AppalachianThe August / September 2012 VOICE CHANGING CURRENTS Navigating the Demands on Our Water in an Increasingly Thirsty World Hidden ALSO INSIDE: The Mighty Mussel • A Cold Summer for Coal • Blueberry Years Treasures Special Insert Part 2 The Appalachian Voice cross Appalachia A publication of A Environmental News From Around the Region AppalachianVoices A Note from our Executive Director 171 Grand Blvd • Boone, NC 28607 Dear Readers, 828-262-1500 Partnerships Protect Western North Carolina’s Rare Aquatic Ecosystems Clean water is as American as apple pie — and it takes a By Brian Sewell 90 low-elevation seeps, 20 the north and west of the Box Creek
[email protected] lot of water to grow an apple. I prefer that water to be clean. identified rare vegetation Wilderness, a project proposed by the DITOR Jamie Goodman But dirty industries and their friends in Congress continue to Public and private groups E ........................ communities, and more U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seeks MANAGING EDITOR ........................................... Brian Sewell put that basic right at risk. working together to protect land in than 80 Natural Heritage to protect some of the last remaining ASSOCIATE EDITOR ............................................Molly Moore Western North Carolina are mak- Why would anyone purposefully threaten one of the most Program Rare and Watch examples of Southern Appalachian DISTRIBUTION MANAGER .................................. Maeve Gould ing sure that the region’s aquatic GRAPHIC DESIGNER .........................................Meghan Darst basic requirements for life? List species. bogs, isolated wetlands scattered across ecosystems and the rare plants LEAD EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ........................ Jessica Kennedy In a time when it is Western North Carolina that are biodi- The likely answer is profit.