Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Human Epidermis* Jean De Bersaques, Md
THE JOURNAL OP INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY Vol. 4s, No. Z Copyright 1957 by The Williams & Wilkins Co. Fri nte,1 in U.S.A. PURINE AND PYRIMIDINE METABOLISM IN HUMAN EPIDERMIS* JEAN DE BERSAQUES, MD. The continuous cellular renewal occurring inthine, which contained 5% impurity, and for uric the epidermis requires a very active synthesisacid, which consisted of 3 main components. The reaction was stopped after 1—2 hours in- and breakdown of nuclear and cytoplasmiecubation at 37° and the products were spotted on nucleic acids. Data on the enzyme systemsWhatman 1 filter paper sheets. According to the participating in these metabolic processes arereaction products expected, a choice was made of rather fragmentary (1—9) and some are, inat least 2 among the following solvents, all used terms of biochemical time, in need of up- in ascending direction: 1. isoamyl alcohol—5% Na2HPO4 (1:1), dating. In some other publications (10—18), 2. water-saturated n-butanol, the presence and concentration of various in- 3. distilled water, termediate products is given. 4. 80% formic acid—n-hutanol——n-propanol— In this paper, we tried to collect and supple- acetone—30% trichloro-aeetic acid (5:8:4: ment these data by investigating the presence 5:3), 5. n-butanol——4% boric acid (43:7), or absence in epidermis of enzyme systems 6. isobutyrie acid—water—ammonia 0.880—ver- that have been described in other tissues. sene 0.1M(500:279:21:8), This first investigation was a qualitative one, 7. upper phase of ethyl acetate—water—formic and some limitations were set by practical acid (12:7:1), 8.
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