Ozarks Labor Union Archives Records of the Retail Clerks International Union Local 322 1946-1993 Collection Number: LA 032 6.5 Cubic Feet Processed by Jessica Bennett in 2011 Department of Special Collections and Archives Duane G. Meyer Library Missouri State University Springfield, Missouri Special Collections and Archives Contact information: Duane G. Meyer Library
[email protected] Missouri State University http://library.missouristate.edu/archives/ Springfield, MO 65897 417.836.5428 Descriptive Inventory Collection Title: Retail Clerks International Union Local 322 Collection Number: LA 032 Dates: 1946-1993 Volume: 6.5 Cubic Feet Provenance: The records of the Retail Clerks International Union Local 322 were received from Neal Moore prior to the establishment of the Archives in 1998. Copyright: This collection may be protected from unauthorized copying by the copyright Law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code). Access: This collection is unrestricted. Single photocopies may be made for research purposes. Permission to publish material from the collection must be obtained from the Department of Special Collections and Archives. Citations should be as follows: Identification of the item, box and folder number, Retail Clerks International Union Local 322 [LA 032], Department of Special Collections and Archives, Missouri State University. Biographical / Historical Sketch: The Retail Clerks International Union began as the Retail Clerks National Protective Union, chartered by the American Federation of Labor in 1890. In 1892 the RCNPA spread throughout the Midwest by chartering with seven other locals. The union became international in 1899 when a local was chartered in British Columbia, Canada. Early goals of the union included better wages and shorter hours; the Retail Clerks were the first to establish the principle of overtime pay.