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STAATSKOERANT, 21 JULIE 2017 No. 40996 111 Labour, Department of/ Arbeid, Departement van DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR NO. 715 21 JULY 2017 715 Employment Equity Act (55/1998): Public register notice 40996 REGISTER REGISTER NOTICE PUBLIC PUBLIC 1998) 1998) NO. NO. OF EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EQUITY ACT, ACT, 1998 (ACT 55 55 Schedule Schedule the the attached in in of of Oliphant, Oliphant, Minister Labour, Labour, publish Nelisiwe Nelisiwe Mildred Mildred 1, 1, Equity Equity Employment Employment of of of of Section the the 41 41 terms terms register register maintained in in hereto, hereto, the the that that submitted submitted have have of of of of designated employers 1998) 1998) (Act (Act Act, Act, 1998 55 55 No. No. Equity Equity Act, Act, of of Employment Employment Section Section the 21, 21, of of employment employment equity terms terms reports reports in in amended. amended. Act Act of of 1998 1998 55 55 No. No. as as OLIPHANT OLIPHANT MN MN MINISTER MINISTER LABOUR LABOUR OF OF o o 7 7,10/7 7,10/7 SASEREJISTRI SASEREJISTRI SOLUNTU ISAZISO ISAZISO (UMTHETHO (UMTHETHO YINOMBOLO KULUNGELELANISA KULUNGELELANISA INGQESHO, INGQESHO, 8) 8) ndipapasha ndipapasha uMphathiswa uMphathiswa wezabasebenzi, kule Iisiwe Iisiwe Oliphant, yeCandelo yeCandelo ngokwemiqathango ngokwemiqathango 41 41 apha apha irejista egcina shelwe shelwe oyiNombolo oyiNombolo ka-1998 ka-1998 (urnThetho yama- yama- ungelelanisa ungelelanisa iNgqesho, zokuLungelelanisa zokuLungelelanisa iingxelo iingxelo 'khundla 'khundla zabaqeshi abangenise abangenise wokuLungelelanisa wokuLungelelanisa yeCandelo yeCandelo IomThetho IomThetho 21, 21, emigaqo emigaqo tho tho oyiNombolo yama-55 ka-1998. ka-1998. ti r m z N CM Z =o 7) D * m N m M r/) m CO , o o V J `wZ Ó This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za 112 No.
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