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A*A I R I R I I I I I I I I I I T R I I I I I L R* I ++ I IIIIITIIIIIIITITTIIIIIIT T 1,, I I STATE of IDAHO MAY 15, 2018 ! .dd I IITIIIIITIIIITIIIITTIIII I Ir T I POWER COUNTY STATE OF IDAHO MAY 15, 2018 I l,s Precinct 1 I ! OFFICIAL NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT t INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT I COURT JUDGES I Az, To vote, fill in the oval ((D ) next to TO SUCCEED JUDGE I the candidate of your choice. Stephen S. Dunn T (Vote for One) To vote a "Write-in", fill in the oval ne)d I to the blank write-in line and write the T name of your choice on the blank Stephen S. Dunn T write-in line. I T lf you make a mistake, request a new t ballot from an election worker. I I I I I I Jtlt Jl Zrl:l I L:t,lrtl:7. t I Official Judicial Nominating I Election Ballot Ioo T JUSTICE OF THE lo, SUPREIUE GOURT I ltz TO SUCCEED JUSTICE G. Richard Bevan I Ior (Vote for One) t I o G. Richard Bevan I I I JUDGE OF THE I COURT OF APPEALS I TO SUCCEED I JUDGE T David W. Gratton t (Vote for One) I T o David W. Gratton T ls, I TO SUCCEED t JUDGE T Jessica M. Lorello I (Vote for One) I I o Jessica M, Lorello I I ! SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT I COURT JUDGES T T TO SUCCEED JUDGE Mitchell W. Brown I I (Vote for One) ! I o Mitchell W. Brown I I I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE Robert C.NafE I (Vote for One) I T T o Robert C. Naftz I I T I I Iu, OFFICIAL STAMP BOX ! T Precinct 1 Typ:03 Seq:0001 Spl:01 T a*a I r I r I I I I I I I I I I t r I I I I I l r* I ++ I IIIIITIIIIIIITITTIIIIIIT T 1,, I I STATE OF IDAHO MAY 15, 2018 ! Ir: Precinct 2 T T OFFICIAL NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT I I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER T lzt To vote, fill in the oval ((D ) next to TO SUCCEED JUDGE t the candidate of your choice. Stephen S. Dunn (Vote for One) t To vote a "Write-in", fill in the oval next I to the blank write-in line and write the I name of your choice on the blank Stephen S. Dunn I I write-in line. I lf you make a mistake, request a new I ballot from an election worker. I T -^ ! t rif,- tr T \ - i,l T I t I Official Judicial Nominating I loo Election Ballot I Irr I loz TO SUCCEED JUSTIGE I G. Richard Bevan lo. (Vote for One) I I o G. Richard Bevan I I T JUDGE OF THE I COURT OF APPEALS I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE I David W. Gratton t (Vote for One) I T o David W. Gratton I I I I* TO SUCCEED JUDGE T Jessica M. Lorello I (Vote for One) I I o Jessica M. Lorello I I I I I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE I Mitchell W. Brown t (Vote for One) I I c Mitchell W. Brown I I I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE Robert C.Naftz I T (Vote for One) I T o Robert C, Naftz I I t I I Iu, OFFICIAL STAMP BOX I I Typ:03 Seq:0002 Spl:01 I a+a I r I I I I I r r I I I I I I I I r r I r I l^ I Jt- T TIIIITITITIIIIIIIIIITIII' T I,, I I POWER COUNTY STATE OF IDAHO MAY 15, 2018 I Iro Precinct 3 I T OFFICIAL NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT T T INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT JUDGES I lzt To vote, fill in the oval ((D ) next to TO SUCCEED JUDGE I the candidate of your choice. Stephen S. Dunn T (Vote for To vote a "Write-in", fill in the oval next One) I to the blank write-in line and write the T name of vour choice on the blank Stephen S. Dunn T write-in liie. I T lf you make a mistake, request a new T ballot from an election worker. I T ! I t I tal i I T I:/I ll Lt{ Il:trtl la T T Official Judicial Nominating T loo Election Ballot I JUSTICE OF THE Io, SUPREME COURT I loz TO SUCCEED JUSTICE I G. Richard Bevan lo: (Vote for One) I I o G. Richard Bevan I T I JUDGE OF THE I COURT OF APPEALS I t TO SUCCEED JUDGE t David W. Gratton (Vote for One) I T T o David W. Gratton I t I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE I Jessica M. Lorello Isr (Vote for One) I I o Jessica M. Lorello I I T SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT I COURT JUDGES T T TO SUCCEED JUDGE T Mitchell W. Brown I (Vote for One) I I o Mitchell W. Brown T T I T TO SUCCEED JUDGE Robert C.Naftz ! I (Vote for One) I I o Robert C. Naftz I T T I T OFFICIAL STAMP BOX l6i T ! Precinct 3 Typ:03 Seq:0003 Spl:01 I a+a I I t r I I r I I I r I I I I I I r I rr I r^ I '{' iP{} T ITITTTITIITTIIIIIIIITTII T I', I STATE OF IDAHO MAY 15, 2018 I,s Precinct 4 t OFFICIAL NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER lzt To vote, fill in the oval ((D ) next to TO SUCCEED JUDGE the candidate of your choice. Stephen S. Dunn (Vote for One) I To vote a "Write-in", fill in the oval next to the blank write-in line and write the I name of your choice on the blank o Stephen S. Dunn write-in line. T lf you make a mistake, request a new I ballot from an election worker. lD--''r. I at=l \ ROCKLAND SCHOOL DtsTRtcT # 382 I \ -vl POWER COUNTY, IDAHO I SUPPLEMENTAL LEVY Shall the Board of Trustees of ! Official Judicial Nominating Rockland School District No. 382, lro Election Ballot Power County, ldaho, be authorized and empowered to levy a lo, supplemental levy, as permitted by law in Section 33-802 (3), ldaho lo, TO SUCCEED JUSTICE Code, Two Hundred - Ten Thousand G. Richard Bevan dollars ($210,000) for the purpose of I.r (Vote for One) paying all lawful expenses of maintaining and operating the T o G. Richard Bevan schools of the District for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2018 ano I ending June 30, 2020? JUDGE OF THE I COURT OF APPEALS For supplemental levy of $210,000 each year for two years: T TO SUCCEED JUDGE David W. Gratton T (Vote for One) .-) YES T o David W. Gratton oNO I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE Jessica M. Lorello I (Vote for One) Iuo o Jessica M. Lorello T I T TO SUCCEED JUDGE Mitchell W. Brown T (Vote for One) I o Mitchell W, Brown I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE Robert C.Naflz I (Vote for One) I o Robert C. Naftz I I I6, OFFICIAL STAMP BOX T Typ:03 Seq:0004 Spl:01 T r ^Irrllllrlllrllllllllllll.+ r+ +-F T IIIIIII ITIIIITI TIITIIT TI- T I,, I MAY 15,2018 I,a Precinct 5 I OFFICIAL NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER fz', To vote, fill in the oval (tD ) next to TO SUCCEED JUDGE the candidate of your choice. Stephen S. Dunn (Vote for One) I To vote a "Write-in", fill in the oval ne)d to the blank write-in line and write the T name of vour choice on the blank Stephen S. Dunn I write-in liire. lf you make a mistake, request a new I ballot from an election worker, Eia- _ -',\. T ! \-!ifl I I Official Judicial Nominating !o Election Ballot lo, loz TO SUCCEED JUSTICE G. Richard Bevan I (Vote for One) fu o G. Richard Bevan I ! T TO SUCCEED JUDGE David W. Gratton I (Vote for One) I o David W. Gratton Is, T TO SUCCEED JUDGE Jessica M. Lorello I (Vote for One) I o Jessica M. Lorello I I T TO SUCCEED JUDGE Mitchell W. Brown I (Vote for One) I ,; Mitchell W. Brown I I TO SUCCEED JUDGE Robert C.Naftz I (Vote for One) T o Robert C. Nafts T I 16, OFFICIAL STAMP BOX I Typ:03 Seq:0005 Spl:01 T IIIITITIII ITII ITITIIIIII. .d Y' q I I I I I T II T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I r' I,, I STATE OF IDAHO MAY 15,2018 Irs Precinct 6 I OFFICIAL NONPARTISAN PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT I INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTER azt To vote, fill in the oval ((D ) next to TO SUCCEED JUDGE the candidate of your choice. Stephen S. Dunn (Vote for One) T To vote a "Write-in", fill in the oval next to the blank write-in line and write the I name of your choice on the blank Stephen S. Dunn I write-in line. lf you make a mistake, request a new ! ballot from an election worker. I -t^ arEl \ I 'FE \t I \-i,l I I Official Judicial Nominating Ioo Election Ballot 141 loz TO SUCCEED JUSTICE G. Richard Bevan I (Vote for One) !.ll o G. Richard Bevan I JUDGE OF THE I COURT OF APPEALS I TO SUCCEED JUDGE David W. Gratton I (Vote for One) T o David W.
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