Bibliography of Semitic Rhetoric
Bibliography of Semitic Rhetoric (Arrangement by Studied Texts) ¾ The bibliographical references are abbreviated ¾ Full bibliographical references are inlcuded in the companion document: General Bibliography by Authors Passage Figure Publication Bible Genesis Gen 1:1 – 2Kings 25:30 ABCDEFGHIXIHGFEDCBA Christensen, Duane L., Deuteronomy 21:10–34:12 , WBC 6B, Nashville 2002. J Milgrom & Newing Gen 1:1 – Josh 24:33 ABCDEFGXGFEDCBA Newing, Edward G., «A Rhetorical and Theological Analysis of the Hexateuch», SEAGS 22/2 (1981) 1-15. ABCDEFGHXHGFEXDCBH Newing, Edward G., «Up and Down—In and Out: Moses on Mount Sinai», ABR 41 (1993) 18-34. ABA, ABCDEFGXGFEDCBA Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. Gen 1:1 – Deut 34:12 ABXBA Radday, Yahuda T., «Chiasm in Tora», LingBibl 19 (1972) 12-23. ABXBA Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Radday ABXBA Christensen, Duane L., «The Pentateuchal Principle», JEvTS 39 (1996) 537-548. Gen 1:1 – Exod 19:2 ABCDCBA Dorsey, David A., Literary Structure of the Old Testament , Grand Rapids 1999. Gen 29:21–30:24 ABCDEFEDCBA Wilson, V.M., Divine Symmetries: The Art of Biblical Rhetoric , Lanham – New York – Oxford 1997. Gen 1:1–50:26 McEvenue, Sean E., The Narrative Style of the Priestly Writer , AnBib 50, Rome 1971. chiasm Radday, Yahuda T., «Chiasm in Tora», LingBibl 19 (1972) 12-23. chiasm Di Marco, Angelico, Il chiasmo nella Bibbia , Torino 1980. J Radday ABXBA Christensen, Duane L., «The Pentateuchal Principle», JEvTS 39 (1996) 537-548. Gen 1:1–11:32 ABXBA Christensen, Duane L., «The Pentateuchal Principle», JEvTS 39 (1996) 537-548.
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