Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking...The Energy Efficient Way to Melt Steel
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j ...................... ...................... ...................... Vol. 1, No. 3, 1985 Publishedby the Center tor Metals Production Electric Arc Furnace Steelmaking The Energy Efficient Way to Melt Steel Introduction Electric 'arc furnaces produce a the balance producedby basic gen furnaces use a metallic charge large and increasing portion of the oxygen furnaces, 57%, and open consisting of 60 to 70% blast fur- raw steel produced in the U.S. In hearth furnaces,9%. nace liquid iron, and 30 to 40% 1984, approximately 34% of the There are significant differ- scrap. Electric furnaces use essen- total of 92 million tons of steel was ences between these steelmaking tially a 100% scrap steel charge. made in electric arc furnaces with processes. For example, basic oxy- Even though liquid iron(hot metal) is used in both the basic oxygen and open hearth furnaces, the overall energy required to pro- duce steel by those methodsis considerably greater than with elec- tric furnaces using a solid scrap charge. This is because of the larger quantity of energy requiredin the blast furnace process to reduce iron ore to liquid iron. The electrical energy required to ,make1 ton of liquid steelin an electric furnace at 500 kwh or 1.7 million Btu is only a small fractionof the 16 to 20 million Btu required using the blast furnace/basic oxygen furnace route. The blast furnaceis provided with energyin the form of coke which is mixed with iron ore pellets/ sinter and limestoneto constitute a furnace charge or burden.liquid iron, containing approximately4% dissolved carbon is tapped from the bottomof the furnace into hot- metal cars and transferred to steel- making furnaces. Steel is an iron-based alloy containing some manganese, vary- ing amountsof carbon (generally less than 0.5%) and other alloying Continued on page 2 l Introduction the injection of oxygen and the or ingot molds. Continuous cast- Continued from page 1 addition of fluxes. On the other ing machines produce semi-finished hand, the primary function of the sections, i.e., billets, blooms and elements. Thus, the primary func- electric arc furnace is to serve as slabs. Ingots require an additional tion of the basic oxygen or open a scrap melter. Frequently, steel is rolling operation to produce the hearth furnace is to refine the further refined in a ladle metal- semi-finished shapes. Final steel liquid iron by reducing carbon to a lurgy unit to improve cleanliness products, strip, sheets, bars, rods, prescribed level, as well as remov- and provide additional tempera- plates, tubes, etc., are manufac- ing impurities such as silicon, suitur ture and/or composition control. tured from the semi-finished sec- and phosphorus. In a basic oxy- Liquid steel is solidified in tions using a variety of rolling mills gen furnace, this is accomplished by either continuous casting machines and processes. The Electric ArcFurnace The first commercial electric arc furnace in the U.S., a 4-ton unit, was placed in operation in 1906 by the Holcomb See1Co. at Syracuse, N.Y Production increased signifi- cantly during World WarII, and again after 1960 with the advent of mini steel mills. It increased stead- ily from 8.4 million tons in 1960 to a record of 34.1 million tons in 1981, an increase of more than 300%. The proportion of steel made in electric furnaces has continued to increase from 28%in 1981 to 34% in 1984. Production within the next ten years is expected to reach 40 million tons, representing 40to 42% of total steel production. The rapid growthin electric furnace steel is dueto a number of factors including relatively low investment costs, improved tech- nology which has reduced produc- r This cutaway drawing shows an electric furnace with cahn electrodes attachedto support arms and elactrical cables. Molten steel and the rodter mounting on which the furnace maybe tilted is also shown lower-priceof steel scrap in com- specialty and mini mill producers. parison with blast furnace hot metal. Electric furnacesalso are used Investment per annual ton (1 982 in foundry operations with their use dollars) is approximately $235 for doubling since 1957. In general, coke ovenhlast fumacehasicoxy- furnace capacities here are smaller, gen furnace production vs.$77 for one to50 tons, than in basic steel electric furnaces.’’ operations. Steel foundries are the Approximately 300 electric arc principal users of electric arc fur- naces. There are approximately 350 ! saap Steel furnaces, rangingin capacity from less than 10to 400 tons, have been foundries with electric arc furnaces tion costs, and the appreciably installed in theU.S. by integrated, in the United States. Blast FurnaceIBasic Oxygen Steelmaking Blast Furnace Electric Furnace Steelmaking L Scrap Rec Electric arc furnaces consist of a refractory-lined hearth, vertical cylindrical sidewalls and a remov- able roof. Three graphite electrodes, which pass through holesin the roof, are clamped to arms which move vertically on masts mounted to the furnace assembly. The elec- trodes and roof can be raised and swung to one sideto permit furnace charging. In conventionalfumaccs, a horizontal tapping spout is built into the hearth structure with a working door located diametrically opposite in the sidewall. The entire furnace unit can betilted on rockers for tapping liquid steel into a ladle. Electric power is supplied from3- a phase multi-voltage tap transformer. When the roof of the furnace is in place the threecarton The electrodes are connected by electrodes are lowered until they approach thecold scrap. Electric arcs produce heatto melt the scrap. ’ ,f THE Casting STEEL CYCLE ~~ r‘ ntinuous Casting 1 Sheet Rolling and other t, Mill ProcessingMill I Bar ., Shapes Products :ling heavy flexible cablesto the trans- former which is located as close to the furnace as possible to avoid excessive transmissionloss with the heavy currents employed. Many modern electric arc furnaces also are equipped with oxy-fuel burners. Energy input consists of ap- proximately 70% electrical and30% chemical whichis derived from oxy-fuel combustion, oxidation of carbon and other chemical reactions. Approximately 53% of the total en- ergy is retained in the liquid steel; heat loss in the waste gases2070, is cooling losses from walls and roof 17%, with 10% lost in the slag. Operations and Costs At the start of a heat cycle, with the electrodes and roof raised and swung to one side, a chargeof steel scrap is dropped into the furnace from a clamshell bucket. The roof is replaced, electrodes lowered and an arc struck. Arc lengthis opti- mized to meet the changing condi- tions during the melting process by selecting the appropriate voltage tap. Two, and sometimes three buckets of scrap, are used in mak- ing a single heat of steel. After melting and refining are completed the heat is tapped into a ladle for casting. A typical modern melt shop, The roof of a fumace is pivoted asideso that a charging bucketof scrap may be lowered into containing one 194. dia., 120-ton position for bottom-dumping. furnace with a 70-Mva transformer, would have an annual melting tion of 475 kWh/ton, the monthly The cost of producing steel in capacity of approximately600,000 electrical consumption would be ap- electric furnaces varies considerably. tons. Average heat times would proximately 24 millionkwh. The major component is raw mater- be closeto 2 hours. Power con- Total usage of electric power ials, typically63% followed by elec- sumption for an efficient operation the 31 million tons produced in the tric power 16%, labor 1 1YO, elec- should bein the rangeof 450 to U.S. in 1984 was approximately trodes 8%, and refractories 2%”. 500 kWh/ton. Thus,for a consump- 14,725 billion kwh. Special Features Modern furnaces are equipped with furnace condition and power de- ture losses and avoid slag con- a variety of featuresto increase mand. More complex systems tamination in the ladle. production rates, reduce heat times provide control of metallurgical pa-0 Oxygen and carbon injection to and lower operating costs. They rameters (tap temperature, timing provide additional source of heat include: of process events), data logging from oxidationof carbon. and least-cost charge calcu- 0 Coated/water-cooled electrodesto 0 Ultra High Power (UHP) trans- lations, etc. reduce electrode consumption. formers. Power levels of 600to 0 Scrap preheatingto recover en- Arc stability is an important 900 kvdton are being installed. ergy from furnace waste gases. 0 Water-cooled sidewalls and roofs factor in the operation of an electric 0 Single electrode d-c furnacesto to reduce refractory costs. furnace. At the beginning of the reduce electrode consumption 0 Oxy-fuel burners to supplement melting period, power input is limited and noise. heat input and improve melting by unstable arcs which can also 0 Continuous charging using pre- cause flickerin the primary voltage efficiency. heated scrap. line. Flicker is of mounting con- 0 Oxygen injection for decarburi- In summary, modern electric cern with increasing transformer zation to reduce refining time. furnace steelmaking is typified by: 0 Lime injection to reduce process- power. Most new UHP meltshops ing time and heatloss. are equipped with staticVAR 0 Productivity in excess of 60 tondhr. 0 Foamy slags to shield sidewalls generators for this reason. 0 Steel scrap as a raw material. 0 Flexibility. Shop capacity can and roof from heat radiation from Additional state-of-the-art the arcs. This practice permits the be increased in relatively small developments currently being intro- increments at one-third the cost use of maximum available second- duced to improve furnace per- ary voltage through the use of of coke oven/blast furnace/ formance as well as steel qual- basic oxygen furnace installa- long arcs with high power factors. ity include: 0 Computer controlto optimize elec- tions. Shut down and start-up trical power programming, auto- 0 Eccentric bottom tapping to re- costs to match market demands matic tap changing based on duce tap times, reduce tempera- are relatively small.