PORTLAND ~ DAILY ■'^=^^=Sï^!=!!!S!55!55-!S Established June 23. 1862. Vni' "· "'·in PRESS. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MOKNING, SEPTEMBER 22. 1871. ΤΙκ- Portland iiiiilj Pr«es Terms $H.OO Per MEDICAL. annum, in advance. is MISCELLANEOUS every day — — published (Sundays excepted) Real ■ 11 'he by estate. BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4 (From Portland the CtnciΊηιίΙ Time:* and Publishing Co,, DAILY Curiee· Chronicle.) PRESS. nkiakn iu Idioilly, At 109 jFOJ£ SAIjE I Advertising Agency. Kxchasui ATLANTIC. Among the mysteries ol 1-.ΆΤ..Τ, Portland ATwfll & CO., 174* Middle tftreet, Advertise- the late "trun't Term*:—Kiprlit l>oi!ars α '' ments inserted in PORTLAND. murder" in New Year advance. story Brick House with papers in Maine and through· York occurs that βο.Ί No. French ut the at pecutm ·, Mutual 72 Park tireai, with modern country the publisher's lowes rates. Insurance ment». improve- but not unfamiliar that thf MTiietwoLot contain:, about 70(i0 FRIDAY, one, the deceased ι Mainte Oomp'y. lauu. square teet of SEPTEMBER 22 liiatf Pre** iuquiro ot 1871. sworn to as (ORGANIZED IN It Agricultural by mauy different persons. 1842.) juiiie JOHN C. Implcmentt & See«l«. Froia I* evei PROCTER, ί>3 F.xeh'gnt. the rubiiFbd y Tnrusnw Mousing at S I Wall corner BAWYER Λ \VOOI>!fOKI>, No. 2> Market Square. volumes of law reports, anil from $2.»0 a if of New York. The Flying Uulrhinau. the re > year; paid id at $2.00 a William, ords advance, Iusure.··: For Sale of detectives' offices, we year. Against Marine and Inland iT HE Auctioneer. The of the might coiopl a Navigation îtlsk» Buildings anil ! a ici on Pearl street, and s'ore story Flying Dutchman can be page after of A on O. page fascinating narrative And will issue Policies making Loss Portland Pier. Enquire ot W. No. 321 traced back as far as the upon Bates c f Advertising.—One inch of space, payable in England. sepltiiltt HOLMES, CuogreseSt. Auction Sale» sixteenth this in \V. SHEA, 27 Pearl st, every Evening. Private Sales the century, siugle theme, but our limited length ot constitutes a (luring Jay. like that of his space per- x>'nion, "square." and, fellow-sufferer by land mits us to $1.50 per square dailj tirst week. 75 cents give but ι few example*. Τι.ο β Its For Sale. Agencies Tor the seems to be that we per weft three or $1-00; Assets lor the of its Policies are more Hewing machines. Wandering Jew, an out- after; insertions, less, Security ikn New Biick note, however, will be found ex." 50 $13,000,000.00' Block oi three houses, on the corner W. S. 158 of upon continuing every otlier day after first week, A o( DYEK, .Middle St ever H. H. Hay's. All growth the thoroughly tevolu'.ioniz-d and aminatiou to cent Newbury street and Cburili s rett; finished kind* oi Macbiues tor sale throw a shade eveu of The Profit»* of the revert to the wi'h ail the and to lot. Rtpuuing» of ridicul··, C'oiupauy aMtured, nud nre divided annually, upon modern improvf mtnts; inarb'e mantles, exalted state feeling caused by the two upon that Half square, three insertions or less, 75cents; the Premium!* in-ide blind*, hith sublime cousin* terminated dnrin" the jeor, certificate» for room, ticscoid, ceuieuted cellar "reasoning through one week. 51.00; 50 cents per week after. ubich are iisencd, Ixaiiufi in and periect Bakers. great eveuts of those times -tlietlistovery of ency upon that drainage. For particulars ot ·· third additional. erewt until redeemed. inquire W. No. unerring calculus ot pro Special Notices, eue JOHN Ο O.COBB, 12 Peart Street. a new the abilities— 18 P.OJIEU, world by Spaniards, aud of anew through Uud. r Lead ot "Amusements," $2.00 per W. ϋ. li. Moore,2d Vice-Preet. sep <13w 93 which arrived *1 John D. Jones, I-reaidont. Excnange street. tbe laws ot Kepler ciquare per week; three iusertionsor less$1.50. •I. D. Hkwletv.3«1 Vica-Prest. Bookseller* faith by the Germans. Capt. Vanderdecken matter, " Charles Dennis, Vice-President. and Stationers. Newton deduced theif Atlveniseinents inserted in the Maine J H.Oh apm an, as is tries to the formula, and Socretary. HOYT, FOUU at generally knowu, double cape without which Btatk Press" (which has a large circulation FOK BREED, 92Middle Street. almost we would I · •JOHN W. a dead as iguorant a» lu In every part oi the State) for SI.00 per square alUNGER, Corresnondent, notwithstanding heavy gale blowing the time when Mos.·· OU *E and called for first and 50 cents for ot No. 12ti Dautorth street. 'n his and bis task too much the moon the insertion, per square Office, 1β6 Fore Street. Portland. H ai!gl»ti Book-Binders. teeth, finding second in it each subsequent insertion. AHrcb 1871 S. E. SPUING, Kx'r. WM. A.QUINCY. Room the magnitude 13, dlm-eodllm&w6w 11 Prlntei'fl for him, the obstinate Dutchman insists that heavenly tights. For Address all communications to No. Ill Exchanze Street. Bxc&ADge, some interest!) g he on our House and Barn tor 8MAXL & will carry out his purpose eviii if he should particulars subject we are PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. endorsed and pkescbibed b\ gale. SHACKFORD, No. 35 Plum Street, indebted « more ''ii'taiii- who Are leading Phys'eians than any other Tonic 01 TO eleven room·, and is supplied liave to sail till The evil Eugene Crapsey, has made the LET. WANTED. bOUSEwith gas doomsday. one, mysterl « Stimulant now in use. aj-fe and water. Commands a fine They vi»w «ι he sebig Bonnet and Hat of New York a in kabjf ami >sUnd*. Burn Bleacliery. hearing this oath, accepts it in its most liter- speciality journalistic wriv BUSINESS A 81JBG PREVENTIVE two horses. arranged lor Η. K. CARDS. Price $4,000. oi UNI>ERW«JOD,No. 3101 Congress Street. al For Fever ai d Ague, Tu Let. Wanted. J. Enquire 8. SAWYE11 ft meaning, and 12 consequence the unfor- ing. Intermittents, Biliousness and W. STUCK WE· L & CO., CO., Bleachers, 131 Middle In all disorders from malarious Desirable House or ten rooms. oi C. O. street. tunate 1851 Captain John master <>· t arising causes Tbev 1 Enquire COOK at 98 Free, cor High et. H-p2ttt 'J8 it 16! Diii.oith street. sailor is doomed to roam forever and Buckson, arc highly recoium nded as an ΒΑ Κ ΕΚ, 37 Wiimot street. Κ. W. LOCK. vessel, with bis wife Butler & Anti-Dytipeptie, sepl6 aye over ibe sailing lived, Nancy, in t Fessenden, an-lin caees ot are In Iyl2-tlti Carpenters and Builders ocean, far from his wile and his little ^udigrolion valuable. As H beautiful cottage in tbe village ol Se >· an Appetizer awl in il 9 ίοι· WHITNEY & Pearl Récupérant, and cases ot Sale or Lv«!»e. MEANS, st,opposi*3 the Park. beloved Holland. the of uear Rhode Island. at Geaeral have never Wanted* However, poets later koak, Provideuce, 11· Attorneys Law, Debility they in a single in· To Let. stance tailed in ti e most Overseer for Cliair a' tbe Reform School. in ages, pitying the weary wanderer of the was a man of spotless character, religious » .· prjducing happy results. Sbop, iZ?^Il'UATR Wilton, near the Wil:on Depot, one main NO. 50 EXCHANGE They are HRUE «mill tenements at tbe end ot ANΔ single man ana one with busi- ill with never Dye House. have tried in most to but 1ST., particularly wei'.trlly acquainted the iailiug water power. The build- different ways to release him Puritanism, also very passiouain} Cuiuburland St. iuquiro at tbis office. less. Audress Supt. ing is three F. India l adles Cloaks from BENEFICIAL TO sep24tl sepl6tt 64x40, stories. Suitable 'or wool·,η or BYMONDS, St., cleansed or this desolate estate. and that lb-a PORTLAND, ME., FEMALES, cotton for one Capt. Marryat in Nancy, being greatly younger manufacturing. The wheel and dyed dollar. his well M. M. Butlee. Strengthening ibe body, invisoratftig the mind, and is all building, known novel bas been hiuiselt and lair to look 1 House to Kent. Wanted 3 sbalring new can on about GO veiy fortunate very upon,shon James 1). giving t«>ne and elasticity to ihe whjle system. The the.' ntire rely bors-e powei in this have F»k*enden, rr· year, no troub'e troni respect. Another denouement of the grown fretful and did notii'i'i Home Bitter* ire compounded with the HE upper Tenement of tlio new House No 34 to take a locative bu.«iness : office ireshets. The prop Dentists. unruly, Francis Flssexden. greatest ΑΜΔΝ already erty will be lold m story was invented much cure, and no tonic stimulant has ever be tore been J Emery st, oi six with established in this city. tor S«ate A yearly installments ii desire I. DUS. * by Heinrich and quietness to his tempei. They qu i.· sepIG d&w lui consisting room?, plenty Monopoly the saw and and | EVANS STROUT, 8 Clapp Block, Con this Heine, ottered 10 the public so PLEASANT of water, ίο be rented to a small ot Maine, viust furn'sb bc?t ot shingle lath mill connected, will be upon Wagner has based reled and late one TO THE family. retirent es; small ottered with tbe above JOS1AH No. avowedly iliepo ouen; evening a uei^hb r TaîTK ami at the same time combining bo WILLIAM H. capital required. Parties roperiy il wished tor. HEALD, 105 Middle Street. em of his In Κ. A. many GREEN.
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