Meeker Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting Winter Entertainment Series AUGUST: — ERBM Rec

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Meeker Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting Winter Entertainment Series AUGUST: — ERBM Rec Rio Blanco County’s Premier Meeker’s News Source Finest TAKE Online Domestic & Wild Game HOME Processing … THE You may be BEST! asking yourself who would “Five miles west of the intersection of Highways 13 & 64, toward Rangely” want the paper Get the most foryourmoney ~ Experience our“bone-free”standardprocessing delivered online TryourSpecialty Bulk Sausage made with yourmeat and yourchoice of ourfreshmixed spices instead of Hang yourtrophywhen you get home ~ ask us about ourEuropeanStyle Mounts the paper Enjoy our clean professional facility and our friendly service version. Take comfort in our 15 years of knowledge and experience processing wild game Experience a world class Colorado Hunt - H&H, LLC is a Licensed Colorado Outfitter Here are a few examples: • The retiree who winters in warmer climates John & Tawny Halandras • The college student who wants to keep up with local news • The home town hero who’s serving overseas 68656 Hwy 64 • PO Box 1006 • Meeker, CO 81641 • • The techno-savvy family who always surfs the Internet • The neighbor who’s tired of your dog chewing up his paper 970-878-5151 • 970-878-5126 • The grandparents of an All-Star athlete • The businessman who travels for a living J BRACKET DESIGN European Style And that’s just a few of the peo- Antler Art ple who would benefit. There’s Skull Mounts probably someone you know Handcrafted locally with a touch of class. that would enjoy subscribing ~ RATES ~ but doesn’t want to wait for Electr 12-Mo the post office to deliver it. onic nth Subsc edition. $24 Chandeliers Bar Stools Print edit riptions: With an online subscription, Print editioion (out o Candelabras Table Lamps there’s no waiting for deliv- f county in USA). $40 ery — it’s online virtually Current prinn ( in cou the same day as the paper nty) . Tables Mirrors t sub . ...... is published. And, unlike online ed scrib .. the printed product, the itio ers ca . $25 Chairs Sconces n for an additi n a dd t online paper is available o he to you wherever you go Onlin nal $15. Six e O — as long as you have a -month o nly Subscript computer and Internet Three-monthnline subscription . connection. ions: and Much More! online subs Call or E-mail Today! SERVING RIO BLANCO COUNTY, COLORADO SINCE 1885 cription . $14$19 970-878-5126 R I OB L A N C O Hunters: John Halandras Have you seen a European style skull mount? They are easy to clean, odorless, worry- Herald Times P.O.Box 1006 • 68656 Hwy 64 free and a great way to show off your trophy. They require less space for display than a Meeker, CO 81641 standard shoulder mount. We can provide quick turn around, less than 24 hours. No 970.878.4017 I I 970.675.5033 shippingis necessary but cratingand shippingare available. We offer competitive prices...75% less than standard shoulder mount prices. Group discounts are available. European style is available for all species large and small. Stop by H&H Processing at 68656 Hwy 64 or call 970-878-5126. Visit us today to have your trophy processed with a To subscribe TODAY, go to We Ship Anywhere! touch of class. We also have a selection of skulls for sale. or give us a call at (970) 878-4017. Welcome to Meeker, Colorado Whether you’re looking for a beautiful place to call home or somewhere to get away from everyday life and enjoy nature in its purest form, Meeker, Colorado, is calling your name. Home to abundant wildlife, wide open public lands, beauti- ful snowcapped mountains and breathtaking vis- tas, Meeker offers dramatic cultural history, a west’ history through the close-knit community, and nature like you’ve reenactment of the never seen it before. Meeker’s landscapes vary Meeker Massacre during from semi-arid desert to forested hillsides, beauti- the annual 4th of July ful lakes, and mountain peaks. For avid outdoors- Range Call Celebration. men, Meeker is a haven of opportunities waiting In September visit the to be explored. We offer unparalleled recreation Meeker Classic Sheepdog options, and for the adventurous explorer, Trials and watch incredi- Meeker offers amazing opportunities for Off ble herding dogs at work. Kat Highway Vehicle motorsports. For those wanting E elin xecut Coo Pull up a lawn chair and to view nature in a laid-back fashion, stop ive Di k throughout the summerrector months.enjoy a live concert on by the Meeker Chamber of our courthouse lawn Commerce If you’re interested in a more permanent stay in Meeker, be sure to stop by the MCOC for relocation in- formation. We would love to be the first to welcome you to this wonderful area. Meeker isn’t just a wonderful place to live and explore, it’s a wonderful place to do business. The largest economic driver in Northwest Colorado uti- lizes natural resources like coal, natural gas, and raw minerals, with some of the largest producers of fuel and energy coming from this region, and it provides outstanding opportunities for those looking to MEEKER CHAMBRER OF COMMERCE Meeker isn’t just a wonderful place to live and explore, build a career. it’s a wonderful place to do business. The MCOC is deeply immersed nic Byway. Those interestedguide of the in betterFlatfor Tops a map understand- Trail and Sce- tour(MCOC) the developmentpromoting of a strong theirinbusiness the mission communityof community. supporting and ing American history can take a trip to the historic The chamber provides educational programs cov- White River Museum. For more information on ering topics that are beneficial to business owners these activities check out the recreation section in and community members alike. We sponsor and this booklet. participate in numerous community service proj- Join us in celebrating one of our many ects, offer business networking opportunities, and grand events throughout the year. Watch one of organize many community events to support our the greatest 4th of July firework displays Col- businesses and quality of life. For a list of yearly orado has to offer, or experience Meeker’s ‘wild activities, check out the Calendar of Events in this booklet. Come in and pay us a visit. We’ll be here waiting to meet you and welcome you to Meeker, Colorado, land of the blessed. Always Something New to Explore 1 Meeker, Colroado www.meekerchamber.comWelcome to Meeker White River Electric Association, Inc. We are your electric cooperative — on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call us immediately if you experience a power outage, 878-5041. Electricity – clean, efficient, inexpensive. 233 6th St., Meeker, CO 81641 (970) 878-5041 2 Meeker, Colorado Always Something New to Explore Community Calendar of Events JANUARY: Winter Blast - ERBM Recreation & Park District Family Ice-Fishing Derby - ERBM Recreation & Park District Winter Entertainment Series — ERBM Recreation & Park District Snowshoe & Cross Country Adventure — ERBM Rec. & Park District FEBRUARY: Meeker Chamber of Commerce Annual Meeting Winter Entertainment Series AUGUST: — ERBM Rec. & Park District Rio Blanco County Fair Summer Entertainment Series MARCH: — ERBM Rec. & Park District Annual Buy-Fly Fishing Tournament Movie Under the Stars at Paintbrush Park — White River Community Association — ERBM Rec. & Park District Winter Entertainment Series Meeker Golf Tournaments — ERBM Rec. & Park District SEPTEMBER: APRIL: Annual Energy Expo — Chamber of Commerce After Birth Ball Meeker Classic Sheepdog Championship Trials — Meeker Chamber of Commerce Summer Entertainment Series Meeker Lion’s Club annual Easter Egg Hunt — ERBM Rec. & Park District Spring Social Mountain Valley Bank Fall Festival — ERBM Rec. & Park District Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Dinner OCTOBER: Chamber of Commerce Hunters Welcome Tent MAY: Pumpkin Patch Dinner Theatre — Homemaker Furnishings, White River — Meeker Arts and Cultural Council Electric Association, Meeker Chamber of Pioneers Medical Center Monte Carlo Night Commerce Meeker High School Graduation Pumpkins, Eats and Treats Dance Recital — ERBM Rec. & Park District — ERBM Rec. & Park District Sight in Days at the Sportsman’s Club Range JUNE: (two days prior to each hunting season) Summer Entertainment Series — ERBM Rec. & Park District NOVEMBER: Community Appreciation Day Meeker Chamber of Commerce Hunters Welcome — ERBM Rec. & Park District Veteran’s Day Ceremony and Luncheon Movie Under the Stars at Paint Brush Park – VFW & Meeker Chamber of Commerce — ERBM Rec. & Park District Annual Craft Fair Meeker Golf Tournaments Sportsman’s Club Annual Turkey Shoot & Raffle JULY: DECEMBER: 127th Range Call Celebration Chamber of Commerce Holiday Lighting Contest Community Appreciation Day Holiday Social — ERBM Rec. & Park District — ERBM Rec. & Park District Breakfast with Santa — ERBM Rec. & Park District Movie Under the Stars at Paintbrush Park Range Call New Year’s Celebration — ERBM Rec. & Park District Summer Entertainment Series **As a Reminder: There is a community calendar on the Rio Blanco Herald Times website. To keep up-to-date on — ERBM Rec. & Park District ALL area events and happenings please visit www.theherald- Rio Blanco County Fair as well as the Meeker Chamber of Commerce Meeker Golf Tournaments website at 3 Always Something New to Explore Meeker, Colroado www.meekerchamber.comInformation on Meeker Customer Service Berry Bros. 1-888-286-6700 GeneralContractors, Inc. — Rocky Mountain Division — For Emergency 1-866-322-8667 1033 Market Street Meeker, Colorado 81641 Call Before You Dig Dial 811 970-878-5787 Office Safely Since 1956 Support our Meeker Chamber of Commerce Natural gas electrical generation produces zero mercury emissions, 99 percent fewer sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions and up to 80 percent fewer nitrogen oxides (NOX ) emissions compared to coal. Plus, it also emits up to 65 percent less carbon dioxide (CO2).

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