PORTLAND ~ DAILY ■'^=^^=Sï^!=!!!S!55!55-!S Established June 23. 1862. Vni' "· "'·in PRESS. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MOKNING, SEPTEMBER 22. 1871. ΤΙκ- Portland iiiiilj Pr«es Terms $H.OO Per MEDICAL. annum, in advance. is MISCELLANEOUS every day — — published (Sundays excepted) Real ■ 11 'he by estate. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4 (From Portland the CtnciΊηιίΙ Time:* and Publishing Co,, DAILY Curiee· Chronicle.) PRESS. nkiakn iu Idioilly, At 109 jFOJ£ SAIjE I Advertising Agency. Kxchasui ATLANTIC. Among the mysteries ol 1-.ΆΤ..Τ, Portland ATwfll & CO., 174* Middle tftreet, Advertise- the late "trun't Term*:—Kiprlit l>oi!ars α '' ments inserted in PORTLAND. murder" in New Year advance. story Brick House with papers in Maine and through· York occurs that βο.Ί No. French ut the at pecutm ·, Mutual 72 Park tireai, with modern country the publisher's lowes rates. Insurance ment». improve- but not unfamiliar that thf MTiietwoLot contain:, about 70(i0 FRIDAY, one, the deceased ι Mainte Oomp'y. lauu. square teet of SEPTEMBER 22 liiatf Pre** iuquiro ot 1871. sworn to as (ORGANIZED IN It Agricultural by mauy different persons. 1842.) juiiie JOHN C. Implcmentt & See«l«. Froia I* evei PROCTER, ί>3 F.xeh'gnt. the rubiiFbd y Tnrusnw Mousing at S I Wall corner BAWYER Λ \VOOI>!fOKI>, No. 2> Market Square. volumes of law reports, anil from $2.»0 a if of New York. The Flying Uulrhinau. the re > year; paid id at $2.00 a William, ords advance, Iusure.··: For Sale of detectives' offices, we year. Against Marine and Inland iT HE Auctioneer. The of the might coiopl a Navigation îtlsk» Buildings anil ! a ici on Pearl street, and s'ore story Flying Dutchman can be page after of A on O. page fascinating narrative And will issue Policies making Loss Portland Pier. Enquire ot W. No. 321 traced back as far as the upon Bates c f Advertising.—One inch of space, payable in England. sepltiiltt HOLMES, CuogreseSt. Auction Sale» sixteenth this in \V. SHEA, 27 Pearl st, every Evening. Private Sales the century, siugle theme, but our limited length ot constitutes a (luring Jay. like that of his space per- x>'nion, "square." and, fellow-sufferer by land mits us to $1.50 per square dailj tirst week. 75 cents give but ι few example*. Τι.ο β Its For Sale. Agencies Tor the seems to be that we per weft three or $1-00; Assets lor the of its Policies are more Hewing machines. Wandering Jew, an out- after; insertions, less, Security ikn New Biick note, however, will be found ex." 50 $13,000,000.00' Block oi three houses, on the corner W. S. 158 of upon continuing every otlier day after first week, A o( DYEK, .Middle St ever H. H. Hay's. All growth the thoroughly tevolu'.ioniz-d and aminatiou to cent Newbury street and Cburili s rett; finished kind* oi Macbiues tor sale throw a shade eveu of The Profit»* of the revert to the wi'h ail the and to lot. Rtpuuing» of ridicul··, C'oiupauy aMtured, nud nre divided annually, upon modern improvf mtnts; inarb'e mantles, exalted state feeling caused by the two upon that Half square, three insertions or less, 75cents; the Premium!* in-ide blind*, hith sublime cousin* terminated dnrin" the jeor, certificate» for room, ticscoid, ceuieuted cellar "reasoning through one week. 51.00; 50 cents per week after. ubich are iisencd, Ixaiiufi in and periect Bakers. great eveuts of those times -tlietlistovery of ency upon that drainage. For particulars ot ·· third additional. erewt until redeemed. inquire W. No. unerring calculus ot pro Special Notices, eue JOHN Ο O.COBB, 12 Peart Street. a new the abilities— 18 P.OJIEU, world by Spaniards, aud of anew through Uud. r Lead ot "Amusements," $2.00 per W. ϋ. li. Moore,2d Vice-Preet. sep <13w 93 which arrived *1 John D. Jones, I-reaidont. Excnange street. tbe laws ot Kepler ciquare per week; three iusertionsor less$1.50. •I. D. Hkwletv.3«1 Vica-Prest. Bookseller* faith by the Germans. Capt. Vanderdecken matter, " Charles Dennis, Vice-President. and Stationers. Newton deduced theif Atlveniseinents inserted in the Maine J H.Oh apm an, as is tries to the formula, and Socretary. HOYT, FOUU at generally knowu, double cape without which Btatk Press" (which has a large circulation FOK BREED, 92Middle Street. almost we would I · •JOHN W. a dead as iguorant a» lu In every part oi the State) for SI.00 per square alUNGER, Corresnondent, notwithstanding heavy gale blowing the time when Mos.·· OU *E and called for first and 50 cents for ot No. 12ti Dautorth street. 'n his and bis task too much the moon the insertion, per square Office, 1β6 Fore Street. Portland. H ai!gl»ti Book-Binders. teeth, finding second in it each subsequent insertion. AHrcb 1871 S. E. SPUING, Kx'r. WM. A.QUINCY. Room the magnitude 13, dlm-eodllm&w6w 11 Prlntei'fl for him, the obstinate Dutchman insists that heavenly tights. For Address all communications to No. Ill Exchanze Street. Bxc&ADge, some interest!) g he on our House and Barn tor 8MAXL & will carry out his purpose eviii if he should particulars subject we are PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. endorsed and pkescbibed b\ gale. SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street, indebted « more ''ii'taiii- who Are leading Phys'eians than any other Tonic 01 TO eleven room·, and is supplied liave to sail till The evil Eugene Crapsey, has made the LET. WANTED. bOUSEwith gas doomsday. one, mysterl « Stimulant now in use. aj-fe and water. Commands a fine They vi»w «ι he sebig Bonnet and Hat of New York a in kabjf ami >sUnd*. Burn Bleacliery. hearing this oath, accepts it in its most liter- speciality journalistic wriv BUSINESS A 81JBG PREVENTIVE two horses. arranged lor Η. K. CARDS. Price $4,000. oi UNI>ERW«JOD,No. 3101 Congress Street. al For Fever ai d Ague, Tu Let. Wanted. J. Enquire 8. SAWYE11 ft meaning, and 12 consequence the unfor- ing. Intermittents, Biliousness and W. STUCK WE· L & CO., CO., Bleachers, 131 Middle In all disorders from malarious Desirable House or ten rooms. oi C. O. street. tunate 1851 Captain John master <>· t arising causes Tbev 1 Enquire COOK at 98 Free, cor High et. H-p2ttt 'J8 it 16! Diii.oith street. sailor is doomed to roam forever and Buckson, arc highly recoium nded as an ΒΑ Κ ΕΚ, 37 Wiimot street. Κ. W. LOCK. vessel, with bis wife Butler & Anti-Dytipeptie, sepl6 aye over ibe sailing lived, Nancy, in t Fessenden, an-lin caees ot are In Iyl2-tlti Carpenters and Builders ocean, far from his wile and his little ^udigrolion valuable. As H beautiful cottage in tbe village ol Se >· an Appetizer awl in il 9 ίοι· WHITNEY & Pearl Récupérant, and cases ot Sale or Lv«!»e. MEANS, st,opposi*3 the Park. beloved Holland. the of uear Rhode Island. at Geaeral have never Wanted* However, poets later koak, Provideuce, 11· Attorneys Law, Debility they in a single in· To Let. stance tailed in ti e most Overseer for Cliair a' tbe Reform School. in ages, pitying the weary wanderer of the was a man of spotless character, religious » .· prjducing happy results. Sbop, iZ?^Il'UATR Wilton, near the Wil:on Depot, one main NO. 50 EXCHANGE They are HRUE «mill tenements at tbe end ot ANΔ single man ana one with busi- ill with never Dye House. have tried in most to but 1ST., particularly wei'.trlly acquainted the iailiug water power. The build- different ways to release him Puritanism, also very passiouain} Cuiuburland St. iuquiro at tbis office. less. Audress Supt. ing is three F. India l adles Cloaks from BENEFICIAL TO sep24tl sepl6tt 64x40, stories. Suitable 'or wool·,η or BYMONDS, St., cleansed or this desolate estate. and that lb-a PORTLAND, ME., FEMALES, cotton for one Capt. Marryat in Nancy, being greatly younger manufacturing. The wheel and dyed dollar. his well M. M. Butlee. Strengthening ibe body, invisoratftig the mind, and is all building, known novel bas been hiuiselt and lair to look 1 House to Kent. Wanted 3 sbalring new can on about GO veiy fortunate very upon,shon James 1). giving t«>ne and elasticity to ihe whjle system. The the.' ntire rely bors-e powei in this have F»k*enden, rr· year, no troub'e troni respect. Another denouement of the grown fretful and did notii'i'i Home Bitter* ire compounded with the HE upper Tenement of tlio new House No 34 to take a locative bu.«iness : office ireshets. The prop Dentists. unruly, Francis Flssexden. greatest ΑΜΔΝ already erty will be lold m story was invented much cure, and no tonic stimulant has ever be tore been J Emery st, oi six with established in this city. tor S«ate A yearly installments ii desire I. DUS. * by Heinrich and quietness to his tempei. They qu i.· sepIG d&w lui consisting room?, plenty Monopoly the saw and and | EVANS STROUT, 8 Clapp Block, Con this Heine, ottered 10 the public so PLEASANT of water, ίο be rented to a small ot Maine, viust furn'sb bc?t ot shingle lath mill connected, will be upon Wagner has based reled and late one TO THE family. retirent es; small ottered with tbe above JOS1AH No. avowedly iliepo ouen; evening a uei^hb r TaîTK ami at the same time combining bo WILLIAM H. capital required. Parties roperiy il wished tor. HEALD, 105 Middle Street. em of his In Κ. A. many GREEN. L,eanmp bu-iness please For partictlar* opera. Heine's sto- passing tbe cottage saw through the O'OΗΙΟΝ9 remedial agents endorsed tbe medical Portland, Aug 11. dtf investigate. Address J. Portland. inquire oi DR. W. R. tiagmeutary 11d,wtr JOHNSON, No, ISi, Free Street. ry, "The Memories of Herr von window the husband —WITH— a> the best known to the Pharmacopoeia. Jt CHA ULKS BARTLETT, Wilton. Schnabele- standiug over the wi ·» costs PACKARD ft HARDY, Fluent Corner Con- the in a .but little to them a fair Block, wopski," hero (who, the shows threatening with a give trial, and Boarders gress an J Exchange Sts. by bye. attitude, long »bi l _TO LKT. Wanted. Farm the cord in his and heard P8EST0N & Every Family Should Ilave a Bottle. tor Sale. only slightly disguised characteristic fea- hand, also an unco: SPRUANCE, CO., pleasant Iront rooms, lurnishfd or unfurn- trollable burst ot in 40 acres ot tures of the great humorist tells us rage and threats rJSo preparation the world can produce so LAP.GE TWOished to let with board at 36 J?rt*e good land divided into Furniture—Wholesale and Ketall. himsell) many ot many ROOM, with steam power. Knquira st. Also a tew on violence. aTDqualilied endorsements by ot the at ihu table boarders. mowing and pasturing: ihe pasture WALTER COREY ft how, his passige from to Am- Commission physicians very A offiec, Mrs. A. D. KhLViiS. is CO., Arcade No. 18 Free St. Ha-nburg 3Ierchante, highest «landing lu their profession. lm well watered, with * brook run- ne aaw Λ vessel Willi The next the aug28 N. TARBOX, 58 and GO Fore »t. oiciuaiu, DIOoa IL'U sails, morning cottage was olosi 1 4 ·£&' Endorsed al fo the and the ning through it «batnever and and by Clergy leading Ίο Lif t tails, very like the phantom ol the deserted. This, however, exceed no a 7 Oliamber of Oommerce, denominational papers. ;n 0Iie 0t 1best pastures in WOODMAN ft WHITNEY, No. 5β St. ship Flying Wanted. it lias a Town; Exchange whom tention, as John was to have leu υ ι Board ; two fine front rooms, connected or ii»uO bam, small house and wood wiih I Upholstering of all kinds done to order. Dutchman, shortly afterward he saw supposed United States Marine a shed, ItL. Hospital, as at MAN to take an ht mon y is situated in the ipsissima persona on the stage ol the last sailing trip, Nancy accustomed t.» Louis, Mo., Oct. 8,1870. Δ bUBiness. Town ol 4 J making Small capital required, 2 Deering, miles irom the Cit.ν οι Furniture and House named The new depart without t·» James A. Jackson & one ni Portland, city. feature added to the Irequently, announcement, Will give esneci-il attention to the pur^b.iRe and Co— 1 have examined the Middle St. Sip20*4t le from Abbotts Coiner ana within a tew Furnishing formula lor htere to Let. rods old is visit relatives in a town. shipment ot Flour, Grain an 1 Provisions tor East- making the Home Stomach Bitters." ot J, W. .Jones ueru Kac'ory. For lurther Good*. story this—that, instead of au uncondi- neighboring But and store No 150 informa- that Qfli.erin.\n a !■♦· '<» Ί"" eru account. <16m nsed them in tnis hospital the last tour rpHE Commercial Street occupied by tion, euuoire ot NaTH'L tional jyl3 meiulis, J HAW KES, near Morrill's Β EN .J. cor. and sentence, Vandeidecken is condemned I consider them the rnest valuable tonie ami Woodman & Littlejoun. Apply to Wanted. Corner. ADAMS, Exchange Federal sts | s'imu- *ep20 d2w & w tt w38 to wander till unless picnic party in the adjacent woods an.I lam now m u>e, S. H. Jun28t« A. E. STEVENS & Cus,ou1 daine Farmer HOOPER Λ EATON, No. 130 doomsday, he shall have pawed MELCBEK. CO., Pant and Vert Makers, at f please copy ] Exchange Street. a Resident rI.Ç?T:ïïaMloi L. been leleased the love of a woman bowled at of sand, until tbe W. L.KtlILË», PbjHÇïajxin.c)||jc^U,.S. Marine Hospital. Middle Et, up staiiB. tep15 2w F. HOYT, No. 11 Preble by "faith- lieap merry House to Let in done to Street, Upholstering ful uuto The examined it and lound James A. Jackson & Co—Gentlemen : As Deeriuir. order. death." Devil, stupid as he party iheie—tne corps » you For is, ol Vave communicated to the medical tb»j NICE tu'nisbed or unfurnished house lady Copyists does not believe in the virtue of Nancy Uurkson. Frtsco Painter, profession one mile Wunted! Gentel women, and recipe ot the "Home Bitters" it cannot therefore be A I rum Portland, on line o« Horse a job of obou' two Stojy, Cottage House, situated on Furniture and thereiore allows the Tbe of tbe town Cars, Stable &c. months. Qikk writers «Le Upholstering. doomed to people flocked round t'i I considered as a patent no All complete, terms can make AliMunjoy, (near terminus 01 Hor>«e R. li.)» DAVID W. captaiu go medfeiae, patent having reasonable. FOR fair, not L,vBtiE wages. DEANE, No. 89 Federal astnre ouce seveu tbe l>01tH.A>D, MAINE. t·. ken has 8 flushed is for street, all every yeais, and to take a ïiorror, recogu zing deceased, her clotb i been for il. We have examined the formula A. R. DOTEN, Appiy. at once, Post room", good cellar, piped g;is kinds ot and through Ofliee, Box 1356. well with lurd and Uaholstering Repairing done to wile. The Dutchman has and ber She bad i>»en tor making 1 lie "Heme Bitters," and iinDesiuting'y se|.6 If Office oi Cross st, Mill. aug 31 dtf supplied soft water. Price $2*00 order. poor been disap- jewelry. strangle 1 Office Planing Trnns li serai. with a at'Echumacher Bros, 5 Bearing Block say the combination is one of rare all the pointed in the attempt of such a cord, and chloride ol lime bad be« ι eAceilence, ol finding para- articles used In its are Inquire JOHN C. PROCTER. of on composition the best of tbe Firit-vlass Houses to Kent. Hair Goods and Toilet gon taithtui spouses tor many a time, till sprinkled tbe body to hasten A CAI?1>—In fo/roer customers and cl tss to which &epl9d3w Articles. decomposi- thanking ray they belong, being highly tonic Stim- Wanted F. at just alter another tion. The collate was lrknld previous to Oct 1st, the two end houses J. SHERKY,No. 9 Clapp's 8t last, period ot seven searched, and a whin pHimiiag-; upon iilant, Sfr>ni*chic/Carmiuative. and slightly Lixa- Immediately. Block, Congress has cold me lor tbe lasr til teen I luve tbe in IFin the new brick block of on the corner ol opposite old City Hall. years elapsed, he meets a Scotch found upon tbe floor which tltted exact- years, pleasuie i> ve. ne moue ot preparing mem is strictij lu ac lour, or Toman to take care ot House for Hale· (accord- 10 Ncaland Pine sif, will be rented on tavorabie ttrms. children; Prot- to a to the maiks on recort>mei diijg n.em'Mr. VV. L. KK'LElt or a cordnnoewiih the rules of Having us the victim's and ι· pharmacy. TUet-e are tlrst class requirtd. m> hous.- 14 Emery street, corner neck; continuance ot the 8» me, confident ihat he seen bousea in every respect, con- Also a Cook Horse and Job the cellar was a leelmg them, i.s effects in our priYatefprsctice, we take wanted. [WiLLof Sp uce !»t-, at a baiga'a; m be examined Shoeing Work. readily obtains his paternal consent to a box of chloride of lime l.k· s able to all who h«m a call in his | tainiLg 13 rooms all modern improvements at »y pro- p'eat-e may give pleasure in recommend.ng them to all persons de- baying App'y 74 State st. anyattem ou. I'ermseaev. 8. YOUNG Λ CO., No, 100 Fere stieet. with his that scalteied tbe ine. CHAS. tuid Sei)ago water. to JOHN T. 48 sep!8dtt posed marriage daughter. This upon body. J. SCHUMACHER. sirous of taking Bi ters as the best Tonic and Apply HULL, ANN H. being L'mon St. aepaiuSw WOODBCRY. herself has a IJurksou JyUdt t Stimulant now ottered Ό the sepl6 daughter formed romantic at- wasairested, indicted, and on thi public. and Fine of the trial that Frank G. Porter, Jewelry Watches. tachment for the unfortunate sailor, whose da; κoul'l have sent bim 19 Trot Obstetrics Machinists Wanted ! WM. H. ABNER the and Diseases of Women, College ol "ifl LEI. JERRI8, LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. Agen' toi story she has heard, and whose picture haugs gallows, Nancy Bnrkson alive and v»< i, iiuu. η. just, and late Howard Watch Physicians, member Board ot Health. Company, in her room. When she sees the real though cross as ever walked into the li. C 11. APPLY TO Flying villa.·, Boisliniere, m Η Ε three and a halt story house No 6 Hampshire fresh from a visit to distant relatives Prof Obstetrics and ot RealEsr.ate and Loan Dutchman she recognizee him at once the Tbe ar- Dis. Women,St Louis Medical A street known as the Acadia col tains 33 Agent. Manufacturers of by tiouse; Trunks, Valises ticles of dress and on tbe we College. fiuished is well titted for a hotel or resemblance with bis iewelry corpse · looms,and board- Lewiston Machine MVou»e·, L·!» and Parma for and likeness, aud, heroically Fresco Drake McDowoll, 91. !>., ing house. Oompany, Sale· Carpet Bags. deciding to share his ill the recognized by Nancy as taken liom .tbe b v· Late He would reter lormiie, accepts Painter, President M., Inquire oi S.L.CARLTON, Lewiston, city: Hon. Geo. F. Shep- One in 1861 136 Middle stveet, Up Stairs, Prof Surgery. Mo. Medical and the sepll*t26tli ley, Hon. A. W H. ewopski-Heine is, an unforeseen and inde- morning a New Jersey wha. S- College, late Res- my31dtf Att'y a t Law, 80 Middle st. Clapp, Hon. Benjamin Kings- Masons and Builders. by ident Physician City Hospital 5>t Mo. bury, Jr., Hon. scribable man complained to his''boss" tbat a barrel itf bad an experience of of Louis, Woodbury Dans,Hon. John Lynch, Ν. E. incident, called away from the Having upwards twenty Herbert Prim Prot. ΙΌ Lei. Rent Wanted. M. C. KEDLON, 233 1-2 Congress st. bad been stoleu m ibt; above business, (lor the last 16 m, bouse, and when he comes is in pitch from the pier. Th» years years Prot Practical Phai m*· y, st Louis ol Phar- Portland, Nov back, just with Sih macher.as bead I would Coi.ege LIST or all tbe vacant tenements in tbe 1 mreu or iour roon'S 1,1870. nolti same the clerk of a York ho' mar·), respect- macy. city, time Ό see the Dutchman 011 board his own morning New I so ioit with all in to wanted by a small Organ A JHelodeon fully .he pationage ot any parties having J. A necessary information regard them family without cbildien. Manufacturers. which is to his thzt Mrs. €. Whslehill, cau Good ship, weighing anchor for another compla.ned proprietor Ad· wojk to be done in ibe ab>ve line, and will assure Esq., be touini at 351$ Congress et. references given. Fight Rooms To Let. oi Medical Archieves. SMALL & Ko. Kichard— once well known to ιιη· Ν. Β. Kent s our AuJfess R. Picas Office. KNIGHT, 154 Exchange Street. voyage of He loves his Cincinnati tbem thai lor proiuptm-s«, uealnesB an heapness, /: 1 I'd entered on list iree ofcharge. W., >ep9eo.l2w reut payable in boaid of one A hopeless despair. Heacock M D, D: C V F Ludwig person, der another name—a ol I will not be excelled by any other in the business. Mar 10-dtf Ί1ΗΕtmall without aud would save her from the fate that woman marvt-io i* C Geriicks, M D., S Gratz Moses M D, iaujiiy preieied young children. bride, June 27-13m Rent Location central. to Paper Hangings, Window Shades ol form and no small charm ol le ν C A Waie, M D, W A Wilcox M Wanted, $150 to $20G. Apply WM. H. J EKR1S. threatens her if she accompanies him. But beauty I), To Kent. sep2l*lw and Weather but E. C. Franklin, 91. D.. A Sm:l1" or part ot a houte it convenient «trips. she, "faithful unto death," ascends a high ture, senusous as Lola Montez, and i J. B. BROW If & Prot ot Surgery Homœooaihy Medical Clsss Rooms, Fuinihbcd or P'easint tor a <3EO, L. LOTHltOP Φ Co., No. IBS, Exchange trail ol character—had and nous, College. Unfurnished, wifeι. .Îj ΐ, family, gtniliinan, Street. rock and jumps into the waves, by which he- suddenly luexpl Τ J Vastine. M D, Τ G FIRSTai Ko C "'tee street. and child. References lirst-cluss « Comstock.M D, cepl5., Lecturer Sr. aug23 tt Plumbers. Amsterdam stage;.this ouly night On Diseasts House A fastened in t:.e Town aud Slate Bonde and ol Children,Homoeopathic College oi Mo. for Sale. statement, however, he withdrew alterward, stockings, gag Bought SKCl'BITÏ.PiBI'ECT. ON Ε and a JA'·' 'is MILLER, 91 Federal Street. .le·- Charles Vastine, if·. D hah story house, centrally located, E»ery and claimed as bis own inven- mouth (was the mark ol v. >- Sold· Prof ot To and in H ci >;.uon οΓ Water Fixtures arranged anil set up in emphatically only Phvsiology, iiomœooaihio Medical College Let, A good repair. ara and soit water on the tion the beautiful and but that was sufficient to eviden t of | J OUSES and Store» on Pearl Street and Cum- premises, 'lhis tie best manner. Jobbing promptly attended to. eminently dramatic lence, Coupon* Collected or Purchased. Missouri. property will be sold at a bargain if murder. ll berlana Terrace by Cent. R, R. Tor soon. Tne former statement was also in The form was of wonderful and .-old. John 91. Oo.'s applied Enquire at '.'3 Cedar st. jyl4ti episode. Sterliug Exchange Bought llartman, 1>., Stucco as must b*-an'j Prot Clinical Col. t sep27-ly J. L. FAKMER. Plasterer, Worker, &c. so far inaccurate that he never sailed Irom have served lor the model to Tita ■ I«oaa* and Commercial Medicine, Homoeopathic hysicians j Negotiated Paper and First Mortgage P. Cor. Venue. It was Surgeons. >ew House FEKNEY, Cumberland and Franklin Stg. Hamburg to Holland;his voyage was, on the noticed tbat though the »toc €· Bought auil Hold. To be Let, They are superior to all other Stomach Bitters. SALE—On Lewis street, near Pine. Frescoed contrary, directed to London, and here it ings were almost too small tor tbe »hap if Advanced .Hade on Eiiuo 'I1HK whole or part ot tbe block 01 ltrick Stores 01' Seven Per Cent. and lor Real Estate approved Security· Zanders, Analytical Chemist. Gold FOR piped S.bago. Apply cn the pr?ms«es, Agents. most was that he made Ihe ac limb, they were two sizes too large tor t il No Bitters in the can i Portland Pier. 3r likely really Actountf* with Interest as world exctl them. at 25 rruery st. JAMES A. TENNEY. JOHN 0 PRO TER, S3 χ r 8treet. loot. Deposit agreed. Simon A pply at the Merchants National Baik. No,, hinge quaintance of tha Dutchman" in a Upon one of tbe lower limbs waa tli· llirscli, Analytical Chemist. aug25 tt UEO. "> "Flying jyisti Land Grant & R. DA fit».. No. 301J Congress street. theatrical capacity. The of the cieatrice ot an old wound. Managing igente of the Portland Sugar Eminent Physicians oi Chicago. Sinking Fund Bund, story phan- tom seems to have been at that time Tbe body was interied without The toi mula or the Home Bitters has been sub- .Silver riinith and Gold and ship recognition, Company. To Let. Free of Crorernuieut Tivo First Class Stores Silver but the head A few a mitted to us and we believe them to be »be best ton- Tax, (1827) to a certain extent popular in Kngland. pteserved. days a'.ter, General Agent* for the «ale of the Boudai ijOUSE So 36 Anderson st Plater. ic and siimulaut tor general use now offered t ο the ;rearly new, coutains A veiy impressive version ol it had sentleman intimatelv acoua.uted with A la of the Portland & Bail- IJ six looms, eiglil cioseis, anil 65 miles nearly completed—40 more under con- For Sale or ILeasc. M. No. 22 near appeared Ogdeusburg public. Η Woodlurv, M D goO'i cellar, plenty PEARSON, Temple St., Congress.! ii Richard the lace ambers υ id water. ai »o 3 Lincoln tiact. Funds on hand to buiid ibid Blackwood's and recognizcd bev road. ti G A Mariner, Analyt'l Jas V Ζ M D Prci Apply at. jy27tt 1C5 miles and All kinds of Silver and Plated Ware Magazine, (May, 1821,) junl3 Blaney, it. Repaired. this was tlie shadow of a doubt. The then in- Chemist. Chemlistry hush Medi- equip fine brink block ol Stores on Middle street, made the ground work of a melodra- police These bonds are issued no faster known as the H". S. M D cal Furntebed Boom to than $25,000 per THE "lb· mà.son Blocb," arranged par matic of a of terviewed her quasi husband, Charles Ki h· Hahn, College, Let, mile on road Silver and Plated Ware. production Fitzball, playrlght J. IJ. Β M D J Β M D completed and equipped. ticulariy t««r the wholesale jobbing business Iron Irom him her L.AMSOJV, McVicar, Walker, or without board. Also Lsdv Boarders ABNER those days, whose were almost as ard, cautiously concealing su^· Nor'n S Barns, M D 'J' S M D runts and light and airy basement p. Terms favora- LOWELL, 301 Congress Street. adaptations Hoyne, WITHwanted. Apply corner Center and Free st, No NECUBEU as those I death. He entered into a de- It Ludlam. M D Thos Γ Ellis. M D ble. Apply to W M. H. .JKKRIS, or JOHN C. "original" ot some contempoary stage posed tieely M· jon30tf of her and PHOTOGRAPHER, Jas A Collins, M D J A Γ.1 D PROCTER, Real Estate Agents. mylOtt Schools. favorites. The piece in questlou is scription history person, spoie Hahn, By Road, Franchises, Rolling Stock, Buildings, and extremely all ENGLISH and and bad in Mvnheer with some pride of lier being obliged to war 152 Middle Eminent Physicians iu Cincinnati. otuer property, including over FRENCH SCHOOL, 430 Congress it silly, every respect. No, Street, TO LET. V auueruecRen Here is tue slave and ot stockings too large lor her foot in order to lit Nearly all ot whom are Proiessors in one oY the ally other otthe Medical 700,000 Acres of Stair Builder. some horrid monster ol the and bis mo her well rounded limb, mentioned the mark PORTLAND) IMS. Colltgee. FFICES I FLUENT Qeo. R. deep, No other Bitters have ever been offered to tbe BLOCK, Davis & Co.'s B. of an old wound audits re_:rtd d F. LIBBT, 17< Union Street, αρ. stain. tive in taking a wife is only Ό increase the position, Copying and enlarging done to order public to valuable Ο embracing many remedial agents, Timber and Iron Lande. number ot his victims. In this wicked the injury to her beautiful teeth by the lu» d L M D LA James M D. Either or in Suifs. pur- All tbenew Meda'Hon. Vattieer, Single Β ULItETIN. of one on the left at bar styles, Berlins, Rembrarts, C T » Ρ Teas, Coffees, Spices, Ac. he does not the hero- side, and laughed Simpson, M D, Bonner, M D These offices are the most desirable in the Tlie whole based a cash pose, however, succeed, the Porcelain, or M«zzotint card aud the retouched eity uron large subscription by J.DEEMING & wo. η as to cut I' ν S C Muscratt, M D, G W M D, situated and ot the best Co,48India* 102 & ine his snares and I having earrings so heavy card bv which new process we ge rid of treckies, Bigler being pleasantly heated by steam. many and mosi well-known merchants of 164Congresssts escaping marry ing I (if W T l'ailtaferro, M D, J J nn, M Desk loom and Boston and to Loan and necessitate a secoud moles, wrinkles, and all iropertections ot the skin Qu D, Also, desks furnished il desired. Ne«v York. $20,000 III remember rightly) a young officer whom she ears, piercing vivf J H Buckner, M D, W R M mar9dti Ac. Call and judge . desired, Η, MOPUFFEE, cor Middle & Union sts. with the R,chard was then McCarthy D, le.ν FO H Ho". GEO. REfcD Vice President. elas« about the lime ol Heine's visit to London ; exact.y corpse. Κ H Johnson M SB M mortgages in Portland, Cape Eliza- D, Tomlinson D. Hon. SAMUEL H. WALLK\ Treasurer. and nothing is more probable than that the shown the preserved head, and fell bick ία tfVJLJSS CH. L. MORAZA1N, Nat 1 fcevere beth, Westbrook, or Parties dé- Eminent Physicians in Memphis: (President Bank, Boston.) Deering. Dissolution of German poet, who coascientously studied the the utter horror of sudden recognition. The FKOM PAErs, lirons ol building can also be accomm- Copartnership. The Home Bitters are an invaluable remedy lor in- Τ rueteee. should mys'ery was solved —but only lor a day Ή part-iership heretofore existing between Jo- English stage, have seen it. For the Xeacner oi the Kreueli digestion and disease.» arising torm maUria1 causes. odated with loans. a sudden Ada beautiful as ·β· Languaire. Hon GEO T. BTGELOW, Actuary of the Mass. Hos- THEsiah Nickerson and Charles L. Litct'fleld under circumstances of the Dutchman's taking a Richard, ever, ot Modern in the Provin- GEO. R. Late Master Languages in charge $L ÎÎ Hedges. M D, μιιαι une luruiauce VU DUMOU, DAVIS A the tirm name ot Nicktrion A Litihfleld is dis- turned from a month's arnoi.g I he C?ty ÀVsiÂtal, NewT)ress Goods """ CO., wife, Heine would in this case be indebted to wandering cial TiainiDg School. High aud Grammar Schools. J M Kodgere, M D, Paul Otey, M D, Ne^r^JfiJatDnifp/' State· .^Jfcal Estate & solved by Ihe withdrawal ni Chartes L. TriietX'oV, mortgage Brokers· Litchfield in whose there also occurs an soldiers at New Orleans. No further disco»· St. John, Ν. B. H W Purnel, M D, MA Edmunds. Vf D, Τ1ΐθ3β Bonds will be sold at 05 and accrued in- from said fi rm. Fitzbill, piece 3. cries have ever been made. Reiereocee: 'ien. J.M.Brown, W.Symonds, Saniord Bell, M D, Joe. Ε Lynch M D, terest in currency. XJie subsciher will attend to all business of the old picture connected with the story. Our third and last caa« Esq. Eninent in United states Bonds taken in at market ooonrred in t i· v. Μ at Be Physicians Pittsburgh^ exchange 'aXftiXTrmtfotetraun. noW SWM· ~uiutl>T>. ~£ loo, r Apply from one p. M. to three o'clock rate® fre° ot commissions. Portland, Sept Β, 1871. vT-u.^, p„, η -"L- 4 _ :r> Λ D„» or.r.a Ρ H» Hobo Μ η n?m T»w.,n "Μ" Γ* sep9d2w his Mark and SHAWLS, $84.00 in L\ 8. 5-20s, yielding an income oi dications noble idea of the Dutchman's sylvania. Wilson Miss Wallace, a M. Morazain will ieturn to Portland about W R Chi id 8, M D, D H Willard. M 1>, $504 ι er year in go'd, will purchase Α Β deliverance the love of a woman. And loveiy girl of eighteen, had been oc Sept. 1st. ϋ Wuth, chemist, J H McClelland, M D, to-day $10,- Ε LI A Ji LIS SECURITY. OISSOL πττο X. by engaaed OOO οt Wis. Cent. ItR. Bonds, yielding an income Wagner, on his part, has the dra- six months, when she suddenly jilted him, ad BerK'dly Aod Hnudred· of Others οι in go d. Tlie tiret heightened $700 per year mortgage heretofore matic without h m We recommend these Copartnership existing between pathos of the 'able his hero explanation forb.ide to enter he In all parts of the North, West and South. strongly Bonds to all class- the under the by making THE undersigned, firm style or Ε, K. a house. Wilson into J Ε M Milwaukee. Velvets, Plushes, Gloakings, es of investors. 7 cent. GOLD Leinont symbolize profound philosophical idea— plunged dissipaiiou, aid Ilt \T & JKW Garner, J>, per BOND3 & Co., is this day dissolved l>y mutual con- KTT, Council Kluffs. March thus the of his character rapidly lost his his business and 27,1871. RRKWIT SWEET & sent. I>. Ρ, H, Lockhart settles and pays tbe liabil- raising conception character, WHOLESALE OFALER8 VS ER, CO., Ol IUI — James A Jackson & Co—Having examined the ities ot the late Arm. Irom that ot a popular tale into tha; of artis- his sma.l means. Ue was frequently h.M.d, formula of the "dome Stomach 1 have HOUSEKEEPING gepl5iilm No. 40 State St·, It ο «to 21. liitters," GOODS, E. K. LEMONT, tic significance, or, to speak with with fevered energy, io lay his ruin at & prescribed them in tor some and pro- Edgar Poe, Italian American practice time, Burlington, Cedar Rapids D. P.H. LOCKHART. out of into to vow with most de ;r· Marble, nounce them the best Tonic Bitters r.ow in uee. tancy imagination. The pitiful door,and tevenge Office319CONGRlP>§ «TREKT, P. II. McJHaliou, 11. D. J Oil* KINSMAN. figure of Mynheer Vanderdecken becomes mined bitterness. Shortly alter, be made & B. B. " Yard 43 PBEBLK NTBEET. Sy For sale by all Dru ν gists and G» icers. Fine Woolens f ir Men and an embodiment of lite-weariness, longing for preparations to leave for Kurope, but b ire JninrN A. Jackfton & Boys. COPARTNERSHIP. and of so some means the I to keep on band a good assortment of Italian Co, Proprietor*. death, forgetfuluess individual pain doing by persuaded aii Y ield. over· take a drive with him. SHALLaim American îVlarnle, and wiil receive orders Labratory 105 and 307 Ν Second st, St Louis, Mo. Gas Fixtures Ο per cent undeisigued have this day formed 'a copart- and struggle or (which is the same t*>ing) of He save out al he to cut to size all kind 01 Monumental stock, at prices For sale ...SUCH AS. ... THEnership under tbe name ot LOCKHAB «' & livery stable that he was to an oce Λ· by In on existence.— The Academy. going * hat will not fail to be to all marble work- currency, Subscription Price. and will satisfactory John W. PerkiuM & Co., SLOAN, continue the business ot manufact- ional picnic resort, in a wild gerge anions i ll ers. a 11*22 uring ot Fine Carriage· Ac at the oui Me. The & Nl«igh·, neighboring hills. Neither of them retuin· july25-uGmo Portland, Worsted Chicago, Burlington Quincy Road lias con- stand ot Ε. K Le αϊ ont & 22 Preble st.. where [From The Virginia Enterprise j d, English Coatings, Diago- Gas tracte»!, bv a traffic Co., and two after the Stoves, gunrantee, to invest one-half they will be pleased to see the iriends of tbe old tirm days body of the sirl, o-nb· their ernss derived irom Woman nals, Granites, Tricots, "West earnings this road, in the and the public MnflTragc. bed tothe death with a sw. rn Bond* ot this generally. pocket-knife, company: which makes a ready maiket D. P. H Δη husband as ot Enclaud" Cloths, Doe- at LOCKHART, outraged at Chejenne, Wyom- to Wilson's, was found in the turbid » it- Κ Ε Μ Ο V _Α_ JL For all timps ior these bonds. J. C. Si-OAN. NATHAN Cooking are a firs on a ers of a brook that threaded "Picnic ." l>ey where female GOOLD, skins, &c., &c., &c„ mortgage completed road, July 18th, 1871. sepl lm ing Territory, suffrage and the Goig. the was in an MISS A¥D running through richest region in ihe s es*, mak- She burieJ, agony of sorrow, bv sr SCALES, he shortest line from the political and social appurteuuices thereto ap- ing Great Northwest to Dissolution. loving parents, and the day alter the incei d, removed from No 2 "lm street to the store Chi<-ago and St Louis. Merchant Tailor, ... .(J ALL AT.... pertaining are recognized, deuounce) the fe- Mrs. Wilson, nee Miss Wallace, returned liuta 347 street, Wiss The present earnings, in the dullest season of the copartnership existing between T. Johnson HAS ^ongreee formerly occupied by Heating. New York with h?r wedded L. M. CABTLANO, wbero she will continue the year, ray ov. r 12 per cent on the mortgage debt. The THEand M. Brennan, under the tirm name of JOHN- male jury business through The Cheyenne newly liu^bai.d. business of in ad its 128 loan is nearly placed. SON & BRENNdN, will be dissolved on or before Who was the murdered how a knite DRESS MAKING, Exchange St., and in offers a girl,or The -mall balance now the of mutual Leader, justification, personal branches, and will mIbj keep on hand a stock ot first- CAST1IA1 is offered at 90 and accru- 1st, September next, by consent. like that of Mark Wilson's came in her heart, class &c. BROS,, Me. edinteie^t in Banks and Bankers Persons having bills against said firm will p'ease from his domestic His wife fancy GooJs, Tiimmings, sepl3d2w Portland, currency,by gener- scrap history. the most investigation never could die- 137 Middle St. aug^6 1m ally, and present theai as soon as possible. rigid 333 CONGRESS STREET· Portland, Aug. 17,187». augl8tt was summoned and impanneled as a juror in cover. Tbe best goods ot every season always od A FIXE ASSORTMENT sey21d<&wtt w38 HENRY CLE ITS <0 and ail work attended to witb Co., an case. When came the band, personally K'i important night neatness an-j Wall Street. New Vork, Dissolution. Forcing ▲ Daughter to Marry—Hub promptness. iu>411 case not the husband HOUSES ! ! aug23 W&S is wtf being concluded, applied copartnership heretofore existing between Escape and Adveiiturks.-Irene Robm. on, HOLMAN'S THEtbe undersigned, under the firm nameot LIB- to the court to have bis wife seat home, as having good hordes can have them win- BY & is this mutual a bright looking young woman, aged nineteen TRITNK&, BROWN, day dissolved by several small children re- Hassan tered one ot the be?t tarms in consent. there were there PARTIESupon Oxfordcounty, Ail having c alms against the late fit m are General Insurance ol left her home in Peoria. III., tw? year ago, be- Cogia in the town Bethel Will b? ted o*ts, corn or !>"TO.\E & requested to present th*m, and those indebted to her attention—the in Agency, IHIWJIER, quiring smallest, fact, Central Block, Lewis'on. Me. TRAVELING BAGS, Has fou ad where the people go to buy thefr meal and receive tl e best ot carc, matte immediate payment. cause her parents wished her to marry a man ÏVrcLS reasonable. For further particulars ad- EDMOND being in a starving condition, owing to the Kite insurance effected in tbe New LIBBY, to be her lor ET" leading dress S, R., Box 1812, Portland, Me. LEND ALL old enough lather, aid wbi.», or. sepl9tt BROWN. fact that it had uot been habituated to the England companies, on all kinds oi property ~ Portland, w she a dislike. To ird most favorable term?. "Valises? ~i * Sept 20,1871. sep21*l entertained decided gu Baskets, use of the bottle. But the husband's request nov21 I> HORACE HOLMAN, Proprietor. YOU PEEL WEAK AND LANGUID IN BANKERS, against detection, she adopted the habit o( λ Trunk and Shawl J DRY DOCONSEQUENCE OF OVER 38 Stat3 was denied. Th judge said the |uiy could Straps EXERTION? Street, Boston, with her hair cut readily SHEMDAN & QSiPriTEB, Have taken cold ? Are Portland & Rochester R R Co. boy, and, short, pi»· GOODS, you you afflicted — DEALERS IN — not be The husbaud then reques- with Constantly on hand and for sale, or separated. for a of 15 or 16. She first went to And pasted his advertisements around Rheumatism, pains otany kind ? one of sed boy try Annual to send the inlant to the moth- Ρ I.* A. S Τ Ε Κ ERH, Ameiicau and Foreign specie aud Meeting. ted permission and there obtained work as a te .Ul- AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL· Wells' Machine -spread Plasters. Coupons. Chicago, PLAIN AND OKNAMENTAt, Strengthening AN» er. This was also refused, 011 the ground that ster, under the name of Wm. Fran cs. AT They will certainly cure. BUY NELL Stockholders o'tbe Portland ami Rochester passing C. B. Atwood & Co's will the law does not a thirteenth was of a but denied They are composed of choice emollient THERailroid Company, hold their Annual permit pergou She suspected being girl, jttuooo & TïAMTio wokkkks, nVICA.y Λ JO H Ν SON gums, State. County and United States Bonde. at thfir in the on Ή, spread on the finest kid,ofthree different City, Meeting Depot, Citv of Portland, in the jury room, and there is no statute to it, and left Chicago through fear of being de- sizes, ihe 4th of at 10 o'clock in « 9. β SOOTH MB. and are worn with ease and comfort. FOR Wednesday, October, 1871, show that an infant in arms is not a' sent home. She work d at v«r.. us ST., PORTLAND, No. 171 Middle, aud STORE, Sold by AGENTS THE HALE OF tbe forenoon. person" tected and Druggists, price IS, 20 and 30 oente each. the intent and iHT" Prompt attention paid to all kindsoi Jobbing Art. 1.—To heai· the report ot the Directors. within meaning of the 'aw. as a farm laborer, but seldom staved HO Federal Ste. Corner Congre·* & Exchange Su. P. Burlington, Cedar and places η oa«- line apr22rttf C. WELLS ft CO., Raptds, Minnesota Art. 2.—To elect niue Directors tor the ensuing The desperate husband then to at one The of women attended First mortgage R. R. Bonds. 7 cent in attempted long place. prying e>es C3T"Kepaii ing promptly lo. sep5tf 192 Fulton Ν. T. par Gold. year. induce court to send all the Buyers will find a new stock ot Street, jnobthern Pacific R. R. 7 3-10 in the jurors to his were most always the first to detect the'M- • ♦ Bunds, Gold, Art. 3.—To see how the means r.ecessary to WILLIAM A. * and trie U. S. Funded Loan. provide house for the but the effort was a fail- Alter adventures sh« lonod EVANS, additional equipmrnt for the road, to extend the night, poslure. various For Cash or Instalment» ! tbe tront of and the husband was informed in a and Monthly FALL ALSO, FOR MALE same 40 side the city, to build a branch ure, that quar- herself Troy, lew day» ago, engaged COUNSELLOR AT GOODS, from Saco River to Bonry Eaglo Falls, nom Spring- ters had been provided tor his wife at a hotel, its deck hand on a canal boat, commanded by LAW. European and Nor h American First vale to Santord, and for other Mort- purposes connected and that is he wished to to her for a and bound for Ne* VY rk. PIANOS, gage R. It. 6 cent in 90 with the road shall be speak Capt. Capineau, PORT At Low Prices. WHITE Bokds, per Gold, at and in- raised. wife accused het of FAIRFIELD. TEETH, HEALTHY GUMS, terest. Art. 4—To transact other business that moment he would have to take the place of a On the way the captain's SOUNDAND SWEET are any maj jy4 tf Respectfully BBEATH, secured by the come before lln-m. cook. a and she confessed t at or Melodeons. constant use of We draw Exchange ou Sail Francisco, legally being girl, finally Organs Montreal, St. John, and Halifax, and Buy By order ot tbe Directors. The husband went home. llow he got such was the fact. By ad rice of Mis. A- E.J.7IOBBILL. C.B. AT WOO» ami Sell on FREDERICK Clerk. LARGE Stock of the above instruments may &€0. THTOSTONS· I70S7 PEARL TOOTH POTOEB, Commission Stocks and Bjinis in Bos- ROBIE, through the night is not told; but when he neau, she went to the West-Twentieth police Ai\JJ OH If ami Portland, Sep*. 1871. AIM A be at " " ton New Yoik. mail 18, LK, iound sep29d2w w»e we»» licnuirice Known· inquiries by promptly learned the next day that the trial was likely station to ask aid of the police authorities to No 11 Damorih answered. St., Portland, Me. S. F. Sola by and to last a wepk, he straiahtway to enable her to reach her home. She is il'*! COBB'S, Druggets Dealers In Fancy Goods. Special attention to packages received by express. proceeded Contracts nway, garb υ Ρ H Ο Tj STE RER daily, on tbe 7 30 λ m and 1 30 ρ m train, receiving concludes his communication to The leader much the worse for wear and torn in sevi ral A LECTURE ON THE NATURAL TREAT* business for all stations on the line, and connecting as : woo ea Buenos Radical Care of follows places, patched pantaloons, rough Aos. SI Jè 33 Free Street, Ayres. M F.N r/and Spermatorrhea orSem tiieo. Wt Whiiiier, with tbe several Stage Lines. inal Weakness, Involuntary JCinUeioDS, Sexual De- 1ο°" I don't know how the ladies felt, but I was shirt, a pair of heavy boots, and a bat'eied MANUFACTURER OP The now A 1 Bark PHI Capt. John JBusiness, orders al the office, Plumet? pcneciiy satisutu witu uvt unty tue mw ul LENA, anu to Tailoring titwA li>t. etio a di· CUpper bility, Impediments Marriage generally, r*Vjy2(î'dom poeeesses cheerful posi- E. Chase, will sail tor the above Porte about Oc', 1st. but its Suits, Spein» .Nervousness, Consumption, Ejllep^y, and Fits; Α Γ equal rights, practical working, as laid tion, which even her life has been una- Γαβι-οβ LoUNeBB, Bkdb, Having superior accommcdations can take a limited Mental and from Sel 1 CHEMIST AND APOTHECARY, rough Physical Incapacity, resulting down to me. I most respectfully and cordial- ble to subdue. When asked whv she did tot ΜΛΤΤΒΕ8ΒΚ8, number 01 Passengers, Apply to the Captain on Abuse, &c., by Robt. J. Çulverweli, M. D, author 01 $5000.00 cr 151 ly invite any and all in favoi the of her sax when first aecu bOdrd, J s. WlNSLoW & CO., the "Green Book," «£c. 400 CONORErn ntbekt. MIDOLE ST., persons—those asyinte garb led Fnlriit Bed En- t-e of woman iflcl»«"oiish Loun||r·, 14*2\v No. 7 Central Wharf. suffrage and those opposed—to call of being a girl, she said that she was afraul of &*c. '•A Boon to ThouftnndN of Safleren." j And has just receivnd a and well selected stock Town of Deering Bonds I ainrled Chairi, large at nuuse auu see lur me lather and isliereDy given,that the subscriber has uiy inemseives prac- being found oy her compelled to ul «loue. Furnt- Sent under in a to ad- — — syAJl kinds ttepairmg neatly NOITCEbeen and taken upon himsell Feai, plain envelope, any OF FOB SALE AT tical workings of woman It is hav- return home. She will be sent home li, the duly appointed on or two suffrage. oie boxed and matteu. ocas'69T,TAstt the trust of dress, postpaid, receipt of six cents, post- Administrator with the will annexed* ol ing a fair trial." I am lord of all I surrey; rnj authorities. the estate ot age stamps, bv CHAI,. J. C. KLINE&CO., 127 poti?e Bowery, Now York, Post Office box 4585. & Domestic SECOND NATIONAL BANK, right there is none to dispute." My cook is a HEZEKIAH PU RI ΝΤΟΝ, late ot Portland» w25 3m Foreign to tub BBE WE junltid cliildreu «re and when "Stick Fence."—For fifteen v u» II. 31. II, in the of 34 Exchange St., up «lair*. perfect success, happy, County Cumberland, deceased, and given at a bonds as asked how like home without a daily, stamfoFd, Conn., man has sat t ri a the law directs. All persons having de- ! sepl-dSw they mother, mands WOOLENS fence and watched train a. it No. Middle Street, upon the estate ot said deceased, are required Highest Premium say, "It's nice. P. 8.—A canary bird which every railroad 90, to exhibit tin* same ; and all persons indebted to said SUITED TO THE JESSE C. ROBINSON, had faithfully and patiently sat on her nest passed.—Exchange. Rub- estate are called upon to make ANUP^OTT/RKR of Leather Beltings. payment to off and with one lie is to make his m nd γι Al- FALL and WINTER until yesterday, got left, jusl probably trying up -M ber Belting and Hose furnished to order. ASA Η. PHINNEY, & Helodeoiis ! TRADE. if L8 cook, with wbom he is so wel Ask yourself L lx>r' linie> tnei, and Money. law directs. persons upon gettiug along insulted. Secure, as your means w ill rMV»eK Clothes, said deceased, aie to exhibit the Sl'PERfi#/ MERCHANT TAILOR Pantaloon I But, the is a aud get w,th it wear twice as as it wash- estate of required ^CE Goods, Vestings perhaps, story fiction. Nevei of long ® the luxuries railroad hut eu *.nu*er and all persons indebted to said estate are IIs I POUB LE MOUCHOIB tiavel, ιυηοηon »uap, One pound ot it wj'I wash same; 151 MIDDLE STttEET. theless, it might all be true under the laws c permit,all to make payment to off that fence to enjoy them. 9o uozen pie'-es ot called upon 2w &c. don't get Î..ÏS i.'J l0.? e? ordinary family P. Mill, 1871. seolS Wyoming, aud the lessou remains. a natural and tbe *a"hes'he floeet GEO. 8HEKWOOD, Exeeutor. Sûî'ERCONCËNTRATION _Sept. Overcoatings, shall you die death, good ui .· lace without injury, h id ViVr) " 'e*ves the skin Goods Store For ttentle men's Garments pressed and in The New York edited a Demo sr t km intn J!.or l ing 1 Asylum st„ tiord, name in the hotel register at Cbicjgo, inlTcd in boi jug wate>, it ing business. received the highest premium at the New Eng- the conversation uaturall nmkeûthe best"T.'r^fίt ΊΑ JTLOK & CO. 20 State St., and long since, when the in the w cheap- land State Fair in 1869. I have the exclu- PARIS— ! the trantio est bolt SOrtP orid. Bo ton Mass. also Ν New York attaire aud the chary clerk, following gyratioDs d3t sive right to use the Ο ΤΙ C Ε. turned upon «»" tb· FUE scpt21 Wilcox Pateit Bellows and oflie fxcitfd SALE By Tremolo, which is our municipal great agriculturist's pen, get pronounced by judges to We the es of corruption against bis m Chn. & best in use. All on was a an forgetting politeness IllcLanefaliu ce. instruments manufactured by me being >«ade Tukey's Bridge, itw II One of the guests Democrat, inky mystery, and, ex r»"i»lld.Portland REMOVAL. be losed als forth with tlie fceiBdlS» are lully warranted. Price list sent mail. Will REPAIRS to public travel until fuither aotic "· the rest his astonishment, burst by Per was quite silent, while being Kepul to FRUIT JARS. oider ot > 70 Park tt sell pay instalments. Committee ou ai »i. SU ACKFORD has removed to No by seplifclt w Stieets, Sidewalks loud iu their denounciation c IDiktlOD ! eit »h Lt Bridges. licans were do you. ea" Grand Trunk Dr.next dour above Hramuiar School House, No 114 1-9 ExrhanseSt., At last »-1 Mr. Greeley! The best *ep21diw E. Chairman. Democtatic misgovern ment. the Ne My hallway. au ϋ 3m forilaud, Pic. ouiitry ^tore AOr fcale, Jarljin use isthe> Millvillo Atmoe· COREY. f _____ I to the asked wh; sitfuature? Why.HlwM r»*TheTb· '»■vetr Phone Fruit Jar. Yorker, turned Democrat, a Special Notice. a ft miishing town near Bosop, well (Mablisli oats alter oyclooer For Alexandria. had to and how these matters affec wïgian Found. INeU. regular run ot Ûrtt c am paying luaiouieie FOR 8ALB BY he say, made no reply, bis copal on Banks will not be accepted in Board. pay- the owner can •ml will bear thorough chalice senlom μ y Schooner Kuth H. LJaker, Capt Lc r- edhim? "Affect me," was the energetic r and „t freight charges ate Pocket Book containing money; investigation; 5 eu.,le CHFfiKS unle-ethey certiued t>oanl with pleasant room?, can Ye obtain- offered: rea.ous lor selling. w. w. WHIPPLE & ing, having larger part or cargo engage I ne /bstrac.edly .ϋΙίίαπΚΒ on which tliey are drawn. A have the same by calling ai I>. H. Sawyei's satisiactory CO., will tell you how they aftectme: ·* Py and ed at 209 Congrees|st., opposite the Park. TAÏLOR & CO., For freight, apply at U!9 Commeu ial 'J·1 ply,"I JOHN urauite Yard, Ueake's property GOOD 21 am a Democrat «.-■· Î!il«8îw PUbTEOUS, Agent. Whirl, proving it Mats. Blf irket.» qurre. J. N1CKKKS0N tr let anybody know that I Srs Advvtmr. paying Charges. >ep2ldlw* eepeti' sspt21 20 State St., Boston, hi, ÛL" Commercial eepl9-d3{ I cau help it." from liefer Hkowliegaa, Lewiston Manufacturing Corporations. 'erViiiK, of W»ll* Beach, was relieved ot f50 SPECIAL NOTICES. r*FECIAL NOTICES. Idler, Penartb Roads wh Parera. Packard. P«uen one Charles Roberts. Officer Steven* ol David Colcord. Brunswick, <>* 8kowheuan, Sept. 21, 1871. 1 he annual meetings ol the stockholder? of ranee; Bahcock, | ireat Falls, arrested Itie tliief at ltullinsford : Parted 'hioujli Hell dale tulb, »cbs l.onnvl»(< 1»AILY"PRESS. Editor the Press : do "o the of t be several cotton manufaetutina corporations md to ik him to the former town, where he iurtta New York lor Boston «leo'lîietta. Lnrd, j Σ t>r Salem ; Kaetern B.Ile. Parker, Pu t .lolins η tor While the extension of business and increase i Lewiston were held Wednesday. The «as committed to jail to await the action ol the REMOVA TO THE L4DIES POltTIiAND. io ion; Alice Oakes, ft;ar?on New Vwt lor Provi- AND m »■*" ( f the list indicate a i jury. our Β ALL and WIN I EH lence; Abble d·» tor B· stou ; vary population, during three years iu î oiiraal says the reports pro»perous ;rand Ot Portland and we would announce that we are now receiving Inga'u lu.-aiM, j IK GENERAL. vicinity rielclier. N»- 22 1871. t bis have the Saigetd. Rondom for Newbury port : SEPTEMBER town, not been all the most sail- 1 usinées, especially lor past six months, Rear- FRIDAY, Since the commencement ot the present fis- nLM?"'· Ellaabetbport lor Sa'era. Coo· nine of its lor the futaie were ley. Phi ïurk C people antic'pated, or what, iu '< nd the prospects regarded over KKOPEftlNG brook,'lo lor <10, Pacific, Olnn, -New j ;al year in January last, 8800,000 of the Stock of French Goods or Rockland. the Ifliilrnuiura· > iew of an- Millinery One more Nicp Te»ard the facilities and had rea- * s flatteriDjr. One year since, at the last State debt has been The now 1 capital, they paid. Treasury OP THE EN~Ar 19th· Howard, Wootter, lately happant g i>u to the were the ;ontains over half a million. Ne*w*York*^ A most luspicious event expect, it has kept pace vitb other lual meeting, companies feeling CONSISIING OF li«»b l9,h 8chs 11 Ε Ver- O.i in Tlie telegraph ^ •laces oi its iu the 1 of the Skinner failure, but that cloud rillriniSïeS1^^ ami Wellman, tfcje Tyne England. size, march of improvement. reight Wc»lejr Abbott smith Cala» ol the great \ over. The officers of the from ϋί.y to day told our readers Ιο-srs. R. Ë. Lyon & Co, the well-knowu| pa- 1 ms passed following NOTICES. Silks, Ribbons, Velvets, νϊιΐί!·γ'Λ?Π H?v,ih· Η<Μ,2Ί,0Μ Holland, mechanics oi SPECIAL Cb"lon W,u" ε among the , ter to everal companies were elected: Old rikee now existing manufacturers, are running their mill Post Office low Koodoot^or Portland' of men Mills H C. Clerk: B0»10-N-Ar'0th Ιιΐ I ugland. Tens otjtliousands through- ts ffullest capacity supplying the Portlau-1 Continental lVnnell, Oa an entirely new plan. French Flowers, Feathers, and ι;» N, vasrit*, Huuwr Baltt- work until iViMiam B. Wood. Treasurer; Lvman Nichols, Lv· "eorgaiow., DO v.a out the couutrv have stopped Kennebec Journal Tb'8 office wil' open for the οί Tre;„iîcKShovellul Sboal, where BIi""ev·she wan a Pranscript, Bangor Whig, J. E. N. W. Farwrll, J. A. delivery lio « » h«i-*inuel Bales, Blanchard, Hart. Ho bro. k. (J their employers shall consent to adopt the md many otlier publishers iu Maine aud other *. F. Notirse, Uriel Crocker, Directors; Clar- Ornaments. or^eiown; Dingo. Sn w >-am- 5-20's more; Abbie Dum, Fountain. Philadelphia; su^nn serious re- States. Williams & are » ince A Doir, George H. Pilsbury, Auditors. Port .Jnbn on nine hour rule. Especially is the Messrs. kSon getting* oflSti'J announced Ross Hadley, Palos, Sawv»r 'do· S ι- Hill Fred B. or the iitaura by the nit season, Manufacturing Co.—Cleik, AND rah Be η ce, l'raw ord, Ellzabethiert Nicol Kel- volt the smiths, engineers and about 20,000 doz. pairs of skates.tliis of the Treasury to be paid Da FRENCH ENGLISH BOUND HATS> among ship- lauds; Treasurer, F. L. Hichardsou. Direc- Secretary ler; Alamo Sanborn an·, Sa·»·.. Laui-o·.. Ε··»» usual number. The axe FURNITURE, much less than or cirpcaters of Sunderland and Newcastle on ^lieir ors, Homer Hartlett, Bcnj. Ε Bates, JS. D. rember lit, cached exchanged Tor other belli [.ο11. Defiance Hall, and (toward el,, d «„ Williams Arrow, Curtis. W eta* man u t act u ring bj Messrs. Seward. ft'hitnev, J. G. Abbott, Lyuiau Nichols, F. U. m curitie·. KlvliiK let; H.nry, tUe.Tyne, where.more tonnage is built annu- CARPETS, Rondout: Am Cbie'. Snow, R..ndooi & Nason has Γracv, F. L. Hicbardsou, all of Boston New Bonnets, oekery Furnishing Potjau I, y alone, four- full to their means for supply- descrip- Wier. and Lioella, Patker, faurj Miicncll, year being up Bildreth, Lyman Nichols, B. F. Nuuts", EJ- Ot name and kind, on or about tbe iifths of whom, have ielt the j tions bought. every Mrs. W. L·. SiVEIiL, place. ing. The sash aud b'.iud manufacturing is ivard Atkinson. John A. Blanchard, Ν. \V. : BAr*»t,°schi Harriet Baker, We'N r. Baltimore; Now the Farwell, James W. Clark. of 1871. iairl Baltimore, Venue, Oogg'LS. organization^ '.he Euglisli work- now carried ou each side of the river ou au ex- 30th Sept. 337 CONGRESS STREET. Heyer, Poland, Androscoggin J. W. iep2lsntm Pembroke. Sngmeu through their trades unions is so Messrs. Green & i/iW—Cleik, Daniel-ou; calling lor in our stock will per- tensive scale. Burrell, Fogy IS. h. Β. Ε For Sale. PersoiiS anything Cld 2 s ship Wm M Heed. Stin«rn. New York; L'teasurer, Kates; Dilectors. Bates, leave iheir street and number and a'l fect that tlie like about 2500 bushels ot corn and W. jleaî-e name, t>aique Hancock, Collins Ctiy Point brig ^'or«jnev, Tyne shipbuilders, Sir aie grinding fbeopbilus Walker, Lvman Nichols, Peter ered iree one ot' our numerous c ir- bvill be deliv by Now is the liordon, Millbridge to'Old ωι Brai'l Abby James re- a week. have oue of the best con- Γ. Homer, John A. Blanchard, Jas. M. Beebe; Office from 7 A to 9 bun- Time Armstrong, found it impossible to gram They oi Maine Portland •iers open M., I'M., lia'e. Ryan. Ballast: Mizur a Kimball Bangor. Auditors. C. A. Thomas Minns. State 6's, except* d. ] Fieu structed mills iu the with a of Dorr, Uya NEWBURYPoRT—Ar 2·· h. eebs Warren, p'ace their striking, workmen with Brifcns State, capacity Franklin Co TO BUY YOU Κ —Cleik, G. H. Pil-bury; Treas- 6'tt Bo InsiiD, l'.lixabetbpori, Lau a, rtol»*r«"t K >Ml -ut ; barrels o4 flour a also 6>8, Bangor Bailroad Fall froui other of .the So 60 day. They griud urer, W m. B. Nich- ÛDenina Fioiida, Jordtn, Arm- paris country. they Wood; Directors, Lyman Eaton & Co. lioboken, L;i«ly Suffolk, Hooper, do. were about (>00 tons of plaster a year. ols, Benj. E. Bates, John A. Blanchard,Ν. W. Securities, Gold, strong. send to — constraited.to France, Geimany lrom or Mar- PORTS M OUT H Ar 19th. Frank Ε Aile®, owned Farwell, A. E. Clarence p. S. Entrance Exuhauge, Federal AT brig and The carpet factory by Mr. C. M. Bai Hildtetb; Auditors, wl β Julia & via Belgium lor skilled mechanics. .They A. Wm. J. Bnrnham. BY ket sts. sep 18 Olar't Philadelphia tLa, Luot, is out its Dorr, BLANKETS Port Johnson A κ Howe Perkins. Ho^ tken usual of ■were in was ley getting quantity oil partially successful here, but The annual of the Lewiston Gas ELLS aOUTΗ—Sid Fruub (»rant. cloth meeting Notwkl; ! g the rise ia l9tb,scû Pierce, that the carpetiugia£da>|aud gives employment to Rollins & Boudas Pot-· land only by falsehood. Repiesenting Co. aud Lewiston Machine Co. were al.-o held II. HI, To Investors a large number of men. It is now under the PAYSOI, I : A I il- -Sid 20th brig Frontier, Bu ker. Savannah strike was and that foreign workman and the officeis were GaRDINER—Sid Umiu libb»us over, ot Mr. W. Wednesday, ^following 19th, brirf Abitr, management P.fcBailey, Mr. J. W. 32 Exchange st., Portland. F IHS Χ "W Ο Ο L No. 90 P!>iladHpliia. were needed only to fill the places of those chosen : MIDDLE ST., Bailey, the former ageut having moved to New aug22 su si t 20iO, brig A H Cuztis, Merriman, lor Philadel- who had left town, induced hun- Lewiston Gas G. H. Pilsbury; phia. they some] York to of the Co.—Clerk, You can buy them OP take.cbarge telling department. J. P. Directors, Lyman Nich- dreds of foreigners to come over and go to Treasurer, Gill; Mr. Bailey is one of the most extensive and ols, N. W. Farwi-ll, Wm. B. Wood, C. T. Far- Revised Statutes of pokeign poars work. Hut in a lew these E. S. C. 1. Maine, Bonds At Last Year's At Shan ghat* 1 itb ship Uolden Djlano days Germans, wealthy oil cloth carpet manufacturers in the ringtou, G. H. Pilsbury, Davis, Prices, ult, State, Mortgage to» New York: and others. fellows and most of them ex-sol- Barker. English, intelligent Mr. M. THE iTATIJTESOF ΜΑΙΧΕ, tin country. Willis, who three years ago Lewiston Machine Co.— Treasurer and Clerk, Sid Hong Kong Jul; 47, barque Ro.-e M. Pen· to find out the and imme- Principal and Intercut Payable in dit-ton, San Francisco diers, began truth, lost enough by fire to almost any J. W. Dauielson: J. G. Coburn, C. REVISED to 1871. discourage Directors, French, lo pott l2tli uir, snip Jos Clark, Carver, for San therealter to their bundles man N. W. A. D. Lock N. A. diately pack pre- of limited means has since erected a large IBarker, Farwell, wood, Law Sheep, Royal Octavo. 1285 pages, Price $4 OO. Q. LËACH, Francise·; and others, Dinglcy, Jr.. G. H. Pilsbury, B. E. liaUs, E. Ar at Bri>uwer*huven 7th iost, Ctrolinj Ο paratory to a journey back to Fatherland. establishment on the west sideiof the river Published this day by GOLD COIN, barque S. Davis, S. W. Kilvert; Auditors, G. H. Pils- 84 Middle Street. German, Sn.ali, Small, New York. These bonest Beriiners, some of whom had which bas been so'd to Mr. Ο. M. Bailey and W. J. Burnham. Ar at Liverpool Srpt 20, ship John LD moco.k, bury, BAIL Κ Y & iOYES. Free from Government Tax. »ep 8 su 2w use I & Domestic New Orleans. gained as many as six medals in the war with mainly for crushing slate, which is used Lincoln, Japanese is warm and earn- interleave·! witba flne Ar at Caiiao 2cw i< r». likely ,to governed somewhat embarrass- two la?ge volumes,b utid m Law aheep,will be ready ly recommend the tallowing described securities: Ay o'ancnaiu, oue of the firm of S. L. Gould & erect est, though occasionally in ten Piice Coatings, «'Id at Santos 5th ulc, Liij; J U Dillingham. Ueirl- in their action by fear, fraternized with the Co.,also about davs. $9 OO. ing. The Yokohama of the eei>20 is 2w in m.m. Hampton Road". ed a machine shop and on the island correspondent members of tin; at- foundry "OPENING.~ At Buenos Λ y re 8 1Mb ult, tarq te Jo*ephlre, Ha- Workingman's League, City (Nev.) tells a good SIX PER OT. GOLD BONDS s, 150 feet by 40 feet which Mr. Willis bas since Virginia Enterprise Vesting ven lor Boston eane day btt< Carne » inflow, tending :beir meetings and making speeches ot Minister and a J)r. Charles tor do β 4. imr^haspd anil is now ηηηπηνίησ "H"#» murn· story DeLonu, painfully Hutchinson, ISSUED BY THE «lay &c. Ar ut Kio Janeiro 21nt .1 H in their own language. Some of them paid pleasant in a For the past lihie vers in ora^-tice at iîrav. bas Pantaloonings, ult, ship Stetton, Stet- l'ietures the "Gould water saw position which, being strictly Cardiff. wheel", mille, opened an office at lid Park street Turner Brothers •oii, their own expenses back to the continent, moral man, he found himself. A din- Call aud see them at our new roouia .\r at Pernambaco 3lst scb llattle shafting, trip hammers and does mill recently Calls out ui town promptly attended. Portland & R, R. ult, llaikcll, pulleys, aug'Jlsnlm Ogdensburg Co,, Loiing. New York. while who were not able to do so, ac- ner was given to his honor by a WILL· OPEN others, work of every description. He is manufactur- distinguished J. ...OVER.... Aratfara 25th u!t, scb Victor, Mahonev, New their lare from the of the personage. There weie and Due in 1900. York. cepted treasury ing Mr. H. Bigalow's gaiu-cliisel on which a feasting jugglery, On and Sid fui Kingston. J, 7th Inst, scb 1<ίelII* Star, Po- to the latest advises aud a dance which was in a Tuesday Wednesday League. Theieloie, up patent was taken out Aug. 16,1870. This chisel finally .georgeous Interest payable In GOLD COIN in Boston, [Marrett, BaileyJJb Cn.'a, land, Morant to loa lo»· New l'or». tje strikers hold number of The Ar ai Barbadoes 30th un, b it? 8 ml MBEll their advautage through the will undoubtedly come into general use for the particulars. correspondent BONDS. SO HIDDLK STREET. Lindsey, A Fine Stock Boston, (aud sl tbe Stock with its 365 l?lnnuper?ti equipment SHAWLS. every may tincily seen, thing a toll bridge, and IIrut cians iu « very The bus eis al- here are sa'd to oe for and va- Auit 13, lit 35 4\ Ion 7 Shamro< irom connecting Skowbegan keen-eyed host, he asked the intespreter to in- its email Bonded Del t. bond of sympathy between laborers is begin- Notwithstanding the liberal policy generally unusually being pressed he pointed out a tall, lithe grace- TUStNÉÏÏ BROS., FOR SALE ! to extend across seas and mountains. West Wisconsin It. K. Gold 7's ning aiopted by towns and cities has swept away ful girl, whose eyes shaded by drooping lashes, disclosed Portland A liochestor Κ. Κ. cor. of * NEW ADVERTISEMENTS This "solidarity" of the laboring classes will tlie old turnpike and toll bridge systems, those occasionally flashes of lightning fer- SIX FER O'jTÛOLD BONDS 13 t'lapp's Block, Congre» ΓΤ1Ι1Ε new two story French roof bouse, jast fln- vor aud whose carnation faultless teatures JL ished, on Cusbman house tor bear wonderful fruit, llow long will it be be- «lio have occasion to pass from the east to the lips, Currency 7"s nitd fclm streets. st.; piped Sebago, and ill coucealed bust would have thrilled an Being a Joint First mortgage and all the modern improvements. Enquire on the west side of for 44 FOR SA.LE fore men who recognize the fact that a d if Skowbegan, the full term of iceberg. She is yours!" cried the Yakouia.— BY premises or No 25 Emery et. J. Α. ΊΈΝΝΕΥ. International Go. OF sep5dci sn Steamship ference in the'r language does not make them that charter, will find friend Hussey, who has "Advance to see your mastei !" lustantly, been there with face dyed with she advanced to SWAH & less and does not disturb the twenty-one years, or some other crimson, BAIIRI1TT, LEA & PBRRIN's* SAUCE. Koetport, t'alain, aud *·«. Joliu, Digbf, any bretbern, the seat ot the minister, prostrating her beauti- Three New u.an, ready to take the two it on England Wiudeor and liai. fax. perlect identity ot their interests, will refuse pennies, foot, tul face to the matting, and tknvlt his willing Sterling Exchange, Pronouoced by Connoisseurs or twelve if Bankers & in.a carriage, which in the aggra- slave. We were all filled with astonishment, Brokers, to be led to slaughter in the interest of a dy- Railroadsj "The Only Good Sauce." Fall gite go to make a liberal dividend te the heirs as this espode unfolded a curious a novel phase lOO Dltddle street. on Arrangements. or of an Bills Bros, & Co., It improves and and it is unriv- nasty adventurer? flow much of lite. the iy* Government Bonds taken in at STYLED THE Baring appetite digestion, long- of the corporators. Japauese Upon being questioned, exchange aled lor its flavor. host was market rates. SN MW&F er, when workiuginen have become said it usual to make such gifts to highest my29 We are directed Messis. LEA & PEKR1NS to TWO in 1Γ>Τper week. statesmen, SAYINGS BANK, by honored that the next be should Union Bank of London I aii or will such a war as that of 1870 be friends; day Vermont Division prosecute parties making vending counterfeits. possible? There is no better indication of thrift visit the of the them 200 or 300 JOHN DUNCAN'M Od *uu »tter MONDAY, October the of parents girl, pay ABDTHE MONM, How much when Peter & New 2d, the Metrner New lorger, workingmen can the masses of than rios (a rio is $1.06 in gold), secure her luture Stephen Thacber, OF THE — augl2sn6m Agents, York. EugUnd any. community deposits in Capt. β Held, and the Steamer form international clothing and food, and all was well. So that, leagues, will kings be pos- Savings Institutions. A Bank was 'New York, cap» Ε. B. Winchester, Savings whether the girl be taken as a coucubine or as Coiuisellors at Provincial Bank of Irelanc 1 sible? More how & Law rv Ο Τ I Ο Ε ! ■wilJ leavi Kailroad Wbafi, ·οοι 1 important still, long, when organized in Skowhegan in of which it was all that was Attorneys Portland & Trunk 1869, servant, required, DeLoug Qgdensburg And all its Branches. State street, every MON DAY and THURSDAY, woikingmen are showing a capacity for organ- lion. Abner Coburn was aud E. W. ot course, declined the beautiful girl with many 14 Pemberton Boston. Cigar store that wao advertised for sale at 229 at 6 o'clock p. in. i'or Eas'pon and St. John President, Square, For sale in turns to ot thanks: but 1 saw his suit, by Congress street, has removed back to tbe oto wid leave St. Johu and Easiport on ization and combination that will Treasurer. has now expressions eyes glist- Jalj 1,1871. jy3 SN SI W F 3œ Ί1ΗΕ Returning enable Fiirwell, It 1132 deposit- Railroad Line. stand oq thf same en, and 1 knew he was human—yet anybody Exchange street. where I will still minu- oays. them to unite and furnish their own em ors, amounting in the to J. B. BROWN & HONS » .acture the choicest brands ot cigars. I will invito Conneotmg at Eastport with Steamer aggregate $260,000. would be human—and 1 knew that the refusal Influence of on Health. Temperature Ht· all my customers and trieuds iu general to call and ^linEN, toi *t. Andrew 9 a do Calai· and w*tb will be In January Mr. Geo. N. who is so to accept the tribute was ou a Years to Run. jel3-sntt 97 Jhxchange plojmeni, capitalists possible? Many last, Page, thrilling part In ihe tall the difference between tlie Twenty ex:imiue goods and ou the N.B. & C. lor NV 000 stock and with temperature my get posted prices. 1 Railway boukoL But (veil aud known in my own youthful discipline, when my have all brands ot and fine brand? stations. years, doubt'ess. with such an educa- favorably connection with tnight and day is greater than at any other time of in GOLD in Imported Cigars, sainted mother used to me ac- Interest payable COIN, BOSTON ot several State caution never to Smoking Tobacco. Connecting at St. John with toe S'san ei EM- tion of the masses as is offices at Augusta, was elected the year. In the early autumn the quicksilver EXCHANGE 1 want two tiret entirely practicable cept the second piece of mince pie when dining, may and November, class Cigar Makers—no poor ones PRESS tor Digby and Annapoli*, thence >> rail to Treasurer aad also Cashier of the out. If sometimes rises as the as in wanted. E. 80 Windsor and Haliiax and with tbe Ε. ν ν. we should that this mo7e- First Nation- 1 had been an ignorant orphan I should high during day the ON PONCE, No. Exchange St. 4. anticipate leveling and i;at· al Bank, loth institutions the build- doubtless have got too much pie. most fervid summer weather; while at night it often Free irom Government Tax. Railway for shediac iBiexme itiilmil mnnt would g.o on with accelerated occupying j received on days ot'sail until 4 o'« greatly An einke to an almost The human freight lug iug near the east end of the toll which exchange says it is not personally ac- wintry puint, body Scotland and Ireland cloca p. m If so much can be bridge, Tbese under one man- England, speed. accomplished 01 not made ot steel or India railroads, substantially t t os is now remodeled and made convenient quainted with Mr. JDeLong but has no hesita- being rubber, sensibly sepi2is oc2 A. R. STU BBS. Agent. being agement, are being rapidly constructed in the Stock Sl Stand for Sale indicated by that feels these tremendous changes. To lortiiy the on Hand old-fashioned, unpbilosophi- for the purpose. In addition to the liberal de- tion in saying that the is a and it sys- Draft·* story lie, tem most thorough and economical manner un· cal, empirical the what against ihem, a genuine tonic is required; and As I contemplate leaving the will sell Every Owy. Miiiilajs I·Lxceptrd. method, strike, might posits in Banks for nécessi- might be added a foolish one at that. der the supervision ot the most cmiuent and AND city my Savings present the has fciuce practi- stotîk and ot business -it .» not not be done with the public loug discovered that among this place great d scouut. PA_iilS«"■··«··* President, the Second Na- tor it put the questiou of removal of the State demand increases, chills and lever, and the tor on AGENTFELwinter tor a luiuiiy oi tbiee \ er?« ne. the Saints. The is a capi- Essays Young Men, great SOCIAL EVILS ainoug Judge Gentile tional, with a capital of which Sam- tal at rest and distributing point in Northern New England. Inquire of JOHN «' PKOC EB. $125,000,of permanently secured to our peo- billions remittant seem to recede betore it, and if and which interfere with MARRIAGE— an* declares that no The bonds ROLLINS & ABUSES, 93 street. "revelation" can make uel .Robinson, is President. ple the advai tages resulting from that location. ever it should come into universal reissued, for the convenience of invest- ADAMS, e?p21dlw Exchung.· Esq., use, these diseases with sure means ot relief tor the Erring and Unlor- UU LUC juaiuc vcull «' uilU rtJUlUIUCU UISUDU" in dene ruinations ot both bigamy and PERSONAL·. I would cease to he known as the our ors, §1000, $500, $100, regis- adultery anything but crimes scuurg»sof iow- The in tt e uinaie, Dieeased ana Debilitated. Address HOW- iiected with tbe P. & K. ils interests tered only Agents the Stat© representing all that Some of road, and discricts. That and coupon, have been committed tor pale t are punishable by law. With a the heaviest capitalists in the State would bave beeu lying marshy homely bit of pro- following reliable routes: ARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2, S. Ninth St., Philadel- To Let—Lanest«^ Hall. single greatly promoted by remov- the known house ot IS. & T· FAIR' are either verbial that is better than widely stroke he breaks the ot the residents of this town or are ing tb« seat of government to either Portland philosophy "prevention phia, Pa. jy 26-βΝ 3m PORTLAND, nu through pretext doing BANKS fk St who with their or so as to secure cure," should be borne In mind in the au- CO., Joliusbury, most cei.tral and beuuiiu· an H >11 m who now business here. Such men as tbe Messrs. Co- Bangor, the travel to and «specially '|"">HE 1ng ap<,s!les reluctantly break the laws branch houses, and Fall River Lin ^ 1. the and will be let îor from it over that road, and by the tumu months, and indeed in all seasons, Stoaington Dr. eickneil's Syrup. City, Daucli g avll oli, buro, Ο. M. and others I men- uniting pow- together of the civilized world in obedience to their re- Bailey might erful ol with For the cure ot Bowel or Summer acts Lectures, farti-s and ualls, ou very re* o .abi· influence that corporation with that of the fact, that among all the preventives ol ma- FAIRBANKS Ac CO., New York, complaints, have for all like magic upon Dysentery, Diarihœa, Cholera Mor- tenus. Apply to J.CoLE. ligiojs convictions. The whole is tion, capital enough practical pur- either of the cities of Portland and larious Hosteller's thing the Bangor, disease, Stomach Bitters is the FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., Bo«tou STEAMERS, bus, Colic, ci amp, Siik or Sour Stomach, Dyspep- sep22tt No 16 Brown St., Portland, M·. 1 poses, and it is the temoval would have be· η certain to T1)a law. Ρ Γ 1 ni- "rlu *l-»n hoped they may be induced to very most s and sia, dte, givi: g immediate relief. Free Iroao opiate, have been in a potent.,, iu .^esannre ■ΆΙΒΒΑΝΚ" λ·, κ α mi: PbiiDj«iukùi lataest libi-itv of conscience in matteis of re accomplished and never produces costiveuess. Deigned for chil- tuls short.tiWÊ«_û?W.- as are DK. town, where every is so countless iinitatinus ot a pernicious character are the financial agents of the joint and EX&MS ΚΛΙϋΤΓΑ~1Γ« INU.VUS facility bountifully àverted by neutralizing the interests of the companies tn med cine. Please triad. ligious belief, but it does not couler the abroad. See that t'ie externals are all these "jfïViPftffc rlgbt afforded. Mr. P. Coburn has retired from ac- Maiue Ceutral with the Port- right, and re- give securities theii their en- Suite Preparéiî'onfj by consolidating unqualified by Edward η, oî Providence, R. I. jyl9ii.3m ■ to the exercise cf a wbich exists land & and we to member that ΗosteIter's Stomach Bitters is sold in dorsement· religiou only tive business, having done as much hard work Kennebec, happen know Scientific PJiysician. that one of tbe of Itice bottles alone. Great Southern Mail Routt au violation of laws that the as leadirg objets Judge !> Batcbelors Uair Π ;als tbe by open public any other man of his age, and different from The subscribers in presenting these Bonds to Dye. sick upon tlie pi lac·pi of tlie lat· Dr. Ρ Ρ in consolidating tbe roads was tbe settlement in- This Hair vestors in this are superb Dve is the best in ihe world—per· Quimby's practice. have demanded. If McKean is hard business has some- of this removal community, confident that no good Judge many working men, question. is fectiy harmless, reliable and ins no dis nrgnmeut necessary to show tbe present au«i autaneous; sustained in his execution of the laws the tiling to show for tbe worth of the firm be- UNDERWKAR ! prospe.-t ve value 10 the State ot ipointmeiit; no ridiculous tints or odor by it, Maine of this PENNSYLVANIA • disagreeable Office 39 St. A Doleful Trunk Line of CENTRAL, he genuine Win, A. Batchelor's Hair Temple United States and in» estimated wbich Look—There is but one chance I^or Lauits, Mis.-es and Railroad, cotineptin»> the uu- Dye produc- troops, the lofty dictatorial by millions, for all neces- il a es 1 IMMEDIATELY a Black or for the means of from I Childuen, (tvrry size.) eq I led harbor of Portland wiih the Lake splendid Niturai Office hours trom 8 a. m. to 12 m, and from 1 to 5 character of Deuiocrac>—one escape AND κrown, leaves the hair the as — ot the sott, doef m. ''latter day saiots" will be sary purposes may well be put down at the in which we are HOMIERV ! system West by re shortest clean, beuutiiu>; p. hopeless position placed; MERINO^ possible not contain a of lead or sep2i*ulw# line and particle corn- as we uievery szsaûi tor cons.ituting tbe most available and any injurious dropped and iu a year or two the Mormon three seven millions. An anecdote is told must vindicate the party's reputation tor q latity Ladies, Aliases, Chil- pound. Sold by all dren aiid luiants. Ait 111 *ant ot economical route to· Wj-ods are in- product «-eelnnga LAKE SHOBE & S0UÎHEE1 I Fac 1Q BOND will be of his drilling, driving head- vited to European mai Ret. Its or>, S TREET, N.>Y. question dead; for when fines and im- Philander, showing unassuming appear- toward call. MlLuINERY. <&c.. KANOÏ immense through SN Reduction Prices / long ruin and utterextiucikti. Iu two Real GOODS, traffic cannot be foil DAW 1Y of ance and manner. A ft w he had an Hair Curls, Silk, LINEN a d Jute wel'over estimate-t and a mont prisonment are set against a "revelation" for years ago months our party will have ceased to exist un- Switches, local RAIL ROADS. TO CONFORM TO CuRSETS HoOPSKIKTS. Uai dke cnieis, Linen prosperous business is already secured. a dozen crier on a wholesale firm in Boston to the less is done to avert such fate. We and Lace Collars It mustaiwavs be the wives, the wholesome and something and Culls, and Mourning Seis, great pleasure thorough- IflARB ■ Ε Ο pains pen- bave lost as fare of the Kastf.ru conn, amount of $200. As he was making some pur- California, where theie was every usual, at C. C. WELCH'S 79 Middle Staies, cung -il one «uur.t, alties will It is now St., th· sea coast of {TICKETS TO ALL POINTS] Reduction Duties ! prevail. rumored that possibility of success; we have loft Maine Fox Block, third door irom iLxciiàum sc.. scltfeoati Maine wit'· Lake Sebago- the of chases for his store he overdrew the order White Lakes Brigham a where there was little we shall lose iflouut»ins, Mcmphtc agog In this Rev. A. H< contemplates further removal from about hope; Ohio, а.td IWt. cily, Sept. 21, by Dalton, Wm n- $100. The clerk, after him over of Willonghby, Mansfield, Lake rv looking course, and Pennsylvania and New York. « Sou tli Alien Hanson, ot Portland, and Miss Pii?cllla railroads and hut he is too and The Cause and Cu»e ol hamplaiu, Lake am· and Wesl Great to civilization, old, folt a little doubt iu relation to It seems thai we Coueumptiou. Oeorge, Saratoga Woodman of Hollis. SaviD£ Consumers b-'s ability to shall lose every State io tbe the lludsou. The«e roa Is are built with him will die the church. The prim >ry cau-e or Consumption is derangement <■>- New Eng- In Madi-on, S-:pt. ?, Charles Gage, of My fai'ltiag u:» t'lnbi pay the and so stated to a Union—unless, perhaps, it be Delaware. Del- land men with New and Skowhegan, balance, member of ol tne dig. stive organs. This «u England Capita·, Via Boston nr JVt iv York. and A. Fiench, ot Madison. for our new aware staud alone to rangement products wi'l ue under New Mary CS^Send oilcel'ht an a cluh Inrrn w'H may uphold our princi- deficient nutiition and England wh In s tbe firm, who also entertained the same ast-fmilatiuii, By assimiia- live in managers, Kendall Mil's, Sept 6, Eugene A. of accompany it, lull d rect'ou- χη·Κ· a The Boston Advebtiseb there is fears, ples and to sustain the but rest tion 1 the communities ihiougo wht;:li luey aid Baiker, cotaniuiog κ says party; tbe of meau toa pro< ess b> whnhthe nutriment 01 run, ALSO and Maria E. of Κ. M. la sar to contuine'S u^d and resorted to the wh jse.management of their own Gardiner, Osborn, gc ing itniLUtiauw to club no usual means of finding out the Union will ere be the tood is converted into aud affairs warrants the foundation for the statement that Presi- long arrayed against us, blood, thence inio the ruhlic confidence in org^oizars. unless an solids ot' the their integrity and business tbe financial ability of the modest effort is maoe to get rid of the load t>ody. hersons with digestion t us im- Tickets via No· to White Mountain dent Graut desires the success of Gen. But- appearing the ability. Oenway ■ lie Great Amerirt.». Tea of disgrace which has been us paired, having sl'yhltsi predisp .sition to DIED. rompa y. customer. Tbe announcement wbich came brought upon pul- ler in the by tbe notorious swindles of tbe monary disease, or it they lake ccld, will be very li- OVER 31 and T»mj Mrtrl, l\ew lor·· present exciting contest in Massa- ring rulers of able to have Price at present 90 and aecrued interest from tbe mercantile agency was a "stunner." Hall. Consumption o· the Luugs iu some ol O. Box Tammany It is useless to say the He- its and P. 0613. 1er 22t4w chusetts. It accounts lor the of forms; 1 hold that it wi'-l be tocure in Currency. At Cape Klizabeth William son partialty "Good for half a publicans are it is iu impossible Portland & It R. Ferry. Sept. 20, F., million aad as much n>ore as worse; vaiu to point to any| aseo witi.oul first Offdensburgr ol W. B. and Isabel M. certain lederal to |LOusumpt:on restoring a good Thompson, aged 5 months officers Gen. Bu'ler on tht the iniquities of Southern or tbe aud For further he wants to purchase." Legislatures, digestion heal·hy ast-imila ion. he very first information,' pamphlets, &e, apply to 26 days. ground ttiat were gross extravagances of the thing ίο be done is to cleanse-ihe stoma» h and bowe's A New and very desirable Route. In Augusta. 3, Mr. o( Wlscae- they recommended for ap IMPROVEMENT. Washington gov- S»pt. Henry Clark, ernment. Tbe answer is simple and conclu- from a'l oiseased mucih ai d slime wiiicli is« logging get, aged 70 years. pointaient the ever ever ihe:se >υ JURUBEBA by watcefui organs that cannot The active, Within the past an sive in th-i "Would th-y perform theiv func- J, B. BROWN & WTime and otbcr tnlormatio: , Έ£Γ funeral services ot the late Leonard F. year elegant building question, yon substitute tions. SONS, Tables, Maps, .ill member trom and then rouse a no restore Ihe to Swett will take this Essex and either en- bas Boss Tweed and bis of rule?" We up liver a place aiternoon at 2 o'clock, at It I» not a '«not *h»i Is call- formally been erected on the island at a cost ot style must action For this zbeer'u'ly tarnished on application either by lette No. 26 physic—It popat&'H healthy purpose, the sui est aLd best PORTLAND, M15., Federal street. Relatives and friends are in- ed a nor is it i'teu>-uiU by members of the or 818,000 for an aud remedy is Schenck's Mandrake Pills These Pills Dr pe"s »n. vited to attend. Aiueucan delegation Academy High School. gument—we mast (iiatjt hut h «s bet-η ueeu ('or manv y at· act.—New York (Democrat- cleanse the stomach and bowets οι all ihe dead General of the Portland & allowed, in their to receive the Several fine residences ^nd Agents Ogdcns· by tbe ir>edi>-al lacuiiy of those coun'ries 'it1! wtt»· sileuce, ap- have been erected or ic) Citizen. moroid slime thai is causing disease ami net in oftl'-c Xo. 1 Exchange Street. ay ihe Kailroad aud t.'erml as * atteiatire and are em. burg Company, Agents DKPAKftKK OF flkacy p'.werlu· ui.e.joil- pointment, are the of in process of Tbe whole 83s Th«> will clear out the hv.r ol ail July 14-tI SN OCEAN DTBAIIKR» e I They supports Gen. completion. Brewster tor the sale of the porifier ot tbe blooJ and is a euro mid Peiiett The New York Herald General diseased bile that has accumulated joint Bonds of the FROM Butler on Hotel bas been says, Graut, there, and arome NAME. WHERE DESTINATION. Keuiedy lor all Ois a*-e»> t ibe the general of all put in excellent condition and it up to a new and liea principal politi- in ty action, ny which natuial Vermont Division. Samartian .. 2^ his late reconnoissance of the oil Quebec Liverpool .sept Limit AND S Ρ Li. ESLAftn KMEXT OS which is its name changed to aud region, ana healthy hue is secreted. North America. ...New York. .Rio Jeneiro. EX, appointments, that they owe their se Skowbegan Hotel, is Cfc^For sale by all leading Bankers and Brokers, Procure Τ iekets .Sept tZ LibSIKU· TtON Of INI EsTJAES. CR1AAH was received from to with The stomach,bowels and liver are thus cleansed now kept by Mr. Ε Β. point point popular by aug 15 sn 2aw Tu& Sa City ot London New York. .Liverpool Sept 2.5 U TE Hist'. VI: AbHOMIXAL lection to Gen. Butler and are bound to re- Mayberry, who has a the use ot Sell nek's Mandrake but there OltCASS, ΙΟΥ· demonstrations of Pills; re- Algeria New York..Liverpool ....Sept 23 ERT\ OKA WtXTOF 11LOOU. ISItltMIf· peculiar ol welcome, embracing pro- mains in the stomach an excess ot ac!d, the turn his favor. There is faculty giving universal satisfaction organ ucean!c. New York. .Liverpool Sept 23 TEXT OR IIΕ WITTr.AT *E F EUS. INFLAM- certainly nothing iu cessions, mass arr hes ol flowers and is torpni, and i.he appetite is In the W. D. to his gUfsts, and has meeting», poor. bowels,the | JUST PUBLISHED. Little & Cc.'s I fty oi Merida.... .New York. .VeraCrus—8ei>t 2Λ MATION OF THE SHd.— ·, Hon. Member puMic invigora'or spring up the il'jr as by ely good, healthy, living Physician Rdinburg; Fa- reliable route* of ..New York.. ... breasts of the Skowbegan Hotel. Tbe Aitor irom JFori'ai U, or tsjsum, o; City Brooklyn Liverpool .Sept 30 remedv for all iujparities or tbe Olo d, ο» toi oigantc Turner minished this what remaius to culty de Mtdiciej, &c.:— New two men so unlike majority. preparaioiy treatment, Paris; York, to ativ p. int desired at tbe lowei Cleopatra New York..Havana Oct 4 weakness with tierr alUudaut evil*. roie· entirely for each otlier. House is raised cure MO..t flBPH nt n.mj..n.n!l·.·» !o «ϋ.» ■*wi -— Fur the being one story and otherwise 1. PHILOSOPHY OF MAURIAGE: a if m at.tbeold and reliable Union Ticket Missouri New York. .Havana Oct δ so An severing use ot Agency going complaint Gen. Butler has had a improved, that no oue who has the means Ohio paper assorts that Jlr. Cul- Scnenc*'s* Pulmonic Syiup. The 2. Ρ REMA TU RE greenback policy of his of Perry DECLINE IN MAN. ΤΤΤΤ» TTTi tm Τ* Λ I'ajiug fur Pulmonic byrup noui ishes the the 3. in direct lodging and is sober, will be bertson died in on system, purifies NERVOUS AND PH VslCAL DEBILITY. IF. I). V %S JL%/ -JL* âVJ^XI. own opposition to the views of to obliged Zanesville, Saturday last, blood, and is into tbe 4 LITTLE «0 Miniature Ainuunc K* plena be 'JJ the tbe sidewalk ·' teadily absorbed circulation, DISEASES OF THE CO., occupy during tbe night. and thence GENERATIVE is recommended co as President and exeited from the effects of over-exertion at a fire in distributed to ilie diseased lungs, lliere ORGANS. Office *un rises M7 Moon sets 11 40 PM confidently every t.imily himself most strenu- C. it 4111-9 EzchaojKe Ht. h household and >houlU b- that place in 1844." ripens a'l morbid matters, whether in tbe form .oi 5. SPERM4TORRHŒA. iun Sets 5 58 | High water 5.45 PM remedy tree! j taken ία a.l to abscesses or flgl^Reliable information furnished a' derangements of tue s>stem. ously deleat the consummation of the trea- of tubercles, anil tben assists Nature to б. ABUSES OF THE NATURAL cbeertuliy Rerrpiio· Prrûdeut Gram iu all FUNCTIONS. all times. au2tkl r as J tone «11 vital Bangor. expel the diseased matter iu tbe iorm of tree ex- 7. ΤRE A Τ EN it en sic give· health, vig to lorce·, of and now is M Τ AS D LURE. and ty Washington opCnly Tbe is tbe pectoiation, wiien once it animates and loiufle· alt weak ana lymphatic opposed following substance of the pro- State ripens. It is tben, by tlie Price 50 cents by mail. Adorées the author, Dr. to it. He gr^at healing and or | fct-AJbtHSTE NEWS. temperaments. has constantly opposed the Presi- gramme reported bv the Sne.nal purifying propeities Scbenok's j CUR Τ Is. 9 Trtmont je'lace, Boston. Pulmonic that ail FIVE HUNDRED JOHN KFLLOUU, S>iup, ulcers and cavities are htal- mr8-sneodly jan13 Q dent's toieign and has he for the ed up souud and Ton* Plan St New Y« rk. policy generally been Bangor City Council, reception of ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY my patient is cured. Furnace Coal< PORT OF PORTLAND. First Sole Ageut for the United Sta es. what Gen. Butler must 'resident Grant in that on The essential to be done in and be, an officious and city the opening ol Mr. Wm. H. thing curing Consump- fllamineverr point particular. Price Ont· Dollar er Bottie. Send lor Lambert, recently Principal tion is to net up a gojd j Circuhr. lie Ε. & N. appteite and a good digestion jojiaer oerries Very Choice aud €3 at ill. meddling trickster. A. railway in October. It is rath- >f tbe Augusta has been so ihat tbe Very heap $8. Thu Thursday, dept. •epttttw High School, chosen b^dy will grow in flesh and gee strong.— r a ο succeed Mr. If presents to a class of ARRIVED. cheap and is not Tash in the Le wis ton a person h is diseased lungs a or abscess large people whose A coukespon affair, becoming such a High cavity with 98 prr ) to ·■«· U tbs dekt of the School. tbe canuot e [ condition is such that Steamer Carlottil, Colby. Halifax, NS, day Commercial Ad- as or tbere, cavity beal, ti matter cannot rip- WANTED! they are celeor.ted •ity Bangor, such a as necessarily and to John Porteous. WANTED—AGENTSHOME SHU 1'ILL Sh W lNO ΛιΑ- vertiner corporation that en, so long as ttie system is below Whaf is nec- to passenger* mdse predicts that the nomi- •t the The Journal says the par. obliged purchase their winter tucl In te St via CHINfc. Hue the ΓΜ R-tEtiV n ukes the Republican Ε. & Ν A. aggregate shipments of to cure is a new order ot of Steamer New England, Field, John, NB, R-iilway Co., which has re- ihocs essary tilings, a good appe- TONS good ripe E'derberiies are wanted in the ''Luck on u-t' ie fi lly nees for and from Auburn and Lewtston a fall (and at for Boston. stitch,"(alike sidei>jami President Vice President ceived such stations, the tite, goou nutrition, (he body to grow in flesh and TENat my Wine in consequent higher price· Eastport wiil be munificent gifts from the jast have Factory ior which ho a licensed. the best anu cbi aprst tan.i.y m-v\ mg State.— week, been Ι,ΟίΧ) cases, ol which 84 get tat; then Nu'ure is the cash VVinuham, than their more favored U S steaiuer Met ullocb, Henriques, from cruise. Gen. Grant and Charles P. kVe helped, cavities wilt heil, highest price wtli be paid. neighbors) an op· Machine in the market au rt« .iOHNs< Adams and that notice that an of vere by express. Tbe tbe ma ter wiil and be Ihe Barque Andes, Davis, Baltimore,—coal to Gas Co. appropriation $3000 is shipments for the pre- ripen thrown ott in large safest way oi packing this kind of fruit is in portuuity of of Coal CLAKK & CO Huston. t'a. < m- Hancock ami week were aud tbe getting supplies at the Ve>sel to Yeatou & Mass.,Piusuurgt. Gen, Jolrn Q. Ailams vnill lu» >roposed the ceding 1 042 cases. The qnaniities, per.-on regain be iltb and good clean flour barrels, ai'eralter Boyd by Common Council of to receipts of strength. | SV \Z btingnting seascakled «led and minimum of cago, 111., or St. Louis, tfo. *ept.5*f4w Bangor eatller have been fvt ion IIm or η'ΐΛ 11-- e This is tbe uue and plan to cure filled with waier *·*·»**♦■ — figure the season. And to the Barque S W H «1 brook, Poll eye, Baltimore,—coal to ίarry out inis vv only waier ov^r night to make them tbe Democratic standard bearers. The Ad- pfograinnre. uo, n?i us asu ta ami if a s Consumption, tisrlii more to Huut. person very bad, it tbe are not en- when ι w mark favored 5.—· ·—· GasC>. Ves-el Geo S ο have the luugs lackedcked^mark the. iglit.lieati.^Thin ..ml pickings and dm# rmTroad w II Who fr It· Minnie Miller, Leiand. Philadelphia.—coal to vertiser has but one criticism to stealing?—for there The Journal ir t>y mark them fnni>y. whim β·· «·■> Brig make, and says the Hill Mill No. wlreh there" is enough ρ«·β<··«···β} a vans ac oreen. vessel to ri s Winslow Co uust 1, riTrTMnd.writingt. me one min & be a large balance left after us been ibere is vitainy'leTiiu^îtle«r mcuucunyday avance.«dvance. twotw o letters,letters heir SILVER that is "that the seems to the bills for shut down for a week lor hope. Dneί*ηί> liiri'ClPil «»w « Μοίηα λι'ϊ. ,n ,. .. .,β· proceeding·* in matlew» of ihin kiii«l— Merriwa to prophet have been repairs, will directed "W, S. Mains, the Brig Downs, Baltimore,—coal Randall, PLATIilG, mch a start 1 have seen many persons cured Windham," other with the McAllister & Co. Vessel ιο Oeo S Hunt. ■_ L>k 1 —1Λ Λ» <1 — » programme is this: jrobab'y up agaiu next New with one iirected ,4W. S. er on Monday. sou live only Mains, Portland." .elling me expectancy of, the lookout rated have been and dlunji, and enjjv lice to a good what railroad will by | Sch Ethan Allen, Blake, Philadelphia,—coal to H put in, tbis mill is now in old ag«\— they sent. When for, are a·: Tuesday evening, Oct. 17th, the President to This is what Scbenck's medicines will convenient, "bargain»," inoniaihcd that now L fftine A Co. the Adaniic >e irst-class condition. uo to cure [ prefer having tliom to açe." met at the and escorted in. will c | brought my place by teams. is the β,^ι» -Toα iJor/ιαΙ.ιη Nnrtnn .Inhnenn depot to the Bangor Consump-i Jliey ean out the time—the above., the lot' to «elect of douse the band and FRANKLIN swceieu and s*reuût ien stomach, W. S. S.lvr Ware! Ιτιβ now aserted that Greu. Brice the by Jamesou Guards. COUNTY. it, get up a go.d d MAINS, Windham, Me. from—and the subeci ibe.ra—the Sch Da* light, McFadden, Rarifan River,—clay to Mnuufucturing Pay- and give Katuio tbe gestion, Sept l?th, 1871. party from to Λ Wednesday 10 to The liouso of Mo. as.-i-tanee she needs to d&wlw order. Vessel Cbas Sawyer Co. Η Κ u· now oiîer* bis serv:ce* to master General of the morning, 18th,from 12, pro- John R. Voter, on the eys eoi ot all the clear tbe j whom to purchxme, viz : dertfgned the Army will put up- ession of the disease that is in the Sch Ocean Wave, Tfbbetis. Weymouth. Τ citizens of Poitlii'd and vicloii composed Jameson and Temple road, was con- ever ihe lungs what- or y wi'û «tereoed OQ the Ciosby Farmington, entirely form may be. Hemorrhage from the JOS. Kft. Λ Seh Ge«> W Pierce, Bay Caleurr -1-5 bb's mackerel t r retiied list. As as it was a ruards and utned fire ''I Bleeding Lung·. POOR Β KO. iaelliiies tiuiug t&: β srwoBKm the doe hav- early 1804, Hersey Light Intantry, and Cor- by Sunday morning. Mr. V. uear- It is important that, while Sept 7-sn tf Sen Highland Queeu, Gott, Hay Chaleur—270 bole et using Schenck's medi- ing enlarged his store and work roo" ·. _su h viug quite general that Baud, escorting the President and suite y suflocated while to save cines, care sliould be exercise! jgy· ,.^f|§ all the cases mackerel. i leeling Gen. Brice was too attempting some of not to take I Nearly ha the conlivlei.ce oi be pub >c tor the ant ud the in lis in- loors in cool and co'd; keep th.it I hive treated dur- bch Wallace, w«Dfy old to City Government carriages to a re furniture. Loss about insured lor damp av id anaconda, Millbridge.—boards to R years, trels that he ca·· p ease ail «ho discharge the duties ot that $500; aud weather; night air, ing the last may ^ive Lim very re- iew of school children on >200. take out-door exercise in a twenty years Leering a rail, b tii as t » Broadway. only genial and warm GREAT work an·' prices. sunsbiue. have been Sch Udeon, Kellar, Rockland—lime to G Λ Β Mer&e sponsible position. The 1 P. M.— Lunch lor the permanently Forks, Κn-ves. t my own «Hodges matter President and suite New Cattle Show aud the me- Spoon &c, manufac- Vineyard Fair will oc- 1 wish it distinctly understoou oat cured, through & Co. ture constantly on ΐι.·η·ι 1 r >al«. indicates a ud members ol when I recom- dium plainly culpable looseness City Government, to be par- ur on and mend a lo be of Dr. Morse's Sch Camden. in that ikeu of in Monday Tuesday next. β. P. patient careiul in rcg,»ru to Trumpet. Lind«ey, VI. PE1KSOX, some private hall, a-iter »whicli the of wl.iie medicine. 1 taking cold i.-o'd Medicated Inhala Scb Edw A to or some other 'Iiotnpson. will deliver an using my do so lor DeHart, Pinkham, Boothbay, load se21eoi!3«r near » department. Gen. Eaton Jay, agricultural a iea- tion. Trinpic St., ou^ree· it, is 'resident is to be taken lo the san. A min who has but special The names ol OUT for Baacoa. principal points ddress, Tuesday p. m. pariifdlylrccov.red from the CLOSMG spoken of as the probable successor of interest in the the lumber eftects of a ba«l cold is tar more many persons who have Ssli Eastern fish Gen. city, mills, &c. liable to a been thus Clipper, Dunton, Boothbay,—dry 3 to 5 P. The Farmington Chronicle says that beerh- than one who h:is te«.n lelupsj cured ot what to J W & Co. Brice. M.—Levee in Norombega entirely cured,aud it seemed Sawyer mieh Hall, uts will be cisely the same in is pre- to be all who wish to to see unusually plenti ul in tbat vicini- regard to hopeless CLEARED. The Great the President may consumption. So long cases, be seen Fair! ttend. ,· this year. The tree9 are is the lungs are not perlectly may at S I-i -ϋί Democratic literally loaded bealeu, just so is Dr. U. steamer JTrancoma. Bragg. New York—Hen- A New Hampshire paper lets rith nuls. ihere imminent danger ot a lull long MOUSE'S return oi the dis- 7.'i free office, ry Fox. Evening—-Receptiou to the President at 2ase. Hence it is that I so j st, Portland. THE EXHIBITION ot m itself out in tbe style: ■layor HANCOCK COUNTY. strenuously caution Sen Ida L Providence- Ste- miitnctnred following Dale's; and such citizens as are pul- ! 'syjr/ Affections of the tliroat .le.ided to leave Portland the Howard, Harrington, Pjoductsol ibe Farui and Articles, (1 dispos- monary pAiients agtinsc exposing present ahy, *ud Fiu u and may open their A Boston themselves to an I and are monui we shall Jor phen Kicker, the »ea is to — treated HAVING sell Fiom his seat behold tbe houses to the gentleman build a wharf one r. lungs Floweis, of the will sandy by com abroad. gentlemeu «*»·<■* pieassnt. Con- ν the same ρ roc- sss, it being the coming Fair, do at ibû uudred leet long, at Urn ed consumptives' are a only metlicd by President driving 011 his cohorts, like Canute Hodgton'e Lauding, Mt. lungs mats ot •hlch a disease 01 the can be NKHOUANDA. lesert, lor the convenience of tbe wtdeb the least change ot seres, lungs reached. tue and even while se- public. atmosphere will intl true, pep 13 h Kcod Si v> lmo* FOR TEN DAYS CITY commanding waves, "Toby l'he g ran secret o· my success Sch Florida. Jordan, at Newburyport from Ho- HA. LL ! Candor" writes to the Mrs. with I smokina and with flash Boston Jour- Evelyn, wile of William H. iciihists in to my medicine* boken. oi the ott and room renely sipping, quick alt Meyuell, my ability subdue (Commencing Monday. Sept I81I1,) reporte, morning 18tb, Cape Cod, a'Uointng ; and entries must t>e made v* lib "Since it has been as sued the town of iuflumation instead | in a of his ascertained Sullivau for $5 fur >t provoking it, as oi the heavy biow, bad decks swt-pt and lost about 25 the Assistant Secreurv at » fllce con undeniable sword shearing clean who have 000, many faculty tio. An in Uuous to the e-.'n elected members of images, occasioned as she I lamed iutiy* cannot with to tons coal oveiboard, stove bulwarks, <&c. ro o*ed to th-; bitii blast? ot Sewing Our the werk. drug in •iambic for irown Iroin her wagon, on the 28th ol Ma g winter oi tbe Sàntirc Mock 1 present tho day winds I Λ »<1 .il»/· «·»! ·- ty, di-t^nsi of 1rs claims to be the man,and positions of any >fspring or autumn. Itsho ilabe ctilling tWMKSTIC P«RT« Wiaai.s the importance st. ou account οι the had condition of the careiullν shielded AND only uian, of the radical atl'ectious ol 1872. as commenced. rom all irritating influences. Hie | ΟATiVESTOî>» —Cld l«b, brig Sarah Gllmore, Already we hear mentioned iad she was traveling. utmost caution OF requiring mtcbaateifor .7/ It is ibould tie observed in Clifford, Pensjcola. ta tend iu their tun.ZVj quite r the of tlii-particular, as without it a requeau-d Contribution*, or ut unci possible that the above means Presidency the Senate Hon. urc under almost — Keubeu KENNEBEC COUNTY. ary FERN ANDIN* S'd 15th, brig Edith, the *ce « circumstances is an WORK FOB ALL. Crowley. dftigt>aie 9p ttity wish to c cpv, 8υ a» u» η» sowe.Uiug osier impo.-si· | jadies' & New ; seh dreadtul, but who knows? A of Kennebec, who is elected a second Jedediah of Furnishing Goods York. Mary Cot»b, Tracey. Boston Mary C6lli |,IaylUiit blUfcVir **k*u '» Morrill, Eî-q., VVaterville, was should bo Fancy Κ New York. P,!W· iife person on a Hnrrfo, Crowley. President that goe3 ine to that and years ol age the 8th ot kept wholesome and nn- our^ify outside of the branch, who, if all reports be March last, is still ricious diet, and all the ten Without DARIEN—3ld John β Entries ot legitimate >le to be medieines continued By paying dollars cash, we will furnish Regard to Cost ! 12th, barque Harris, Durie, Cattle, Sheep, Swine S c,. η av be mad· duties of his office constant in his at hebodv bas restor d to it the until any to will not meet with place church, and natural wi:li a tir?t class Liverpool. at wun command the ue, any opposition worth week ago last ol dy dewing Machine, and supply All tfcettBtpUo». uuiilM nda,. waves, voted (or the 73d con- leeh ami strength. quantity tern with and persons about to Η Λ LI l MORE—Cld 18th, sch M C the and all the while Monday light easy work to do, to lor the purchase Haskell, Whit- Sectt try ot tbe A«ncultuml Society λϊΙι b« »t For Speaker of the House there are cutive time at the 1 was e't cured this pay Irop Skirts, Corset». Hosiery, (ilovos, Boston. flourishing undeniable >ting. annual Stale election. He my by treatment ot the ilance. Dress aaore, the ground· ot ihe Tiott Ρ rk i~> iecctve tn ni. swoid should be iitber ind ot lion and worst ■ibbons, rrimminns. Buttons, ug impeached or veral candidates in the smokes, or nor Cousumj bave lived to Our wotk pays well and can Velvet:·, Laces an,I Ar 19th, brig Salista Partridge. Boston, to load (or h field, among whom chews, snuffs, drinks get »at and anyone earn a Ma- 1 th an Whim «noils, toaeiher 8. B. Ufcv. tïi. pttnigheJ , of earty these many years.with one in a hoit time. endless ο sch Citai lie tbe juors any description. a nne variety ( Marseilles: Cobb, Kennedy, Cltv Point. 26 receiving support of Ben e Ε. B. Smith of who the Wlieu hoy he have cured lung mostly poue. rent Fancy Goods, van save •ep.ikito &up«riuteijc:ent. Butler. Saco, wielded gavel as thousands and v uair *enty per PHILADELPHIA—Cld sch pennyless; now he is a man since, very have iu pay me oaiance. by purch;»s.m: of us. 18th, Effle J Simmons of wealth by een cu»ed by this treatment man, We These goods st Frederick Robie of Jo· s own exertions. whom 1 have so sell oi>t class Macu nes on easli must be sold and llurringtou. Boston. I'oiiticat Note*. winter, Gorhain, jen. never | instalments at store October the store "vacated tor sale. e lowest prices Ια the city. 1st. Λ r lfth, barque Estella, Loring, Boston; brig C Η Family Horse uh W. the oi Porter of Burlington, Samuel F. PENOBSCOT COUNTY. About first October I We have also ou hand a Ladies, now is irom tcb Hor»e; 7 yrt. The New Orleans Republican is expect to take posses- large assortment ot ladles your time to get bargains. Come Kennedy, Salem; Mary Augusta, Hclt, im ✓v A very 8l'f ebior family responsible ion oi my new the id irly m the and ro or biai-k ; utopbrey ot and Eben ot The value of the real estate bnilaingat north-east corner of mfeses undergarments ol all kin.fs; also day avoid the rush. Calais. sound, kind auil leiiaultj the assertion Bangor, Woodbury of residents of ixth ami Arch Hosiery, f\ —**vold, ju for that the celebrated | streets, where 1 shall be >rsets. tor Below 19tb, barque Woodsido. Edmonds, from uni» ou ecccUui «. Pease all of Β is assessed at real pleased to Yarn, &c., &c., ebeap cash. Pen- "welf it J075 Sold oultou, whom are «igor S5,768,549; ive advice to all wbo 1/f-Vsl * 1 "■ » «»'n .wn.T. old members." estate of may require it.- c. W. sacola. At quarantine, barque im » ^ letter of Oeu. Hancock—I he same ni fcigual, Whitney, pr, which i in-residents, #318,558; total, Foll directions all m» ENGLISH & Green it. he «6.087,107. The accompany that J. L. CO., Havana. Alay i)a ecu at SÏ^BLE, American rsnnal of residents is iu oi the remédiée,so BAKER iu-on. Lu bee. *" gradually reduced so that $2 $100. GOWKLL, Ma?an/.as, Brag ch cester neteeu only in uon, Eiizabethporr Jgr Fall L M IPSWICH MILLS. Tp»w »'«■ Convention are as follows: remained, and uow Storage to let first class bonded River; St rout, Ve*· six more SAOADAHOC COUJTTY. warehouses on I the aw, do tor Portland «J G ieplhliSl7 Whole en have For own's and nticipatlug leaving city now offers his entile Huntington. Clark, du *>r number of delegate® 605 dropped from the Hoses Sale Whati, Merchants and in Ait: Μ υ Wells, Gibbs, and Geo W The STEAMER Auti rol., Owen, Esq has been Whart, Port- ock ot and Domestic Cumming*. Holt, Butler 38G comprising one appointed by id Co's Foreign Dry and Fancy <3oods Port tor W Η For ig and five «(master Waketleld to a Sugar buildings York Dantorth and Johnson do; Sargent, Butler 2l9 schooners. The vessels clerkship in tbe L ιecond-hand (Jom- and will Elizabethport from ,th engine and En- jrcial Streets. great bargains, continue the sales only loi Bangor; Wm Rice. Pieesey do (or H»^ton. ovincetown Postoffice. k ) five liorse boiler, ΜΛΟΛΕΤ were almost gine power, upright tubular itil be sells his h ..use. (See Ar *0th. ship Polar Star, Stetson. 40 ds; exclusively con- boiler, Advances made on advertisement by Geo. Bristol, E, Majority against Butter 167 ed YORK COUNTy. " couipleie running order, in use but a property stored as above. titig Don Conant, Leghorn lor Ezcnrtion to the Atlantic short titue. | Davit $ Co.) Wow is your time to makw Qin*o'e. Dan be C harlered Parties fishery. ->u of pply to the First National Baok, Apply to J. B.BROWN & your Cld 20th, barque .lam· s Ε Ward, Nickerson, Liver- Wednesday lait, week Mr. Samuel mrlOentl Bi(l(l«lort!,Me. SONS, til and Winter purchases. Apply to JOHN LlJJBAlli, jylôen 97 pool; Brunswick, Allen, tor Dunkirk, France; fcrig· Uulou Exchange Street, Become and •ep8ato29* Street, early avoid the rush, sepT-fntt ^elen G Rich, Strout, Coruna and Cadis; Winflsld, -Λ -, ™. ί.. ... Bon «I of Trade· >F,W VOKK. UTAD. The Town of Hébreu. Au a VCH10 PRESS ij .urrjed meetiux of the Board o· Teat MII11er « ENTERTAINMENTS. ntHr-vç ifar Maint». 7b the Edit·»· of the Prêts : Γ BY TELEGMPI Salt Was held last at iIih Board Rooiue, V Lake. sale ENTERTAINMENTS. evening The if ar in the City, Sep'. 21.—A' the to- a under the shadow < Hiny. day at Passing tew weeks FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1871. S. Dana, tbe President TO TIIK DAILY PRESS. Camp Dougla-s ot United States OrJi- tic IIA Ι.·,, |·0 ΗΤΙ.ΛΝ » presiding. 'lie Mormon Streaked I thought it might uot I Mr It was to atten adjutant central pnrchas- Mouutain, λ: voted to elect ooe delegate eo ΙΟίίΟ stand of Lessee» A Portland arms and o' e honored attd uninteresting to »oiue of jour readers to ben Managers. ...J. c. Mytr«. Λ. H. Huntley Ofideusburg Ka.liusU t >e Commercial Couveution at Halt Counoliy Ixoterated from tlic nity proposed F1 ORE1 G thousand (fixed cartridges. Rumors are surroundin FAL.L »KASO "» CITY AND H. Haske Ν rife as something ot Hebron, and the VICINITY more on the 25Λ iont. Mr. Chas. ; to|tbe proceedings ot tlie grand jurv. Ii decline I Λroucher Theft. if said that It is beautifully situated among tb Bird4 was nominated .neb delegate, but he effirts are being made to indict country. MetropolitanTheaueBrats Orihestrt run several ! ( fOvr advertising pat s are trem·» rs the Excursions requested to se to a committe , fKANOR. of the Mormon hills of Oxford eigbt miles Iron EuK.ieeioen; of KeDnwneil trie was referred prie»t-hood, county, lorty in their as in the subject among tb»m copy early the day as λ Eiechelèri'* 1 Brighain Young. There are le possible, and ft ox fo rial· porta Portland; the Streaked Mouutain ridge bound MISS F ANS Y iHAlllf SO, To vertisemeatê to consisting of \V. 8. Dana, Uenry New York, 21.—'The Times this more of and bloodshod appear Monday should Sept. fighting among the who is morning Versailles, Sept. 21. in bis d >- inii We are in of it ou the nortb and the Streaked Moun acknowledged the greatest favorite on the tent in (not nomination. Rojhefort, say-<: possession Importan turning claim. nis at Sentt>-. east; Saturday, S'tri'tfi'i.) fVnctt becore the court martial, be no Eastern circuit, supp rted oy a splendid House or at tbe says refuse ϋ information, the nature of which it would tain proper, together with Hebron be Coinptuy. Glen Crawford II ··.>»·, Tho subject of diecuseiou previou to a release Height accept from the Prussians durin μ be proper at this time to which assore FKIDAÏ hVN'G, Sept. 221, New meibod of th. » divulge, ΤΚΙ,ΒΙίΚλΡΗΚΙ IfEH. ing the six thousand feet above the lo-Ua<. best increasing the siege of Paris. a of tb< highest, WHITE meeting—tbe speedy pu nisli meut of the plunderers The The Drama oi the MOUNTAIN*, President to level ot the sea. On a clear business ot Portland—was called up and re Iho Catt'e city Β afore hours are over on< goes Ch:cago Monday and _ day, by the aid of Plaine. treasury many aftei a brie) VIA auction column. if not more whom w< vis t return to Washington. a Portland CABIN BOY marks were made by Hon. Oeo. F. Talbot, 1 Toe cattle is m the of the iufamous thieves glass, and the harbor can be ! Sa'e.. plaqua Iicreasiug uort Ij it Yachts readily Mortgagee ..Henry Taylor & Co. of France. have exposed and denounced wi.l he plac«d Sappho and Euch intress are to race seen. JULIAN Mi». C. Hersey, \V. T. Brown, Charles I'. Kimball 30 mi!»* Vainr Herring North a position woere the advice of a better lawyei to windward and return, outside ol Conway. ΙΪΝΤΕΙΙΤΛΧΝΜΒΝΤ COLUMN. John B. 'i he Golden Fierce. Hebrou contains church in Solo by tb« and Hon. Brown. Tbe three topics ο than Hall will be needed lu th« dandy Ho ,k. theioldest the M. C. M. Association. President urgently Ticket* g >od un'il the c'o»e of the feai*on, ι >« .-*1* water railroad Thiers has been presented K»n ineautiuie we that Cou State ( with the Rev. Baker as OltEAT IttULLKK. communication, extension ant by ? leel compelled to slate There were 50 bids for government gold to- Baptist) Henry by the P. λ Ο. 14. Κ at $7 7 l. Th»atre....Mus;e Hall. Amadt-us with he Older of the Golden Fleec To conclu'ie with the i'antominc ot m anufactories were discussed th( nolly has kep! back nothing, and thai peisou* day running from 112 28 to 114 57 The award pastor. play Tickets u-ed t<» either ofibf above reao»î* nie go.»d List ol Kn tries. severally by institmed Third in ...s bad until treaty German) is a clean breast of it aud Uerrick, a man of has Prices of admisslou as usu»l. Box Office » pen or. pile*·». Scientific Pu',sici.n....L>r Oct 5th. Connolly making Monument scheme. great abilities, pre- ty Her^auer an ι until close ol tho «eu. lugalls. Kochefoit the a nest sided "Wednesday morning, at 10 a M. ptwenl ferntenced. public will reap the benefit. Such with great success over hieschooi for ten. son excursion ti« k»*is to >ίκW ADVKKI'lisKUUNT COLUMN. world There was a on the New York Matinee every Saturday atitroo >n at I 1-2 oVlcctc. ribe Fair. Racbelort was sentenced the of thieves was never unearthed iu this panic ferry- by court mar bo.tt years. Misses Alice Koofe" Pnce* lledaced. For "lull pa-ticu'nip, s.ebil'Soi North Hall lo Let.... J. Cole. and we that before the Pavunia this morning, caused by the Burnham,aud Nellie Conway Had ll«tar· Tbe for tbe Fair next tial to trausportatiou to lor before, earnestly hope the H. W. MAYNARD. prospects week art p«nal colony life. woodwork the No· man, both day. Ag't. will be tor sale at one IK α e Wanted ...John C Procter. wtek is out the State Prison will iis doors takiug fire round boiler. ladies of refinement and as lare for ihe roun trip. most «KKAT BKI'IAIN. open culture, flittering; and from present indications to b.idy hurt. well as J. HAW L 0> Inierndti nil Steaua.>blp Co.. ..ARStubbs. recei\e them. seholats, are the assistants. The stu- 8U|·». tbe The London Journal·* ou American iflal 8»pt9,1«7I. exhibition atxtlie hall will equal in interest Kumor Hal! and Tweed. Edward W. landscape painter and ot b >th LIST NT tort. Impllcnlcn Nichols, dents, sexes, numbering about one hun- OF Ε HIE S that at the formerly music a uat;ve ol N. Kricf JollniB·. grounds. The Superintendent is the rumor that teacher, Oxford, are 21.—Tue London The morning uaptrs ieport died dred, Jrom ditf'erent parts of the The nursery toe Oeiooer preserves, in t London, Sep?. journals to has H., at Ν. Y., Wednesday, ajjed State; For the Purses offered by the daily letters from continue the man who stole the vouchers last week Peekskili, a receiving abroad, particular- day to disccts the alleged exposure! 51 years. they are healthy, ALCTIOjn SAL Kb lit le narration, some of the traits ο been discovered, and that Tweed aud Hall are industrious, tun-loving set, pleastut larly from Boston aud tbe at New York, and sharo some .towns arou' d, ask- publish eoitoriali Couool Fossof Ν left his home preparing for college, others Win. Allen's Scott—a noble wbost upon the finaucte ot that directly implicated iu the theft, while Wesley Staff ml, Η., pursuing dog fellow, ing for space for manufactured of city. The L »ndoi the Park ^ssocia'n, goods almost also ly is acquitted ol e'l connection with the af- Tuesday morning, aud not returning, search plain Εuglish branches. eminent Presuapscot Dnmaned (inodt at Auctiuc Intelligence is known almost π naper* contain editorials upon the rela- was Many by everybody every description. It is fairs. Affidavits were made the thief made for him. About ten o'clock at 22 at 10 gratifying also to see tions between the United States aud against night men, received their education Sept. 2β 27, 29. Friday, Sep! J. oV'och A M anil I I Mexico he was here, 28, wc town. found among I* slia'l s^ll at *tore « that our merchants the last night, aud his at rest is expected to day. dead in a field near by, having ON ihe rec^mly ο up ·! and manufacturers are inspired by outrages recently whom, were ex-Gov. aud < perpetrated The San the vouchers were taken to committed suicide bv himselt Parris, Hon. Hanni- List by Mrs M. B. uabiuan, tasco » tbe ba au ·ι « y H. competi- ers and Harvest the corner of Amity aud Sullivan streets, wa& 21 years old, and recently Farbieh ou Daulortb street. tion in the Home. gm damaged by -»nioKe; als<»iour Sh;W oate* Casliitr's show and sales room, and from now where moet of them were burned, but the married. The mouutain air far in ΟB«jHfrf,mWatt,rville Η Kano) Utey. Ί he International goes prolonging life Milhken. PorilanU. b κ Dare Jesk and ofber Stole furniture. Henry J. Murray, E-q bas just completed until the Nociety, thieves saved some and nave since tried to The " opening day tuere promises to be an verdict of the coroner's at Munch is be shown in the case ot a in Κ Silver Tall. Mrs t.ns iuian can be fraud at store cot a«r of *n'< bis eieveuth At the congress of the International Com- offer- jury may lady this τΛ w'". year of service as British Consul blackmail their employers, and last night Chunk, od the vioiims of the acci.lent on the "■ bn in and Congress sheets, wi'h a uetb an f choir- > : encouraging degree of activity in the mand in London who was horn bred N.ihuri Telegraph. Superin- to-day, delegates from ed to sell the vouchers to a lor house, [and among these ol and would b«r lo see h*r i»i«l ru*· at ibis Italy, newspaper Delaware. Lackawaunna & Western H « L,'i'r u"Tt. Millinery, hipny pott. tendent's and Railroad, PratL f.L" Ul offices. Portland Spain, France, aud Swit and fl L P'att. trm«T8 ami fhe All her ol « η 1 Secretary's Belgium, Germany §5000. August 15 h, censure the coainanv for not «ills, and at 83 years can walk work more ÎÎ. public gcueia i>. The bouse No. 21 zei lant are ίί îî Pe,l,aney» Auausta, t.r m Belle. lu io Deering street, occupied will contiibute and present. Carl Karχ presides. The The Anti-Taotmauy Democracy. a G H damaged κο«>«*i4 will be closed out lota juic glass plated ware, harness- providing sufficient force ol braketnep, aud lui η any ot bur granddaughters, aud is as Bailey, Portland, g g lien. the late Jobn Δ. bas object ot the mee».iug is to for immedi- censures Andrew ■u.-toinere, without reserve. by Poor, been sold tc arrange A meeting of promineut Democrats opposed one h·akemau for not i*ui« Tbe managers hope that the ministry occurred, but not The Grand S II time aurrb-e isier- Messrs. E. d'anapolie Journal to an- lutions be at tbe Sfate Convention A. C. S. Five Year Old Class. lv side ol J. Haseltine and Ο. B. regrets presented the hou-θ and lot occupied J)aley. city, Coltou, of are λ (su Bangor, I£« arihqa«ke. from Hall will bo War Department, Signal Service IJ. J L BraJtett of 1 s one haït pirf of el eh f oher ley,for a time connected egation Tammany exclud.- S. Army, Di- Portlan g American Eagle. lots, tbree of 4" It. the Grand long with the banking vliouor and Qutf κ Iront and 70 t.. a.tendiug Lodge of Odd Fellows Kingston. 21 —The ed," was received witb great enthusiasm. Telegrams Kesris tor the benefit ot The Law of Btornu. »o(ia'e, fi"rile rin? btirt CANADA. County J F c morning, Sept. of ol « ! a Haines, Portland, m Kate executed Nov. 1ft, I860. toS. C. & Ο. H. oi a harness attached 17lh, pulmonary consump- Court and Cbarles £ " Sharp. Chi»e, tod part to hi ω, and the Dratiuctive Vale. House, Balcb, assistant un- C Κ b at tion. The Journal i 3 lu Millikt-n, g Dare (formerly Tom Thumb) can be examined auy time at the office ot the as- speaks of Mr. as der Haggerty, charged with vouchers Ibe fourth meteorological report Pro'. Ρ M & A poor blind uian who sells ballads at the corner Hinckley Halifax, Sept. 21.—The recent stealing observation. by G Thutlow, Poland, b s Phil bheridtn. signée. galea were from the were 3 [. P. 01 D O R beiug "as near a man as the dKastrous tu Comptroller's office, brought be- K|»s.v, Wasbingiou, we tiuii tbe Joues, Fairfield, b m Gtnt:e Annie. These lots are ot £ m stieei cime near killed perfect youug American shipping oil' the coast. A eight equitably §*lject to a mort· being probably. Two fore Judge Dow ling to-day. oilowiug instructive generalizations: C A Joues, g g Buiter Ball. ga'e. world often knows, winning his barks, two brigs and three schooners A G M Il w*s a race against time, and the horse won way quietly pui Supt. Kels«'s affidavit states that lie received m I—Tbe rain and snow aud even tbe l'fclaney, Auyusta, b g John Particulars at §»le. Terms ra'h. in here last more or storms, J Β Gilpin. hut into the aflec^ions of his night less damaged and information from Boston 42 uoder»'·* rains and Ρ Wbcelden, blk Nonhern Sale will the There is to be a uuvel lestival next certaiuly friends Mary Conway, formerly iu 31.34 NVV Clear snows, travel from the Bangor, g L'gbt. takep'aceon premise* un Satur- week at leaking. J Ρ c Gen 4 the of kuevv Cbarleston.S.C..o0 09 61 NE rest towards tbe rant in tbe Adams, Biddei.rd, g YVarren. day.Jt Sept 2Sd, at o'clock ρ m. the A1 uu an] those who knew him and walked in the employ Haggerty, sometbirg Cloudy Uaiied States Mission Chapel—a fruit and Foreign Item·. Cbejcune.W.T. 99 ιό 66 SW 2 40 H CN Κ Y P. vegeta- 4bout tbe missing vouchers. He ordered Cap Clear luring tbe mouth» of November, December, Class. DEANB, Assignee ble to eindow of his confidence will mourn The for Chicago 30.20 55 S Clear Κ P.O. BAILEY Λ C », Auct'rs. tc&iival—proceeds help the poor and sincerely plan adopted military defence in- Cheney of tbe 27ib precinct to arrest but lanuarj, and which are Larkin, Farmingon, s g Daniel Boone. cludes ber, Corinne. Uiah..29.">3 70 Is' Ciear February March, the September 15th, 1811. hifl death." tbe formication of tuat officer was unable mouths to J F ttaiues, s Honest ■eedy. early Champagne, France, to find her as she h^d Dulutb, Minn. .v9.»0 57 JS\V Cleir inly wnicu these generalizations Portland, g Shaker. an J the erectiun of a ap- C A JontS, Butter quadrilatéral of detached b en removed from her former residence iu UievMaud 3 ». 8 44 NE' Fair »i.V· Fairfield, g n bail. Temperance forts Geo H b The «welt Murder. Conventions —It is now ex- around Mezieres and Charleville. street man 30.2>) 17 2 —Tbe storms Bailey, Portland, g Ned Swett For Sale at Auction. Washington by a named Murphy, Alt.Washington Ν Clear are accompanied with a de- coroner's that the State Thiers lias made a who was in the Mew lomou ..ίθ.33 43 M Clear >res?iou of tbe (tormerly Mum). part in common and undivided of The jury, which adjourned over Ducted Temperance Convention demand upon Mexico for messenger Comptroller's office. barometer near the central 'ine Ε blk m New Οι leans—30.09 19 Calm Nickerson, Bangor, Nicktreon Mare. that large and teiutiiul lot on >he ο of the various better guarantees that it will faith ot Capt. Cheney corroborated Kelso's C.ear >f the storm, and a lise of tbe barometer in ONE-HALF ithwesur'y from Wednesday, came in religious bodies « ill be held at keep evidence, aew Xork .30 33 49 the side ot 0 a Utile to ih? west οι yesterday morning treaties and stated that from Ν Clear rout aud Sweeps ikes. mgres.·* street, ari un before he will consent to a an investiga'.iou of the Ν rear. ilie at tea and after a short Ajgustaon the 24 resumption »rfolk 30 25 50 Ν « G H b m 9irett, whereon ltrge Kim tr.ea are β anoio^, o'clock, deliberation Tuesdayand Wednesday, th ol diplomatic relations witb woman's story ha bad learned that louly 3—ibis central line ol minimum McKenney, Saco, Maine Girl. that republic. Haggeity fltt»burg 30.30 Ie) NE pressure is b Hid known as the -'Tree Lot," h.viusi a trout 01 i8l made ibeir verdict as and 25th of and and Foa BerJ MeiShom, Boston, g Sbeppird up follows: October; that the semi-annual Disarm Balcb were someway con ne-ted with the Portland &· 85 40 Calm eneraily of great I rum north to J Κ Knapp. Itet on congres sr. and a ot 2G7 1-2 leet. 1 ha meut of the national guards of the Clear length soutb, Gilbreth, Kenda l'a îïîiIIs, b s Gitbreth Knox. depih The find that Leouard session of the Grand of of tbe comptroller's « ffice. Savaoutb 30.16 CO >E nd moves side foremost towards tbe S H tale will lake place on juiy Francis Swett ot Lodge Good Templars departments ot tbe Khine and Loire is com- robbery Clouly east. Jacjbs, Skowhegan, c. g Troublesome. came 10 his at the of District Washington... 30.35 45 Ν dear 4—Ihis line is sometimes Daniel c m PoriUuo, death by felony on the will be held in Portland the pleted. Judge Dowling request nearly "igly, Boston, Fanny. at 3 «'cloolt *1 succeeding' two Wilmington 30 2î 15 Ν straight,but Ο M Saturday, Sept 93d, P. moruiuii ot tne 20th ot from Attorney Gaiviu held the prisoners for ex » m Cloudy eneraily curved, aud most with its Shaw, Bangor, b g Bangor ( formerly September, 1871, days, Thursday and 26th and 27th. The Chief Justice of Iudia Monterai, C. E.30. t7 rj W frequently On the premises. the efcotot& blow or blows Friday, lias died from ■ nation to morrow. They are with Hv txain onvtx side toward tbe east. Biooks. inflicted on his wounds inflicted charged ..30 23 50 ( aim Bully Cash. by an assassin. at the ludlauapolis.. Clear 5 4 year old Terms, h^ad by Simon A. Lovent ot said Portland, burglary Comptroller's office on tue -l'he velocity of tblj line is suob that it class, HEN BY P. Ai» Mortuary.—The whole number of deaths Barometer corrected lor temperature and WmH DEANB, «ne·:. between ihr huuis ot nine aud ten Napoliou's health is uigbt on tbe 18tli inst. Th -y appe ar to take elevation ravels Horn the to tbe Matthews, Searsport, m Lady Jane. o'clock in improving. Mississippi Connecticut J H F. Ο. BAILEY & CO, Auctioneers. s the mouth of tbe affair ive in Gilbreth, Kendall's Mills, m pHld the evrniofciof the 19th ot ou the during August was 73, Irom the There bave beeu further at coolly. When Kelso was leaving twenty-four buurs, and from tbe Con- Becky Sharp. {September, explosions Wigan Ε Ν Gteeiey, Portland, s m Clncot a. •oroer of Pearl aud Fore iu causes: to day and tbe mine is his office he said, "How to find that female." COMMWiiC 1 aL·, lecticut to St. John's, in near- streets, said Port- following still burning. Newtouudlaud, GEJ. W. WATEKHOUSE. New Carpet*, Furniture, &c., at laud- Immédiat ly on removal of John >- the same, or about miles an Consumption, 7; Dropsy 7; Cholera Inlaotum, IS; Tbe Armenian prelate at Rome took in prisoners thirty-six hour. Treasurer. part Graham arrived having beendetaiued as coun- Foreign I us ρ oil w. 6 —When tbe baiometer tails in Auction. Immediately alter Loveitt was irom Ou>u Uity, 3; Cholera Morbus, li; Diarrhea, 4, Still th° celebratiou ot Italian suddenly tbe brought unity yesterday. sel tor the The news resteru of New at 10 A at ottto· Hnrn. 2; whjoping Cough, 2;0aucer. 2; Teeilnng, 2; There was no disturbance. prisoners. of the arrest* HALIFAX, N. S. Steamer Carlot'a—10 punch- patt Euglaud, it rises at tbe Saturday next, Sept 23d, M, the jail ana taken beiore Morris uf the eon* ame we nball sell new B and Judge Brain Fever, 1 ; Dnecse οι Braii, 1; Old Α κ 1 ; In- spread rapidly tbmu&h the city, and members mousses, to G tt Sta»r; I bale wool io Hart & lime iu the valley of tbe Mississippi, and M. 0. ON Ingndu Carpets, ot do do to ri. & » M Parlor Suiiln B. W. au'i Hair ( lolh · chamber -rts, MuuiCiral for examination. The com fUmatiiu Bowels, 1 ; 111. or. I, Sofiucilion, I; of the citizen's committee came 10 make in Jo.; H, Fil g; pkgs merchan- iso at St. Newfoundland. Cuurr, John's, ASJOCIAlTIONT M a C· ok an Child nirtli. li Heart J) 1 dise to Eastern lor Loungts, gee Parlor St >ves, M·· el sease. ; Canker. 1 ; Convul- MAINB. quiries. The detectives are ol fxpressCo.; goous wontied,Bos- 7-tu gteat storms the wind for Tne against him was sworn to the confident ar- several bun- Triennial Fe tivâlot the above named associa- Cook Stov»», Ua r rn- plaint by Citj B.ous, 1; Inflamaiion ot Bronchial Tubes. 1; inian- ton, New lorn, PmUdelph a and Chicago. S.ove, A»r-light tfaUresies, Tkf red uii.es on both wtil iako at « « li National Gaw. resting Mary Conway, as the is well known. sides of thj liue of mini- tion, place to ter» Dining Koom h» .is, Secretary. Aiarsuail ai d charged him with murder. The le, 1; CongesMon ot Luugs, 1; Weak tas, J; Use ot The Clerk bromo·», 1 1 of tbe Tombs Police Court bas is-u mum pressure blows toward that line aud Oil PiintingH, together wi«h a geeeral ΛΜ it· Chloroform, ; Dysentery, ; lj' known, 3. [Special Dispatch by Western Union «tecnpln »>* KuttroMt» uud «îeamboAl». directly T. B. Line.] ed tubiœuas to ensure r MECHANICS- IIALL, ment of and Ware Attorney Gener-il, Reed, esq., intimated £ L. Wise, Sup .ofBuiials. tbe attendance of the obliquely. Furniture, Crockery Ql&ss Lewiston, Sept. 21.—The Boston Red Stock- STtAMER Montréal pkom Hoston—40 kegs se-'itd F. O. BaILLY A bis readme^ το with the Poitland, Sept. 20,1871. Comptroller, Conuoily, aud County Auditor at 8 Tue lorce of this wind is in to ....ΟΝ.... CO., Auctioneer. proceed examination -ola, 200«bars iron, 160 casks nails, 18, bdls castings, proportion ing base ball arrived here this forenoon and are the examination to morrow. he snddenuess and of tbe of the accused, aud stated the condi- 50 b ills twine, 1 cr-ue crockery, 4*2 p:g« tin, ·00 ca es greatness depres- briefly Tbe evidence these ιοη if tbe F. O. BAILEY & CO., Auctioneer*. stopping at the De Witt Rouse. against parties was fur- aboe.- 3 ; boxes spice-, 175 do cbets 15 D^gs sweet barometer. THURSDAY tion of the ca«e. Loveitt DllMCELLAlVEOIJIt NOTICES. They played EVEN'Q, was arraigned, the nished by Coouolly. μυtatoes, 69 ubis. 60 boxes 6 bdis leath- 9-lu all great and sudden of a Irlendly game this afternoon with the An- pork, spices. depressions tbe eomplaini was read to him, aud be ρ eaded not 'C h Debt of (he er, 1υ0 pkgs tc order. laruuirter there is much rain or aud in September 28th, Inst. Desirable Property απ Bracket! st Fob more than ol City. suow; twenty years Mr. Moses droscoggins this city at the .il Mulden raius or guilty. His counsel, Mr. A. A. then Androscoggin The special committee oi joint citizens and For Canada and up country— 1 bUwer, 18 boxes great snows there is a great At 1 2 past 7 o'clock. At Auction. Sirout, Pearson bas been established in ass I 3 ssion this city in Riding Park, resulting in an to a g ware, or? u, cases oil, 6 cases oil cl »tb, 500 [epi of tbe barometer next tbe centre of add e*»;-ed tie Court as follows : easy victory officials, committee to wh»cb if entrusted th^ On which occasion au aildress will be a 1UFSD4Y 2«tli, ir 1 Γ ». *β glial I the i»ox s raisi s, 3: bales rubber, 89 do rags, 10 boh. lie and rise given by Sept Gold and Silver Plating and the tbe "Reds" a score of 41 to examination of and storm, beyond its borders, Μaide κ. a 1er which a Fruit will served. i>ell thf desirabl* No 131 Bra-kett it. business, by 7. The popular, city county debt account-» d,e 30 bd s 6 Supper be ON properly it Honor—At the ol wood, pa-kb »ard. casks oil, 6^.000 ft- lli Many storms are May please your request manufacture of Silver aud of ιο-day reported total debt of and of great and unknown Ticket* lor the occasion One dollar, which can be Said proven ν cou«iei· of a 2 1-2 :>tor^ wood-η h^o.-O the a.bei oi tUo 1 Ware, the geneial ty the club drew a large crowd to witness oity county pig iion, 10 odis shovel·», 00 do bides, 100 do j8a,.her, prisoner appear at this time o.. tbe eutiih fiotn north to soutu, had or Geo. A. liarmon. ··Mechanics' Ball Building" with ten rooms. amp e closet.-, gi« satisfaction that his 14.h ins t. less ih»j sinking fund of $19, 2 casks soda ash, 7j pfcg* to oider. reaching beyond ell,"containing as bis counsel, lam not without hesitation work has given the citi- the game. They leave Bruns sick ur ub-eivation on tbe Gull of and J, W. 174 Middle or ot the Com- throughout ; heated whh iur ace; cemented cul'.r; Friday for 442 333. was $97.287 an Increase of Mexico and on Mansfield, St., aud doubt as to what 587, neaily mittee. brick cistern lot 40 »bout. *j7 teet, in whicu n e course 1 ought to pursue zens of Portland, is sufficient to guarantee a to play tbe Bowdoins of that since he Northern lakes, while their ease and west ; by place, $24,000,000 Januaty, 1870· Of th»- total is»rV M(o4>ti HHtf ."Yloupf !fP«rHei· ii nit sma'l t'rul· and shrub-. '' U» at ibti uieseLt ot the I is JBTHORNDIKB, ) trees, grape vine, stage proceedings. am continuance ot amount is liauiete.r small. These storms public favor. He has now fitted an. $72,000 000 funded, and 000 New comparatively FR % N TH LOKING. liousoue in the Aetna· a new salesroom on near house of Royal in Auburn' committee also ex- opened at, DAN CARPENTER, igli>oih ciiy. amiuatiou aud logo into all matters con- up Temple street, PettingiH 114$. II—Most storms lully amined accounts of bonds on which commence in the "far west" RI Comm. easy aud made known at sa e. nected with this most was fire this interest is Tbe toi lowing a*e tbe torenoon ol South- HARDCOLK, ^ painful affair. Since the Congress, where be will be to see his destroyed by afternoon. Lose, quotations our western but some com- D G M IToH KLL can ue examined Ό ne pleased being paid, which exactly agrees with that ο ern States securities: leyond observers, | Prop.-rty upou application arrest oi Loveitt 1 have been put in old $2000. mence in the Uuited States. Λ Π Auctioneers. ·*ρ20 td possession customers and the public generally. those isiued, showing there has been no Tennessee 6s, now 71 W«UE, of tacts which led me to leel certaiu that dupli £ W.V1. I cate or over is*ue of or new 69 12-When a storm commences in tbe United sep22 WHITE, th e Dedication of a Nofdicrs' Monument at city county bonds. Mr. Virginia6s, plea winch be has just uttered aud his At 101-2 o'clock this F. Missouri 6s itites tbe line of minimum not oil At day, O. Bailev & W. H. one of the sub committee ex- U6jj pressure does stable Leased Land Auction· solemn me \\ Osborne, assertion to tlrat be is not of inirrport' Louisiana es, new 60 ume from tbe "tar guilty Co. will sell at auction the stock of amining accounts, said it was wesl," but commences Wednesdav. Sept, 2 th. at 13 oMxk M.. we this aie true. From millinery utterly impossi- Alabama 8s crime, this a Banoob, Sept. 21.—The citizens of Winter ble to .100 rith tbe storm, aud travels with it toward tbe ni» «11 »cll the 2 1-2 sta de on I use 1 la .d iu information, in store on say what indebtedness would be at tbe ON story part ot which cime to me this I Casco street, recently occupied (Seorgia 7'.·*· 91 ot > 1 can be re aoftd morning, teel by port with end of the current for reasou astward. ! rear No. 20 Elm et. ai stable to-day cere ;t is Grand dedicated, year, impos- Norrh Concert appropriate Carolina new ...... u's, 22 ν «juu » iiv ru uc*v 1 nr nuai auu Mrs. Cushman. The stock IS. Thprp is tfftnftrallv η lull nf «ιΐγι.1 of. tlie or can be made wit η owners for a lease will be sold with- sible to find out to what amount South Carolina 6s arrangement* monies, a beautiinl monument to the deceased the public new 56£ ot land. filai blow which caused the death of Leonard ii.e ot miuimuin pressure, and sometimes a out reserve. See auction column tor work bad been countracted or when such work The Κ. «I RAII.KV A- f!e.. ΑηιΊιβιιη·· î\ S*ett hu9 not b*eu arretted I I ieel particu- soldiers and sailors of thit town, lo'lowiug wore the quotations lor Union Fa- aim. say lars. presented by was to be paid for. Ail the public departments cific securities: sep21tener»)ly changée — coustructiug « — --W «rUU *-> boulevard*, are bo stunued bis arrett tba we only to call their attention to the fact that tbe ^V..JT \_IOUJ VJ uaiui Union Pacific land grants urometer to rise. Invites tho o( Dy bave been other iu an 83$ begins patronage her'riends and theciMzens departments equal y extravagaut n'»oi. Pacific income of unable ai this time to tor a last of season of as with bonds 82£ 15 -Tuere is but wind Bear Portland generally to a Grand Vocal Coneert tor prepare beariug tbe will come off on Saturday of Hampden escort, several posts of the manned, and 10 estimate could bo generally little and to tbe tacts placed upon Union Pacific Block 28 he her benefit at piestnt fully wbicb explain a G A. R the the liabilities weie line ot the maximum pressure, and on this to insure attendance. Mr. city authorities of this and they incurring In bid opin- V Tr n' Vnoir Bat.» Ot ... — T*-« 1 this n»-t woik of week, large city GREAT ANNUAL TRADE SALE circumstances which unex- even with vnvir>. largelyJ -, cuiurttciiiK selections irom tue great mas- ASD FROM time to advu-e liim be a success. We believe that the benefits de- Chairman of ·»**λ «*« °i,4lîon Vy or eacti and l. nrrally greater in the northern than in the ter s. to waive an examination investigation every department Government ? clostd dull but Col. T. VV. Over steady.» [nurhern ot the United States. SS to ΠΟ aud aHow lue matter to be *e«t forward to tbc- rived from this plight and economical recrea- Higginson. 3000 persons were Mr. Osborne intimated that tlie work upon part New Iliii-ue·»!)», The following are the closing quotations oi Gov- 18—In the northern of new·. JOHN L· Ν 11 AW grand jury. But iu the meautime I do think and ssad off in the most public improvements should be stopped, at ernment part the United States tion, occurring ODce in two or tbree weeks a» present everything ρ securities: and G. tbe t as to least he wi'-id generally sets in from the north of FRANK JIUNROE, AT ADCl'iON. public judgmei the guilt of the un· mannei. tempoiarily. Currency 6's 114X have during the summer, will prove abet- satisfactory ;ast, and terminates f. om the rorth ot fortuuate mau sbould be until he they Tbe Dock Commissioners to-day made a re- United states coupun 6's, 1881 west. Have kindly offered to render their vaJuable assis- suspended 1182 19—In the can bave an oppoituuiiy to be heard in hie do- ter medicine than any of the physicians can quisition upon 1 he Comptroller for 8500,000, Ο cited States 5-20's 1802 115$ southern parts of the United tance. September 28th, at 1'ortland, Me. leLce. Tbe NRW nAUPMUIKE. United Mates 5-i!0's 1&64 115 Hates the wind sets in from the uioc^dings thus tar have iu some and tbey will tell us the same. Then informing him if not paid promptly that the generally prescribe, United States ft-2n*s old ou ill of east and terminates from the iHImUZZIE DYER, Piau««t §en*H bet η ex parie abd now time will be giveu Ί he ft'isculnqnit fair. most important work now iu progress must 186*, 115* south of leave your cares and troubles and resort to this United States 5-20's J;>n and vest. The undersigmd will continue lili to ir*c·- oui kLe ciicumstauces connected with c»ase. Ju.y 113$ Mr, Murjay will read some oi Lia sele< Portsmouth, Sept. 21—The fifth annua united States 1867.. 114 tions, this œa.tei. I bel'eve the beautiful of the sea, and for jet business 5-20's, 20—During the passage of storms the wind Mrs. Oaksmitb hopes to meet ol her result of this inves- sight Fair closed to-day. In the double Peter B. SweeDy, President of the Parle Com- United States 5-20'"·, 1868.... many termer Piscataqua 114* chances from the eastward to the friends»nd pupils in Poriiai.d and trusts that Trade tigaton will establish the innocence of the and au hour of real team A. Jones' Anne aed advanced ou his own personal United State? ;enerally the t^alew, enjoy pleasure. *»* race, Lady St Law- mittee, to-day 10-40»., coupon llljj selections oi mus e will mjtt tneir * η to the of irpstward by south, especially id the southern approbation. prisouer satisfaction the govern- rence Maul beat H. R. Stoddard's aud responsibility $112 575, with which the work- clos?d easier at 6 D<»ors open at And otter about One Iluudred m and Topsy Money 5@ per cent ,though some jarts ol the Uuiied States. 7\ o'clock. Concert to commence at Carriag ment, who Γ believe e>eek tbat men on the and boulevards will be 8. Tickets fiO cents. No irom twenty-live 10 til Mew ftlaru· mm at only justice may ΒΙΝΙΛΚ*» NOTICES. mate in 2.59, 3.09. The 2 45 race was won by paiks paid loans betore the ci«.se of bank hours, as higu as 7 ; reierved feat·. Tickets tor > Auc- be done in the 21—The noithern part of the storm sale at Hawes tion at his WaTtTo m* in f ca*e. I shall, therefore, in bi- F Joues' St. Lawrence Maid in 2.58 1 without d.lay. the increase is due to the report credited in well in- general- & Crania's. sepûOtd spicious t.aui, 3.00, 2, travels more Τ Η ϋ KSI>A at behalf waive an examination before the court " 'ornied qua't^is, thit Secretvy who will ly rapidly toward the east than Y, Sept .'8ih, too o'clok in thj lo.e· Attention, G. Α· Κ !" 2 55 1 2, beating M. EldrM^e's Beile oi Ports- More about the Voucher*. Bout»oil, noon. be here to morrow, ii he finds mente ;he southern Tbe pnsouer was then mouth. The half mi'.e race was won su-ely will, pat part. THE remanded to jail to The drama of the Union Bat- ruuning About β o'clock this the ex- These Ssrgeaut; or, evening auring tor six millions «old, makes the money market active 22—Duriua the high barometer ou the day Carriages embrace erery ιΐχΐβ and Liu I await tbe action of by C. H. Hayes' Rockingham in 1.09, 110. A in-1 mad»» or used iu tbe grand jury in January. tle ol is soon to be amination of tbe a»hes of tbe burued vouchers or er a i-urcuase ot considerable amount oi «receding the storm it 19 clear and (bis State,vai νii>g u pnce iiorn çr9 Gettysburg, produced by ot accidents occurred at this Fair in a generally to Tbe chapter which in near ike Janitor's 5 20's. mild $800. AJuny ol'ihete our own œakr, Other· umu several witnesses lor lay heaps roum, in if cold > recognized their ap- Boiwortb Post. saddle in which or more horses temperature, especially very the oast ma ers In our ail ot race, thirty portions of several burnt vouchers were found Jhe Po«t. this evening in riiscoss'ng the financial weather Park city, pearance. started. A black and two whi e events of the is preceded. Prcsumpscat The will be before the meet- boy ones were day says, there every disposition to suljrct brought in a sufficiently preserved condition that the 23—The temperature falls sudden- Choice aud Desirable Ntylr·. thrown and one ot the latter had his front credit Mr Β ni well with the intention ot' relieving generally — of the could be made out with the aid of a on ASSOCIATION. Theatre. & ing Post this evening, and every com- figures the stri; or the Gold ioan and ly the passage o> the centre of great storms, The Haï nasses are Myeis Huutley's company teeth stove iu aud was badly bruised. A val- gency market keeping all ot Portland make, and oj rade is to be without glass. the m\rkct sl· ; at the s me time it can- to that sometimes, v»hen a storm is in the mid- Ill the best was greeted wiihalurge audience at Music requested present, fail. uable roan mare, belonging to Mr. Johu S. Money ady ccnjunction nith the quality. Sczurc of American! Vessels by the Revolu- not be d. nied that lus pul«cy has tesn so shaped as to lie ot the United States, the lowest The desun is fo make ihfie sales arid Hall wuile uuoer tempera- permanent, last evening. The drama of «he Little Cameron,'of Stratbam, exercising tion «a·!». 'hr.'W (he Gold market into the banos ot a ot ofleitd will oe fold New French Goods at Whittier's. clique ture of the month will be in the west on the every earring** without reserve saddle swerved against the pole ai the opening nor cm ii be denied that in the Cumberland Cata with lull Detective is one of the most sensational char- A letter from J W of the sp cu; present tame dav that the highest temperature is in County Agricultural, «.guts descriptions wdl be ieiiy and was wounded so as to rain her and sha Hancock, president ond tion of City Batiks tha< bis large sale ot Gold Sept 25th. Venezuela steam is the east. ANDTHE acter, abouoding in thrilling scenes and im- Toilet articles in great variety—all new aud was afterwards killed. A horse on the insiue transportation company, to-«iay is * d'reer blow at the ste*«!ine.-s ot the Money €. P. K171BALI. Seme of the it are published this morning tbe particulars market The cri icisuis on his can be con- storms, is true, contained 1871. probinle iucidwnts. It cûords an excellent desirable—at reasonable at Whittier's. of the track attached to a carriage, in which giving policy Portland, Sept 20, Ul op- prices of the seizure of three vessels of the as Tor a time withiu the bounds of w.- re two ladies, became frightened, overturned company densed todow-: my observers, for Mise to d Portl'd Horticultural por.unity Fauny Herring d;splay the by one of the revolutionary parties of Venezu- That he cou hâve prevented the error In cash aud in that case the minimum barometer does Societies In the Golden Age cf and smai»hed carriage, throwing ihe ladies I iy BALTIMORE. the Girlhood Pre- Go; 1, and that his sales through the season should not exhibit itself in a ex- announce their remaikabie versatility of her genius, in the out and breakiog the arm ot the wife of Geo. ela. Hancock went to Bolivar in the eteamei line of great length, Respectfully serve the of the have he^n regulated ace rdicgly; thi« now the error from ion of six beauty teeth with Soxodont, \V. of this aud after Don Fernando which was seized by the au- tending north to south, but it is confined By F. W. ΙΙΕΝΝΕΤΐ Mc CO.iulUiirirt. a-iump widely different characters. Lard city, ruuning all has been made lie is commendable etforts to but was making to a region near the centre and and then, when the hair is silvered aud the about the enclosure in a manner thorities, released upon being informed of the storm, Grand Her impe«sonaiion< were and ex- frightful break it Opening admirable, that she was an American vessel. travels with that centre toward the eastward. Sale, of eyes dimmed with the mouth will still among other elegant family turnouts with the Hancock The Exchange was firmer thia atiernoon at 1084 @ Auction Steamsh'p Kc- cited tbe admiratiou and of tbe audi- years, then From these it in- applause wreck behind was demanded the release of the steamer experiments may be salely reveal two dragging him, he secured 109j. a llellun. glittering rows ot unsullied on to the behet of scien- ence. Tbe company iB a very fair one, and tbe ivory. uninjured. Hero, aud the chief agreed to do it certain cocks which went down very rapid'y at the au- ferred, contrary general I?I(tvor Adam·: conditions concerning the time of nouuc meut ot a large sale ut Geld and th« expecta- tific men, that vapor permeats the air from a Will be sold at BALTIMORE, on dram as a whole, was presented in a flue bailiug, Show and Fair ! WEDKESDW. very English which Hancrck was to tion ot a i'g >t Money closed strong and to a low dew with extreme slow- J., r. Otlektr 4, at 9 o'clock V. Perfumes, fresh, sweet, delightful, James B. \dams resumed compelled sigu. Han market, high point 31., manner. Miss Minnie as (Jna Mayor the chair higher on ipodeiate uusin ss. irjMTbesl.ic wh.el MEtMu Λ10 Gray Langton at Whittiei's. cock then went before the American consul and ness, if, ineeed, it permeates it at all; and in Lt.L- at the meeting ot toe Board of Aldermen this L -λΝ, ot 'he Baltimore and Boutou gave an ezce'lent of tbe char- drew up an affidavit stating that The following are the closing quotations ot meteorology, it will hereafter be knewn that impersonation eveuing alter several months abseuce on ac- eveiythiu» Line, buitt id New York Stocks : vapor rises iuto the are Tuesday,Weds'y, Thursday, Friday, MflSSKSBSBMtiimsnip by and A Full assortment of Paper Haugings that he consented to was by and aegions where clouds John is iron acter, displayed cons derable dramatic tal- count of sickness. His first act was to sus- compulsion, Western Union Telegraph Oo 654 Ëiulish; strapped, topper lai ued not of his own free will. Affidavits relative to Ibtced only by beiug carried up bv ascendiug bottom me aled in 1870. which beard trom Window Shades, Screens, etc., for sale by peud City Marshal Frank B. Johuson, who Pacific Mail 60# Sept. 29. Augu~t eut, maybe in tbe future. tue of the steamer Hero were rurrents of air Amer- 26,27,28, She is 953 tons 13 had been selected in his absence. The capture also exe- Ν. V. Central aim Hudson River consolidated... V*î| containing it.—Scientific nieasuretuenr, Mr Moreland as jyStf Devens & Co., Free St. Mayor ican. ON 208 leet Harry Barry Mallinson lack- makes serious cuted and presented to Secretary Fish He Ν 1. Central & Hudsoa River consolidated scrip 87j long, rh?rges against the Marshal, 3i feet beam, ed pow*r, and tailed to enter then went aboard the Hero, put on all steam Erie... 3,i fully into the Gekman all sizes and at which were referred to a committee for inves- 20 feet and has 3 deek·. Colognes, prices, aud out of the harbor amid a storm of firie preteired 60 Comptroller Connolly has hit back at his dep h, of the cboracter. The eaid tigation. got balls Ha» 1 tubular f>2 11 ipirit same may be Whittier's. Parlera ^27 »ssail«uts and Forest Park boiler, cylinder iuohe·, *eet states that several vouchers City is drau ot in of Mr L. Ρ Harlem 135 stroke; light ; consumption coal good ft »&s in tbe character of lioderic preterred 14 tons in 11 were .... IN trim bouis; spet-d knot*; comI t-mi*. be MARYLAND. taken some time ago from his and AND .... 1-ΐοη'τ Swindled bv Peddlers.— But lVAeUI.\niO!«. office, ers hold 125 Tr.iey. The v.olin solo by Proi. Muller re- central 119 tons; freight capacity about 3ύΟο bbi ·. or Κοτηΐ Arch Mason* of fhe Uni led Stale*. Michigan that the loss was known to Messrs. ot »tton call aud see th« different of Mark- Old. »· Hall, Swee- 1500 bales c ; good accommodation tor 30 to 40 ceived an euihusiastic encore, and styles Linen Internal Revenue Revoked. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 1· 6| displaced 21—Gene-al and CITY HALL, cabin passeuget*; ia well found. Bvltimobk, Arch — lUin is Central 134 ny Tweed. Amon» the stolen vouchers the remaikabie ot ers,ill··. G. Brunei's, 150 Exchange St. s7e3ltn Sept. Royal Washington, Sept. 21. She will be sola at the Boston skill tbe Professor. This ot Commissioner » steamers' w'iart, Chapter Mason* of the United States, this Cleveland & Pittsourg 12 are those for Douglass to-day revoked Commissioner labor and material furnished PORTLAND, foot of long dock. B.iiiitnoie, wheie the can be ixuiu- the Cabin aud a. m. Pleas· Λ North Western by tvruing, Boy the Dumb Girl ol Sawyer & No. elected the following .officers for ensuing Chicago 68} iued to the Woodfobd, 22 Market antou's order to Supervisors of infernal reven- & to the previous day ot sale by persons to three J. H. Drummond ot Grand Chicago A North Western preferred 90 Ingersoll Co., amouutof $773,530; wlshiu^ Gruoa wid be with Miss years: 1 presented, Fanny Square, have received a full collection of fall Miine, ue makiug of the books -Vr ftock Ishan't 10SX purchase. Ε. II of Arkansas. tosuspend transcripts Jb'^ago Keyser & $299 John 'llie following Purses will be given to horses own- Terms—Hall cash, balance three in both On High Priest; English Dep all tobacco leaf dealers and directs & bt. Paul Co., 307; Ο'Donuell, j and six months Heiiin^ pieces Saturday after bulbs, such as &c them to re- Milwaukie tlj ed in Maine, British Provinces or Canadas: wiih endorsed Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, ; ut y Grand High Charles H. Ohr ol Fort 1126 G: L. & Ed- satistactor> notes, with .n.erest tio;u Priest; unime transcripts as though Pleasauton's or- Pitistnu* & Wayne i<8j 628; Schuyler Co., 8463,037; sale. noon, a grand matinee will be given, when the also good assortment of Flower Pots, ltustic Maryland, Grand K-ng; Charles Maish oi Purse ot $200 lor Stallions tor general use, to 9how d*y ot Sale peremptory. ders had never been issued- ward Marvener, $100.133. These are undoubt- five or moie colts. For turtlier particulais to GEO J. AFPOLU price.» ot admissi jo will be reduced to 25 cents Calilornia, Grand Scribe; John McClell««n ol " " apply Bahkets, Hyacinth Glasses, &c. TT&S. Impoitaut Comniinaiou. Domestic Markets. to of 50 lor Mares * ith Foals. ]So. 8 ami 10 Water s re t, fcaltim-.re, Md,«»r S. K. edly taken conceal proof the operations 4* Massachusetts, Grand Treasurer; C. G. Fox " lor for and 50 cents for reserved 2i — 50 D*st Colt. SPAULDIfcG, 219 Congress β Bos on. 2w general admission, Friend John Lan» New Yokk. Sept Evening.—Covton in " *' Yearling »tpl8 Coaches and the of New York, Grand Secretary ; Joseph Yeats D. oigMaint. aud Col C light of the ring. There i9 Λ deep feeliug against 50 tor Best ?. old Hacks, Barouche, Clarence, at decline; sales 1244 yeais' Colt. ■eati. of Grand ot tha D. D. Cox of the Interior Dud ^rt ment have demand Je hales; Middling up- ** " for for Wisconsin, Captain Post; been Fiour— sales 890'J State and be is called to Tweed 60 best 3 year*' old, shown to Har- Κ. K. greit Barge Champion depot work, wed to la ds2'i. bblg.; and Wes- Hull, upon resign. HU1NT, C. Diwk'us of Grand Rjyal Arch designated proceed 10 North Carolina aud 'tate 560 α 7 f ness. Florida, tern steady: O; rouud boop Ohio 6 30 " " West Commergial Street —The in- show also Phaetons &c. remove and turn will soon come. 75 tor great dings, parties, Buggies, Chaplain. 1500 Cherokee in that State to the In- Wester·» 5 60 7 > ο Sweeny's Best Thorougbred Stallion. @ 7 35; @ 75; .thern 6 35 @ 9 00. " " Commission Merchant aud Aootione crease of Lu»ines9 West to at The G rand ot dian 2c s ties :6 800 50 tor Best Horse in upon Commercial for private driving, let the Hotel Encampment Templars Territory. trv he 1 better; bush.; No. I " Family ^Harness. City Knight Spring 50 »or Ν» 2 do 1 47 r At a Richmond auction sale a con- Be?t Pair Matched Horces. 316 Congress st., will sell every evening street—which is to form of the United in session this Ηπ-ftlnx it 1 49; @ «48; Wint Red Western t recently ° 4< part ot the marginal States, evening, Committee,- 75 lor Best Pair ûr*tt H assortment ot and elected the 1 53 I 57; While Michigan 1 65 φ 1 70. Co n firm- federate it iff brought a dollar and a nnnrtur ore?. NO.large Staple Fancy Goods. following officers: Most Eminent ^ Ε η *or way intend*d to the eodln» All the members of the Ku- 180 « 00 Mixfu Western 72 trance lee the above Premiums, Two Dol- Goods wul be soiu during the day in lots to «ui completely circumscribe aug26 Grand J A Fellows ot New Congressional er ; sale* hush.; @ 72$% Master, Q Or- Klux 74 and iust afterward a specimen ot tbe stars and lars. purchasers at wholesale prnés. Cash advanceo οι. n, baa become so Committee, except Robinson and Cook, stor^; 73J @ afloat. Oats more active and firmer; city, great of late, particularly leans; Right Eminem Deputy Grand Master descriptions οι goods. Consignments not limited No organ of thought or action can be im- were present at the ^meeting to day. Senator sales U'0,000 bush.; Ohio and Western at 50 @ 62«. stripes was koocked dona at sixty cents. as tbe James H. of r» » 11, 1808. dtl as far up freight depot of the Portland Hopkins Pittsburg ; Very Emi- D,v.^t· Pjrk firmer at 94 @ 9j Bu»ter Ohio TBOTT1 NO PUBIEN. February uuvi steady; 10® without the assistance of the and ^uvnivjf ΐ'ίυη^ι A householder in in ployed blood, nent Grand Generalis-imo, Vincent L. Hurl- &tate 15@3>c. Whiskey quiet; Western Irte at Florid», tilling up his & Ogdeuiburg railroad, that the city govern- committee who heretofore were to 20c; Puise of $250 tor horsfs that have never beaten three no or with im but of Eminent Grand appointed 94jc. Kfre firm ; Carolina 8i @ 9Jc. Sugar tu lair census under the organ can be employed safely Chicago; Very Capraic make a of the schedule, beaJing "where ment has felt it-elf compelled by the in- digest responses of the exetu Muscovado »J @ 9^ ·; fair to goo Τ II κ public uenerai, iteniamin l't'ali 01 uoston ; Very request; treflning described one of his punity without a supply of healthy blood tive officers ol the late States G fi e firm and hi Ro boru," children as "born 44 44 terest to open up that portion of West Com Emiuent Graud SenOr living M. iueurrcctiooary ojyin her; 14J @ 17'c Na- 35ti tor hoi ses thai never beat 2:45. Warden, and cities ot Charleston and have val Stores—Spn its Tu at 60 in the and " t( With healthy blond the exercised organs be Smith of East Mich New Or'eans, pectine quiet @60$; parlor," the other "up stairs." A 150 for horses not over tour > ears old4 mer°ial between tbe of Saginaw, ; Very Erni J '· 44 street, lying foot been nted and their Rosin firm at 00 @3 lu tor strained. Perroieuin 200 for hoi ses not POPULâR EXCURSIONS Emery mus re-appo report recommit- strict return. over tlve jears old. come well deve'oped, whether they be peut Grand Junior Warden, William G. I'at- '-rude ai 24. Tallow firm street and Vaugban's bridge. a ted with authrrity to procure additional official dull; 14@ 14ic;refined According to rules. Accordingly ion of Miss. ; Graud Juo, and » " 1871. For the Season ol cular or intellectual. By the use of Fellows Meiidian, Treasurer, information and to at "2 %9^c. .Ninety-one one hundred and six were 250 for hoi ses that have never heat 2:50 1871. report the joint committee " " W. Simmons ol New Grand Recorder Preigiits to Liverpool dull ; Wheat at 400 tor the York; cf iaw lor 10^1 j^Corn the ot a wedded horse? that never beat 2:35. Compound Syrup of HypophosphitJS of a'rlgest ojStates re^ulatii g electious lOd. respective ages couple out in 44 ,4 & Dolan. a very reliable firm of contractors Tbeo. S. Parvin Iowa City. 600 tor all horses. Corn J une bj theieu·, and also a dig< st of dent if said State Sept. 21.—ΗΊοιιγ encing 7th, b'ood is speedily vita'ized and purified, and so Wm. delegate f.om Texas dioago, unchanged. Wlwat ac- Indiana. They were married without the con- AU entres, lor the above Purses are for horses tbe way, f.>r the excavation of tbe high lank Judge Taylur, and ci lies and the of taxation there· u.— made mind who has bten ill died rating gent of their owned in Mame, except the purse tor $600; that Is BY TBS capable of producing a sound and here, to-night. Resolution of e υ it·» 2 at parents, but the divorce at tbat point, and rbe ot a and adopted directing the w φ 4β3· stronger ;Νυ. 30] (φ 31c. Kye lawyers open to the building liigb The piocession, including 80 chairman 2 at world, a sound commamleries, the committee to a ol bizliri ; No. 84$ @ 6-5c. Barley Ν ; No. 2 have little of All ol tlie irot I «lid stone wall to tbe budy. appoint sub committe Spring hopes making anything uut of ing Purs?s are mile heats, best 3 in prevent further givins and 5,000 Knights, moved at noon,and at 64* High \V ints advanced Ac an I ed at 90c. Grand Trunk occupiei five members to v'sit Norrh and .South Caro- quo them. 5. to harsness, and will be conducted uuder the ru:« β Railway. Tbis an hour in Pro*i3'on* Pork ai 1275 way of tbe bank. will be one of the mos BRiGGs'AUavautor cures Catarrh. tf.. passing. q'iet. c£ 12 87*. Lard 81c ot the National Auoriatim tor the romotion lina, Georgia arid Florada and a sab-commit 9c. 3u!k The last of the five cent, bonds ot the The silver service, presented the Balti @ Meiis—slioul lers 6c; Live dogs a shade per were interest of the American Tort Una to Chicago ami return, all rail, good thoroughfares in tbe not onli Tky Throat and Healer, cf. by tee ol live, to visit Alabama and mer Trotting Tui t, and all to- iipportaLt city; Briggs' Lung more Teunes.-ee, u ;ιι 425 @4 6<:J. Cattie.quiet. signed yesterday. until Νυν. 1st Coiumardery No. 2 for the greatest pro· take tries must be made in accordance (herewith. En- $30.00 tbe ρ >rtion of the business ove Get Corn Mississippi,and testimony iu the-e States. Receipis-4000 bbl>. bu«h. 42.- Portland to Mllwaukie ana because greater Briggs' and Bunion Remedies in was awarded to Coin flour,H23,000 wbeat, The No"a trance tee ten percent, οι must ac- Cblcagoor rfturn, Cciency drill, The lull nno bush. coru. Steamship Scotia from the*une,and committee will meet a^ain t omorrow li'.OOO bush. oa's, biK-b. rye, Liverpool, 'he via Sarnia un il No?. 1st.... 84 00 bridge will pass down town tbi; Briggs* Pilo Remedies ar^ a success. No. 1. 23,UoO arrived in Halifax last company nomination m all cases. Entraoce will steamers, good Vangban's by uiandury and examine Wm. G. and Robert F 18 000 Onsb.,.bartev.9 .ou hog*. night. Portland to Detroit aud lor 30 Whipple closrt at Po tland ou Moi d iy, Sept. 18th. ar 9 o'ctoca return, guod also because the several railroad Cat'erson of Little Suipiuen's -30' Ô bbls. The in the ~ 25 00 •treet, but Rock, S:epben C Wheeler tour, 17,000 bu«b. wbeat. jory Bright perjury case of lodi- Γ. Μ at which time a'l horses must be eligible. «lays iVIETKOKU I.OOK'iJj. 119.00») hush. corn,234,000 busii. busb bar- aua have Portland to isiagara Falls and return, for mncb it. lienu. oi Durrell's Bl if, with regatd to al'eged oas,l7,00:) been out S! hours without The Maine Cential, Poitlaud& ν gdensburg, Port- good attract so business upon Ark., ley 0000 bogs. agree 30 days 25 «h> licenses of Wcnr 1 Central, Knox & Lincoln Marriage in Matyland bear the Hrnop'i· Report* for the pa· t Clayton Portland to Montreal and for 20 I Wi Toledo, sept. 21. —Κ our firme» and in Railroads will sell tickets lor one tare both ways return, good State nty-Four Home. ing Congressional election in Arkansas las1 demand. The Union • seal, with the State moito—Ci'cscite et *vheat advanced 1 No 2 White League Club of New York de- the fair. lays Jfl.Oi) Base Ball.—A match game ol base ba! (a) 1c; Wabash 14·: durn'g Portland to War Dep't, Office Chief fall. ^lu li cli'ie to talse active iu the The P. S. & Grand Trankand North American Montreal and return, viaQaebe·-, rnultiplicamini. Signal) oAi »an 1 42: Amber .-nuth ru 1 3R$ (a) any part exciting P., lor JO the Active an λ1,,Γϋ2 *\ ill without make tne came good day* IΓ 00 was played yesterday between Officer, Washington, I) C., > Amoer Illinois 1 36; No lied 134 u city »ft lirs, having confidence iu tbe commit' Boad* doubr, arrange- Portland G. ! win be to Quebec and 5c; ye low 56·; Wliitf 55) ; no grade 53c. Oats S. C. by paying rrgular rested, charged with a alterson was over San 21— Mark L. Mc· Charleston, on iheir retain the to le days M»0 being bigamist. day Wisconsin and Lak Francisco, Sept. steady; iSo. 2 at 37c. shipped; money refunded, p. to thj former tbe score: J6i (& 36Jc; Micnigau » ruand Bro»upt»n FaMs and return Iz.Oo by following The State Police baa moved southwest and east iui 'ate 01 the firm of MeDcnald & Whit au Coroner Leitermai single nage TICKETS at lowe.-t rale» toCbka*ii, Hi. Louis tbe Otund liuua urday, iCerfisn IWarkf!». CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, ASTFMA, cents lor double χ(, Hull, '-'5 cents. St. Train, outward wa everywhere reported except on the .South Al (Dem.) and in case of colored bt.J Paul, ooiaba, uauloitda, aud all l oiuti Wta bound, be drove off. Monday the dispatct empauneied London, 21-1 30 P. M. Consols at 00 S. Η TEW KSBUKY. president. i.y ISO" g louud F lib Then laD'ic roast. Au area ol very low barometi drowned last evening. Sept @934 either New York, U >stou ot Μα itreal. Point, one of the newspape t ir moucy ana account. ENOOq KNIGHT, Secretary. reached Willimantic. and one man's conti probably will be north of Netira-ka. alter liav CON S UMP rnllniuu'a Drawiai Kooiu boys jumped from off the cars. Be turne. American securities firm —U. S. 5-20's do TION, se pi 3 djtw TIMS mad is wrecked. mg aparently passed over Wednef 1862, 93$ ; Can NlMpla« two or th.ee dence in electricity Oregon. 1^65, O'd, 93 J; do U.S. HMO'sHO*. sumer.ets, rolled woul. day a barometer with ■ Liiinum. 1867, 92J; DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, overfand fine old veterai 1 iiiorniug tailing iucreae are run on all the Express trains on more we hear of that — the tiianl have gone on th. track but Once ing winds from southeast aud Odd t« eUoM ulirj». Livkhpool, Sent. 21 1.30 I». M.—Cotton closed Trunk for the southwest.- da sales And all diseases arising trom impure blood. Kail sleeper Methodis ! for ο 1; 8000 bales; Middling uplands 9£c. Hi Ο Τ 1 C -Ε way. vbich s.opM bis progress. the Rev. Mr. Peter Cartwrigbt, Probably Friday morning from Lake Hiiro Chicago, Sept. 21.—The Grand Lodge For further inlorination and Picket· I, waH a narr0, Treated tppiy at any aud to Fellows to Paris, Sept 21—Rentes 56t 60c. by Rrealhing ((OXYUVN ol the principal ticket offices in GO and a elder fo Superior Missouri. winds Ic Odd day the followinj AIR,1 in our New ai the «►cpe for bim, hut be did not minister for years presuliug Easterly adopted Hull i* admitted a partner Arm, in England, escape witl.ou lower Ldkes. Pleasant weather amendme it to the London, Sej>t 21—Evening.—Tbe amount oi bul- Depot P»itia\id, or at hi in Atlanti Con-tiution:—"No persei Horn and after this date, ihe μμιμ» here- bavin* the of over 50 This gentleman celebrated aud Gulf lion in he Bank of tias £6 JOHNT. 1). il, injury, bridge hi» uose years. States. shall be entitled to admission to the Order ex England decreased 9,000 under the name οι NOlw.lS, BLaNCdÀKD'S, oppo. Preble Hoooe, broke, the in att-r wi'l be conuucted No. 282 abU Li is tace bruised. on the 1st inst., at Pleasantoi tree white males during past week, leaving £23.4*9 138 now the Medicated Uongre>s airee', Portlai d, Me. 87tb birthday cept ol good moral character vault. Inhalations HULL Λ CO. WM. W. NOBJU3 <£ CO. FLOWEKS, Eastern Aceot, county III. Jum. think ο who have arrived at. the age of twenty oui G, Junelidtt Plains, Sangamon London, Sept. 21—4.30 P. M —Consols closed at In connection with other 1.1971. H^nor,· Me Mb. J. B. Webb.—Rumors were L'mvernnli·)! years, and who believe in a e Bein» remedies, l'he public an Port laud, September cuvreii surrounded this touch National Supreu 93 sè 93^ tor aud account. invited to call and the old patriarch, upon (ouvrution, Creator and nro money investigate here for a or two tbat Mr. J. R Pre-erver of the universe; da} Webt 120 Phidadelphia, Sept. 21 -Xbe Universal!! American securities—ΙΓ. S 5--'0's ; do ing occasion by children, grandchildren viding, however, that iu Australia, New Zea 1862,93jj 1805, FKKK OF I'll Λ ICQ. Κ of G .rlam and Convention to-day elected tbe lollowin» tiu clo, 9>f; d> 1867, 9 I; U. S. 10 40's 90. Principal Academy Supervise , land and other countries on ο and great-grandchildren—population enougl not the coutiuent Letters ot Hull & tor Cumbeiiand tees for theeusuiug year: Refusing to aecer Sept. 21—4.30 P. M.—Cotton closed inqu.ry promptly answered and treat Morris, Co., of ϋοΒοοΙ· County, has issue re North America with which the Order has bet-i Liverpool, ! for a email There was a of Dr. sa.es 80110 do meut sent It desired. MANI FACTI DUST pleasant the dull; UERS GOLD township. resignation S. A. Kriees < bales; iviiduliog uplands 9g @ 9J; Address, OF ou the Casco Biooks; or be bereaiUr the Gram 1 checksj National bank to tt may established, and Orleans ; \V union and the was not too old t( III., Rev. E. J. Brooks, D D.,of Penn. ; Jan,· 9$ @ 9j} Breadstuff* quiet jCtlilornia liite All lover.* ot CHOICE FLOUK sbculd inquire octogenarian Lodge or Grand Ladges lormed, the qua iiioa Wheat l-'s i:ed il«4d. Flour 23s of $1500 and they have been ol New E. 7d; Winter @ 26s HUAS!). t» amount dishorn make an Gushing, Jr., Yoik; J. Soiit tions as to shall Dr. J. P. BltOH KIt. for this frr'àJmo interesting speech. age be left to local organize tor Wesiern Cana·. Corn 32s 6d Oais 36 6Ί. Cb ese Ladies' Misses & Cliildrens CKLEBKATltP to funds of hie on Jr., of Conn ; D. L. H olden of Ν. Y Sewed by the bank, being deposi A Dodge, tion." 5Gs «or b-.t-t gra ies of American fine. .Bacon 35s tor !*!«· Washington says: Ex-Col!ec!or of Ν. ÎI7 I Codrithm Sirri'l» 1*#Πΐ»ι»«1· tbat he has been for dispatch W. T. Parker H.; Sidney Perhaui The remainder of Cumberland Cut. Ialio w 43 @ 44s. It ÏB understood some tin of tne session was occupiet Drs. M. Cummings aud C. H. Ban ι Iuternal Revenue are getting scared in con Rev. Ε. IX Rexlord ol Ohio; Rev. Η. V io E. Clark, J. BOOTS & su nu and it is said lbat when he Me.; discussiug the ameudraents to constitutioi Paris,. Sept. 21— Evening.—Ktntes closed al 5t'»i embatraised, ga sequence of R. nud Henry D. Williams give permission to refer to theui. Physicians sup< SHOES, SKÈI», of the order of Commissioner Doug Rugg I.; of the Grand L- dge ol the United Stares, pro 57c. 48 UNION Heed; a!-o he to for them b with or Water. ST., I'onliutl ise* Tmoiby tbe Cbecki expected provide lass, Mass. viding that Past Grand Sires th plied Oxygen OxygeuuteJ BU8HLLS sale directing the prosecution of all delin be allowed au31w2mo auu Bed Top »er by on boxes i BomIou fttock juu'21 t,t,s dt'm WOOPIN (}. Clover were Mr. Webb is au, Portland A Ogdensburgr h ïiVuJd an Β veBtv-.n.e, aein*y necessary, may Cough, Cough ()A* BJ3 Ï07ND AT BIS and For Peaks' POR BOSTON. current fiscal 1 On and S Sept 14th, l>P year; and the pro- memp attergTbu lay, Island. i'é?ldarii!û't" Why will you Coug*. wlien you can be so trains will run as liHiTED STATES. ecct'oii "I s:»ul act is 1 School easily re- iuutil further noiice, tglil' amended by and ieved I tei .l.e words "eight Boarding Day «y using PRIVAÏfc MEDICAL R00M3 S llows: Peak··. I. Ill ml «— Thenewaod mi|M)iioi -foine AT Til Ε auèr dollars Nlrnmboal PASSED .,idi«.2 ol perda>"the «'ompanr ■il Hteatuer.» JOHN »<ΗίK>Kv KD' ïίΐ "exclusive mileage ! BOYS ! Vfî, 172 Cumberland Street, A. M. P. M. P. M. ~£ FOKT IT-SECOND te FOR KTEA.HI1H « MONTREAL. harln/ l.eer titr**· iTIttST SESSION OP THE sec.»· JI''< appropriation ot ·<Κ Ù« cftL IH; Oua^Uitca *lk- ^ eave 7 #o 1 30 ft 30 thirty thousand ! privscei?- wiî Portland, β*1·.·βΡ» WÎfh ·Ί Ιχι # aud Me. Dr. Well's Carbolic tbe tkcmoet -Onttdenee the 1 eave N. 5 1 30 ffre.1t CONGRESS. ,ι.,νβ hundred tfteniy-siX dollar* "lor η -sarv 45 Uauiortli si., Port laud, Tablets? W'U.E by a^k'tfrd, at Conway, 45 12 00 *■-·■*■■ in the erec !îo, tton 8 ΠΜΜΜίηηρ!^ot^eautltul Hta'e Kcnmr, ex tenses n.u, mad fcourt. daily· and Α. M. ω H F. M Tlie EXPRE8M, lurniehiu,; y,"uiiil 11. They are a sine cu,e for Sore 7.40 A M from Portland and 1.30 Ρ M from No w 11 run the Natdke—No 9] oi the branch mint at Chrittmas Term will begin on Monday Sept Throat, Cold, Hoarse Dr. addressee those *ho ere deaeon as ^ollowe: «,*, 'General s «forth, Oat so η ccn- 1 Catarrh ami a I Buffering aco^- êîis C will be trains with car at- CART. A. H. *o «J < ii city, less, Diseases ol the onway freight passenger OLIVKK. Atlantic af 7 ovi.i * supply | ir. the ait For Hdmisiion appiv t'» Lung*, Throat *hethei •, Wharf, JPwiiauo A ACT making appropriations taintd making appropriations tor eil,TÛ iml Broi.chial Tubes. s51ictio& »fjri*&fcc diseases^ arising ftos t iched. V'?* '■ eivi cot the » suudrv ! DaNIKL Κ SM11 H, K*clor. Wharf, d^ ·· 5 >oc?r Ρ ior the viι « xpen es ot th- l lepGlil KEV eonneotion or the terrible rioe of self tlie eml 01 Custom Hnu» Wlmri M /Jn R.»*ton, «svery icn in tb nppiopriatious and >vernment »r the tical vear ! From the great number ot Impure ab*>a*. 4'onuert Will leave ilnily loi W. t liundied Testimonials as to the en tire Νι»ι{γμ (8iuul:»ye eiCept.e .!·. Jun.· thh eilt, eighteen ending June thirtieth, eighteen lm Devoting his time to that particul&T branci» of KHTirn-a lOucli'Dg J on.·.· I.uu.l· .ding It Hired and ifficiency ot this invaluable medicine the I,iΙ ÛAG*», whether of loiif Raymond. Nhj le>.* Rerurniu* leave Evergreen Landing M,au.I and for hereby ! At ;u hundred and seveuiy-two, subject tj pi t s n· use. 47 itandin? or recently controcted, entirely removing the Sebago i^alre, daily for Stamlish Corner 1 5 Ρ M, anil Jonc·»' Landing at 9 aiul 11.lu A. M, and Wahpanseh Ave., Chicago, 111., »Jan from At M C. 10. That * 14, 1871.1 lrpi/§ of disease the sysrern, s*od ».i»kack 25 cents, cbildren liait pr making ap· 1 tried Dr. Well's Carbolic Tablets." nd on Tu. lor civil urn'.iM'Oe aafticieji' MiTirari'^ ο/ ι'» »fciïl ar.il «ίο sdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays ior East Will run in weath- For paiior.- OI ur^ t Halifax, Sootia. — to coriai"B« nient toi tbe year ending June Λν,'. aut] ,he widows of d tliiiiietb, eighteen At lor and 43 », η buodre Frveburg daily North Lovellt ο iiun ircd and seventy-one. and lor other n * "Fryebur;; Portland,June 23,1871. je23dtl V(H| ^obru ir;, l urteeu, eigh- purposes," | HAS RECEIVED 111.5 Π Λ ΤΤΦΤΛΤνΤ Won't lei worthless articles be ©CMBC«i*?*< e*»y> via 7 40 4. M. WKKKLY same is continued until June i l M U JL « oft on be t tod f.INK 1 then be. and bvindthe hereby, j Αν IN panned you, sure you S?ory thinking person muse an/.w 1 via 1 30 Ρ m. \CJm1 un'rèi an ^vemy-ono, 'h.rli.'lh en hundred and wo. ill t>le treiiStll eight seventy-! get only Well's Catboii.1· Tablets. ba* remedies handed out for o-enerai use el· oui .1 hay* North J lo Stag-s leave Conway, daily ior Glen Hou*e ,",oi.ri»:e'l.out.)fa.iyin.>nry,1 " Slc. 11. 'J hat there be added the mi-cellaueous d. KELLOGR, Piatt Ν. Y.. tteir 6£taWi«hed well teated -« payment, Q St., Sole Agent. e^icary ty experienci. 1e .nd Crawford Hou?e. i'm rw a|.i'i"I,rla',() ":·= doling item oi tbe ut fund ot ibe Hous·.' ol Repre- of the present Uveal year, ot iwo-l- ks continu· SOLI) Bi DKUGMISTS. Price 25 cts. a box the band? of a r^p.aiariy ^durated {.hyelHan whoie LINE III! ■lU'iiiider « u sumo» thousand live hundred ana ! ri: f Ntcauirr 4BCUNAR0 < ative«tbe twr. For sale W. & ptudie* aiiu it *11 tl«e Nebago. clerks of lass c' r es by F. Phillips Co,, Me. oreraTu.fr»ry duties tie ra>v'. »>i a -s rhr«T,tour two,nineteen h tbeie- Portland, 1 »> | doliais and I rty ceos.or so much the is For ém rm, — iiA/t .1 ltd two assistant hp. lixty-three j yet country flooded with pool uostruru: Naples, Bridgton Harrison and Waterford, ,/i ,s- one «sert;e s in the Pen- FALL GOODS ,iuy2lt3ni fulfil; Ob" MAIL verJ ΧΛ'ΓΙ RIM oi as m.tv bene essary lor the payment on lie balame i-c he tbf « :onnect3 at Lake Ρ m STEAMERS ν, to e 1»- 1 he o: and cure-r"·:, pur#ê3f ig be>-t in the Sebago with 1 30 train daily. ™ ,L Ί »flkv, appelai*d Secretary ills | aoounls ot s world, t'.i two » maininc uni aid upon he witnesse· whicb are not on! selocu, but Travelers 5 45 A M from North willeon- ΙΙίΐί,Λ* «Γ. it >iior, eight thousand hundred and dol- always injurious, by Conway TO SAIL rrct niakuiK cloie connection» wiih Hic Ν,,ν s, ί eixty who b< Γ re tbe su<>- oumii'Uee of the oui- the a*^ il* iecr with the D 15 a m (,u„ ill ·<* annpuved cbom Γ2μ unifcrtunato p*btigctl· a «j At Portland to Boston arriving tor I'""" *>'""· lars; lot· κ'Ίΐ, tnrmture, and Côiiting· ut ex- the House ol ancy GrcïksYsWyi'ug DIRECT V KO .?1 BOM Kiilway, ·!ΐ«««.„ »,„) ι, ti Lie t ions oi Kepresentatives, I'roiti the Nrw York Market». hif bp îî le a. lamer.>Aî ;* fticor» η Boston in season to «'onnc-jt with the3 Ρ M TON ot stid oflice lor tlie same s'x efd the ol the soul, or mind and is phwnioiar., yet Spring- P eton. »>■>> wilt Al'an'e Mail Steamer» ior ρ'ιj-e- period, thousand ru .nvceng t on, in the summer ol power spirit the l»a«is Queeui- .r^d Wi ll tbe bli» ii»at «tuîv syphilitic patients are Oi3«J» '.op- ield rou e -»r Sound Steameis ior New Y«>rk and the iOK tiν. undrcd dollars; and for the pavmout and ol tbe in ct all hnmau knowledge. Psy-homuicy Is the title ti wn ai:«l Liverp h>I. curing ei ι ,eeu hundred rixty nine, some ot the best to be in wirt roi h ï constitution? njiUr.'fetov t South. The 12 (0 ρ m train lroin Noith th. li? ι· year ending June ejection Comprising: styles tonud ol a new work ol 400 pages, by Herbert érable l>> Conway will >eare Domini n hittieth, eighteen liun- \ in « i.hleen hundred and And the wh eh I Hamilton, B. :oncects in with QiEKNMTOWlV Ketnrnini! Wliarl, H»li:» er- oi JrsiDi sixty-eight. State, should be to sh'»w »o tlio from ;ae*V3*le»<3eo phyel· i*n' ta gecera*. pracUo or Portland the 3 30 ρ m tor Boston, AND MVEKPOOL. ur d and sevtulv-two our ce ks ot class three, ol ordered happy Α., giving fu'l tnsiruetion in the scinne ot Soul ei y ΤιιββΉτ, at I Ρ M. n.r iwo thousand opics JiarclayV Digest, publie ami make in any garment ihat roav it'0» concertc.û tiiet-oùt pvhi h connects with the 9pm lor New York ig r «iericsoi class two, io»\ cletks ot cla** the House ot style they (.harming and Psychologic Fascination; how to ex- point &utrailf by tsyplJiogr**· Oahip i>aisasre «Mtfj stat,· Rnmn ! ι» y-eigli l V of Juiy lourteen, eighteen want. *nd of tria Shoie Line or resolution < men or Ihers, thai the «itiuiy xuragesnaB? ,ueae -v: r Springfield. oik', au J t l'ca assistant m senior in said to two ιN.usar.d also ert this wonoeriui power ver animal <* at wdi MALTA, Tuesday. 5. Kor ttartaet inlorm-tlon a|.[.ly toi,. IULI.lNi'H oftice, Vim lredand seventy, dollars; lor I barge nothing lo show Good3. iîl&îu'e ahouid 6Bgro»t t be srhole oi thow -rhû The 1.30 PM tiain from No. Conway, arrive* in Sept. be appointed l>y the oi tlie ot my It teachts mesmerism, hew to become Trance or ALEPPO, 12. Atlantic Wharl'.or Secretary lntei»o «Ζ»is in ibe House Representatives, one thousand Please call ami examine be %n l «ûc.cea?ia· la îheir tres»t· Portland in time .or steamers to in Tuesday, Sept. thousand threo beloie purchasing else- Mediums. Divination, Alche- would ;caipetent Boston, arriving 19. JOHN A KfTc-aty·seven hundred and sixtv bandied and lorty-i>*ree dollars and Writing SpiritualiMu, t* * Bostou in season lor ail s TARIFA, Tuesday, Sept, Bhpiatl POHTKOÛ8. mut. Eve IIfry-nine where. & aient and '.tu T~r ues^ri^cèJ genera) i-rac-ti early trail south aud west. SA "Vi AH I dollar-; and lor otttce rent, furnitu «·. at Ί «be eompensa'ion of an my, Philosophy ot Omens Dreams, Britain A. 23 stationery cent ρ For assistant journal tioaer bSTlng aeirL .r oppertunitj r-'jr rirbe to Ci..s- Tickets for Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Bal- Saturday, Sept. com indent ol said Hie t-aid e ot Harem, Guide to Marriage, Ac. This is the SIBERI A. expenses otlice «luring cicik'iu the Hou. representatives for th fiscal Voting's zitl tboir -on····{··■*· timore a d tor sale at North Saturday*. Sept 30. seven thousand uollars: book in the English langu igc fcUiiBe!· a-quaVnted patha«Ofe?, Washington Conway. Oct. yen, That nolh- June Ihirty. e'ghteen hundred and sev- only proiessiug to teaeh ■ MALTA, Tuesday, 10. Provided, '0>1 r eI|(]«ng A. S. one )f iu ;r.c?t ω»β· »*V Ticket office in Portland at the P. <& K. It. R. IVt'W Une of .*tcsaiii<ii ot lie United States, with tbe Merchant Tailor. Loveis, seeuung opposite sex, Cabin j Rules ol the Seu- r $80 « ami tor d and all riches or 53P*No Freij?1'! du. the House in «old. Yarmouth pa ing ptnpions, other puri-oses," approv a e, compiled by Win. J. McDonald, under a reso- 3w stekmg luppiuess. Price by mail, ·ί.'-·ινι3Ι.ιί«ίΰ^^ Freight Steerage & Boston but the sepie Poitland altei δ ο .. .VI. $31 •iuly e jutli, hundred aud seventy; lution ot tbe senate oî March in cloth. $125; paper covers, #1, for said l»y J B. 4.1 «ne liste coniaxittea an eî^soi o: Jnd Curceuey. eighteen fourteen, eighteen BEi^P spengers embark at ivi-inna ot s iid a.:t. are declared to be in & and Claxeu, Kemsen m the Cunard East pr hereby ,:η ami seventy-one, one thousand doiiais. For Lippincott Co.; <&Oo., Phila. û0 be- It be tào soll'iiry Tice of youth, or t&e sin?· Boston. wharf, lull lore* aud and to the pro>eeu- v* anied tor his book, Medical STEAMSHIP CO. effect, applicable τ.ΐΌ payments ol clerks oi committees ol Hie House, LARGE S'B'OLK Agents Works, Per- rp iibuke of misplaced confl»'.e!3oc in maturer tl ·ιι ot c aims t > and to the payment <>t ι rn- with luineiv. Jewell v. Ac. Sam;.les tree to AirentHi.ii m A.1 S. pension, in accordante the reflation of the House oi 8BST IfOB AK AHÏ'COIS IN 5SAii)J«. Portland à The side-wheel S. Emperor, W. Ε. Sonic Com- I'ta·* which ma* be all »w·* I under any or «II the va- the For te· ins to Rochester R, R. tenth in-tin two thousand single copies by mail,and Agents, ad- Th· Fain? and Aohea. asid Latitude au i Norrope mander, will leave Ualts Wharf, «or Yar- tlie and t!>at so OF PROn NEW Portland, rious acts ot Consress granting same; 12. dress T. W. Publisher, 41 So. 8th YORK N. ai h | Sec. That the provision ol tbe eleventh se Evans, St., Pbila., FrOetratioc tT-st n^a^ toll»w Impure Coiticn· iiionth, S., every Mon lav, ρ. οι leave Y ar- m h η o· the appropriation provided tor iu tlie act pa. aug26t4w Route to Boston via On niouth tor Portland I Lin ot the act approved aie the Baionid.'er ιο tne ubolf eysteiu. Through WEDNESDAYS. I On evt-ry at 4 |». in rou- m iations for sundry civil expenses ot the Juiy Cileentb, eighteen huu- SATURDAYS, Thursday ikiugapprop dr% «I ai d entitled "tin Do no* for *he ï^neummaticîi that if sure to fol- a» loi low- : uecting at Yarmouth wmIi Steamer 4,M 1. itove.uuieut tor ιuc\care-ding June thirty seventy, act makis g appro- Kocli ester. as lollown: S'arr/ eighteen priations for civil low; do not \vfrjr for Unsightly for PARTHlA Aug. 9 ALGERIA and Davidson's Lino of Coaches, tor Halifax and a·) baud td aud sjveuty-t »vo. approved Man h sundry expenses of tbe govern- Uloôr?5 ON AND Ai-TKK Κί'Ο'ΓΙ A A ug 19. three, r\ent, tor disabled for Losa of Pea at ν avjaw, WEDNESDAY.Au» SCOTIA Aug 16 intermediate ports. hundred and 4to the year ending June eighteen ~S Liiubs, ABYSSINIA.. ..Aug26 eighteen seventy-one, be expended thirtieth, o'IlochT 16, 1371. pissenger trains leave-Port- CHINA Tickets lor sale in anil Com »-on. 23 Portland on board of hundred and seventy-one, and for oilier pie A Aug CAijABRI A.... Sept 2. Steam· r, 11 tlie detection and p^osccution of eûmes against purposes," sep4f4w land at 7 30 M,and 1:45 Ρ Λ1 .connecting at Rocbes- RUSSIA 30 in Boston at boston and a«d " and so ® enu ^e#«3i* «0 ^rfcia Aug BATAVIA 9 Maine, Eastern Deo lb..· United Sta.es as in the be, hereby are, extended as ίο include such FURNITURE, ter with Boston & lor Sept nml, τ. >...α.·,Ι ΛI ΡαΠΙ..„Ι may, judgment, of the Maine Radioed Iio»isn,via Do- JAVA ti I arsons as were 9yFB.%*ei4r '-jK^es'X^.Viv? Sept ΡΑΚΓΗΙΑ Sept 16 Attorney General, be necessary, may be used actually employed in «be States ver and all intermediate stations. With the Eastern JOHN during tely in in ïooiig πι eu troaMe-ΐ wit"! emisgione la I'uKTfcOUS, Α»β t, the current fiscal year. insurrection, connection wilh the Treas- sleep,—a Railroad for Bo ton via Great Falls, Portsuiouih and al>'^4 as offi. CROCKER\, Complaint; i'iTieraliy the r-ïfult of a tad habii la PortiaimI, Maine. Tint all bo »ks, r. cords, papers, and documents ury Department, rs ofthe United States dur- jZq, all intermediate stafions. With th·· Dover and Win- relu We to ing the year hundred and in youth.—treated ecieniificallr &£rfax-it aare vtr. transactions oi or with the late eighteen sixty-seven — c lo Railroad tor Alton so-called AND r mi tea o-r no made nipiseo^ee Bay, Wo!fborough. WALDO BOitO eak'rn It· l'EllFt'MFI· Y. correct course of and *2 a short. Hmi Steerage Passenger.»- create·! by acr approved March three, eighteen hun- may subsistence, ior tbe fiscal treatment, Hire trains via Boston & Maine and Eastern Only Cabin"Passengers year ending June ibirty eighteen hundred and ■ibde to rejoice In vsrfoct health. Railroads, The steamer dr»d ;nd seventy one; and cantos thereoi. dulν eer- sev- leaving Β >?tcn at 3.00 ρ m. FIRST C11AS. >"O{!0S· «* ol the CABIN, nue.J t ue cmeer iiavintr ity-two, Armtihoe, Apa TON, Capt. Λ I'len t»y custody ot the same, shall Cheyenne. lie, a SHOT-GUNS, REVOLVERS. Gun ma- Way trains leave Portland at 7.30a M,and 1.45 P m, FIRST CABIN. Siti i„ Ticket., $ 80 Golo Winrnenbacti, and Comanche Ii.dfans who At Master, will leave At· au fir· b treated with the like lorce and etfVcras the Kiowa, have been col- Bargain. RIFLES,terials of kind. Wri«e for Price to SVJUi4!ev&2«3 Ses· for Morrill's, Cumberland (ior- SingleTicket $100 Goi'i Return Whart origi- 1 cied and located 'lie re every List, Mills, Saccarappa. Tic«ets.l50 Gold — loot nal. up>n ervation set apart lor are Return ot India Street, Great Western Gun Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Army Shb*e many men oï r.ue age of thirtj who ai Tickets.. 220 Gold t'orihud For the oi (ho C t11 ei r use and occupation II treaties made-with every at G o'clock A. tor rebudding ifhojic orphan asylum Ly guns and îevolveis or traded tor. troubled with too frequent evacuations from tue Centre Waterboro.' SoutU SECOND CABIN. Wednesday, M., Waldolo- tliem in eighteen hundred aid hun- bought Agents blhd] Waterhoro', Allied, 8TEKRAQB. at at Charleston, South Carolint. (weive thousand dol- sixty-seven, two often a East Καεί Single Ticket.. Gold boro, touching BootI»bay and Round an*\ « 'Ή· wanted. ïer, accompanied by slight or burn- Spnngvate, Lebanon, Rochester, RocLies- ..$*0 $30 Pono, in c.msi'K ral'on ot (he 1 I I boi'Sirind d. llrtre sep4-4w smarting Currency. every a* 7 Α. Μ lor lars, services rendered by (lie j ν ing eensttion, and weakening the aystoo·: in a min- ter. Return Tickets.. 150 Gold Saturday, hainatiscot.u, touch- Sec. 14 That the Comm sioncr f the General il >ctober, 1 beg leave to draw the aitenii η ot iho at au» sis'è'sot Our Ladv ot Mercy, of Charleston, South cer the patten* cannot account for. On Leave PorHand at 6 15 Ρ M tor Cumber- ing BoothHay Htdgdon's Mill?. Lauvi otlico is authorized to tbe sur- public to the lai t that I shall sell lor the next fifteen THEA-NECTAR examining Morrih's, Caroliu i, to the sn k and wounded Union officers and hereby approve %hà a land Keumlng. Will l**ave liamariscottt vjv ol the eastern of the stoi k ol and urinary deposit* ropy sediment will often be Mills, Saccarappa, Uorham, Buxton Cenire, ev«*ry Monday sold liile sai l was j l-oundary Nevnda. mnbe opinion of saiil Commis- Warrantee to suit all tastes. clock Λ. M., at sec. 2. l'h it there is herebv to l?h hue, to » dark and East Lebanon. touching intermediate con- appropriated pay s does not i again changing torbid apnear- Rocheste;, Kpringvale, Altred, South First Cabin. Nnd'ui?^ tor oner, materially pair the ot For sale and tor Second Cabin. necting with the Boston Boat? at tho salary the remainder oi the present accuracy the No. It JFreble everywhere, •use. There are many men who die ut ftbie Wa erboro', Centre VVateib'To', Hoi lis Centre, Saco Portland, * ml «rub -r work. Street, sale wholesale the diSiculiy, the Boston and Maine and r.ast«-rn lia and t "the next fis al >ea~, ot tie A^sist- only by ignoi&nt of the ranee, which is the River, Buxton Centre, Gorham, Cum- !rtaetioit t.. the State 01 cular. personally Dr., STEER AG Κ PASSAGES Boston Boats. Freight received Sec. 3. l he following stated sums are Michigan. ean do so in a after one o'clock at* hereby ap- which I shall sell tor by writing plain mnnner, a descrip- connect as follows: From Glasgow, or d to tor the Sec. 1G That any |bona tide fc'tle under the cash, cheap. sep4f4w Stages Liverpool, Queenstuwn, Derry, iys previous sailing. propriated purposes hereinafter tion of their diseases, and the to or expressed, homestead or ΗΓ~ΑΠ persans indebted to me wi'l remember appropriate remedies At Gorham tor West and No. Boston New York, Fieiebt and taken as >iz: pre-empt.on lavs ot the United States Will o· forwarded immed Gorham, StandLsh, passengers low as by hat their oills musi be settled the 1st of October. atoly. $34 CURRENCY. other route. an} To a ν ho b is flied the proper tc enter not to by For 1st class Pianos—sent on tria'—no Limington, Daily. supply deficiency in the appropriation tor application φΠΠη J Ail correspondence eoiiHSeatte* eim At Buxton bonked to all exceed Aitdr ss U. c>. Piano 645 Broad- «tricîly will Centre lor West Buxton, Bonny Passengers parts of the New ing- of contingent expenses ot the Mouse ot one-quarter-section oi tbe public lands iu any kP^i/VJag'ts. Co., fes if Α*β!*·6· Eagle land Inquire HAURIS, ATWO'»D & Kcptesentativos retnrnel, and Liniington, da'iv. States. 145 CO., lor the pie>eut tiscal thoosame to district land office, and who has b--3u w.iv.JM. Y. sepi5t4'v ▲ddmae: Commercial Street. year, be added to subsequent'y L F. HOI J. H. HUiiHKlf, At Cen. Warerborough for Limerick, Newfiela. Draits issued tor £1 and upwards. Portland. Mav *. 1871. the appropriation ,4tor appointed a register ot receiver, may perfect the title T, miscellaneous items," »ive 172 C umbei land St., Portland. Parsousûeld and Ossipee, and fj>rl5 thoucau J dollars to the eald land under t' pre-emption laws fur- Tuesdays Thursdays by 8er-d a Stamp for Oircaiar. alternate For and Cabin To a in i! shin g tbe prods and the 11 Preble Mreet. Carbolic Saturdays, returning days. Freight o- Steerage Passage apply a1 Korfolk and supply deficiency the appropriations for the making payments requir-. Wells' Tablets, α ιοί tfalticnon* and « I bv law. to the 16-d4w Center Waterborough Cimerick, Parsons- 1 Washington 1) ΰ service ut the .. sa'iejaciion of the Commissioner Sept OFFICE. Ml STATE lude^ndenl easury, fur tue fiscal of Foi Cough*, Co18lectin tlebl. daily. HE.COMPANY'S STREET as otlows : the General Land Office. Medieut infirmary, Boston SteamRbO Line. year These Tablets the Acid iu Combination train will leave Portland tor For «. That from and after the preset.t Freight Rochester and cletks and messengers in the rtticc as- passage of this JANGN oigllie all with other effilent remedies, in a lorm, lor SO ΐί!Β ί.«){Μ intermediate f-tations at 5 A. M. ALEXANDEB Α«Ί, sista· t treasurer at n.-t powers conlerred upon certain personsas com NEW popular OR IN Steamehlpe ot thie Baltimore, six thousaud seven the cure ot all Throat and Disease*. Hoarse- Leave Rochester for Portland and intermedial PORTLAND TO Ua·«ait h hundred and dollars. m lisioneisjj by tbe act approved June i^ung DM. MÛOHE8 incites aU w& |of Central Wliart. sixty twenty-first, ness and Ulceration ot the Throat are p».ct!onl»ïly JUOlM, stations 12.20 P. M. T. UleGOWAN. Bo»,ti t ueMlaya For clerks ai.d in in the c ghteen hundred and seventy, for the improvement immediatcy used a medical advteer, tc call at his rooms, Ko· 1 Fand Xatnrila.isal sseugers offii-e of the de- a*id statements are sent to Leave Ceinre Waterborousb with CaJ I2m.,>0! Nul'. OLK positary at livo ihoasand M street northwest, and by the act approved J relieved, constantly being ^refcle Street, which the? wil find arranged for the! Passenger P-" «* I J Cincinnati, two hundred uly the proprietor of reiiet in cases ot Throat difficulties attached at 2. 55 P.M. tor Portland and interme IAIOKK. and littv dollars. liiteentli, eighteen hundred and seventy, for tbe im- it pecial acaommedaticn, FALL HIVER LINE. 3team ships:— οι years standiug. diaie stations on the arrival ot stages trom Limerick 41 For clerk* and messengers in tbe rovexnent ot ihe Washington canal, shall be GOODS Or. H.'e Electic Medicine· *re unrivei- William Lawrence." office of the de- City Λ Dunt be de ive l Kenovating Newiield, Parsonlield an i For New at one tvansierred to the Board of Public Works ot the p TT £ I I I f*T by worthless leitin and Terior virtue in aii Ossipee. York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash Chicago, thousand one hundred dol- Dis- 'l s efficacy regulating "George Appold vJ U lUi* imitations. Get Wells' Car- Arrangements have been made to c and all the * {>ositaryars. t.ict ot Columbia; ani (he persons as com- only F am ale Their action \e fcnnt expenses under the act of August by law, as pro- ^.rntry, iors, Georaia; and over the Seaborn·rl .u-l fin vided in the act br Boston etreets,daily, excepted,) as follows: at4.îlC noke six'h. eiiihtetn hundred and of February e-1 172 t ι·η lerli (i Street, l citland by the Rait. 4* Okw R. R. to transfer, disbursement ot the of the the regalar Steamboat. Train, which leave® Bostoi Washington aiwi a pub ic rev. uue. (housind shall under said act of July fifteenth, hun- places Wen, titty dollars: Provided, eighteen at 5 ttO Ρ M, connecting at Fall River with ttu That u » ol sxid sum dred and seventy, decide to oi»en said Summer June, 1871. Through rates to part shill be expeuded lor cleri- canal, they are Arrangement, new and magnificent steamers Providence. given South and West. cal -«;Γ\le. S. hereby empowed to open both its brancn Capl Fine Passenger acco s, so fis to WAR IN EUROPE Β. M. Simmons, Capt. A. Simmons.— lodatione. For and connect with tbe History Bristol, Fare Berth anu salaries ot » goverLment canal at the a DRY including Meats to expenses the «"ect tax eom- senal: Through Line lo Komioii, New Lakt These steamers are the fastest and most nns-io er> J hat tne coRt GOODS, Il contains over 150 tine ot Battle York, reliable time 48 Nort'olk$l2.ttv oi ot said engravings to Baltimore Souh and ». Providid, work shall cot ex- hours; #15 tin.ρ Carolina, their clerks, Scenes and incidents in the War. and is the via Mouth Berwick boats on the Sound, built lor Irom dulv tirsr, ei-jh'e ·η huinired and ceed the amount already fixed law tor that only Wiunipiseogce. expressly speed, safctj moriom, oours. Γο Bai'.iiûoi υ~> seventy, uuul by pur- Now at FULL AUTHENTIC and his ol that CORNS! and comfort. This line counects with all the South- »i«*ur OFFICIAL the closing of their pose. ofiering ory CORNS, Junction. !Tor further information r ofli,e, three thousaud Lite has its ern Boats live hun- conflict. are meeting with temptations, sorrows and trials, and and Railroad Lines from New York apply dred dollars, or so much hat the sum ot ten thousand or greai Agents unprece- /oiii}i E. thereof as may be ntccs- dollars, so much the greatest ol all, not it w ill rggSfKgfi-; Trains leave P. S. & P. Station West and and convenient to SAMPSON. thereof as be nei dented success selling iront ttO to 4 O copies per day although (langerons,yet South, the Caillerais iq«nty §ry. may essarj, is hereby be tor » Steamers. June2tf 5'ï t'entra» Wharf. aupropriated, C. ana it is in both and German readiiy admitted, that Corns, Bunions, Ingrow- Portland, Bostou,0.15, 15 AM, 3. ΛΤί. hifcn. For the STpport ot the District of lor the purpose of repairing and A. published English Kails P. M. Columbia lor tlie relaying, where VICKEIll'S, histories ing and oilier ailments ot the feet are a source 30*, 3.45. 0*. "Te «hipper* of this Line, witl fisc il year ending Juue necessary, the pivenieut on 4 λ I Interior are being Freight." thirly,eighteen hundred and Pennsylvania avenue ol great annoyanee. In νωη cur For Rochester, Abou Center Har its new and extensive eeveuix-' wo i.m Ffteentli street to the \J Ι.' 1 JLv/.i3l ci:cuiated. See «liât the you scrape, and BayjWollboro,and depht accommodations in Bos- Summer A east side ot Hock creek: diu at at l»or, t>. 15. A M at Center Harbor and in rraur/tm en t For of the That book you buy contains 15© tine and them, every changing atmosphere they will arriving 1.1! ton, larj-'e pier New York, for the salary governor of the District of Col- Provided, a like sum shall he expended tor the 153 Middle St. engravings still send their P. M. (exclusively 800 Send tor circulars Λ see our a piercing darts lortli like flashes ot Forée umbia, three thousand do'Iars. siine purpose tbe proper ρ ages. terms, ami nuil Frrighh by authorities oj the Dis- 8ept.16-d.iw lightning in and From Centre Harbor tor Portland, 7.30 AM, 1.31 and passenger business Krdiic .l For sa'ary ol the of trict ot Columbia : And lull uescription of the work. Address, NAÎ'L sharp, piercing, unrelentiuy pain, freight which cannot be sur- secretaty tha District of Col- provided further. That the Thev torment a to a than P. M. passrd. taken at low umbia, wo thousand dollars. Washington and PUBLISHING CO., Phil, Ta. set.t5t4w person greater degree oth- Freight always rates and for- Georgetown Kailroad Company er a flections. Dr. J. Biiggs, the well-known Chiro- For Manchester and Concord, N. H.f via Ρ & C. ί warded with dispatch. INSIDE For compensation ot t he members of sball in like manner re/ air such y LINJ-J TU the council of portion thereof as pouisi na» sate aii'i reiih'ue R. Junction 6.15 A. M. 3.45 P. M. Naw York Train leaves BaMOB, the Dsirict o; lour are th-ir chatter jiruuuceu remedies, Al- Exprès* Boston at 1.30 F Columnia", thousiud tour hundred they by re-uired to do; the work AGENTS WANTED FOK For iviancQester ami via Lawrence 9. 1! arrive in dollars. t ) bo leviator aui Curative. Sold by Druggists. Concoid, M; goods New York next about < Three done under the supervision of the board of AM. morning Trip· Pev Week ! ο A. M. Freight leaving New York reaches Boston oi F compensa'ion οί the board ol J ubiic Works for (he Disniet of » public works of olumbia. For Lowell and Nashua 6.15, 9.15 A. M. 3.30*, 3.45 the lollowmg day at 9.45 Δ M. the D'stiict ot Columbia, ten Skc. 18. That to correct an error iu Shawls thousand j tbe For First Ί dollais : Pro- enrollment at, P. M. tickets, berths and at rip 0/ the vided, That no Pr-rsou shall be of the act March ROMANISM IT IS. staterooms, apply th« Season f entiiled to drtw a j approved third, eiguteen hundred Shawls, AS For Milton and Union 9. 15 A. M. 3.45 P. M office at· 3.30*, No 3 Old State a^ a I a .id seven This an Octavo company's House, corne» ο B«'aiy member of the board of public works ty-oue, making appropriations tor {(be na- Book, elegant Volume, containing From Boston tor South Berwick Junction, Nortl and State i tor the ot val service tor the year ending June 751« pages and 105 first-class eng is an ex- Colony THE STEiMKR discharge the duties of thirtieth, eigh- avincs, Berwick, Wells, Kennebui.K, Sacc Newport Kailroad corner other Hi er t eu hundred ! PILES, Biddeford, Depot, of South and Knee ami haustive and Standard PILES, under Splendid any the government oMlie Uni el seventv-two, and tor other pur- Variety work, eminently adapted to % A very common affection, there being but Jew fccarl oro, toitlaud 7.30,12 M. 3.00 P. M. land streets, Boston. Stiu ; and t?;tid boaid j tbe same be amended the times. It uucovess the liomish CITY OF shad lie he d to be an exist- oses, as fellows: In section Just in at iully system persons who are not troubled with them »t some pe- From Bouti n lor South Berwick steamers board lor Junction, Ketine leave New York BHH.IIO\D, ing ill the purposes in the two s»iike out all ol the section from and irom us origin to the present lime, exposes its hap- riod ol their lite. The disease exists insmal tumors daily, (Sundays excep specified "Α«·ι to including bunk. Biddetord, Sa^o, Portland, 7.30. 8.30 ed)tYom Piei ÎIC *ortb lootoi provide a government for Hie the word where it less pretences, its irauds, its its gro~s in tLe rectum or about the ltiv*r, Cbambe à CAPT. District υ "provided," first and in- persecu'ions, aLUs, which are divided A 12 Ρ M. at DENNISON, iroui an Nivy to invite,by public ad- liberty; ot the part,and second, those which MONDAT, WKDNEï»I>AY ami For the repair ot the | which tend to bring ibis I rives in Boston m time to connect with Shore Lini JAMES F1SK, JH.. President. «KIDAY Wrings damages caused tire -, «ν»! iUV'U UU' 154 Middle workings strongly ceuntry present the character of a solid tumor. When the at 10 or the cadet by upon •and IV, Street. at 11.10 tor New the South and the tin M. R. SIMONS, Di*«ctor o'clock, on arrival 01 6o'cluck P. M. barracks at \Vest ten to award to any person not in the naval unoeriutl Romish control. and bo ks tumors are within the are called York, West; Managing Narraganstt Expree< Point, thousand dol- service, Prospectus, rectum, they inter- 9.15 Α M Co. Train 'rum lar whose plans be a I ou Coon. iiain connecte with the 3 Ρ M Springflec Steamship Boston, maj topte by the NuvyUepartment ready application. Publishing Co., Hart- nal piles: when without, and around the anus, ex- Ngv5 T> enable the a sum not Rout* and Sound Steamers ior New York ar.d tin dlyr for Bangor, at Secretary of the Interior to exceeding five thousand dolla.s. But NOW OPENINCi lord, Conn. sep8t4w ternal. When blood are term- touching Rockland, ot Mes purchase no, they discharge they Souih. 'lhe 3.30 Ρ M train with the 9 Ρ M train ίοι Belfast Lin.OlnviJle, rs.tjiltle. Brown,und two plan shall be adopted until itsball first receive ed a d when no Camden, Searsport. Sandy Company thousand the Dress Sash Neck bleeding piles; blood appears, blind New Point, Bucks- to"· :«ot ihû -ixc.eeο h v s miction of a board of not less th.rn five Goods, Ribbons, Ribbons. Lace Ketailed one. Wanted to sell and York via snore Line or Springfield line. port, Winterport and Hampden. duineot the United States experienced aud Emb'd by agents piles; excessive itching about the anus, itching Statutes at for .ffieers, to be appointed by the Collars, Cuffs, Sets, Hamburg Edgings, 9ΕΠΠ & Trains between will Large distribution agrceablv to the Secretary οι the ali Black Velvet jUv/v/pictures everywhere,Whitney Co.,Nor- piles. Nothing equals BRI (1G S' PILE REM Κ DIES Jgg^Freiglil PortJand and Boston Returning, leave Bangor, rffery MONDAY a 's ot t ο ig ess ;he a or whom be widths, Ribbons, one aud Iwo but- Ct. thetr HOTELS. directing distribution ot the :»a?y, majority shall cous, ructors aud lon real in which, sep8t4w for cure. Sold by Druggists. daily. WEDNESDAY, and FBI DA Y at « other ν iuines s Kids, great varie*y : tl;e best one dollar morning, oVlock ven thousand dollars. engineers, and one of whom shall be an experienc d gjPassenger station in Boston, Haymarket Square. touching at tbe above named to Kkls in town ; al£3 lull line Ladies' and Gent's Un- * landirgs arriving at pav Wuiiam Har iin a balance civil engineer; and't shall be the of said Picked at Fast Express. Portland in time to connect with 6 due him undei duty board derwear very Also up Sea; o'clock Ρ M. Ex- bis coDlraet for s jrvevinc tli« io^· x'- to consider all the plans and cheap, Hosiery, Gloves, Yarns, $On and press Train tor Boston. specifications laid be- Worsted Worsteu and of Thos Tuesdavs, Thursdays, Saturdays only. eras κ a, roree thousand six tore it, whether the same were Articles, Slipper Cushion Pat- Newhuryport/Capt Fares trom hundred dollars. prepared in the the 7»h W. MER KILT, Sup't, Beats' Portland to Rockland, Camden To a Navy terns; also German Woistedsand Materials, &c ail SCHOONERThompson, pickcd up inst, at G 30 Α. M Hotel, anf supp'y deficiency in tlie lor Department or by parties and PAYSON TUCK EU, Agent Boston. l.incolnville $150. Β appropriation competing therewith, ot which will be offered as low as at store m Boon Island bearing W bv S 10 miles distant, a Mud ltast, Seaisport and clothing fur the Marine lor the ihe plans and specifications that thai I be any 353 Commercial street, Portland. Point $2 00. Sandy J Corps year ending adopted the Scow, and towed her to this port, wbt«-li the owner HEADACHE,Ηεαραοπε.—Theieis in NORWAY. Bucasport, Winterport, Bampden auc tine city. class&C., ot thirtieth, eigute: η hundred and shall be opened to the of all every society June 24. dit $2 50. seventy-one, inspeciiou persons wLo can have on J. ». WIN S LOW & CO vast Bangor fifteen thousand dollars. desire to become Respectfully, by calling and numbers w*ho suffer with Headache Neuralgia bidders, Or at least be- On the Grand For further particulars inquire ot'ROSH & For to the t rro tliH Qnardir.or aL aa.Ui ninety days sep!3tf A. B. 154 Ridule st. settling salvage. S( 9dtl6 from various couses. Over excittmant ot the ner- Trunk, (South Paris sta- STIR· payment repor'ers ui tti* &cri«to an·» <»->*iJract." BUTLER, tion. DIVANT, 179 Commercial or H ju*c For three assistaui vous Carriages trom the House at St., tor the Congressional Globe 01 the usual ad- observers ai tnc x*-vat Ob- svstem, dissipation in eating or drinking, a gen- liASTERN everj ditional in eral train. CYRUS compensation for repotting the proceedings servatory, add.tionto the sum appiopriattd by unhealthy condition ot the stomach or liver, STURDIVANT, General Agent. ot ihe tii r-t the "Act makinir &c. In lact AND GEO L Portland .lune 1st t»71. .Junl session ot the Forty-second live appropriations for the naval seivice Caiâiiot ssuy constipation, there are nearly as mauy BEAL, 1 t hundred doll ira Congress, tor the June Money it, 1>r· *r· each, live thousand dollars year ending tuirty, eighteen hundred tSfeiMfaisSld piea.n'irntVn^ftsl,sugerqrH· arm Brigjçe' Allevantor is a Proprietor· 10 and s and tor rciucU june27 2m enable the PiesideiH to can y out the provisions ;Venty-two, other purposes," approved BV ®.\E WHO HAM 15 Κ it IV THfeR£. ot Headache Neuralgia. variûu4 Jtinria o· ihe act .ot Match hundred March third,eighteen hundred aud This Portland, Saco.& Portsmouth R. R. International Co. third, eighteen and seventy-one,five A and wonderful lemedy has a eeve y-one, hiui tu hundred dollars For is Priceless ! s'rangely fascinating, powerfully written, gladdened many sad St^>mship authorizing prescribe rules and Sight and weary herrt, and is still on its mission tor Sec. 19. That so much thoroughly reliable book. From anew standpoint ot mercy. SI Î1.TIEU regulations the admission oi persons iuto the civil kof the proviso in the act Sold M. S. ARRANGEAIENT. Crawford Eastport, Calais ana 8t. and upon a ot vital and absorbing inteι est. by WHITHER, Junction of Free and Home JoIid, suvi :·.■■, and ho forth, ten thousand melting appropriations to supply and so subject dol'ars deficiencies, r~fO®£> In two the horrois ot the bat barons Congress sts, EMMNONS cor. Middle Fur expenses ot [lit Joint Select forth, approved April twentieth, eighteen hundred parts. Showing and CHAPMAN, loinuM'ucing ITVoodar, Junr'iOili, tN7l WINDSOK AND Committee on in and Exchange sts, J. R. LUNT & 348 DIftBY, HALIFAX Alleged in ihe and as limits the system ot treatment in vogue many prisons, Co, Congress outrages Southern State-, the sum of seventy, completion of the marine St., GF.t). C. F'.i cor. Franklin White ih r thousand at the advantages ot the hy«tï«i recently inaugurated YE, and Congress sts, Mountain botch. y dollars, and any unexpended bal- hospital building Chic.igo, Illinois, to a sum not MARK & cor. Passenger trains leave Portland oi in others with a true and detailed account DAVIS, Congresb and North sts, and rggggaP daily Summer ance toe appropriation lor the select exceeding thres hundred thousand is Together w^Biy^^aPi't'or Portsmouth and Arrangement. committee dollars, hereby ai d ciuelties Druggists generally. Trade W. Boston, (Sunday) ο iue Senate ou the same and it shall be lawful lor the ot the maltreatment practiced upon supplied by H. subject shall be carried to repealed ; proper au- PHILLIPS & J. & excepted) *1.00 a. m., t6 15 a. m a. m., $3.30 Better fitted and the above thorities to CO., W.PERKINS CO., W. W. §9.15 p, conditioned than beiore. Thit appropiiauon iu addition thereto, sard expend the money already appropiiated WHIPPLE & CO. m., 13.45 p. in., $6.00 p. in. lamons Three eu male Mouniain resort is now for the seasou TR1P8~PER WEEK as to be cairied tor this lor the work said convicts, luutiLies, murders, starviugs, whip- no17-dly Leave Boston ior open purpose to the continuing upon building: Provi- Portland at t7.30a. m., $8.40 a, jun17 3m tund ot the and contingent Thamo thereof shall pings, hair-breadth e capes?, sketches and incidents, FKENCH, COX & CO. Senate, to be expended upon vouch- ded, part be expended until m., f12,15 p. m., t3.00 p. m $0 00 p. m. *8.00 p. ui. er» ot ih^ and narratives pen ictares sunshine and shade, illus- chairman ot said joint committee: Pro- plans specifications shall have bet η completed Biddeford lor Portland at 7.30 a. m., returning at On and «fter MONDA i vided, Ί hat the sum ot that will limit the cost of trative ot prison lite. Written by η Convict, in 5.20 m. nine tûousaud seven hundred said building to a sum, in- p. July 3d the s earner or "In- and all a * onvict'm Cell. In one vol, 540 pages, over 50 FAIRFIELD tniiLj-iive dollars and twenty-two cluding moneys already expended, not Portsmouth tor Portland tlO.OO a, m., $10.40 a ternational Line wil. ieav· au cents, being exceeding engravings, mule tor this book. 48 m., HOUSE, unexpended balance ot an three hundred and tbousaud seven hun- elegant expressly t2 30 p. m. 15.30 p. m. $S.(.0 in. *10.00 m. Railroad appropii »t:on by act of fitiy-nine p. p. — AT whjniootot Siate Man h eighteen dred and d sample pages, sample illustrations, feeut on applica- Xhe third, hundred and sixty-nine, "tor seventy-nine >llars and thirty-tour cents ti.OO p.m. tains Irom Portland and Boston Str et, every Monday of S KO. 20. That the THE J) IA MO NI) tion—or, a hound prospectus, tor 80 cents. C. F. run via R. purchase building knuwe as the Club House, at Secretary of the Treasury be GLASSES, Eastern H., Monday's, Wednesday's and Wednesday and Fr!d j* at UP. M. tor Ea?tpor' and Cu.it leston. South C iro authorized U for the best VENT, Cincinnati, New York and Chioago. via ÏLÈNDALL'8 St iita, and the fitting up thete- seV., price in cash that can Manufactured Friday's,and Boston and Maine R. R. MILLH, John. Re. urning will leave St Jobn and Eas.· of tor tlie u?e of the be the by t-ei-8 14w Tuesday's, BY United states courts," and Lav- obtained, marine hospital building in the city Thursday's and Saturday's. BANDALL ANDREWN, port on tbe s^Tie days. ing h-tii, by ot San and the ot such trains each Lnte of at Eas with existing laws, covered into the treasury, Francisco; proceeds sale, or Freight way daily, (Sundays excepted,) the Gardiner Hotel,tLe Maine Hotel at D.un- Connecting part steamer Bel'e Brcwn oi the United and the so much thereof as may be nece shall be J. Β. & Y. ♦Pullman car for St Andrews and and m h Ν Sta·es, be, same is hereby, sary, held Spencer Co., ΛΓ. WAITED AGENTS sleeping express train. ariscotta, and Columbian Houte, Bath. Jalais b. & C. reappropriated, out of any money in thciatio:i ot ι rsons in the District ot derive their on This most ot dy- jun24-newlw A. R. STUBRS, dollars; ommittees, pages, Columbia, name, "Diamond," account ot thei" fascinating book?bythe popular Maine Central A^ent. horses, and carryalls, fi teen thousand dollars. as the Sec.ret.uy οι tbe War shall and hardness and brilliancv· ing American Authors, is sure to command an im- Railroad. For designate, DU. that a The » J. compensa· ton of the cleiks 111 the ctfice oi the reported the distribution ot the money here- Scientific Principle on which thev are con- merse sale, and d great good. Splendidly illustra- tSUMMER JACQUES, ■urveyor genera oi sha'l be structed the ARUANGEMENT, summer Minnesota, employed upon wnk by appropriated madetj Congress at its next brings core or centre ot the feus direct trated, uniquely bound, and universally praised by Arrangement couscq lent the sèss'.on. in front ol LECTURER ON upon special appropriation for the ly the eye. producing a clear and distinct the pre«s. For illustrated Ci'cuiarand terms, Ad- -mSSEBFl ON and alter .July 54, next, 1871 pas- iurvey oî' the publ.c lands hEO. 22. That the ac in the ΠΜΙΡΕ LISTE TO within the limits ot ihe Sc3vefary of War 5s hereby au- vision, natural, healthy sight, and prevent- dress, G KO. MACLKAN, Publisher, 3 School St «ê^SéPzfMÊssenger trains will leave Portland. (epoi) »t 7 30 tor Lewision and fifteen, Railroad, per act ot e*dman's Re- unpleasant sensations, glimmering sep20t±w A.M, Aubuin, and July eghteeu hundred and lier Asscii^i'on ajdemn \ and if and wavering ot to all aud on arrival ot trains trom Boston,a» I 10 lor Anatcmy, Phvsiolosy Science, MT. DESERT thousand two seveuty, nine c'otb'ng bedding, sight, dizziness, &c., peculiar P.M, hundred dollars, for the such there be on br not ne d 1 others in use. Bangor, Dexter, Skowhegan, Belfast, and all inter- Iutorms his friends and patients that he eu zing June fist*a\ year «d, by the army, has opened thirtieth eighteen hundred ami not exceeding five thons, id dollars in Ί hey are mounted in the best in frames THE mediate stations on the line via Lewiston. an office for the practice ot his tw » seventy value, for dis- manner, ol profession at AND MAC BIAS. tribution among the d iitu· the best quality of all materials used for that From Portland & Kennebec depot trains tor For compensation oi fjad persons above pur- Bath, the clerks in the oflke ot the mentioned. ose. Augusta.Lewiston, and all intermediate stations.will suive.vor central ot Si ( lollies IS Brown, &*>·*>*>* Cal.tornia, two thousand six c. V3 That the use of the in S3F~flhf;ir finish and cannot be Novelty Wriager, leave at «i.OO A. M., and 5.15 P. Λ1., and tor Skowhe- TAVO TRIPS PEB WE! «» on express with Pullman Sleeping 'Jar tor contidcntial'y consulted, more m carrying y War, to the association stamped every trame. attached in espec- C'harks Dcerin*. w ill Ir Canyon ville, Oregon, to above i«r ially all tho.se cases ot dbeases and ToN, Capt. Yreka, Oal'tornia, mentioned, the r«urpo e ot it still »i. A. MEKK1LL& For the Bangor and all intermediate stations, at 1. 00 A. M.. det>i:ity for the lro-u the of uirther t ί enabling Co., Purifying Blood. treatment of which he is so Railroad VN bart, Poitland, twenty-fourth April to the ninth ot No- re"eve je de .; „uto persons 139 M or on ariival of train trom Boston. justly celebrated. It is ^tleave Tern: er, above men- id.5 le Street, too well known LV every Tuesd ν and eig ie η hundred and tioned. tlewelersa.nr ol S. iv. "An avt they obtained. gestion. Bilious Com ρ a nt§, all diseases Lewiston, none but the educated Express Tram from Boston, (commencing on payment Harlow, late nia'shal ot t!ie mali'ig appropri.·. ousXor These goods are not sun»'ie J to at leave at 6 20 Λ. M. ar d trom Portland & Ptiysioian who bas made eon sundry civil ex- Pedlêts, any pi ice having their or gin in an impute Kennebeu these the 16th iost.ι tor ΚΉ-k'nnd, Cistine, D er isle, them district ot New for penses of the governm- nt lor t'ie slate.. at 2 30 subjects a spec ality is to succeed in re- York, expenses idem red yea ending June *epl3d&wly ot the Blood. Depot Α, αι., 5.00 A. M. aud 6 15 A.M., tor likely Sedgwick, So. West llart>ot. .Mill in irreetmtr one in tnirtielh, ·η a storing the patient to health and (Alt. Desert,) bridge Mot», San Francisco, for violation eight hundred d venty one, and for Bangor and intermediate stations via strength. and ο. eveuueliw other λ Augusta- Dr. after Jonesport Machiasport. in taid uistrict, five puri js," :or t >e e>cci.ou of a build- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Traius will be due in Portland at Grand Jacques many years practice begs to an- hundredaudflfiν public Trunk nounce Returning will leave Machlaspo t every uollars, or so much thereof as ing ,a the city o*" SJnt 1 ois. Mi nom Lewiston at 9 hi* treatment is emiuently success»ui in Monday may be dne. inri. for the use HOWE'S PRICE SO CENTS, Depot, A. M., and Irom Baugor. cur- and Thursday inoruinss ai 5 o'clock. (comnito* ing SE4, That in addition of the a.'d «Ϊ.ιηοι «Ι»Μ λ ■ ing Nervous, Meutal and to the aufhoi- ciistom-bo»o3, o.jer civil offices of the «ι».., UIUCI BUllHXIsai ό XT. !illU Physical debility, 15th ized clerkships Sold A. S L. C. ΛΙ., υί Languor, inst) touching at the above named landings. by the act api rovtd Μ. ν government ot the U» ted Sfa shall be ext by Hinds, Gilson, Emmons, Chap- at Portland & Kcuuebec Irorn Depression spirits, Paiutul Loss ot ant five, eighteen hundred nded F. Depot Augusta and dreams, appe- The LewiMon will tmcli al Bar Harbor, iMt. De- sixty, ihe o» tue and made available .o«· and man, W! Phillips & Co., John W. Perkins & Co, Bath at 9 A. and trom tite, Memory &c., an 1 had Se;:rets-y la^etioris au- during ihe year M., Baugor, Skowuegau, Bel- having great experience each irom i(uue L'O to tour zed aud hereby J une thirtieth i: ending Hand Potato ! Wholesale Agents. during an extensive sert) trip StpieiLb^r 15th, iu empower:. 1 promote trom the ei;* an hundred aud Digger last, l.exter anu fcarmingtou at 3 P. M. practice and received h gli hon- ot c'ass one e'erks seventy-two. ors and addition to her usual lauding at South-West tlar- em ooyed u Uo Census Sec. 25 That tbe oi the consul May 6-dly JSigtit trom with testimonials lor his superior treatment ot Ofiiee. three to Jary at Mata- The of is Express Baugor Sleeping carat those bor. beclerkfc ot elf ; veil moras, be attention Farmers solicited to this New 1 A. diseases skilful and lour, to ce clerki "ot class Mexico, eslab'ished at two thousand dol- M, requiring confidential a»t- For further of three, and fifteen to he lars Implement tor Digging by means ο vice he is tnableu to ensure a particulars inquire c'eiks of ch ss and the per annum for the fiscal year June thir- Potatoes, which The traios leaving Portland at 1 10P. M. site and cure. sum ot seven two, ending this important crop can be secured much (Grand The Doctor speedy KUSS & ST I'KM V \ST, tliousan six tieth, eighteen hundred î»nd spvetifv-n ρ α"·' «»<»··« quicker Trunk and at 1. Ou P. invites hundrtd lollars is herebv ! Depot) M. (Portland Λ: Ken- particularly those patients r, .ted to the and easier than by any other method. All CATARRH whose cases 179 Coû'in. ta' Street, or approprt pay iucrr j«ed : a.ier farmers ntbec connect at with may bave be*ή or sûlary 1'roniUcii. tilinw tYiiit ti«»f ο err» /lirtoinrt will» »!>.·» !>«"·' 1 Depot) Baugor train through neglected j»ron unced CYRUS Gen'· That no inciease m the total number Ίhat there be to Nothing except the Sewing Machine, lia^ever been to incur able ato.ice, to STURDlVANT, Aet-nf. ot clerks em- paid the deputy assistant treatnr- sufte Maitawainkeag game night. place themselves under bis «-are. p'oye iu said bureau shall er in the I back-aching work; the slowest an-i most invented which so much relieves the labor ot the ring with that disgusting disease. Ca ihem tint Portland, May, 1*71. my 1»>tt be (Itemed to be author- office ot the assistant treasurer in the disagreea- ALL KLiVyirs assuring all that science, skill and ized : 4iid city ble of all faun labor. When are hf>n8i*hol cterkidijps, ot «he being deficiency In his comi ensation lor saving Portland May 25. jun6ti inctly states that no case will be 11 « Τ O TV thrd and second, the picking up is tedious and slow ; none of t'ie gieater imporiance. It is often remarked tint arti- Catarrh Reared?, cures all trout) es arising from |touith fcclrss shall terminate one present tiscil year. horse po- undertaken unlets a permanent cure can be lrom date. jear tato work well il the is clts oi tiny texture, last, f when in catarrh, ritch ;s Ueatne.^s, teed. guaran- Sec. 26. XL·at there Ire, and is diggers ground stony and vvice as long wrung Dizziness. Headache, All letters the usual consultation hereby, appropriat- a as constant-swaU c ν in the containing tor the purpose ot nut ed, lor increased com weedy. Wringer when wrung by hand. The Novei.ty ngNoists Ears, Nasal poly- and carrying the pensai ton to assistant 1 lee$5, fully described,the case will be immeui- the ot stipulations ot ma-alials has on * * pus, Dimness ο &e. Purities the breath GRÏMiT PHILA J in the census Cog wheels both ends. The rolls are al- si&ht. and ThÛÏ^BAÎL^Ï attended treaty ny twentieth, eighteen hundred and takiug ot eighteen hundre 1 and Howe's Hand Pot. if ο ately to. OËLPUÏA three seven- Digger lowed to separate end. be- prevents Consumption. For Sale all OF B'X'y be wrHitbe United State s ot ty, tne sum ot three hundred and lively at either These, by Diugeists. CilVABA. Hour? of consultation from 10 in the till bis America ami iilty thousand dol- sides other Price, 75c liait size "Oc.* morning diajes y the oi ice lars. does its work well under all advantages which it contains, seem to be lrrge bottles, Who'esale an I L\and 5 till 8 in the his King Belgians, tor equally conditions of the at 254 evening, at private offleo. Steamship Line. — Retail, the ot providing 27. field. There is n· indispensable to a practical wi New York In- Cougress st., Portland, where a'1 or- payment inkiest in the mai ter ο the Sec. That (or the purpose of more stooping or bending the hack The inger Alteration ot Trains. ization of ih capital- effectually | dependent. ders must be addressed. Sclif hit beir securing lile and on operator stands and one motion ot 18 BROIVN dues, j a detic ency in the property ihe coast ot New Jer- perfectly erect, by The novelty auglld&wly Α. fl. STREET, appropriations tor the of sey and Long Island for the fiscal the hand and foot the tubers are instantly removed Wringer.- Has become an indispen- WtLKINS, Agent. Leave eaoh nual payment the seventh an- year ending .June sable institution in 3 Doors from Congress Street, port every instalment «lue the from the hill aud the of the two rows aie de- thousands ot families. And we SUMMER Wednesdav&sjaturday d-r government ot un- thirty, eighteen hundred and two hun- product believe ARRANGEMENT. said treaty, A*»rit Belgium seventy-two, posited in tree Jicm its great and is fully DR. R. J. PORTLAND, 91E. first, eighteen hnndred and dred'thousand dollars to be expended in one, <'irt; thus iendeiing the increasing popularity JOURDAIN, seventy o« e, and with accordance ot merited—for the all the il&w 3m he eighth annual the provisions en work picking up mere to pick- Novelty evidently po sesses MWta From Loug Wtiarf, at 3 due |ilie"Act tor the jtter nothing compared s a PROPRIETOR OF THE Boiton, p.m Ap il,li^ste ghteen numiied ami instalment, ■ tion préserva requistt· ot tirst class, In îee 1 On and after June ol li;e and property trom vessels ing atter the horje ditrgeis. Une hand will prac ical machine. Hgjfpjt^gâp Monday. 5, 1871, From Piue fetreet Wbart, Philadel- iu »us ua shipwrecked on pickup after one for Trains will run uouarB, in or so mit. li the coast ol the iour times as in a afie" this using many months in our family, we as tollows : phia, at 10 a. m. be coin, thereof as IJniled Stares," mauy day digger as he are RICHARDSON'S B*'>-e>8:try. may approved December can prepared to indorse Passenger tram at 7.30 A. M. · lounceutli, eighteen hundred and a'ter any ρ >tato digg ng plow. One boy, 1") 3 ears «lie Noveltv as unsurpassed Parisian of tor South Paris Insurance one-hall the rate ot sail- for the of the fiicy-iour, and that (the laundress Pond. completion tt« cnst Secretary of the be eld, can dig and pick up more than twice as says uneaqualeo,) by any of the sev- Gallery Anatomy,Boston, Bryants Bethel, Gcrham, Northumberland, ing vessels. m-honse at Saint Treasury authorized to em- many eral AS N. Paul, Minnesota, ,3ve th >> 11 iv crews ol potatoes in a as a man can in the same watngcrs tried.—Moore's Rural Neto- just published a new edition ol his Strattord, Island Pond and Montreal. Fr^iiiht ior the West tbe and t'drty nd one hundred expe lenced suri'men at such stations day time with i previous1}' lectures, Irish by Penn. R K. and Suutt uodars a common I orktr most valuable Mail Train ai an Damasks, sixty-three and sixty-live and for such periods as he deem hoe. have duj, m\se'f, 45 bu-hels in H containing intormation on the iislopping «tarions) tor Island LineDS, by connecting lines forwarded iree o* commission· tlie amount ot λ b cents, being may necessary and .lrnce ot :in proper, and at such cum less than three hours, with this Nuld causes, conséquences and treatment ol diseases oi Pond, connecting with night mail train tor h apj rupriaiion for that pen;» at ion as. he deem digger. everywhere. TV. It. 1*111:1,«Ή & CO Quebec, TLN lilding now standing ο it:- not may It all the reproductive with remarks on Montreal a ad the at 1.10 Ρ PASSAGE, DOLLARS. credit un the reasonable, to exceed ion y is, beyond question, the best implement tor 1 «en. sysicm, marriage, West, M. the treas ir»'. out book* of dollars per month A«im. lO'i t'hanaker· V. and the various Linen Cambric For Freiktbt or unavailable und r tor each person to be diggiim pot ate 38 ever oftered to the farmers of this St,, Ν, onuses ot the loss of manhood, with Accomodation tor South Paris and intermediate Passage apply to existing laws. employed. | ey Thit section two ot 'An act That Hie couutry. No farmer would ever sep8î4 fall instructions tor its stations at <'>.00 P. M. making appropria- jurisdiction conferred by the dig potatoes with a complete restoration; WHITNEY A NA.TlPMOX, tion·» for sundry civil resolution of joint common alter one ot also a chapter <»u venereal and the Passenger trains will arrive as Agent·, expenses ot the go fern ment June eighteen, eighteen hoe, using these. infection? meu^s follows: ÎO or to· fiscal in hundred and We will cure, the most From &c. Jn'^-ly liOUtf \lhnr(, Boaion. year eidmg .Jum; c iteen sixty six, regard to ciaims from send this implement, with directions for qf being comprehensive work on the Montreal. It-land Pond, Gorbam South Paris Handekerchiefs, dred and thirty, g hun- the counties of Crumbs ο ever seventy-two, and ior other Berkeley and in tt>e> using it, to any part ot the State or Comfort subject yet published, 150 und at 8.15 A M. purposes." ap- Jefferson, Slate of West Vir- country on re- comprising pages.— Lewiston, Wc' feel ourselves called on again proved Alar h ginia, a!>d ithe ceipt ot and warrant it to Mailed free to any address for 25 cents. Prom Gorham. and to[Cantion three, eighteen hundred and by joint resoJuûon of price, give satisfaction. ratentc'i Address, Montreal, Quebec. Bangor at" CouNumerH against the one, be. aud seventy- July twenty- November 1,1870. indiscriminate use ot lu.» h hereby is, amended b· eiglnh, eighteen hundred and Price. $4.00. Sample Diggers sent to one who 2.50 Ρ M fabrics matie to imitate Maine tho striking out after sixty-six, in regard to any Samples sent free to all up our gorxis in trade- «vorde "I -r custom claims Irom the State ot would like to act as for Grocery stores, H. A. Dr. Accomodation trom South at 7 20P. M. and fold, Steamship Company house, Astoria, Oregon," the Tennessee, and Agent, $3.00. JgB^Agents ΒΑΚΊ LKIT it CO., «Joimlain'sConsultiup: Office, Paris, mark, general appearanre, ana to warn wur l -'j e io the joint by wanted in every town. riiilwlelpliisi, Cars on ali Trains. them, I tvp /'and in th. ace resolutive ot December acp»19t4w £ÇT" Sleeping night that their is to see SSW ARRANGEMENT "continua imert'rg ρ thereof twenty-three, A idress 61 Hancock Street, ITIasm· only safeguard tnat the authentic ion ni the c ns rue 1 11." eighteen hundred and th" Manufacturers and Patentees, Boatou, seal of our f n- ■ six'y nine, as an end· junHdlyr lirrn, λ 1 ι.)ΐ en ην the act O. P. IIOW i: A oi tue C'/urt bj'-teo and of March three, eighteen hundred CO., Augiinla, Me. jfne Company are not responsible for to 1 otUi;·1 bu'l it post- and baggage «I. N. Soul'Weekly Line ling Des seven t; -one, in regard ·ο sepl5d&w4w kj 0ree™f'inK amount RICHARDSON, MON» & eight Moines, Iowa, six thousand steamboats and other ves- Summer my exceeding $50 in.value (and that persor- OWDEN, Uuudrto ami ti 1 veJs, shall wot be luvigorator. unless notice is and is stamped on each îSeo.5 th ty-^ix d dlars withdrawn or impaired any con- il) givei», paid tor at the rate ol anie'e. t the sum ot struct i appjoprjat'd by a ci approved dol'ars, to examine claims in C. J. the use ot heretofore, "Γ~ι and Match 3, eighteen liun- arising Stales proclaimed to be NOTICE BRYDOKS, Managing D*r$etoft yarns spun from the choicest and _ .L^umii (orrhtr u.ii r, run .i« in'i,,»,. -"Xty-nine, tor tbe In insurrection, and the Η. Β AIL Κ Local est Flax, the best strong- purchase ot site, and the juiisdiction upon .all claims Nervine Y, Superintendent. by machinery unifoim llSËReu-:-·.' I.rave ιίιΐι* ηι γ·, IV rlIjètiil, erection thereon ot a post-ofti· presented hive a fine and extensive stock olEverereens 5th in and obtainable; I, e and by lo. al ciiizens Irotn said >tate ol Ten- septl9 d4wt Portland, Jan. ***'.'I. oc27islw-ostt weight elasticity; manufactured and MONl>AY him IHlIKSDAV.al 4P. Μ. building itiouiilia. Ν dbr the court-.house and WEtor Cemettiies, Parks, and Private Grounds, ed under bleach- κη.1',,τ« is ska, s ime lessee, trom said counties of and our own Pier 38 I·,. Κ. Ν.·» every Μ Ν DAY pended hereby revived and being unex- Berkeley Jef- Redemption of 5-20 Bonds ot 1802 for which we solicit orders at the low rates, superintendence:—the consumer Votk, m reap prop riated erson, to the proj»er department before A MON following will be THURSOA ni I". M. purpose. tor said the third ol " ΓΗ.—Tloise anil carriaEe i< Y, March, eighte-en J furnished: American Silver ir. A beautiful tree ot reg- Tha It.rimiarxl hVunWifllD βϊή tltfrtil nr. 8bO. 6. That hundred aud seventy-one, shall re- Treasury Department, J ^ expencce saui- ELIAS HOWE GUARANTEED BY OUK 8FAI. any appropriations naiu as before | paid: ular pyramidal habit and a rapid 3 teet Trw lor Heretofore ma le the parage ot said act September X,_ 1. plesfiee. 11. U, grower; high "V. ν"",,β ana satisfaction in accommodation* tor passenger*, mafcini ·> ;■ au.y public works, bU'ld ngs.or creating said 1,1811. | SHAW, Alfred $2 50 doz: 0 teet which the wear .· grouuds, tor :ommissioners of claims. virtue ot the ail &d \β Me. per $15 per 100; high $4 per the genuine most convenient »ml eomtci-tabierni>i« year commencing «I uiy the authority given by Act ot Con- dozen; fjords have aiwa>* ailorded. first, eighteen bun 1 Kor the pep20t4 if, ve»l«e,tra Provided That no expenditure year lollare. non-conducting telling, eight thousand debt," I Norway hardy popular llHst, Ireland. 6 15. 1871. beyond the several give notice ttiat the and in- evergreen tor ornamental purposes with drooninir AND Mo., je27d3m Qnoii lorwaroea to aud from *ι„„ β nits already SEC. tereby nrincipal accrued BUTTERICK'S appropriated shall be .8. That there eresi ot the bonds Draucues:3 ir. Hilli IX. St. John, Mud all |,arti t -.·π»Ν*·, ized author- be, and is liere-in-below designated, known nign peruoz, $'JU per IU0. Μ,ΐηί" by mis section. And tint the expenses hereby, appropriated s to sem· sbiiy *a.y-on rhompaou Ma-on, late paid to John 1 43572, 100 Business 1 answered. Uqiioi* Agency. School dred approved July fifteen, eighteen hun- collector of the port of 1 to ■' " Trees caieiully packed ami shipped by KR. Send lor price-list. Belli··®»*» -"^d. Vacation and and uore, for services rendered Baiti- 40011, 500 Intelligent. active men or LIQUORS sold at this are seventy, still in ·' 41 wamen, or c: Address P. Agency bought ol sha.11 be remaining unexpended, nsut ol the the di>t>urse- 1 to 74104, 1000 have pleasant, youog old, O. liOWfc & CO., \LLMr. tatou Shaw, the Stale ie!4 «"r y OFFERS i* Ν applicable, a* heretofore, to «he light-Louse lund, and largo?? piylng employment taliii Agent. OPPORTUN I Γ Y to the "Varies ra\inent of ices for ser- an lor town in by septljd&wft Augusta, Me. The public can re.-t assured that Young to receive and expenses until periormed tor light-house jmC "Registered Bonds of the same Act— Agency any the United lor these liquors are mch itia ncui and sufficient reveuue purpose» outside State.*, f good and INUT1CE. "^LUinT insTUctions as he limils of his quality the State the r ti e t under the collection district, such sum 1 to ·' Assa>er, I>r. the h x\iafkurnekl^eie^u' provisions of section as the 595, inclusive, ol $50 The L»ng-I>wkril for erttfies that are (»,>o«lale, children should uquire. of the " they pure aud su table lor visit the tv ut'lile on ecrctary Treasury may iiml 1 to 4103, 100 " ITlaHteiylece—Tl inal Meti- on-i in ihree dentin as ntteo a· nd legally [due Coal the use. • IrpHE Portland Dock and Ware-House Co." month* to injure a mn by wîuVvL""?"'1 ,0Ι;,"ί" owing lo said party on an adjustment of 1 to 500 " CrowuiiiK Work of hi· Life. ! Dry iejnts by the Treasury Department. 1 to ·■ 1000 «· by the police are I Feoruary twenty-k 1 Τ 8906, old at tliia is not to .lautes K. Simpson for one would urge more Jhf ?.iVV aM,roved " " Agency, correct. Α·1 Cam Elizabeth >eal atteutiou to eut»-one; the 1,,os?· Sko. 3l>. That the act approved January the t*en- I to 2665, 5000 WE WILL SELL such liquois teeth than i* the children'» »muu«f Luï'dred and ftv- Henrv Ward rhen toriein d, are iron .Ian 1. 1*71, to Jan. t, 18.2, and dlirinu said generally thisse. ti η ti be C5ta1teSn -secmd, anno Domini hundred awl 1 to " " Qeecher's destroyed by order ot the Court guen, especia ν to lie de- ,,,e revisions of eighteen sixty 2906, 10000 HHP, s the law requires. lime the will not be responsible tor ciduous, or tirst t ie revenues reimh.iiiii'.nf» :ven, entitled "An act to tix the lor Company any at teeth; give then ar 0111Λ «t'et <<■" ree.dved limes the regu- The t-mount LIFE OF ΝΤΕΛΜΕΚ, in their name or on their least as is g vcn a:t 01 under th,» lrV'u.Hurv out outstanding (embraced in the number· WM. SEN debts contracted account, to their dress. I). an l of and the same * TER, ) Committee word to thi«. try Febiuaiy tweiily 01 meetings Congress," be, is here- abov e) ie one hundred million BROKEN, W. unless authorized or approved by the ('resident ol ,t there will seventy one. eight, /. U (®l(j0,000,l>00) dol- H. SI MON ΙΌΝ. on Li- he, til alter yens.hut liitle repealed alter the adjournment of the present a Κ Ci Ci. { City the CHAS. A. LA.VIBARD occasion for And the hundred and M. F. KING. » company. artificial teeth, appropriation ssion ol Congre· 8. Coupt >n Bonds o· Νϊβνκ II η.I (HliXTMT (Oil. quor1 Age'y President P. D. I>oek and It "for thi I the Act ot February were β eH-6m Ware-house Co. shnuhl noi be that bouudary line beiwe- η SUrVP is sued ii tour 24,1862, tbe hi? L. D. ii lorgotten Nitron* Oxide loahoand 1871. distin t series. Bonds ot tho se- By cargo at the lowest marke' By Attorney, M. administered contanied tu the m Utah Approved, April 20, first Η very price, de- SWEAT, daily tor extr*ciing with tu· act Terrltfi S I ri es (eml 'raring those livered ότι board at ot Portland, January ^8th, 1K71 greatest tetih, iking described bear JESUS place t-hipmeitL, ami «ill pro- PER WEEK to male or jn30tt satisfaction civil appropriations J.O.BLAINE, at>ove)donot ft male. by dry expenses ol the tor ΪΓ.\ I tl eseriet jure vessels ÈOis (JtOC government or Speaker of the House designation upon them, while those of the to.transiioit the >-anic when desired. IiUOO Address o p. i>. «·. enJlrig.iune the ve ir of Pepresenfatives. Agents Wanted, φΔΟ mcalastek, d thirty, eighteen cond, third and fourth series are KONN A STI litb two 74 Free tw and for oilier hundred and SiJHUYLKK COLFaX, distinctly market HUIVAA l Stamps, F. A. SU All It l\ Λ CO. FOR Street, Portland, near Congress Squale· put poses, appr .vcd seventv- we-Ρ resident the fat e of the bonds. |y25dtf 119 mr28ttt SALE, nirS ei-'bteen lundi ed March three of the United States and President Commercial St. Augusta., Me new eow lew and seventy is of flic United State securities subject to one, Senate. forwarded for redemption present u-e. hereby made ou Id be addressed to the Η Κ subscriber cfiers tor sale his ΜΌ. 7. "Loan Sec- Sure to outsell any BookCHRIST. ever For -ale. Carpenter That the sum u. s. «RANT. Divi-ion," published. shop of twenty (fcffld;. aie m w Prospectus Outline Τ 2« * GO feet, three stories hijjh with >lied thousand Book* ami » A· dred π 1 five hun- laiy's ready, J will« TIX MIIOI' or η Camp's Maps attacli- Me and Prove ...... be awarded sale, \ "1 territory lèeI the Me tweuty-three dollars, or so much J. H A ο reliable.-..tilll.l,. nts on AiiEUSt»' Vd '.'5 χ 40 ; building is well Try id Ay bs thereof as F, RILE Y, Afp early application. liber- STOVKsatisiactory reasons given lor λ liglitul anil can necessary, be, and the ο J B. Terms selling. aureus lent for on and be be lined very lormcst same is, Acting il apply Foid & 27 examination, request, may easily anything is a propriated to the hereby, ap- Secretary. Co., Park Place, Ν V.;l KLND\iX & as location as desired; In ND see if I will. ot the pay claim ot Kobert T. r a ol the for examina- and sell lower ihau any oiher m'n ...Vuein bepalr- much ot tbe 1 coin etioc». W'Xil., Kale at No. η Printing For Sale. circular, or order set maps benches, shatting. belting, puilies, ,Vc. appropriation tor Li»Li· k !\ Also a ouan rt,hl „,ut„.c pay- Also, ury edgings, i4:i. \ Ji will fiuo it to tlieir a int*g» to call ouWm. m Board. tit y ot bass and pine lug promptly atiiiprol'ery ■ ___ 1 0U* lumber, office bti)%eu M™ at li'κ· Pr. Ex- ROOMS No. 233} stoves. desk table given to g-is chandeliersι repair j<* 1(o,u WJM. H akks, Daily lul^Printiug.Oftic», ''irnl>,>eil or with Congress street, A Portland, &c. all ol which will be «old y SB,;· el A FK0,V W unfurnished t,FERROTYPEPortland, Me. A good it %fWGI