ALUMNI • MAGAZINE the » OCTOBER « 1940 the Cover
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THE • OCTOBER • 1940 ALUMNI • MAGAZINE THE » OCTOBER « 1940 The Cover THE' OCTOBER' 1940 NDIANA INDIANA ALUMNI MAGAZINE Vol. 3 No.1 News Featured on the front cover of this University Since June By James D. Thompson, '42 1:3 issue is the first LU. alumnus ever to be Alumni Notes by Classes By Hilda Henwood, '32 20 nominated for the Presidency of the u.S.-Wendell Willkie. Nate Kaplan _____ ____ _______ ___ _ __ . _ _____ __ 31 Alumni Club News has written the story of Willkie and his rapid rise in the political world. Also a story on Paul V. McNutt and his part Features in the Democratic convention at Chi cago by Robert E. Allen is included in Wendell Willkie ___ _ By Nathan Kaplan, '40 03 this issue. See editorial "Concerning Paul V. McNutt _ ____ By Robert E. Allen 3 Politics" on page 32. Next month we are planning a com Examining ... LU. Business School By Chauncey Sanders 10 posite story on all LU. Alumni who Guido Stempel By Dr. Frank Beck, '95 1<) are candidates for office on both tickets in the November election. Sports Hustlin g Hoosiers 16 Indiana University Alumni in the Sports World 13 Alumni Association PrcJident. AUXANDU !\J . CA~PREU_. I.LD ·30. Fori Wayne Departments Yice-PreJ., RAY C. TIIOM,U. '22. LI.D'24. Car~' Secretary, MRS. ETHEl. L"t~1 STDU1E L, '19, AM '::4, Hoosier Authors Book Reviews L Indi anapolil I n closing . Editorials 32 T reo.mrer, WARD C. DIDDl.E, '16, D1 oomioglon EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Staff: GEORGE F. HEIGH WAY , LLB'22, editor; ANDREW G. OLOFSON, AB'39, 1938·41 managing editor ; 1vy L. CHAMNESS, AB'06, AM'28, associate editor. DEAN L. DA"NII AR T, 'II. Cosben Editorial Board: E. Ross BARTLEY, '14; WARD G. BIDDLE, AB'16; MRS. DENTON J, DLOOM, '07, Columbia City MR' , OLIVE DELDON LEW", '14. IndiaDapo Ji, ALTA BRUNT SEM BOWER , AB'Ol; JOHN E. STEMPEL, AB'23. 1939-42 FRANK E. AI..U:N, '16. AM '24, Soulb Bend 0". BERT E. ELLIS, '19, MO'21, Indiaoapolil P ublish ed monthly, except ] uly, August, and September, by the Indiana University JUDGE CURTI! C. SnAKE, LLO']O, lodianapolie Alumni Association. Office of publication: Spencer, Indiana. Editorial office: Union Building, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. 1940-43 Annual subscription rate $.3.00 (includes membership in Indiana University Alumni As sociation). Single copies 25 cents. LEMlIlE:L A. PITTENGER, '07. AM'OS, Muncie WALTER E . THEANO", ']2, LLB'22. JD'23, Chicago Member of American Alumni Council. L. S. AJI:~STRO:"G. '26. Elkhart Entered as second-class matter October 9, 1939, a t the post office at Spencer, India na, OR , E. S, CILCIIIU5T. Sc hool or Dentistry Alumni under the Act of March 3, 1879_ Juu:,S BREWER. '31. A M·33. School of Music Alumni Hoosier Authors Indiana Sky Defense clandestinely post·taps and pre·reveille or from Glass",are! Dive Bomber. By ROBERT A. WINSTON, AB· behind Standard Seamanship or Rowditch duro '35, Ensign, U.S.N.R. Illustrated by Walter ing studv periods, always a pace or two 1. Dothard. (New York: Holiday Honse. ahead of the one·man cadet detail directed 1939. Pp. 191. Illustrated. $2.00.) to retrieve it-whilst Ye Ed was clamoring for "copy." Robert A. Winston's Dive Bomber h ecomes The glossary of terms, diagl'ams and tahles a hook of particular significance al a time o[ Service and manufacturer's identifications "'hen, forcibly impressed by the military in the appendix whet the layman's interest importance of well·trained, modern, and ade· in the ships a nd flyin g. quale air forces, allention naturally Iurns to Dive Bom.ber is an eyewitness, first·hand, Ollr own side of Ihe Atlantic and our own participator's accoun t present ed in Winston's de fenses. We immediately examine the compelling, easy manner, interspersed wilh strength of our naval air force, the eyes his personal experiences and aneedotes de· and spearheau of ollr welJ·known first line lightfully told. His limely comprehensive ;;ur· of defense. Is it adeqllale? Is its eq uip· vev of modern combatanl aerial training is ment modern and equal to th e tasks it is E"xtremeiy interesting reading. likely 10 be called upon 10 perform? And GEOHG£ W. R. HU GHES, AB'13, LLB'14. most important of all, since no machine is Fort Schuyler, N.Y. beller than the man who opera tes it, how about it s personnel? Does it consist of se· For Librarians lected quali fied men? Are they well and [Inion Lisl 0/ Serials in Indiana .Libraries. Ihoroughly trained, toughened, moralled, and Compiled and edi ted by Fava E. Goan, as· ski lled in Iheir profession, abreast of and ,islant reference librarian, Indiana U niver· familiar with Ihe latest developments and sill'. Indiana Union Lisl Commillee, La· tactics of aerial warfare? Are they likely fayelle, Indiana, 1940. (Lithoprinted by 10 be able to cope successfully with future Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, 1l'Iichi· contingencies and fast developing tact ical gan. Pp. 680. $5. [Twilltex]' $6.25.) situations which are yet 10 arise and accord· ingly are not now included in the course of This union list cO IHains the holdings of 16 Iraining? Are our naval pilots men of Inlua· of Ihe public, college, universily, institulion· live, enterprise, and valor, capable of doing ai, and special libraries of the Slate. "A I heir jobs? serial was defined as a ' publication not is· Ensign Winston demonstrates clear fore· sued by a govern men I agency, appearing :1t s ight in anticipaling these questions in the reg ular o r stat ed periods of less than :.) minds of laymen and answering them in an year, And incluC\illg articles o n various sub· enlertaining manner. He takes the reader jects.' This automatically ruled ont annuals. Ihrough the various rigorous ph!lses of se· monographs, government pnblicalions, al· lecli on, elimination, and IraIlllng of th e manacs, gifL books. H Beautiful Hand Blown Tum flying cadet, introduces him 10 barrack room Many titles tha t do not nalurally fall with· blers With I.U. Seal in Color life at the training stations and to the lighter in Ihis definition nre inclnded because of That University touch for your own social life 01 the corps. Iheir inlrinsie value. The Union List of home. Modern in design, Ihese tUIll· The book bas caught the unquenchable Serials in Indiana LiIJraries has made ihe biers are guaranleed by the makers op irit of young avialors through the long word " serial" more elastic to include many - Glassylvania Company, Oil City, lough lour from the elimination base to war publications for coll eges and universities wilh· P".-IO salisfy you or your monel' ga lll es and maneuvers with the fl eet. It in the State. Publicalions of a local illteresl back. delicately breathes the fra ternity of patient other than the publicalions of colleges and concern when the return of a fellow·trainee's uni ve rsities have likewise been incorporated. Show your friends how much you value ship is delayed, and appropriately reminds By actual count there are 11 ,907 lities, with your I.U. connections by using one Ihat calastrophes are proporlionateiy full bibliographical data, in as far as it these e;lasses with the two·color at· rare. The long tour through classroom and was possible to oblain Ih e informalion. This tracl.ive seal in University colors. ground·school rudiments 10 combatant flying gives to Ih e scholars of the SLate a valuable seems perfectly compensated by the laller reference tool to locate gaps in the serials _C~p_a~d_ ~a~ ~~W!.. Ihrill of doing a job well in Ih e exciting of Iheir own libraries as well as to find fl ashes of split·second accomplishment. Work, I.U. Alumni Office others not among IJleir own holdings. 301 Union Building peril, and sweet triumph follow swiftly chap· Six hundred and sixty.two of the ilems are Bloomington, Ind. ler upon chapter in Winslon's inilllitable publications that have been published in In· easy style. Please send at once, prepaid,.......... diana lor a part of the life of the publica· dozen glasses with LU. insignia as The compelling inleresl of Dive Bomber lion, if not during ils entire exislence. checked below, for which I enclose my is evidenced hy the mild and amusing CI)I' In this dHY o f union lisl activiLies it is check for $ ...................... barrasslllent it caused Ihi s reviewer for sev· scarcely necessary to ennumerale the val uable ............ doz. 5 oz. size $2.50 eral wee ks. In a moment of kindly abandon co·operative sl'rvices I.hal a work of this .. .......... doz. 10 oz. sIze $2.95 he lent Ye Ed's volume of Dive ROil/bel' kind does afford Ih e scholars of the State. .... doz. 12 oz. size $3.35 to a plebe in Ihe New York S iale M ~ r c hant As a basic list, it reveals Ihe slrcngth :md .sets (l doz. each size) $8.50 i'I'Jari ne AcadelllY, Ihen lighlly illieresied in weakness of col lections Hnd serves as a naval av ialion. For some weeks it was Ill(' c1earing·house for tran,;ferring duplicate pub· Name book of the moment for Ih e cadet corp" lications aud placin g Ih em where they are Ihreatening laslingly to cliverl cadels from mosl needed. Street 10 ESTELL,\ WOLF. Ihe sea the air. passing mysl erious[y from Town hand to hand Ihrollgh Ihe corps, being r ead Indiana University.