School Boards Receive Audit Reports Strike up the Band, Santa's Here!
ID WINTER FORECAST FLYING HIGH HOLIDAY CONCERT The Scotch Pla'ms-Fanwood High Two local Boy Scouts, Ryan The Westfield High School School girls basketball team has Sharkmy and Almx Yorkovich, Concert Choir and the Musical 3m s recently advanced to the rank of r- high hopes for the 2O0&O7 sea- Club of Westfield will perform at O son. For more on the team, and Eagle. To read all about their a concert next Wednesday at' for previews of other winter accomplishments, turn to Pages First Baptist Church. For details, squads at SPFHS and Westfield B-iandB-2. turn to Community Life, Page B-1. High, see Sports, Page C-J. 93 * LiJ £3 Lu 50 cents + U.U1U. * id O to * LU ID UJ * 3 ID ZS VtBB Vol. 21, No. 49 Serving Westfield, Scotch Plains and Fanwood December 8,2006 School In Scotch Plains, boards fire stations are in receive Strike up urgent need of repair the band, y TMIWISA STULTZ built in 1948 as a audit f TE RECORD-PRESS Department of Public Works garage and renovated for use Santa's SCOTCH PLAINS — The as the fire headquarters in reports two local fire stations are 1969; many of the original sorely in need of repairs that facilities remain in use. Ellis could cost nearly half a mil- explained that the doors at STULTZ here! lion dollars, the department's the front of the building are top officials told members of "just high enough to clear fire THE RECORD-PRESS the Township Council apparatus" and that another The business offices of Tuesday night.
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