20040107 Mtn File Surreply.Pdf
~ - ED riL ."'... OURT U..s. DtST~ 'JtXhOO DISTRiCT 01 DEP.Clt Civil Action No. 02-M-1662 (MJW) BY~ ~ --'--~ ROBERT HUNTSMAN and CLEAN FLICKS OF COLORADO, LLC, Plaintiffs, and NOVA GROUP INC. d/b/a ~Y STUDIOS, INC., CLEANFLICKS, LLC, ASR MANAGEMENT CORPORATION d/b/a CLEANFll..MS f/k/a MYCLEANFLICKS, FAMll..Y SHIELD TECHNOLOGIES, LLC, CLEARPLA Y, INC., FAMILY SAFE MEDIA, EDIT MY MOVIES, FAMILY FLIX USA, L.L.C., and PLAY IT CLEAN VillEO, Counterclaim Defendants. v. STEVEN SODERBERGH,ROBERT ALTMAN, MICHAEL APTED, TAYLOR HACKFORD, CURTIS HANSON, NORMAN JEWISON, JOHN LANDIS, MICHAEL MANN, PHILLIP NOYCE, BRAD SILBERLING, BElTY THOMAS, IRWIN WINKLER, MARTIN SCORSESE,STEVEN SPIELBERG, ROBERT REDFORD, SYDNEY POliACK, METRO- GOLDWYN-MA YER STUDIOS, INC., TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT CO., 1P, SONY PIcrURES ENTERTAINMENT, DISNEY ENTERPRISES,INC., DREAMWORKS LLC, UNNERSAL CITY STUDIOS, INC., TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX FILM CORP., and PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION, Defendants. THE DIREcrORS GUILD OF AMERICA, Defendant-in-lnterventionand Counterclaimant-in- Intervention, DIRECTOR PARTIES' MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE SURREPL Y LA\1 185070.1 Defendantsand Counterclaimants,The Directors Guild of America, Inc. (the "DGA"), RobertAltman, Michael Apted, Taylor Hackford, Curtis Hanson,Norman Jewison,John Landis, Michael Mann, Phillip Noyce, SydneyPollack, Robert Redford,Martin Scorsese,Brad Silberling, StevenSoderbergh, Steven Spielberg, Betty Thomasand Irwin Winkler (the "Directors") (collectively, with the DGA, the "Director Parties"),through their attorneys, Temkin Wielga & Hardt LLP and Latham & Watkins LLP, herebymove the Court for leaveto file a surreply to addresstwo casesand one article cited by ClearPlayInc. ("ClearPlay") and Trilogy Studios,Inc. ("Trilogy"), which were publishedafter the Director PartiesfIled their oppositionbrief on August 8, 2003.
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