Sunday Edition May 26, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER $1.50 Grassroots campaign seeks to Roundabouts planned for bring no-kill shelter to Bartow Cass High, BY JAMES SWIFT healthy or it’s not savable because maybe it does Hamilton
[email protected] have a dangerous demeanor,” Cagle said while de- scribing the grassroots advocacy group’s mission. Crossing Lori Cagle lifted a sign at Tuesday’s public in- “What we’re after is a community agenda that we formation session for the No Kill Bartow 2020 can take Bartow County into a leadership position Elementary campaign. It simply read 19,314. in the state.” “I want you to etch this number in your mind,” The downtown Cartersville meeting was attend- BY JAMES SWIFT she said. “Unfortunately, that’s the number of an- ed by roughly two dozen people, including Bartow
[email protected] imals that have been destroyed in Bartow County County Commissioner Steve Taylor, Tommy Gen- in nine years.” try of Bartow County Animal Control (BCAC) The commute to and from Cass It’s a number, she said, that has been corrected and Etowah Valley Humane Society (EVHS) Di- High and Hamilton Crossing El- by roughly 2,500 to factor out animals euthanized rector Bryan Canty. ementary could look a lot differ- for things like medical problems and “bad de- “The last few weeks here have been fabulous — ent in August, as Bartow County meanors.” All of those cats and dogs, she contest- almost no euthanizations, and somedays none at aspires to have roundabouts near ed, were otherwise healthy pets that could’ve been all,” Cagle said.