Chehalis Man Accused of Beating Ex-Girlfriend, Child / Main 16 Weekend Edition Saturday, Local Prep Aug. 24, 2013 Football Begins $1 Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — / Sports 1 Phil Smith’s New Venture Home of the Month Embattled Developer Moves Forward Caretakers for History, Owners Carry on With Winlock Community / Main 4 Traditions of Chehalis Home / Life 1 Accused Morton Murderer to Plead Guilty CHANGE OF PLEA: Corey will likely plead guilty next week after Morgan’s arrest. Morgan’s iting their special spot” on For- after reaching a plea agreement sentencing will take place at a est Service Road 73 a few miles R. Morgan Indicates with prosecutors. later date, O’Rourke said. northwest Morton when three He Will Plead Guilty in Deputy Prosecutor Shane The 32-year-old called 911 men randomly “jumped” them, Relation to the Death of O’Rourke confirmed Thurs- on July 19 to report his fian- court documents state. The day morning that prosecutors cee, Brenda Bail, had stopped three men badly beat up Bail, His Fiancee, Brenda Bail reached a plea agreement with breathing after a supposed car Morgan told investigators, but Corey R. Morgan, but declined accident at 1:30 a.m. on a rural Morgan said he used his martial By Stephanie Schendel arts training to thwart the at- to elaborate on the specifics forest road, a few miles from tackers.
[email protected] of the deal. The change of plea Morton. The Randle man accused of hearing is set for 9:15 a.m.