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Hyperbola Notes for IIT JEE, Download PDF!!! www.gradeup.co One of the most important topics from JEE point of view is the conic section. Further ellipse and hyperbola constitute of 2-3 questions every year. Read and revise all the important topics from ellipse and hyperbola. Download the pdf of the Short Notes on Ellipse and Hyperbola from the link given at the end of the article. 1.Basic of conic sections Conic Section is the locus of a point which moves such that the ratio of its distance from a fixed point to its perpendicular distance from a fixed line is always constant. The focus is the fixed point, directrix is the fixed straight line, eccentricity is the constant ratio and axis is the line passing through the focus and perpendicular to the directrix. The point of intersection with axis is called vertex of the conic. 1.1 General Equation of the conic PS2 = e2 PM2 Simplifying above, we will get ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0, this is the general equation of the conic. 1.2 Nature of the conic The nature of the conic depends on eccentricity and also on the relative position of the fixed point and the fixed line. Discriminant ‘Δ’ of a second-degree equation is defined as: www.gradeup.co Nature of the conic depends on Case 1: When the fixed point ‘S’ lies on the fixed line i.e., on directrix. Then the discriminant will be 0. Then the general equation of the conic will represent two lines Case 2: When the fixed point ‘S’ does not lies on the fixed line i.e., not on directrix. Then the discriminant will not be 0. Then the general equation of the conic will represent parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola. (a) Parabola: When eccentricity is 1; h2 = ab (b) Ellipse: When eccentricity is <1; h2 <ab (c) Hyperbola: When eccentricity is >1; h2 > ab When a+ b = 0 then it becomes rectangular hyperbola. 2. Hyperbola Hyperbola is the locus of a point in a plane such that the difference of its distance from two fixed point in the same plane is always constant. Here, e> 1 and h2 >ab Let P (h, k) Thus, according to the definition, equation would be |PF1 | - |PF2| = 2a Solving this condition will give the equation of hyperbola as: , where b2 = a2 (e2 – 1) www.gradeup.co 2.1 Nomenclature of hyperbola: Eccentricity (e): Foci: (c,0) and (-c,0) or (ae, 0) and (-ae,0) Transverse axis (TA): The line segment containing the foci is known as the transverse axis and the length is 2a Conjugate axis (CA): The line segment containing the points B1 and B2 is called as conjugate axis and the length is 2b. Centre of the hyperbola: Point of the intersection of TA and CA is known as the center. Both TA and CA together known as the principle axes of the hyperbola. Vertices: A1 (a,0) and A2 (-a,0) Focal axis: Line containing the fix points F1 and F2 (called as foci) is called as the focal axis Focal length: The distance between F1 and F2 is called the focal length Focal chord: A chord passing through a focus is called the focal chord. Latus rectum (LR): LR is the focal chord which is perpendicular to TA and whose length is 2b2/a = 2a(e2 – 1)= 2e ( ae – a/e) = 2e (Distance between focus and corresponding foot of directrix) Double ordinate: A chord which is perpendicular to the transverse axis. Directrix: x = ±a/e 2.3 Conjugate Hyperbola Corresponding to every hyperbola there exist a hyperbola such that the conjugate axis and the transverse axis of one is equal to the transverse axis and the conjugate axis of the other. Such hyperbolas are called as the conjugate hyperbola If, hyperbola, H: Then conjugate hyperbola, CH: If e1 is the eccentricity of the hyperbola and e2 is the eccentricity of the conjugate hyperbola then www.gradeup.co 2 2 , whereas e1 = 1 + and e1 = 1 + 2.4 Rectangular Hyperbola A hyperbola will be converted to a rectangular hyperbola if a = b i.e., TA = CA. This hyperbola is also known as an equilateral hyperbola. Eccentricity, e =√2 Length of latus rectum= 2a = CA = TA 2.5 Auxiliary Circle and Eccentric angle The circle described on the transverse axis of the hyperbola as the diameter is called an auxiliary circle. Thus, it’s equation would be x2 + y2 = a2 And for conjugate hyperbola, the equation would be x2 + y2 = b2 2.6 Parametric coordinates of a point on the hyperbola P (a sec θ, b tan θ) From point P, a perpendicular line is drawn to meet the TA at (let’s say). From T a tangent is drawn on the auxiliary circle, meeting the circle at Q. These two points: P and Q are called as the corresponding point and Q is called as the eccentric angle of the point P. www.gradeup.co 2.7 Position of a point with respect to the hyperbola Point P lies outside the hyperbola, S1 < 0 : Point is outside the curve S1 > 0: Point is inside the curve S1 = 0: Point is on the curve 2.8 Line and Parabola Let, L: y = mx + c S: A line can be a tangent to the hyperbola, it may cut the hyperbola or it may not cut/touch the hyperbla at all. To find that, we will make a quadratic in ‘x’ using equations of L and S. If discriminant D> 0 ⇒ Two roots ⇒ Intersect ⇒ Secant If D= 0 ⇒ One root ⇒ Touching the ellipse⇒ Tangent If D< 0 ⇒ No roots ⇒ Neither secant nor tangent 2.9 Condition of Tangency D = 0 ⇒ Thus the equation of the tangent would be L: y = mx + c www.gradeup.co 2.10 Number of tangents from a given point (h,k) to the hyperbola We have, P (h,k) Thus, (k – mh)2 =a2m2 - b2 which is a quadratic in m. This suggests that from a given point P(h,k) we can draw at maximum two tangents. 2.11 Angle between the two tangents Let the angle between the tangents be θ From above quadratic equation we know slope: m1 and m2 Thus, From the quadratic equation in m, 2.12 Director circle of the ellipse When θ = 90° then m1m2 = -1 x2 + y2 = a2 - b2 : Equation of director circle. Now, director circle can be imaginary or real. Real director circle: when the length of TA > length of CA Imaginary director circle: when the length of TA < length of CA Point circle: when the length of TA = length of CA ie., in case of a rectangular hyperbola. Thus, director circle is the locus of all those point from where the ellipse can be seen at angle 90. www.gradeup.co 2.13 Equation of the chord of a hyperbola joining α and β on it 2.14 Equation of Tangent, Normal and Chord of Contact Tangents: a) Cartesian Tangent b) Slope form Parametric form Normal: a) Cartesian Normal b) Slope form www.gradeup.co c) Parametric form 2.15 Chord of contact: The equation of chord of contact will be similar to that of the tangent. Thus a line when touches the hyperbola will be tangent and the same line when cuts the hyperbola will be the chord of contact. Equation: T = 0 (Similar to that of tangent equation) 2.16 Pair of tangents: The equation of pair of tangents would be 2 SS1 = T , where S is the equation of the hyperbola, S1 is the equation when a point P (h,k) satisfies S, T is the equation of the tangent. 2.17 Equation of the chord whose middle point is (x1, y1): T = S1 2.18 Rectangular Hyperbola This is a special kind of hyperbola when the length of traverse and conjugate axis are equal. The equation is x2 – y2 = a2 However, rotating the coordinate axis through an angle of 450, we get an another form of this rectangular hyperbola. i.e., XY = c2 2.19 Parametric coordinates of (RH) (ct, c/t ) where t≠ 0 and t ∈ R Two points on this hyperbola can be represented by (ct1,c/t1) and (ct2, c/t2) 2.20 The equation of chord joining t1 and t2 points on the rectangular hyperbola Two points on this hyperbola can be represented by (ct1,) and (ct2,) Slope of the line joining t1 and t2 : Thus, the equation of chord: www.gradeup.co x + t1t2 y = c (t1 + t2) 2.21 Equation of tangent of the rectangular hyperbola a)Cartesian form at the point (x1,y1) b) Parametric form 2.22 The equation of normal of the rectangular hyperbola Parametric form: (y -c/t) = t2 (x – ct) Equation of a chord whose middle point is (h, k) T = S1 Thus, equation is Subscribe to YouTube Channel for JEE Main All the best! Team Gradeup All About JEE Main Examination: https://gradeup.co/engineering-entrance-exams/jee-main Download Gradeup, the best IIT JEE Preparation App www.gradeup.co .
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