1925-05-00 Index
THE CITY RECORD. INDEX FOR MAY, 1925. ACCOUNTS, COMMISSIONER OF- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- APPROVED PAPERS- Changes in the department, 3598. Resolution to provide for an issue of special revenue Ordinance to provide the necessary means for the sup- ALDERMEN, BOARD OF- bonds for purchase of equipment for the playground port of the Government of The City of New 'York and Counties of New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens Amending corporate stock issue for dredging the main for children on Battery Park, Manhattan, 3950. Resolutions for special revenue bonds for development, and Richmond and for oth,er purposes, and to levy channel between Barren Island and Mill Basin, 3719. taxes on the estates, real and personal, subject to Amending corporate stock issue for construction of a etc., of plot of land at Commercial, Dupont and Franklin streets, Brooklyn, set aside for playground taxation in the City of New York pursuant to Law, in pier at Canarsie, 3719. and for the year 1925, 3541. Board meetings, 3528. purpose, 3944. Resolution for leave of absence to members of the Ordinance selecting a site in the Borough of Queens for Communications f rom- disabled American Veterans of the World War in use as the Ridgewood Branch Library, under the New York Board of Fire Underwriters, 3943. City employ to attend convention, 4224. jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees of the Queens Vyle, Philip, 4432. Resolution relative to use of Police Department automo- Borough Library, 3589. Communication from city, county and borough officers, bile cards, discontinuance thereof, and calling for in- Ordinance requiring permit for the withdrawal of exist- 3717, 3943, 4219, 4432.
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