Legal by 338 Center St., Has Graduated to 14
\. J" MMwnlniHiMlnaiiaiM MONDAY, JULY 25, 198i Avaraga Daily Net Press Run For MM WMk EdtM • i b t R t E E N iianrl|?0t^r Eorntng Sf^ralb Jaly 38, ItSS lerVit 1 1 ^ 8 3 Chanss k>. Wellman, 3* 8t. John You C«i*r lEriETTER Auto iBBurwie# St., local representative for Mu Open.New Branch. HMSber f< dm Audit. utTown tual of Omaha and .United of n«NMi uf Ctreulalkm Omaha, was awarded a certificate Of Auction Firm M anchester^A City of ViUago Charm , B g ^ . r«e«nUjr com- of proficiency for successful com WHY PAY MORE? ,wtMi laitaaaUon .qf • Ham- pletion of an Intensive course in Mias Doreen Marlel Walts, . cohetrt modtl «lectrlc organ Omnecticut'a largest auction life insurance underwriting given daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer why Alisfat'o sold moro outo Insur^eo hi 1YS4 VOL. LXXIV, Kb. 25t (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ TUESDAY, JULY 26^ 1955 (CtaMUtod AdyertWag aa Yaga 14) tit tha ICaUiodUfr Church o f WII- by United of Omaha executives In C. Walts of 53 Ward St.. Rock firm. Post Auction Rooifia, opens thon ooy othor eompony bosod OB diroet writfoo PRICE P lV l OEMItl liaMBrtle, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 18 to 32. ville,, became the bride of John its new-est branch location Wednes Whltfleld Ward, son of Mrs. John day, Friday and Saturday nights. ’ a t K aitarat’a Circla, Daughtera ■ A son. Michael FrederlcK, was W. Ward of Grant Hill Rd., North ^ | p A R E * A N D YOU’LL FIND Allstate, the Snyder-Gray Judge at wiU hold a chicken bom July 19 in Backus Hospital.
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