
w THE WATKRKOKD NKWS SEPTUM IIKU & OCTOr tKll. 1803 RAIL WA Y TIME . SHIPPING LIGHT WINE A ggQCrATlOK-. TABL&H for^OCtoBER 8*EE8.^v< STE.IM . COMMUNICATION Puii lislied every Frit/ay Evening nt 40 King sired WATERFORD AND tJMBMRK RAH.WAY WATERFOB.D STEAM COMPANY. Between Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford , J. I'ENDER , LITTLE OEORGE 'S-S T IIEET , AGENT FOR WATERFORD Vp train*fr tmm f rf cri. THE AUCTION ROOM, lOpimsiin the l'tnvim iul Dank.] 1X'I'KXDI !D ORDER of SAIL1KQ—0CT., 1863. Carryiiij Goods lo hiXRKXCK. (rin Watt-rford) at 'J'lirongli GOOD SHERRY , from I8s. per Dozen ; ... CRUSTKD PORT, 2Is. ; ... CLARET, I2s. 6d. -—___ NO. 101 QUAY, is now fitted-up for the reception mct T HRI;E 1' KSCI:; V K.VKLV (IN A U VANCI:; 13S. OT1C1': —'I'lieWaterfordSlcamshifor WATEItroRD -—^q—— _.of Furniture &c.. for Sale. ,. ., I' 1 *Wk '\r - ji Kates. t&T All olher Wines equally Moderate in Price. [o2-12t " _^ , - - r S TAMPED, -Id.; Yr.Aiitv, 17s. 'Id. iraaJW.?^^. lA Company receive Goods Shipment M ,. HTIIE New nnd Powrrful Scre w Sten- Persons not wishing to have Property disposed of' on FRENCH , (JEKMAN , ITALIAN, AND ALL SPARKLING WINKS, . FROM THE BEST SHIPPERS. *V^lNfa\/jV*ti.on tho following Terms only:—Tl.ev reserve iJ: i m.'rs "TIJSKAH'Moits Jl'DoxAUi, LIMCRICK. Clou Ctoi». Cl«t , Otow Clas. CU>«» Cln» their own Premises will find it their interest to make use * ' ' S « .H. AJI. r.n. ' - "v«^y.'-"-'iS-." the riflit to carry by nuv, not bv particular ^V'T^^^^^aLy^ .t'oinniiiii-ler, l'LADDA ," Jous CRAWFO IID, rV-n: r.ji'. A.M. A.M . of this Establishment, as the Room is both spacious and \ --ssels with liberty to Tow Ships and call at other Ports, -< .~Ljv?3te«c> Conimander. " C O U S A I II ," (Chartered PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, LITTLE GEOBLCrE'^-STREET. 'W lofty, and admirably adapted for Furniture Sales. PRINTING and will not h m h m h m frnr h Km h m OF 1>e arrouut.iMe for injuries or lo«s«s arisin" from Steamer), Captain SJIITH, or other First - class Ves- \Valcrf,.r.l...Df/) 6 0 0 « S 35 5 0 8 30 10 JO 8 30 , 1. ili lay, aecidents ' . THOMAS WALSH, Proprietor. of the Seas, liivers, Kire, the Queen's Ene- sel, are intended in Sail ns under (unless prevented bv atiy PKNDKIi has placed the Management of his Gallery under a FIRST CLASS ARTIST. Cnrrick _ 6 4(1 10 JD 3^8 5MI I O .IS, U ;o am mies, defective ' KVKIiV PKSIill 'TIOJJ Navigation, or accidents from nuy other cause, nnforeseen ciiTuuislancc), with or williout Pilots, nnd with J I'llorOGKAi 'US (Coloured) in Oil or Water Colour. All Kinds of PICTURES COPIED. Cloumcl 7 15 10 50 S ii 6 SO 10 0 11 40 100 AUCTION OP HORSES. inn lor any ]o*s which might liav« liecii covenil by Insurance, liberty lo Tow Vessels nnU lo render Assistance to Vessels Junction Dtp 8 45 liM 5m R 40 13 15 I 30 13 15 CARTES DE VISITE. —PIIICE : The Pint Tiv»: for 5s. ; Six for 7.i. (Til. ; n»d Twt-lvo for 12s. 21) IO Travelling Machines, Farming Implements Slock nor I'm- I.eAka-e, Hreakoge, Condition, Quality, or contents of iu Distress:— fiimcriolc...//rtc/ t> 45 1 0 30 9 SO ISO 2 JO I , , F03 lied with . Appara tus, <$-c,, #<r. .,,. any Parcels or Packages, unless specially entered and <rri tra- FIIOM G L A S <i 0 W (Lamclield Quny) to 05F I 'ieivs of Mansion * and Demesnes taken Reasonably..-, slmatctirs Insff tteicd and supp Down Trains from JAmeriek. ' ruui.ic r.oDir.s, lni\ m Freight paU. (ioo-.ls not removed to bo Storjd nt the Cork and Watrrlord—Pladda , Friday, 18th Sept., 12 MR. TH0MA8 WALSH'S next Auetton of Horaes1 risk and expense of the Consignees. Noon ; by Hail to Grrcnoek. "i.oO p.m. TRA1SH OX WKr.K DATH. SDKDAT3 TroyoUing Vehicles, &o, &c., ,j r^p o» will toko place All (foods will be considered as subject to a general Wntcrford and Cork—Corsair, Tuesday, 22nd Sept., 12 LIJ1ERICK j # j. .4 . s« I'IMVATK INDIVIDUALS. lien, JAMES WALPOLE fi 2 I &2 I2.t3l-2.V 3 ON MONDAY, 5TH or OCTOBER, 1863. and held lint only for Freight of the same, but for all Arrears Noon : hy Hail to Orccnocli , 5.50 p.m. TO 12&.3I&S 12&3 ol Frei nnd Inliahitantj of Waterford nnd its Vicinity, that ho lias WATERWVTFRFOIID.OltD Cl»« Olail CI«I«.CI»H. ClatS OlftU CISIS At M P. LAURENCE DOBBYN'S VETERINARY M KltC 11 ANTS, AND ght. Storage, or other charges due by tho Importer, Cork and Walerlurd—Pladdn, Untinday, "(jih Sept-, 12 BEGS to inform the Nobility, Gentry, A A]M _ piU# r>1> rMi r-1]_ Af u Owner; or Consignees to the Company. Xoon ; by Hail to Grccnock, 5.5U p.m. just received u Choice Selection of Establishment, BeresforMslreet, Walerfori, TKAO12K.S IX KVKIIY W.MIK , WATKHFOHD AND 15HI.STOL. Waterford and Cork—Tuskar or Corsair, Thursday , 1st hmihm * hm hm hm h m' h m ORDER or 8ALB : Giyvi aud Jurenia. Oct., l'J Xoon ; by linil to Grneuoclc , H p.m. I.imcrick..-.Ban 7 3<l , 12 A 4 0 6 0 10 45 li 10 10 4f Travelling Vch,icles, Harness, flame Dogi, &c, a i\i iri i;\i wren ' Cork and Wntcrford—1'l.idd.i Tucsilay, AND OTHER ORNAMENTS ? Junetion.....Dco 8 4.1 12 22 S 25 ' 7 20 13 IS I 30 12 IJ ' ¦ n;-n: y.ATi r.niKi) !) I .;I:CT -. FROM IIKISTOL, , Oth Oct., 12 BOHEMIAN GLASSSuitable for theVASES Season. Also, a Largi ' Variety of -10 3 Twelve o'Cloek precisely. • • - -- 7V/V77: JToon ; by linil to Greeuock , 5 p.m. Ci.mmel 10 20 1 3i 8 50 - 3 15 3 IJ , V't'-y/ , Tuesdays ; Jncurua, Gipsy, direct -. Carrick 11 0.3 3 7 30 — 355 33$ 355 Hunters, Riding andFomilj B[jfSBB.ntOne o'Cloclc. ¦ Wntcrlord and Cork—Tnscar, Saturday, lOlli Oct., 12 DINNER , DE SS ERT , BREAKF AS T , TEA , & TOILET SERVICES. ' HASTE , -¦I if tinmrnrk l 'rida\s. Krl.l«y, Oct. u, ... «.} Morn Wntcrford...Wll 40 2 35 8 10 — 3 43 i 0 3 4 j Colts, Draught and Form Horscsinimeaiiitelyafter. I'ri.lav, Oct. -J 8 'Mini I'riJny, " 0, ... :i.J Alln"o Noon ; by llaifto Gieenock , S p.m. TOUETIinil WITH AND '¦ ' Mail Trains marked with an ntterlik. t GflcxU. A market B3T Torsons intending property ftr this 8ale will be TU .-M1:IJ- n , ... 2 Arnrn l rWn Vj " 1« , ... 8 Morn Cork and Waterlord—Pladda , Thursday, loth Oct., 12 Xoon A UKA U TTFUL ASSORTMENT OF CUT AND PliHSSED TA BLE GLASS. 'rain Iravi Cnrrick-on-Snlr on Wodnenlny and Saturday morn- l-'ri.lav, " !>, :! Alln'n-l-'r-tlny " S3, ... a Altn'n required to havo it entered at Mi r DOBBIH'S. or at fir. 1MJICK S ASTONISHINC.LY LOW , ... 1- —by iiail to Grrenonk , fi p.tn: Inrs, at 8.30, nrrlvinsat B.10. TncnUy, •' i:s, ... 7 Morn ;''ri'l=V. Ml, ... ?J Morn Wntcrford and Cork—Tuskar ^:<t)i hands, which will be disposed of nl Moderate Prices, WALSH'S Office, inn Custom-horisi Quay.' on o I' ' ¦¦ , Tucsd.vy, Oct., 12 Noon K:W An Excellent Lot of GAS MOONS on ' PAK . S :—FirstClus Singlo Ticket,U«2d ; Seeond da., lOn 8d; or bof ra r.iby, us , ... 7 Mum 'Junrua , or tiliamrnck rail. —by Kail to Grernnck 5 p.m: Third do, (la OA ; Retain—Pint ClaJU;3U3d ; Second do., 16i. Nino o'Clock tho morning of Bale. Fee for entry, 2a.6d. [Th e Qua lity of the Work Consi.lcn.l) , TneMlat , •• J- d. ... 2 Alin' i , ' •¦ n ing at Pembroke Duck : Cork and Waterford—Pladd.i ~~ Purchasers to pay Anctlonecr's Fees of Five Vii.iay. at,.. :) Alln'n Tu.-wlay, Oct. C, ... Ill Mum , Saturday, 21tl. Oct., 12 Xoi'i. FIGURE SHADES ALWAYS IN STOCK. per Cetat AT WATEHFORD ANI) iaLKKNNY RAILWAY. THOMAS WALSH ' ' rnr».i.-iy, •• 27, ... t .Morn Tne«lay, " 13, ... n Morn —by Itail to Grccnock, S p.m. MATCIHNGS ROT TO ORDER. Eg" WARE HIKED ON REASDNAULE TERMS , Auctioneer. liwaj , •- an, ... 1 Morn iTui-uluy, " I 'JO, ... II Morn Wntcrtord nnd Curk—Tuskir, Thursday, 2lllli Oct., 12 Noon Up Train* from Waterfonl. Auctions flttended in any part of Couutry or Town. Printing-, - The News Book and Job „ , , TncFilay, " .'7, ... n M«rn —by Kail to Grconock, 5 p.m. W,9 CIIlN.I HALL, 60, QUA Y, WATIiRFOllD. ! TrtAlNS OK WKKK DATS. 8UWUAY ThAINB. 100 Custom-house Quny, Wntcrford, 1863. • . tf IViubmlt c Dock to NSiterford, fr.nn the South Wales Kail- S» T~ M.UilINK KUI.rXG , W!l v Tmniuns FKOM COKK TO • Tf 5 ^4 I I 2 I . , as snon alter arrival from llristol .is possible. Waterford & Gla^ow ...Plndda Monday, 21st Sept., (I p.m STATIONS. il-i&3li:2 1&-2 I2&3 15&3 12&0 I2&3 The OLD ESTABLISHED AUCTION I;.'/*" Orr Fairly .Morning , HART> Sailings, tho Cabinof the Steam- Glasgow (ilirect) Corsair, Satulday, 'Jll.h ,, :} p.m NEW GGOODS!! I CU SB Clots. Class Class. Onss. Class. Class XD KSTAULISIIMKN I A.M. A.M. NO. 109, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY, . \ r.ooK-iiiXDixc; rrs will lie Open to receive l'asscngers iirriviug from Lotidon W.iteiford & (ila> j A.M.
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