By Alfons Ven

New possibilities for the prevention of (life-threatening) diseases.

The right support for regular treatment

Alfons Ven develops the MSP ( Matrix Support Program ) or Immune MSP

Here follows the unusual story of a search for new sources of becoming and staying healthy. On the one hand this is the personal story of the Belgian Alfons Ven, who ended up in a serious physical breakdown, was given up by his doctors and decided to look himself for a way out of it. At the same time it is also the story of a journey, a discovery of new remedies, new methods of preparation and of thousands of people who started using these new Ven-preparations. For many of them this meant a turning point in their lives. Alfons Ven’s successful search finds its temporary culmination in the discovery of a crucial element which he calls “ Salt of the Earth”. This “salt” is a vital component of his Immune Program. A program to improve and support the human immune system, an important support to prevent and reduce life- threatening diseases.

Cancer researchers believe that the dysfunction of the immune system is the decisive factor that brings on this disease. Never before have methods been developed that directly revitalize a dysfunctional and disordered immune system. Therefore Ven’s Immune Program is a breakthrough. ‘ It is a program with enormous potential’ says Alfons Ven. The preparation offers many possibilities for the prevention of numerous diseases. In this booklet you will find first a short résumé of the development of the Immune Program, followed by a personal story of Alfons Ven himself, in which he tells of his quest and discoveries in an evocative way.

The story starts with the almost fatal electrocution of Alfons Ven in 1967. At that time he was 28 years old. After this terrible accident his physicians applied the wrong treatment, by which his condition gradually deteriorated and in the end he was given up. The medical world had no resources available. On the other hand this “final condition” triggered a new beginning. It was the start of a 30- year search for new methods that would help him and others on their feet again. Of course he studied the regular medical possibilities as well as many alternative schools such as live blood-analysis, and behavioral sciences. Notwithstanding the many successes in his practice, he repeatedly collided with their limitations. Eventually an open mind, a pragmatic, scientifically schooled researcher’s attitude and a large dose of intuition lead him on paths that decidedly offered the desired improvements.

The emphasis of Ven’s research lies on the human central control system, on the umbrella control system that steers the human being. His focus is not on the steering of the separate organs, but on the system behind it. The search for the pattern in the human control system brought him some very inspiring moments and encounters and eventually a new production concept. The ingredients he uses are 100% natural. The processes he applies are partially based on methods from . This unobtrusive age-old movement still harbors a group of highly gifted practitioners, including chemists of name and fame. In a time in which man manipulates and tries to control nature through genetic engineering, these people act behind the scenes in the opposite direction. Through extensive study they continue to work on the unlocking of the great possibilities nature still has in store for the human race and this without manipulating its potentials. Two of these specialists crossed Ven’s life path at crucial moments in time. They accounted for a section of the research work; the management and the composition of the new preparations remained the responsibility of Alfons Ven. This resulted in 1994 in the emergence of the Ven-MSP: a 28-day strip with lactose pellets, the bearers of the information from nature.

The Ven-MSP reactivates the individual control system and frees man from inhibitions and limitations that he has contracted during his life time. A positive side effect is that many physical ailments and problems also disappear. At present Alfons has received feed-back on the MSP from all parts of the world. The results often surpassed his wildest expectations, although for a small group the effect remained limited to a mental improvement. Cancer specialists in Amsterdam and Köln also noticed the remarkable progress of patients in their practice that used the Ven- MSP. They had taken the Ven- MSP together with the therapies given by the specialists at their own initiative. This was precisely how Alfons Ven had intended the MSP: as a complement, as an additional MSP next to the more curing approach of the specialists. The specialists of both towns got in touch with Alfons to acquaint themselves with his invention. During his visit in 2003 the specialist from Köln asked Alfons whether he saw possibilities of applying his know-how to the development of preparations that would act more specifically on the immune system.

This question had already occupied Alfons’ mind for years. He knew in which direction the answer might be found. Thanks to the question of the specialist he started the research for the missing links of the preparation. He was convinced that the immune system depends on some vital catalysts that organize the building as well as the breaking down of cells. These catalysts are in their turn dependent on minerals. However, in almost all cases, minerals are toxic for man. Alfons found a method to “humanize” minerals and thereby to detoxify them. These detoxified minerals make it possible to restart and reactivate the immune system. Once restarted one can do without them.

During the development of the Immune MSP he tracked down a subtle salt that perfected his preparations. It is a substance that connects all the cells in the body in an ordered way. A substance that like a kind of cement makes the different structures of the cells of the human body into a solid whole. Alfons called this structuring principle the “ Salt of the Earth “. This ‘salt’ proves to provide the cells with the possibility to rebuild and to restructure themselves. In the event of damage the ‘salt’ can activate the groups of cells to an ordered reconstruction. This is great news! The find of the “Salt of the Earth” is the crown on Alfons’ work.

The Immune MSP can restart and reactivate the immune system. Therefore it can be useful in the treatment of a series of serious illnesses, e.g. through prevention or support during a regular treatment. Like the Ven- MSP the Immune MSP is working perfectly as an additive remedy together with regular treatment from specialists. ‘May everyone who struggles with a serious illness draw hope from the new possibilities of the Immune MSP. Of course it is important not to aim too high, the body is not always able to make a turn of 180°. But it is good to realize that the Immune MSP gives you in all cases special support in your struggle for healing and more quality of life.’ says Alfons Ven. The research for this product continues and where possible its activity is further improved. In the Spring of 2004 Alfons Ven was able to round off the development of his Immune MSP. It had taken its final form. The way to get there and the how and why of it have been put on paper. Below you will find the whole story.

Discovery of the “Salt of the Earth”

Personal report of the search for new ways to prevent (life- threatening) ailments.

My search for new ways in the world of the medicines started in the seventies. During some time I formed part of an American research team that caught the spotlights because of their remarkable results with the use of special vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Through a sophisticated microscope a few doctors, independent from each other, worked on live blood analysis. Fresh drops of blood (‘live blood’) were examined by a dark field- microscope and the health of patients was analyzed on this basis. The results were regularly compared and discussed. In the end it appeared to be a question of pseudo-scientific ideas. They were deceptively presented as very effective and you had to be very clever to be able to see through it. It became clear to me that this trend would become big business and so it happened. This is the world of endless strings of food supplements and of orthomolecular medicine. The objection against these products from our point of view is that they contain a certain amount of heavy metals such as selenium, copper, zinc etc. They are being presented as innocent and indispensable. But when do you have sufficient or too little of it? When does an innocent supplement turns into a dangerous overload of metal components? Who determines the standards of the quantities? Given the nature of the minerals used, ample caution should be taken. An example. During a long time rheumatologists handled gold injections against rheumatism. They were well aware of their disadvantages. There are still rheumatologists that use them in the absence of other possibilities. The alternative world now offers the mineral as colloidal gold and silver…with the same negative effects in the long run. At that time I too was aware of it, the question was how to alter this practice?

Minerals and catalysts

For me it was an established fact that in the ‘realm’ of the minerals there was still great medical potential. So I scored very good results with a non-toxic mineral. I used it for arthritic joints, for worn cartilage and herniated discs. Because this mineral is considered not toxic, I dared use it. The surprising good results encouraged me to also use other minerals. The difficulty was that they are practically all toxic and a burden for the . It was also clear that these good results were not about restoring deficiencies, as one might think. Rather about an overdose that is not well absorbed. For a good conversion you need the right catalysts. In this case the mineral-catalyst I used was responsible for the good results. What exactly is a catalyst? An example will make it clear. You can make a lump of incinerate just by sprinkling it with ash. The ash is the catalyst that can start the process that resembles incineration. The ash has already been incinerated and is now able to incinerate the sugar. Separate the ash from the lump of sugar a little and it does not work. The ash must be applied on the lump as a mantle. This tiny catalyst-miracle also takes place in the body. My assumption was that minerals that have experienced a transformation, like the ash in the example, are able to reactivate an impeded or overcharged mineralization-process. The ash can incinerate because it has experienced the process of incineration, the mineral can transform because it has been transformed at an earlier instant. The question was which transformation-process did the mineral need to serve as a catalyst?

Chemistry or alchemy

I did not find the answers to my inquiry for the right transformation of minerals in traditional chemistry, but indeed in the chemical knowledge of the alchemists. Alchemy has an age- old tradition. Ever since the beginning of our era many gifted people have discreetly dedicated their lives to it. To this day their knowledge has been pursued and expanded. For most chemists of 2004 alchemy is something from the Middle Ages. Alchemists have been portrayed as naive quacks who tried to transform lead into gold. This was also my impression of alchemy in the seventies. Until the first living alchemist crossed my path. His name was Jan and he asked me for help because inwardly he had come to a dead end. We talked about his problem on a regular basis for several months, without commitment. One day he let me know that, thanks to our conversations he had become his old self again. He asked me if he could do something for me in return. Except for his first name and his inner turmoil I did not know anything about him. I told him that I was busy developing something I called ‘human-cybernetics’.

Human-cybernetics I was searching for the regulating mechanism in man, for a method to free this regulating principle from all obstacles sustained in people’s life. My understanding of the mental part of this regulating system was already advanced. In the years before I had already mastered the possibilities to order the disorders. Jan and many other people in my practice had experienced it. My goal was to succeed in channeling the regulating information, the primary software into the form of a preparation. Why did I want this? Because convincing people was not only time- and energy - consuming but also because the effect of it had thus far remained limited to a few people who really wanted to listen and act accordingly. For instance Jan’s ‘deprogramming’ had taken 3 months. Therefore I told Jan that in order to reach my goal I would certainly need more chemistry. I did not know enough about chemistry. Then Jan turned out to be a doctor in chemistry and was able to help me.

Cooperation starts

Jan came to live with us and he set up a lab. This was the beginning of a vital cooperation. I left him at his work without asking questions. One day he came out of the garden with a bundle of freshly cut grass. I asked him :’ What is this for? ‘ His answer was:’ To make spirit of wine! ‘ Alcohol out of grass? Never heard of it. He explained that cows eat grass and turn it into milk, but that it can also be turned into alcohol. And so he did . Some time later he told me that chemistry was inadequate for the remedies I was looking for and that we had to proceed through the methods of the alchemy. I had to digest this. Would someone whom I considered a great scientist get involved in this? In ? I demanded more explanation. Dr. Jan appeared to have been intensively involved in alchemy. For various reasons he had given up on these activities . Among other things because of the esoteric touch that clung to it. It had disturbed Thomas of Aquino already in the 13th century. This celebrity had been a fervent alchemist before he was converted to Christianity. His quote was: ‘Jesus is our Philosopher’s Stone, nothing more is needed’. Jan was also aware of this. Our research slowed down. All in all Jan stayed with our family for four years and he was impressed by the way my family and I helped and sheltered people.

A final change of course

I was totally exhausted by my own bad state of health and by effacing myself day and night for the clients in my practice. We decided to move and take up residence in The Ardennes. Back to nature was my gut feeling in order to be able to survive. To move to a place where we could live in the wild demanded huge sacrifices. We had to overcome enormous resistance on many fronts. Nevertheless the choice proved to be a blessing. When you submerge yourself in nature in a respectful way it becomes more and more your ally. In the mean time years had passed, my insights for a preparation had taken more and more shape. Suddenly the inspiration was there: This was the way it had to be! I worked out the substance of the concept and spent a lot of thought on the realization of the process. One of the things that had to happen was that I had to find a way to transmit the regulating information from nature onto a bearer, in this case onto lactose pellets. For this I developed my own method. When the first remedies were ready I was my first experimental subject. Already on the tenth day I experienced a turn for the better that for thirty years I had been waiting for. My terrible daily asthma attacks disappeared, never to return. The fog in and around me was lifting. I became more and more focused, an incredible experience. That this was possible after all these years! I developed the concept further and presented the remedy in the form of a 28-day MSP to people who had showed interest. The Ven- MSP ensures that everything in the human being is essentially better ‘regulated’. With some the asthma disappeared, others obtained better results in their studies. Many had gone through rough times and fully recovered. The contents of the MSP became more refined but only after I had tried it out for myself.

How to detoxify minerals

The search for the right catalysts and their application continued to call for my attention. Who could and would want to help me with this? During his alchemy period Dr. Jan worked primarily on the unlocking of the plant kingdom. He did not get around to the mineral kingdom. However he was convinced it was possible but that the road would be a long one . His alchemical point of departure was: everything in this world consists of spirit, soul and body. Those three can be separated, purified and, if needed reunited again. Let us take wine as an example for this separation and reunion. The alcohol in the wine is considered as the ‘spirit’ of the wine. This spirit can be distilled out of the wine, an already age-old phenomenon. What remains is the ‘soul’ and the ‘body’ of the wine. This residue can be put into ash for further processing and by means of this ash the ‘soul’ can be extracted in the form of snow white crystals. Spirit, soul and body of the wine are now separated from one another. Afterwards the ‘soul’ crystals can be reunited again with the ‘spirit’, thus with the distillated alcohol. This way a beneficial remedy is created. A remedy without the negative ingredient of the wine. This is a long process and success is only granted to devotees who have a high level of knowledge and development. These people live in complete isolation in order to accomplish these special works. A person with these skills should also be able to help me to proceed with the unlocking of the physical toxic minerals. However this was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Catalysts with direction

The right person came on my path. How is another story and is not relevant here. This person could treat minerals in such a way that poison disappeared and only the pure ‘soul’ was left. Would it work immediately? The tests with the first experimental subjects did not give much results. Yet I knew that it harbored great possibilities. What was missing? The catalysts in this development were like actors who did not know their parts, did not know how and where they had to play. What was missing was a direction, a management, a control. When I realized this, I knew what to do and asked Dr. Jan to prepare the ‘catalyst- directors’. When I had these, I had the main ingredients for the catalyst- concept. Fifteen ingredients were put together. But the preparation still did not seem to work properly. It did work on a mineral level but not on the human level. The catalyst-mineral had to be upgraded to the plant level and then to the animal and further to the human level. Only after this ‘humanizing’ of the mineral, the preparation could work without the need for transformation by man. I had already used these methods for the Ven- MSP and could also apply it for this preparation. It was time for testing!

Focus on the Immune System

In the same period a gifted cancer specialist from Köln paid me a visit. He had noticed that patients who were treated by him and who took the Ven - MSP at the same time were doing remarkably well. This had aroused his curiosity. He explained that in cases of cancer and other serious ailments it comes down to the action of the immune system. And in spite of all advanced methods he stood practically empty-handed precisely in this field. I told him I was tracking it down, but that I was not yet ready. I would let him know when I was. I resumed my catalyst- research. I gave the preparation with the purified catalysts to a group of subjects who were prepared to take anything to improve their condition. Just like me they all experienced a light dull pressure in the forehead. While using the catalyst- MSP a lot of things seemed to happen at the same time. This is to be expected when processes begin starting from a standstill. Moreover it concerned in-depth changes at a high speed of change. We started taking the remedy once a day, but that was too fast. Every three days proved to be enough. But that did not relieve the dull pressure in the forehead. Could there be waste products inadequately removed ? We examined this but there seemed to be no relation. The question was not answered. What I knew with certainty was that this catalyst-concept could restart the immune system and that the prospects had great potential. Was there still a missing link, and if so, where could it be found? The answer came from an unexpected corner.

Unexpected results

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth process. But next to this growth there is also decomposition. For instance of the bones. Years earlier I had found out that composition and decomposition is governed by the same regulating mechanism and that the same substances are involved. Thus certain will be involved in the composition as well as in the decomposition of a cell. I was well aware of this regulating system. The question of composition and decomposition continued to puzzle me. Things took a turn for the better when one day I received a phone-call from a podologist who had just finished his Ven- MSP. ‘You know, Alfons’, he said, ‘your MSP has performed a medical miracle for me.’ ‘And what might that be?’ It appeared that since decades he had suffered from contact eczema on his hands. In his profession this was a nuisance. Since he assumed that there was nothing to be done about it, he did not mention it when he asked for his Ven- MSP. Now it appeared that his eczema had disappeared thanks to the MSP. Reason? His immune system had started functioning better. Which ingredients were responsible for this? In his MSP I had integrated a new element to get a better control over the process of growth and decomposition. Because I did not have high expectations, the new element had faded into the background. Now little bells began to ring!

The discovery of restructuring and reconstruction

I isolated the ‘forgotten’ ingredient, composed a new remedy with it and tested it on some subjects. In my wife’ s case the painful tingling in her arms, that often kept her awake at night disappeared after using it for 2 weeks. In my case the hardened tendons became more flexible. But what amazed me most was an unexpected change in myself. We drove out of Brussels when I saw the name of a municipality. Without thinking I told my wife that once I had installed a computer system in a paper factory there and that I gave a friend the opportunity to become a director there. I even told her his name. My wife looked at me in astonishment. Had I said something strange? Certainly! Till that day everything that happened before my electrocution was totally faded from memory, I had no recollections at all. And now I recalled everything, including name and surname. Something had happened! My grey cells allowed the in- and outward flow of information again. This could only happen through a fundamental restructuring of the cells of my brain and this restructuring again was directly related to the remedy that I had been testing since a few weeks. What was behind this, what was I tracking down? I discovered that this remedy was capable of cell reconstruction. An unexpected miracle! Even more remarkable was that it was also capable of reordering the information of cells. Ordered reconstruction and restructuring proved to be the keywords. A very special substance had crossed my path.

The “Salt of the Earth”

When fundamental improvements happen to you, like recovering lost memories, many questions immediately arise. What unusual principle is at the bottom of it that it produces such exceptional results? I realized I had discovered a substance that I called the “Salt of the Earth”. A concept with an alchemical and biblical background. In alchemy they call this ‘salt’ also the ‘philosophic body-salt’. It is not a plant salt as we know it from Dr. Schüssler and his therapy. It is a special salt that has to be present in the human being so that the union between soul and spirit can take place. However the ‘salt ‘does not tell us what it is, what form it has and how one can isolate it. One knows of a substance, knows that this substance participates in the aforementioned process, but one does not know the catalyst. In the Bible the term “Salt of the Earth” is also mentioned, but there it is more a matter of the symbolic side of the concept. Christ calls his apostles the “Salt of the Earth”. With what I know now, I can interpret it freely as: ‘You, Apostles are the guarantee for a structured and ordered dissemination of my doctrine.’

Activity of the “Salt of the Earth” The” Salt of the Earth” in the human body is the bringer of ordered fixation. One can compare it to cement that, between the mortar and the stone, takes care of the solidity of a construction. As iron is the catalyst that allows the spirit into matter(incarnation), so the “Salt of the Earth” is the one that takes care of the bond between spirit and soul, of the fixation. This ‘salt’ makes the same atoms to either become a crystal or a metal. In both cases the atoms are the same and yet there is something that steers it into the direction of a crystal in the one case and into a metal in the other case. How the cells are connected is decisive. In its most primary form the “Salt of the Earth” connects with everything. What we are allowed to see in nature is the connection between the cells.

Humanization of the mineral

To achieve the original form of the “Salt of the Earth” it has to be unlocked, humanized. The starting point is the more unrefined form from which the poison still has to be removed. Further refining is still needed until it stays in its ennobled form. In that form it expresses itself as white crystals that -like salt- can be dissolved in water. Plants ‘know’ immediately how to manage such a solution and also the plant aspect in the human being knows how to deal with it. However the human being also knows the animal aspect and therefore it was also necessary to upgrade the ‘salt’ to that level. After these operations I had completed the ingredient for the Immune MSP: 1. the catalysts, 2. the substance that gives the catalysts the necessary direction, and 3. the “Salt of the Earth” that takes care of the reconstruction of the cells, plus a few other supporting building blocks. It became a 28-day MSP with in addition a dispenser with granules.

Cancer and the “Salt of the Earth”

Does this “Salt of the Earth” help in cases of cancer? Can it prevent this disease ? Not of it’s own accord, but in combination with the catalysts, the ‘directors ‘, the building blocks and other supporting elements it is certainly not unfeasible. The combination carries the name Immune MSP: it can restart and activate the immune system. Therefore the MSP is useful in a whole range of serious diseases, but it is equally recommended in the prevention of diseases. It works perfectly, just like the Ven-MSP, as an additional MSP to the regular help. Therefore this unique offer is useful for everyone. For all those who struggle with a serious disease it is good to find hope again in the new possibilities of the Immune MSP. However it is also important not to place one’s hopes too high, in order to avoid disappointment. It is preferable to assume that this remedy gives you the necessary support in your battle against the disease.

Undermining factors

In the case of problems or diseases two factors always play a part. There is the attack from the outside and there is the area where the battle is fought. Pathogens can easier break through on a weak territory. Thus, mentally weak people are more vulnerable to outside influences . There are multiple factors that determine whether there is question of a strong or weak territory. Think of disposition, heredity, living conditions and of the intensity and the force of the attacks. There can also be undermining factors that are not directly visible. They can continue their destructive work unnoticed for years. Sometimes they are that subtle that they escape the most thorough examinations.

I mention a few of these subtle factors:

-Remedies that make you resistant to allergies through injections or nose drops.

Homeopathic dilutions of human pathogens, called ‘nosodes ‘in jargon. Carcinosinum is one of them. When I tell people that it is about human cancer cells they are frightened and rightly so!

Co lloidal silver and gold as well as gold injections that some rheumatologists still administer. But also the heavy metals in sun blocks of sun screens.

Besides everyone knows that we take in a lot of chemicals through our food and the air we breath. Nowadays nobody escapes these factors that undermine the immune system.

I see the Immune MSP as a very important remedy to repair as best as possible the damage done.

Deficiency of the “Salt of the Earth”

The “Salt of the Earth” is a very fragile salt and therefore also vulnerable. It is a salt that is at the source of the clustering of atoms. When it deteriorates through undermining influences it becomes powerless. This has its repercussion on the immune system. A weakened immune system opens the door for a string of unpleasant (life-threatening) diseases such as cancer. The combination of ingredients in the Immune MSP helps in case of auto-immune diseases. A women who had to undergo regularly a blood transfusion for this and who in spite of it saw her condition deteriorate, proved healthy after two MSP’s.

‘ Liberation ‘ and ‘ Meaning ’ thanks to the “Salt of the Earth”

Furthermore I discovered that thanks to the “Salt of the Earth” information from the cosmos can come into the atomic structure in the form of polarized light. When, through shortage of this salt, this light is dispersed one lives virtually in and under a dark cloud. Consequently the purpose and orientation of a lifetime can disappear quite rapidly. The meaning of life is brought up for discussion in every possible way. The “Salt of the Earth” helps to clear the mental and spiritual darkness and offers a starting point to find a meaning in one’s own life. This way this substance gets an additional perspective. Meanwhile in the course of my mission I have been allowed to participate in several ‘liberations’ thanks to the “ Salt of the Earth” in the Immune MSP. These are moving stories, about liberations in many areas, social, sexual and spiritual. An example will illustrate:

A woman has stomatitis aphtosa whereby for years she has hardly been able to eat. Multiple Ven- MSP’s hardly brought some improvement. One Immune MSP solved the problem. Her comment: ‘ I always lived in and under a dark cloud, I thought this was as it should be. It was part of my life and I assumed there was nothing that could be done. With the Immune MSP this has been cleared up. I never felt so special and so happy. I experience the MSP as a downright liberation’

What there is more in store for us with the “ Salt of the Earth “ in combination with the catalysts, the future will tell. For me this discovery is a dream come through. I see it as a fantastic possibility, a chance for more quality of life.

Retrospect on a long journey ‘Ask and you shall receive ‘ is a well-known expression that totally applies to my life. My search for the coherence in the steering systems of the human body began a long time ago. ‘Knock and the door shall be opened ‘ another such an expression. I have kept knocking. ‘Seek and you shall find’ is the third expression in this row. Only God knows how intensively I have researched and how I have been ‘allowed ‘ to find. The time span between my first call and the finding took up over a quarter of a century. In itself not long, measured by God’s mills that grind slowly yet unmistakably. It has become a fascinating quest. As always it involved trial and error, with the necessary resistance. I owe much gratitude to this, because this resistance encouraged me to continue over and over again.

Naturally I also owe many thanks to all the special people who crossed my path and helped me to continue on this voyage of discovery.

I am writing this down during the Easter days of 2004. With great gratitude and much enthusiasm. For me Easter now has a new meaning. A new light shone on the liberating power behind it.

Alfons Ven