°· Amp E11 8 Ree • E1 Per R.S.O Field Mills, Sandiacre, Nottingham LACE MACHINE MAKERS

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°· Amp E11 8 Ree • E1 Per R.S.O Field Mills, Sandiacre, Nottingham LACE MACHINE MAKERS 'llUDES DilU!lOTOIY.J DEBBYSHIR~. LAN 449 Hitctin & Son, Clifford street, Long Smith George, Xew mills, Bank street, LAMP & OIL DEAT·ERS. Eaton, Nottingham Long Eaton, Nottin!!'ham Laxton George, Coppice side, Swadlin- Hooley T. Lim. (PercyB. Cooper, sec.), Smith Thomas, jun. Harrington mills, cote,Burton-on-Trent Springfield mls. Sandiacre, Nottnghm Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Newton Mrs. H. Killamarsh Chesterfield Hooton Waiter, New Tythe street, Long Springthorpe & Wood, Victoria. mills, Shaw Chas.Thos.We5t bars,' Chesterfield Eaton, Nottingham Derby road, Melbourne, Derby Slater Georo-e Kincr street, Belper Hopkins William James, Clifford street, Start .Ambrose Limb, West End mills, Walker Jos:ph Gt~Hucklow Sheffield Long Eaton, Nottingham Leopold st. Long Eaton, N ottingharn Wharmby Geo~ge 27 Hall st~ Glossop Hopper Henry, Truman's factory, Mid- Start Thomas, West End mills, Leopold ' dleton street, llkeston R.S.O street, Long Eaton, Nottingham LAND AGENTS. Houghton Henry Drury,NewrniUs,Bank Straw Will1am, Harrin2ton mills, Leo- See .Agents-Land, House & Estate. street, Long Eaton, Nottingham pold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham LAND&BUILDINGSOCIETIES Hulse &Cursley,Castle ml.l\Ielbrne.Drby Sutton James, Springfield mills, Saudi- . · Ironmonger Richard, New mills, Bank acre, Nottingham .Alfreton Freehold Land SoCiety L1m1tecl street, Long Eaton, Nottingham Swift Frederick, West End mills, Leo- (John James Simpson,sec.); registered Johnson Thomas, Ha1 rington mills, Leo- pold st. Long Ea ton, Nottingham office, sr High street, Alfreton pold street, Long Eaton, Nottingham Syson John, Willatt's mills, Regent st. .Alfreton Permanent Benefit Building Jowett & Stevenson, New mills, Bank Long Eaton, ~ottingham Society (Samuel Parkin, sec.), Mans· street, Long Eaton, Nottingham Tanzer John, Austin's old factory, Mar- field road, .Alfreton KilbylVIrs. Louisa,Orchard's old factory, ket place, Long Ea.ton, Nottingham .Ashborne Permanent Benefit Buildin~ Long Eaton, Nottingham Tatham Edmund, Kensington works, Society (John R. Rigby, sec.), Town Langley .Albert, New Tythe street, Long Nottingham road, Ilkeston R.S.O hall, Ashborne Eaton, Nottingham Tattersall & Howard, Truman'sfactory, Belper "Richmond" Building Society Longmire Henry & Edwin, Springfield Middleton street, Ilkeston R.S.O (Edwin W. Brown,sec. ),King st.Belper mills, Sandiacre, Nottingham Taylor Charles & Co. Willatt's mills, Burbage Permanent Building Society LoweAlfred, Harrington'smills,Leopold Regent st. LontJo Eatnn, Nottingham (registered office) (Henry Eyre, sec.), street, Long Eaton, Nottingham Taylor Jacob, ''V~st End mills, Leopold Post office, Burba.ge, Buxton Lowe William, .Austin's old factory, street, Long Eaton, Nottingham Chesterfield Freehold Land & Benefit Market pl. Long Eaton, Nottingham Thorpe John, Sawley, Derby Buildin~ Society (Robert :Mrmntney, Maltby Chas. Station rd. Ilkeston R.S.O Thnrman William, Harrington mills, sec.), Chesterfield ::'daltby Geo. Station rd. Ilkeston R.S.O Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottin~ham Chesterfield "Richmond" Building MaltbyT .Bank st.LongEaton,Nottinghm Trueman Henry & Son, Austin's factory, Society ( George Short, sec.), Iron- Manu Frank, New Tythe street, Long Long Eaton, Nottingham gate, Chesterfield Ea ton, Nottingham Truman & Widdowson, Brook st. Derby Derby I<'reehold Land Society (Lewis W. ~Iarriott .Alfred, .Austin's factory, Long Truman Henry, .Austin's factory, Long Wilshire, sec.), 24 Strand, Derhy Eaton, Nottingham Eaton, NottinQ"ham Derby Land, Building & Investment Maslin John Charles, Harrington mills, TrumanJspl1.Middletonst.Ilkestn.R.S.O Company Limited (T. H. Harrison, Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Turner & Sons, Austin's factory, Long sec.), 18 Wardwick, Derby Meeklah Herbert Wm. West End mills, Eaton, Nottingham Derby (The) Perfect Thrift Building Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Twells John & .Arthur,Harrington mills, Society (G. Peach, sec.), 40 Osmaston :l\Iorris William, ~-\ ustin's factory, Long Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham road, Derby Eaton, Nottingham Vickerstaff Robert k:hntnwick, New Derby Starr-Bowkett Building Societies Orchard J oseph, New mills, Bank street, Tythe st. Long Eaton, Nottingham (LewisW. \Vilshire,scc. ),24Strand,Drby Long Eaton, Nottingham Walker John Benj.Sandiacre,Nottinghm Derbyshire Permanent Building Invest- Parker Henry, Victoria mills, Derby Wallis Wm. & Sons, West End mills, ment & Land Society (Samuel Whit- road, Melbourne, Derby Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham aker & Sons, secs.), 4 Victoria st. Derby Parker John, .Austin's old factory, Mat'· Wells W1lliam, New Tythe street, Long Erewash Building Society (W. Frost, ket place, Long Eaton, Nottingham Eaton, .Nottingham sec.), 2 .Market place, likeston R.S.O Peadon & Son, West End mills, Leopold West End Mill Co. Lim. (Titus .Astle, Glossop Richmond Building Society street, Long Eaton, Nottingham sec. ),Leopold st.Long Eatn.Nottnghm (John Kidd H~;~llingbery, sec.), Pegg Thomas, Harrington mills,Leopold Westmoreland&l'.IorganLim.Harrington Howard chambers, Glussop street, Long Eaton, Nottingham mls. Leopold st.Long Eaton,Nottnghm Heanor Permanent Benefit Building Pratt Hurst & Co. Truman's factory, Wheeldon & Grice, Clifford street, Long Society (D. Bailey, sec.), Loscoe Middleton street, llkeston R.S 0.; 2 Eaton, Nottingham road, Heanor R.S.O Gibb street, Long Eaton & Springfield Whiteley Wm . .Arthur, West End mills, Ilkeston Freehold Land Society (William mills, Sandiacre, Nottingham Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Briggs, sec.), Clyde house, Gregory Purdy Henry, .Austin's factory, Long Wilkinson Frank & Co. Borrowash,Derby street, Ilkeston R. S. 0 Eaton, Nottingham Wilson Samuel, .Austin's factory, Long Ilke.ston Model Building Society (Fredk. Purdy John, .Austin's old factory, Mar· Eaton, Nottingham Chambers, sec.), zor Awsworth road, ket place, Long Eaton, Nottingham Winfield & tions, Harrington mills, Ilkeston R.S.O Purdy William, .Austin's old factory, Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Ilkeston Permanent Building Society Market pl. Long Ea ton, Nottingham Wright & Johnson,Orchard's old factory, (William Shakespeare, sec.), Market Redgate Henry, .Austin's factory, Long Long Eaton, Nottingham street, Ilkeston R.S.O Eaton, Nottingham Lark lands Freehold Garden & Building- Redgate William Bush,Harrington mills, LACE MENDERS. .Allotment Association (Thomas John Leopold st. Long Ea ton, Nottingham B d & C C b t t B Mitchell, sec.), Little Hallam, Ilkeston Ricbardson John Gadd(exors.of),Spring- 0 en °· amp e11 8 ree • e1 per R.S.O field mills, Sandiacre, Nottingham LACE MACHINE MAKERS. Long Eaton Central Building Society Salisbury Frederick, Willatt's mills, (Edward Purser Bartlett, sec.), 26 Hegent st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Borebank J. & Son, Nottingham road, High st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Scott James,.Austin's old factory,Market Long Ea ton, Nottingham Matlock Bridge Freehold Land Society place, Long Eaton, N ottmgham Husbands Gcorgc, New mills, Bank (G. W. Wright, sec.), :Niatlock Bridge Sewell Thomas, Springfield mills, Saudi- street, Long Ea ton, Nottingham New :Mills Economical Permanent Bui!J- acre, Nottingham Longmire Edwin, Stanhope street, Long ing Society (Edward Godward, sec.), Shaw Waiter, New Tythe street, Long Eaton, Nottingham Public hall, New l\Ii1ls, Stockport Eaton, Nottingham Sedgwick Frank, Clifford street, Long Roman Bank Land Society (Lewis W. Shepherd J osiah & Son, West End mills, Eaton, Nottingham Wilshire, sec.), 24 Strand, Derby Leopold st. Long Eaton, Nottingham Somercotes & District Permanent Land Shepherd John, New mills, Bank street, LADIES' OUTFITTERS. & Investment Society Limited (Henry Long Eaton, Nottingham See Outfitters-Ladies'. Hole, sec. ; Wm. Smith, treas.), Siss ing George King, Harrin~ton mills, E.omercotes, Alfreton Leopold st. Long Eaton, ~ ottingham Somercotes Land Society (Pev. T. C. Smedley & Sons, Sandiacre, Nottingham LAGER BEER IMPORTERS. Hills, hon. sec.), Bolsover, Cbestertld Smith John& Samuel, Harrington mills, Jacob F. & Co. importers of Pilsener & South ~ormanton D1strict Permanent Leopold st. Lon'f Eaton, Nottingham Vienna lager beer, 77 & 79 Theobald's Lan l. Society Limited (Charll';, Smith John & William, V\'illatt's mills, road, London w c Tomhnson, sec.), South Normantou, Regent st. Long Eat on, X ottingham .Alfreton Smith William & Son, Willatt's mills, LAMP MANUFACTURER. Stockbrook Freehold Land Societ~· Rezent st. Long Eaton, Nottingham ·woodward James, S"·aJlincote, Burton- (William Fost0r, sec.), Commercial SmithThos.High st.Lo:1gEatn.Nttnghm on· Trent Ban~ cham' e,s, Alb~rt street, Derby D. L. N. & R. !W .
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