
~_,,:(;._ -- c'<-/.lflt~f.:(_,_./ S:w/fz..er/.-r,e._- /j~ (}->::>Jm,__ f'roJ"'--"5 ;:,_,1 (~o- &-io) / 1(_:>" ~' c· . /~- f-t r'1 ~ ~ • r._ f,~ ~ 71

"./ ";;. f.ro · -~ ,. _.. ·

~·'-'.\cc_ ~--· ·_·.·__ ··-~- .,_ ... -



Secretary of State _ '•Tashirtgton ,1,/11 CONTRDt }0,;?3, June 6, 9_ ~.,m. ·-.·}-

1 . -DEPT 1 S Hl;39, '1/RB 1· S ·:;, 2'5,•.:Mey 18, <>.n!l L egt s 2987,

June !;" I / . Representativ.es of ICRCS DSA visited. severAl liberR-

/ ·. ;' ted concentration c~mps an~ ftisplace~ persons centers i~ ~ . / Bavaria f'uring last Heek in J4gy, incluiling D~chau Lanf!sberg ( ..-"\-"' an

weeks, balPnce our '1/RB parcels a.t present rhythm pf gblp.-­ _m~will soon be exhausted, !CRCS DSA hAS, therefore, ak~B__d_ me wh

DECT>ASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72 19 ]Z By R. H. Parke Date~ 1 9 .•

-2- ·#3063, June 6, 9 A.• m• i from Bern'

at all feasible and ml'tterial not othert-~lpe risposed of;

I would recommenc'l (A) releasing 50,000 pArcels to them

and (B) sin~le grant of 20,000 gallons of gasoline (plus lubricants) from·same source as previous grants,

·.Total fuel now· R.VailP.bl€ to DSA comes from French _,.~ "- ._· ~ _... -.,. -- . sources Pnc'l. representS" ·bare£:i~·3b% their monthly needs, ... .. ,. -'~7_-!c.._-· PleP.se instruct. »c:)


I' f -dEPARTMENT INCOMING OF STATE TIE~~~RAM. DIVISION oc ' GEM.-1666 CE!!TC:'·l ~"'~ !, -.. Bern Distribution of' ·- · ,,,,Gc: true roo.dinc; .Jnly by speciE'l arm~a;'@/l'e~t. 0" (~W) '-431

Secretnry of ~tate,

lii"-Y 18,. ICRC •s DS/. is continuing to do splendid norl{

distributinG f~oc1 relief including WRB po.rcols to libbre_ted det'~_inccs in sGuthern G~r;nany r:nd .:~~:tstrin.

4 trucks m;re despntchec1 to Linz on H:>y;,28 Vlith \ 40 t:ms f'o·.:JC1 lncluding 2650 WRB parcels for relic.:f' I cletf'inees libere.ted from Hr.uthausen, Some 2'7,000 ~=-~ ":f latter o..re ropoT•tcd loadinc most precarious r~xis- ---~-----~----··---~----·~·~----~~c..,. tcnce in Linz ~.rca Vlith 300 to c~L10 •jyine; dally f'r0m

'f'"'.,...,._.-~ disease o.ncl starvntion, In licht of' those reports

1' roquostocl ICRC'S DSL to prepare soconc' truck convoy f'·Jr---- Linz to lGI'VO nbout JunG 4, Hopc to be in this fireD. myself at thc..t time Gs part of' cf!.mp visits ~-cu

nuthorizecl f'.ncl will o.ccordine;l;r bo able dot~rmino

v1horc our rt:mnining ·.. "RB stocks cnn C.o most soocl•

Convoy consistinG

.DEeLAPSJFIED State Dept. Letter, 1·11 .. 72 By R. H. Parks Dnte..S.W.. 9 1972 ---,

-2-#2987, JUne 1, 4 p.m., from Born.

Convoy ccmsistine; of 28 trucks h>ft SVIi tzerlnnd

M"y 29 for Pilson with Theresienstc.dt c.s final ccostinn-

tj_on crrryine; ['lone with relief r,·:Jods from other

or_c:r:nizntions both confessionnl c.nd nntl 3600 VffiB

prcrcols. Two Czech officials c.ccompt.nied convoy

to c.ttempt to r.rrnnr;e Cze<;:rh ,~_'"td Russir.n clo,.rc.nce so

· ~~~ ',:;1£:-:t relief r;oods. mc.y p~041._eod~ _to~ Theresiensk:dt. - > i~ ~_-..._-' DSJ,_ .is sendiJ:le; out thi~u/.C_dnvoy on June one

c~rryine; 00 tons sup:plio-8 incluccinc: c.bout 5000 URB . -cl pr_rcels for rcloc.sed civil detclneos in S::'.lzbure,



r-_ ...__ .

DIVISION OF DEPARTMENT INCOMING '-'ENTRAL SERVICES OF STATE ,,TELEGRAM TELEGRA.PH l5ECT19fl /J~ / /..,__, // /jt'r. A- /c;o/ t/(Aj_y'-' -: ~ - -'I . /9 :_§/-( c-~;:'vA.~

v (I PLAIN ES-1750 C.C/L LL\ISO:l Bern Dated June l, 1945 Rec 1 d 9:30p.m. ·., -·<·._ Socrct:ry of St;t~;-:_.- :' . Uashingt'2P• CONTROL COPY 2980, First '<'. - mm .~:'D DEPT FROH ;;~CLELLAND'

Log~tion 1 s 2471, April 27. v FolloHing rcp6rt has been received from Du-nand, I ~ IC::C c1elegate, ~rho vms in Thcresienstadt in early Hay: / ).s of April 6 there ';ere 17,556 Je,~ish deportees

in 'l'heresionstadt bet,~eon tlk'lt date and iiay 5; 12,863. nc1·1 c1eportees arrived fran cFtmps all over Germany s1,1ch I f / C•.G :O.Jrgon Belsen, Buchemmld; DFtchau arret Hauthausen. Of tiwsG 12,863 88 arrived dead and 221 cUed shortly after

2.rrival; total survivors there Fts of J:iay 5 was therefore

00,110. Theresienstadt is nm·I reportec1 to be under

Czecn control.





1194 - Soc. Sec. Bldg. PH. ______

SY. v jiJ Evening Post (I) DATE.'.::i I. t.:. J 1945 P· Ir.J=.=====::=:::;=== I 1 -The Lyons _..

I "= By Leonard Ly:Os · . ·

·-I CREDIT: Donald l\-1•• Nels~n- was in ~the Barberry Room last night and listened to some' of- the dinen giving the foimer Chair- 1 man of the \Var Productlon Board the credit for ha~ing mobillzed America's industrial power which wbn the war in . Then he heard others as~ert that Roosevelt hud won the war, that Gen. ~~arsh~ll had won the war, that Eisenhower had won the war, etc., Ietc . ... "There was a discussion lUre this after the last war In Europe," said Nelson, "and someOne asked 1\-larshal Foch: 'Did you win the war?' Foch answered: '\Veil, I don't know. But I do know that if we had lost, I'd have been blamecl.'" I SOLUTION: Gen. Bill O'Dwyer, head of the W~~!!!gee B~arranged for some trucks and food to be used in adminis· tering relief to war refugees who were brought out of the battle areas to safety in Switzerland. Then came word that the job was Ibeing co\nplicated by the rule that war-relief could not be admin· istered on neutral soil. "If they want to become technical about it, .J we'll feed and clothe each refugee," O'Dwyer warned, "if I myself have to lift each one, individually, off the neutral soil of Switzer­ Iland." END: A veteran political reporter who has known' Fiorello Lluardia for many years was told by his editor to prepare the lU or's political obituary. This was after the 1\Iayor .had twice an ounced that he is retiring at the end of this year ·•. , "La G rdia's political obituary wlll be his actual obituary," said the reporter. "lle'll be running until he dies." · PROBLEl\1: Attorney General Francis Biddle, soon to be suc­ ceeded by Tom Clark, was the fall guy at the Circus Saints & Sin· nlirs yesterday. Biddle was asked whether he had seen LaGuardia lately. "Yes, and I found him in deep ~editation," said the Attorney General, "Fiorello can't make up his ~ind whether God made him or he made God." _ FASmON: Sidney Jllllmnn, head of the Amalgamated Clothing;_ \ rkers, has been teuding for many years with David Dubinsky,: h d of the lntJ. Ladles Gnrmcnt \Vorkers Union. Hillman's friend'i a~ n't sure whether 1\lrs. Jllllman'R latest stunt Is a clothes-conserva·, tlon measure or whether It's for the purpose .of avo~dlng the ouzP. t of Dubinsky's union. In any event, 1\olrs. Sidney lllllman now s having her husband's old tuxedo re-made into a suit for her. CHATTER: Frank Sinatra, about to go overseas, has lntrod ced · a new kfnd of hair-cut for the youngsters who ape him. He has a crew hair-cut, except for the curl in front which still remains . -.- -. Han-y and Jennie Grossinger have sold their Miami Beach hotel and purchased the famed Pancoast Hotel in the same city ... Paul Stnall's family has acaulred the world's rJe:hts .to the-n1av. ''Trio." . --- cREDIT: Do~~d -M:_~~~~s~~: ,;~~\n· night aitd nste.iled to SOme- Or the ~~1:8 man of the \Var l:'roduction Bo~~d ~he- credit f~r _·haVing mob~«! rl!merlca's Industrial poWer which' \voh the war-. ih .·Eq.rope: -Then heard others assert that Roosevelt had won the .-w~r, that Gen. had won the \Var, that:Eisenhower had won the- war, et.c., etc. • • . ~"There was a dJscussion like this after the last war ln Europe," said Nelson, "and someone asked -1\-larshal Fo-ch: 'Did yon win the war?' Foch answered: '\Vell, I don't know. But I do know that il we had lost., I'd have been blamed.'" SOLUTION: Gen. Bill O'Dwyer, head of the War Refugee Bom:Q.._arranged for some trucks and food to be used in adminis· tering relief to war refugees who were brought out of the. battle areas to safety in Switzerland. Then came word that the job was being co\npticated by the rule that war-relief could___n_ot _hg_~dmin· istered on neutral soil. "If they want to become technical about it, we'll feed and clothe each refugee," O'Dwyer warned, "if I myself have to lift each one, individually, off the neutral soil of Switzer­ land." END: A veteran political reporter who has known· Fiorello Lluardia for many years was told by his editor to prepare the l\1 or's political- obituary. This was after the Mayor .had twice an ounced that he is retiring at the end of this year ... "La Gt} rdia's political obituary will be his actual obituar;y," said the reporter. "He'll be rwmlng until he dies." · PROBLEl\1: Attorney General -Francis Biddle, soon to be suc­ ceeded by Tom Clark, was the fall guy at the Circus Saints & Sln­ n~rs yesterday. Biddle was asked whether he had seen LaGuardia lately. "Yes, and I found him in deep l}leditation," said the Attorney General, "Fiorello can't make up his ~ind whethe:r God made him or he made God." FASHION: Sidney Hillman~ head of the Amalgamated Clothing \ rkers, has been feuding for many years \\ith David DubinskY, h d of the Inti. Ladies Garment,\Vorkers Union. Hillman's friends at n't sure whether lUrs. Hillman's latest stunt. is a clothes-conserva­ tion measure or whether it's for the purpose _of avoJding the OU~Jl t of Dubinsky's union. In any event, 1\[rs. Sidney Hillman nowVis having her husband's old tuxedo re-made into a suit for her. CHATTER: Frank Sinatra, about to go overseas, has introd ced a new killd of hair-cut for the youngsters who ape him. He has a crew hair-cut, exceut for the .curl in front which st_ill remains . -; . Han·y and Jennie Grossinger have sold their Miami Beach hotel and purchased the famed Pancoast, Hotel· in the same city . , . Paul SJl}aB's fami1y .has acquired. the_ \Vorld's rights to the play, "Trio," ::;.- \\·hose closing by the city -off~ic_:iaiS __ precipitated a censorship fight here. The play \Viii make !1- na: -_ -- L V- opening at the Mayan Theatre in Los Angeles~ It wm be 7~The Show New Yorkers \Veren't Allowed to See" ... Mrs: accompanied her hus- hirld on his- missi"bn to the war Cririi~S_"qonpTiission. They'll spend 2 \\-eeks in Germany and then go to- MQ!;;:Cow. · fi.4UTY: In ,Jacques D~al's new play, l'Oh, Brother," Arleen Whelan and two otheY.· girls will appe_ar in_ batl.ting suits. The_ir fnrm-display wHI have but little relation to ·the-plot. DUval always :1as preferred to feature prett.y girls, in aU their glory~ in his shows .. Once. in Paris, Du.val hall- n. play in· .which there was a maid's rule. He promised this· role· to three different girls. lie kept his promise to each by rewritinK the play and finally presenting- a ~cript in which there was a different maid in each of the three acts. TRICK: When an important customer at the Stork Club isn't accorded the super-service which Sherman Billingsley insists he shall receive, the proprietor has two enlargements made of the cus· tomer's photo. These enlargements then are displayed on the wa1ls of the room where the Stork Club captains dine each night~ as a reminder that this is a face to be remembered ... And whenever there are additions or replacements among His staff of 250 em· ployees, BilHngsley carries with him the photo of the new employee -a photo with the employee's name written clearly across it. "When I call him by his first name, especially after he's here only a short 1imc," Billingsley explains, "he 1ikes it. It flatters him. And so he doesn't join a union." REVENGE: l\Jichael Foote, former editor of Beaverbrook's London Standard and now columnist fur the Dally Herald~ will return to England next week to stand for Parliament. His father and two brothers also will stand for Parliament . . . At the Jast. election Foote's father, a member of the Liberal Party, was opposed by a Conservative, and lost. During this campaign his opponent was helped by a surprising letter of support from LesUe Hore-BcHsha, who at that time also was a member of the Llhernl Party , . • In the ,July 5 election, I\llchael Foote will run aga1nst Ilore-Bellsha. RECOVERY: When Keenan Wynn was taken to the hospital, after a smashup In the motorcycle accident, he was unconscious for a long time.. When he lifted his head and opened his eyes he saw a battered man whose features were almost unrecognizable. "At least I can't be as bad as that guy," Keenan said. Each time he looked up, in his semi-consciousness, and saw that battered man, he later confessed that his morale improved-just by seeing some one who seemed worse than he could possibly be. One week later Wynn discovered that he merely had been looking into a mirror. 0 1Arm:~~!~~~~~v~~·be~~~e~~~~~tn !~~~!!~~~'w::!!~!n. ~a;~~~ and :1\Iarshal 1\lontgomery, now Is In America to heJp the War Homl Drive, A group of AmerlcRn Rutllors studied the ·swarthy writer ln his British unlform and aSked: "How tlo you manago to write sueh typleaJ!y British books ami yet retain your Spanish appearancc7" , • , "That'R quite natural," replied Col. Henriques, "}fy family didn't .get to .England until only 400 years ago." --,..C,~- INCOMING

::lSH-1447 ~hio- tElEgrC'.n must bE p-~"ruphrasEc1 bEforE bEing corrmunicatEd to anyonE othEr tlJ..n.n a GovErnmEnt 3:30 p.m. bcEncy. (~E!IT!t±8iil,---~)

SEcrEtary of StatE ... . .~""~~- ""'" -."!&shingtop_ _CONTROL COPY 2-826, r.ay'"20, 9 a.m.·. . . k:, -' .- 0 1D·;y<::rt -;RL F.ROL L6CLELLAliD

';Jith rEfErEncE t_o ·oyr _tElEphonE convErsation of

1 a;; 14 intErruptEd dirEct co.mmunica tions bEtWEEn / 3Yii tz Erland o.nd LubEck (L) and apparEntly bEtWEEn SwEdEn a:

cf strctus of 1.-JRB parcEls" in L. Information obtainEd by IC'"i.C ijidicc t Es that 140,000 pare Els shippEd from Got~;borg / . on 55 ;;AGDA.LEi'A April 16 arrivEd in L, As ICRC dElEgatE

ln L had prEviously distributEd an unknown numbEr of

pr.l'cEls undEr his control from othEr sourcEs to cJ.vil

dEtainEES in northErn GErmany particularly in RavEnsbruEclc

-.-a:o, steeles havE bEEn diminishEd to ExtEnt that thEsE

C.d\TQiiCES haVE hnd to bE rEplaCEd. -·;E arE lEd to bEliEvE that limitEd comrnunicatipns

bEtWEEn GotE-oorc, <:'Ed L now Exist and arE accordingly I cablinG ClsEn in Stockholm as follows: 11 Amcross -2-, #2826, Lay 20, 9 a.m., from BErn.

11 f.r.~cross dElEgatEs in SvJitzErland statE that thEir

t}!_rough chc.nnEls availablE to him inf'orma tion r E(SC.rding

-- f stat:us· Amc:::;oss PUJ stocks end suppliEs in L. I YJculd

c,·,;::l:-\:e''~:c-:t~~--~:}_sur attEnpting obtain data :for us rEgarding

~c,;o,ooo ·;::l:P.-p-G.rcEls· shippEd to L on ss !;AGDALEi"A on

A-_;:>l':'.f 16 pcrticularly how many rEmcin undistributEd,

.::..ny vEr~fi<;ation you can obtain on ae;r;rEgatE numbEr o:f

our p2.rcEls shippEd to L how many distributEd VlhErE


f'or Bo2..rd 's rEcords and in connEction '!Jith final .dis-

position of' rEmain ·-iRB pnrcEls 11 •

ln nddi ticn to this n ttEmpt sEcurE information

throu[:h OlsEn it may bE advisablE :for Board invEstir;atE • i possibility obtaininG r q)ort through SHAEF or othEr

D.:f:l.JropriatE channEl.



DD-1205 Born T -~-~3 tolc,sra.n r.:ust be ;,~~~:~~~~~~~~~clb~~o~~Y~~~nb Dated ~.1uy 10, lel45 8-G~!.ol.., t~la.n n. Govorni:-~cnt Roc' d 4:55 p ,;:1, u~;c-~:c~/~. CHS0T!t±8TNB)

~ :"" •SGcr~tnry of'_ Stnto., ~ "_71 rl8.shingto·n · :-· ~ g~. ~ en.___, 2823, Hay 19, 7 o.­ -"0 .X -' :z: ==- 0 1 D\iYER'\IRB FlWI':i I~GCL~LL;.;m

\.n D PT'S. .1763 l'JtlB 521, l'!ny 10. c·,

'.'ii t~'l rc:f'ercncc to second paragraph :;our 521 thoro

::-.l''- Q:oc•Y":J:cir;o.tcl~· 28,792 'J.nclistributcd \'iRB parcels, exclusive

=-- ;.:;~,6j:JQO still ln s·.-Iitzorland, They o.rc located in

Out o7 orlGina.l 60j000 r:r~B pal"Cols shipped to

CJ'.:'o C[',tocory af' bonof'icio.rios, through IGRCIS Div. of

8" ::;.- letl hssist;::-·_!-_,_cu, as f'ollows: 16 !'.'larch 1170 to Thcrosoin-

;;t:,.. t 15 llo.rcll •1902 t•:> V:coi:nu urea 19 Jviarch 492 to

't·:.crosciiost~.c1 t 16 ..pril 900 to Eauthauson 17 ..pr, 4230

-~; Thc.rosicGs t~.c'C t 19 ..;'1'. :Sf. 50 to concontro. t.wn cruc1p~ in

.: :r·t~cborc o.n•~ L:uvuria pi'incipally Dnchau 23 ;.~Jr. 8550 to

L~::ldsborg-~,m-Lcch lst Lo.y 1500 to temporary· ICRC cloport<)O

cnr.1p at Hoochst '"···· DIVISION OF DEPARTMENT INCOMING CENTRAL SERVICftS ·OF' STATE TELEGR{\~ . TEL~~r~:-S~~7ION VT:I-772 ~-;}AJ LA {{:Jff ;8:,. , Distribution of truE DatEd l:ic.y fr,J_g'45 V .·~ ."r..,._· ·' r mding onl',' by spEcial r,/.'.•. ~.J'}?t u ,v_·i.t..·\ .. arrangEmEnt. (~ W) REc 1d 6:55p.m. _

-._:, ,_:c, 0 r:-1 :::::~ SEcrEtc.ry of StatE,

_:ashin:'I.ton. Gu~ 1KUL tur~~~~- '~--=-:. -~

27~7,.,-lhay 18, l pama.

0 1 D'W'::R OF ';JRB FROL .J.~Z-~;£!;;p CGLC:LLMD ,.·-c,_.- RE QUi-. tElEphdnE conVE·r~£l~.i~cfi_·~-of i:~o.:y )_Ll,

"""' --' \ 1 SDSA has rEportEd that. thEir rEprEsEntc.tiv53rEcEntly

havE statEd that althour;h EvEry Effort is bEin:s ,.oadE

by AlliEd military' authoritiEs to assu~'E adEquatE

r'EliEf to libEratEd civil dEtainEES, dEportEES, EtC,

magnitudE and complExity of this taslc couplEd with

difflcultiEs of trans~;ort and distribution ·havE rE-

sultEd in unavoide.blE timE-lac; in rEucb.in::.; mD.ny

pErsons prEviously aidEd throur;h ICRG SLSJ, by '"'"·

CommittEES fiEld \'"·IorkErs havE bEEn sEndin2· in Er.1ET'-

~EnC~I calls for aiel daily for such libEratEd ciE-

tainEES and dEportEES in tnnporar~· agglomErations

and on roads. A largE numbEr of sicl': rEr:J.o.inin[ in

concEntration camps arE also rEportEd in nEEd. Local

AlliEd commandErs bavE to dml "lith .such displacEd

pErsons wElcomE thosE ship~E~ts wh~ch IC~C has bEEn ablE

DFTLASSIF1ED State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72 By R. H. Parks Date SE p .J. 9 1972 -2- #2797, May 18, 1 p,t!',, frorr, BErn

ablE to gEt through to thEm, It cannot bE dE-

tErminEd at this timE how long this pEriod of EmEr-

gmcy nEEd v1ill last, ICRC SDSA is tEchnically ablE

to continuE rEliEf shipmEr1ts to mEEt this situation

and thEir truck c<;mv·,;ys :arE still dEparting pEriodi-

milly from Switz Erla:nd~-.''c_"';:::'-' ..

" ' . In viEw of forEt>;oin::;· sUp'pJ:EmEntEd by information -"CJ --' that has comE to Us from othEP s,_ourcEs VIE strongly

r.EcommEnd that th.E approximatEly 28792 undistributEd

~-JRB parcEls rEmaining in SwitzErland again bE madE

availablE to ICRC SDSA to pErmit it to mEEt this

tEmporary urgEnt dEmand until situation bEcomEs clEarEr,

Your Early advicE tlcis quEstion v,;ould bE apprE-

cia tEd.




R.S u.!.L __ '-· _ _ --:: l}r:;tt ~~:~,~~L.;,;i:. .,~-,·~:~N~~U \7)

10732 . . ""': :·c'i; ~~ "" ?ne folloNing fox'. r-)pC;I.elland is ~Hlli 524. ~ . ~ -><>"'.efe_rence pnr..e.graph 5' of your no. 2688, Hay 10. BoL:rcl elAthorizes you to vil:'it· as soon as possible some t . ·-· of ;;.ne liberat~a. concentration cempr,, particularly I Dachau. i>.r;pani·:euentr· for necesoe.ry perf1Rs1on e.nu travel

facilities nl;oulO. be r:.c.de by you ~rith llfLI!Eb' G-5.

'...i:.,: ... (/i.C~~ ... ::.-:.. {'77,;;)

\JRI.l:U!W:Jrg 5/17/46

DECT.IISSIFTED State Dept. Letter, 1·11-72 By R, H. Parks Dnte...s.£,E...J. 9 1972 ,-l-.

Reit.n•onae paragraph 6 of your No, 2688, l~o.y 10. Boar-d .;,,thorizee; you to visit na noon as posoll>le some of the lilJel't

conoentre. tior. Oll-'11Pil• p!lrtioulf;rly Daol\au. t..r·r&Uff61ilellt6 for . naoesaary ;>>.H~ni8~<1on !'nd 1:.rav.ol fncilitlos al'1ou.ld Pe i!llldC by

-· __ ..._.:..,

.s .•.

... :.r:s ;;~lii.c::cs~.- (for J"::J? 3ec1y), ;:;0!~-1, lT...tJ;.Jis, Gaston, ~ToQe2., Tf..ltchisor:;., __ :~::,:---,a.::.._, :. 1J-tiJ'3T, ~l.les.

FH:hd 6/16/66



RS··l46 Bern ~~)(j;-./ j ~tc-ibution 1945 MAY II PM 22 Dated ·~"·uc rc.ading only by riay 10, 1945.,. //Q 1 (-'-''"{•./\_ special arrangement. l) '\~_'y "'"'"' ,.f (,r- vn DC/L Rec1d 6:50 p el!le l-J _(/ LIAISON Secretary of State

nashing.ton. COPY Legation 1 s 2550' ii.ay 1

"... ~~·· .. ·-, Thorp i·s a,s yet no practical indication of extent

\ to wi1i.c.!1 SHAEF des:i.ros or will pcrmi t ICRC to continue (~) ~ ) l • \, ·~, \l. \relief shipi:wn ts to Gcrw:my in general and in particular , .., ...: lror concentration cm,;p survivors and other catcgOl'ies of.. : • ( (£ r \\l\c ';· ~~~eporteo who have bOO!, special interest of board·and·for-

\\1 :\~hom ICRC 1 S division of special assistance has dono such \ . ;~9\~ccllont work during past many months when those cl.etain- ~.·. s wore still under Nazi control. He have also rocei vod \ .. r \ ~~ ~. fro\ cxpr:)ssion of board opinion as to extent Y!e shnuld

1---;:lan here continuo shipm0nts of VIRB parcels to theil'

former beneficiaries through ICRCS DSA or other com­

petent channel or agency.·

We still have about 35,000 VIRB packages in

switzerland (exclusive of 206,000 recently acquired) and thoro

DT~Cl./1. ~QTFIED State Dept. Lt:tier, 1-11-72 By R. H. Parks Date..s.El.l n 1972 -2-;\"2688; lrlay 10, 4 p.m. f'rom Bern

n_nd thoro ought to be in excess of 100,000 at Luobecl{

(Legation's 2271, Apl'il 19) although ICRC has not yet

been e.bl0 obtc..in report state their• stocks tl:.cro.

I fear that GVOJ.:'7 day t s delay in forwo.rC:.int=- sUch

o..vailablc food rcliof to concentration ca~~~~ps H2.Y be

causir:.g deaths whj_ch:. could be avoided and thorofoT'O

""-- ago. in ro.i sb this _-.q~,s:·f;i-?~1~~~f .continued shipnonts from • -- 0 ,_,__

c.ppr?ociatod •. In interes-t of soct..E"'inc r·oliL\blc. nncl recent informa-

tion as to needs in such camps (Dacha~J. for ins tc.nco ro-

garding v:liich thoro lrs been pl"aetically no nons avail-

a~Jlc in Sv.'i tzcrland) ::-.nc~ of contuctinc SBJ\EF to determine

l.'Jhcthor they c~osiro food aid from outside from vnusod

-,,!tB stocks I think it \"!ould be advisa-ulo f'or ei the:r

Herbert Katzki or myself to go to Pm'is f'or consulta"'-

tion with competent G-5 authorities, Suc:coss of' such

a mission would natur"lly depend on Board's approval

and bc..cking. F'or o..bovc.: ronso!1s Clnd out of sinccro personal

intc,r~st in this probl•clil of concentration cmnp relief'

on which I have tlork.:od o.t a distance for so mo.ny months

I '.vould very much O-CJprocL' t·~ opportunity of' boinc able

to visit some of liboro.te:d camps pnrticulo.rly Dnchau, If' Board ,._..•"_ ...•. · ...· .. _ _;-·::~-~-

:"' r~

-3-f,i2688, ~.lay 10, 4 p.,.,,. from Bern

If Board approves I should be grateful for any assist-

o.nco you could give me in securing necossar~,r pcrr:ission

and facilities for such n visit if it can be at all

9raeticably arranged through SHhEF G-5,

While on this subject I fool it north nhilo to

mention follow~n[:;:_mD;ttcr to Board in hope that you may

be abl.:;'- to dra.-~7~t<~to- n:tto.nti_on of responsible orgn.ns. - > i_,:-._--...... ""' PrcpondGro.nce of :ri.=~~!~fapor r~ports o. vailablc- to do. tc

~!h sVti tzcrl_anct--'>conccl.,;~inc libcro. tvd concvntru l:ion cnmps

in Germany h-:J. vc .dvlC:l t o.ltiiOS·t- oxclusi vcly o.nd 8. t loncth

on dogrn.dingly brutal c. spec ts of l:J[tZi tron tncn t r·wtod

out in 'thorn n. fact of ·.7hich organizn.tion doalin::; nith

those quos tions hn. vc unf·:Jrtt.ma toly boon too noll. n.naro

for several yours. '_ii t~~ uxcoption of one ugoncy dis-

patch rvportinc; Dritish relief measures for Borgen~

Bolson survivors thoro hn.s tcon no news roloasod hoT·o

rogn.rding aid boins e;ivon those survivors or poliablo

ficuros on size of national groups freed, This laclc is

creating unfavorable repercussions among allied nn.tionn.l

groups relief and confessional bodies in SV!itzorland

Ylhoso unders tandablo anxiety for welfare thoiP country

.:Jen and coreligionarios nho have suffered yam's of this

treatment is intense and impationt and should be sn.tis-

ficd if o.t all possible by more p..,n.ssurins r:ous or at

least considerably w:n'e detailed information.




A\1 10 iJ9__ _ Bern /"' :60C-82l C.i Tl:_is tcle-=_~ro.1-:_1 r-:_ust be D~_ted tiny 5, 1945 ;""-r" hrrcsec1 bcforac)6~einc; ~~~~;-~:1~~~~~e~: ~~v~~~t Roc' d 9-: 21 p. r:1. Lc;ency • (,Aul!FMii I!J'i'itD)

Snns 3r.chr:1QT~n, conf'ic;_ontinl secretcr~;-- to Durckhnrdt

l~rcsi:~~cnt of IC~C, 110ported to us thr.t EP.ltenbrunnct of

SS r:i ~::-_._ ;_·,;hc_l~ 2achmnnn u~s nccotintinc rtoek n.::_;o in \~-Innsbruck

-~~vc r_s::;ur::.n.co th['_t Thorcsiensto.C.t' s stc.tus quo nould be

.1r-..i._-::;~inoG u t ..:; lc.st ~.nd th~t no lnst minute e::ter1ninn-

LGt u~ ha~Je that this proves to be tho cP.so as

' hc·.nc's, (Le0;rtionts 2562, l:\cty 2.).




1945 MAY 5 AM 9 32 DSH-367 Distribution cf truE / rEc.c'.ing onl;,- by spEciW L C.l"rcngEnEnt. (~·I·M:SON

,I[ s hi ng~ o~- .~~~~--~ ,._

26.2 o, r-!lc. ~~ L]:, -n:~on --' FCR ;·[RE; FRCI>.! !ICC I£ LU.ND

LE gc•.ticn' s 246,8, i.pril 27.

;'. f::ourth convo~- consistin~ cf 13 POV/ trucks rEcchEd

SYiit7.ro:'rlc.ncl en i.pril 30 coning fron I;Io.uthc.l.\SEn bringing

c.bcut 300 pErsons :.1cst1:~ FrEnch wonEn. Convoy''crossEd

S·;Jiss bcrc1Er c.t Mc.rtinsbruck in Engo.dinE rEgicn o.nd its

sEngErs c.rE c.t prEsEnt in Suss. ThErE o.rE rEportEd

bE fEVI JEVIish wonEn c;:1ong thEr.1e Trip wo.s long o.nd

fficult, 10 pErsons c1 iEc1 En routE.

This will uncl.oubtEcl.l;y .bE lc.st group out of

c.lthough thErE c.rE still 7 trucks of this

ccnvo~- which originc.lly consistEd of 20 whiqh hc.vE not

;;Et turnEd up. ___ , H1.RRISON

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72 1972 By R. H. Parks Date.W. 9

-oet"'"ARTMENT INCOMING DIVISION OF­ OF ...:ENTRAL SERVICES STATE TELEGRAM TELEGRAPH SECTION EK-1337 BErn OA.JJ:~r.~ I':JL Distribution of truE w rE~dinc only by spEcial DatEd !J!ay 2, 1945 (C)'fOu..(f-\.-\ nrrnngEmEnt, (f!lll!lii!JIIII Vi) REG I d 9 :40 a •. m,

·.-:C'. shington.

:;.;~ ~.rn. r-..,J --;:_n--....__'·"

PGR 0 1.H·.;Y2:R- -Q:p' -.-jRS ~ROl.I lJCCLELL.-.. N~.~­ -.. ·, -~·:~ .c·_, LEption 1s 2'4'?'l;~-;-;pril ~7. <-·J \0 ICRC dElE_§::ttE D\i;ric:r!d visitEd thE REsiEnstndt ~.gain

on ~~ril 2I ~nd rEpor~~cpnditions thErE good (rEpEnt

good) in EV[ry·TECJpE·ct. 4000 nEW JEHish intErnEES haVE ., ..., .r::..., Ul arrivEd nppnrEntly rnnstly from «protEctoratE" sincE his § {/] <:1 prEvl.ous visit on :,pril 7, Dun::tnd advisEd ICRC thnt hE 0 "on • Ul m "" m {/] " Q) {/]"" considErEd it unnEcEssary sEnd furthEr food shipmEn~s to <.. 0 <.. !3 (lj ;.. ::1 t'"E REsiEnst:::.dt. UltinntE f::ttE of GhEtto is sti1l un- .,~ w ·:--! •rl .r::" t. ..., .-<>· ,,'-' cErt~in although Dune!nd SEEt.JS VEry optirnistic. ~;.! "Ul c,-, 0 0 ..., .-< On othEr hnnd, dEportEES rEcEntly rESCUEd from con_,. ,_ '-' 0 ;,; <> ~--~ +-' .0 cEntr">tion cnmp of ;1buth01usEn BE1linz (LEgation's 2468,

~pril 27) rEports frightful conditions prEvailing thErE.

:.Iost brute.l typE of ExtErmination is in progrEss.

It is !:Jost doubtful th:::.t ICRC will be ablE to Evnc-

1mtE furthEr inr,."'.tEs cetmp sincE Russians VIErE rEportEd

to hnvE crossEd Enns rivEr south of i:lnuthnusEn nbout two

d::tys ago.

Ironic~.lly Enough at lnst minutE (f,pril 30) Swiss ;l:ful(llA&tf.l&Jd State Dcpl. Letter, 1·11-72 Jly R. H. Pm·ks Date SEP ~ 9 1972 ~2-#2562, MLt~r 2_, 9 [1.m., from BErn.-

~rmy pl~cE~ 60 post~l busEs with cn~ncity or 25 to 30

pErsons Ench nt dispos£\1 Iefle for SUCh EVBCUBtion mirk,

If thESE bUSE_S·had bEEn av~ilablE 0. month C~gO SEVEral hund:PEd lllOri;~~-ti'j;~~~~s- :could ho.VE bEEn rESCUEd, I fEar,

11o'.7E\~El"', thn.t· i"i± J.~l>-~oo ln:tE • .__ ,.._



J?-1298 Born (}) 1"}-v R-1J . r~ . This tologrflm Bust be " Gl· ~-o"'-\-~ j);c.r<:>_phr£Csod before being Dated Uay l, 1945 · - · co~~unicntod to anyone other thnn a Government ·Rccld 4:03a.m., 2nd .-'>e;oncy. ~tl'i'l't£8~) Socroto.ry of St-nt~, CONTROL COPY 1ktshingtoiL .· ._ _-·: ·'-:·_ '~:~~[--:---.~- ~. -• •:-d: -

25P'l, J.lny 1, 6 )~'~,ri-~ _ · __ ,. FOR o':::JcryEI{'oF URB FR.Oii ;:CCLELh.',ND.

ICRC Ds.'i infonwd us ori ;,pril 30 tr.at convoy of 10

Ronaul t trucks uhich loft S\d t zorlanc1 April 25 c<'-rrying

r>.nong o'chor relief goods, 3660 "'RB parcels for concentration oanp of Dllohau arc nmJ st£Clloc1 at Uffing

outsic1c Hunich, ICRC Southern Delegation Headquarters •.

•:.lliod nili tary n.uthori tics uill not pcrnit this convoy

•Jrocooc1 to D~.chm1.. Uhilo He hope this si turction is onl:( tonTlOrr.ry and b<:'.sod on nilitnry operP.tionnl requiror.wnts

uc should npprccinto nny stc::.Js bonrd could undertake in

cor:notont quarters to insure continued flovJ of relief

i_nno_c:~-~~~ P':_S_!_ 1_~-~0 t i ()!)_,___ tihQ!! __ ..fQQ.fL'!.iJL¢l®bt lQS s

be 0vcn r:1orc ncccss-".ry tl~,".n bcfor.J. In r.bscncc hero of [lrlcq_untc information ns to scope

food relief which li boratinf'; ;,lliod forces arc able unc~or- talco for such conccntr:>.tion cam;1 inmates it is difficult for us -2- #2550, l-lP.y 1, 6 lJ.n., froG Born.

for us to judge extent to uhic;! He should stand ror:'.cl.y·

continuo s;·li~)rncnts of HRB )>O.rcels throue;h ICRC. 1'/o unc1orstnnc1 basic question of continued ICRC relief

n_ctivHy this sort.. :i.n zones nm-r occupiec1 by

forces is~o.t pro·s~~--~gl;I:Jf cX1'.r:linod by SlkSI". 1•loanuhilo,

. .. ~ ... hm-mvor, all shi~:>rioi-rt" s:·."Q.ro hold. up nt a I·llrticulnrly

cr~ical rnorne.nt.~ It uould -soon J,ogiol'.l oxtontion \ffi.B ICRC ;>rosrar. ·-; I to cantinuo shi~'::>inr·; ~,,_rcol.f? ___;;}.J;.lo::u;.t .. too)or.nrtly .. _to ----~·-•---v-~--:·---- concentration cn.r.1~1s until, for insto.nco, unusocl. bo..c':lor'

,.,_~,,_,roxirno.tcly 35,000 HRB nacl"o.e;os still in Switzorl".nc1 out of 60,000 oric;ino.11y sent horo (not col~_ne; 2~6,002...__ recently acquired by boP.rc1 fr~9:!:_pc:~£:!:_~j;.)_ is ------·"·--~----~- . - ...... cxhP.ustoc1, IJrovidoc1 SF..:,EF c1 ocs not object or is f'.blo ~------....------·-·---~~------scn0. P.c1cc!Pntc su·'~'lios directly ..thr.ough .. Arrny .. cbC.!l.1!91..s__, 1ie \lOUld welcome cx:>ression your o•_)inion.



"__ :_•.. ".-.·,·· .. _- ..·

·\w' - --~-


3EcrEtary of St~tE, CONTROL COpy . . FOj~ ._ 0 i D\T~E:-~~'f)-~·~"·~g~~~ ;,pJ_ OI.i ':CCL':L~:.ND

T3;;c +.ruck ·conv'oy to :3olz~no rq<;i0n in nc>rthErn Itc.ly

dElJ:-rtEES r1hc hnvE bEEn Esco.pin~ c..crc-ss BrEnnEr into

It~ly dur1ng oc.st 2 l'TE:c!cs undEr cc ndi ticns or fr_;_;:;htful

::~ -~l7Sic~l ~:c:rds~lip. c:-.nc~::r~trnticr. C:J.m.p of GriES 11ED.r

bclz2.no rE~JcrtEd tc- still c1--nt-':'.in sEvEr':'.l hundrEd JEwish

'.:Jill infc,rm you if nnd whEn this cc-nv.~y ccn [;Et


n:.. RRJ SOH


DIVISION OF DEPARTMENT INCOMING CENTRAL SERVICES OF TELEGRAPH SECTION TEbmGRAM j STATE 1 ~-) -!),; J Dl\ ;:;;.:;·: f.~ !)_) JA /f~Y _/-!~- CENT:'·· ,,~- ,l'-'rl"-' i BErn .·' U ,' /'cc'·' -_ /C.·[j E~~-l29f '?·coG t~lF::j9'4!~\\Jl1fS2 bp·1.. \ 45 D~tEd l1lny l, 1945 p-:r~.}J~:1l..,'::·.s.Ecl. :_:i~(orE lJE ing c~~-~snic~t~d to ~nyonE c t:~- f:r t ~_.--~t'- -?:. G-oVEPnri!Ent -c-~c.y. (_,!f;!!l:=ll owti)

--. ·-- ~ 2553 J ~j~y 1,} ]:';ri~>~~·\\' PO OI' .;RS, THQ_.~ K..'. TZlG :.1m i.!CCLELh.ED. ,'

Four SDiss co!nErci~l trucks dEstinEd tor£-

,oc_tr~ettE S•:;iss citizEns from ;.ustrb lEft SwitzErlnnd

c-:550 ·.i"R~' p~:-c'cEls, C!_r,::::n::; othEr rEliEf goods, for· off-

'T~!.ESE trueks ._-JErt: routEt-:. vi'1 Buchs, FEldkirch, ID.ndECk

in :.rlbErg c-.nd uErE thEn to cut north to LnndsbErg.

tinc·.tion s:~fEl:r. Lc.ndsbErg vro.s rEportEd occupiEd on


----GEP~ENT INCOMING DIVISION OF OF ....;ENTRAL SERVICES STATE TELEGRAM TELEGRAPH SECTION " t (: (' '"". CK-~01 BErn ThiE tt:lEgrH.rt ~nust bE )!::!_ra·oY.r'=ls~cl bEf'':'rE bE"' 'jc~

C~.~ ~V.~i~RtEr t~ .J 8.nyon~·-o othEr tl-1An a GovErnnEnt REc 1 d 1:37 p.:n.,~8thg- A";Ency, ( •n!l!'11Hj'WJ.,)

',·Jrshin~. .t0h. ----~.-~~ coNrRnL - Ill \oi~(/) 0 0

~-=IR 0 I L ~.-:Y~R ?'l. ---~.:-R::· F!iO"·, K~~~ZKI A.NL ~~CGLELL-~i\:..· -" LEcrP.tion' s 22so·, April 19.

!'roposi.tio·ns ·cnN1 E t:v BEchEr r~lPti\'E to surru,dEr

tn C2rry thE·-!1 out. up.ily chrnging r.1ili tFtry Si tu:=ttiori

~RS rEn~ErEd SUCCESSf!1l rESCUE PCtion of this nRturE •


:iF-301 ~~--:.i G -~ClCCJ-":-'X1 ElUst lJC 1_)~_=-.,~:-)lT'~-sccl before !Join:=; cor-r~ll'.r::_c~: ted to P.nyone ot~-ic:.., t~-:::.:•.l! a Govcrnncnt -"c:e:-~e;,-. (~*H95?3D)

,. -~n of L1:_c~-~~pril ~hcr·c ucrc still sor:1c1'fhc.t over 20,000

J_.:,ui s~~ l1ctr'..inccn in--IJ:l-~orcsionst.:c1t :- 8, 000 former Gcrnnns,

1,000 Slovc~~:s, 800 Dutch :'.:'lc~ 2.bcu.t 300 Do..nos 't'lfho, accorc1ing

-'c- I=~sztncr ( ur:confirooc~), ucrc rooovod fran_ tho Ghetto on

l~ov..~ -~-~ly ~~o% of those GG, 000 c1ctninccs seem to have

-''J0E t;r;>__~:sforoc~ to ~:!crcsionst~:.dt in the course of the l1,".r;.:c t•_J') or t~rr~o no:ct~-~s, j_Jarticulfl.rly the Czechs nnd

~~un;:r:.:;.:·ir.Es, lnttc:c fl":)r1 _.;.ustrio.. East o:t' tho holc1crs of

L:--.t .-_:-1 ...~:;~oric:•_n c1ocuncn"'c.~tion o..nc1 ?r..lostino cortificntcs ul!.- rc:x:.invd :~n Bcrt_:on 3clson hnvo f\..lso been Fl.l'J})arontly tr~.r:Gf'cr:_... ccl:. to ~horcsicnstnc1t 1lhG:l'"'O they nov are.

Four t;,oucl~ loC',c1s of relief t;oods shi:~)~)ec1 to the

:';'C:>'cto (lccst lX'~rcc::;r<'-:1::, Le~;o.tio!'ll s 2oJs, .,;,:_)ril ?) under

IC~~C cr~:~1ti•cl Hero s2..tisfactorily rece:i-=Ted anc1 distributed

2.ccorclin~; to br1th Kc.szt!1cr nnc1 ICRC ocn.

As of beginning •


-2 1/2- ~-'2471, ;,pri1 27, 5 p.o., from Born

.:..s of bo[;inninc; of .hpril, Knsztner roj1Drted that there uore close to 30,000 Hunc;nrian JNm on farner ;.uG>tri!:',n terri tory;, ebio.:..'tl1irc1s of them beinG Hungarian . ·._,_ .-<~_ ' ' - r.rny forced labor ·bntiJ;_ll~<:\ns sent to .~ustrin to construct fcrtifici'.ti;ns, ono-thir;~- b"crinr; p-ersons deserted there "'<::3 --' in Juno 19"~-~. ·He ostir.mtcs _tl,t[',t about 80% of these Jmrs

uero loft behi!lc1 by- Gorrmns uhon they vri thdrew.

~ith reference to your 505 (Departnont's 1501, ·<1l'il 18,) Kasztnor also reported thc'l.t he uas in the concontr[Ction cno:o of I-inoburr; Neuenc;aomo, llhich he clescribocl. as a relnti voly r;ooc1 one, on about April 12 • .ht that tioe there ,.,ere sone 9 to 10,000 inmates half of uhon uore__ I:!anel:l_ [lj'lc1 J.lorvroc;ians, remainder being Russians-­ E'.ncl. ?olos. The :Janos nnc1 Nor\lec;ians onjoyoc<. fairly good tre[',toent o.nc1 1-mre actively assi steel by the Swedish



:) -15 Stockholm Distrio~-"'-tlot1 of' truE r E:::::. c~ l.-.! ~.::: on l ~:· DatEd ;,pril 19, 1945 D.I'ro_;-:;_:·-E; .Er.:t. REc 1 d 10:17 n ,m,

~ --t:::_:;_~ ~ 3E_Pi"i::~:!~ of Si2~tE, · -._-_, __ -... ·-


19 ;. l p .r:1.

d.p ~.:eozim::l tE 1~.- 5, 000 Danish and NorwEgian JEws

sEnt to ~n cscEcially arran~Ed SwEdish jntErnnJEnt camp. . - . ·)"-·- So i'nr o.s is knmm this groap comprisEs virtua-lly".nll

D~;1is~-:.. ~~nd 1-ToT'VJE~io.n JEws J.il GErnnn concEntrn tion camps

and thEir rElE2sE is a consEquEncE of cErtain spEcial

nE:otiClt:·_ons conductEd by Count !3ErnadottE dur,ng thE

past SEVEral ~EEks.

ThE SnEdish ForEign O:f:ficE is EndEavoring to SECUrE

tt-~E I'ElE['.SE of NorwEgia:; JE\7S in Grini, undEr thE samE

fU'lr::tntEEs oi' spEcial intErnmEnt in SnEdEn,


FoY" • ~-::·p:·· , •. :.:1., tc~-~ o·· -:~~: __ ::-_; 1 :£:. ~;:~·-~c be·-;lo~.el:r ru,·rdct~.

DRCT,ASS!FIED State Dept. Lefler, 1·11-72 By R. H. Parks Date S [ p 1 9 1972

DEPARlMENT INCOMING DIVISION OF-­ OF ENTRAL SERVICES STATE T~~§;GRAM TELEGRAPH SECTION D/'11'-i:Cr.: 0F HFD-90 OENTP.i! ··:;·",. '-- BErn 1(_/ c>.:-- '- ;le~/_,. /2 ( Distribution of truE c.~ ,..-( /,., ~) (' ( rEading only b;c spEcial DatE_il April 27 1 1945 arrangE:mmt. 194~ }'/{~ 4 30REc 1il 11:02 p.m.

OC/i SEcrEtary of Stat~,.·~<


,~.-·~·. 1.'iE "'ErE lnformEd by:IP"C-on April 26 (LEgation's .,, 5 ~ "0 --' 2421, April 25) thst prospEc-t.s ;f9r gEtting furthEr ,, "'~ .truck convoys of. rEl-iEf- SU)'lpliES for <"EtainEES in ~l " GErmany out of S1tlitzErlanC' lookEd morE favorablE than

t1·m Clays ago. AttEmpt Nill bE madE Clispatch at lEast

onE morE convoy to camp of HauthausEn nEar Linz which

has not yEt bEEn ovErrun by Russians an8 possibly othEr

smallEr convoys to thE REsiEnstaC!t an<" LanflsbErg.

HE will kEEP you postEd all dEvElopmEnts th-:ls



DF.CLASSIFmD State Dept. Lci.tl•r, 1-11·72 By R. H. Parks Date.s.I£..1 9 1972

DEPARTMENT INCOMING . DIVISION OF OF CENTRAL SERVICES STATE TI='WPii~'eAM TELEGRAPH SECTION .., l'Vl :'5Ttj " (q- CENTR/-1 crf""CB\i;rn '!:;, ,t Listribution of truE rE,_c'ing only br uijfMafu Pi'''' 2v0at2Ed April 27, 1945 arrangG:Ent. 1 •••- F' " REc 1 d 8:15 p.m.

SEcrEtary of StatE,

2468, ,April 27,_ <4: p;m • CONTROL COPY . ... ·>··.. ' ' FOR 0 1.Ut·JYt:R OF: ..:R:S f-5DM KA7ZKI ANL '4CCLELLANL ·· Third_ truck convoy· bi>tiJ:ginr;., dEtainEEs frorr: i!,aut~_sEn rERchECl S'•lit zErla.nd April 25. (LEgation 1 s

2425 April 25) It- i.9_ n?''' 9.fficially rEportEd that

thESE 3 convoys EVaCUEitEO 781 OEtainEES almost all - ':.--~ wo~En of FrE~ch, BElsian anf Lutch nationalitiEs.

Group is at prEsEnt bEins carEd for at St. Gall whErE

it v•ill rEmRin somE flays prior to rEpatriation (with

probablE Exc~ption of Lutch).

GErmRns pErmittEd rElEasE thEsE pEoplE on basis

/ 11 Exc'cianr;E 11 a,;;rEEmEnt rEportEd in LEgation's 2J7t·

April 13 !'lEf>:OtiAtECl by ICRC which appliEd only to

FrEncc; anr1 3Elgians. WE do not yEt know on Nhat grounds

uutch WErE EXtricatEC although 2urckhar~t statEd during

April 12 ;nEEtin?; thn.t hE "hopEd bE ablE do somEthing

acout Evacuatins Lutch schutzhaEftlingE".

VVE havE

DECLASSIFIED State Dr.'U~. Lc-:t~r. 1·11·72 . SEP 19 1972 By R. H. 1">urks Data-- ,,...,-,:- ,\. -, ~ -,- -_ -._·1 ~ ·c-o-____,.'-_:,_ - ' --->'"f·

• -2-#2468, April• 27, 4 p.m., from BErn

',1E havE urgED ICRC attEmpt bring back dEtainEES

of othEr nHtionalitiEs in futurE Evacuations if at all




DEPARTMENT _INCOMING DIVISION OF OF . CENTRAL SERVICES STATE TEcL.IiGRAM TELEGRAPH SECTION DIVISION OF CENTRf,l q:T·'l' /~ /~ / -~£.,f r "(7ff -/ U-'-.t. / ·> ,y~ -<-- v v~~ ,_ .. /. iiS-ll9l 1945 APR 26 AM 10 ~rn Distribution of true / ; -~~~-­ ree.clint; only by special Dated AlJril 25, 194'5 o.rrangement. ( 1 c"fl_ 1:40 p.m. ~- , r·! Rec'd

Secretary of State, Hashington.

.- ·-- FOR 0D1JYER OF WF\B -FROii KATZKI _~_c;n l!CCLELL~:.im • . ,- ICRC informed us that the 6 R

to Lu.ebeck 1_'~1:-~re. _it.. 1•.rq_s ~Jle.nnec1 they t·roulc1 rem~ in f'or distribution of iVRB parcels (Le:-;ation1s ?Z7l, A:Jril 19).

;·rill noN unfortunately hc>.ve to return. to s·,vitzerland due

to dcvelopnents in military situation. ICRC plans request pel'mission fl'om French rnili tary authorities noN controlling German terl'i tory along S>·Iiss

border to allo11 Luebecl~: and othm' trucks pass northward throur;h their zone to resuf'le food deliveries in Gernany

to still accessible c~.i:-Ips.

,_, ;_ :,_;~J_•··-iP·'JED w!Hw t.I-.1K. Lc::tC'r, 1-11-72 ll, R H. Parks Dat<>..sf£.J 9 1972

'0Ef¥..RTMENT INCOMING DIVISION OF OF REGEIVED -..£NTRAL SERVICES STATE TEl B!l®~ii\lM TELEGRAPH SECTION1 U'tiiTRAL SERVICES ---<~.?, / ----' - i i/(l '-/-;7 ,/:--;_~ MB-1155 1945 APR 26 AMI'l!lrfll --~-~,_ This telegram must be ,-{_ - ·,._~\->L paraphree ed before being Dated ApriiA5, 19'45 communicated to anyone DC/L other than a GovernmentLIAISON Rec'd l p.m. agency. (~T~I@!~B)

Secretary of State, 'Washington. _ "\,\"(CDiW UWL COPY --PRIORITY.

' 't ~21, April_ 25-ll a.m.

FOR 0 1 DWYER OF WRB .FROM KATZKI AND MCCLELL.AND At meeting hela April 23, ICRC made preliminary decision diEContinue all shipments of food parcels from Switzerland to Germany. German territory NE of Swiss border has now become military operations zone which from technical point of view makes it impossible for moment to send either trucks or block trains via this route. Principal ICRC dispatching point for German bound shipments is at Kreuzlingen, now definitely excluded es point of departure. ICRC's present decision was also motivated by danger to life and limb incurred by personnel travelling through such zones of military operations as well as danger c:;f plundering for which committee felt it could no longer assume responsibility certain of their personnel already having been injured through bombardment and aeriel attack. As a result of this decision several convoys transporting WRB parcels and other supplies destined """J_ .·

-2- 2421, April 25, ll a.m., from Bern

destined for concentration camps h~ve been held at

K~euzlingen end Geneva pending developments in the

transport situation. V.le t,lrged ICRCc-t.o _explore all possibilities for dispatching t~uc~~ PY,i?:1JLer routes than those heretofore used but ntH•J in~ccess\hi~·:. At -a conference 1vith

Bu~kherdt on-. Aprh 24 he informed us th~t single other

possible route·through Buchs-·Fecikirch-L~ndect and from thence northwerd is under consideration. As this road runs directly through Reduit and in addition may be impflssil::le due to snow et Arlberg Pass this possibility requires further exploretion. We are meenwhile actively pursuing matter of WRB parcel shipments with ICRC in order take advantage of any opportunity relief supplies to civil detainees which may remain. \'lith reference to DepPrtment 1 s 1493, \'IRB 1s 503 April 18, Amcross representative in Geneva has now received instructions from '.fashingto to release to 1NRB

in Switzerland 206 1 000 POW parcels purchased by board from War Department for our programs. Should developments make it impossible for ICRC to continue controlled

deliveries of parcels to civil detainees in G~rmany it

may be necessary to reconsider use to which these ne~J WRB percels I •

-3- 2421, April 25, ll a.m., from Bern

WRB parcels will be put. ICRC has informed us that because of limited facilities and backlog of other.repackaging requirements

they will not be able to begin repackaging these ~ffiB

~parcels for at 'lea.§t three weeks. This will prove .··\.·.. ;::·~~> period to observ~ 9-'S.Ve:~opments. Meanwhile we would

~lcome pny su~gesttens :you might wish to make. Since 'MArch 23, ICRC .. has shipped from 1tiRB stocks in Switzerlc>nd· 1:1pproximetely 16,790 p1:1rcels destined for Therese?stadt, Vienna area and camp of Landsberg Am

Lech. In 1:1ddition substAntial relief supplies ~urnished

ICRC 1 s DSA by JDC, union OSE and Sternbuch 1 s organization have been shipped elsa l1:1rgely 1:18 a result of fuel obtained through bo1:1rd 1 e efforts. In view of confused tr1:1neport situ8tion in Germany ICRC has not yet been able inform us how much of this will prrive P.t its destination.




SEB-1190 1945 APR 26 AM 10 2 1 Bern [ ~-· =~-r:; Distribution of truo :· -)-- ,:~-, .."\-~. re~ding only by special Df'.ted Lpril 25, l9;J5 :o.rr~ngoi1ont ( -1~

Socrot~ry of St~to

H~shington· · .. --~~~":. :·\ .,,- r;~_ ~> '< 2'125).

FOR 0 1 D\'!Y'::P..o OF ·.JllB FiWH IUTZKI Uffi l'lCCL:::LLLED

TvJo colun~ns of _truck-s -~COmprising 28 -v-.;hicles ar-

ri vod in Swftzorlr.nc: on f~pril 23 o.nd 2·1 bringing

French, B.elginn ['_ncf l)utch \'.romun n.nd ~n uns}Jocified

nUmber of' men fror:J. COl1Contrf'tion camp c.f I:Inuth['!.usen

Beilinz. L third ccl:.Lm trcnsporting similnr groups

f'.lso consistil1.E:; of 1-~ truc!cs is fl..V~nituc~. Totr.l-- nu1;1-

bcr of' persons involve<:' this movement is between 800

numbGI' of our p:i.~otcgos who mig!lt be Jncludoc1 but

shall inform :,iOU c.s sc·Jil c~s f'nrthor detr:.ils c.rc lcnown.


DECT.A88IFIED Stnl · c_,, p~. Lettm·, 1-11·72

T' .;. hr!w DaroSIT.J 9 1972


A¥-//V . ,.j "' '·],,g/l ,; -- E:5 i.:.l 9 4 3 ~ ;n ~~)~/{~e.-.....__ CJ ~~....:,'< ( - /'7 E.:lS-1386 BErn '·; This tElEgram must bE ·-'-'; L par::~pllrasEd bEforE bEing '/::>DatEd J,pril 19, 1945 comli1unicatEd to anyonE ----~ othEr than a GovErnmEnt • REc 1 d 7:57 p.m. f,gEnc:y, (i ilZ!I 5)

SEcrEtary of StatE,

'./a shingtop., ·.


2271, ;,pr_jl 19·;~·'4 p;m,

FOR 0 1 DWYER -OF VIRB- m;o;,r ;aCCLE.LL",N:cl

(LEgat.ion's ~nil-, ;,pril ll)

ICRC rEports that thE six REnault trucks carr0rin;::: food parcEls v;,cich lEft Swiss bordEr at i\r'EuzlingEn on

.L-"pril 13 for LuEbEck ran into c.nd WErE stOf:.lpEd by ia.lliEd

advancE at unspEcifiEd point in GEri.~ny. PradErvand, ICRC

dElEcatE from Paris is nov: attEmpting to ExtricatE thEm,

and vias rEportEdly flovm to spot by our military authoritiEs

It is not known whEthEr hE has bEEn succEssful in rEdispatch-

ing trucks to LuEbEclc, 'this rrny bE militarily in,possiblE

sincE thEy would h:cvE to cross fighting linE although

trucks wErE undEr ICRC colors and insignia,

It vroulc1 bE most dEsi_r-~.-olE for thEsE trucks to bE ablE

procEEd to LuEbEck 'ls thE:T ~rE only onEs avnil:.blE for

distributing ':iRB parcEls to civil dEtainEEs in tllnt arEa,

f"ny C\SS i$ t8.DC E -2- #2271, ~pril 19, 4 p,m,, fro~ B~rn ~~ ~,::: t::::s:::::E::c'::um:~::, ~::::o::i:::s Vl::::E:E t::o:::nt j{ v~luE, ICRC rEportEd th:_tt HO,OOO -.iRE pnrcr:I~---sh~J.,__pEd ~ ------from GotEborg~~~~~~.':~:c;:_:~r,::r_i~~- on SS ;\L:,GI>_::.J:!:EI., so "? {hQ t --s t~-~l~s VJill-,_, ·b-E _Q_V__ n il8blE this rEgion, • .- .'\ '>o?- '_.,_,_;_.,_,.,~-o>.u




Secretr'_ry of Stf'.te 1


n '>- -· ___ :--:-,_,_." - - • 7 ;:;290 1 _ "-pr~;~;J: _'19 1 p.m. FOR 1ffiB F'i)Oi-'i HCCLELLAND ----' kasztncr, StQrnb~ch 1 1-iusy and Swiss police all inforped -me. that small group of 69 Jmfish -~<:~-U~E'/.FlS a::;J:!X'-rently mainly from Bratislava reached Konstanz ycstcrcw.y ,-end ;muld be admitted to Svri t zerland today. It is not clear due to ;rhose efforts these" people rec.che9- S.ri t zerland although 1-iusy is already claiming

crec_it. sternbuch has undoubi;edly reportod_this matter

by uire to Vaad Halk'l t zalao Kasztnor arrived in Switzerland yesterday and f'.ccording to report from Nathan Schwalb of Hechaluz, nftcr nn extended trip ifith Kurt Becher of SS which reportedly included Theresienstadt (April lQ) and Bcr~cn-Belsen (day or so before liberation). Kasztner apparently -2- )2290, April 191 7 p.m., from Bern

2-ppE>.rentl;)' he.s considerable interesting information

on Jeuisn survivors in Austria, Slovakia and Theresienstadt

-vrhero he stated there lvere 20,000 Jews. including many neu arrivals from Austria and Slovakia.- According to Kasztner/ Becher 11 org

Berc;on-Belsen ~ri'th all inmates remaining on spot. . . ·.... -·'--:~ ._- -' K2.sztner fuf.tncr':':rei;ort s to be bearing important pro- pos:-,is concernirt@.,-})o-ssible rescue o:(' Je1~ish deportees -==> .,.) in camps· still under- Ge:t'man control·.

;..o . soon a-s Kasztner is released from temporary Svriss custody, I 9hP.ll secure a:].l details possible and rencrt to you.


"' I

April 17, 1945

Secretary Morgenthau

Miss Hodel

I The attached cable fro~ Mr. McClelland contains a discouraging report on,the possibilities of evacuating inte:rmees from G~rman"-concentratlon camps •

.{Signed) Horance Hodel

I I FH:hd 4/17/46 -;I' -ll ---- HRK-1382 Berr. y Distribution of true Date_d Apl'il 13,, 19'>5 "' reading only by-1 arrangement. { W) Rec'd 6 p.m.

Secretary of State, Washing ton. 2175 April 13, 2 p.m. Burckhardt of lCRC called special meeting afternoon of April 12 concerning current possibilities evacuate 11 schutzhaeftlinge'' from German ·concentration camps. (FROM .lfoCCLELLAND LEGATIONI_S 2130 April ll) practicaLly speaking af?ter several '~eek;s of ICRC negotia tiona with the Germans aopear to be w'illtng c,to _permit exit from Germany of only (only) civil detalneef!&:Of,'French and Belgian nationality in. exchang~ for simHar~grol.\ps of German civilians now held by French and 3el-g.1a:ns. 'Germans, however, do not in&tmt that exchanges oe on a head for head basis, These exchanges are ··to be ·limited as previously reported to women, childre~ and elderly'people (over 65) of both sexes. Within these nationa}.·gr.oups Germans do not seem to be diacrimina.tirig against Jews since convoy of 300 French women (there were no children although this was originally announced). included 7 Jewish women. Kaltenbrunner of SS informed Dr. Mey$r, ICRC delegate who accompanied trucks ~1hich brought women·tfrom Ravensbrueck, that ICRC could evacuate all remaining French women from this camp as soon as committee wanted. There seemed, how­ ever, to be only 300 more French women actually still in Ravensbrueck, \o~hereas last fall (October) there were at least 3000. Apart from those who have died (certainly 50%) this leaves many hundreds unaccounted for who are probaoly in work companies det~ched from camp. There is no (repeat no) evidence although ICRC continues to nego­ tiate for this that Germans will be willing allow evacua­ tion of women who are being ~.~sed as labor. In case not only of these French women but of civil detainees in general this probably constitutes majority still alive. Aocording to sober reports from these Frenoh women who passed through here from Ravensbrueck Nazis are pur­ suing in that oamp (and one has every reason to believe 11 11 this is trl.le of other similar groups of schutzhaeftlinge ) a policy of simply working detainees to death. When they are no longer able to work this human material is literally discarded. DF.CI :\S~aFI:2D State Dc-_;·.t. :_<:~-.t l l !-72

By R. H.l'cx:" ''" c.,S'fJ2 ... .l \\ 197'L - 2 -

In light of this information lCRC is now making special effort to obtain immediately a few buses from Swiss army to supPlement limited number of PO\~ parcel trucks available for such evacuations. ICRC is also ex­ amining possibility of using clocked P0\1 parcel train now at Mooeburg for similP-r purpose. Committee has hopes that outside of French and Belgian detainees they may be aole to get so'!le of other nationalities on an "ad hoc" basis depending on attitude of individual camp commanders. c>ill keep you informed. HARRISON


. _-;_. \.

_-... f _, ····\w-~


NCB-614 T:l.is telegrrun must be _.,;_..lj>ntcd I.pril 17, 1945, p~rnphrnsed before being communicr:tod to an;,rono U\I.S111 ~c' d 7:15 p.m. other than a Government ;,gcncy. (.al!ilil'l?JOI:I8'1'Blil)

#Secretary of State, Washington. CONTRDt COPY US URGENT 2237, i.pril.J,7, sp.rn•..

FOR 0 'm·;y-cR OF ·;JRB FROi'l r:CCCLELL:J!D

I Legntion' s 2131, I.pril 11. Specif'.l convoy of ten Renault truclcs running on f1.iol

obtained by WRB and cccrrying 42,000 kilos relief supplies

including 900 WRB parcels left Geneva 5· rr.m., I.pril 17

for concentr,._tion cnmp of Mr.uthr.usen, 25 kilometers enst

of Linz, in former .".ustrian territory. In view rapid

appror.ch Enst.:r fighting fronts to this ll:'.rgo nnd very

bf'.d camp ICRC felt extrcorc1inrrry, last minute effort

send in pnrccls should bu mo.dc. Presence of Gxtr•ft IC~C

personnel there et this cri ticr.l moment might nlso rrfford

opportunity protective action. Combined camp and

penitentiary of Wr.uthauson, 'Nl-lich hF.VO o.lwn;rs been among

worst in Nazi system, house c. greet many Palos, French,

Italians and less8r numbers in,r1ates other netionalities, Four more Ronc.'.Alt s also loft Geneva ,\pril 17 traveling

with -2-#223'1, /,pril 171 8 P• m,, from Bern.

with le\nutho.usen convoy but destined for Dacho.u e>rea,

They co.rriod 16,000 llters go.soline only. This fuel

will be pletced ICRCP's .. depot and used operate trucks

·distributing reli0.( du-;ttl.]';_~coming weel~s to cn1;1ps th>J.t

region. Petx"cc1s, inclrtri:iBg-~•JRB- 1 s will be shipped in by "0 .J Ten more Renetults will train according. to present_plnn. be o.s signed to ICRQ' s DS!c during next ten dc.ys for

co.rrying relief to unassimile>ted persons all categories.

lie now' hnve mm'e trucl(S available through ICTIC than

~~:tJ..em, /,s per our tolephone conversa_tion

from Paris, could you therefore exumine with Har Depetrt-

mont possibility release etdditiono.l go.solino to ICRC for

VJRB progro.ms during this final omergency period? Our

present quotet is 2,000 gcllcns weekly. Could this bo

incrccsod to 3,000 or r.10re? This fuel for •:mB in Swi tzcrland comes up from Dol tn Bnsc section, communicatims

zone along with th:'.t supplied ICRC for POW relief.

Please lot us kriow ['.bout this fncl qnesi·jan "' 9 soon

as possible.



LMS . .I '_, -···-- DEPARTMENT INCOMING DIVISION OF OF T - ~ENTRAL SERVICES STATE ELEG0~,~~; TELEGR~~/sE~);!Jf4 GEIH"-' ~F l'iu:c:s / J I I 'v"- I;_ - r- ~- NF-1659 of true _ Bern L/f.!l./'/' - :':.2j-/./1'v1,__ Distribution 'a-~ Y~ reading only by specill':'!? h F; ;6 I)$,jte:d 77..t..-,ril 14, 1945V J arrangement. 1 - r ··-iv) Rec ·'d 12:12 p~mi DC/L LIM SOli Secretary of State 1•Tashingt on 2;1.89, Apri:t -14, 11 a,m, CONTROL COPY FOR 1VRB F~DlL}:f~(iLELLAN

Re~arcing ~l'.. nibe~'-· 6-f 1VRB parcels still at Goteborg "'c:!and number-already-' shipped either to concentration camps or to Luebec"k for_ la~_er deiivery to camps, ICRC supplied me on April 11 1vith following details: (Legation's 1765,

Harch 24). -On !larch 5, 10800 parcels went to Hamburg-Neuengamme;

Harch 16 ditto; He.rch 17, 9600 pe.rcels to Il.avensbrueclq

Harch 17, 13,200 parcels to ICRC depot at LuebeQk,. Total

44,400. Original number of parcels at Goteborg was 224,328~

39324 1'/RB 11 K11 parcels wore released to WJC in SHeden~ ICRC informs me 1vJO entrusted these parcel-s to the 'tx:opera­ ti va Foer Bundetl' in Goteborg for ·shipping..._ This leaves some 140,604 WRB 2aroels sti~l in Gate­ borg, ICRC has instructed its delegate there to ship.­ these as rapidly as possible to Luebeoll: for turth~--.::.)1

di stribtttion

DF.CLARSIFIED State Dq.:o~. L'.Jtt.er, 1-11-72 By R. H. PurItS Dato$£-P--l,. 9 1972 f><..:.-{.-

• -2- #2189, April 14, ll a.m., froo Bern distribution by Renault trucl~s nov.( en route .•

Rcpcr>.tcd to Stockholrc for Olson Gf 1'/RB,




DEPARTMENT INCOMING DIVISION OF OF ...;ENTRAL SERVICES STATE TEb-E.GRAM -~ ·. ~; -= ·/~.':' ·~: '('·; ... - TEL· E. GRA.~'H .2.C.TIO. f:'J'_ q~'J[:,-:~_z, ''r HRK-1382 Bern Distribution .. Qf. j;rue C ,JI-2t-t

Secretary of State,


;:.urkharcft.''pf'.-ICRC called special meeting afternoon .. ' ~ .of ;.pril .:1>2 con'c-orning current possibilities evacuate

'' schutzJw.eftlinge''from German concentration cm;1ps, ( FROI\i

i.;CCL~lLLND LI:G:.'l'ION 1 S 2130 I.pril 11) practically spe1i t exit from Ger1anny of only

nly) civil detc.inees of French and Belginn nationality

(/] 8 ~ i exchange for similar groups of German civilians now a:t(/] (/]t'J"' ., f! ~ 'gl ld by French and Belgians. Germans, however, d~ not 8 .(/]6_ sist that exchanges bo on a head for head be.s:l.s~\. These ~ ..... ~.C. P-. ;:J ... ehnnc;es 2.re to be limi tud ns previously ro[Jorted to '-' ~ 1/J ~ 0 0 .., '-'. or,wn, children and elderly people (over 65) of both sexes. '-< X ~ ~ 2: i thin those nntionnl groups Germans do not see1n to be ·------JJI. iscrh1inatinc a13c.inst Jews since convoy of 300 Frc.nch v1omen (thoro woro no children al thour;h this vms originally

announced) included 7 Jewish women.

Knltenbrunnor of SS informed Dr. l:ioyor, ICRC doloeate

who accompanied trucks whi.ch brought womon from navonbruock

DECLASSIFIED tho t State Dept. Letter, 1-11-7?. By R. H. Pnrka o.teSEP 19 1972. -2-;;~2175, t.pril 13, 2 p.m., from Bern

that IChC could· evncuate all remaining French women from

thi_~-~<:'f.'omp us soon as committee wanted. There see;md,

however, to be only 300 more French women actually still

in navcmsbruecl{, whereas last fall (October) there were

at .lees t 3QQO • · i.part from those who have died ( certcinly

501{), this fciav-e;;;;~,Btly hlindreds unaccounted for who are probEibly in work }~·6,;~panies detached from car.1p. There is

"C;) -' no (repoat no) evidence although rene continues to

negotia~e- for ;thi.'l t~at Germans will be willing allow

ev£>.cuction of women who are being used as labor. In case

not only of these French women but of civil detainees in

general this probably constitutes majority still alive.

nccordin~: to sober reports from these French women

1•iho pcssed throuL:h here from Ravensbruecll' Hazis are pursuing

in that camp (and one has every reason to believe this

11 is true of other sir.1ilar groups of 11 schutzhaoftlinge )

a policy of simply working detainees to ~~e~~~~~--~l~o!l_tl:le;[ are no longer able to work this human mf!l;l'r;i,g.)._ is. literally


In light of this information rcr;e is n~ow.making

special effort to obtain immediately a fow buses f1•om

Swiss army to supplement limited number of PO\'! parcel

trucks available for such evncua tions. rene is also exam- inint'; possibility of using blocked PO\'i parcel train now at· i':Ioosburg -3-;;'2175, l.pril 13, 2 p.m., from Born.

]_;oosburc for similar purpos:o. Commi tteo has hopes that outside of Fr0nch end BCJlgian detainoos they may be nblo to GOt some of other nation::litios on o.n "ad hoc" basis depending on attitude of individur..l camp commanders.

'.-,ill keep yo.ucinformed.

/c.;_.><: HI.RRISON

;;.u..~.a...J'o.--.-·.. ~- ~ rJMA-::~_.. ·' -)_ /.-. J

AfJ~ 181945

Dear !l.r. Leavitt: The fallowing .Jlle8sage tor you from Harold Trobe was received throush tlfe Unitjl~-.states·Embassy in Lisbon under _.Ute of Apr11 12, 1945; ae·_yo))r number 214:

"c:: "The informati.!ln which follows was received from Gory. • Intercross truck~ lfith parcels for camps near Switzerland. A convoy from Ravensbruck brought back 365 Jawish women living in Belgium and FrancE!'." · · ·· Very truly yours,

(Signed) Fl oranoo Rodol FlorenCIII Hodel Aeaistant Executive Director \ \

Yr. uoaeo A. Leavitt, Secretary, American Jewiah Joint Distribution Committee, 270 Madison Avenue, New York 16, New York.

,J RBH:inp 4/16/45 INCOMING DIVISION OF A~ ~.iNTRAL SERVICES .lATE TELS:GRAM TELEGRAPH Sr;YTlO~ ... I i£v_ve /?[/;-·/. MF'D-795 Lisbon l.Jistribution \i§JlaJAM 9 April 12, 1945'. / rEading only 2~atEd '?-~ \..._ arrangEmEnt. \~) REc 1 d 10:04 a.m. u·. L;t'.!S• . SECrEtary of StatE, f.' -~ ·" .).(,.; Uashington.

???,_April 12,,·10 a.m.,. . ' . . . ' / >VRB 379, JDC/'21:1''-~Qf2 JEAVITT FR014 TROBE - - ";:---. ~ --· .:-..__·.- Follo,,ing: inforinA'ti_qnrEcEi vE<'I from Gory. /J,oQ ... - IntErcross trucks-'with parcEls for camps nEar SwitzErland.

365 .JEwish '"omEn living :=Elgium FrancE brought b<~ck

from RavEnsbruck by onE convoy.



DECT ,.~-~SlFIED State DepL Letter, 1-11·72

11" • L. !'crew DateS£E.J,9 1972.



_:_;~ T ~... u.de·r-.3te.::.1_cl ~t, y~lu·__ :_na:j.;n pro15l-ijr1 :L1" thi2 ;,)oro;_,-:!... s.u, tL.1 ):iel:.:f~;_;i:t;; o~~ -:'cu~ ~Y!' ·.i.-a~lvery to_'-rnter_n~:r~iohal r.ed'. Qron~; _-·r_equi:~es

(l) Additio!1il.l-warehoUSo (2) Coz:..tai!le_ra-;; (3) fliB.!llJQ\{8~! (4) Adlliti6n:tl tr1:1cks.

I ho)0 to- be in Fr&nce in the near fut~e- i~1 cca~~eCt:Lon. rdth r:. 1hlite:i Stutes Arm"'J Air Forces· contra~t. i.iy plant is loc::-.tad. <;.t L~.c' ou -Villers, ~,r.:~rwe .- I f-.n 7e1·7 irlt~n:•est~d in the -~~ork yo"!J, are doi'ng and· \\~:.r,J.l) li};:(-: -!:..0 'ue of evcr::i ~os­ .sib:LE: seevice. I LH3liev·e that through ;:iY org:1ni3:1.t:i.·~!l ;:.ncL bu~.dJlL-'n ..: frie~K1? -r can be of z;r·eat help to ·Mr. !!icCle.1l~nd in tho solation -Of_- t.hir:i -.:.Jro~leD. I sha-ll l.nforra you of my depar:ture :lo- that you may direct·~~:._·. ~.:ccir~-ll::.nC. ·':) ·~O!lt.~-~ct ~.:2 in Fr<:.nce should he _:fi8Efd -an~~::iS~i~t:u].ce. ;;~ A. !lULOVA · Chairman of the Board SII ..

..· ...... , __ ";: --,~.!c~- ~-




:· ':>--, DEPARTMENT OUTGOING . . [)!VISION OF OF EK . j ...... i ,.-ll .•._ CENTRAL SE~VICES STATE Dist:;ti:ution of •tr~ELE~~-:i_·._I_ -) __ F_.il.pril-~E-1 ,_ ,_--. _-~?,- ·, · · :<_;.-- · -' 194:5 :,r; l'f i•J;\ 9 29 · - U <0C::/'c-~ DC/L _ JJAISOll - J.>Ol,DUrl -2049 y 'l:lle f:c.ble belou·.for t:om :is um 66. ~· ,:_ ,__,-. ~-r r!•'or your inr_orr:rXt()n:"foJ.lodnr.·; i<- text or cr;nle ~:o. 2045 • .·· /- ''•<"-ce•- · ... - -at.tcu J•nril 7, rccei:ieit:ci'-·F~ri'l:cpiellcnCt: - ~ -.~uoi.;; Jl,cW}tio~tf:ey~:·s.,e~etion':,; 19881 . j']lril 6 regn•cling r----t.-etty's Divid~ori ot _speci:d,·Nwietr·nce'e :.>lr-11 for twclt:l.ne;

c _ ~ fe11ef to ci yil dc-tcineNV_iJ;l lfcrorny • .., :J rn f1 f t11iVS ·::-te&:r_ul t ~~~·uQ~~G in_ster)~ f.?f;- gi1~_ ti_ci~~ nche~v.lo~i, J.ec.Vo r: c~ ! . ,g kr:-:-lltzorl: nd ,..-.-ril () fOX' wUCbeC;~_'Ccrryii:,·_.,·· 16- tone. TuJ.ief ·.fWOcl.!J ·cr; lfl ~:,-, - CJ c ~v' "' fd!t~ t~cool.lne. i'llir. wnvoy if fet.siblc 1,:111 offloo.d SU!>:,Jlies _;; " ? I ·;_; :;.:c:t L::er;o;en ;}(JlDcn en route. :LC!~Q :P:Lrns il[Ve tiwee tl"U.Clts __. +-' r l { ;~lt~:0.':~·e: 0 ::o~:o::o::::e:_.: ::::::::::::;~~/:::::::cs fxt +-l ..0 r.tlr Hcver.3bX'Ueck. r,nu Hc.f.lbur~-\!eue~c.:ne. . ICRC ls nou clleckint; ·-----1ui th uoGeborg on nuctber of i'Rll ·;Jr.rcels_ tlrcnly rt Luebeci~ t.ll or i''h~.ch col:ir.littcc llo-;eo be Qble distribute nroc. in: question

\ii th'\ n comint; thr-ee ueel~s. l'Nf.'ent stress of i..ucbccl; !!rr..bure r.re:;_ is uotivrtc(\. by

lf.,W reeor tur,t thiH region r.;r:y ·11oon llc cut off ::"n

_ DECLASSIFIED more StAte De~t. LCtter, 1-tl-7~ By u. F ,;~~~'" 1'" ,.~sw 9 1972 \

Doz-e rd.ief cJ16. l:Jeois of trrneport to \list.'1.bute it before it is J;o·.J lv.te.

b'cur more.· Hi?nf'ul tn d tl1..

U[.;rc iJy rcJ.. :C t9 nefr r:Jn<.r Ci.epot ·r.t !~rvensbUI'0 betuecn ,iuies

bort'l.or o1il. ~:Unich, bclcnoe of rp:'>:r:>oxii;;f'tely 130,000 1·;RB pr:r-"

celr. remrl.nint; in Jui tzerlc.ntl, l'lon :i~; then tp ;;-,ove these

;n-,roels on by trucim [ E• rcr;lO.ly T.S pocr:ible to f:Cceocibl'e Cr-J.i;_>C noc,r i:Unich ~··nO. to oret r·nO. -ncrti1ecst 'meTt"J01' nentlone\1, my 1980.;'- '.i.'ilic trv.c!':ing uill be O.one ui th 11 r.1o:re · !'eneul to uhich 1CHC 1 s DlJJ, in uue to :roccivu ,.1eelt efter next totrl r t;rc<>d beilJE 80. 'i.'i1ey uill be opere. ted by i_;osolinc i'oler.ne<1

to lCl'lC by :JliJ>c.b' for \;Hl3 pro~~rootiO firot- trn!~ Crrlo~d of dlich 1 c f'll'Crtl.y en route fro!:; k·roo_ille to Gon eve'. L'l.l:r thirty tires c.nO. tubes llr:ve crrlveii. ond first C'.liV<>nce Of Diesel 011 (L.egr.tion IS 1981, i'lWil 5) 11111 be i.;c.('l.e to lGfiC tou,,y. Herbert Kntzlti io no:• in \}enevn :::ccelerr tint· r:rrrne;e­

;.:ents :·1i th ICRO to LJrkc li!t lenct four- c:ore truclto cvdlt,ble

• "1J~-. t'or i.s..U~ clliplllente; on bno1s tires 1:1nd. oil. ICHC ··"· ..~.

-3..f/2B40, April 1.2. '1 ''~ ·-".;to London•- :CCl-tC informs r;,e thv.t in t.Cl.dit:l.on to r-.bove uentioned

truaJ;:s n smell convoy of f'~ve •::ood burniO[\ Uuiss truclts

- . ~elont:;int; to c·oll)f.!~~j_E} trcni.)'>Ol't concern of iJrr.entUi in

- lll;scl uHl l~t'Jf:-; - 2t}rnctne:xt ueek in effort to e;et . ti1I'OIAI5h to Denmrr!i" c{r~-*·~~~;~rj_r..te i;iHiOS cl tizens there. ,Jrl,c;ndli hHJ._ cg:r'ee~ t;v,rief,6.r~ tetl. tone of relief coods to

UOI;;en I £l concentr

~!i.e four ti·uc1\.l! d1icfi'jtiernbucll l1C\13 rortunrtuly e_olb

to ren'c (.i...e~r tion' H 1740, ~:rJrch ?.;:if lc:t't ill>i tzerlN1<1 on_ ;:rrdl z:: uitn lCHC asr.istonce but hen1e\J. for 'i'heree\ienstr_clt

rr 'Gile_r tllcn ~ergenbelc:en cs previously re1'orted. m::-1.;;-Lii~

S 'l1 :.-;Tl'I~ilUU (GHK)

\:.H.t..-~:J"V:l~U. ue •J/12/'l& .. • L

:w_·__ --~ ----~_,--_-_-< o:,.O __-:~ ---:--'-


For yaor infol'lllatlon follOWing is text of cable 1lo. :ao/6- dated Aprtl 7, 1't!Celved fi'Ol!l McOlelledt · li.Addlttonel· to Legation's 1988, · Aprll 6 retPJ'ding ICllOis Divl~ of,Speeiel Asa1st6Dce's plan for truck­ ing relief to cl!U detr!inees in Geram,y• ., ' IIJ'ive BeJiaultl~-bistee.d of-six now scheduled· leave SW1t!!et19ruVKp~(-'!,J".o.r- Luebecll: ~ 16 tons - relief goods end ~l~i:Y~• convoy if feasible _· ·will offload supplies at,~ :Bel--en rot1te. lOBO Jl!tm!l be,ve these t~ ~ and wOn: 01.1t ot Iuebeck dl'i\rlb!iting ~ piZ'Cels, ehlpped over ftom Ooteborg, to con.cmtrations of detoa1neeB at 'll&vensbNeck ad Ha!aburg-lf8Uef19B!e. IORC is now' check:1o& wlth Go\eborg OD maber Of liB;O ~alB ah-8alijt at Luebeck ell of which COIIEittee bopea be able d1atrtbllte area in qlleS\ion witid.D -­ coming three week$~ llf'reHnt _stress of laJebeclt Ham1lwg area i.s 1110Uvated b.Y IOllC fear tb&,t. this .re;glon _, aooa be 011t off and b.Y tact tbat no trUcka are at preaent ava.llable in thll.t iooe for civil detailiee relief. Cotrmi ttee ia aceordlDgly BIIX101111 send in more relief and means of transport to distribute it before it ill too late. IIJ'our more ReMults with capaclt¥ of 3200 kilos each sobedUled depar\ April. 12 or 13 for n.cbau. They will oleo r.-1a this U'8l to dlatrinte -garcela to lel'ge JMDber smaller Clllllplll adiD1nistered :from ~. • "lCHO twtbe couots on being able ahlp withiJi nut ta 4e1B bT 1'1111 to DeW ICllO depot at Ba-reuburg between Swiss border 111114 MIJDlch, balalce of appro:datel.f 50,000 VIBil parcels nna1n1ng 1n SwUaerlaftd. Plan is tbell to -- moTe these pareele on b.Y tncke ae rapldly as po81ible to IIQCe881bie camps near Mllldch and to eut Md nortbeut tbe.reof lllt!lltloned rq 1988. 'i'hia trw:llblg will be done with 11 more Reoaulte which ICI!Ots DSA 11 due to receive - 2-

week aftel' next total egeed being :20. '!'hey will be operated by ~oline released to !ORO by SUA.EF for WilJ3 progl'Sllll! first tmlk carload of which ill aJ.ready en route from Marseille to Geneva. · · · · · ·

•Our thi.rty tires and tubes have 8l'r1Ved and first advance of Diesel oil (L-e~t1on 1 il 1981, Apl'U ~) will be nlade to ICRC today. . Herber.t Katzld iB now in Geneva a,eceleratJ,ng arra.ng~l~'Wlth IilRO .to make at least four more tl'\Ulkll Jlvai).ab).e fcWe:ic'II!!B.shipments ori basis tires ancl oU. ~~/:.{J~~'~i'' · niCil.C i'llforms ·_me· ~tJ:Ii'-~ddi,tlon to above mentioMd t11J9a! a sllillll aonvw of five ~od lill:miiig Swlss truelm belong1Jig to OOJI¥lleroiaJ., trnnspOrt. 04Jnoern of Braendli in Bescl will leave Switzerland i:i~xt ·week 1n effort to get through to Damnark to repatriate ~as citizens there. 'Braendli b!ls agreed:tl'iiiisp()it~ ten tone of relief goods to l'!()!llen's concentration OSlllp of Ravensbrueak: for ICRC;

''The four ti'UClm-wh.l.oh Sterntilwh was fortuuat8J.y able to rent (Le~tion•s 17.l,o, March 2)) left S.iberlimd on March ;;9 with lCRC ass1staru:e but headed for Tberesl.en­ stadt rather than Bergen Bell!en 8.11 previouely reported•"


ll:JO a.m. April 12, 1945

1 li.iss Chauncey (for the Sec y), C0 lm, Dul3ois; Gaston, .lfode1,_ Hutchison, McCormack, 0 1DvlnJer, ]'iles.

Fll:rh 4jll/45 ----~·~'~-~------..

DEPARTMENT OUTGOING OF ~{}TE JJi~~but1on of r&i~g only by B>'l·•· {

1..Ui:!JJON 282'7 · 'hlii follouint, for ·ilil'llf filoi:J t:' Duyer ia H~b 64 • r'o:r your in;orL~-~il~~,:,:;~fM~·11nt; is tuxt of ;r.J)le J>eceived

i'row licCJ.,;g-lnn,u tinder u:;t·e· J~~~;~~>n _6th~ .,UvTt; J>rri:'nger.iente \·i;lt~' ·J..:di\C :for seourint; troc:xv

~ to trcnsport \iRIJ f·.ood·i)(lJ.>Cel.i: ~nto Gerrr.e.ny i'or ciVil det .inee!l Ere sllp_pirtg .up o.s foJ..lous: ~h nenv.ult trucks 1 ~ri be r.vc.ild:>le for loa.

~~-;:: "u~ rt on Ji.pr11 10, :CCRC 1o Division of Opecit-.1- !UJAiet-. o bl) • ~ ~r~ e still hopee sen<' theu to l;erl1rt .,. Ll.\ebecJ( .,. Hrmburg !';~~· 2:c~ ~ e. to relieve l't.pidly ~rox>oening condition of' <:tetrinees I ~~;-; :5~ concentrrtion ct-~nps of Grrn1enburg,. Rt'.vensbJ"UCC];: e>ncl_ ~0 '61~" burg lleueng!'Jolffie. :if it :;roves 1mpoas1ble to air-patch

1-.o 1<" <> clts this r,rec: they Hill be sent llunich rottHm r-.n.a l·rospectc P.re ._,;oott hOttinr; four to ailt r:.ore Hennults

ffiOV1~ by l~pril 13. '.i'lLEH1e v'rencll truclts, ::::1 tkwtlc;h: neu, ell requ1:reL~ liv;i1t overllLuling, !Kintints t·titll lCRC insignin, et cetcrr., tlhicil ilns uolpyeu their use. r1th tiroil r-n!l diesel oil pr·ooul'·eO. t'or IORC by lJopr6.1a efforto co~1mitt~e. llopeen.t~l~e· e.t lecEt i'OUI' tJ'UC~~B e.Voilc\Jle rlSO ne:r.t 1~ee!tj_f9:fi ~llr _ DECLASSJF!ED • · '/;; ;~,~relgl'('lil~ State Dept. Ldtcr, \~1~_7 2 . ,' ·-~--·-· !.r · -sEP 19 1972 By ~ H. Parlm Dato~ >,;."'_.o_'-",·'--""'---'------~ ------

\ •

··tl!'e I'Cgiono _tr!~i',igtl'W;f._ht;ffil>a ot' Drclu·,u, Lrn11o- Joot:l. - ·t .- -J -- ·-: _· __ ---·.. - }JCI'g ;k.ileen, t'lol:'n;;nl>-ur{'; cntl ;_;r!tJ1it}f',~.(~f!!l no:-r L:l.nz, :l.nclut:•iniS

m.iiJ:vl't :fporJ (·iiy t!•ct Lil;)tt • .') to !cU;;i.lec'~


.-_ -- -- irte~·nd tf!lr;: · .t1o~'c i;.11.::. tolet•;:r-I;))U. eo8:.unicr Uonr. -r 1'0 llin-

r"Upted co tilr't ilkiV'Hlilf·i ocr;;!.' cmaL:I'riOci:r.r..: r::r-e ril'Oi;X"..-t:r.ivoly

uore ioolctc.'~. Li ttlc •'l' no corttPr·li?.Oii ._;;,; contl'OJ., tli

fng>e, {'))!JCrl'C to or.1st <:!lie>.< ~;:ty ten('. to i':!'t'!clntle : ny ;·:cmwrl

i.e r:.t ruim.!te tl:·;to:rr:;:i.E:·'G1on or. lr.J'!)C (;X'OU!,.'- /:lt' civil c.•.etr 1nuse. . -- - -· .;..(;",; i•oyO:i:•tu ti.Lir. c:i'tcl'no,:m t:•~ i tx~oi~- c(]nvoy c: I'l'Yitl•s (;oo L·l:'cna.. ·,:o: .. en en:~ r.r.Inll ___ cu:J.VrOcu:.;~;_;ly t>lvil

.:etr-.:l.rweo, in S"Knectv•.; c;o i·l'l'ive hr&uzlil~.:;en 1iOOOI•7'0''•

-~lt•·ct t.1'(Jl', O>.' cr-rc"' fror.l li!dCll tiler·o '·'er·s:.one ·con,! 1n

o t :l.J.1 un!·;not-m. t1erUal•t Letzti rrrivod tll:\.1.'1 r·i'toir!ocm, /~;ril 6 1'roo

--- ·' ------:

..•... /·····.······.·..·· ..• ·.··: .. · . - '.,-: -- -~ --- - _------• •

AU.~. iJlJ'ther S:l{,';llifiCC'nt .· o.evelopm~nte 1n s1 tuntion 11111 oe 1··eported to Boar(!., ui,i>!.UOTE F~r- your i'u:t>thcr inf~;r,;r_ttt>ft~{i:loal'd t;(:e · egi'eerJ to pu:rchrtge ~--~?¥-~; ~--: -~:-=-· ·. -~- ~- . ,..- __ :. . -.-:·-~-~-~~:~:~t~.-~0~_;.\ - .. ; f-.i'om·uF,r .JJf!Pai'tment 206,000 $:t.t.e-C:i::?oti:>'tes ·o:rieoner of 1n·r pnr- .. ceis no1'i in ~~f!tzerlr:n& for d~~~i;NK[~tt~G>; Iniercroea to r~fu- "-c:! • .\. -'.. .Y lS~e~ in ~..... ermon con·ceii_t-rtJjfon c;:t. 1f:o~ • t "'1"!:1> ;:· ~!i:t:·n.'!.l ~-- r~:r· 'Li·:·x.c.t~~r- iK>':.;


1H-ill: Ll;V: i(l} DC 4/9/45 -- -- ..

'f'Of' your_ 11ltOl'!\la.~10I} 1 ...:fOll.I;)Wtng lt; t$¥t Of Oabb reoe1Yed fl'Om MuQlelland 1.1ijt'htr dnw of April 6tht

~AI'l'ktng•mtmt"'. wltb lf)ti!i for aflia~.>r1n~ t.ra9ll,e<\O \r;;.n~t~ol.'\ \'tmd tl11>~ to t;~>rU.n - - f.;.y_a.n~® :..-'r,~li,:::-\~ .. ~.: :- . - lfnmblirg roU.fln rap1417 wozoaenlnS ~ondition of de tllinli.~it)Ul'cono::en tra Uon o~ueoll•"•all~'tl'l!\11\burg Neuengt~.:tHlie. It U pl'Cttfu' :l.m!lor.dbl.B ·to -dier.~>"toh · t.ruoke thh &rea tb.ey . v1ll b11 111.mt -.!{wU.oh riilgi~!l !f!tld e~11t. 4Ft•osJH~ot"s .ll,r~. jgo_q9. g;ti1ns tollr to six r;o-re Nen11uJ. t~ moVing ·by .AprU 13.- - · .• · · ,

. •'l'heae .FrenCh· liruoltll, 111 though ilill'<~, l!l.l ;re_• __ _ z;r;.ir-rl'ul.u-liug, ~11.1Dt1ng ·d\h lQi\0 ~ill.t~nb; -~~- t l)~~erai •t~hiiJh Inn 41lle.j~ _-.n.,_1r ui:o. _ ts ot ~un1oh and ~o eA~t and nortbe~3\ th"rqof will·~ M011>1 d.l>1,, 1n fut1.1re 1't 111 plo.nned t.o diraot. rel1et Bh1;,~m~mtll by truok >~alnly to \h(I!IO l'l'lfl10Ril taii.lng .ill on(:I,PIJ of nactmu, Landiitll'IZ'Il Ambon, tlouenblll'S and MamUUolo\14 be apart trolli g,ny thst. 111ight. eo to l.UeQeqk ni'O~><.• _ •neoent. neve from O&.l'ill_llllf 1n<.\1Qil teu \bot_aiaoil ~ r.ll 1nt.ert\al tt control, th~refore,. "'~pelir!! too uht. wh1oh 11\a;t hn4 to JH'ilclll!irt any'gellfllr8l ltu1t ~;11\llh exttti'R~1n!!t.lcm ot l~rge ijroup of o1v1l detn1ne•s· · ~ICM repf)rt.;4 this Aft.9rnoon \hr~t; truoli oosl'tO.}' oerrying-300 1"1•onob wol!IIJil 11.nd llrA~lJ _oh114rlil'l,_ prulllil:.. obl7 o1vll detaineu, 111 "xp~oted to· arr1vil IUNl"':r.U.ngt3n tomorro~~t. .,.,.

- 2- ·~

11 Exaot·area or ·camp .rro:m• which these ·persons come 19- still unlfrio~m.

"Herbert Kntzki arrived th1$ afternoon, April ~5 from l'ario and wll:l actively work with me on- these l~RB programs. -"All further eign1Jlcant d~velopinahta in sltua.Uon ii/111 be renorted to Bo&ro •. H c~,.C~~cc' ~;~~r yr/ur further .. illf~r;~\~~ti~··aoard. hits agreed to pu~liikase ., . froi.i \1;tr D~p~x¥tment:~20~,cfo'b~~~tf~~~~~tates prisoner of war. par­ cels now in ~.~ t:?(erland 1'o~ db'ti':1l:iu:t.1op by. Intercross to refu­ gees in German conaen ~ration ·oainp~·.-:- _l}eta1ls ol-transfer no-' t>9ing worked out between_ 1\'li.r · !3epartil\ept and Board.

1:15 p.m.. _ April 9 , l9Lf5 Miss Chauricey (for t!)e Sec•y), Cohn, ~is,·Ge.stotl, Hodel, Hutchison, McCormack, o•D!iyer, Files.-

FHthd 4/9/45 --- _t-.__,j•

- .

---~-'-'::/___ t . --_• ,-, -_ ·- :.:_,~_-- ,_-_.. - ---~--~------=



.. ~: ~- .·

(LeGc.i-ions 1988, LiJril G).e.nd·vi~{:qyrocood vi!:\

:;:rouzJ.in[;on -ni th L~ebecl( :·.s riho\ dostirio.tion. 6 of'

tLcmY:ere loac:ecJ.tlith ia-~o~i~s i'oo_d parcels, -2·wltll-

go.·sol~-nc· p_nd -2, wi"th_- :t•epr.-~~·:)?Ert-~--~- _t6o!s J,~-~~t cot ere. ~.nc1

to8H. •of- mechanics.. Food ,·;ill probably be of-f lortded

-- ~- . - - ·. . ~. . . - ~ o:t :c,oi'lcent!rO:tion camps of Oranienburg 'and· Ravonsbruoek

o.nd t1"ucks will go oh to Luobock to remain and Y!orlc

in this area. Thoro a ro excellent prospects. th[!_t. 5 more Eonaults

•.-,ill bo ready depart end this wool< fo* Dacl:i.mi. ;·:ill !wop ;rou currently infori.tcci.



. DECLASSIFIED ~t~~~- lit.·i·I,. L(-•tt·:-:-. -1-11-72

lly k E: 1'"'''" L'c.to.S..fEJ.§ 1972


DIVISION OF • __ DEPARTMENT INCOMING- CENTRAL SERVICES -OF TEL.EGRAPH S~~TiqN STATE: -___ - JTQe.GRAM r·;c,.t•IY,i;~I9U ~~~- _ ··-· --- --~~t;J,V";?,;/1 1. _·,~'--~·~ -~-~ ·'. .. ,'_~~ V/J{[I..A. f"'-X . " //

MS-534 of true ·Distribution Dated- 'Aprilll', 1945 bY sp'lx.ial reading only (._l[iv)- arrangement. Rec'd -4:50p.m.

SecretP..ry of' State, \'lashington.

· 2l~~of});r.t:}£~;2~, 3 p.m • . •_':-· ,. \'IRB Ff\Ol-1: MtrOiiELLAND. , - -- . . . -- ::~~:~~,.._:.~ _,_E;;::'.. ";:,..;:,) =_; ~ - T~uck..'convoi ilar:ry:Lng French 1-romen Hnd children

(LegatioJl1 s l9f?8Ap'rfl:6) from concentri".tion camp of Ravensbrueck. i::e{;~~ed"to in~ 01Jrl9aB finallY e.rrived in Kreuzlingen 'sw1:tz~rinnd night of' April 10 ~ri th 299 -. ------'- -- ' : - - --c::. : - -- ~ ,_- • ' - perscnts·

490 German civilians_taken, I

derstand in Alsace, and largelY <-ramen, children and __ .--o.Ld people were exchanged for the Frerich-. German g~oup ~1hich hFtd b-een in Annemass,e since SatJlrday; April 7, also passed through S1·ii tzerland yes'Gero,a;)'. b.ctual· .ex-

chl;l.nge has therefore tal~:err place. · Liberation these French detainees accordingly did not

constitute much cif'a concession on part of Germans. Ac­ cording to Musy-,: lifter Hi tler• s veto of any such release and exit -- DECLASSIFI8D State Dept. Letter, 1-11-72- Br_-~ ~LParks]Ja~o S£1:_)9 1972 ------~'

-2-#2130, .Aprilll, 3 p;m.,fron\ Bern.

e.nd exit from Germany of ciyil detainees, SS h'l.d

~ ~ merelyper!Tiitted this exit ·of 1-mmen from Re.vensbrueck o;t· in order to save face· of ICRQ hnd preserve w·orking

.~ ~'- -;---· ~rel~ tionship• .. ,;.· ·:_~·;:,;-· 1 ·~~~c :JF:~ .• B;ohmgim of ICR(:\~~~;~~~~flt .~ assistant) Nf\8 negoti-ating again. vrith : 1'A'i1~1~~~~~·t;).gsamt 11' people in - . - ---··;-·.,"':;,;.---.. ~--~~-.--· -· - ' Koristatrz> on'~pril ,_10 wit_h :Vi~,,f i;o 1vorking out dotaiJ:s ..-: :·-<··-:-.~_ ~ of continued releaSB ~or exchartgo ~of similar groups.

HARRISON '·~··."'·'.-· - "-., --... -, -- -- 'o-"'1-- .. ------.

,; 1 - J 2;-ri sh ~·':Qrn:i.nf.?_ -~-~tiTn'!k \

Joint aiO. ~n ths -rorrn- of__ food, -cl-~th8S a~~d-~me_digin~ iS- nCh·~ fbj~.•!in-?; reQ..'-lar_ly.--to all the C0Ticentratio-n c2.mps -in- -the- ~ectioti~- as_--ye_t_ ho_~ lib-B1~0ted. This· -sfate­ .T;:nt ':!3-5 r;m_d-e y~{=? t~rde..:r- Off _:-~o~cs :A. L~_avi t t, _:_Seer~ tar~~ of th8 J')_inf. ,_ at the first ":1:)nthly p-reSs co:rifc:~-rence of_ tl:..at 6rg8.nlza_~ion.

:.~r-. -Lea vi_tt -gaVe hig~ Pr~is~· to·: Gem?r'al 0 1 ThoJ;y~r., h_eao: of the-:~}!c.·r Refl1:.€;ee ~~va:!'d, e.nd the entire appe.iatu~ -of ·th<-\t_:_age~cy, crea~ep:-DY: _PreSid.ent-_Roosev~lt a· ;rear ago ·_- td h13l!J save fro:-1 the cl:it... ~-- i~::~-~~-~-_12_T a::?:-r::~~y J_e•·rs ·as _Qoss-ible. _.__ --. _ ~ -;'~-~---g~t~ii:l~~~'rJ:::~'~i:1~{!:~:E;::lm::~~::;:~~::s~:l:1!~::;::: . :~.;a.~ med~t1e i1:.d clo tilin'fr;~ -~·1l~i_c1;_~:·~!~\i:~--~-e- t__ til~n~__ a. ov:r ~!:?--_the__ r_n__ t~rr..~:~._tioJ!al ~ed __c~~-:,.:s~ t::; ~e di~tributed .c~on§;· th~3 inte_i'n?.-?_s,;--~.:-d~,ifo \'leeks ago, the 23rd- o_!_j-~~rch, th_ere_:_:1lT?r~ l - ~Erlt ,--a;·l·so fro~a S'¥i tzerl£1.ITd.~- _s_e~era~. r.;~;q-~o~-J:-o-a-d-g-Qf-:fo·oQ:~unQ--Qtrer -i1i.. oducts, 11 J!r • Lsa::yi tt told. the conf~_1:e;nce--.. ,.. .. _

F~.rt af tLese -pr0ducts ~-,ero_.bo~U:Sht_-by the ~Joil).t: ap.C\ .pt:.rt-_bY the· :·:a.roJ.efugee_._:Soar~. ~he V2-.ad 3.al1a tzalah also sent':-i·- q~n ti ty- of rr~~J~o ~h.- -"1Tou -thel:;-e ~,.fill- -11e --t-ruc~cs, ar.d Je_nBral _0 1Th·ryer ·has "plert:bY ~-f provi!?i3nS- to: L'l_ak:e th~ a-id_~-fl0~1 reg-l.llar-~y' II :i,;r. Lea"lit't sB.id. There i~ -~~ough. t?_ send ap:_;>ro:.:.~_:na-tely thrse million .9ounds ·Jf food ·s.nd. cln_thing every th_ree: Qr fou.t• -months.

~:o~-: ~:"eat- the--rteed-_ is, may be seen- from ~he--fact t!lat- the Joi-nt already ~-p£)ro-priated 1 Cu::-ing the -first f-:FJ._r [UOnths of this _year,_ $10_,000,00Q for ::ill' £:or;~_~S of aid--, __ Stat~d Jose~)h C. Hyman, ~xecutiva V-!.ce-Gha.irrnHn of t~1e_--J9:!nt-, l•!r. EYJJ).B:n, \tho pre~iO.e~ at +~:._e C0nferen_c=, 9-Jinted o·~_t flJ.l'ther tJ:lat ~his J~ea:r; t!le J-)int !1as -already S9ent_ more c:oney on relief· and rescue than it did for all of 19-~3.

T~l:>:ing a'bo"J.t reli0f for the Je 1:1S o~ , ~~~r·. Leavitt empP..asized that trans;;>arts of 50 t

?he Joint is also about to send to Poland .several fully ~quip?ed lJO:.)Jed field hos- 9ita.ls,

According to the latest reports received by the "Joint, ·stated l4r. L~~vitt, there ';Tere registered in Budapest alone 150,000 Je\·Tst-and thousandf3 o;f othe·rs are nm.r emerging from the \rtoods and conc~ntration camps, and it is e~ected that many thousands more >rill come forth.

There are reports· that in and about Vienna there· are 140,000 Je\·1s >rho, it_ is hopod; will soon be liberated by the Red Army. To· aid the Hungarian Je,/s, the J 0 int has appro9riated 10,500~000 -~{iss -francs. ..

~ * ~· * * * * • * ~ *

-- --z-----=------The-f)a;r

Joint Sends. Relief to nazi .Concentration Ca,mps ;;.. ______------·- ...... ·---

~·Ji t1~ the aid of the ~Jar Ref~gee B9ard; the- J~f~t ·succe=~ded ~e_c~:nitly in Sendint tra.ns9orts of food,- clOthes_ -_a~d med~c?lti~n t?: t}?.e; }Ta_~i;_c0licBnt~,a~i?~ Car~ps in Ger:na-n-:r and A11stria-, __ yJ~ere -~he· _COfl:di tion Of Jm.,ri~h. in te;r·qees- _i_S part~cU.l?-l~ly, bUd, si~ 9e_ the ~:r~zis do_not-q')nsicler-Je~~s_ int_ernees_an~-t~erefa!.~e-_not--to.-b~ -~iYEn~_-the ?rotect!~n of internatio~~l laH .i-n_ .acco!'dance- t-ri t_~ -the_ q.eneY~ _Convention. Tl~~o uee~~s ago, _fiv~ trucks -left for T}i"9·~e:$ienstadt aTI.d Lub!3ck and dur-ing tl:te coining !·::~;1tt.~ it is pl~.nned t'3 sel1d a trB:_n~P·?_~:~=~~·_QJ__ thr~e _mill'-on__ --pound_s- to.--the- i~terilees. 1 ~,~~.7~:~:er::::n:e::e:a;0 ::·o;:e::·s:rfL~~r~~i~i::sJ:::f::::::t:: ::es~:~:t ::::~ded over ~~r J osep~ B;yma.n, -_Exe~ti ve V~c8~?:~~~~:;~~~~~--~--- t~O Se_S ~~a vi t~, Secreta~~\-_ im- -{ _ parted the i!lfor:nation~-. He_ empha.,si-Z~d<-~:li"~-f.}~T?~';rt~flt -P~_rt--~~~y~~- by _t~e 'Jar _Eefuge~ Board ancl its Di~t?r-,- G-ener~~.o.~:y~r!. .i~_.::-~.. ~.-}~.~~g_p?sf_~b._le-th~_se .sl~i_pm~nt._s to the I ir~_:.ernefi:s .in. t}l..::: }:azl ca~ps, _anlj_!18--exgr_e_~S;~Q.;:-;>t. .o ... botn-n-1s-profound- g.rat1 tude-.------· !·!r. LeaviU alsa told of ~2,5QO,OOO having,--been sent through SNitZe.t'land to Jluchar.est, to Dr. 'ililliam Filierman, -for relief _\t!Or"!-;·,~n-Rulnrinia·, Hungary-and.~-Bulearia~ ·He--.._told af 30 tJ 50 tons of f.:~'Jd, clothing 4!ld :nedicati0ri be_i_~g sent- ec.:,.ch_t-.reek__ fl thG-~e\.iS-1~ Poland. r:'his is beins sent in ad~itian' to the 1,~90_ pO.ck_ase~, t~ans;Tiitte_d_ to ·rr:!d,ivi---~ dw'J.l Palish-J;et.ri~h _farnilieg in -Lit.~ua.nia, Galici~. th_e.-U':l.:-rafn~ and··~·~~~t~ -Russia. -Tl~e Joint b0'.1ght '$300,000 «orth of ·rood a·nd other g()ods in America and Canada: for. the -Je.>Js in Polgnd, c'Jnsist~ng of soap, powdeied eggs-, _pcil'~deired: milk, -sl:J.o-e_s,---etc. Th~ JOint he.s already spent $'1,250,000 on relief for the Ja~

All in all, the Joint >Jill have spent $10,000,000 for its relii)f 11o1•k for the first, four months of 1945. This is a much greater amount than Has spent for· the same period last year. ],1 t the need is !'lUCh more acute and JeVJish live<> arc at stake. It is the :~ope of the J 1 int leaders ta send. as soon as 90ssible ;nachinerycand.tools in order to start the Hork of rehabilitation. At that time it vlill be-possible to reduce the vast sums nol·l spent on rellof. In the next fe1·1 1·1eeks ,there VJill be sent to·Poland·a transport of set·line mR.chines and toolst "/hich the Joi.n't-lllis already_ ·a-cqui-red,, .-i_n the D.CJ'"wlt of $50,000.

Tile s_:_Jeaker also !)raised the South African Jews \'lhl'> are cooperating· -,:,i th the Joint b;r giYing substantial--sums.

'!'he Joint has appropriated $10,000 for medicinP.s for the Je1·1s in Czechoslovakia; thig a'!lount ~till round out the sum of $100,000 allotted to tha.t community.

'!'he .Joint sends to Yugoslavia each month $6,000, and· the aid for Italy amounted to $90,000 in the first three months of this year.

-::;,e Je>rs in ]'ranee have obtained from the Joint $806-;ooo in the form of food; -clnth­ ing and cash during the last three months. ~-~ * * * ... * * * * * "*

i J L

.______.. __;;_---> __• :__:_____ --'•:"'~c~-~. L!,.. 1 ._,l

c.,.,- ... -... .. --;·_ . ---···

\ About the extensive a·nd mrtltiforin l·Jork-·of_ reli:ef ·Carr1ed 0~h_b;/.th8-·Joj.n-t_: :$-n-BUrtr9E­ and the ::-Jillions of dollars· \1hich the Joint no~-r sne)lds -in O!"rler t·r Save ·--thP. .sui-­ Yi vinG Je~·!S fr}m exter~ii_inat~-:>!1, 1-~i·. l·fOses _A-._- Leavit-t_~- Si?~!et~ri -o·( t~_e_ ·ic1iht-,- ·r'e·:­ ported :l::5sterday ~t-- a p:-1"_' s~ · c~nf_erence of the ~epr?;£!~en,"t6.ti:ves' _Of' ·the:·J-eW-i_?_h.- .P.re~s, l:.eld at the~- office-of the J0int. During thoi_first~_~our··m·on~ht=r-of -~hrs·yqa,r·the_ JJ"!!lt he.s alr-~ady spe~t -~lO,OOO,OOO: __for -relief. _- --

Leavitt first repor-t•}-d- orr ~he __ aid_ !1~1~- .be in.@; gblen to Jews -1-1hO are--Stil-l _t·o be :fqund in the c~ncen~rati0!l ca;-:1-ps--Of Ger:nany. Until recentl~r: this_gort- of _\'fork Nas _St~ll i::r;-:o_::_siblG. ~!:.e ~}rod.u:e-ts- -- f'o•}d; _.clot~es, nled.iCi:nes --- fOr th_is ~)ur:_:,ose uer-e ~ 1n~g..ht 1::-l __St·ritzerln.nd- and are no,·/" b~ei_n.g,~t_~~rib~ted t~ro:_,_~?h_-spe_Qial-?!ge~~s~_of t!:ie . . Intel'!1aj;i_:)na.l.ReC Cross. ~e proO~o{s;::a:~~:-_bei_ng di~trilAl.ted ip- trucks snecially :SO~~--~_ f'>~l;'.i.hi'3 ou.f·}ose _to 'th~ v~~i<:nl __~-~-q~!li;f~-~--- -_,_'£hiS oroject· 1\"?U·~-~ hav-e· }Je~h ~ \mnos- ... ,~~£H~:;;o?,!~:~!~~:::f~:~:~~~:;:~~~~~~~!t~;~;;~::~:!~~~a~~;;~:;~~;~ _.!~~ ~~i~ "'0 . -'. -~- . . ·~ ._.c.~: -:-• •. '0 • . It is r.r.:.t kn~·!;n exactl;{ ho:tf many Je-v,-s {ir~ r~t).).l::. ~-')_be found il) t~e Ge_rn~~n cof.tcen- tra ti0n cr:t::fps~ ITI ~ JUT~r- o·f-la~St- yea.i~-- thff_!~-:~~{~~-~- -3~ • 000~-JB~·_rs~ri-Thel·e:s-ten-s. tad~ 2-nd---- ~-:.pyroxi~:J tely 10,000 Je\'rs are still· to: be- f?f¢d_. ~n~ -Berg~~-Belsen.- Accorcli:hg to , tf:e re-:1ort5"' received by the_ J,ytn_t,.-,t~1&re -~1"~--llt:Hof. ~150,009_ Je\:rs in B~~ap~~t, the __ ca·Ji.- tal of Rungary; anfJther 14-0,000 ~ung.f)-rian .Jf1'1-rs___ are UO\•! fn the. lr1Jor ca-.,.rps aronnd Yit;=!ILJ.a.

:?.ece:.;t:!.y tht? J;oint has b~e_n.carl.;ying 6n_-i~elief activit_i:as iii ~9_1~nd. :!!'if:t-:.1 t0ns- of pTo~l•_1ct~ Hle being sent the·re \·reekly. Pre:paraflons. -are -beiri.g._I!J0-de ti) s8nd -to-ols t0 the surviving Je_:·?S o: Poland to- en~ble them tCI_ earn .a liv~-J.llg. :?our hUndrtd- s8\'r:.. "ing CJachines 11ill also be included. In Teheran, J?ersia, the Joint has no>! several 100-l)P.d f1eld hos·oitals and they will be ~:ent to .Pol~nd.at ,-t~~~ _first Ol/TIOr_turii~;r.

A!~i?:e fr"J:n this, the JTint f0!'\·rards 10,000 packages ea~h mon~11 tQ the P0lish -refu- 6ees not·! in Rusc;i.a.

?o!' it-; vmrk in Poland, the J0int a.p[)ra:~ri,ated $l,poo,o.oo.-

':l1e J'Jint also sent to its reoresenta.tive ~n Rumania, -n~~ Ji'iJ.il.E?r_rn~n, 10,500,000 S~·Iiss francs, a::~Junting to $2~00Q,OOO-, to carry on the :,.,oi,k- o::f' relief in- Ru.'llani~, Y·.L"lgary and. Bulgaria. * * * * * * * * * * * * * + 4- Freiheit

Joint A]_lnro·9riated $10,000,000 for Relief Hark for the First Four-l,fonths of ThiS Year

Aid in the form of food and medicv.tion is being sent through the .Joint and through

the '/ar P. 9 fugee Board,

This f~ct and other important facts about t"-e activity of the Joint for the Jewish. victims of the >Ta.r and the llgav.ed remnant 11 of the·JI~_!l.i murd<>!'S .i_n Europe, t·1ere dis'­ closed yesterday by Mr. ~;oses A. Leavitt, Secretary-of' the_ J 0int, at a pre~s confer-,. ence held at the office of the Joint, Mr, Leavitt expressed reco@lition and grati~ -rt· l

- 4 -

f_\ucle__ · _t_o_ :~-e~e_.;"l O'DwyGl" and· the'l·/al' Refugee Boai·d,· "i.th •'hom the ;Joint. >rorl:e in cl0 s.e r-coopei·ation. A:::.ong oth_ er im;:Jr_trLrit facts give.n_ .bv .,.,..-_ -Loevitt- a·re- t'ho -foll 'ii·d·-... -• Tl--.c:>·'"ofrrint h:::.s i t_-~·.·;:~1 ~\.;r'::__ d.i1ri{{; -the-~fit.~~ f!Jl~-;~ mo~t1:~ ;!.-~.. Y~s·- CPriat8d ~-··h~~~-·J_-_$_~.1·.·; __.;o_oc~?m.o ~.-. o,!l·nfl. ~r,. -~:: i_;;_ ._.. · of "----'- year. -':: ~ .._ ~" "J •.• __ r-~ :.n _Eu_!qpe _-hayf! G.er.:.ancled. of _·thi?_- J·Ji~t· fOr'_ this year··?- --mini"'":ln~ of' $4.&, 570-~-_0_'Y:-•

.Ap~;r-vXi~.tt;l_y 50 -t_; 60 -tonS::: of fo-~~,-. cl~"\il_~ng:_f\!J-0. iedtcatio"l~ -&.r2}]S_i.~E; SPnt ·by~--{") ~-'lint c::.Jh---~·.-=::o>'( ti .-~:-,.:- :?"m~;~---rr~ :?·-)1~'"nQ~ tii!'-~1Ug;1~_Sv_viet·_ :aU~ si-B... ~h-? !ir·E~1:nr:.c: ts Cl'f' s21;t frD;-;: Ieh-:-rftn-~ · Thi-s -ig in- ;;tcltli tiu:: t·f-the l0·~6.'J9-.fndiV:idu0-;L -:<_)~-c~,x~~~s be~ng- sent eaqh. ~0r; ti< _fi-:1;-;, .~ehGi'?-n -_t'"l _th~:.J8l·:rieh ·re-fugees :in- the Asia tic~:parts of ~oVic-t 's.ussia. -~-i.sid8 ·fro:-~l this,_ 1~200 :!?'i:c~:a.ges :ar~ be_i.~g __ se?-t= ~·J fndil.~i~~-~~ls:-in-_1-11 ~_ib~ra~t,d~ cities· in Li ~huaP..Ta, Galicia,- the: U}::ra.ihe _an([- ~·ihi te-oE.Us:sio.. 1he §ro;:r2..:rr of =~id: foi· ~he- Jews i;J Pv-lc;.ncl. ri.f~g·;_n·t-s to r.1orE' than $1, 2.50! Q~O.

In ::treece ti:re;•t?-,: ::\1·_e about 8,500 Jevs left Ehd- the.J' recei:Fed 1r.:·.. ! t~:e J-::,lnt ~2~10,000 r ::n~ loan ~r&s..;as~- ·-(:?ood i~, being supplied by t~e · U:JP..... ~). .. • /""- .;:.-~.,_:<_:;·-;·.~- - _- ·.,!~~;ill:~: ~;b~~t~J.~t~~f~i!::i~~:~~~~~~;~~ £.~ ::;, ~~~~:f:~~~·~~:;u;;:~;;~:: :~~: 2~~~ :!~n~lle ··9ollil1s !Jf f~d, _c1o.tl~iag- ·an¢!.~ ;:fledicatio~. A -sr;:_c_ond_ tra!ls9ort _of ·200, OQO.- pounds i~ -- Loi\r on f t~·,i

VOL. )'II l~c;. 79 (27th year)

Tu April 10, l9!lo5



- - . SOFIA, :April _9 0 -(JTA) -- About Z1000 Hungarian Jews from the

}inother 201 000 JiMish .survi\tcirs ure expected tobe brouGht from Osviiecim to ;<.C"-~~d!lp}s_t i·1ithrn th? no:.ot few, dnyfi~:,~io~'!iui~· He em?.h~-sized thd thure is- unpruc?dunted - ~ :•cm1sel-y·an!l- stt;rva-ti.one.mong th~",:J_ev1~-·- 1j>ernted uungnry because Jews were robued of ... ,.: all their ·possessions by pro-Nuz-i-·Hu, ns_ prior to the entrance of th~ ItedArmy. . ·... -~- ~:,,}';~· -_- . . ''Especially pr~cllrioqs is. tn~'_ciiit~~:tio~ of scores of thousands of Jowish children whoso~i'ents have _dt!Wr ·been kil-led, or deported to Germany for.forcod la~ bor, o_r_llel!t_J;o _Q~wiooim 1 11 he stat'eii,-::·:c11,Thei~umb_e~",fcl_eaths among these children ia incr~usinc dnily1 as u result. of. stnr.vi:\ti(in. In uddi tion to tho grce.t noodof-i'-ooil.1 there is .. ulso un· urgent nco<\ _for_- clothe:s-':·r•fld- shoes_ for _the so- .orpiJP.ns-. 11

Tho rcconsti tuted Jewish oominuni ty of Btidupcst hr.s. succoed~d in ostnhlishing speciv.l institutions for Jewish chUdrem, ·but those ·institutions c-nn shelter only nbout 1,000 children, There ·nrc about 11 500 Jewish children shelt<.re-d in· privc>te. hmitus 1 ·but they _t.re unuwrcre of tho fx.ct 'thut they nrc Jewish> the !Judapest loud~r reported,

Specir.l efforts, .he sidd1 r.re being mado to urrEngo thut as many children ns possibk· should go to Palestine.

Beginning with next woek n Zionist wookly newapnper will be published in Budr.pest, It is L\lso expected thc.t a Zionist conference will take plr.ce 'thero before the month is over, A Jewish school wns opened there: this week, but. there is r.n acute shortnge of Jewish toachurs, becnuso almost nll of them wor" either r.ll·.ssttcrod or 'ao­ ported, The llochulutz organization in Budupost hus rusumed its r.ctivi tios _r.nd ostab~ lishcd agricultural training courses in tho suburbs of the city, tho Jewish lender doclarod,

' .· STATE DEPfJ.,TMENT NJ\Y INVITE REPHESENTATIVES OF .T'?/0 JJ.c'IIISI!.GHOUFS TO SAN------p;(,'lflCISCO ' - - 1/ASHD!GTON, April 9t (JTA) -- The Jewish TolegrO.phic Agonof wi~s today in­ formed by unofficiul sources thut the stnte Dopartmont is considerinG invitint; tho Americun Jewish conu.li'bbo<3 und tho Amcricun Jewish conferonoo to send ropresentativos to the United National conference at San Francisco•

Those ropro"ontatives would form part of a cross-section of American orgalli­ flntions which the stato Depv.rtmont plnns to invito in response. to u deluge of requests which havo boon pouring in, it was pointed out., Through a State Dope.rtmcnt lias on officer those organizations, inoludint;~ probr.bly, fou,r lubor bodic~. will uo kopt in touch with what c;ooa on ut tho Confbrence and-Will be-ennbled to -prosei1t their views inf'ormally to tho conference.• .- i-

J.T.A.- NEWS i

JEWISli AGE!!CY DOES NOT llEMEVE s;.N FiL.iliCI~CO HILL DECIDE PALESTINE'S Fl>TE JEitUSALEM• April 9. · (JTA) -- The Jewish Ai>enoy has no reason to believe that the fate of Palestine will be decided at the Security conference of the United Nations which opens at san F'ranoisoo at the end of this month, Dr •. !lernard Joseph, the Mo;ency's legal adviser, declared at a press conf"renoe today1 J,lthou;;l;l Dr• Chaim w~·izrne.nn und Duvid Ben-Gurion may arrive in the United states shortly before the opening of the San Francisco Conference, .it is not clear yet whether thoro will be any necessity for them to c,o to sun Francisco, Dr,., Joseph said, Despite this the Jewish i>;;ency will send several observers to san ~'r!lnoisoo 1 1 who will however ·in no way officially represent the Agency, he added. 1 1 Dr. Joseph took issue with LOrd Devonshire 1s statement in the House of Lords in which the Under-secretary of the_ Colonial Oi'fioo deolr.red that the British Govern­ men.t hns inforrn.ction ·that Jews from Europe do not uant to ,;o to Palestineo "This allct;ation•" Dr• Joseph stated, 11 iS)l·bs.olutely untrue. We ure being deluged. by hun- ~ ~~ds 'of. thousands of demnnds for·l.rnmi;;_r·O.tion certif'icc-.tes." lie revealed thut ut - present there arc 3 500 inunig;ra'\;iilfi_;;Q-.:;rtifictttes rernr.ininG under the terms of ~y 1 ··the Yfhi te PC pur

LOHDON, April 9. (JTJ,~ -- 11. three;..point prog;rum suggesting that the san Francisco ·conference tukes ~tCJ,J~ to outlaw. rncinl and religious discrimination after tllli war wus submitted todny to Foreign Seont'-'ry Anthony Eden by the Hr.tional Commit­ tee f'or the t;escue of People from Nuzi Terror 1 hondud by MC-!.'l,tca~S Crew nnd tho Arch­ bishops of Cunturbury, Westmins;·ur and york. The prot;r(lm urges&·

1. Estnblislun6nt of u multi-luterul oonvontion regarding ail international strmdurd of' rights scouring the protection of lifo and liberty of tho inhabitnnts of all countries, rGgardless of their oribin, nr.tionr.lity, rao<>, faith or lanr;m

z. promulgution of national laws und creation of nppropriuto international leg;nl instruments providing thut unti-rnoi!.\1 ,,ctivitics and incitement against racial and religious groups, us well as discrimination ur;ninst them, nrc to be considered violr.tions of' crill'inul law. 3. Negotir.tion of an international agroemont for the elimin!.\tion· of stnbe­ lessncss. While stutolessness exists, however, persons affected should be under protective jurisdiction of un international or~unizntion. suitable identity documents which will be isnuud to them should be recognized us vnlid by nll nations • No stnto­ less person should be compelled to rE,sume his i'orrncr nc.tionr.li ty. Jo L, Bri0rly~ Oxford professor oi' Intornutionul Lnw, whose opinion prosumc.b­ ly determined tho of:fioinl uttitute oi' the nritish Govcrll!l1f'lnt townrds tho question of wnr crimes, published nn r.rticlc today expressing the view thr.t German crimes ngninst their mm nationo.ls, Jews and others, ure not '"'r crimes in tho strict11 sorisc, c.nd therefore 11 dculing with them under the forms of lnw \wuld be mqokeryo

GJ';i:W,lJS SET DA11ISJI S'iNAGOGUE AFIREJ DESTROY CENTURIES-OlD~ STOCKHOLM, Jl.pril 9. (JTA) -- Tho sydvonsk" Dagbludot todny reports that Gorman soldiers sut refire the syna;;ogue in A.r.lborg, Dorunr.rk1 and completely destroyed the building with its oonturics-old Torr. he • J .T,Ji., lW:WS --3 -


P.i.lt!S 1 April 9~ ( JTA) -- J, cache of Jowish literary and art truisuros stolon by thc G. rmens from ull over Europe was discovered yesterday at Hungen, Germany, .ty a unit of the Third J,rrrry led by a Jewish lieutenant who fled from Austria six yenrs e.go, it was reported here toduyo

In addition to ccrt trc!lsures,_ including ffi!lnuscripts dr:t:i.ng from the four­

teenth century 1 there w<1a found !l complc te file of clippings from foreign newspapers concerning Jewish questions, This hcd been used by oro Alfred RosunbGrg, tlie No.zis t 11 expat11 on r!loi!ll theories, us !l basis for his c.tt!lcks on Jews.

Tho bulk of the collection, including 200 p!lintings: was found in !ln ancient cr..!'tle, which hr.d been the contr-r.l:,co_llection point for iJ_osenberg 1 s rcseo.rchers • Tl!o . ~~ lie'itpnc.nt rlho found'thc c[)che \'ms:.f(:~bert Schoenfeld of Brooklyn, who hc.d·bcen v.n _, """'__ -"'~ u_tt_orncy- in .:~us"Wio.. _;.~-..---.:.-* ·:.._ ,... - PEiiSONS ;.CCUSED OF CRIMES AGAINST . .iEwS: ,VITL_L BE FiitST ltUlll>!UAN Willi Cf;I!illfi>LS__]~ TlliED Buc'I§.msT, April 9.-~JTA) _-- ;turnLmians charged with the persecution r.nd mur­ der of hundreds of thousands of Jews··vii-l'l:'-·bo tried before any other wc.r criminnls 1 Minister of Justice Lucretiu Pr.trnscanu told tho Jewish Telegraphic j,gency todc.y in an exclnsivc interview. The-tri!lls will· begin c.s soon us preliminary cxc.minations, be­ for~ y;;;ich survivors of Transnistrian camps are testifying, are completed.

J.t tho sumo time, 1!ro Putrascanu assured the JTA correspondent that houses c.nd npr.rtmcnts from vihich Jews wcro ousted during the Antonescu regime will be re­ turned to them on April 23, in accordance with tho decree on restoration of property issued aevcrr.l months a.go. ·

I; fcrring to u recent decree which divided offenders into two cntogorios1 0 11 11 vmr criminc.ls 11 c.nd those c.ccused of being responsible for the disustcr of tho count­ ry," the minister said P"rsons charged with ostccblishing ghettos and concontrr.tion cami;s for Jc11s, nlthou,)l fe,lling into the lo.tter ccctogory, for whioh milder punish­ ments c.rc usuclly provided, will be linblc to the dcr.th sentence,

Tho trials \'!ill take place before the new Peoples 1 Tribunals, consisting of u mc.g;istrc.tc und six civilians representing rcll sections of the population, Thoso chr.rgcd ,-:ith initiuting o.nd organizing the pogrom in Jassy, in 19411 during whioh thousande · of Jev/S were murdGred, will be tried in Buohf\rest, while those who cnrried out the orders will be sont to Jc.ssy for trinl in nccordnnce with _tho desires of the city's nopulation. J/ir, Fatrascanu blamed the long do lay in bringing these criminals to jus­ tice on saboto.gc lJy members of the Natione.l Poasc.nt e.nd Nution"l Liber~>l pr.rtios nho we-re in the! prt. vious cabinets.

PALESTii'IE FLOATS NEW $41 000,000 BOND ISSUE; EXPECTED TO BE OVEH-SUBSCi:IBED JEi.USALEM, April 9. (JTl•) -- Public sale of the second issue of Palestine bearer bonds began today. Financial circles expeot tho.il tho entiro 1asuo of ono million pounds will be subscribed and ovel'·--subsoribed before the end of the dc•Y• :.:.

-4- 4/10/45 .


NEYf YOi.K, April 9o (JTA) -- J, huge program for feeding Jewish: internees in lnbor nnd concentration camps in Germany. hns been initinted ay· the Wnr Refu;;ee Boo.rd, throuc;h the efforts of its executive director Brigo.dier-Genero.l Willio.m 01Dwyer1 it wo.s nveo.led here todo.y at a press conference of the Joint Distribution coimnittee !lddresscd by Moses A• kaviit. secretc.ry [of the orgr.nization, nnd presided. over by

Jose ph C, riymr.n 1 executive vice-chflirma>\o

The food will be brought into Germany from ~cutrv.l countri6s on trucks·by representc,tives of the International Red cross, The J, Do C• has been sending food to JcYiish internees in Gcrmr.n camps, Mro. kv.vitt revealed. He reported thnt according to the lr.test informntion received by t}le JDC, there are about 140,000 Jews, mostly IIun­ e;r.ri~.n, boine; used by the Germcns us slc.vo lcborcrs in the Vicnnn rec;ime, Thoro are nls6 r.b01,1t 10,000 Jews in the Bergenbe·l:icn .. cump, nec.r lln.nover, which is now ubou·b to -~'"~~to t!1e-o.dvc.nc'in;; British JlJ:'mY• iilll.n:Y>Jews are still interned in Theresinstudt, _ .~. -s["id.- . ~ -- - :~ ...~, ~::_:-~-;~~-~-:..-~~ The Joint Distribution conunittmf•is pow sending o.n t\vernc;e of 60 tons of food r.nd clothinv·;,. v;eek to :Polish Jews in."t'heJJSSll., ccnd in liberded Polnn

It vms disclosed c,t the oonforellCO that the J, D• c ,. bus spent $101 0001 000 durin;; the first four months of this yetar for relief for Jews ubroc,d, Tho lcctost c.p;:cnls for relief reooived. by the J, Do c, during the lust few dtcys "re from 150~000 Je\lish survivors in Budo.pest c.nd from the surviving Jews in ·Greece.


CAI~:o, April 9o (JTA) -- After prolonged ncgotic.tions nnd delibcrdions o. 11 !ii.;h Conmuttcc11 of Pulostine ].rubs hc.s been formed1 consisting of heO.ds of "11 tho lirab prcrtics in the country, the cairo rndio reports.

The broudcr.st so.id thc.t the first mc;eting of the oonunittee wc.s held on Fri­ dr.y, when it YIUS decided to found nn "Arab Lund ;:oclo.mo.tion Investment company" 0[\pi­ tulizcd c.t one million pounds. shnres of one pound pnr vo.lue will bo sold,

The assembled leaders o.lso expressed thanks to the Ar"b governments for the 1 recent cstccblishment of u Leu:;ue of J.rub Nations und for the r.ppendix to the leo.guo s ch"rtcr which cc.lled for nn independent l•rab str.te in Palestine,


NE'If YO~cK 1 J,pril 9o (JTl,) -- Eliozer Kuplo.n 1 troo.surcr of tho Jewish ]lgcnoy for pclcstinc, ho.s urrivod here from Jorusnlcm by air. Nll'o Kc.plan vlill coordino.to tho economic activities on behc.lf of Palestine being conducted by vnrious Americr.n JO\




AIR MAIL I Office__ of ~the Treasury Embassy- of the UnIted States Representative

-~,~~--3s ~,··1o·rel1ee 1-~o~d~~, . !1~~'-~~~:~~-e;::~~;:~;~e -~,Jre

he to -~-8 :h_~·~_edin tel:; to 3 -R•:_rc:P'cse. 'ic,c_s / c;--- S 1 .:-·l ".fl.l''T 02'" O".i.2:" ~~~-

·cl•C> ~!.:~1hnr1 a!,:('_fvsd :-;-et·~·_:ort I~il_tz::i 9.-_er~ \r':_ c~ ~( -~18.'~ a:r:-rn.n •_·e_d to l~e"j(~g~;~e\J~~e''~{~~~je ~~---~~~~',- :'~~~~' 2;~\: '\j~~~~~i';,; ~'7~;~~~a~~'-%{e l~;~ ~enere.J. ~~1-illa-!1~1,-=-'G-~1-ie-..r·-- of' :~~liC1-:in~~ CD.~1D.'c-~ t:.... f~~:~-_j.:-)_.~~9~?-- pl,~,-~1: t::.~e~ ot~:--r":~{' -~~l:{rl~~ _-·1'/f:J 1~~-;:~t~-~~re(i._.: :Io stB.te(i_ nt. t:1f!.t ti,..le- t118. t ~-:.e ·,·uts unahle to r··iV0 -:-:-11s =rin-v- -t1.res because -of_:-t1Ye ~~~~-~~!-~~; ~ ~~~:t~~ ~~~~;, ~~ ~~;c~;l~~~ti: ~~l' ~~u~: ~~%:~~~?;~~~ :~:~ ~~~~~d r~:roosr;·-and as~<::e.cl. if:.._it -·.icre ·.)QDfJii)~e for nn to- use a nq.rt_ of -.this t'l)D.ce. !-Ic e_:-:pJ.~J_ned that t~10 ;·,1att8:r?- had _1)een tnJ:elYU!)·-~,Vit1j_th8 A;:1erican i1et Cross in .iashi~1.r·ton nnd -that snch r1as ou-t of- t!.1e ~;_ue ~.ti_on. -- ·;!e -- e~;:':1~8.si 7,E.;d_ . .,.!?~-~ ~- ~7~ c:.e~i rerl -not. to.-.-.inter.f'ere in 1 ;~~t:~~J tK;, ~\~'' ~o~l~ s~~;l' t~f c~~~f c ~J~i;;~~~~ ~~; 1 e ;;,~~~;~~ : ,~,~~~~~~cl ~'arc'-1-.2(;-, nri:l_ :tot :j_fJ 1~n~ra w":1o.t··cOD.lc1 be done, r


- 2 -

Late- in the afterrwo:ri. of JL as_ favor,ai.ered the ci tuation and in view. of the breakthrou?;h across the nhine, sup!)l;r requirements were such that he was unable to comply ':Ii th any of our requests. 'l'he · "'eneral did point 0'-'-t the ~up-,-,ly problem involved and empl1asized that the .trend •ms showin[! a -tremendous breakthrour.h which made his transportation position so •acute 'that truclw vrl-iich had been _used for unloadinf ships' vmre having-to be dispatched to the front in orclerto,supply the P-~l6rican armies; He nientioned furthermore that it appeared-that ships would have t

the transportation situati-on ar;ain-- and would do11 his best to meet our requfreme-nt's-. He promised a de-finite ";i.es or "no" ansv1er · on-c\1ec1ner-Jday and it •:ras arran(~ecl. at that time that we should call ..

- -3 -

on _h~n_, a:t ___T~~;3Q -~•JP.:._-!::_-:,r_arC~1 ~{:~-.--:_ AI't~r:- -_tf:t~·s_--m~etfr.. ::;_-_yie ___\~e~"B s(_?_r~:m:·J~"la~ --~l~pi--esse~f-_beqause _it ~'iUs_ -C.l~a~~ to--.u~ f'ro:m ·our-_qonver- :sa tion- t"!~~th t~e._ G~ti~ral-: tha_t ___ .tre!~end6us c~~mrinds --v....-ere 1Jein£r r:1.ilde on hiia f'qr_ tpu~)~S :to sUpp)-::;r the_-·f'r.o~:t:• . -. - --

.On r t?-e- ~ ~f._t~rri6?rt-. ~t -__ r~o.e f?_-t?aY~, ·._!-.~2-~~?l)~--- 27"' -_ w:e- -r:~- c~~ v~:~1 ~--~_:; :p~_~}: ·;;i::~m:i1l~i~~i'it~~irm~~i~~~·!~~:;~sm:t~~~~1~i~}i:~;:. set t{1is-)nOetin:~ -f6r. the:_ .afternoon: _91' =a::ti•cli.'?H.

on we_dnE{sc}aJ-·-r:f6rn:i)~~~~-)~~r-C17.- 28, "We c-a~I:led~~--on G'erie1o.a1 :Gi~llaitd w1:J.o:_ ~ecei ve-d us in the"' n:6=fJ/3~:(~_qe.-_-._of' _.Col9neJ 0e'nf'ro ,_ _'I'he~ General .~if:~~ :~tj!e:dtl'fat he l1ad ea:~v:fqfi~t;;~ti1e transportation situation: and vias --'---=-~-:_ .~ un.ao_l.e,-_ t:O _-m~-t -our reourt,_er:l~- :~:~:_:In-_ th~-s~ meeti1:.r~~ v;e_ ~m_aQ.e- e·(rery 1 _.,, ·:~i~i~~ti·~,;~~t:;~: •• t~ ~~!i;J;;}I,. ~~l< f~tni~~r~ i~e d=~~~~~~ttellinc the'Gerieral t'-111-t we wel!ebot_o<;r~pl'lsed andiextrentely :disapuointed sine~ ~i_t ~~"'-olxr ·unde~s-£'2._~?-Cl~~f"~:_:p~\~-~~_-?ur -m'i~sion· ~1as real_ly_-_ llO_t-- to "obtain" trilcl:s but t"o woi'k :out•,'ph~ detai.ls f'or ;:;ettin'C them to Swi tzerl2~ncr a_nd V1e -th&.1·Fht tli.~.:~-.-~-tP~--1;.:(-r.,.I:'/ Pad se~t- a_ rathe~- ~ tr9~G­

cabl-e r-~G0IJ'I.rnei1din.~ .. th?: t_·_.they~-b~:-- -!~·i VEln_ u.s •: It ru~.S ·ou~ e impressiOn~ that the recomrriendation was tantamount to fin instrnction; I-t:theri developE>d t1;at the 'ien€lraJ.o-had; not seen the a:e;t;_~itl cable-frdr,· The:General then said'· he vmuld give us enough tires to_ equip:f':l.ve tru_cks';---' At this point I told him·that I ap­ preciated the fact that he was giving us the thirty tires·and asked .'

if- _h¢- -__ c~n-~1~1 !;.9};; pq_~_s_ibl~r raise- thi_-s fi-[_D.il.,e t<;r·_.J-90 i p9i)1tiil(1 out t'::1at- 'StiCh an prioun~~--would -be-_-a subst·antia.l help·-io-us',; rl he Gene_ral __ lool>:e-c-l_·-ver-y_: ~n~C0.-_--sHrPi'_t$~-c1 at--·_th:J,-~~- :req\l_e_-s ~ .~anq_ -·:J?ta ~_ed­ that. he coccldnot 9ossibly i'1cl'ease the. 30b:,' on':' tire and that if'.-_ ne _o~1.ly; a~pr~-~~~t:e(t ~l).e _:cr:-i tic a~ _J;?QSi t~o~- _on -.tJre-~- _V~f! _~vo_u~~- _-­ real=ize -:tha-t he- had~-- r:r,O:PE? 11 a~l_--o.u_-t;;!~ fc;n~· _u:;;. _ A__t _~tl\~~c o__ o_int~ ~1-~:-:·0r US Vle't'e conviriced that. Y.fe hD.rl ~ott en everythilTS ?ut of -the AJ:.rTy tt,._.2~_t- ·we_ -~'?uld. -- -Ac_Gq_r~~i:np~=l v, \"le t:Q~-l;l~:ecl_ -~th_e _(~en:e~al-_,_atj_~;-,-,f_ef;t?~ _9~ t:~e-l..niderstandin~ ,_tp.at-.vr_e_-:;IQUld ~c~-l~- ~th~-~ ~-l~~t- t~~-y -a,_ricf_-.-O~e--i)t!-~ c_;~n

touch 1:ti--th- the_ a~l~)~_o}!riu-te sLl~ply peoPle w~'l_Q were-- to- n6Pk -01.it cle­ teils _-ror- deliv:ery.e "~~~?Jl*~l~i~i~~1;i;1i~~i~~~~f~~~j,!!~~~l~~iti:~nl i~l::~lii;i;:g! ~a~~~;~1d~~~.,~:~t!J~!il~~;:!~:~;:;,~~t~s~'l.'·' ;~inutes of _t:1e E!.eetin~:· --;,h:tch ~I- ·e::pe-ct'--~.t6 .T'eceive an~.r -day and ;·.fill f0:ro~se.rr:1 -to<~_iOV. b~~- aire:.ail •prol::t-~-tl~? ::\\jPxt_'---r~-i5e~~)t. (o~l_oYiirtg the above-men-t:LoJ~~cf:mG,e:tin:c KatZi-~i g~c1 :IcO~Cl~:~ncl uent to see · PPadervant ,_, the IRG .deh3ga te- ii1 _Paris,_ to ar;range for the transp-ortation Of i;h_e -gaso.line ·and lubricants by-the· -rnc. I did not attend this nweting· sincecthere were ~ fe~f details that. had to be taken :care of .. and si:-:tce ]!:ccleJ:land .was· of the impi~ession t~a t -Prad_erv~nt SjO~{e-_ :611-~~r·-_-:;~rericl~ arid_ lnaylJe· G8~!fian. ( rt- sUhse- - quentl;; rlevelo:)ed ~bat t:1e neetlnr· nan cOilducted in Ei1r;lish bt

'rhi:~~s(l.ay-,-~~~-l~ch 29, \"ffJ_ cal\e9. a~~--J nen~_r~_l_ r_}~1-1nii--~i. ~ s---- o-ri'_i?-e_.~· ~~d-­ v;ere_ :r)lJ.f in tou.ch__ YTi-th Lt. Col~ ,J. ;·r. -J~_oore -\·lho--~1arr -DG_en told ~-~Y tho­ rieneral to see that_ -the-. detarls for the_ deli vei:o~.r_--Pf :3nsoli,ne --and tires •:·:ere \7orl(8d -out. Col. no ore rrave us- action v1i th n cani tal "A'', In our presence he instructed--the Colonel in c1mrce of the­ petro10um sectiori immediately:; to r.;i ve opdePs by telephone· .to. . ::araeille to sbi':l the c-as and ])alanced lubricants and be die tatod a letter to l.Je sicned~ by the appropl"iate pernon in. the Ad;iutant General's office- statincc that such_arranr.;ements had been made. ( \'/e felt that Yle- needed--s:Uch a let tor i1i ordei' for lTcClellaii:cl to at tempt to r;et. ac).vancements -of I'1C gasoline-before .. o'ur ,shi:>ments actiwlly­ arrived.)- ·col. ''oore ·cave ciPrlers to. t!1e tire· section for the tires arrc:T tranS!)Ort to the Syriss bdrder tm~n of '[e_r_riercs where they' would be picked up by a Of- the tRG:.-a:t.-nooit :on~ ru~:s-dE;ti{j- Ai?_f-il 3-.

--- i~~-- _ou~ c_~nv~:rs-P:t-iQl\8~-:'rd. t~1 "GnB ~-dQ19!letiD.~h~:;r_(~~:::o_f __ th:Er ------­ petroleum- section \'ie r:atheref] that if vie; YWre able tO get ,B_gf'- 1 1 ;~e~~~~i ~Ii~ c~~ii ~~ ·- i~6 ~;~~~- ~~~n!l~~~t!~~~ ~r~~i~:~o ~~;~o;~~~~lcl' orders ·y1er_e s~n)~- f:~on_\ _Y/~Shin~-~C?!1• __ · Ka:tz.~C_i-,_- )~C8le_ll~~~1_ -ar:td ---~-: _ta~1~ed -ov:e:r _-tl1i:3 ma_~ ~er ~-1~~~ --,ne f-~~ t --tl'?--~ t~_-n-o __ r~yU.es-~G --fOr -~~-r~ ·:ac1d-~_~tio_na~- . ·a.11ot1:-te~t- -~~1C?l~l~~ _-0~_-mac~e l!_ntil_ <;;If:? de_ter~Tiine~ ___ t1:-·at: V{e >.,oU_t-~~ p8.v.e~ S'J.f'.fic ient _v0hiql8~-~~ ~o~_:US~ i i::. It _is_; "?~fs_s_i_Q le_-- tha-t r~~ tzki-_' ~n~l. -- ~-~cG)-BllanC.; Y~i ~l· c:or~nn·n_~sa:t_e- ui ~h- yo~. on .t}?.iS ·ooin-t ·artCr -the~r ~have canVas serY' the :_s_i-t;tgi;t.t~:ni. it1 _Sni tzer~~nd. ,"~~~, '1~Y,~!:~i§i~;tt~Y~~I\,1~~~;~::l~;:RK:~;:~::g;~~I;::. make such an .aJ.locat:tQp__ bllt

After v1e. hacl nade 011r itrranr;ements \·;ith Lt. Col. Foore v1e tel t that it would. be Elx'tr(On1ely·helpful• ii' we could telephQYie Gen~ra.l:-~T 1 c=..t/ye~l:'-: -~_119. -_.yo_u· iil).~:1> 0i:tLe- .an-,-)J.-9-~~t~..;the;...m~n\l t$:--aCCbt!-_P,_t_ --~-f \'/hat-had t-ransDired 'ancl •:1hat we -had:-accon10lisl1ed. -In order :to out .- t:'lrt)l_~r-~1 -~l1e ·call -·{r_~ --savJ ~ Col.- 1~6yer an<.l-_f-ihal-lv- -t~lked liim':::Lnt~ "~ r>er~n~ t-tini<~-s;_-. t"c?:·-_:rrJa1{6 tpe call. ()l)~p.in~n~f: pel.,ni~=ss~.-q~ -to Corrr~i~l_ni- ~ca te vii th :.:.;enera_l- C:• ,-Dnyer is _a story- in

·.. On Saturda-y, ]:ra'rch 31, vie learned throi_i;,,.h a cable Ylhich was sent c-Eo' Hci::lelland but ;which he clid-not•re_ceive befor.e he left- that the Swiss were unable to furnish a locomotive as had ori,o;inally been o.r,;reed to trike the evacuees fror

,_:- ... ·._·


...•. •·· .·· ~o~r,oenoe. A' t>oi >~t ffiJ:u:,~,CO"'''""" '""; ! oou>d not ---F----"--a-i;neitEi-t'n-ic&c-Eeet~np~w-icth · JBJ.-t:M~i-ccan~Nt-1-in- be cat~o:ther"ur.c- .·. · · gent Treamtry l>~atter dev\)loped v1hich reQuired· my 11ttention! Katzki tells rr1e that in his meetin'c w:i, tlT llalin' he inf'ormed: him that the COl~ference cin evacuation had been arrimped bv~.the. Arloi-~ ~~u1._n hac} Q~~~y -n1e_t_ ~t.--tl18 -J~mOns>y as_-~ co_nV?~~e~c~·;J;o_!'-.--i~s,~. -):l~ " -also teJ.ls~ me-- --tD.at ~:~al-i-n-· cb~~1nlq.ined tlui_t._ he diQ.--rio~- ·:~et iodO. ~fJei_Vj_G_e---~:n{t- o·:r ·the ·--Iu'18-i:ican -ao-ve-rrun-ent- Oil Id-e- -~-~-qU8S-~s~.-- ~--·r---e~~­ plft?-Der}- to.: !~EL~~ki ,- -?~~l-iP,?~~- a tti t_ude -a~- r_- have :~l_r~D.qy-·des(;!_~~b~_d -i-:G-in let_~e-rs~_to th~ :2oard-,.--n'~m~l::;,·he }1as.-n~ver attempte_9.-::to ?et, in touch with the \IRB repres()ntative '1ere b'ut insists that -s-inc_e_- __1)?-: r~~re_~e_n,ts- an ;inte_);l?-~t~9!~~,~-- .. or_garlj.z_"at-~or~~-~-e m_ust h~ve .~,~;rr~;~~~m~my~~:i;~~~r~~::l~tl.:i~F~~~'1:}g::,::" all occasions;· · '~' · · · · ),.;" · ~· ·

"""c '.. ·, ·,< < .1) . . • ·, ::··,. ,· . ., Since ·ue had· heard no.thinc .fr.o•<<.~cf;lelland to indicate tlT!lt th-8re- n~re diffiC~ll ties ?..a tzki _. aX.i?Q:ii.f.~~tl(tr8.risrJ0rt-ation-. i.tnd left fo_~~ _S':li tzerland _6~1 tbe ~igh't Of'_ A~rL*>~1-~ ~ _On t~e :a~~~rnoo:..'l _o:f_ AnriL 3 J'received a tel•en-;r>ac~-·f'l~of,l·''>'reasarv directi1p me to ''e'- --t~rn to --io~don~ .to talce ch~r:!~ _o/ ;tl~~- of'fic-~ ~s; soc~- ~S t~e -'?:.40-~ nec~otiatioris v1ere completecl'.and·stati.ng that the ':inB·concu'precl in such instructions. A(!cordin(?il;i) >; !cad·e nlans to reti.1rn to London O"l April 5. ' < - on_ 1 l1hi1-i>s~~faY; -~P-~i.l Q, -r:- re6ei:\f_ed :3~_ -:t~-1e:j-~~:an_1--. :f-ron -~.:cCXcJ.,l_itn.d . in Vlhich he -Sta·ted._that_,the Vrench Customs of'fic_ial"s itt -Pontat•licr ·ri~;s 'lei'riereS- ref-used t·o allovr the -{RC to Pick UP- the -ti-re_s- -until Listructio':l.s had bemi received from the appro;)ria te W.riistr;/in France; I immediately c:;;Lled upon Pradervant,. and I'Je. put ih a t.elephone . call for J'. Pleven, liinister of Finance, who was unavail­ able at .the tirie, ":ecause of' my departure scheduled f'or the _ afternoon·: v1as unable_ to wait· until PleVen ·was itva:t:Lable. H6•:•;e_ver, . Pradervant assured me_ that he would see that appropriate fnstr.uc­ tions were sent to the l<'rench customs officials th(l(cla;,r. FcClelland's cable which stated the custo1•is difficulties indicated that the pror:Pam was goine well. He stated "'!lith -good luck should o:et five -trucks under way_ by Saturday ailcl ten more_ next week -ai­ thouch i'eotraphic area still accessible is rapidly shrinkinj?". I ret1irned to London ol1 'l'hursday eveninr;; April 5. _

The above,- I believe, gives a fairly accurate if' rough des­ cription and chronology of'_ our mission. It is my f'eeling·ahd'I think it is share.d by both JJcClelland and Eatzld that we accom­ plished all that \'/8_ possibly could under the circumstances. Bearinr; iri. mind th.ythinrc;that could have been done that '.you:td havf) •resultecl in obtainl.n~--sttch trucks. All' of us have every reason to ·believe~ that the ~1 t.ernati ve plan. :t;or the use of French trucks and Swiss Army trucks (tires supplied by Army) viill be sufficient to-:c·arry"out our obfectr-ves equally as effective as would-h~ve been-done by i.tse,of the requeste·d Army truclcs. - 7 -

"- _- "- I Bl).jO~,..ed the .i~i-sS-i_o\i yer;/ much and 'a-;Jpreciatecl your thinkiil0\ 9f:_- m~--~~-~-r~ t~is_-~ _j_:~b. ~n~T :exp~l~i~ric-e:?_-wi-~h:.FS:t~J{~-=--~n¢!---·7 }lcClellaild'ilere very pleasant and I ~have :noth:tn;:::buthic;hest­ pr~iSe_ ::f_or ~b~tq._ ~f_ -thel:fi. _ :r'h~J~ EFr~~poth _~:_1-:ful~ of th8~r __ jo?~'---~and sincer.ely interested in seein~. that ev(lrythi-ng is·done to fur­ ther the Board-'s objective~; I ain cert¢-in that the.tvm of' ther' will- r;;al~e--- t"'::-!i-n,::::·s_-)1\J._nl in s·\'ti-tz_et~land ~

-I 1{no~:r ~~o\1~ -r;i~l.?~ -en:jO;?'--!o~r :·:0~~-k~_-~ri ~1~~ th.e_:--!~en~J:al. He Certf!,.il).ly _h~s the n_am8 --Of-~Et-=~nJ.Jln ~"ThO:. ~~e~-s--:_-thi_i1r:'s doil.8_; ·p18·ase tell him that I" ar1 lOoki-nf:"' for~·Jarcl tO t1akirl:~ his -aJ:!queintarie:e so:ne day. ..

------· ------

'-. ~: ~ . ··.. - ... ·:;:~.;.., IJNTB) STATES Of AMERICA••• TREASURY DEPARTMENT • •Embassy of the un~ted _st~tes

oFFICIAL susniE:ss VIA AIR MAIL "'- '11.-

!:ins. ?lare!1CC ~odQl, ~sst~tn~~~ ~~~c~t~ve 1 ~r~ctqr, -.-;nr ~~n:;:"ureo ·:oo.y>c1 i Yi'eHsFr:T Dc:ps!"'t.J·~ent, - ·::a·g~-d.r..~--to~-~ ?E·, ~). S. - ... ·. A'lJIJB ---


DE'X'ARTMENT INCOMING DIVISION OF j_ OF CENTRAL SERVICES STATE TELEGRAM:i'/ED TELEGRAPH SECJION OIV!:iiJN OF ~ _ ~ / -~--/;/ C[I.'TRA! ID-i-1420 Sfti\Ji-9tES'1(uA /fJ- Z_ . /;;_, , Distribution of 0-<:.. true reading only by 1".C5 •'•:-:> c· DatP.d Auril 7 1 - 19.{§/ \:V::::'<>

!t / Additionll:l tn Legation1 s 1988, April 6 regarding ICRC 1 s Division of Special Assistance's plan for trucking relief to civil detainees ih Germany. Five Renault trucks instead of six now scheduled leave Switzerland A_.)ril 9 for Luebeck carrying 16 tons ' l m~' ({) :,..; ~§ relief goods and gasoline. This convoy if feasible ~ L ~~,'·... ~; ~ 11vill offload supplies at Bergen Belsen en route. <· ~ ro ICRC plans have these trucks remain and work out of :-. Ul ~ ~~ :;:; >- LuclJeck distributing WRB lJarcels, shipped over from 8~~ z ~ ~ Goteborg, to concentrations of detainees at Ravensbrueck ~ t.l rl \,.. ~ ~ i nd Hamburg-Neuengame. ICRC is now checking with ·-----poteborg_on number of \ffiB parce1s already.~t Luebeck ~of whig£_ committee hopes be able distribute ~;trea in question within coming three weeks. Present strese of Luebeck Hamburg area is motivated by ICRC fear that this region may soon be out off and by fact

DECLASSIFIED State Dept. Letter, s£r\ 9 1972 By R. H. Parka Date_ -2-, if2045, April 7, 6 p.m. , from Bern

by fact that no trucks are at present available in that zone for civil detainee relief. Committee is

accordingly anxious·. ~:.nd i~~.::_~~~!..3~.~1illJLQ.f transport to distribut·e it before it is too late •. .r _· __ ----~·- ...-.,~ .. -... -,.--"'··-----·-----~-----~------~~--·-··-···--· F.Qli1' more Rena:u;L'ta.1:r~;th ,ca~)aci ty of 3200 kilos each'schedule'd depart·A~;fi·l2 or 13 for Dachau. They ~11 also r~~~in this .a.z:ea to distribute parcels

to large number smalle;~ca~ps administered from Dachau.

ICRC further counts on being able ship within next '------'------·------ten days by rail to new ICRC depot at Ravensburg . -bet,ve~;·-;.:;;::-;-~~-~:-and l~u-::ch, b~:~:: of--;;:,x;- -~.,.,...-~-~----- ~ . -· -~---~------~------~----·---·· -·mat~·ly 50 ,ooo WRB parcels remaining in Sui tzerland• _____.,_-..J__. .. .-•• ---~---~-----..--•• ~------Plan is then to move these parcels on by trucks as rapidly as possible to accessible camps near Munich

and to east and northeast thereof ment;Loned-my-19aa •. -'------~~~~ This trucking will be done with 11 more Renaults which ICRC 1 s DSA is due to receive 'veek after next total agreed being 20. They will be operated by

::-:olin~ released to ICRC by SHAJl!F for ~IRB programf!._

first tan~- caz:I_e>a.

1 advance of Diesel· oil (Legation s 1981 1 April 5) will be (

\ !~' J • -3-, ;12045, April 7, 6 p.m. , from :-:ern

\·rill be made to ICRC today. Herbert Katzki is no1v in Geneva accelerating arrangements 1·1i th ICRC to make at least four more trucks available for \VRB shipment·s on basis tire.s and oil. riCRC informs. me··-th.ii:t in addition to abovel!lenti6ned trucks a small coirv~/-dJ'~~lve wood burning Swiss ··;.. trucks belonging .to comirt·er~iB:l transport concern of """' 2 Braendli in Basel wili i·eave- S1·1i tzerland next week

in effort to get through to Denmark to repatriate

Swiss citizens there. Braendli has agreed transport

ten tons of relief goods to women 1 s concentration camp of Ravensbrueck for ICRC,

The fou~ trucks which Sternb\lch we.s fortunately able to rent (Legation's 1740, Harch 23) left Switzer­ land on March 29 with ICRC assistance but heade_d.for ~sien~tadt rather than Bergen Belsen as previously reported.