M04124221* Spomladanski Rok

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M04124221* Spomladanski Rok [ ifra kandidata: *M04124221* SPOMLADANSKI ROK Vi{ja raven ANGLE[^INA A: Bralno razumevanje B: Poznavanje in raba jezika Sobota, 5. junij 2004 / 80 minut (40 + 40) Dovoljeno dodatno gradivo in pripomočki: kandidat prinese s seboj nalivno pero ali kemični svinčnik, HB ali B svinčnik, plastično radirko in šilček. Kandidat dobi list za odgovore. SPLOŠNA MATURA NAVODILA KANDIDATU Pazljivo preberite ta navodila. Ne izpuščajte ničesar! Ne obračajte strani in ne začenjajte reševati nalog, dokler Vam nadzorni učitelj tega ne dovoli. Naloge, pisane z navadnim svinčnikom, se točkujejo z nič (0) točkami. Prilepite kodo oziroma vpišite svojo šifro (v okvirček desno zgoraj na tej strani in na list za odgovore). Izpitna pola je sestavljena iz dveh delov, dela A in dela B. Časa za reševanje je 80 minut: 40 minut za del A in 40 minut za del B. Nadzorni učitelj Vas bo opozoril, kdaj lahko začnete reševati del B. Vračanje k delu A ni priporočljivo. Izpitna pola vsebuje tri naloge v delu A in tri naloge v delu B. Vsak pravilen odgovor je vreden eno (1) točko. Odgovore z nalivnim peresom ali s kemičnim svinčnikom vpisujte na list za odgovore v za to predvideni prostor, s svinčnikom pa počrnite polja pri nalogah, ki to zahtevajo. Pišite čitljivo. Če se zmotite, odgovor prečrtajte in napišite na novo. Nečitljive rešitve in nejasni popravki se točkujejo z nič (0) točkami. Zaupajte vase in v svoje sposobnosti. Želimo Vam veliko uspeha. Ta pola ima 12 strani, od tega 2 prazni. © RIC 2004 2 M041-242-2-1 A: BRALNO RAZUMEVANJE (Čas reševanja: 40 minut) READING TASK 1: SHORT ANSWERS Answer in note form in the spaces provided on the answer sheet. Example: 0. How long will it take Nasa to send astronauts to Mars? Ten to twenty years. With no space of your own 1. How long will astronauts to Mars stay in space? 2. What does Kanas compare astronauts' life in space with? 3. What did Kanas focus on in his study of space missions? 4. How many astronauts were there in the crew Kanas studied? 5. What should an astronaut-to-be be resistant to? 6. When do the problems for astronauts arise during the flight? 7. What is the aim of ''surprise presents'' for astronauts? M041-242-2-1 3 With no space of your own Adapted from an article in The Guardian, 23 November 2000, by Sanjida O'Connell Imagine living in a very small cramped room In his research, Kanas found the Americans with two or three people, constantly monitored seemed to have more emotional problems than like an inmate from Big Brother for months, the Russians. He thinks this was because two of maybe even years, at a time. It takes a certain the three crew were Russians, and the controls sort of person to live like this. They are called were in their hands, so the Americans may have astronauts. felt they had less authority. Not only do they have to live with people for The Russians, in contrast, had financial extended periods, almost without privacy, they problems. Their salary wasn't paid for months at must also cope with incredible isolation and a time. They also suffered asthemia, a kind of loneliness, unable to see family and friends. agitated depression, where they became Despite the glamour of space travel, in reality it irritable, couldn't sleep and started to withdraw is composed of tedium interspersed with crises. from their colleagues. Kanas believes this is a The next shuttle launch on November 30 normal response to a confined environment. will be a 10 day trip, practically a vacation. But In general there was very little in-fighting within the next 10 to 20 years, Nasa plans to fly between the crew, be they Americans or to Mars, and this could take a minimum of two to Russians. What tended to happen was that three years. mission control was blamed instead. Kanas calls Most of us know about the physiological this displacement. "It's as if you or I had a bad problems of being in space: bone wasting, day at work. We can't tell our boss he's a jerk, muscle loss, motion sickness and stomach so we go home and kick the cat." aches. But psychological problems can be The astronauts have to deal with very almost as bad. Apart from feeling bored, stressful situations: if anything goes wrong with astronauts also experience insomnia, anxiety, the shuttle, they have to repair it. On longer depression, irritability and emotional hyper- flights, even mission control may not be able to sensitivity. advise them. Kanas found both the astronauts The psychiatrist Professor Nick Kanas says: and mission control took in their stride most "The average person can't do it. Astronauts are situations that would be considered stressful by living in an isolated and confined environment. a normal person. It's like living in the Arctic, or in a submarine, Overall, they perceived significantly less job and they have to adapt. They have to tolerate pressure and stress than most other work seeing the same person day after day, and still groups. Again, a potential astronaut is likely to deal with them on a professional basis." be someone who doesn't easily become The sort of person who can cope in this stressed. But this quality can be enhanced. situation doesn't feel the need to please others, Research shows problems occur during the or crave their own space. Kanas, who has just middle to the end of a space trip, normally published a paper on how the astronauts because the novelty has worn off and boredom interacted during the shuttle and Mir space has set in. There are a number of ways of missions, believes such people are born, not getting around the kind of psychological made, but it is possible to enhance what is problems that astronauts may face. Apart from already there. pre-flight training, it's a good idea to give them a For instance, during a routine operation varied diet so they're not eating monotonous practised on the ground, the astronauts could be fare every day. observed and afterwards told how well they In addition, they should be allowed to dealt with the rest of the crew. If they were not exercise, speak to their families and listen to open enough, or didn't listen to another member music. Kanas is pioneering the idea of surprise of the team, they would be asked to repeat the presents to relieve the monotony. For long term procedure, correcting their social faux pas. Most flights, he suggests having a counsellor on people would have difficulties with this kind of board: if anyone on a two year trip has a personal criticism, but Kanas believes nervous breakdown they would not be able to astronauts would cope if they're told they are pop back to see the therapist. healthy people training for an unusual situation. © The Guardian 4 M041-242-2-1 READING TASK 2: GAPPED TEXT In the following extract 9 sentences have been removed. Choose from sentences A–J the one which fits each gap 1–9. There is one EXTRA sentence which you do not need. Write your answer on the answer sheet and shade in the appropriate circle. There is an example at the beginning: Gap 0. It's thirsty work but someone's got to do it Adapted from an article in The Independent, 30 December 2000, by Tony Wheeler A flock of electric-green budgerigars suddenly dropped out of the tree, swooped across the waterhole, squawking noisily, and homed in on another tree just beyond our tent. __0__ K Whoever got the idea of putting these classy little aerobatic artists into cages? We had a small fire burning and the water on the boil for coffee. In another month or two, the waterhole would dry up. __1__ The sandy riverbank was still warm, the sun was half an hour or so from setting. "This spot is really paradise, isn't it?" I suggested lazily. Even the flies that can plague any Australian outback expedition seemed to be on vacation. "What I can't get over," replied Don, "is how few people we've seen. It was three days back we last saw another walker." "Forty miles ago," I mused, doing a quick mental calculation of how long it was since we'd seen the first, and last, walker on the trail. __2__ Ten minutes later, as if to remind us that we were not the only walkers to discover the Larapinta Trail, and that women walking alone in the Australian outback are not that surprising a phenomenon, two more walkers, both of them women, appeared in the clearing. We offered them some of our coffee and, as if on cue, the first – and last – snake we were to see wriggled out of a bush at the water's edge. __3__ A few days earlier, towards the end of our first day on the trail, we'd been thirsty, very thirsty. Not quite to the sharing-the-urine-around stage, that terminal Australian thirst that Bill Bryson makes so much fun of in his book Down Under, but certainly thirsty enough. Well, what do you expect when you set out to walk 140 miles west from Alice Springs in Australia's very dry centre? Of course you're going to feel thirsty. __4__ Certainly, you could do day walks with a few water bottles in your day pack. Sure, you could plan walks from waterhole to waterhole, of which there are a surprising number along the MacDonnell Range, the spectacular desert mountain range that extends east and west from the Alice.
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    Split (CRO) IAAF/VTB Bank Continental Cup 4 - 5 September 2010 START LIST Pole Vault Women 04 SEP 2010 - 17:10 RESULT NAME AGE VENUE DATE World Record 5.06 Elena ISINBAEVA (RUS) 27 Zürich 28 Aug 09 Championship Record 4.60 Elena ISINBAEVA (RUS) 24 Athína (Olympic Stadium) 16 Sep 06 World Leading 4.89 Jennifer SUHR (USA) 28 Des Moines, IA 27 Jun 10 ORDER BIB NAME TEAM COUNTRY DATE OF BIRTH PERSONAL BEST SEASON BEST 1 226 Becky HOLLIDAY Americas USA 12 MAR 80 4.60 4.60 2 120 Nisrine DINAR Africa MAR 14 JAN 88 4.05 3.70 3 316 Caixia LI Asia-Pacific CHN 23 AUG 87 4.45 4.45 4 410 Lisa RYZIH Europe GER 27 SEP 88 4.65 4.65 5 203 Fabiana MURER Americas BRA 16 MAR 81 4.85 4.85 6 101 Laetitia BERTHIER Africa BDI 15 DEC 77 3.71 i 3.50 7 301 Alana BOYD Asia-Pacific AUS 10 MAY 84 4.56 4.40 8 426 Svetlana FEOFANOVA Europe RUS 16 JUL 80 4.88 4.80 i HEIGHTS: 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.60 4.70 4.75 ALL-TIME TOP LIST SEASON TOP LIST 5.06 Elena ISINBAEVA (RUS) Zürich 28 Aug 09 4.89 Jennifer SUHR (USA) Des Moines, IA 27 Jun 10 4.92 Jennifer SUHR (USA) Eugene, OR 6 Jul 08 4.85 Fabiana MURER (BRA) San Fernando 4 Jun 10 4.88 Svetlana FEOFANOVA (RUS) Iráklio 4 Jul 04 4.75 Svetlana FEOFANOVA (RUS) Barcelona (O) 30 Jul 10 4.85 Fabiana MURER (BRA) San Fernando 4 Jun 10 4.72 Carolin HINGST (GER) Biberach 9 Jul 10 4.83 Stacy DRAGILA (USA) Ostrava 8 Jun 04 4.71 Anna ROGOWSKA (POL) Bydgoszcz 6 Jun 10 4.83 Anna ROGOWSKA (POL) Bruxelles 26 Aug 05 4.71 Silke SPIEGELBURG (GER) Bochum 26 Jun 10 4.82 Monika PYREK (POL) Stuttgart 22 Sep 07 4.66 Jirina PTÁCNIKOVÁ (CZE) Trinec 17 Jul 10 4.78 Tatyana POLNOVA (RUS) Monaco 19 Sep 04 4.65 Yuliya GOLUBCHIKOVA (RUS) Daegu 19 May 10 4.77 Annika BECKER (GER) Wattenscheid 7 Jul 02 4.65 Lisa RYZIH (GER) Barcelona (O) 30 Jul 10 4.75 Katerina BADUROVÁ (CZE) Osaka 28 Aug 07 4.65 Anastasiya SHVEDOVA (BLR) Barcelona (O) 30 Jul 10 4.75 Yuliya GOLUBCHIKOVA (RUS) Beijing (National 18 Aug 08 Stadium) LEGEND: i Indoor performance Timing and Measurement by SEIKO Issued at 15:07 on Friday, 3 September 2010.
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