mechwarrior 2 download iso MechWarrior. Learn more about MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, the PvE tactical ‘Mech combat game currently in-development. Featuring an immersive, career- based Mercenary campaign driven by player choice, MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries is now available for purchase. Download and Play for Free! MechWarrior Online™ is a tactical online shooter dominated by powerful BattleMechs. Assume the role of an elite MechWarrior, fighting for supremacy over the galaxy. A special two-day event dedicated to the celebration of BattleTech and MechWarrior, hosted by Piranha Games and bringing together from around the world. Come see the latest MechWarrior and BattleTech developments, witness the 2018 MechWarrior Online World Championship Finals, and more! GAMES:MechWarrior 2. MechWarrior 2 works almost perfectly for me in DOSBox 0.72, including 1024x768 resolution, movies, and sound. Install Procedure. NOTE : As of DOSBox 0.72, DOSBox does not properly emulate whatever method MechWarrior 2 uses to perform CD checks. Thus you will receive a message that the game cannot find your CD, even if it is properly mounted in DOSBox. However, if you rip the CD to .cue/.img and mount the .cue, MechWarrior 2 will run. Alternatively, a cracked executable should work, but this may result in a loss of the excellent music :) Bust out your DOS copy of MechWarrior 2 and put it in your CD drive. Download and install ImgBurn: As of 12/3/10, it is free (as in beer). Run ImgBurn, and choose Create image file from disc . Select the Source drive containing your CD and click the Destination file button. On the Save As dialog, change the Save as type to an IMG file, choose a location and file name, and click Save . NOTE : It had been suggested to rip the CD to ISO format. However, the ISO format will not retain CD audio. It is thus advised to rip the CD to .cue/.img rather than .iso, if you wish to retain the CD audio. Click the big Read button. When finished, execute DOSBox, and run: imgmount -t iso -fs iso Execute INSTALL.EXE on the mounted image. When configuring audio, you may use SB16 for both MIDI and Digital audio. If you installed 1.0, install the 1.1 patch. As of 12/3/10, this is still available from Fileshack: NOTE : The patch will need to be run from within DOSBox, and, for me, would not work properly. It deleted mw2.exe among other things, and rendered the installation unusable. In this case, you must patch manually. To do this: Run PATCH11.EXE to extract its files Rename each of the extensions properly (e.g., .EX_ becomes .EXE, .DL_ becomes .DLL, .CP_ becomes .CPC, .ST_ becomes .STD, .TX_ becomes .TXT) <- NOTE: strongly suggest using a classic Windows command prompt so that wildcard commands like 'ren *.DL_ *.DLL' can be used as DOSBox's 'ren' doesn't support wildcards. Copy the resulting structure to your Mech2 directory and overwrite any files. Config File. Bearing in mind that I am a relative DOSBox noob, my Mech2 config file follows. This works well for me with full screen resolution locked at 1024x768 to prevent frequent resolution changes during the game. Thus, this config assumes that you will set the combat resolution to 1024x768; if not, you should modify the fullresolution directive. The best mech games on PC. From anime mecha to rusty 100-ton warmachines, who doesn't love giant robots? Whether you like hardcore simulation and strategy or the explosive thrill of mecha anime, games about big stompy robots have always had a home on PC. With recent bangers like MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries and BattleTech, it's a good time to be a fan of games about 100-ton death machines. While mech games span genres, they are bound together by the simple truth that piloting suits of mechanized armor into combat is a fantasy that never gets old. It's an aesthetic that dates back decades to the very first MechWarrior in 1989 and now lives on in newer games like Titanfall 2 and Brigador. That's why we've rounded up a diverse selection of our favorite mech games spanning multiple genres—from the traditional sim to button-mashing character action. MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries. "MechWarrior is extremely back," reads our review. Mercenaries is a satisfying return to form from the series that popularized the mech genre back in the '80s. Mechs stomp around with appropriate weight and crunch the earth around them. As an in-cockpit mech game, it's a great companion to the more tactical view from 2018's BattleTech that can also be played cooperatively in story missions and one-off skirmishes. If only it revived the cheesy FMV storylines of past games. Still, the series is in good hands with Piranha Games, the same studio behind Mech Warriors Online (which you can read about below). BattleTech. BattleTech is a good adaption of the mech-based tabletop game that by now has received waves of Paradox DLC™. You can take the route of a story campaign or go full sandbox in Career mode, diving straight into open-ended merc company management, taking procedurally-generated contracts alongside more handcrafted Flashpoint missions that emerge as you play. As with XCOM, difficulty and permadeath (or permanent loss of parts) can be punishing, depending on your settings. Titanfall 2. Respawn Entertainment gave mech games a much-needed adrenaline shot when it released Titanfall in 2014, but it's Titanfall 2 that fully realized the potential of a shooter that contrasts parkour running and gunning with slow, strategic mech combat. What came as a complete shock, however, is that Titanfall 2's campaign turned out to be one of the best the FPS genre has seen in years. Titanfall 2's campaign turned out to be one of the best the FPS genre has seen in years. Each level is an inventive execution on a single brilliant idea, like snapping back and forth between the past and present, that binds together a surprisingly affecting story about the bond between a pilot and his loyal mech companion. It's not nearly as tear-jerking as The Iron Giant, sure, but Titanfall 2 proves that even a story about giant steel robots can have a lot of heart. Sadly, Titanfall 2 also became one of the bigger gaming tragedies of 2016. Despite packing in a much more robust multiplayer, the sequel couldn't compete against the other popular shooters of that year and its population quickly declined. Don't make the mistake of thinking Titanfall 2 is dead, however. It's multiplayer community is small, but there's still plenty of players in the more popular modes like Attrition—meaning Titanfall 2 is still one of the best mech games ever released. MechWarrior Online. MechWarrior Online inherited the august legacy of classic titles like MechWarrior 2 and MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries—both games we’d love to include in this list if they weren’t so damn hard to get running on modern hardware. But make no mistake, MechWarrior Online is a great mech game in its own right. It's developed by Piranha Games, the same studio that released MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries this year. The free-to-play shooter might not have a singleplayer campaign, but it captures the tense thrill of attrition-based warfare in its excellent competitive matches. Each game is a 12v12 slugfest that ends with players earning currency and experience, and customizing their rides in between rounds. While that comes with its own share of problems like a long grind and microtransactions, MechWarrior Online excels at capturing the slow pace of combat that made the series so revered to begin with. Unlike most first-person shooters out there, where players can correct their mistakes with lightning quick reflexes, your life in MechWarrior often hangs with decisions made 30 seconds ago. Being behind the wheel of a lumbering robot makes it impossible to get yourself out of trouble once you get into it, making cooperation with teammates a crucial part of victory. With an overly complex skill tree and an unintuitive menu system, MechWarrior Online isn't exactly friendly to newcomers. But it has a devoted community that is genuinely welcoming to newbies and has created abundant out-of-game resources to get new MechWarriors up to speed. And once you've gotten everything figured out you'll be able to customize hundreds of different mechs with over a hundred unique weapons systems, with all of it steeped in rich lore born from a classic game franchise. Strike Suit Zero. There’s an appeal to the lumbering tank-like combat of some mech games, but Strike Suit Zero captures the thrill of piloting an agile death machine packed with more missile launchers than the entire US Navy fleet. It’s space-faring Japanese mecha at its best. You start off piloting a fairly standard space fighter, but pretty soon come across an experimental piece of military hardware called the Strike Suit. This suit is capable of switching between fighter mode, where you to fly about space Freelancer-style, and giant killer robot mode where you turn into a Macross-style mecha capable of taking down clouds of enemy fighters at the touch of a button. The first time you line up your crosshairs on some 30-plus incoming enemy fighters and let loose that wave of missiles will give you chills. It's a mech power fantasy unlike anything else. Power, agility, and flitting from objective to objective while raining death and destruction wherever you go makes you feel like a robot god. And things get even more intense when you start taking on capital ships—the miles-long battlecruisers that will make you look like a bug, but never feeling like one. Thanks to two capital-ship-busting autocannons, you can crack open that battlecruiser faster than they can shout "nani?!" MechCommander. BattleTech is the fantasy of being a warrior-engineer. You trade missiles and lasers with other bipedal tanks, you win or lose, and then you head back to the drawing board to repair damage, refit weapons, reallocate armor, and rethink your all-PPC 80-tonner. I love the rhythm of the combat—the plentiful gaps as mechs take a breath to reload, rotate, or take aim. MechCommander was the first game in the series to add 'tactician' to that job description, and it holds up remarkably well as a real-time tactics game. Over dozens of escort, search and destroy, and scouting missions, you command as many as three lances (12 mechs) at a time, waypointing them away from explosive fuel drums and out of the range of turrets as you duel with light, medium, heavy, and assault-class enemy mechs. I love the rhythm of the combat—the plentiful gaps as mechs take a breath to reload, rotate, or take aim. In those moments, you're anticipating an arm being blown off, or whether your Raven will dodge that Gauss cannon. While MechCommander's progression system for pilots is limited by modern standards, mechwarriors can permanently die, have a set of individual voice lines (the death cry of Rooster, a clumsy yokel, is particularly haunting), and are charming enough. More fun is the battlefield work of trying to shave off just enough of that enemy Masakari or Thor so that you can salvage it, repair it, and bring it into your next battle. MechCommander is abandonware—get MechCommander Gold , which includes a built-in level editor. Watch this six-minute Windows 10 tutorial to get it running properly. Iron Brigade. Double Fine's not-quite-a-tower-defense-game spin on mechs is one of the most unique thanks largely to its campy B-movie vibe and WW1-era aesthetic. Don't make the mistake of thinking Iron Brigade is yet another tower defense game where you place rows of static defenses that usher waves of stupid enemies into killboxes, however. Yes, each level has you fighting off waves of aliens, and yes there are towers, but your primary defense is your hulking mech that you stomp around in as aliens rush your defenses—and it's simply a ton of fun. There's a good deal of variety to play around with too. Your mech can equip a variety of different weapons that each bring a distinctive kind of destruction to the battlefield, and there's always an upgrade to work towards in between each mission. There's a balance that you'll want to maintain, however, as more powerful mechs mean weaker stationary tower defenses. New enemy types are readily introduced as well, which gives Iron Brigade a steady pace that makes it hard to pull yourself away from. But the real star of this show is the weird B-movie quality of the characters and writing. Mech games are often gloomy and overly serious, but Double Fine brings a fun absurdity that perfectly complements the simplistic joy of blowing aliens back to hell. Supreme Commander 2. When it comes to sheer scale, nothing compares to Supreme Commander 2. This real-time strategy game is the exact opposite of the intimate brawling of MechCommander, instead reveling in the chaos as legions of robot units blast each other across sea, sky, and land. Battles frequently feature hundreds—if not thousands—of units that you can customize in real-time to adapt to your enemy's strategy. And if that weren't cool enough, you can even build towering experimental units—colossus-sized mechs that dwarf everything else on the battlefield. With hundreds of units to manage, Supreme Commander 2 can be intimidating for those who already struggle to keep up with RTS games. Fortunately, an improved UI and the ability to instantly zoom out to see the entire battlefield help to keep things manageable even when fighting on multiple fronts while managing production chains. There's a lot of depth here too, as each faction has their own strategies, like the Cybran navy's ability to sprout legs and walk on land. While the campaign serves as a good introduction to all these layers of strategy, Supreme Commander 2 really shines while skirmishing in multiplayer or against the AI. If you can find a friend to play against, few games will rival the insane scale of Supreme Commander's battles. Brigador. Brigador is the rare kind of game that feels both nostalgic and refreshingly modern. Its '80s synthwave soundtrack, isometric angle, and gritty retro sci-fi aesthetic mask a brutally punishing indie roguelike that revels in chaos and destruction. When it originally launched in 2016, it was so difficult that it was actually hard to enthusiastically recommend, but the recent Up-Armored edition smooths that curve out while adding even more mechs, pilots, and missions to an already robust game. No matter how you approach combat, Brigador always shines in the moment-to-moment action. With over 56 mechs to pilot and 40 weapons, there's an intimidating amount of customization and playstyles to account for. While the temptation to go in guns blazing is always present, hit-and-run guerilla tactics are often the better strategy. No matter how you approach combat, Brigador always shines in the moment-to-moment action. It's both extremely fast-paced and precise, and you'll need to choose your shots carefully even as you frantically weave down city streets avoiding fire from dozens of enemy units. The appeal of mech games has always been closely tied with their destructive firepower—the ability to level entire city blocks with the push of a button—and Brigador captures this sensation wonderfully. Environments are fully destructible, and it's a literal blast being able smash through a skyscraper rather than skirt around it. It's still a punishing game where one split-second mistake can spell defeat, but Brigador rewards those who can stomach its challenge. Hey folks, beloved mascot Coconut Monkey here representing the collective PC Gamer editorial team, who worked together to write this article! MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries. We've had 2. We've had the data disk . that brought 12 new missions, some new death-dealing machines and a bit more texturing to your world. We've had the other data disk that brought you 15 multiplayer missions, eight-player lan games and modem linkups. Now, we've got the all-new (cough) game. Well, sort of. What they've actually done is made it all a bit more amoral - they've dumped all that pseudo-mystical crap about the Clans and the honourable way. Which, let's face it, is good news, because it was only slightly less interesting than watching impetigo spread. (That's as in the spread of impetigo - not as in some new and rather unpleasant snack that's consumed on a slice of bread and butter.) Instead, we have a new approach. As the name suggests, you are encouraged to abandon your high ideals and your name with a lot of CThggths in it, and go all out for the greenbacks. Although, since this all still takes place in the distant future, the backs may be another colour entirely for all I know. Whatever. Dosh is the word. Sponds are your creed. Moolah is your - (We get the picture - Ed.) Careering about. The start-up menu gives you two choices for a single-player career mode: Mercenary Commander means you get to stomp about in your oversized washing machine and blow things up, but means you also have to keep an eye on the purse strings; Mercenary allows you to join a mercenary army and let missions and contracts be decided for you, while you hopefully earn enough to start an unprincipled army of your own - either that, or set yourself up with a security firm like all the other ex-mercenaries. As well as the career modes, there's also an option to play games over the network or via a modem; while Instant Action drops you somewhere dark and scary and lets you hammer away at stuff with the Meeh, weapons and mission type of your choice. C-Bill shoot. Shoot Bill, shoot. The financial side of things does make a difference to the game. Being a Commander has its obvious upside -you get to think up a really silly name for your army; and downside - all that responsibility. You have to make sure that you pick your contracts carefully: most contractors pay all reasonable ammunition expenses; all pay a fixed fee; most provide a drop ship; some don't let you have any salvage rights. This isn't exactly a task fraught with difficulty, but you might have a few options open. And you do have to keep an eye on what you're spending during missions. You can't even mess about too much when you're customising your Meeh, because you have to pay for labour charges. You start with a million "c- bills and there's a monthly account, detailing battlemechs maintenance costs, paying technicians' salaries and even Guild dues. (I had no idea that mercenaries had Guilds.) But the Commander route is the more interesting, as the solo mercenary stuff is too much like the previous version of the game. And that would make it a data disk. Faffing for fun and profit. There's still the obligatory faffing about, juggling a load of armaments to ensure that the Meehs don't exceed their maximum weight. Most of the problem is rooted in the fact that they're supposed to look like big people. A Meeh is the kind of robotic warrior that can only take a certain amount of weight - and loads of it is taken up with stuff you neither want nor need. I mean, what would you rather have on your monstrous killing machine -a long, extremely heavy and entirely useless arm, with shoulder, upper arm and lower arm actuators and a gigantic hand, all of which weighs about six million tons. or a gigantic megagun that weighs less and is a lot more use? They don't put arms on tanks, do they. and for a very good reason. How often are you likely to want to wave to someone? Or hold hands? These are supposed to be death-dealing bastards, not bloody social workers. Anyway. Anyway, that's about it. It's certainly another MechWarrior game, but this time there's a healthy bit of cynicism about it. MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries may have three levels of difficulty to gently ease you into the action, but even at the easiest setting, you still need to be pretty darned quick with the multiple button pressing, joystick and/or mouse twiddling and keyboard whacking. Either that, or pretty quick with the Load Saved Game button. The earth is flat. sometimes. like, and you can make the ground beneath your feet as rutted-looking as a particularly sexy ewe after the mating season, but all the texture- mapping in the world won't disguise the fact that many of the planets you visit are completely flat with some lumps here and there. They could have been designed by The Flat Earth Society. Meanwhile, others seem to be trying out that new-fangled Crealistic terrain' they've heard so much about from other games. Weird. It's like they couldn't be bothered to give proper ground to all the missions, or something. Download MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries. System requirements: PC compatible Operating systems: Windows 10/Windows 8/Windows 7/2000/Vista/WinXP. Game Reviews. Overview. The birth of the Star League ushered in mankind's Golden Age. The death of the Star League's First Lord in 2751 began a devastating battle for succession that even General Aleksandr Kerensky, leader of the Star League army, was powerless to stop. When Kerensky fled the Inner Sphere with the bulk of his troops, the ruling Houses launched an epic-scale conflict that soon threatened to destroy centuries' worth of technological knowledge. The year is now 3039. Millions of people have died in the brutal power struggles known as the Succession Wars, and the five Houses of the Successor States continue to press their claims to supremacy: The Federated Suns, the Lyran Commonwealth, the Draconis Combine, the Free Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation. War has become a way of life. The current climate of war makes it financially beneficial to be a MechWarrior Mercenary who owns a BattleMech -- a commodity that becomes more valuable every day. The player must use wit and skill to survive as a mercenary, either by joining an existing unit or creating his own elite mercenary squad, then selling his services to the House that bids the highest. In the end, the player's combat expertise is put to the test at the Battle of Tukayyid. Gameplay/Interface. For those who have played Mechwarrior 2 or its sequel, Ghost Bear's Legacy, there are not that many changes in gameplay or controls for the combat sequences. Most of the features that have been added are more for realism than for anything else. Since the game is a prequel to the original Mech 2 , technology is not as advanced, and the game has more of a feel of gritty machinery and rusty joints, which is a good element in this game. Heat sinks do not absorb as much heat, and the ranges and damage for most weapons have been readjusted to the official specs of the original BattleMech designs. In addition, things feel and play more realistically than in the earlier games. Gone are the days when a single long-range missile pack will take a mech's head off. Also, now when a mech loses a leg, it topples over (without exploding), and if it has jump jets it can pop back up into the action, sometimes even landing back on its remaining leg and keeping its balance. The same thing goes for your own mech. In fact, I once ended a mission without a leg, using only jump jets to hobble me humiliatingly back to the drop ship. Another improved aspect of the game is the addition of an economic system, something that provided more involvement in the original MechWarrior, but was absent in the two previous sequels. As it is implemented, this system adds a great deal of involvement in the game, because everything you do hits you right in the wallet. No more coming back from a battle with no arms and half your weapons destroyed, only to repair everything without breaking a sweat (or the bank) back at the mech lab. This time, you have to fight for every stinkin' dollar you get, and you don't wanna be losing any pieces of hardware in the process. You buy every missile, bullet, and limb for your pretty little mech, and that makes you think twice the next time you send in your wingmen as cannon fodder, take a faceful of SRMs or spray the enemy with rockets just to get his attention. The best thing about it is that there is no micromanagement, and if you really hate having to deal with money there is an option that lets you play the game in the same fashion as Mech 2 , in addition to a pretty fun "instant action" mode for all you adrenaline junkies. Back at the base, you have to deal with the gritty details of commanding a troupe of mech mercenaries. You will have the option of hiring/firing mech pilots (whose mechs you've got to buy), as well as the more expensive Aerotech pilots, who provide their own jets. If you lose a pilot, you better hope that there is some good meat on the market this month, or you're stuck with Ernest T. Worrel as your copilot (knowhutahmean, Vern?). The mech customization is freshly new, and you have to buy all your equipment and mechs from arms dealers, who don't always have a lot of back supply and tend to vary their prices with the market. These factors help pull you into the role of a real mercenary, and make you care a whole lot more about what is happening to and around you. The one downer to this is that, upon winning the game, you are not allowed to continue with your mercenary empire. This means that if you want more action, it's back to starting from scratch unless you just want instant action. Graphics & Audio. This element of the game has been greatly improved. A few months ago, screenshots from the new 3D-video card version of Mech 2 began running around the net, causing detail-starved action fans to salivate. The good news is that most of those features are bundled into the game (even for those of us without 3D video cards), but the bad news is that there is a sacrifice in speed. I played most of the original Mech 2 missions in 1024x768 mode with full detail and little slowdown, but found that even 640x480 was often taxing in the new version. However, you get a lot for the difference in speed, and there is always the option of toggling the new features on and off. In addition, the music is as haunting and as well done as that in Mech 2 , with a slight edge of rock 'n roll thrown in to add some spice. Finally, sound effects are well produced and handled, and you will notice the next time a missile screams by you or a PPC slams you in the chest. Improved texture mapping has been integrated into the game, giving mechs a more gritty, realistic feel, and providing the perception of actual terrain and surfaces. In addition, many other finer details have been added, including missile trails, shrapnel, dynamic lighting (launch a missile and see it really light up someone's life!), and many other effects. The result is certainly a good one, since there is not a significant visual difference between high and medium resolution, but users with lower end computers will find themselves eating chunky mech video soup straight from the can. Documentation. Although some of it was interesting, I was disappointed in the documentation. If you dig, you can find some specs in the manual and some more buried in a text file on the CD, but I wanted a real manual. What you really get is a CD sleeve booklet with installation and troubleshooting instructions, along with a recruitment manual that is meant to be a cheesy promotion/guide to a mercenary academy and gives you minimal information about how to play. I want specs on weapons, mechs and other equipment. I want a real manual -- the kind that you actually turn to for information on how to play the game and which weapons to spring for, not a cute manual to chuckle over while on the potty. While the manual was not amateurish, it was disappointing and I expect more than this for my $50. Enemy AI. This is another factor that has been greatly enhanced in Mercenaries. Enemies no longer run around like chickens with their heads cut off. They execute coordinated attacks, and have gotten much better at leading moving targets. In fact, you will find that many traditional tactics, such as the "death from above" and "circle of death," are much more difficult to perform on the enemy; instead he will be using them on you. Although the autopilot is still just about as brainless as it has ever been, enemies are much better and the degree of variance in the skill level of a recruit enemy and a trained killer is astounding. Kudos to Activision for giving us more of a challenge without just adding more bad guys. This is a definite improvement over the original. Multiplayer. MechWarrior Mercenaries contains the NetMerc networking software that was originally packaged separately from the original Mech 2 , allowing for plenty of deathmatching action after all the missions are complete. The game comes with not only 8-player LAN multiplayer capabilities, but also software for hosting and playing games over the Internet, all free of charge. This is another attractive feature in the game, and one that will keep me hooked. Bugs/Patches. The one area where the initial version of this game really sucks in is the bug department. In fact, MechWarrior Mercenaries is the Roach Motel of games. Although I did not notice many of the bugs early in the game, later on I started to wonder if someone had drugged my computer. Mechs magically lost weight over time, and when they reached a negative weight they would explode. In addition, ammo would magically appear until a single Mech had thousands of missiles on a single arm, and firing one of them would crash the game. Leaving the CD out of the drive allows you to win (and subsequently skip) every mission without even touching down. Even more annoyingly, there are several missions that you cannot finish (you just run around under the waiting dropship with no enemies; I guess the pilot fell asleep at the wheel). Also, even though the manual and the game itself mention the existence and use of an "engine" button on the configuration screen, I never found one no matter how hard I searched. Maybe I'm just stupid, but I have the feeling that it's not me that screwed up. However, the true redeeming charm here is that within a couple of weeks after release, Activision came forward with a patch that addresses practically all the above bugs. The one drawback is that when you apply the patch, all your non-standard mechs lose their customizations and revert to their default configurations. Personally, I would refuse to buy this game unless it is either v1.05 or above, or you are willing to add the patch as soon as you get the product. The bugs in this game are so glaring that I almost gave up on it two-thirds of the way through, because the game had become practically unplayable. I have no idea who decided the game was ready for release, because even one run through the game by the most amateur tester would have yielded the white flag of surrender. There is no way to play the original version of the game without being amazed by the severity of the bugs. This product as first shipped was not ready for release by any means, and it can't even be fairly called a beta release. However, if you start the newer version of the game (without the bugs) the true quality shines through. This game is everything that Mech 2 was, and more. System Requirements. Official System Requirements: Win 95 or MS-DOS 5.0+, 486-DX2/66 or above, 8 MB RAM, 45 MB hard drive space, sound card, 2X CD- ROM drive. Realistic System Requirements: MS-DOS 5.0+, Pentium processor, 16 MB RAM, 100 MB hard drive space, sound card, 4X CD-ROM drive. Bottom Line. I love this game. I hated this game. The only difference is that "hated" is past-tense and refers to all the annoying bugs that infested an otherwise good product. The improvements in the game are well done, installation is easy, it runs under both Win 95 and DOS (although the former is noticeably slower), and allows a good deal of user customization. The non-linear gameplay and variety of missions were very fun, and all-in-all I thought the game was excellent, especially for the avid MechWarrior fan. The hands-on economic model and "fight for your supper" aspect was well-done, and I felt every customization and bullet hole right in the wallet. This is a game that I will keep for a good while, and look forward to playing it again. I feel that even in its single-play mode it has a great deal of replayability, and the LAN and TCP/IP multiplayer features add to that. The graphics were great, sound was improved, and the overall gritty feel to the game made for a lot of atmosphere. MechWarrior Mercenaries is a great addition to the series, and I would like to score it above 90, ranking it as an instant classic -- however, I have not forgotten how much this game pissed me off in its unpatched state. There is absolutely no excuse for releasing a game this buggy, so I give it an 87, which is still a very good score and one that it earns in both senses of the term. If you are a mech fan or enjoy 3D action, this game is a must. However, if anyone tries to sell you anything other than v1.05 or above of the software, either prepare to patch the game before you even play it a single time or just walk away. This game in its complete patched form is a rocking mech game and a welcome addition to the series. I highly recommend it and must congratulate the team at Activision for a very entertaining (although initially buggy) product. MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat. MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat is a 3D vehicle combat sim game created by Activision and released in 1995 for MS-DOS. 90/100 based on 7 Editorial reviews. Add your vote. Share: Game Review. MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat is a 3D vehicle combat sim game created by Activision and released in 1995 for MS-DOS. It was ported later to Windows and Mac, in addition to the console versions released in 1997. The game is the sequel to MechWarrior, released in 1989. MechWarrior was, in fact, the second videogame of the Battletech franchise, based on a pen-and-paper game. The first game, BattleTech: The Crescent Hawk's Inception was released in 1988, but while this entry was an RPG with a 2D top-down view, Mechwarrior introduced a 3D first- person perspective. Players were finally able to pilot giant robots, watching a realistic 3D world from the cockpit. There was a 7 years hiatus between the first Mechwarrior and MechWarrior 2, and it could have been worse, due to technical difficulty. MechWarrior 2 was a very ambitious game, pushing the boundaries of 3D gaming as much as possible. The idea was to offer the gameplay of tactical 3D real-time combat sim, but with realistic physics for the giant mechas, with a weight of 100tons. It wasn't easy. The developers realized that no machine would have been able to run this game, mainly because of memory limitations. The game was only able to show one mecha on the screen. Only when some developers were able to optimize the code, Activision restarted the project, and the game was finally completed and released. In the beginning, after the beautiful intro, you will have to choose between Clan Wolf or Clan Jade Falcon, and after that, you can start the missions and destroy the enemy mechs and bases. As long as you advance, you will be able to issue orders to the squad. After every battle, you have access to the lab, where you can customize your robot to make it more lethal, which is one of the key features of the game. In addition to the top-notch gameplay, MechWarrior 2 offers a state-of-the-art cinematic experience. Intro and cutscenes are fantastic, the soundtrack composed by Gregory Alper and Jeehun Hwang was considered one of the best videogame music ever created; scripts, voices, and dialogues create an intense experience. It's understandable why MechWarrior 2 was a commercial success and why it was voted by PC Gamer, the best action game of 1995. We are talking about a masterpiece here, that's why we decided to offer you the full CD version of the game. Download it and enjoy!