Never worked with or heard of us before? Do you work with underrepresented groups? Are you working with young people between the ages of 14-19? Are you looking to start new physical activities or enhance your current sport offer? When: Tuesday 12th February 2019

Time: 6pm - 9pm

Where: Chris Bryant Centre, YMCA Birmingham, 301 Reservoir Rd, , Birmingham, B23 6DA

The Local Landscape - a brief overview of our latest insight.

"The Birmingham Profiles" a number of easy-to-read resources that can inform funding bids and help to identify the challenges faced across the city. "Young Brum Talk Sport" a survey that has asked over 700 young people their thoughts and habits when accessing sport in the city. M.A.D Birmingham - Our youth engagement programme which uses activities, such as sport, to tackle social issues.

Funded by Big Lottery and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Working from hub sites in , and , we aim engage young people aged 11 – 18 years olds and providing them with real direction and opportunities. Workforce - Coaching and Volunteering How we can support you as a club or organisation in getting the best out of your staff/volunteers. A broad overview of the types of training available and how to access them. Satellite Clubs - Details of available funding (up to £2,500 for 14-19yrs) and how to apply.

Tell us more about YOU! - an opportunity to tell us what you do and network with other community groups.

To book on please visit or call 0121 296 5190