21 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1911. BURNS WINS THE FIGHT WITH HOGAN ON A FOUL REFEREE'S RULING LE BARON RANCH MISSION STUDENTS NEW BALL LEAGUE SACRED HEART JR. ST. IVES WINS THE DISTILLATE USED IS DISAPPOINTING IS GAME PRESERVE RESENT CRITICISM IS BEING FORMED FIVE VICTORIOUS DOG CHAMPIONSHIP IN WINTON AUTO San Francisco Sportsmen Loser Disqualified for Butting, Take Athletic Managers Decide to San Jose, Stockton, Fresno, Star of the Sea Team Defeats S. Christianson's Crack Canine Dr. H. N. Finds It Is a 5,000 but Winner Offended Quite Over Acres in North- Withdraw Prom League Un- Santa Cruz and Watson- St. Joseph's by Score of Carries Off Honors in the Good Substitute for as Flagrantly ern California less Apology Is Made ville Are Included 7 to 2 Bakersfield Stake , Gasoline

The W. E. le By Baron ranch* a tract Bad feeling has existed between the [Special Dispatch to The Call] The Sacred Heart grammar school [Special Dispatch to The Call] By R. R. L'HOMMEDIEU WILLIAM J. SLATTEkx of land comprising approximately schjools 5.000 students of Lowell and Mission SAN JOSE, Jan. 27.—California is to basketball aggregation defeated the Frankie Burns of Oakland, the de- BAKERSFIEKP, Jan. 27.—St. Ives, With the price of gasoline three and lying partly in Sonoma and for some years past, and of late this have baseball league. contingent hailing from St. James 1 spised 2 to 1 outsider, was awarded the a new The state- which made a fine showing in the east times as high as distillate, Dr. H. N. partly in Mendoclno county, has been feeling has been considerably aggra- school in a game ment comes from Mike Steffani, the hard fought of the last year when he was purchased from Cross, a Winton six owner of Stockton, decision over One Round Hngan at taken civor by a party of prominent vated. Yesterday a letter was received subleague local player and manager, who states of the Catholic schools S. Christiansen of San Francisco by has experimented with his car by usingl Dreamland last evening on a foul in Ban Francisco sportsmen, who have re- at Mission school supposedly from the athletic league tournament yesterday that parties whose names he is not yet Sydney Smith, won the championship distillate for run- the twelfth round. The end cam* sud- cently incorporated a club for the pur- San Francisco subleague, stating that on the Irish-American athletic club Instead.of gasoline the at liberty to make public are perfect- court by score stakes today In the field trials with a dpnly when Referee .Tack Welsh stepper! pose of acquiring the trouble between the two schools the of 20 to 12. The ning. He put an auxiliary tank large property. The must cease or drastic action would ing the new combination. San Jose, winners found their opponents worthy long over his competitors. The between the boxers and raised the tract will be used as a private game Fresno, Santa lead enough to hold five gallons over the bo taken. President Dodd of the *üb- Stockton. Cruz. Watson- rivals in the first half of the contest dog right hand of Burns In token of vic- preserve, nflt the purchasers expect to vllle. and either Vallejo or Sacramento was purchased from Smith last gasoline tank. He uses gasoline tory. profit leasrue stated that no such letter wan and after some of the fastest play wit- main financially on their investment sent officially from the league, though ar» to he members. If the new league's repser) night by Chrlstlanson, who held htm only There sorry by engaging in the local series were en- when starting and as soon as the have been many finishes in the business of stock the league officials have, directors decide to ask for a class C of long enough of to great, in raising, th« property been con- abled to come out on the long end to take the honors the engine warm up he cuts off the gaso- even historic, ring events being adat versant with the troubles between the rating in organized ball, Steffani says, a 10 to 7 score at the end of the first day, when he sold him to Henry S. San Francisco during the many years . slu-..p and hog raising in addi- two schools. them will be no attempt to hreak into period of Kuss, former San man. line and connects the main tank, which that the Hour-I to being play. In the second half the a Francisco game has thrived and well stocked with de.-r The letter caused considerable feel- Sacramento*, but if it should decide to Sacred Heart players showed much bet- The greater part of the day was he now uses for distillate. ished "here, but never a more disap- jj and smaller game. Thdre are al.-n ingl at Mission and at a meeting held play independent ball, without any con- taken by the final event, as it was the night. ter form and gained a decisive lead The doctor says he gets 12 miles to pointing one than that of last il streams on the tract, some of late last night it was decided by a vote flict with the powers of the organized early in playing. Springett plan Of the judges to give each dog which the and gallon The man who did the leading, the forc- afford good trout fishing. The of fi to 3 of the athletic managers and game, the Capital City may be included Knott at forward for the, winners and an opportunity" to make a showing. a with the gasoline and 16 with ing and execution in practically club is incorporated for $35,000, the captains that the school withdraw in the itinerary. The rivals of the champion were Bel- distillate. He has also learned that it every the membership Kennedy and Grady for the losing one of the eleven and a half will be limited tn 35 and from the academic league unless an Tom Allbright will be tendered the aggregation were the individual stars vedere, winner of the all age event, fakes just four notches more on the rounds was declared the loser. The that number of shares, with a value of apology was forthcoming from the "Watsonville franchise, and "Mickey" of the contest. The teams lined up Melrose Mack, Tiburon, Sister and air adjustment to secure from distil- house was amazed, dumfounded. prac- $1,000 each will be issued. The pro- «rriter of the letter. Thompson, the former St. Mary's third as follows: Shasta Queen. late a perfect mixture, so he has ar- tically taken off its feet. Even the moters of the enterprise, besides being In order to make thorough inquiry baseman, who has secured backing Sacred Heart. Portion. St. James. Most of the dog fanciers left the city ranged all his connections and controls Burns admirers were beside themselves men of means, are all enthusiastic into the trouble between the two among the Santa Cruz merchants for a Sprlngett Forward O'Keefft today and tonight, except Judge C. N: so that they may be reached from the till the tumult died out. sportsmen. Nine members have al- schools, the meeting appointed a com- team there, will be invited to join forces Knott. Forward ...... ' Brady Post, president; E. Courtney Ford, sec- seat. He has run over 22,000 miles ready mittee consisting of Body rtohlson Onter Kennedy Referee Welsh says that he ruled subscribed for 12 shares with a Student with the new people. The new league Rancke ;. Hayes retary of the club, and three judges, with his car and over of it has value of $12,000 President Clarence Linn, W. Butts and Guard ..... half against Hogan because the so called and options on the re- will have all new blood, as far as pos- Rtsl . '...... Guard.'....'..;.. Murehtson H. L. Betten, Edward Osthaus and John been on distillate. one round terror persisted in butting maining shares are held by local W. Stafford. sible, and it is planned to interest Field —Sacred Heart 7, St. James 2. Schumacher. These men will go for "The engine runs Just as well as with and time parties. This committee "was instructed to in- Stockton and Fresno people who have Foul goals—Sacred Heart 6, St. James 8. a shoot tomorrow and to their homes holding after being warned and gasoline and does not,soot the plug*, and time again. Hogan may possibly The nine members who have already terview the Lowell student body had little connection with baseball The St. Joseph's aggregation, one of on Sunday. so there can be no reason why automo- have butted, taken shares are Carroll, find out just what the real cause of the lightest in purchased Maggie not but he certainly was no Frank H. the between heretofore. entered the local tour- Christianson Lau- bile users should use this scheme," wore in error than his timid opponent. Casper A. Ornbaum, Harmon Nobles, trouble the schools is. The new league will play Saturdays nament, showed unexpected form der and, T. J. A. Tiedman of Sacra- said the doctor. ,<*?.\u25a0 report \u25a0 '• \u25a0\u25a0 B. W. Melntosh, The committee Is also to on only, against the fast Star of the Sea aggre- mento * . « Burns made it a practice to lay his John D. McKee, L. S. the difficulties and and Sundays and In towns like purchased Buenvento from \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- - low, Lovett Fraser, Harry G. means to overcome Vallejo gation in the second game played. agency head cover It with his hands and Adams. K. report committee and Watsonville it is probable Smith. . The Brush runabout reports' wait Hogan McKannay and F. J. Jones. tract, to the executive the that there will he only Sunday Trant at center and at forward a splendid bugl- for Hogan to come at him. The results of their Investigation. baseball. Smith V- -V was the essence of willingness. He which has been for sale for less than San Jose is to have a new park on the were the stars for the losing aggre- I Phone Company I "c« during tho ' last week. never up In movements and two weeks, was put on the market be- west side of town and toward Santa gation while Eddie Kerwin and Ma- I Buys a Umiih i Among slowed his \u2666 the new owners is hereby hangs a tale. cause the previous owner had large Clara. Santa Cruz will also have new loney were the stellar players on the «- the telephone com- The same referee who ruled against Interests in Canada, which necessi- Vallejo Yachting Club grounds, the failure of baseball there in winning five. The teams: pany of Salinas. \u25a0 \u25a0 DIGGER STANLEY Hogan night tated disposing of his holdings in Cal- the past being attributed to the failure Star of the Sea. Position*. ' St. Joseph**. last referee.d for Battling E. Forward..".'.... Smith many As ifornia. of the uptown merchants to support Kerwin W. B.'Cochran, head 'of the Ilaynes Nelson on occasions. all the a G. Kerwin...... ".Forward Dwyer com- fans know, the former lightweight The Le Baron ranch is situated Elects Officers proposition handled exclusively for the Maloney. Center. Trant. +.— auto sales about '22 miles beach company and to the .T. Guard.V. I Adding men to *»I Pany, tells"s of a champion used to lay his head on his west from Cloverdale. so close Kerwin...... Erigero letter opponent's It is said to be one of the best beach that all goes Zucke, Redmond Guard.... Healy. >f<-rarreo BURNS I H.v Factory Just received away BEATEN BY chest, ttock to the Ca- tear with right business Field goals— of the Sea 7, St. Joseph's 2. from the factory ranges in the sino rather than to people « \u25a0\u25a0•* + and left and head at will, and still he state and for several [Special Dispatch to The Call] the who Foul goals— Star of the Sea 6, St. Joseph's 3. --\u25a0! • sheds light on the never was disqualified years it has pastured 3.500 sheep and make their homes in the City present - trade outlook. The for fouling in VAT.LE.TO, Jan. Surf the Referee—Hurst. automobile San vicinity. 500 head of cattle besides several hun- 27. —At the regular year round. Competition Frankie Jersey Outfights letter says that 'the factory force is Francisco or / hogs. will be resumed today of New being increased GO to 71 per cent dally, There Is not question that Welsh dred It is heavily woorled with meeting of the Vallejo yachting and in the Oakland branch of the Catholic tan oak and that from now on shipments of acted upon his best Judgment and did and there are about 1.000 cords rowing club last evening Jack Oliver schools athletic, league tournament and Outpoints the English the 1911 models will leave the factory what he thought was absolutely right, of tanbark on the land now with .i when the St. Joseph's Institute. West on" regular In speaking-of value $10,000. was chosen commodore for the ensu- Champion Cogswell schedule. * but from the vision of the fair minded of Tt Is the best deer Five Oakland, and Sacred Heart school teams Champion the New York show, the writer says preserve any ing year. the Haynes agents fans he was very "harsh, very severe for a ranch, of its size in The other officers elected will meet on the St. Mary's college that visited the dif- with Hogan. It is distressing," part of the ytate. »As many as 100 were as follows: ferent - exhibits and then came \u25a0 away indeed, Vice commodore. Defeats Mission court. Tomorrow on the fit. Mary's satisfied with the line they for a young deer have beer seen there on one day. Beard; were rep- and promising fighter of Grant Allen; fleet oaptairf, John court the St. Anthony's school team NEW YORK, Jan. 27.—Frankle Burns resenting. The factory from now on the Hogan type to such and only last Sunday one of the mem- port captain, recording will Joseph's ship lose a verdict Wood Watson; clash with the St. of Jersey City outpointed will thre carloads a week to the- as was rendered against him last night. bers of the newly organized club secretary, Judge John Brown; financial The academy, Berkeley, team. outfought and local agency. , Hogan counted 59 bucks on the champion Cogswell team kept up Digger And was no wonder at that. grounds. secretary, John P. Scully; treasurer, -winning Stanley, English bantam weight The veterans of the game agreed Quail also abound, as do grouse, which it« streak last night by easily champion, : Ed Mohrigr were he S. J. McKnlght; measurer, W. H. Kirk- in a 10 round bout before of the Weinstock-Niehols that he left his speed and his stamina will withdrawn from the list of land; fleet surgeon, Dr. B. J. Klotz; defeating the Mission team by 66 points company, has returned from the east, protected game the of America over at his training quarters. He could at the end of this year. board of directors, H. F. Ptahl. 4. : '. _^. where he attended not There is an abundance bavld to 27. tonight. the two automobile as hard as he, has punched of water at all Barry. N. Farmer, H. J. Widenmann The Cogswell team POLICE The I Mobrl«r Telia of I good, ARE FREE champion work was British had the ad- shows in In other fights and he could not come seasons and as the headquarters of I • Truck Show New ' on the streams not more and W. Reddan. Regatta committee, and Gilbert was vantage of height and reach, and in the .4. 4 York. The pleas- with the steam that he should have are than 15 miles F. H. Lee, H. Etzell and T>. Barry .Tr. particularly skillful . ' . ure show, Mohrig in his makeup. Still, his training faults from the coast, trout fishing is excel- at shooting goals, scoring 30 points for clinches used the kidney blow with thinks, the House committee, B. Ryan, H. Etzell effect. He was inclined to wrestle, and was best that he has ever should not have counted against lent in summer. Cogswell: seen, but it was the him and R. Johnson. Membership commit- was eventually worn by commercial vehicles in the ring. The tract is accessible by wagon or Farrar played a good game In the TO LOOK IN'MIRROR' down Burns" that were the great surprise. \u25a0 In speak- tee, J. H. H. Etzell body Burns was a bitter disappointment. automobile over fairly good roads from Beard. and P. Barry open work for Mission, but he was no blows and infighting. ing of them he says*: ."Twelve months The Cloverdale, Geyserville Jr. Quartermasters, Herman Streichan, match for Gilbert in securing Burns had the better at the start and has seen great advancement In the com- best thing he did was to cover or Healdsburg, R. Pemmon and Bert Barr. the ball began vehicle. up his head and hunters leaving the city at center. his body blows tactics in the mercial There is no-line of with both hands, back on the round, Stanley trucking that has at- around the ring morning train will be landed The club now has a membership of Waymire also showed to good ad- Injunction to Prevent Raids on first while swung rather not received the and wait for .Hogan on the announced wildly for In the tention of the builders. The demand for to do all the work. grounds early In the afternoon. 1"7 and It was during the vantage .for Mission. Both teams fouled the head. second great Occasionally he It is meeting last e\-enlng that plans would Stanley sent a left and right to the them has been so that the fac- opened up, and twice staggered Hogan intended to maintain a tent camp for considerably. / Dance Hall, Once Cafe, Is tories have not had much chance to* with the accommodation be made to hold regattas here on Deco- The lineups were as follows: head and a left to the body, and had think of the western market, but lefth hand crosses to the jaw, but of members and a shade the better of the it he took a three to one beating from their families during *he summer ration day, the Fourth «f July and La- Cogswell. Position. Minion. Denied by Court rounds. will be but a short time before,they his opponent month.". bor day. Andrews .F0rward...... Wa.vmlre Burns' terrlfi» infighting In the third will be here, and then it will be realized while it lasted. Schlob Forward...: Barker gave him all the better of the round. that the days of truck horse are The contest was spectacular and in- A sportsman in the en- Gilbert the terprise interested Center Farrar Thf Britisher showed to better advan- numbered. They are fast disappearing teresting as well as disappointing and said yesterday that the owner Helllnus ..Guard...... Paladlnt tage from the streets of New oTrk." distressing. of the Sibyl ranch, Marianl ..Guard.. Til© attempt of Milton Levy, whose In the fourth. Hogan failed to display and adjoining prop- Fans ...... Turner Burns rights speed erty, Sacramento See Referee. 0. Tyler: umpire. T. Kuhn. liquor license at put hard to the the da*h and the which is sup- offered to lease the tract for a Summary: CnpKKell—66 for the Mirror cafe Frank Murray, the noted racing driv- to points, composed of stomach in the fifth, but Stanley es- er for the posed be included in his makeup. stock range, the pro- 21 field goals. 22 fouls 2 145 Eddy street was revoked by the and agent Corbin motor cars Burns was guaranteeing and points awarded. caped serious damage by clever foot- .+ in Sacramento, was great on the coverup and moters an annual return of 5 per rent Eight Fast Bouts Mission—27 points, composed of 5 field coals 9 police commissioners, to «. foul*. 8 point* awarded. conduct a work. He also was fast on his feet in Murray I,lke« the city last the defense, but as an aspirant for on their investment. The offer w;is \ I , In«nda lightweight honors, his dropped not accepted, the promoters Individual scores for Cogswell—Gilbert 30, An- dance hall against the orders of Chief the sixth. the Airships },° attend stock deciding drews 16, 10, 8. ; i_^. fthe aviation meet. several points in the opinions to engage Helllnirs Schlob Seymour yesterday by In the seventfi Burns forced the of the In the livestock industry SACRAMENTO, Jan. 27.—Eight ama- IndlTldual scores for Mission— 10 was checked fighting -with _. Murray, Ely and experts.. themselves. Farrar 0. Judge Frank R. Willis of Los blows to the head and weesman a couple of years teur fights Angeles, the ago were Throughout the mill the referee was tonight furnished exciting body. Stanley tried for head sev- in the limelight of the auto racing Vi now officiating here. Application for eral times in the eighth, but continually warning Hogan, though Ma- Marsh Preserve sport for members of the Sacra- a restraining order enjoining the police generally game, and it was to see his old chums Burns «»pmed to be every missed. in the new game that he came to the bit as much ruRTE MADERA. Jan. 27.—A num- mento athletic club." The.main event, from entering the dance hall, which is city. Murray to blame. Hogan did the best he ber of active sportsmen in between located in the occupied In the ninth Burns' left and right to has the fever, and some this district Young Moyse and Joe Goulard, place by the the body sent the Digger tottering day he may be In the airship game. could to mix and make a hand to hand have organized the Marin City gun went the limit of four rounds. They ILL WHEN Mirror cafe, was made by A. F. Louis, NOTE lay affair of persisted until he over on Burfts, and the It. but Burns in cov- club and will have the privilege of are middle weights and put up a a business associate of Levy. The ering up, barking away and waiting hunting over 1,400 acres grueling referee had to drag him off. Both en- of march land bout. In the third round application was denied yesterday by tered the ring full for an opportunity to come on after bordering Kentfleld. Escalle, Larkspur Moyse was knocked down and min- Judge Willis. of fight for the his opponent the a final round. had done all work. Greenbrae and Corte Madera. The of- ute later hit the mat. Arrests were made on the premises very Goulard Both In a break from a clinch WITHHELD, suddenly MONEY The end came in the ficers of the SIGNED, Burns re- cluh are X. P. SAYS Olann, bled freely and were decidedly gory SHE January 16, and Lowlg once began at ceived a blow to the shoulder middle of the twelfth round. Hogan president; E. G. Coret. vice president; when the final gong injunction proceedings, alleging which Ftartpd R-'L. sounded. that sent him to the ropes, but he was soon off with a rush and a slam bang Wilson, secretary; M. McNamara, Joe Erickson, welterweight the police were oppressing him and that all but parried his opponent treasurer; T. Seaton, the pride en- back with his infighting. He clinched frame keeper.' of Sacramento, knocked out BillyWest Mrs. Evelyn Prewitt deavoring to humiliate persons acting off his feet. Burns, with head bent Among the other prominent members Elliott An- often and there were few blows there- PARTNERS of Canada in the second round. within the law. A temporary restrain- ALLEGE of West after until the gong south: love and arms covering up, was barking the club are L. Rea, C. "Wolgatnuth, down ing against po- away. G. Seaton, H. Day. went blx times before he took swers Suit for $10,000 order was srranted the While no decisions are allowed here, Welsh was cautioning Hogan. F. de Moussett, I* the count. Tommy Ahem Joe Be= lice. Yesterday an affidavit by Captain n-ho seemed deaf to the warnings and Bauers, J. Morris Sr., J. Morris Jr., M. and the popular verdict went to Burns al- Azevido, bantams, fought four hard H. J. O'Day was read stating that the most unanimously. Frank persisted in tearing in. Scanlan, Fred Scanlan. rounds. Ahem getting gun for Mother in Law only purpose of the police In entering Both weighed 117 L. Brown Charged With Suddenly when they came together the decision. Red pounds. Murray won from Louie Day in three the dance hall \u25a0was to see that the or- In the center of the ring and Hogan was WRESTLING TOURNEY PLANNED city Converting Firm's Coin mixing rounds. Mike Schreck, a cousin of the dinances of the and county were to it fast and furious, Welsh BERKELEY, Jan. 27.—Professor original fighter, to Mrs. stepped between them and to the attempted aasay the Evelyn Prewitt Elliott, in an complied with, particularly that ordi- as- Ligda of the physical culture depart- pugilistic role, but was knocked nance prohibiting minors from enter- big out answer filed s'esterday to an action be- His Own Use tonishment of the crowd stopped ment made the today by Young Pappa in ing dance \u25a0 announcement the second round. halls. Mttia and declared Burns the win- rowie gun on behalf of Elizabeth R. Prewitt, WILSON ' that he had received Dick and Sally "I Sey- TO by papers CASE a communication Salvatore, see the that Chief ner foul. It all came so quickly her mother on a from the "wrestling commissioner of the fought to a draw and Kid in law, for the recovery of mour Is determined to drive vagrants that the crowd scarcely had chance Gosha won $10,000 alleged to be Charges that Frank L. Brown, the a Olympic club relating to plans for from Young Cole. due on a promis- and out of town and he "might to its breath. a sory signed arooks capitalist draw three cornered tournament to be held note December 1, 190S. al- better be doing that than interfering and oil dealer, has appropri- Joe, Barnes of New York and Marty between leges that she was sick and weak in couple put up teams representing: Stanford with a man conducting a lawful dance BE HEARD ated and converted to his own use Kane, a "of bantams, an body TODAY university, University of at the time she signed the note hall," observed Elliot Interesting 1 10 round affair in which the California and Attorney Ep- more than $5,000 belonging to Brown, the Olympic club. arrange- Crack Greyhounds Will and that she was imposed upon. stein, representing former given the decision points Detailed to Louis. Wilson & was on ments for meet Mrs. Prewitt is stated have repre- court concerned Co.* stock brokers and un- by Referee Tom McCarthy. His Judg- the will be made later. thp "So far as this is It derwriters, California men who have signed up sented to defendant that the latter Federal Commissioner Will In- and that he is endeavoring ment was justified as Barnes had a nice Race at Ingleside owed the $10,000. will not Interfere with the chief of to prevent the company recover- for wrestling are: I. V. Reed '11, C. E. and the answer says police In driving that class of people from lead on points and the majority of the Wells 11, she did this with intent to defraud ing $50,000 due from the Palmer Junior thought the I. F. Smith '11 and L.' l! out of town." replied Judge Willis. He vestigate Undervaluation crowd he was winner. Layton '11. Mrs. Elliott. The two women at that oil company were made yesterday by too clevpr California entered seven An added that there was nothing to war- Barnes wu fast and for mon in the recent tourney held excellent card is offered to the time bore the confidential relation of H. P. Wilson anJ Victor Enginger In Kane and hs kept peppering the latter by the of the mother and daughter, rant him In enjoining the police from Customs' Scandal an answer to the injunction suit begun Olympic club for the Pacific coast ama- patrons coursing game tomor- and Mrs. Elliott entering a public dance hall. With well directed lefts, while Kane teur row says that in her distressed and weak- by Brown the previous day. Brown, unable to respond. Several times championship. R. M. Scott '12 at Ingleslde coursing park. 'An Wilson \u25a0was took second place in the heavy weight ened condition she was easily Influ- and Enginger are the sole he shook Kane up but the latter al- open stake, in which the fleetest grey- enced by Mrs. Prewitt. The principal witnesses stock holders of Brown, & Co. division. hounds on the coast will start, in the cus- Wilson ways pulled himseif together and fought is the The defendant says she owed Mrs. Wilson and Enginger held a meeting However, he was unable attraction. The event has an unusually toms scandal that resulted recently in back gamely. NEWPORT Prewitt nothing and she received no Tuesday and deposed Brown from the 1 effectively MAY LOSE TOCRXEY open appearance and the racing should FEDERAL the arrest of W. A. Wilson and the presidency, on the Xew Yorker. TROOPS sui- substituting Enginger. exciting. consideration for the note. There VM little stalling in the 10 NEW Jan. 27.—A he close and Golden Rule, cide of C. J. Cutting, oriental The sole purpose of Brown in YORK. movement Walla and other speed curio bring- round* and both lads were at It from started recently by leading tennis play- Walla burners ing suit, it is asserted in the ers in Xew will start. Drawing follows: Open dealers, were summoned before the fed- answer. pong to gong. Barnes started off by York and vicinity to rob MILLIONAIRE SENT eral grand Jury yesterday afternoon. Is to prevent the institution of action opening Newport, R. 1., of stake —Lady Portola vs. Teddy Blue, recovery taking a nice lead in the round. the national lawn Russell J vs. Myrtle, Cheyenne CIRCULARS TO CAUGHT IN TRAP These witnesses were the Japanese pur- for the of the $5,000 he is vs. JURORS He sent in numerous lefts which con- tennis tournament, came out in the chasing- agent, Komiyo, alleged to have illegally withheld and refused open today form of Master Bishop, Carmel vs. May Boy, who acted for nected. Kane never the issue in the a letter ad- the pair in Japan, and his representa- to prevent the recovery of the $50,000 to dressed to the United T. J. Cronin vs. Miss Luxor, Walia C. D. Hillman to and was always willing swap blows States national May Georgetown Be Punished tive. Customs Attorney Joseph L, Bley. due from the Palmer Junior oil com- Walla vs. S, vs. \u25a0 with his opponent. The boys kept a lawn tennis association. The letter Isabel, Revolutionists Lose Two Men Inasmuch the pany. The $50,000, according to the suggests the Marion Union Belmont Lass vs. Golden After Trial for Fraud as examination of Wil- fast pace tip for the 10 round and the Cricket club at Rule, Turkey's Rest vs. Blackbird. son still pends before Tnited answer, is in the possession of the oil highly interesting. Manheim near Philadelphia, as a place SEATTLE. Jan. 27.—C. D. Hillman. States company or Brown or some setto was the in Battle Against Gov- Commissioner Wright, Komiyo's ap- othh*d X the "white man's hope," will second base days insurgents. j period sendfng his man down for not Rippon, shortstop; McMillan, , third base; Or»- were under fire of the [Special Dispatch to fiftyr****<^ b.v meet Mike Schreck in a 15 round fight --jjhlno. Kroderlck,, - Proprietors The Insurgents captured 32 Mauser The Call] r^ \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 * \u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0'*\u25a0'*4» Miiskogee Monday left field: center Held; Wat- Insist There Is' No car- T the coun*. at next as planned. son, right field: Llttlepage, substitute. Gambling bines and 19 wounded men. After the SANTA ROSA, Jan. 27.—The basalt Morris, who is now at his home in in Club the insurgents retired rock block makers of Sonoma are 1 DISEASES OF MEN I white Individuals at least 10 years Sapulpa. has battle to the striking for II Consultation free and »trictly private * I Of announced that he will V. C. TO ENTER INDOOR MEET Testimony to Rio Grande near Reodosa, where an increase of pay from [)) Treatment panoaallr or by letter. A general population 30 days" relative the petition of they per Q old In the of the take a rest, and has made no BERKELEY. Jan. the Mcc Lun club, at 860 replenished their supply of ammuni- $30 to $35 1,000 blocks. The in- positive cure in «*«rycm* uo. T per arrangements 27.—California Grant avenue dustry large '\u25a0\u25a0 v United States In 1900 80.5 cent were for future bouts. will enter a team in the Indoor for a permanent Injunction tion. Today they returned to the moun- is a one in this county, dertaken. ' *" ' * "* A per foreign. athletic preventing there being quarries !'Writ, (or book,"*'P«;LOSOPHYIy native born and 19.5 cent meet of the Olympic the police from entering premises passing within sight numerous along MARRIArGC, maded fr.«- work, which will be.begun as soon Is conducted there is denied by prisoners SELL EGGS BY WEIGHT ings medium The Barbarian football club has ex- the unwilling within the lines. CATARRH of the government as the weather permits. Chinese. ..idflKSk As ( a result s Irri- tended an invitation to the of work land values members Sergeant Arthur D. Layne, who is in ON [Special Dispatch to The Call] gation have been in- the University of Californte varsity charge MINE HTJET iKAILEOA»--Bfttleton. Ark by $103,800,000. NEW ROLLER SKATING RECORD of the Chinatown squad de- , Jan. 27.—Nine persons were islightly injured SANTA ROSA, Jan. treated football squad to be the quests of that premises, "- passenger 27.—Owing to the > mail 'W&&m;to scribed the and said they " l*»t night when train No. 102 on the very heavy DISCHARGES -The ' president's amounts WICHITA, Kan., Jan. 27.—.T0e Hamp- organization at a dance to be held at St. f/Otifs and' San Francisco j rainstorm today the meet- and were fitted up with winding passages, \u0084' ' railroad was dc- fr^Ww*Ll 1.000 letters day 4,000 20, ' here. The mail ing of the Sonoma county bruit a news- ton of Witchita, aged tonight broke the club's headquarters in this city In a box, wickets v railed; n»«t . 'and haforage cars co-operative Relieved and books. „ lookout and heavy doors! and two passenger coaches left the poultry association called to WTO^iHgnf f in papers• h th<» world's continuous roller skating the early part of February. > rails. consider of ' the new French record, skating a total of 24 hours. He the Strobridge-Slater bill for salo 24- Hours .Wives ministers MINE EXPLOSION KILLS TWO El pa» tho. WitIIIMW inlthe honors fainting o . T« BRAZIL BANK j EKTERS AMERICA- J of poultry products by Each Cap- share conferred on their fell at the close of his feat. HAVANA BONDS SUBSCRIBED— London. Jan Jan. 27.— Hall advices from SllTer City . Rio a. weight Instead W^^Bw /^N husbands, the degree of previous of killing 'tell rif •\u25a0; n«iro, Jan. »7.—Former Presld?nt NUo I'eoank of was largely "'"-'. 81^6 hears the "deferencel due The record, made in 1903 by , 26.—An increase $8,250,000 in Havana ter- the of two and the iwounding of has been i.chosen •of ; count not attended. - (MID •..- \u25a0 threo .\u25a0 : of ; to them being minutely by minal per rent debentures was offered. It men .In; a* explosion tld the i »president the .Bank There was a discussion of name Jtif* established" Jie Boamann of Texas, wa* i • Flerro . mines }Brazil and will • sal! early; in: February to the measure. \^^ 19 boura quickly and -owned, - es- \u25a0 -'^* wan oversubscribed at the clow by the Colorado fuel and Iron company,' • The majority -rBeware ofcounterfeit* |jj-' i "protocol." and 45 \u25a0 tablish branches ,in Paris, vote showed a «'. Uw r London and*r of three minutes. quoted at per cent premium. \u25a0\u25a0• w^wt •/* \u25a0' New was 3 r' miles from \u25a0 13 there. Xorfc. V '; \u25a0; ;\u25a0 \\u25a0_.- • ,\u25a0\u25a0-.-. tor the bill.