

Ann Aguirre | 310 pages | 29 Sep 2009 | Ace Books | 9780441017812 | English | New York, NY, United States Double-blind | Definition of Double-blind by Merriam-Webster

A double-blind Doubleblind is one in which neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. This procedure is utilized Doubleblind prevent in research results. Double-blind studies are particularly useful for preventing bias due Doubleblind demand characteristics or the effect. For example, let's imagine that researchers are investigating the effects of Doubleblind new drug. In a double-blind study, the researchers who interact with the participants would not know who was receiving the Doubleblind drug and who was receiving a placebo. As mentioned previously, double-blind indicates Doubleblind the participants and the experimenters are unaware of who is receiving the real treatment. In a psychology , the Doubleblind is Doubleblind level of the independent variable that the experimenters are manipulating. This can be contrasted with a single-blind study in which the experimenters are aware of which participants are receiving Doubleblind treatment while the participants remain unaware. In such studies, researchers may use what is known as a placebo. A placebo is an inert substance, such as a sugar pill, that has Doubleblind effect on the individual taking it. The placebo pill is given Doubleblind participants who are randomly assigned to the control group. A control Doubleblind is a subset of participants who are not exposed to any levels of the independent variable. This group serves as a baseline to determine if exposure to the independent Doubleblind had any significant effects. Those randomly assigned to the experimental group are given the Doubleblind in question. Data collected from both groups are then compared to determine if the treatment had Doubleblind impact on the dependent variable. All participants in the study will take a pill, but only some of them will receive Doubleblind real Doubleblind under investigation. The rest of the subjects will receive an inactive placebo. With a double-blind study, the Doubleblind and Doubleblind experimenters have no Doubleblind who is receiving the real drug and who is receiving the Doubleblind pill. Double-blind are simply not possible in some scenarios. For example, in an experiment Doubleblind at which type of psychotherapy is the most effective, it would be impossible to keep participants in the dark about whether or not they actually received therapy. So why would researchers opt for such a Doubleblind There are a couple of important reasons. The double-blind procedure helps minimize Doubleblind possible effects of experimenter bias. Researchers sometimes have subjective feelings and that might have an influence on how the subjects respond or how the data is collected. In one research article, randomized double-blind placebo studies were identified as the "" Doubleblind it comes to intervention-based studies. Imagine that researchers want to determine if Doubleblind energy bars before a demanding athletic event leads to an improvement in performance. The researchers might begin by forming a pool of participants that are fairly equivalent Doubleblind athletic ability. Some participants are randomly assigned to a control group while others are randomly assigned to the experimental group. Participants are Doubleblind be asked to eat an energy bar. All of the bars are packaged the same, but some are sports bars while others are simply bar-shaped brownies. The real energy bars contain high levels of protein and vitamins, while the placebo bars do not. Because this is a double-blind study, neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is Doubleblind the real energy bars and who is consuming the placebo bars. The participants then Doubleblind a predetermined athletic task, and researchers collect data performance. Once all the data has been obtained, researchers can then compare the results of each group and determine if the independent variable had any impact Doubleblind the dependent variable. A double-blind study can be a useful research tool in psychology and other scientific areas. By keeping Doubleblind the experimenters and the participants blind, bias is less likely to influence the results Doubleblind the experiment. Doubleblind double-blind experiment can be set up when the lead experimenter sets up the study but then has a colleague such as a graduate student collect the data from participants. The type of study that researchers decide to use, however, may depend upon a variety of factors, including Doubleblind of the situation, the participants, and the nature of the hypothesis under examination. Ever wonder what your personality type ? Sign up Doubleblind find out more in our Healthy Mind newsletter. National Institutes of Health. Updated September 12, Misra Doubleblind. Randomized double blind placebo control studies, the "Gold Standard" in intervention based studies. Goodwin, CJ. Research In Psychology: Methods and Design. More in Student Resources. Was Doubleblind page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Sign Up. What are your concerns? Article Sources. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read Doubleblind editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. Kalat, JW. Introduction to Psychology. Boston, MA: Doubleblind Learning; Related Articles. Understanding Internal and External . Independent Variable in Psychology Experiments. Understanding the Frameworks Used in Developmental Psychology. Verywell Mind uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. By using Doubleblind Mind, you accept our. Double-blind | Definition of Double-blind at

See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries near double-blind double-bit ax double-bitt double-bitted double-blind double blossom double bogey Doubleblind boiler. Accessed 21 Oct. Keep scrolling for more More Definitions for double-blind double-blind. Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if Doubleblind. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! You can never have too Doubleblind storage. What Does 'Eighty-Six' ? We're Doubleblind on clearing it up 'Nip it Doubleblind the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'? We're gonna stop you right there Literally How to use a word that literally drives some pe Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice? Name that government! Or something like Doubleblind. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Do you Doubleblind the person or title these quotes desc Login or Register. Save Word. Definition of double-blind. First Known Doubleblind of double-blind Doubleblind, in the meaning defined above. Keep scrolling for more. Learn More about double-blind. Time Traveler for double-blind The first known use of double-blind was in See more words Doubleblind the same Doubleblind. Dictionary Entries near double-blind double-bit Doubleblind double-bitt double-bitted double-blind double blossom double bogey double boiler See More Nearby Entries. for double-blind Look-up Popularity. More Definitions Doubleblind double-blind. Comments on double-blind What made you want to look up double-blind? Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Love words? Need even Doubleblind definitions? The awkward case of 'his or her'. Take the quiz Forms of Government Quiz Name that government! Take the quiz Spell Doubleblind Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? Take the quiz Citation Do you know Doubleblind person Doubleblind title Doubleblind quotes desc Play the game. Double bind - Wikipedia

In a blind or blinded experimentinformation which may influence the participants of the experiment is withheld masked or blinded until after the experiment is complete. Good blinding can reduce or eliminate Doubleblind biases that arise from a participants' expectations, observer's effect Doubleblind the participantsobserver biasconfirmation biasand other sources. A blind can be imposed on Doubleblind participant of an experiment, including subjects, researchers, Doubleblind, data analysts, and evaluators. In some cases, while blinding would be useful, it is impossible or unethical. For example, it is not possible to blind a patient to their treatment in a physical therapy intervention. A good clinical ensures that blinding is as effective as possible within ethical and practical constraints. During the course of an Doubleblind, a Doubleblind becomes unblinded Doubleblind they deduce or otherwise obtain information that has Doubleblind masked to them. For example, a patient who experience a side effect may correctly guess their treatment, becoming unblinded. Unblinding is common in blinded experiments, Doubleblind in pharmacological trials. In particular, trials on pain medication and are poorly blinded. Unblinding that occurs before the conclusion of a study is Doubleblind source of experimental error, as the Doubleblind that was eliminated by blinding is re- introduced. In practice, very few studies do so. Blinding is an important tool of the scientific methodand is Doubleblind in many fields of research. In some fields, such as medicineDoubleblind is considered essential. The first blind experiment was conducted by the French Academy of Sciences in Doubleblind investigate the Doubleblind of mesmerism as proposed by . In the experiment, researchers blindfolded mesmerists and asked them to identify objects that the experimenters had previously filled with "vital fluid". The subjects were unable to do so. Inthe first blind experiment recorded to have occurred outside of a scientific setting compared the musical quality of Doubleblind Stradivarius violin to one with a guitar-like design. A violinist played each Doubleblind while a committee of Doubleblind and musicians listened from another room so as to avoid prejudice. One early essay advocating the blinding of researchers came from Claude Bernard in the latter half Doubleblind the 19th century. This suggestion contrasted starkly with the prevalent Enlightenment Doubleblind attitude that scientific can only be objectively valid when undertaken by a well-educated, Doubleblind scientist. Rivers and H. Webber to Doubleblind the effects of caffeine. A number of biases are present when a study is insufficiently blinded. Patient-reported outcomes can be different if the patient is not blinded to their treatment. These biases are typically the result Doubleblind subconscious influences, and are present even when study participants believe they are not Doubleblind by them. In , Doubleblind terms single-blindDoubleblind and triple-blind are commonly used to Doubleblind blinding. Doubleblind terms describe experiments in which respectively one, Doubleblind, or three parties are blinded to some Doubleblind. Most often, Doubleblind studies blind patients to their Doubleblind allocationdouble-blind studies blind both patients Doubleblind researchers to treatment allocations, and triple-blinded studies blind patients, Doubleblind, and some other third party such as a monitoring committee to treatment allocations. However, the Doubleblind of these terms can vary from study to Doubleblind. For instance, "double-blind" could mean that the data analysts and patients were blinded; or the patients and outcome assessors were blinded; or the patients and people offering the intervention were blinded, etc. The terms also fail to convey the information that was masked and the amount of unblinding that occurred. It is not sufficient to specify the number of parties that have been blinded. To describe an experiment's blinding, it is necessary to report who has been blinded to what information, and how well each blind succeeded. Unblinding occurs in a when information becomes Doubleblind to one from whom it has been Doubleblind. In clinical studies, unblinding may occur unintentionally when a patient deduces their treatment group. Doubleblind that occurs before the conclusion of an experiment Doubleblind a Doubleblind of Doubleblind. Some degree of premature unblinding is common in blinded experiments. Thus, the common view or studies as blinded or unblinded is an example of a false dichotomy. Success of blinding is assessed by questioning study participants about information that has been masked Doubleblind them e. In a perfectly blinded experiment, the responses should be consistent with no knowledge Doubleblind the masked information. However, if unblinding has occurred, the responses will indicate the degree of unblinding. Since unblinding cannot be measured Doubleblindbut must be inferred from participants' Doubleblind, its measured value will depend on the Doubleblind of the questions asked. As a result, it is not possible to measure unblinding in a way that is completely objective. Nonetheless, it is still possible to make informed judgments about the quality of a Doubleblind. Poorly blinded studies rank above unblinded studies and below well-blinded studies in the . Post-study Doubleblind is the release of masked data upon completion of a study. In clinical studiespost-study Doubleblind serves to inform subjects of their treatment allocation. Removing a blind upon completion of a study is never mandatory, but Doubleblind typically performed as a courtesy Doubleblind study participants. Unblinding that occurs after the conclusion of a Doubleblind is not a source of bias, because and analysis are both complete at this time. Premature unblinding is any unblinding that occurs before the conclusion of a study. Doubleblind with post-study unblinding, premature unblinding is a source of bias. A code-break procedure dictates when a subject should be unblinded prematurely. A code-break procedure should only allow for unblinding in cases of emergency. Unblinding that Doubleblind in compliance with code-break procedure is strictly documented and reported. Premature unblinding may also occur when a participant infers from experimental conditions information that has been masked to them. A common cause for unblinding Doubleblind the presence Doubleblind side effects Doubleblind effects in the treatment group. In pharmacological trials, premature unblinding can be reduced with the use of an Doubleblind placebowhich conceals treatment allocation by ensuring the presence of side effects in Doubleblind groups. A problem arises in the assessment of blinding because asking subjects to guess masked information may prompt them to try to infer that information. Researchers speculate that this Doubleblind contribute to premature unblinding. While researchers counsel patients not to use social media to discuss clinical trials, their Doubleblind are not monitored. This behavior is believed to be a source of unblinding. Bias due to poor blinding tends to favor the experimental group, resulting in inflated and Doubleblind of false positives. This shortcoming Doubleblind especially concerning given that even a small error in blinding can produce a statistically significant result in the absence of any real difference between test groups when a study is sufficiently powered i. As such, many statistically significant results in randomized controlled trials may be caused by error Doubleblind blinding. Blinding is considered essential in medicine, [24] but is often difficult to achieve. For example, it is difficult to Doubleblind surgical and non-surgical interventions in blind trials. In some cases, Doubleblind surgery may Doubleblind necessary for the Doubleblind process. A good clinical protocol ensures that blinding is as Doubleblind as possible within ethical Doubleblind practical constrains. Studies of blinded pharmacological trials across widely varying domains find evidence of high levels of unblinding. Unblinding Doubleblind been shown to effect both Doubleblind and clinicians. This evidence challenges the common assumption that blinding is highly Doubleblind in pharmacological trials. Unblinding has also been documented in clinical trials outside of pharmacology. A meta-analysis found that assessment Doubleblind blinding was reported in only 23 out of randomized controlled trials for chronic pain 5. The study concluded upon analysis of pooled data that the overall quality Doubleblind the blinding was poor, and the blinding Doubleblind "not successful. Studies have found evidence Doubleblind extensive unblinding in trials: at least three-quarters Doubleblind patients were Doubleblind to correctly guess their treatment assignment. Doubleblind concluded that unblinding inflates effect size in antidepressant trials. These researchers argue that antidepressants are just active . One on the Doubleblind of zinc supplementation in the treatment of the common cold experienced failure of blinding due to the strong metallic after-taste of zinc. While the possibility of blinded trials on is controversial, a review of 47 randomized controlled trials found no fewer than four methods of blinding patients to acupuncture treatment: 1 superficial needling of true acupuncture points, 2 use of acupuncture points which are not indicated for the condition being treated, 3 insertion of needles outside of true acupuncture points, and 4 the use of placebo needles which are designed not to penetrate the skin. The authors concluded that there was "no clear association between Doubleblind of Doubleblind intervention used and the results of the trials. The authors concluded that Doubleblind blinding had failed, but that more Doubleblind placebos may someday offer Doubleblind possibility of well- blinded studies in acupuncture. It is Doubleblind practice in Doubleblind to perform blinded Doubleblind analysis. After data analysis is complete, one is allowed to unblind the data or "open the box". It is important to agree beforehand to publish the data regardless of the results of Doubleblind analysis to prevent . Social science research is particularly prone to observer biasso it is important in these fields to properly blind the researchers. In some Doubleblind, while blind experiments would be useful, they are impractical Doubleblind unethical. Blinded data analysis can reduce bias, but is rarely used in social science research. In a Doubleblind photo lineup Doubleblind, an officer shows a group of photos to a witness and asks the witness to identify the individual who committed the crime. Since the officer is typically aware of who the suspect is, he may subconsciously or consciously influence the Doubleblind to choose the individual that he believes Doubleblind the crime. There is a growing movement in law enforcement to move to a blind procedure in which the officer who shows the photos to the witness does not know who Doubleblind suspect is. Auditions for symphony orchestras take place behind a curtain so that the judges cannot see the performer. Blinding the judges Doubleblind the Doubleblind of the performers has been shown Doubleblind increase Doubleblind hiring of women. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Redirected from Blind experiment. Experiment in which information about the test is masked to reduce bias. It is not to be confused with Double bind. Main article: Blind audition. Science portal.