at the root of each -• Wain. .. ->,. resulting from tbe error* ot exenses of youth, losq of oataral- ranimen of tbotbs bhighestlf beat standmgstandingtin in DnbliDublinn, Watertord, and d*eebe-«: .Mm-niy has Iwi-n employ- it'SIIAUGHNKSSY WAUDKLT. , Imjortcr of WOOLLET'S PECTOBAI CASDT, tho most simple and are parlirulnrly l-i-nt¦fi-.-inl wline |7 TV\ II E Undersigned are prepared to supply the THE GLENFIELD STAHCH power and vigour. Price lls., or font times the quantity,^33s whtrtwhin, by wbomwhom,Mr..Mr. B«o»BTBKOTST hasbis betmben employed.emnlojed.1¦ :,-,- . -.-.."-..^' the cur.- «f ev.iy siilim-iit incideiitid to .«:¦«, \jm l-' gn and Uritish Cigars ; Wills' Virginia efficacious remedy known fot affections of tbo throat, chest, , ¦ ' ¦ nl, ami are for orci 1 CHEA PEST ROOFING which lino yet been in- -L . awarded the PRIZE MEDAL; 18W.::; ' il J- PEEBT'B OOWIBA ABD CTJBES GLOBVUB. thoorigiosl No. 8, Keiryp«rkiTerTac«8umm«tuind, , .. .-¦v. » Mich as all i-itiptious :,u i|,e Skin, Jmli- , u tho largo number of personawho have used it , ' Woman, »nd Child , Keiurns; ltristol liird's live, Crasscut i Forei gn, Flat n, Bar(W, «ml Ions*, prepr\ra,t¥>n compowd of the TCTJ eswnc* o( tbo Balsam of ¦ Wf tntford, Joly 2nd, 1863. - ;•;,! iir ,;:.-.,. (jj5,-Snr Complaint!- tiem ra l Iroduced, of permanent character, for Hay, testimony. This Unrivallad STARCH Is used In tho Royal Laun- (:e»tion, Ilillious, Liver, and Sliimadi , (;u i Cavci.dish, and other l'iincy Tolncrus. in thin neighborhood benr willing Iwaiba and Cobebs, perfectlj taddeesvinconteqoenr i 1 ¦¦¦f % .iins in the l.indu, and other Farm purposes. Abo, FJELP GATES, of dry, nud pronounced by Her MAJESTY'S LAUN. of n-^- 'ri'^i- - *» -i|j!S_xit» '- ' ' - *i_i- 1« tiia-i.*'^ \V>akncss, G-ut, ltheumatiiin, Lun.ba^.'.l' A c'i"ice .selection of Mceiscbauui nnd Clay I'i jn-s, ; The O LFNFIKLO FATEKT STAHCU, a yevy imporUnt arti« their being encasod in sugar. In all cases of GonorTijtea- tOfllH raOMTy a UnaOrtaKUlg Tiltattlllfnifj>IY|. Throats ami every Complaint caused l.y A ntnv conutrudiou, very strong uud Cheap. They also DRESS to bo the KfNEST STABCH she erer «p«4- lleadachfs, Sure , AMDKIN S Cork Snuff. clu for all Housekeepers who value beautiful Linen. ftloet, 8trict»re, Ac. : a single trial wul yrotre tlio efficacy of , /., Scl AUptudtr-ttret, fraUr/bfi O.^J(0ii}i obstrndrd iH«pirnti-.ii , and dete- L ' desire to call utteution to their NEW FIRE-CLAY Her MAJESTY'S LACE-DRK8SER declares,^ V> b« jrr»Dlarilios of the lxwcls, Srin.ANy.'a Crlsliraled Limerick each. . ' ood. I'at-.-nt ilvdicii:e Wnn-lioiv-V, sole Aijcnl for STABLE BKICKS and CHANNEL BLOCK. UMI E and BUCK ISS m Jars, Is. tried, and the a,boTe Award, k riorated and unhealthy bl Twist Tobaccot the BEST she has ol y ' ¦ Ottoril-stieet , London. Smoughteen and Co. GiLLoTT'sMctallic PeiiB the bent umdo, nibs aud barrels men tho. t& n 19 Uerncns-Elrecl , J. l\ GRAVES & , come of the most eminent ecienti^p age &s&x^s^ he , Keal Luncriek Flics and Hooks. London Per dress, Messrs. PMBT & Ci, as ibove ; .or may ^be badE trem ^~/ww?Fs?FfS«5J*»«?W»ows^s^\«nai ^:%iSlJ ^wm$SSgB Wbolcsalc Asents :—Han-lay &Co., 73 Farrinsdon-strect, JOT Watcrpark Tinilier Yard and Saw Mills, of various qualities and puces, adapted for all writers. confirms its superiority.' Prout and Hnrumt,' 229, Strand ; 8anger, WOk Oxfori- t^t w .itf^s^totMdw ' ertikllUJW^lM^ Sold in lloitlw, U. lid., 2s. 9d., furiury, and Concertinas. S anil'from all Chemists. Joly, 1803. (jy24) ACCODHT BOOH and SIATIOIBET, & WOTHEK.SPU.ON ii Co.. Glasgow vxi London. »tnet, London, W. ' fiiySMy t»H»g Btumett. , f ' Local Agcut— BW« Office, Waterfurdr ObscrTe-OO QOAY, WATEKFORD. [oll-tf __ ff i&J&r U. 6d.. mi lls. N ^ - - iJt > ui.vi,kfe.-'{ ' ^-- v)-t) fiV.;-^iftffi»M'r /.IJJAI^.^^.^ r^tiif-niSr all FASHIONABLE and accordingly he imposes conditions on. NEWS A SERMON, WINE TRADE Mort TSTeto*—U»S£»5C impossible of accom- The Countesi of Donoughmore has arrived it friendly powers which seem " FASHIONS are :—1.' Gnarmntee Knocklofty from SEPTEMBER TESSRS. P. KEILY & SONS IN AID OF THE FUNDS BEG to inform the Pnblic that I have BOUGHT ARRIVED plishment. These conditions Captain and Mrs. Ponsonb JV/ of the throne by the three Power* who °ngin»"/ y and family have ar tho ENTIRE WINE BUSINESS carried on for 26lh—MalakoS (s),Ayhnid, Milford, gcjVett*(t), CoSey, rived tt Kilcoolev Abbey, from Bray, on a visit to Vr OF I LiTtrpool. z 0: Penn («), Waltett, London, f o..y- expedition (England, Bsrkcr aro now paying particular attention undertook the Mexican Joseph Neale M'Kenna, tsq., so many years in this City by Messrs. WitxiAJt MAK- 27th-Jan»Klleo , Parry,Baafor , Cork, tlate«"[ Matilda, Gndy, to say, that they returned from New T HE SISTERS OF C 11 A R I T Y , Thomajaod Ann Mumy, Liverpool, France, and Spain) that is Ross buqtMt through tbu city, yesterday, FIRST PUll- to the Manufacture of BDAQH Liverpool, Limerick, ult; , by armt, lo hisiniriue re- ¦\TTE are now Showing our CHANT A & Co., together with the entire of their Cork, salt; Courier (•), Ayhrird, mifonl, g 0 ; Qaeen, Nash, shall undertake to support the monarchy sidence Ardo* House, Ardmore, ia this count ' and -, . y, where ha '» CHASES in FANCY GOODS , \7ITILL BE PREACHED on SUNDAY, tho 1th LARGE STOCK anti DEBTS, and their SPACIOUS Bridgwater. Cork, bricks ; HenrletU. Doalianlzsa, Sullna, ordert, in case pf danger from within or without; has, witb bis family, been staying for tho pint mouth. , Forrest, Taganrog, mills ; Intrepid. ALE , YV OCTOIIEK , immediately after the Last Mass, in maize : William Forrest thaball theMuican municipalitiesshalldeclaretnero- Mm. and the Misses Osbornr purpose WINE VAULTS and PREMISES. Roacbe. Sannderafoot : Jamet Alexander, Walib, Llttrpool, or Wavirm ror. the CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL, by the Rom; Orlando, Power, Liverpool, Limerick ; Mary TaUntm, Got- selves,by free vote, fatisfied with the establishment Nuwtown Anner on Mondny next for a brief tour throuriiont which they confidently recommend r£3" I shall carry on their Business at their Old Griffiths, Newport, Galwey ; Prince. the. far-fixmed scenery of Killarney. * B1UDQF.TT, pacta, Liverpool ; Jane Griffith!, a monarchy, nnd the choice of an Austrian REVEREND FATHER Establishment, and my own at MALL LANE, and hiving Thomas, Johns, Newport, Cork ; Magyr, Prendergot. Cardiff, way The Dean of Waterford, Honorable Mrs. THIS AUTUMN'S T R A 0 E ; lo tho notice of Bottlers aud the Klnsale OardirT; Helen Ann, In Mexico FOREY seems determined to pave hu WiUoo OnUEB OF THE UEDEMrTOUISTS. Yoogbal ; Ellea Dawson, Moyf, , , and tvite, have arrived at the Deanery. tho sole and entiro command over both, I can offer the Bryan. Carfiff, Cork ; B«aier. Manning, Cardiff, Cork ; Prinoe accordingly we tina Trade. who cannot attend will ¦ by all and evory means, and 2£T Donations frrm those Leopold. Murphy, Cardiff ; Dirk Httteralch, Murphy, Cardiff; and extract- Colonel Hardy, Mrs. and the Misses Hardy, ogre O'HniEN Public WINES ou most advantageous terms. him entering into a close alliance with, TUB LATEST FASHION'S Kg" TRICE, 5is. PER 1IHD. OF 51 GALLONS be thankfully received by the Right Rov. Dr. Mary Hanna.Prilehard, Llanuelly—coals. one ot arrived in Waterford, and taken up their abode on the Msll [s2fl.2tj HARRY R. SARGENT. 28th—Unit*. Sullna, raaita ; Black Diamond, Newport, coals. ing sworn allegiauce from, Gen. M IRAMON , for the winter, ' and tho Clergy of the City. (¦) Suez Sullna, Rots, tbe 29th -City of Paris , Fearn. Milford, l e ; the most unscrupulous and sanguinary of Cardinal Wiseman has been confined IX 32 Mall , Watorford, and Paul's Square. fo2-tf maize ; Pauline. Montreal , maize I Louisa, Ronoorn. ulU to to his bed by They also Urcw a very Superior Nebizoa Indian military cbieftans in Mexico, who will be sent illness since Wednesday last J. M. J- F. 1st—Penn (»), Belfast, g 0—Mount Oannel, , all . Article of * corn. contend with the guerilla bands still in arms A ball on a magnificent scale was given JSONNETS (Parisian and London-trimmed), CHURCH , g o—Forth 8