21 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1911. BURNS WINS THE FIGHT WITH HOGAN ON A FOUL REFEREE'S RULING LE BARON RANCH MISSION STUDENTS NEW BALL LEAGUE SACRED HEART JR. ST. IVES WINS THE DISTILLATE USED IS DISAPPOINTING IS GAME PRESERVE RESENT CRITICISM IS BEING FORMED FIVE VICTORIOUS DOG CHAMPIONSHIP IN WINTON AUTO San Francisco Sportsmen Loser Disqualified for Butting, Take Athletic Managers Decide to San Jose, Stockton, Fresno, Star of the Sea Team Defeats S. Christianson's Crack Canine Dr. H. N. Cross Finds It Is a 5,000 but Winner Offended Quite Over Acres in North- Withdraw Prom League Un- Santa Cruz and Watson- St. Joseph's by Score of Carries Off Honors in the Good Substitute for as Flagrantly ern California less Apology Is Made ville Are Included 7 to 2 Bakersfield Stake , Gasoline The W. E. le By Baron ranch* a tract Bad feeling has existed between the [Special Dispatch to The Call] The Sacred Heart grammar school [Special Dispatch to The Call] By R. R. L'HOMMEDIEU WILLIAM J. SLATTEkx of land comprising approximately schjools 5.000 students of Lowell and Mission SAN JOSE, Jan. 27.—California is to basketball aggregation defeated the Frankie Burns of Oakland, the de- BAKERSFIEKP, Jan. 27.—St. Ives, With the price of gasoline three and lying partly in Sonoma and for some years past, and of late this have baseball league. contingent hailing from St. James 1 spised 2 to 1 outsider, was awarded the a new The state- which made a fine showing in the east times as high as distillate, Dr. H. N. partly in Mendoclno county, has been feeling has been considerably aggra- school in a game ment comes from Mike Steffani, the hard fought of the last year when he was purchased from Cross, a Winton six owner of Stockton, decision over One Round Hngan at taken civor by a party of prominent vated. Yesterday a letter was received subleague local player and manager, who states of the Catholic schools S. Christiansen of San Francisco by has experimented with his car by usingl Dreamland last evening on a foul in Ban Francisco sportsmen, who have re- at Mission school supposedly from the athletic league tournament yesterday that parties whose names he is not yet Sydney Smith, won the championship distillate for run- the twelfth round. The end cam* sud- cently incorporated a club for the pur- San Francisco subleague, stating that on the Irish-American athletic club Instead.of gasoline the at liberty to make public are perfect- court by score stakes today In the field trials with a dpnly when Referee .Tack Welsh stepper! pose of acquiring the trouble between the two schools the of 20 to 12. The ning. He put an auxiliary tank large property. The must cease or drastic action would ing the new combination. San Jose, winners found their opponents worthy long over his competitors. The between the boxers and raised the tract will be used as a private game Fresno, Santa lead enough to hold five gallons over the bo taken. President Dodd of the *üb- Stockton. Cruz. Watson- rivals in the first half of the contest dog right hand of Burns In token of vic- preserve, nflt the purchasers expect to vllle. and either Vallejo or Sacramento was purchased from Smith last gasoline tank. He uses gasoline tory. profit leasrue stated that no such letter wan and after some of the fastest play wit- main financially on their investment sent officially from the league, though ar» to he members. If the new league's repser) night by Chrlstlanson, who held htm only There sorry by engaging in the local series were en- when starting and as soon as the have been many finishes in the business of stock the league officials have, directors decide to ask for a class C of long enough of to great, in raising, th« property been con- abled to come out on the long end to take the honors the engine warm up he cuts off the gaso- even historic, ring events being adat versant with the troubles between the rating in organized ball, Steffani says, a 10 to 7 score at the end of the first day, when he sold him to Henry S. San Francisco during the many years . slu-..p and hog raising in addi- two schools. them will be no attempt to hreak into period of Kuss, former San man. line and connects the main tank, which that the Hour-I to being play. In the second half the a Francisco game has thrived and well stocked with de.-r The letter caused considerable feel- Sacramento*, but if it should decide to Sacred Heart players showed much bet- The greater part of the day was he now uses for distillate. ished "here, but never a more disap- jj and smaller game. Thdre are al.-n ingl at Mission and at a meeting held play independent ball, without any con- taken by the final event, as it was the night. ter form and gained a decisive lead The doctor says he gets 12 miles to pointing one than that of last il streams on the tract, some of late last night it was decided by a vote flict with the powers of the organized early in playing. Springett plan Of the judges to give each dog which the and gallon The man who did the leading, the forc- afford good trout fishing. The of fi to 3 of the athletic managers and game, the Capital City may be included Knott at forward for the, winners and an opportunity" to make a showing. a with the gasoline and 16 with ing and execution in practically club is incorporated for $35,000, the captains that the school withdraw in the itinerary. The rivals of the champion were Bel- distillate. He has also learned that it every the membership Kennedy and Grady for the losing one of the eleven and a half will be limited tn 35 and from the academic league unless an Tom Allbright will be tendered the aggregation were the individual stars vedere, winner of the all age event, fakes just four notches more on the rounds was declared the loser. The that number of shares, with a value of apology was forthcoming from the "Watsonville franchise, and "Mickey" of the contest. The teams lined up Melrose Mack, Tiburon, Sister and air adjustment to secure from distil- house was amazed, dumfounded. prac- $1,000 each will be issued. The pro- «rriter of the letter. Thompson, the former St. Mary's third as follows: Shasta Queen. late a perfect mixture, so he has ar- tically taken off its feet. Even the moters of the enterprise, besides being In order to make thorough inquiry baseman, who has secured backing Sacred Heart. Portion. St. James. Most of the dog fanciers left the city ranged all his connections and controls Burns admirers were beside themselves men of means, are all enthusiastic into the trouble between the two among the Santa Cruz merchants for a Sprlngett Forward O'Keefft today and tonight, except Judge C. N: so that they may be reached from the till the tumult died out. sportsmen. Nine members have al- schools, the meeting appointed a com- team there, will be invited to join forces Knott. Forward ......' Brady Post, president; E. Courtney Ford, sec- seat. He has run over 22,000 miles ready mittee consisting of Body rtohlson Onter Kennedy Referee Welsh says that he ruled subscribed for 12 shares with a Student with the new people. The new league Rancke ;. Hayes retary of the club, and three judges, with his car and over of it has value of $12,000 President Clarence Linn, W. Butts and Guard ..... half against Hogan because the so called and options on the re- will have all new blood, as far as pos- Rtsl . '........ .Guard.'....'..;.. Murehtson H. L. Betten, Edward Osthaus and John been on distillate. one round terror persisted in butting maining shares are held by local W. Stafford. sible, and it is planned to interest Field —Sacred Heart 7, St. James 2. Schumacher. These men will go for "The engine runs Just as well as with and time parties. This committee "was instructed to in- Stockton and Fresno people who have Foul goals—Sacred Heart 6, St. James 8. a shoot tomorrow and to their homes holding after being warned and gasoline and does not,soot the plug*, and time again. Hogan may possibly The nine members who have already terview the Lowell student body had little connection with baseball The St. Joseph's aggregation, one of on Sunday. so there can be no reason why automo- have butted, taken shares are Carroll, find out just what the real cause of the lightest in purchased Maggie not but he certainly was no Frank H. the between heretofore. entered the local tour- Christianson Lau- bile users should use this scheme," wore in error than his timid opponent. Casper A. Ornbaum, Harmon Nobles, trouble the schools is. The new league will play Saturdays nament, showed unexpected form der and, T. J. A. Tiedman of Sacra- said the doctor. ,<*?.\u25a0 report \u25a0 '• \u25a0\u25a0 B. W. Melntosh, The committee Is also to on only, against the fast Star of the Sea aggre- mento * . « Burns made it a practice to lay his John D. McKee, L. S. the difficulties and and Sundays and In towns like purchased Buenvento from \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- - low, Lovett Fraser, Harry G. means to overcome Vallejo gation in the second game played.
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