CITY OF POCATELLO Ryan Lewis, Seat 4 Absentee Registration and Voting Councilmember 208 237-2400 $6,000 2021 City Hall is located at 911 N. 7th Ave., Pocatello, ID. • Voters absent from the county may register to vote by making a request Council Chair for a registration card from the County Clerk or downloading one from DIRECTORY P.O. Box 4169, Pocatello, ID 83205-4169
[email protected] the Idaho Votes website: The registration card must 208 234-6163, Fax: 208 234-6297 Roger Hernandez, Seat 2 be returned to the Clerk, postmarked not later than 25 days before the Councilmember 208 237-2400 $6,000 2021 election. of ELECTED
[email protected] MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL • A registered voter may vote absentee by sending a written and Meetings are held on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:00 personally signed request for an absentee ballot to the County Clerk. The The mayor and six council members are elected for four-year overlapping p.m. in the Chubbuck City Hall Council Chambers. request form is available on the Idaho Votes website. The application for an terms in odd-numbered years on a nonpartisan ballot. The mayorship is a full- OFFICIALS absentee ballot must be received by the County Clerk not later than the 6th time position, office within city hall. The council positions are part-time with SCHOOL DISTRICT #25 day before election day. The ‘voted’ ballot must be received by the County no offices maintained at city hall. School District offices are located at 3115 Pole Line Rd., Pocatello, ID 83201 Clerk no later than 8:00 p.m.