TThhee MMeettaapphhyyssiiccaall RReevviieeww 2266//2277 JJuullyy 11999988 ISBN 0814-8805 Graphic by Ditmar The Metaphysical Review 26/27 July 1998 96 pages FROM BRUCE GILLESPIE, 59 Keele Street, Collingwood VIC 3066 Australia (ph & fax: 61-3-9419 4797; e-mail:
[email protected]) Printed by Copy Place, 136 Queen Street, Melbourne VIC 3000. HOW TO GET IT Available for letters of comment (if e-mailed, please also send your postal address), written or graphic contributions, traded publications, donations or subscriptions ($30 within Australia: write cheques to ‘Bruce Gillespie’) (overseas airmail: equivalent of US$40 or £20; please send your country’s bank notes, or cheques marked ‘Bruce Gillespie’ already converted to Australian currency). THANKS This issue was made possible by a generous financial grant from Dr DAVID J. LAKE of Brisbane. Many thanks also to the support of ELAINE COCHRANE through recent difficult times and DICK JENSSEN and IRWIN HIRSH for their help in providing the graphics. GRAPHICS Front and back covers: DITMAR. PHOTOS CATH ORTLIEB: p. 3 * DAVID LAKE: pp. 8, 12, 16 * JOHN LITCHEN: pp. 25, 27, 33 * IRWIN AND WENDY HIRSH: pp. 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 54 (both), 75 * GARY HOFF: p. 85 3, 83 I MUST BE TALKING TO MY FRIENDS THE EDITOR * BUCK COULSON * SYDNEY J. BOUNDS * RICK KENNETT * BEN INDICK * RALPH ASHBROOK * STEVE SNEYD * HAROLD MACLEAN * JERRY DAVIS * GEORGE TURNER * DAVE PIPER * ED MESKYS * IRWIN HIRSH * E. D. WEBBER * MARK PLUMMER * ELIZABETH BILLINGER * ROSLYN KOPEL GROSS * wahf 8 ARRIVING HOME DAVID J. LAKE (includes ‘Confession of a Complex Man’) 25 PAASCH EYLAND ISLA DE PASCUA ILE DE PAQUE EASTER ISLAND RAPA NUI JOHN LITCHEN 39 MOUNTAIN RUINS AND ANCIENT WELLS: LONDON—JERUSALEM—HAIFA: MAY 1994 DOUG BARBOUR 46 TWELVE DAYS IN ITALY: A CHAPTER IN THE 1987 GUFF TRIP REPORT IRWIN HIRSH (includes ‘GUFF’ and ‘Previously Published Chapters of My Trip Report’) 55 PEOPLE REMEMBERED JENNIFER BRYCE * ALEX SKOVRON * JOHN BERRY 61 PEOPLE & FABLES JOHN F.