WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2010 Loh sees change coming Some officials said they’re worried TA cuts could affect the quality of undergraduate education. By MORGAN OLSEN
[email protected] University of Iowa Provost Wallace Loh is asking graduate program directors to re- evaluate their departments to prepare for further changes next year. On Tuesday, Loh told UI directors he CHRISTY AUMER/THE DAILY IOWAN would use the reports to assess the alloca- Visitors enjoy cake on Tuesday during the Iowa Hall’s 25th anniversary celebration, which included a birthday party for Rusty the giant sloth. The fami- tion of resources, including TA positions. ly-friendly party included an unveiling of Rusty’s new costume — a party hat and a half tuxedo. “We don’t want to do harm to any pro- grams,” Loh said. “We just want to recog- nize that just doing business as usual isn’t viable in this day and age.” Demands for accountability from the 100s fête Iowa Hall, Rusty state Board of Regents fueled Loh’s requests for more detailed information on departments. The museum, which opened in 1985, sees more than 40,000 patrons annually. He said directors will provide detailed informa- By LISA BRAHM ON DAILYIOWAN.COM tion on various factors —
[email protected] Log on to check out a video including optimal enroll- report from Daily Iowan TV ment, what programs will Giant ground sloths haven’t and a photo slide show about do to increase completion walked the Earth since the the celebration. rate, placement numbers, Ice Age 12,000 years ago, but to the museum several times.